Blood & Treasure (2019–…): Season 2, Episode 13 - Showdown in Hong Kong - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously onBlood & Treasure...
The Khan is after money.

This isn't about terror.

This is a heist.

This whole time,

she's needed one thing

to pull off this heist.
The Spirit Banner

of Genghis Khan.

Millions of SWIFT
bank deposits locked

inside the Banner. So you mean

$1.5 trillion is trapped

inside the Soul of Genghis Khan.

We need to
get that banner.

Hong Kong Police! Put
down your weapons!

Did you call the cops?
I thought you did.

Actually I called them.

On your knees, Khan!

I am not the Khan, okay?

Wait, he's actually
telling the truth.

Yeah, I've been on your
side this whole time.

We found where they're
taking Simon Hardwick and my Banner.

I want it back.

Remember that attack

on the Russian military base?

Violet definitely stole a nuke.

Violet's going after that
Banner with everything she has.

She'll blow up Hong
Kong to cover her tracks.


Are you okay? Sorry I'm late.

I almost got run over by,
like, three different dragons.

Pretend dragons, but still...

it was scary.

Danny still waiting to
talk to the superintendent?

Yep, 20 minutes and counting.

Does the
superintendent know

that there's a nuclear bomb...?

Hey, hey, hey! We
don't want to startHey!

A panic shouting that out now.

You know what, can we just

put the bomb on a boat

and shove it out
into the harbor?

Can't. It's rigged to detonate
if anyone tries to move it.


Look, Violet can't set
off the nuke as long

as the Banner's here with the
trillion dollars inside it

or this was all for nothing.
Well, not allfor nothing.

Based on what she told
me last time I was here,

she hates Hong Kong.

I don't think the bomb is
only to cover her tracks.

She wants to blow this place up.

Over our dead bodies.

Yeah, that's what I'm
afraid of. Yeah, me, too.

Hey. What's going on?

Superintendent is coming now.

He sure took his bloody time.

They think Simon
is the Great Khan,

so we're caught up in this
giant ball of red tape,

which will get sorted
out, but in the meantime,

we need to make sure
the bomb is neutralized

and this place is secured.

We've got to grab the
Banner and we've got to go.

Even if we could,
we're safer in here

than out there with the Banner,

where every criminal in Asia's

gonna be looking for us.
I know I've said this

once before, but I'm
gonna try one more time.

We should destroy the Banner
and the money inside it.

Dangerous as she is
now, if she gets it,

how much more dangerous is she?

The money is power.

The-the Banner is like the
One Ring and we need to send

that sucker into Mount
Doom before Lady Sauron

takes over Middle Earth.

Lord of the Rings.

Solid analogy. Thanks, buddy.

Yeah, well done.

Okay, okay, focus, nerds.

We can't destroy the Banner.

Violet will lose her
mind. Well, let her.

We all know her game now.

Her horde, they're just
a bunch of mercenaries,

only in it for money.

That makes them weak.

Once the money is gone,

there goes all her power.

I fell asleep during
Lord of the Rings.

Did the bad guys
have a nuclear bomb?

Look, the Banner and the money
in it isn't ours to destroy.

Now this place...
is a fortress.

Complete with its own army.

So you're counting on
them to protect us?

Whatever happened to "you're

better off not putting
your faith in anyone"?

Mr. McNamara,
this way, please.

Everything is under control.

Chinese Intelligence will take
Simon Hardwick into custody

and transfer him
to the mainland.

The threat is over.

He was caught red-handed
trying to take the Banner

and now...

the Khan is in jail.

You'll be treated fairly.
I am the victim.

As hard as that is to
believe me, I'm the victim.

I was kidnapped at
gunpoint, I was shot.

I was branded and I
was forced to work

for that maniac against my
will or she'd have executed me.

Lucky part is I actually know
the final part of her plan.

And I want to help.

Assuming we can cut a deal
before she kills us all.

Look, all due respect,
Superintendent, he's right.

You're saying that Simon
Hardwick is totally innocent?

No, I'm saying
he's not the Khan.

The real Khan is on the way.

Right now. To get the Banner.

And she's planted a nuclear
bomb under the city.

What? SHAW: I can
show you where.

But we got to get somebody
defusing it, pronto.

If she gets the
Banner and escapes,

she will detonate that nuke

to cover her tracks.

This has
nothing to do with me.

This entire city
is in great danger.

You need to speak to my friends
Danny McNamara and Lexi Vaziri.

You're his... friends?

No, not exactly. No, not at all.

What was that?

It's got to be her.

Phone's not getting any signal.

She blacked out
all of Hong Kong.

We're not gonna be able
to call for backup.

Superintendent, get your
men ready for an attack.

No, it's too late.

She's already here.

We are ready for
whatever's coming.

I have every available
officer guarding the front

and back entrances.

The only ways in. FATHER
Look, all due respect,

I was at The Vatican
when she attacked it,

and that place was also
considered pretty secure.

You can't stop her.

But while she's focused
on taking the building,

we can grab the
Banner, disappear.

Buy your men time
to defuse the nuke.

We can help. This is the
safest place for you.

As you Americans say,

it is our Alamo.

Uh, I don't want to be that guy,

but everyone at the Alamo died.

What, really?


are we under arrest?

No, ma'am.

Great, wonderful, then
we will take our leave.

I must insist you stay.

I don't need an
international incident

falling in my lap
if anything happens

to a bunch of
Westerners on my watch.

You will remain here until I
deem it safe for you to leave.


What is Violet waiting for?

Everything she's done so
far has been misdirection.

Why light the signal
and give the cops

time to cover the doors?

you-you don't think

she'll attack?

She's not coming
through the doors.

Find me my Banner.

And kill anything that moves.

I couldn't help but
notice it doesn't sound

like things are going
particularly well down there.

Shut up. You listen to me,
Superintendent, please!

At this moment in time,

everybody in the world believes
that I am the Great Khan.

And that's exactly
the way she wants it.

Which means she's gonna kill

everyone in this police
station, including you.

The most important thing
is she leaves no witnesses.

So we need to run,

We need to get out of here!


She's outnumbered.

And we don't run.

Then we're just
fish in a barrel.

We need to get the
hell out of this room.

Nah, we need to get the
hell out of this city.

Yeah, I said it.

I was all for saving the day,

but now it's time to
pull the rip cord.

As always, Shaw, you
can run if you want to.

I'm going after the Banner.

I'll save Simon. Save Simon?

Yeah, Violet's gonna murder him.

Also, he said he knows
all of Violet's plan.

If she gets the Banner first,

we'll need to know how she
plans to get out of the city.

Fair, I'll hot-wire this thing.

You know what?

I don't think you
need to bother.


How are we gonna avoid getting
killed by all those ninjas?

Which is apparently
a sentence I say now.

The armory's right above us.

Time to regulate.

regulated, thanks.

Mm, you sure?

I'm good.

I'll just hold onto it.

In case you change your mind.


looks like it's up
to just us again.

As per usual.

Maybe Shaw's right.

When you guys get Simon, get
the hell out of Hong Kong

as soon as possible; I'll
meet you with the Banner.

I'm not leaving the
city without you.

Let's meet up outside
the bullpen, yeah?


I'll make sure you
get to the Banner.


And, Danny, I'll
help you find Simon.

I got your back... and
a direct line to God.

Good, we can use all
the help we can get.

Let's go.

I need this table.

Don't do anything stupid and
we'll all get out of this alive.

Open it.

It's gone.

Where is it?
Where's the Banner?

I'm done playing games, Lexi!

Bring me the Banner,

or I'll kill everyone
in this city!

Spread out, they
couldn't have gotten far.

Lexi doesn't
have your precious Banner,

Violet, I do.

Remember me?

Meet me in the bullpen.

With me.


Where are you?

We have so
much to discuss, Violet.

Tell me where you are.

I'm happy to meet up.

Yeah, I'm-I'm not sure
that's such a smart idea.

Not that I'm
playing hard to get.

Well, I am a bit with
you, if I'm honest.

'Cause I think if you got
hold of me, you'd torture me

until I told you where
I hid the Banner.

And I, I've got other plans
tonight, quite frankly.

Right at this very minute,

I expect you are directing
your strike team to find me.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey!

So what do you reckon
Simon's game is?

He can't think Violet's
gonna make any deal

with him that lets him live.

Regardless, the Banner's
still in here somewhere.

He's trying to buy
us time to find it.

But if Violet does get to
the Banner first, Shaw,

you know how to disarm a nuke?

Hell no, I've never
dealt with nukes before.

But seeing as how everyone
we've told about it

is now dead, I-I think
I can take a look.

uh, I'll help you out.

You could use an
extra pair of hands.

Yeah, and if not, I'll
definitely need a priest.

See ya back. Good luck.

You, too.


Two brilliant psychopaths

playing a game of chess
for a trillion dollars,

and if one of them wins, a
city full of people blows up.

I considered running.

Then I realized the
Great Khan would be able

to find me anywhere
in the world.

You're damn right, I can.

And then I'd have the
authorities and the whole

of the criminal underworld on
my case for the rest of my life.

That's a heavy
thought, isn't it?

Just tell me where
the Banner is, Simon.

With all that money, we
could buy our own country

with no extradition laws.

Face it, Simon.

The only way you
stay free is with me.

You make a compelling argument,
but you remember that last time

where you got me to
take the fall for you.

I remember it like it was
just a couple of hours ago.

Because it was.

There should be a staircase
over here that leads us out.

Oh, perfect.

Shaw! Get out of
here, Chuck. Go!

I don't know where I'm going!

Get to White Chapel!

Okay, now you did
it. Now I'm angry!

I mean,
I was pretty sure

that something was up
at the very beginning.

But to be honest, I was just
happy to be out of prison.

But your mistake was believing

that you could pull
one over on me.

And frankly, I'm a little
surprised that you thought

I'd buy into all of your nonsense.
Okay, I didn't expect that.

You were after all, dealing with
one of the greatest criminal...

He could've already
left the building.

He could get out, set
the bomb off himself,

disappear forever.

He wouldn't do that. Would he?

I'm pretty comfortable expecting
the worst at this point.

This keeps getting
easier and easier.

You were using
me to be your fall guy.

But I have to say, you
chose the wrong one.

What can I say, Simon?
The best way to steal

$1.5 trillion is not
to let anyone know

you stole $1.5 trillion.

The first rule of
being a mastermind

is don't tell anyone
you're a mastermind.


All right, Violet,
I'll level with you.

I'll tell you where the
Banner is, but not just you.

Why shouldn't everyone
have a chance to be

the richest person in the world?

Especially when they
find out that your plan

was to escape the city

and watch everyone else
die in a big explosion.

But that's just more collateral
damage for the Great Khan.

Simon, I'm going to kill you.

Well, you can try. But
you're gonna have to fight

through your own army first.

Which will give me a
head start to stealing

your escape plan... I'm
sure that your pilot

won't be too hard to bribe.

What do you think? So...

may the best man or woman,

be they Khan or
foot soldier, win.

The Banner...

is on the booking desk.


How the tables turn, my friends.

Oh, and...

you're going the wrong way.

I have never been
happier to be wrong.

Neither have I.

"Get to White Chapel,
get to White Chapel."

Shaw, what are
you talking about?


Down there.

She's got the Banner.

"Bond Street."

"King's Road."

Bond Street. King's Road.

London streets.

London streets. Bond
Street. King's Road.

Like Whitechapel.

Two rights and a left.

Two rights... and a left.

Two rights and a left.

Crap. That is

definitely a bomb.

I don't... I don't
see her. Yeah,

I don't, either.

She could be anywhere by now.

Look, we can't
evacuate the city.

There's no way to warn everyone.

She's gonna blow
up the whole city

the moment she's clear,
so what do we do?


Come on.

Come on, come on.


Course not. You're a
hundred feet below the city.

All right, Simon said
something about a pilot,

but the airport would be
shut down by the blackout.

Okay. Okay. This is my mess.

You go. No, you
can't do this alone.

Then I'll die trying. Lexi, we
are done letting her separate us.

Wait. Helicopters.

The people she served.

They live in a high-rise.

She called it the Queen's Tower.

She always talked about
how it had a helipad.

That's how she's getting out.

This is a bad idea.

This is a very, very bad idea.

Hey, God. Um, it's me, Chuck.


From work.

You've given me a great life.

Good health, great friends.

The Red Sox winning the
World Series in my lifetime.

Point is, um...

I know we've had
some moments lately

where I've questioned my calling

and you,

but I feel like we're in
a good place right now.

We both know that I shouldn't
be the only one here.

But I'm all that's left.

And if this thing goes off,

it'll kill seven million people,

including the people I love.

So I'm ready to do
whatever you need me to do.

Even if it means
sacrificing myself

for everybody else.

Just show me the way.


And amen.

You got to be kidding me.

is a nuclear weapon.

Inside every implosion-type
fission device

are two key components:

the primary, which includes
the explosives for detonation,

and the secondary,
which is made of either

highly enriched
uranium or plutonium.

What gives the weapon
its nuclear reaction

is suspended inside the primary,

easily identifiable as it's
encased in gold or lead

to shield the radiation
to anyone near it.

Unlike the movies,

the goal of quickly
dismantling a nuclear weapon

isn't cutting wires or defusion.

It's disassembly.

Removing the fusion fuel
of highly enriched uranium

will prevent the
nuclear chain reaction

and render any warhead
simply explosive,

not radioactive,

and therefore decrease
its blast force

from citywide destruction

to knocking out a few
neighborhood windows.

The best way to
achieve that is simple.

Here's how you...

No. No, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no!

No, no, no, no!


I'll do it myself.

How do I get this open?


Looks like you
chose the wrong fall guy.

I'll find Simon eventually.

I'll find everyone
who turned against me.

There's nowhere to go!

It's over.

The whole world's
gonna know, Violet.

Simon got you to admit being
the Great Khan on camera.

It's done.

Not yet.

I'm getting out of here.

Or I'm taking seven
million people with me.

Drop your guns

and kick them to me. Like hell.

Danny! Do it.


You know, in all the excitement,

you forgot your knife.




Is that all you got?

Great Khan.

You never could beat me, Lexi.

You're just mad

that I chose him,

not you.


Don't you need this?

You could have gotten away,

but you risked an entire city

for one person.

You both make each other weak.


You think this is
gonna save you?


She will.

Way to go, Chuckie-boy.

Hey. Hang on. I got you.

Shaw and Chuck, they did

They did it.

Are you there? I
knew they would.

Stay with me. Stay with me.

Danny. Danny.


Wake up. Help's on the way.

Help's on the way.

I'm sorry I'm
bleeding all over you.

Don't be silly. We're
bleeding all over each other,

just like old times.

You're gonna be fine.

We always find a way. I, uh...

I'm not so sure about this one.


I should have asked you.

I would have said yes.

know, in some cultures,

when blood mixes together,

the-the souls do, as well.

Which means, technically,

that we're one.

: We're one.

Did we just get

We've never done anything
else traditionally.

Why start now, don't you think?

I do.

: I do, too.

No, no. No, no, no.

No. No, you see,

that's official.

I'm telling you, you can't die.

You can't die. Do you
understand? I'm not having it.

I'm one half of you,

so you have to listen to me.

The Year of the Rat.

What? The son of a...

Danny... Shaw was right.



Stay with me. Stay with me.

Stay with me.

I love you.

He saved the lives of millions
of people in Hong Kong.

That is correct, Your Honor.

Last year, he also
saved the lives

of myself and several others,

helping to thwart the
terrorist Karim Farouk.

Simply put,

Dwayne Coleman is a hero.

Now, my client would
be the first to admit

he's made many mistakes,

broken many laws along
the way, Your Honor.

And he would be the last to
admit all the good he's done.

But we have a system that
believes in redemption.

And if anyone has
earned a second chance,

Dwayne Coleman has.

I'd like to call your attention

to the written affidavit

and character testimony of
CIA Agent Kathryn Reece,

killed in service

only a day after she filed it.

You'll also find a statement

from Bishop Charles Donnelly.

Well, as it's, uh,
my understanding

that the government
agrees with this position,

I'm, uh...

I'm happy to accept
the plea deal

and, uh, extend

a sincere "welcome
home, Mr. Coleman."


Thank you.

Least I can do.

Hey. Ah!

Oh, it's
good to see you.

Good to see you,
too, man.


Hey, baby girl.

You don't remember me, do you?

I'm your Uncle
Dwayne. Get in here.

Yes. Oh, bro...

Dwayne's back. Dwayne's back.

Let's go home.

We heard the cheering
from up here.

Well done, Counselor. Well,

I haven't been in front
of a judge in a while,

Bishop Donnelly?

Yeah. That's me. I'm the
executor of the Reece estate.

Kathryn Reece

updated her CIA file
just before passing,

and, well, at her request,

in the event of her death...

she had wanted you
to receive this.

This is the family copy
of Agent Reece's star

on the Memorial Wall of the CIA.

She, uh, she has other family.

She felt you deserved it more.

: Hey.

You're Danny McNamara, yes?

Kate left me something?

No. Jacob Reece III did.

Must have forgotten
to update his will

after you put him away.

Mr. Reece added you as
the primary beneficiary

afterhis arrest.

Many of the Reece holdings, they
will be tied up in litigation

for years, but the trust

is unencumbered.Oh.

I'm his old, you
know, ball and chain.

It goes...

Oh, my God, that's
a lot of money.

Should you
have any other questions,

here's my card.


Trying to buy his way
out of hell, I presume.

You know, I am past

trying to understand
the mind of Jacob Reece.

Maybe I will talk
to this guy more.

He probably has a lot of
experience with prenups.

We're already
married. I don't know.

These guys, they work miracles.
They really do. It's not funny.

It's pretty funny.
Oh, it's not funny.

Chuck, I need you to weigh in
on this one over here, man.


You make a
compelling argument, Violet.

What can I say,
Simon? The best way

to steal a trillion dollars

is to not let anybody
know that you stole

a trillion dollars. I hope
someone tracked that video,

wherever it was sent from.

The first rule in
being a mastermind is

don't let anybody know
you're the mastermind.

No. Simon's too smart

to let himself get
tracked like that.

Too smart and too rich.

Too rich? What do you mean?

All the money was recovered.

Except $10 million of it.

News isn't reporting it.

Chuck, how do you know that?

You know, I do
find it surprising

how quickly the Vatican admitted

to their role in creating
the Khan virus.Yeah.

It's like someone on the inside

Don't know what
you're talking about.

It's above my pay grade.



Are you in Vatican
Intelligence now?

Daniel, don't be silly.

There's no such thing
as Vatican Intelligence.

He's learning.

I'm impressed. Yeah?

Impressed with you.

Counselor. I was okay.
I was pretty good.




In cash.

Of course.


It's about $10 million,

give or take.Yes.

I will need your identification
in order to open your account.

Thank you very much.

Were you planning

to stay in Costa Rica long?

Long enough

to finish my work.

But, then, you
know what they say.

If you have a job
you truly love,

you never work a
day in your life.

true. That's...

That's true. And...

What is it you do?

Oh, I...

I find things.

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