Blood Curse (2022–2023): Season 1, Episode 2 - Blood Curse - full transcript

Wulan gets harassed by Reno, her ex-fiance. Esa finds proof that his father called Mr. Ahmad moments before he died.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

I ordered lamb chop for us.

You're cooking tonight, okay?

You can't go on feeling guilty like this.

As long as you're sure
you made the right decision,

then go along with it.

I heard a thud last night.

There are maggots up there

and on the meat we just bought.

I'm sure I'm sick
because of a black magic spell.

Please watch out, Ahmad.

How did a civet get inside?

There are lots of maggots.

Maggots have always been associated
with black magic.

Hello? Who's this?

This is my only way out from all of this.

-Let's take a picture.


One, two, three.



-Does it look okay?
-It does,

but it might be better
if you two switch places.

-Yes, good.

Make it neat.

Please take a good one, Reno.

You look handsome.

I always look handsome.

Please fix your tie.


One, two, and cheese!


-Congratulations, Ahmad.
-Rafi, Rahma.

Rafi, Rahma,

-thank you for coming.
-Hi, Astuti.

It's a quarter of a century.

Thanks for coming, Rahma.

-May your marriage last forever,

full of blessings and happiness.


Actually, we're also celebrating

-another thing.
-That's right.

To also celebrate Wulan's first job

-at Investa Prima.

Wow, that's impressive!

-Your life is complete now.
-It is.

Congratulations, Wulan.

Thank you.

Aunty, Uncle, I would also like
to give you good news.

Hey, look.

Wulan Kusumawijaya.

Will you marry me?

-Amazing! Yes!
-Say yes, Wulan!

I will.

You just made me
the happiest man on Earth.

Uncle, please give us your blessings.

Sure, you better take care of her.

Of course, sir.

You're finally settling down, huh?

-Settling down?

Hey, you're next.


-Can I drink too?

Only for tonight.

-Take it easy.

-Please, enjoy the food.

You sure are taking advantage
of the situation.

You could say so.

Don't worry, I can help with that.




What's wrong?

I'm just queuing for the restroom.

When you make that face, it usually means
something is bothering you.

You sure you have nothing to tell me?

I just still can't believe it, Dad.

This morning,

I finally got the job I've always wanted.

And tonight,
I have to face the fact that I'll be...

a housewife.

I see.

Just calm yourself down for a moment.
Take your time, okay?

You'll soon find out
what your heart truly wants.

Please smile for me.



Mom's looking for you.


-What's with your face, Wulan?

Come on, leave your sister alone.

Go inside.

Are you coming with us, Wulan?

Come on.

She'll be right there.

-We'll be there.
-We'll be waiting!


-Come join us.
-I will.

-Don't be so down.
-I know.

See you.





Our condolences, Esa.

Our condolences, Esa.
May he rest in peace.

Esa, please accept our condolences.

Your father was a good man.
He helped me a lot.

I hope he is in a better place
with God now.


This is so sudden.
I still can't believe it. What happened?

Listen, don't hesitate to reach out to me
if you need anything.

I owe your father a great deal.
I'll be more than happy to help you.

Thank you.

My condolences, Esa.

They say Bondan was cursed by black magic.

My goodness.
A man as kind and selfless as he was?

Black magic? Who would do such a thing?
Did you see his eyes?

Enough. Not here.



You've only been working here for a day

and already dare
to snoop around the kitchen!

How dare you!

-Sorry, I just wanted to find a vase.
-So disrespectful!


The next time I find you snooping around,
I'll report you to Madam.

-You'll get fired!


Yes, miss?

Harun, please go work
on the front yard now.

Okay, miss. Please excuse me.

Asep, don't be too hard on him.

You've worked here longer,
you should be guiding him,

not scaring him away.

I'm sorry, miss.

One more thing, please check
the water tank for me.

There's something wrong with the plumbing.
I was washing my face.

The water was so dirty, and I found this.

Maybe it was residue
from the renovation work.

Wulan, I'm hungry.

I know, I'll prepare breakfast now.

What's wrong, Asep?

Nothing, miss. I'll go check now.

-No problem, miss.

Wisnu, please help me get my bag.

Who was it?

Who else?

Why does Aunt Rima
keep asking you for money?


It's fine.

It's not a matter of why she does it.

What I don't like
is that it's never enough for her.

Every time.

Excuse me, sir, ma'am.



I plan to decorate the backyard
for the anniversary party.

Go buy some flowers for me.

White chrysanthemums, peacocks.

And the rest is up to you.

I trust you to choose the good ones.

Yes, ma'am.

Thank you.

If you'll excuse me.

Good luck, Harun.

Why are you trusting him?
It could turn out crappy.

We have to support a new guy like him.
Get him motivated.

Uncle Rafi died.

May he rest in peace.

Hang in there, Mom.


Rahma, we're so sorry for your loss.

He was a good man.

You're sorry?

How dare you show up here?

My husband is dead now!

We're so sorry.

I hope all of you suffer!

Calm down, Mom.

Mom, please calm down.

Reno's father

had always had a heart condition, right?

Right, Wulan?

Yes, Mom.
He had arrhythmia if I'm not mistaken.

Honey, come on.

Okay, so you called off your plan
to do business with him.

Which is a very reasonable thing to do

now that Wulan and Reno
called off their wedding.

If the business deal had gone on,
wouldn't it have been awkward?

I know, honey. I agree with you.

But they're grieving,
it's understandable to be so emotional.

Don't take what Rahma said personally.

One thing for sure,

Rafi had had a heart condition
way before Wulan called off the wedding.

So why are they blaming us?

-Hello, am I speaking to Mr. Ahmad?

Yes, this is him.

My name is Esa Prasetyo. I'm Bondan's son.

Oh, yes. Hello, Esa.
Can I help you with something?

I'm calling to let you know that...

my father passed away the other night.

I'm so sorry to hear that.

Thank you, sir.

If you don't mind and have the time,
can we meet?

There's something I would like
to talk about with you.


But sorry, I'm driving right now.

I'll talk to you later.

But sir, if you could, please...


Who was that, Dad?

That was the son of a former colleague.

We should dive into fintech.
What do you think?

It is quite hot right now.

But we need more solid due diligence

because many still don't have licenses
from the Bank of Indonesia.

Let me research it.

Excuse me.
Miss Wulan, your family's waiting outside.

Thank you.

Please excuse me, Otto.

Aunt Rima?

What brings you here?

Can we talk?

I know I shouldn't have come here,

but your father gave me no other choice.

He's been ignoring my calls.

Can you tell me why?

I'm sorry, Aunt Rima, but why come to me?
It's between you and Dad.

That's true.

But he's stopped sending me
the money I deserve.

So, Wulan... I figured I should ask you.

You're a successful woman,
you work in a nice office like this.

Later, you can just ask your father
to pay you back.

I'm sorry, Aunt Rima.

But this is really not my business.

And as far as I know, Dad has fulfilled
all his responsibilities to you.

-Just so you know...
-Aunt Rima...

No matter how much money
your father gives me,

it won't be enough to make up
for his mistake of divorcing me.

Aunt Rima.

I'm sorry for saying this.

But like I said,

all I know is that Dad has fulfilled
all his responsibilities to you.

-You're wrong!
-Aunt Rima!

Just... please.

This is where I work.

Please don't disturb me here again.
I still have work to do.

Please excuse me.

Please help me out!

What are you up to?

Why do we always have to meet here anyway?

Because it's close to my school.


I want to show you off.

-Is that so?
-Of course.

And why is that?

That's why I said my skin
is paler than yours.

You said you like me more if it's tanner.

-Do I?

Come on.

-Wisnu, I'm here.

Look behind you.

Hurry up.


I see your ride's here.


I'm off, then.

Bye. Text me when you get home.

Why are you still with her?
You know she's my age.

Let's go, Asep.

When did Rika get out of rehab?

About a month ago.

And she went straight back to dealing?

Well, she needs to make money.

She has a job.

What, she needs more?

I don't know. Maybe she does.

Why don't you ask her?

What for?

Wulan, how was the funeral?

It was chaotic.

Aunt Rahma yelled at us.


On top of all that,
guess who showed up at my office today?

Asep, please turn down the volume.

And then? Where did she go?

I don't know, I just left her there
and went back to work.

The nerve she has.

-Is it enough?


Honestly, I don't mind
sending her more money.

Why would you be okay with that?

Hear me out.

No matter what,
she's still your father's ex-wife.

I don't think he wants to give her
more than what was agreed upon.

Well, if that's Dad's decision,
we'll support it.

He seems to be having a lot on his mind.

I noticed that too.

What do you think it is?

Why don't you ask him?

And ask him to come down for dinner.

He usually opens up more with you.

-Okay, I'll try. Is he upstairs?

I'll be right back.









Let's have dinner.

You guys go ahead and eat.

I made your favorite pasta.

And Mom's waiting downstairs.

I'll eat later. You guys go ahead.

-Are you sure?

Okay, I'll take this with me.

Save some for me.

Will do.

What's with you?

You scared me. What are you doing anyway?

I woke up and felt hungry.
So I went down and got some of your pasta.

It's delicious.

Hey, what's wrong?


There was...


Never mind. I'm going back to sleep.


-Good night.

The proposal you both prepared looks good.
I just need to discuss it with my advisor.

Of course, take all the time you need.

I mean, you don't need to hurry.

Otto, I need to speak with Wulan alone.

Sure, why not?

Go ahead. If you'll excuse me.


I didn't mean to pry...


are you going through something?

I'm only saying this...

because I can feel your aura.

It feels negative.

I suggest

whatever you're going through right now,

just surrender.


Surrendering is the first step

to changing something negative
into positive.

There's nothing wrong, ma'am.
But thank you for your concern.

Alright, then.

See you.

Excuse me, ma'am.

Here are the flowers.

Wow, so pretty!

You have a good eye, Harun.
Put them on the table.

Yes, ma'am.

You did a good job, Harun.

It's perfect there. Good job!

-If you'll excuse me.

Thank you!

-Hey, Mom.
-Hey, you.

How did you get home?

A friend gave me a ride
since Wulan is working overtime.

Would you look at that?

What do you think? Isn't it beautiful?

Harun plays a big role in the decor.

Looks good, right?

I'll go take a shower.

Why are you talking in slow motion?
Are you that tired after school?

-I am.
-Go take a shower, you smell.

No way, I always smell good.

Dress handsomely.

Will do.

Excuse me, ma'am.

The therapist is here.

-Good afternoon, ma'am.
-Yuli, right?

Ipah, please lead Yuli to my room.

Yes, ma'am.

I'll be right there, alright?

Come, Yuli.

I think it looks pretty good.

That feels great, Yuli.

Yes, right there. Right there.

That feels great.

So good.

A wasp?

Don't be too hard, Yuli!

Do it like before.

There, just like that.

Just like that.

Now, that's great.

Excuse me, ma'am.

We'll begin in a minute.

I'm preparing the oils.


Where were you?

I was just in the bathroom, ma'am.

You were sleeping, so I just went.

I didn't want to wake you.

What's wrong, ma'am?


Let's continue.

Yes, ma'am.


Did I hit you?

What's going on, ma'am?

-Are you happy now?

Reno, what are you doing?

Isn't this what you wanted?

-You ruined my life!
-Reno, stop!

My dad died because of you!

Open the door!


Get out, Wulan!

Get out!


That's right, Mr. Ibnu.

I'll be handling
my father's business affairs.

See you in the morning at the office.

Alright, thank you.

I'm home.

What are you looking for?

Have you seen my watch?


Which one?

The one that I wear every day.

I put it in my office,
and now I can't find it.

-Must have slipped.
-Slipped how?

Didn't Asep scold the new gardener
for snooping around the other day?

-It might be him.

Wisnu, don't accuse people that easily.

I'm not accusing him,
just being suspicious.

I don't think Harun knows
about expensive watches.

For a simpleton, an expensive watch
is still an expensive watch.

Right, Dad?

Forget it.

Go take a shower.

-I already did.
-Doesn't seem like it.

That's because your old vision

-has worsened.
-Hey, watch it.

Asep did a great job.

It looks just like in K-dramas.

It's decor, not K-dramas.

No, Mom.

-Tell her.
-What Dad meant was...

Asep made it look like a Korean drama set.


That's what I meant.

-Mom even got a massage.

-Yep, she did.
-That sounds great.

-Wisnu, eat up.
-Yes, Mom.

Get that one.

Mom, Dad.

This is our gift for you.

But I'm sorry,
I dropped it and the glass broke.

-How come?

It was an accident.

You always do this.

It wasn't on purpose!

-Let's open it, honey.
-What can I do?

Thank you, you two.

-Open it, Mom.
-See? It's fine.

-How do I open this?

Is it a photo frame?

Let's see!

Oh, goodness!

-Look at this, honey.
-Oh, goodness.

Wulan worked really hard to find it.

And I was the one in charge of the frame.

Liar, I bought that too.

-Stop taking credit.
-I mean...

-Stop it, you two.
-Thanks for the gift.

Still, thank you so much for the gift.

This is so sweet.

I remember when this was taken.

It was when...

-Wulan was just born.

That was a long time ago.

By the way. Do you remember, honey?

Right after the picture was taken,
there was a big storm.

-Then, what happened?

Yes, I remember.

We had to run because of the heavy rain.

And took shelter under a tree.

Then, I started to sing.

But you're bad at it.

-Did he really, Mom?
-I stopped him.

If he had done it, I would've left.

She could've fainted.

-This is really good.

So good.

The frosting tastes really good.

You did a great job picking the cake.

You know just what I like.

What's wrong, Dad?

-Drink some water.

-Is he choking?
-Here, drink this.

-Here, Dad.
-What's wrong?

-I don't know.
-Drink it.

He choked because it is so good.

You liked it, right?

-You just know what I like.
-Of course.

It's the perfect sweetness.


What's wrong, honey?

What's wrong, Dad?


Mom, we ran out of water!


-It hurts so bad!

Get some water!

-Coming, ma'am!

-My goodness!


-Wisnu, help him up!

-Help him!

Let's go to the hospital!


-Get the car!
-Come on, Dad!

Careful, Wisnu.

-Hang in there, Dad.

-Wulan, get the door!

Hurry up!