Bleach: Burîchi (2004–2012): Season 1, Episode 6 - Shitou! Ichigo vs Ichigo - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -



Don't have much left.

And this thing isn't any better.

I'd say it's almost
time to replenish.

Hey, wake up in there.

I brought some breakfast, okay?

Come on, open up.

Hey! Get up already!

Do you want this
food I got or not?


She's not here.

So where did she go now?

That's just great.

Ichigo's been acting a little
weird lately, hasn't he?

He's been eating like
a horse for one thing.

And he spends all of
his time in his room.

They boy is 15 now.

An impressionable lad,
young and in the spring time

of his youth, would
barricade himself up

in his room
for only one reason...

and one reason only.


Knock it off!

Quit analyzing me, you pervert.

What's the matter, son?

It's just because
I'm your father, isn't it?

What's wrong with a little
parental understanding?

Understanding, my ass!

Guys, your breakfast
is gonna get cold.

Quiet morning, huh?

Now up to bat, Jinta Hanakari!

Here comes the wind
up and the pitch.

With a perfect swing,
he lets it fly!

Home run!

Please, Jinta.

You have to get back
to work or we're

going to be in trouble
with Tessai again.

Shut up, Ururu!

I'll start when I'm ready.

Tessai doesn't scare me.

But you were scared enough
to sweep in the first place.

I don't get scared!

Who do you think you are?

You're not the boss of me!

I'm in charge,
I'm bigger than you!

We're the same size.

Besides, Jinta, I'm three
years older than you are.

So, who cares about age?
I'm a higher rank than you.

Who are you?

You just never change,
do you, little one?

So is your manager in yet?


Come on in.

What are you doing, Jinta?

It's too early to
open up the shop.

Ms. Kuchiki.

Just give me a minute.

I'll go and see if
the boss is up and moving yet.

Heh, don't bother.

I'm already awake,
for once.


Good morning,
Tessai, Jinta, Ururu.

Welcome back to my shop,
Ms. Kuchiki.

Your timing couldn't
be more perfect.

I just got a new shipment
in the other day.

How can I help you
this afternoon?

One kekon shiki.

Oh, uh, what grade?

I'll take the cheapest
you've got.

You got it.

So that makes sixty tablets
of Soma Fixer

and, uh-- look, I know this
is none of my business.

But if you use too much of
this stuff, it can be toxic.

If you over synchronize
with your Gigai,

you're in for a world of hurt
when you finally jump ship.

Yes, I'm aware of that.
Believe me.

It's just that lately,
my connection with it

has growing pretty weak.

It's becoming a lot more
difficult to move this body.

Want me to check
it out for you?

Come on,
I'll cut you a good deal.

No, thank you!


By the way, do you know if
that special order I made

has been delivered yet?

Oh. Yeah, it's here.

Hey, Ururu. Go grab it
out of storage, will you?

Oh, uh, okay!

Just look for the box
labeled "new item," okay?

Okay. Let's see.

New item.


I'll be.

There you are.

So this is the only one
you could get, then?

Oh, please.
Give me a break.

That's the second most
popular one on the market.

Wasn't all that easy to come by.

Now, look...

Just go easy.

You can't fake it forever,
all right?

Yes, I know that.

Good morning! Ha-ha.
Hi, everyone.

How are you?

Oh. Hey.

Good morning, Rukia.

Ah, looking lovely
as always, Rukia.

This isn't like you.
It's already third period.

Sorry, something came up.

By the way, Ichigo, um,
may I steal you for a second?

Huh? What do you want?

If you want to talk, then
let's do it here.


Oh, Ichigo,
what just happened?

I better get you to
the nurse's office.

She, uh, just hit him,
didn't she?

I didn't see a thing.


What's this supposed to be?


Substitute soul pills.

Tablets that force
souls from the flesh.

Just swallow one,
and a substitute soul

will enter the body,
so the real one can roam free.

If the time comes that
you must face a Hollow

and I'm not around,
you can use them

to transform into a Soul Reaper.

It's got "Soul Candy"
printed right on here.

Oh, that's only because

the Soul Society Women's League

They didn't like Gikongan.

They said it wasn't cute enough,
so they decided to change it.

All right.
Why is it a duck?

Ugh! Shut up. I didn't even
order that one, all right?

I asked for Chappy the Rabbit.


So, you wanted one shaped
like a rabbit then, huh?

What's that?
What did you just say?

How dare you mock me,
you imbecile!

It's not that.

I just didn't understand
your explanation is all.

Go ahead.

Swallow one,
and it'll all be clear.



I'm out of my body.

Oh, don't be so shocked.

Inside that empty
shelf of a body

there resides
a substitute soul.

And no one will even notice
that your true soul is gone.


Hi. Good afternoon.

Nice to meet you.

I'm Ichigo Kurosaki.

Early to bed, early to rise.

That's my motto.

Early to bed, early to what?

It's pretty amazing,
isn't it?

Amazing, my ass!

What is that thing over there?

How can he be me if I'm me?


Perfect timing.
We just got a mission.

Why don't we leave him here
at school while we head out?

ICHIGO: Are you deranged?
RUKIA: Let's go!

No way.
They'll know he's a fake.

Hey, you!

Make sure you attend
my next class.

Don't worry.

Leave everything to me, Master.

Take your time.

Wait a sec.

Oh, man.

Take a good look!

What does it say?
Go on. Read it.

Uh, "defective goods"?

Yeah, that's right.

Defective goods.

Do you have any idea
what you've done?

You sold a customer faulty
merchandise, you dummy!


Moron! Get your
act together, will you?

You and your stupid
flabby bangs.

Hey. Hey.

No fighting.

You know, if we're not careful,
this gikongan

could cause some real problems.

You got that right.

We can't just sit on this.

We better take care of it
right away.

There's no telling
what he might do

if we let him run
loose out there.


All right.

Feeling pretty good.

Been too long since I had
a body to get around in.

Looks like I'm finally free.

Hey, what are you doing there?

Hm. Aren't you Kurosaki from
the ninth grade, group three?

What have you been doing here?

And why is that
fence all busted up?

What's with that look?


He-- he leaped to there?

Surprise, surprise, old man.


All right!

At last, time for lurch!

Jeez, Orihime.
It's just lunch.

It's not a big deal.

How can you say that, Tatsuki?

Everyone knows that a healthy,
red-blooded high school girl

comes to school for only
one reason-- to eat her lunch.

Yeah, yeah. I get it.

Have a seat already.

So, Tatsuki, what do
you have for lunch today?

I've got bread and
red bean paste.

That sounds good.

Unfortunately, my lunch
is a little more ordinary.

See? I can make
my own red bean buns.

Interesting choice.

Orihime, why don't
you and I eat together?

Um, yeah.


That's so cute!

You bite into an entire
loaf of bread and smile

with crumbs all over your mouth.


Excuse me.

This is the ninth grade,
class group, right?


Man, I'm getting a bad feeling.

What-- wait a second!

How the hell did you
get up here like that?

What do you mean, how?
I jumped up here.

You saw it with your
own eyes, didn't you?

Well, pretty rad, huh?
Can you believe it?

I bet he crawled over
from the classroom next door.

No way.
He jumped up from the yard!

Did you see him do it?

Well, no. I didn't see it.

Oh, righteous!

Their eyes are all over me.

They can't get enough.

They totally think I'm amazing.

Man, this rocks!

Jeez, the girls in this
class are a bunch of hotties.

I don't think there's a
bad-looking one in the bunch.

And I've been cooped
up for so long.


Whoa! Super size!

Hey there, pretty lady.

I don't believe
that we've met.

Would you please do me the honor
of telling me your name?


Ichigo, what the heck do
you think you're doing,

you stupid moron!

This better not be
your idea of a joke!

Hey, you're pretty
cute yourself,

now that I get
a closer look at you?



Why are we in such a rush
to get back to class?

I'm worried.

I want to make
sure he's doing okay.

There's nothing
to worry about. He's fine.

I'm not so sure about that.

I'm getting kind
of a bad vibe all of a sudden.



So, you were right.

Like you were saying,
we better hurry.

Told you.


You son of a-- die!

Watch it!


All I did was kiss your cheek.

Why is that such a big deal?

I mean, you're not
in grade school anymore.

Shut up!

Help her, Jisuru.

You-- you've got
to be kidding me.

I'm not messing with that!

Stop right there.


It's over.

Ichigo, look out!


There's no place to run.



Die, you!

I mean, me.

Why the hell are you doing this?




Why is he kicking
the air like that?

Who cares?


Wha-- What's going on?

Don't know.
Maybe it's a poltergeist.


So long.

What the hell does
he think he's doing?

Is he crazy, or what?

Is it even possible?

No, he couldn't be one.

He must be a...

...a Mod-Soul.


That was Rukia,
wasn't it?

I don't know.
I didn't see a thing.

Who cares about her?

Ichigo, you are dead!





You must have been scared. Poor

It's all right.
Don't let it get to you.

Just pretend like you had run
in with some mangy, stray dog.

That's all right.

I'm fine.

And that wasn't Ichigo anyway.


Oh, crap!

Great. We lost him, or me,

or whatever the hell
you want to call it.

We're at a dead end here.


Look! We don't have time

for your Soul Reaper nonsense!

I have to capture him--
I mean, me!

I mean-- I'm not sure
I know what I mean.

But you saw it, too!

I mean, the riot
he caused in class.

I mean, that jerk used my body
to take advantage of Orihime

and Tatsuki, and then
he-- ki-- ki-- ki--

He kissed them.
Yes, I know.

This sucks! Don't say that!
My life is over!

Get over it already.

A kiss is nothing more
than a form of greeting.

I fail to see the problem.

I mean, in this book
I was just reading, it said

there are far worse things
that can happen to a girl.

Will you shut up?
This is a catastrophe.

He came on
to my classmates!

What the hell kind
of books are you reading!

Agh! I put years into
crafting my image!


So he looks and acts
that way on purpose?

Forget it.
It doesn't matter.

Wait, you called him
a Mod-Soul, right?

So what is that?

Just what the hell is he?

A while back,

the Soul Society
initiated a new project

they called Spearhead.



They took souls that had
been modified for combat

and placed them into the dead,

after their own souls
had parted.

They were to be used as
soldiers against the Hollows.

It was a reprehensible plan.

All of the souls that
were selected to take part

in the Spearhead project
were then altered.

Once inside a body,
one aspect of their host

is made superhuman--
an artificial soul built

for battle, a Mod-Soul.

Do you understand this so far?

Yeah, but your sucky
little drawings

make it seem like
it's no big deal.


But the Spearhead project
was rejected,

because it would force corpses
to fight.

In the end, all of the Mod- or
Modified Souls that were still

in the incubation stages
were ordered to be destroyed.

However, it seems some
are still out there.

So, wait a minute.

You're telling me that
the guy inside my body

was created by the Soul Society?

And now they've decided
they want him wiped out

for being what they made him?

That's exactly what I'm saying.

And-- and you're telling me
you can honestly accept that?

Whether I accept it
or not is irrelevant.

The Mod-Souls must be destroyed.

The Soul Society commanded it.

And lest you forget,

the laws of the Soul Society
are not arbitrary.

They have been put in
place for the protection

and well-being
of all human souls.

Now, let's go!

You want to get your
body back, don't you?

I wonder what
he must be feeling,

walking around inside my body.

They're created at random,
destroyed at random.

Yet somehow he survived
found his way to a body.

But still, he has
to keep running.

I can't imagine what that
must be like for him.



All right!

This is great!

Oh, man.

Everybody's watching me!

And they're in awe!



I heard that Mod-Souls

had all different
kinds of abilities.

I'm so glad that my
ability makes me

stand out in the crowd.


Here we go!

Wow, what are they up to?


Man, this is so much
better than phys ed.

What a waste of time!

Yeah, this is a great way
to ditch class.

Dang! I can't believe
I lost again!


What's wrong with you?

Get him!
I created you, didn't I?

Now do what I tell you!

Just kill him off.

Yeah, totally.

Anyone who doesn't obey
their master should die.

Jeez, you destroyed him!

So what?

I'll just make a better one!





What-- what do you want?





♪ Nobody knows
Who I really am ♪

♪ I never felt
This empty before ♪

♪ And if I ever need
someone I'd come along ♪

♪ Who's going to comfort me
And keep me strong? ♪


In the next episode...

I don't think I can do this.

Now, you tell us, Chad?
After all that?

Oh, no. We're done.