Black Sun (2017–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Episode #1.3 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -



Thank you.
I'll head for Belgrade tomorrow,

but to be clear,
I'm not promising anything.

We're coming right after you.

So, why do you need me?

Just act as if you don't
know we are coming.

And don't worry about a thing.

Okay then, I'll behave as if I
don't have a care in the world.

Thank you.

I don't know where
that necklace came from.

And I've never seen
these letters before.

That's your private matter,
no one needs to know.

- Did he kill her?
- It is possible.

I have my best people on it.
The investigation is in progress.

Find the killer.

I want him hanged.

Remember me when
you become a minister.

You ungrateful prick.


How did he look?

Well, he looked... suspicious.

- Really?
- The film is gone.

It's my fault.
And my responsibility.

Yeah, okay.
Go get some sleep.

I'm so humiliated,
I don't know what to do.

Go and get some sleep.

Go to the morgue
tomorrow, to Babich,

and I'll see you in my office.

Thank you.
Hang in there.

Inspector, the Russian is in the cell,
he didn't move.

I knew it.
Finish this.

C'mon, faster.
Take the body out. C'mon!

C'mon people, get a move on!

this is too much for me.

I'd like to go home.

I'd like that too,
but you won't let me.

What the hell are you doing?

Heads are rolling
wherever you show up.

I don't know what's
going on or why.

- But I know I'm not to blame.
- Remember that sentence.

You'll need it for your statement.

This way, please.

If I had known, I wouldn't
have waited for the police.

Well, you'll know
better next time.

Actually, that'd be the third time.

Because this is the second.

Your father...

died an honourable officer.

For his fatherland.

You should be proud of him.

Our enemy is cruel.

I hope someone will take revenge!

Do not worry about the future.
I'll take care of you from now on.

One of our men is arrested.

One of our men is arrested.
Alyosha Grushnitsky!

What did he do?

A robbery.

At the house
of the state prosecutor.

Right after his wife was beheaded.

Get him out of jail right away.
I want to...

question him personally.

I've already told you,
I don't know who that Russian is.

I don't think he knew Neven,

I didn't see anyone coming in
or going out. I just found him.

Why did you visit Sarich?

Why anyone goes
to a photographer...?

Why anyone goes
to get the pictures?

You wanted a memory from
a ball where someone was killed.

I did not come for those photos.

I told you, Neven was a member of
my art group and he was supposed

to take pictures
for the exhibition.

Yes. But you didn't
tell me one thing:

how did he get those bruises?
That you don't know.

I don't!

I could guess.

Don't guess. Tell me everything.

It's in your interest.

Neven was...

problematic, very complex.
He was a gay.

He loved boys, smoked opium,
and lately...

he began to hang out
with some very bad people.

- What bad people?
- That I don't know...

I know that he was in debt,
and that everybody was after him.

Good. Write that down while
I search your apartment.


You can't do this.
I'm a witness, not a suspect!

Who says you're not?

Take her to write the statement!

What's wrong with you?

Why are you so gloomy
all of a sudden?

Did you get something for me?

How? We don't know anything.

We know the kid
is three years old now.

And the birth certificate
you have is useless.

If you could remember
the father's name or address...

I'd recognize him if I see him.

- You would?
- Sure thing.

He was my first John.

And who was your pimp?

That Stavra.

Maybe he knows something?

Look how clever you are...
And good.

- Not just down there.
- Yes...

- Here you are, inspector.
- What's on them?

- My family portraits.
- All right.

- Let me know when you're done.
- All right. My shift is over.

- If there's anything else...
- No, thanks.

- Zhivoyin!
- Yes.

Give this to Miss Davidovich.
She's free to go.

Have two officers guard her.

Miss Davidovich, the inspector
apologises, something came up.

You are free to go.

- Free?
- Yes.

Our people will take you home.


get the car and take the lady home.

Sveta, go with them.

Good night.

Here you go, Miss.

- Hello, colleague!
- Go away!

Whom are you with?
Some politicians?

Please, leave.
People are watching.

And you are inconspicuous.

Listen! We're guarding the lady,
we need to know who you are.

Listen to me, jerks!
You have five seconds to fuck off!


Are you okay?
I heard what happened.

You didn't have to come.
Everything's fine.

Nothing is okay.

I thought I was smarter.

Voyin, nobody knows
what's going on.

Violet was cheating on me.

Can you understand that?

With some Russian soldier...

In my bed...
Behind my back.

There were letters... gifts.

All this time I felt like a wimp,

while here...

I think you should rest now.

You have a funeral tomorrow.

You wanted to sleep here?

I can't be alone tonight.

It's inappropriate for you to be here
the night before the funeral.

I'm sorry.

The whole city can see your
security in front my house.

I understand.

On second thoughts,

maybe we shouldn't see
each other for a while.

Until all this blows over.


Can I leave this here,
I can't deal with it now.


Thank you.

Luka, what are you looking for?

Don't get mad at me, please.

I'll put everything back,
just don't hit me.

I'll put everything back.
As if I'm hitting you every day.

Can you help me, please.
I have to go to school,

and I can't find my reader.

Luka, there's no
school on Sundays.

- Oh, Sunday. Yes... No school.
- C'mon, put these books away,

- and we'll have breakfast. Okay?
- Can I go out to play later?

- If you learn your rhymes.
- What rhymes?

- Tzveta, please...
- It helps his memory.

I asked you to take care of him
and to be with him all the time,

not to encourage his madness.

And what am I supposed to tell him?

Hit him with the truth as you do?
He'd get scared.

It's better to take care of a
healthy child than a crazy old man.

Fine, just be with him at all times.

Don't worry.


If milk could run
in a river with ease,

Everyone would... nib the cheese.

If we could have an endless May,

Cold would have to stay away.

If the Danube was hot,

Everyone would eat fish broth.


but it can't be...

So don't speak of things...
that you can't see.

Now, Rayko!


General, it is my great honour
that you have found time

for this conversation.

Please allow me to introduce myself.
Alimpiye Mirich.

Do you like hunting, sir?

I despise any act of violence,
even to the animals.

If I understood correctly,

you want a privileged state
company that would have a monopoly

on the purchase, export and
processing of Macedonian poppy?

The great Mark Antony once said:

“Keep your friends close
but your enemies closer.”


What do you want, Mirich?

By establishing this state company,

we would prevent
illegal trade in opiates.

Which, I suppose,
finances Macedonian terrorists.

We would buy all poppy from
the peasants in the south,

and supply the world with top quality

medical opium; Morphine.

Not to mention the tax receipts
from opium exports.

And your pockets, too. Huh?

Not only mine, general.
Not only mine.

Those bastards that are wreaking
havoc in southern Serbia...

They've recently joined the ranks
with Croatian separatists.

It's a terrible problem.

And you'd like to solve it
with pharmacy, huh?

My dear Mirich...

Mr. Minister firmly supports my idea.

You can't even imagine how much
I don't give a flying fuck...

General, is there a way
I could convince you otherwise?

Not now, not ever.

Well, never say never,
Mr. General, Sir.

A wise man told you that too?

Have a nice day.

- Hello.
- A letter or a telegram?

I'd like a telegram.
Unless you have some cookies.

I'm listening.

“The customer has
unexpectedly come to Belgrade.

I'll try to take his measurements.”

That's the message?

- Yes.
- Address?

We had to reduce cadets'
salaries again this month.

Things are falling apart.

People are being forced to
find other sources of income.

We are doing everything we can.

I'm sorry we were unable
to find an honourable way.

I'm sorry, too.

I'm sorry that...

I couldn't be of more help.

But I feel that our troubles
will soon be over.

We'll launch an offensive
in the spring.

You don't trust me anymore?

I've trusted you for ten
years, general.

And I will trust you a hundred
and ten more if necessary!

I hope that God is still with us.

Bring back what
was stolen from me.

We're doing everything we
can, general.

What about the arrested Grushnitsky?

Our people in the police
are dealing with it.

You have to go to the hospital!

You're this close to sepsis.

I need to sterilise your wound,
or... You'll lose your leg. Yes.

No, no...
Not the leg!

- May God help Tane.
- He better...

- after that moonshine you gave me.
- Don't be like that.

My brandy is clean as a tear.

It was you who went too far.

I always go too far.

There was a guy who went
too far and never came back.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

Are those the same
tomatoes I took yesterday?

Yes, if you pay.

I always pay.
A bit late, but I pay.

- Good morning, old man.
- Good morning. How can I help you?

- Do you have Kaymak?
- I can run out of everything,

- but that I always have!
- Is it Serbian?

- Everything is.
- Well, that's up for discussion.

Here, taste.

It's not poison.

It's great.

Who says Serbs cannot
make anything?!

Give me 2kg.

I have to run an errand,
but I'll pick it up afterwards.

- No, thank you.
- Here, take it...

Thank you.

Two kilos? Jesus!

Hello. Can I see some ID's, please?

Thank you. Search him.

Look at him... Come over here.

What're you looking at.

- Good afternoon.
- That depends.

Mr. Hadgy Arsov,

I'm your lawyer,
Ante Pavelich, PhD.

At your service.

- Do you have a cigarette?
- Yes. Here you are.


What an honour.
I'll be defended by a doctor.

Weren't you an adviser in
Skopje trials last year?


Your performance
wasn't exactly stellar.

You know it was a mock trial,

and that your IMRO mates
were doomed.

So what makes you think
I have a chance now?

You're talking as if we're at
the gambling table.

But we are playing to win.

And you're talking as if you're
a cryptographer, not a lawyer.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means we made a deal
with our friends from Bukovo,

that, unlike in Skopje,

this time we won't rely
on the corrupt legal system

of this abomination
that Serbs like to call the state.

I see you like Dostoyevsky.

I brought you Goethe.

You know, all that Slavic nonsense

can make you somewhat
insensitive to reality.

Or even soft.

A little true Germanic
philosophy won't hurt, right?

I shot at them in the Great War?

Well, it might be time
to learn something from them.

See you... Soon.

Thank you.



- Where to?
- Belgrade.

- Escaping Bitol?
- No, escaping Bukovo.

Are you Macedonians?

No, we're Indians.

- Are you armed?
- No.

They're not, they're not.

C'mon then, go...
Open it.

Autopsy report.

The victim was drugged,
then beheaded.

- Looks like a same killer.
- Probably.

Or it's some new fashion
in the world of crime.

This one's not into fashion.
Here's the report.

- Thank you.
- Goodbye.


Would you like to go out
with me on Sunday?

We can have a walk and go
somewhere for dinner.


I owe you an apology.

You said you wanted
to show me the town,

but I didn't understand it as
your intention to go out with me.

You surprised me...
And I'd like another opportunity.

Boyana, I understand you.

I know that you are doing
something noble...

because you are
an exceptional woman.

I sometimes think...

that Stalin has done us a favour.

That communist scoundrel...

He exiled all these beautiful women

right into our hands.

I don't know...

Pussy is just a pussy for me.
Isn't that right, girls?!

- Good evening. Sorry I'm late, I...
- Oh, Alimpiye, but you're late...

- I had some previous engagements.
- Problems with transport, right?

It was a misunderstanding.

- Any damage will be compensated.
- Don't worry, I have faith in you.

Mr. Gabriel Macht,

our friend and associate from Vienna.

He will help you with that
arrangement with “Hymdalpharm”.

It is an honour.
Alimpiye Mirich.

Hymdalpharm is a well-known company.
That's great.

Not well-known, Mr. Mirich.

Efficient, stable and solid,

- like Germanic people.
- You're absolutely right.

Powerful German people...

C'mon, Alimpiye!

Who gives a shit
about what you think?!

- No need be so blunt, Count.
- Why?

I'd like to hear what
Mr. Mirich wanted to say.

According to the Greek legend,
Hercules visited the Germanic lands

when he went to get
the Apples of the Hesperides.

And ever since then,

Germans praised him in songs
when they went to wars.

- Wow, you read Tacitus.
- I did.

Would you like some apples?
They go well with opium.

Bravo, Alimpiye, bravo!
You're well-read for a pharmacist.


I hope you're enjoying yourselves.

As always, dear friend.

- Join us, there's enough space.
- I don't have time.

Problems? I hear you have
problems with some monks.

Who are giving you a hard time.
Or so I heard.

Champagne for the gentlemen!

No, thank you. I'd like...

Do you have cold Russian Kvas?

We don't have Russian,
only Serbian.

Give me a Serbian one, thank you.

Ready to go, my love?

Please don't forget to ask the general
to help Maya with the bank.

Not sure he'll agree.

- He remembers Arseniye.
- But you may change his mind.

- Okay, I'll try.
- You're wonderful.

Love you.
Have a nice trip.

- You forgot your umbrella!
- I don't need it!

Don't forget about Maya!

Krista Avakumovich?

Who are you?

Your friend sent me.

I'm supposed to give you this.

Have a nice day.

- You used to do this better.
- I dreamt of you every night.

- You liar!
- Okay, not every night.

Fuck off, I thought you died
and left me alone.

When have you ever been alone?

Where's that husband of yours?
Your ass...

Does that bourgeois hubby
fuck you like this?

Is he doing you, whore?

Oh, fuck!
It's okay.

It's nothing.
It's fine.

Wow, you want to be in shape
when they execute you?


A roasted pig from Macedonia.

To soothe your nostalgia.

I thought you were
finished with me.

You got what you wanted.

It wouldn't be a consolation
to see you six feet under.

Is there still some chivalry
in Captain Tanasiyevich,

or just a guilty conscience?

You have a hearing this month.

I asked about the judge.
I started to negotiate.

And Serb big shots will scramble
to help Macedonian terrorist, right?

No, that's for your
fancy faggot of a lawyer,

who hates Serbs because they
won't let him kiss German asses.

His job is to help.

And your people's
job is to bury me.

Oh, really?

Why didn't he ask
for change of indictment?

So you're not tried for treason,

but for something
you won't get shot for.

Give me a cig.

You IMRO people are assholes,

but that Pavelich
is a bit too much.

Even for you.

We're up against
a wall thanks to your people.

And in a situation like that,

you don't really get
to choose your allies.

So you have to make a pact...
with the Devil himself?


Your pals may indeed
be ready for that,

but you, my friend...

You're not like that.
I know you.

Tane, I told you, don't mess
with your people over an asshole.

And mind your own business.

I forgive you, brother.

Excuse me...

Is this Yatagan slum?

No, my friend. It's Belgrade.

- That's what I meant, Belgrade.
- Yep, Yatagan slum.

Okay, Yatagan slum or Belgrade?

It's both. However you like it.

The jury is out.

C'mon, cut the crap
and answer the question.

Look, Macedonian, we don't
do things that way around here.

Around where?
In Belgrade or in the slum?

In Belgrade. And in the slum.

I need a man.
They call him Trnavatz.

You're the first person
to ever call him a man.

See that tavern over there,
"Niish Inn"?

But be careful.

There are many scoundrels inside.

Worse than those rats behind me?
I don't think so.

Milisav, you stupid idiot!

Why did you let him go,
you stupid git?

What was I supposed to do?
Let him die?

From what?
There was nothing wrong with him.

But the doctor said...

Fuck the doctor.
You should've called me right away.

You said you'd come.

It's not my fault
you got drunk again.

Listen to me,
if anything happens to him,

you are fucked!

Now, get lost!

Inspector, sir, give me some food.

Move away!

Where's Trnavatz?

Beating a dead horse
with Macedonians.

Don't smash my furniture.

Hey, bro...
Where've you been.

Get out.

Get out!

These Macedonians
just dropped by?


Let me ask you something.
Why are you acting like this?

He'd have given you
a chair if you asked him.

You chased him out.
He's afraid of you and he ran away.

So I'm asking you,
why are you acting like this?

- What the fuck do you care?
- I do care.

I care very much.

You can't even imagine
how much I care.

I don't want to work with idiots.

One idiot can spoil
a hundred smart people.

What is he talking about?

Easy, easy...
Let's calm down, everyone.

It's Master Kyro... from Bukovo.

Oh, Master Kyro...

You old fucker...
And here I am, wondering

how could such a small truck
pack so many Macedonians?

So... Master Kyro,
what would you like to drink?

I want you to take me to the Monk.

I want to see him.

Let it go, Kyro.
The Russians killed Tatich.

There was nothing we could do.

Tatich was a scum. A real scum.

He strikes without thinking.

I want you to take me to Monk.

There's something
I want to ask him.

This is the second time
you said that name.


You don't say that name
around here.

I don't want it mentioned.
Not by you,

and not by any of your monkeys.


Listen to me...

I don't want to mention the name,
I want to see the man!

Tailor's shop. Good afternoon.

Didn't I tell you I'd call you.
You shouldn't call me. What is it?

The Macedonians from Bukovo.

They're in Yatagan slum.
Five or six of them.


- Did they bring any merchandise?
- No. Master Kyro is with them.

Says there won't be any
before he talks to the boss.

- Okay. Bring him. Alone.
- Got it.

What happened
with that photographer...

It wasn't me.

And the negatives?

- That socialite still has them.
- Okay, squeeze her.

- But don't overdo it.
- Okay.

- Good afternoon, general.
- Good afternoon.

- How's your health?
- Excellent, excellent...

As long as I'm not your patient.

That's not what I meant.
God forbid!

- Have a seat.
- Thank you.

This is the situation:
You have to go to Toponica,

examine that miserable bastard,

and to write down
in his medical record

- that he's unfit to travel.
- Well, he's not.

Prince Djordje Karadjordjevich
is a very sick man.


And he should stay sick for
at least two or three years.

That means crazy as a coconut.

We got a letter from
the Italian king...

He offered to take him
in for a treatment.

They think I'm crazy.

Like I don't know that all
this is Yelena's doing?

You can't blame an aunt for
worrying about her nephew's health.

Oh, but I can...
Our King is in trouble.

The French are turning their backs.

If Italians get Djordje,
it's just the matter of time

before he comes back to reclaim
the throne, do you understand?

Don't worry.

It is my expert opinion that prince
Djordje Karadjordjevich

is not ready to change environment.

Great! Excellent!

Now, just stamp it,
so I can stick it up to Italians.

I'm sorry, I'm under pressure,
as you experts would say.

Aren't we all?
One more thing...

I've been asked to ask you something.

It's about the mortgage bank
of Maya Davidovich,

daughter of late
Arseniye Davidovich.

I knew him personally.

Arseniye was a smug,
a scruge, and a thief.

- And his daughter is no better.
- Mr. General,

what's the use of having such
a stable and rich bank blocked?

I know,
but I can't solve everything.

But even if I could, I'd rather
help Rayachky and his gang.


He's waiting.

- I cannot look at him!
- You don't have to. Just listen.

Maybe you'll work it out.
Find the way to cooperate.

Just as he cooperated with my dad.
No way!

I just don't know if my father
was insane or stupid,

And more importantly,
is it hereditary?

My dear, you inherited the best
from both of your parents


Listen to him. Do it for me.

Let him in, Taki.

Please come in.

- Hello, sir.
- You mean... count?

Your title is valid only in
Austro-Hungarian Empire.

That country has ceased to exist.
And with it, your royalty.

Your father didn't think like that.

My father was mindless
enough to work with you.

What do you want?

My shareholders
and I were wondering...

if you had changed your mind
in light of the recent events?

I don't know what events
you're referring to,

but no, I haven't changed my mind.

But you will, I'm sure,

when you marry Voyin Djukich,
and become a respectable woman.

You won't have time for the bank.

Wouldn't it be wiser
to get a handsome payout?

Where did you get the idea
that I'm getting married?

It's the talk of the town.
And your lover is free now.

And do you marry your
lovers, Mr. Rayachki?

- God forbid.
- Listen, we may have a deal,

if you disclose your
silent partner from Vienna?

You're naive, Miss.
You can't afford you father's shares.

But I do have the right to know
who's the third co-owner!

Your father would've
told you if he wanted to.

As far as I'm concerned,
you can remain stubborn to the end.

Your court injunction means nothing.

We'll overturn it eventually.

And there'll be no
time for making deals.

Have a nice day.

Papahagi, this is getting tedious.

You can imagine how it is for me.

I talked to the boss and he gave
me his word you won't bother her.

It'll all end well,
just a little patience.

Okay, but...
Really just a little.

Vida keep your hand up, please,
Djurdja little lower...

- I can't do this. Are you crazy?
- Yes, you can.

Avram, we have company.

- Hello, inspector.
- Wow, inspector... Hello.


- A shy inspector.
- Okay, okay, back in the pose.

Tell me,
you didn't go to Violet's funeral?

I told you in the police station
we were not that close.

Are you must be here because of
what happened to Neven Sarich?

Yes. My condolences.


We're still in shock.
He was our friend.

A great photographer.
All these pictures are his.

Extraordinary works of art based
on Ms. Davidovich's concept.

Indeed they are.

But don't you think
they're a bit too "free"?

Shall we set you free a little bit?

If you're an art lover, feel free
to take some of our catalogues.

My works are at the beginning.

Tell me, when was the last
time you saw Neven?

At the police station,
when you questioned us.

He was killed after that

Why do you ask?

Are you questioning me?

- Inspector!
- Yes...

No, no.

Carry on, please.
I apologise. Enjoy your day.

Let's go.

Tane, I don't know that,
I only work with quiet patients.

I can't touch the warm blood.
I don't know that.

You'll know.

Milisav! Come over here.

Listen to him:
"I can't! I don't know..."

My good doctor, a man's got
to do what a man's got to do.

That's how I ended up here, in 1914,
when I crossed the Sava river.

Bloody Austrians had me drafted,
made me shoot at my own kin.

But I said, no way!
Just wait till the night falls.

And when the night fell,
and the officers were asleep,

I made my way to the river
and swam across to the other side.

It took some guts to swim across...

I couldn't swim and I was afraid.
But I had to, and I jumped.

Was that when you found
that barrel?

- Yes.
- And is that why

your tavern is called
"The barrel of Sava"?

For Christ's sakes,
you really are boring.

You told that story
a hundred times! Fuck!

- What's the name of that man?
- Where can I find him?

Milisav will explain everything.

- Hello.
- Who are you?

Don't be afraid.
It's all right.

I didn't come here to hurt you.

It's nice here, very spacious.
I like it.

You painted all this
by yourself?

- Did you kill Neven?
- That's really not important now.

You know what you have to give me,

and that's a small price to pay
for never seeing me again? Right?

Give me the hat.

Get lost!

If I ever see you again,
you'll be sorry.


And here's a promise too:
If we do meet again,

you will not see me.

What are you?
A student?

I'm a painter.

A painter and a communist,
a double idiot.

And you, barber,
are you also a student?

I'm a worker, a proletarian.

Congratulations, Rakitin!

You made a ballet in Serbia!


if you don't mind, we would now
leave to finish our business.

Let me know when it's done.

Comrades, is everything ready?

Two of our guys are on it,
awaiting orders.

Move it, artist!
Barber, you wait.

We don't want to look suspicious.

Learn, the Revolution
doesn't like the ignorants.

Inspector, there you are.

I've been looking all over for you.

Here, it's finished.

If anybody asks,
I didn't develop this,

I didn't see or hear anything.

General Vrangel, long time no see.

I hope you know that you are
always a very dear guest?

Yes. That's the problem.

I'm a guest wherever I go.

Well, general...

With God's help,
Bolsheviks will destroy themselves.


Let me introduce you.
This is Mr. Alimpiye Mirich,

one of the most successful
people in our country.

- My pleasure.
- Mine too.

And this is Mr. Gabriel Macht,

our respected friend from Vienna.

Mr. Mirich is an important patron.
Without his help...

Please don't.

It's just a small token
of appreciation

for your great art and tradition.

Are you interested in ballet?

I am impressed

how the immortal Tchaikovsky weaved
the Slavic soul into the German myth.

Love, passion, betrayal
and finally forgiveness.

So Russian, with a lot of soul.

Are you interested in the soul?

- It excites me most.
- Me too.


Go to your rooms!

Check out the nurses.

- Yes.
- Shall I introduce you to one.

Get serious, we're on guard duty.

He's not going anywhere.
He's about to kick the bucket.

I'm starving.
Let's go grab a bite.

Okay, let's eat first, and then
we can check out these chicks.

- Fine.
- C'mon, Sveta...

This looks fine.

The wound is clean.

I'm not going to lose my leg?

Whoever told you that
should lose their degree.

Tane will be mad
when he hears about this.


Let's go!