Black Lightning (2018–…): Season 2, Episode 2 - The Book of Consequences: Chapter Two: Black Jesus Blues - full transcript

Jefferson must break the news to his students and faculty that he is stepping down; struggling with his new life as Painkiller, Kahlil pays a visit to Jennifer in hopes of mending things; Tobias continues to enact his plan.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on
Black Lightning...

A week ago, three
suspects invaded the school.

You were not on campus.

The school will remain closed.

I'll step down as principal.

The killing
of Issa Williams is proof

that this drug, Green Light,

has left our community
in grave danger.

There are people infected with
this drug who're running around

- with dormant powers.
- Issa?

So now they jumping out of body
bags and coming back from the dead?

J, what's up?

The purpose of Black Lightning

was to kill Tobias, who killed my father.

Thirty years ago, they were
conducting an experiment in Freeland.

Their vaccine inadvertently
created metahumans.

I went to Gambi, and I asked him
to pull some strings at the ASA

to put me in charge of the pods.

I'm gonna find out what's really
going on with you, Doctor.

You're a liar.

You're Painkiller. So Garfield, that
girl, they belong to the past now.

- This is not you.
- Jennifer, this is me.

Syonide was the only thing
left in this world I gave a damn about.

Time to die.

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So, where were you?

Man, I was where she told me to be.
Covering the exit.

- Look, if I would've known...
- If you had known?

Negroes always fixing
their thick lips with excuses.

You should have known, period.


You said you knew how to play.

I do. I just took your knight.

Listen carefully.


Actions have consequences.
You have to anticipate.



Checkmate. You lose.

You let me take your queen,

just like you let that bitch
take Syonide from me.

What's happening?

Kam. Kam. Kam.

It's okay. It's okay, Wendy.

It's okay. It's okay.
I'm not gonna hurt you.

Just stay there.

Stay there.

It's okay. We won't hurt you.
Don't be scared.

Wait, wait, wait.

It's okay. It's okay.

It's okay, you can come to me.

Come on, Wendy.

Somebody pull the video
for that room.

I need to know what happened, now.

Synced & corrected by MaxPayne
== ==

Jeff, trouble.

A boy woke up in a pod and
basically killed himself and Kam.

In the process, he freed a girl.


- Wait. Are you all right?
- I'm fine...

but this girl has been asleep
for 30 years,

then she wakes up in the middle of a
horror movie and she gave us this look.

I think she's having a psychotic
break, and she's hallucinating.

And Jeff, she's powerful.

It was her.
Wendy Hernandez.

I was the spotter
who ID'd her 30 years ago.

She was...
Is a very smart young lady.

Just graduated high school and
was heading to nursing school.

Wendy's power is aerokinesis.

She controls wind
like you do electricity.

She can speed up a breeze
into a full-blown hurricane.

Okay, we need to find her fast.

Issa Williams,
AKA "Body Bag Boy."

His girlfriend called 911, scared out of
her mind when he came to her for help.

The ASA picked him up
outside of her house.

Why are you treating him like he's
al-Qaeda? He's a 17-year-old boy.

- Who died.
- At the hands of Freeland PD,

for loitering.

Came back to life and ran away.

We need to know what we're dealing
with, and you are the expert.

Wait, you...

You can't leave him with me.
He has a family.

Who's afraid of him.

So much so that even his mother
doesn't want anything to do with him.

Besides, we have to keep this quiet.
We don't want him roaming the streets.

- Agent Odell, this...
- You wanted the job.

This is it.

He's all yours.

Yo, you up?

Yeah, you wanna go for a run?


Why are you running
since you have super powers?

Because! The better shape I'm in,
the longer I can hold my breath.

The longer I can hold
my breath, the longer...

The longer you can stay super
strong and invincible.

- There you go.
- Girl, all you do is work.

Doing what I love
isn't work, girl.

You're just lucky your powers are only
dangerous when you want them to be.

You're lucky, too. You're just
not letting yourself see it.

Are you seriously still
on the "it's a blessing" train?

How, Anissa?

I haven't gotten cramps with a
period since my powers came in.

How 'bout you?

- That's true, actually.
- Mmm-hmm.

See? See? These powers
are a blessing from God.

Well, that part...
That part is a gift

because my cramps be doing
the most sometimes, but...

maybe it means
I can't have kids.

Mmm-mmm. No.

Dad had powers, and here we are.

Yeah, but it could turn bad real
quick if it becomes your only joy.

That's actually deep.

You need to get out more.

I'm stuck in here until the
wardens release me, but...

Hey, hey. By the way, why do
we have "wardens," plural?

- I don't know.
- What's going on with Mom and Dad?

- Are they getting back together?
- It's kinda cute.

I think I heard them
the other night.

I heard them.

Good. 'Cause they've been walking around
all emo, like they sexually frustrated.

They have. Yeah.

And listen. Relationships,
they complicated. All right?

How would you know?
You're not in one.

You don't even have anybody.

I'm just saying.
You need to get back out there

- before you dry up.
- Okay, you know what?

- Come here. Come here.
- Dry up.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

We're giving him lots of fluids.



Someone here to see you.



How you doing?

I'm breathin'.

My insides, feels like
my damn blood's itchin'.

It's a withdrawal
from Green Light.

We're working on something
to help you with that.

How you doin'?


Right now, I'm... I'm
thanking God for Dr. Stewart.

But you scare
the hell out of me.

I'm not trying to take care of some...
some zombie from the damn dead.

- Tiff.
- Tiffany.

Why'd I say that?

I wanna walk away, and I
never wanna see you again.

- No, wait.
- Tiffany.


Tiffany, wait.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Here you go.

So, um, what happens when we
finish staring at each other?

You tell me.

I say we go and sit, talk for a
bit, get to know each other better.

I watch you say goodnight
to your last guest,

and then you sing me

a song naked.

In heels, of course.

Confident much?

Mmm. Well, you know,

they say humility is the
highest form of conceit.

Couldn't agree more.

- Know what else has been said?
- What's that?

Those who dare... win.


I like that.

Uh-huh. I see you out here
swimmin' like a black woman,

tryin' not to get that hair wet.

It's too late for that.

You up and exercising already?

You know, I got a million songs
and a closet full of heels.

That combination
last night was epic.

But it's gonna have to last me for a while
because I have a class I have to go to.

- Class?
- Medical school.

It just keeps getting better.

I have to go.

Okay, but are you sure?

I'll call my pilot, get the jet ready,
we can have dim sum in New York.


So you...
You got it like that?

- I do.
- Mmm.

That sounds amazing and like
something I can get myself lost in,

- so I'm gonna go.
- Mmm-hmm.

Be that way.

But you have to come to a
kickback I'm having tomorrow.


Okay, now, I don't play politics
when it comes to Garfield.

His money is just as good
as everybody else.

A better look.

Of course.

There's no easy way to say this.

I'm listening.

The school board found your replacement.
His name is Mike Lowry.

And they want him to take over
when the school reopens next week.

But they wouldn't
have their, uh...

blackspert come all the way
down here if that's all it is.

You keep on with that blackspert
nonsense and see what happens.

Come on with it, Napier.

You're an icon
in this town, Jefferson.


And they can't have you...

criticize after the fact.

I volunteered to resign
for the good of the school.

Why would I undermine that?

You can't even be reluctant.

You've gotta be 100%.

He's white.


And the board... The
board is afraid of the backlash

from parents,
students, the media

because he is coming to a
predominately black school

playing the "white savior" role.


Come on, man. You couldn't
find another black person?

Someone who truly understands
where these kids are coming from?

He's highly qualified, Jeff.

If he's so damn qualified, then why do I
have to shuck and jive for Massah Lowry?

And tap dance and moonwalk.

- This is a chance to save your reputation.
- No, no.

Don't spin me, brother.

We've known each other
too long for that.

'Cause we've known each other,
I'm reminding you,

you didn't handle your business.

So now, tongues are wagging,

and you need those tongues
wagging in the right direction.

I'm your friend, bruh.

Get out of this alive.

All right?

- You're just in time.
- What'd I miss?

I've cross-referenced
Wendy Hernandez's movements

with my file on her
from when I was a spotter.

- The store she hit on the first night...
- Mmm-hmm.

Was where
her mother used to work.

Ah. So she went straight to her mama.

But both her parents have passed
away, she didn't have any siblings,

and all of her childhood
friends are 30 years gone.

So, she is alone
and lashing out.

Yeah, or worse.

Lynn suspects a psychotic episode complete
with paranoia and hallucinations.


I've identified four locations that have
either been torn down or repurposed.

The mall where she used to
hang out, her old rec center,

where her grandparents lived, and her
best friend's apartment building.

I have cameras in place,
and I am monitoring.

We need to find her quick.

- Let's hit the streets.
- Let's do this.

What are you doing here?

- Just go away.
- No.

No, I'm not goin' anywhere until you
come out here and you talk to me.

- Why the hell you do that?
- That was for killing Black Lightning.

But why you mad about that?

He saved me from The One Hundred.
Did you forget about that?

Okay, J, look.
Believe me, he's okay.

Hey, I didn't even mean
to kill him on purpose.

I was just getting
used to my own strength.

Do you think that explains everything?
You attacked the school, Khalil.

- You attacked our friends.
- I had to!

God, you don't get it, J.

Look, I'm caught up.

Tobias gave me legs. That means I have
to do whatever the hell he tells me to,

or else he will kill me, Jen.


I tried to forget you.

Really, I did.

But it doesn't work.

Look, I know. I know
you have feelings for me, too.

Say you don't.

Say you don't have
feelings for me, J.

See, you can't.

- You can't because you...
- I'm gonna call the police.

What, you think I'm afraid
of the police?

Khalil, get the hell
out of here.

- J...
- Now.

How you feeling, Marsellus?

Tobias! It's so good
to see you.

But you...

You don't have to chance it just
to come down here to visit me.

Oh, man, it's nothing.

Nobody cleared your dinner?

Boss, please.

They take very good care
of me around here.

I got the best money can buy,
thanks to you.

Oh, it's the least I could do.

You got time for a game?

You don't want none of this.

Hey, I'm the one
who taught you, remember?

How's your health? Good?

Well, I ain't got the fountain of
youth like you do, but I'm good.

How's business?

Besides missing
my right-hand guy,

haven't been better.

I wouldn't tell anybody but you, but
I have a way to go international

and make Freeland
my own little Somalia.


Yeah, I'mma be the biggest
arms dealer on the planet.

Guns and tanks and stuff?



And I'm close.

Ooh, Marsellus, I'm real close.

You've always been something, man.

I'm proud of you, brother. Proud of you.

Remember when we did
that loud-mouth reporter?

Yeah. Yeah...


Alvin Pierce.


You called him an Uncle Tom

and made him eat every story he
wrote until he choked on them.

Oh, boy. I don't forget.

I was hoping you wouldn't...


I'm a loose end.

I love you, man.

And I love you, too, brother.

What're you doing?

What are you doing?

We don't do this for the applause.

Dad, chill out.
I know. I know that.

But there's nothing wrong
with acknowledging the people.

Okay, so what's next? Thunder Instagram?
Huh? Twitter?

Come on, Dad, chill out.

Jennifer, that's enough pepper.

Thank you.

How much longer
until dinner's ready?

Uh, about ten.

Hey, everyone.

This is Issa.

Issa, these are my daughters,
Anissa and Jennifer.

- And this is...
- Wow.

It's Jefferson Pierce.
Nice to meet you.

- Thank you for having me.
- You're welcome.

- Um, could I use your guys' restroom?
- Yeah, of course.

Anissa, would you show
our guest to the bathroom?

Yeah. Sure. I'll take you.

It's right over here.

- You make yourself at home, okay?
- Thank you.

- If the ASA knew he was here...
- Jeff, I couldn't leave him on his own

when everyone else was
leaving with their families.

Ooh, that smells good.

I know.

- Jen, pass me the veggies, please.
- Yeah, sure.

Oh, by the way,
you're gonna love those.

I put a little
something-something in there.

Yeah, meaning pepper.

Lots of pepper.

Brace yourself.

What are you looking at,
Body Bag Boy?


I... I didn't mean
to say that out loud.

Nah. It's cool.

I miss my own family
being together like this.

We were always
saying crazy stuff.

Don't be too envious.

You could have a father who wants
to control your every move.

I'm a grown-ass woman.

Then act like a grown-ass woman.

You're comin' off the deep end.

Jumping off cars,
like a damn fool.

What's happening here?

What's happening

is I feel trapped,
like some sort of monster.

Might as well put me
in one of those pods.

I wish everything would
just go back to normal.

Stop whining, little girl.

I'm sick of it.

Issa, your jugular vein
is twitching a lot.

Well, ever since
I came back alive,

when I'm around people
and when I look at them...

it makes them tell the truth.

Okay, girls, excuse yourselves.

- We need to talk.
- Yeah. Would you excuse us for a minute?


Your dad sounds pissed.

Yeah, he's just overreacting.

You sure about that?

Oh, yeah. I was supposed
to be in therapy. This is it.

Hey, no more of that
truth-teller stuff, all right?

I don't know how not to do it.

Me, neither.


See. That's what
I'm talking about.

Right there, you made eye contact, and
then that thing twitched in your neck.

See, look away. Look away
and ask me something.


- Uh, what?
- I don't care what. Anything.

What's your favorite color?




Let's try again.

- Um, do you like ice cream?
- I hate it.

Thank God, I can still lie.

Yeah, the truth
isn't always good.

Fastest way for me
to get in trouble

is to tell my parents a truth
they don't want to hear.


If I just walk down the street,
I can cause major problems.

Might even get somebody killed
if I get near a Hundred banger

and he goes telling another
banger what he's feeling.

Well, we just figured out
how it works.

So work it.

Issa, where are you?

Okay, the warden's calling.

Oh, no.

Oh, by the way, she doesn't know I'm out
here, and she can't make you tell the truth.

- You remember that?
- Yeah.

Thank you.

- I want you to meet some of my friends. This is Chris.
- Hi.

- Hey. This is Sarah.
- Hi. Nice to meet you, Sarah.


- Hey.
- How you been?

Just peachy.

Look, I'm sorry
I haven't called in a minute.

Things have really been crazy.

I can tell.

I have to get back to work.

Detective Summers,
how was your vacation?

I realized I don't like
my wife and kids.

But thanks for lending me
your home in the Caymans.

Next time,
I'll bring my girlfriend.

Well, you've always been
a good friend.

What you got for me?

Need anything else?


Okay, uh, can I have
your attention, please?

Excuse me.
Um, I'll be brief.

When the school reopens, I
will be replaced as principal.

His name is...
His name is Mike Lowry,

and I'm sure he will introduce himself
to you in whatever way he sees fit.

I thought I'd never
see this day.

Yeah, well, none of us did, but at
least you'll see it with tenure.

How could you do this to us?

Look, I wanna apologize
for anything you've suffered

because of the decisions
I've made, I really do,

but I'm confident that this is a good
change and to everyone's benefit.

Trust me.

All right, thank you.

I got some lab results.

You definitely have
the metagene, Issa.

The gene destabilizes the cells,

then the cells change fundamentally,
giving people powers.

But when the metagene
is formed artificially,

like yours was
from Green Light...

the cells won't re-stabilize.

What does that mean?

It means, at some point, the cells
in your body will break down.

So I'm gonna die?

Without a cure, yes...

but I'm working hard
to find one.

What if you don't find it?

How long do I have to live?

Some people experience
body failure immediately,

but it could be six months or longer.
We just can't tell.

I can put you in a pod
to stabilize you.

I popped Green Light pills
just a couple of times,

and you're telling me
my only choices are death...

or to get in one of
those pod things?

I'm sorry.

Jeff, I've got Wendy Hernandez.

She's at the old
Freeland youth center.

You better get over there.


I don't wanna hurt you.

Who are you?

A friend, Wendy.

I know someone who can help you.

You sure you wanna do this?

Yeah. Yeah.

I couldn't see myself
stuck in one of those pods.

So I'm gonna stay out,
for however long I have.

Don't miss
any appointments, okay?

I won't.

Thank you, Dr. Stewart.

That boy's got a tough road
ahead of him.

You sure he shouldn't
be placed in a pod?

Like I laid out...

this gives us the opportunity to study
the subject in a natural environment,

not in a lab.

Gotta do more
than a study on this one.

If his talents can be contained,

could be useful.

- You went without me?
- You weren't around.

Okay, why didn't you call?

Why weren't you around
so I didn't have to call?

Yeah, never mind. I can see the
hickey on your neck from here.

You know what? Just tell
me what happened to...

Young lady, you need
to change your tone, quick.

What happened?

I lit her up. It shocked her
out of her psychotic episode.

After that, she elected
to go back into a pod

while your mother
figures these things out.

Wow, I...

I just don't know if I could do that.
That's like...


you may not be going into a pod,

but if you don't tighten up your act,
you're gonna end up in a casket.


Get a new song, Dad,
because this one's old.


I'm scared.

You say a prayer, and you'll be
asleep before you know it, okay?

I love Garfield High.

I loved it as a student.

Loved it as a teacher,

and I have loved it
as a principal.

But when the school reopens...

I will no longer be principal
of Garfield High.

- What?
- Why?


I need you to hear me.

I wanted to be the one to tell
you so that you know that I...

I still have love
for my students.

Okay, look.

It is a fact the school
was attacked.

It's a fact that I...

That I was not here during
the attack or its aftermath.

The board has decided that these facts
are unacceptable, and they're right.

I accept full responsibility for
the consequences of my actions,

as I would expect from
each and every one of you.

But I'm not going anywhere.

I am honored to remain
at Garfield as a teacher.

And I will give my full
support to the new principal.

Thank you...

for always teaching me.

Where's the future?

Right here.

And whose life is this?


What are you going
to do with it?

Live it by any means necessary.