Black Lake (2016–…): Season 2, Episode 2 - Episode #2.2 - full transcript

No evidence is found, but Minnie's sense of a supernatural presence in room 5 grows, and she is warned by the housekeeper, Gittan, not to delve too deeply into the island's past.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
You showed ambition at business
school. Now's your chance.

Dad's booked me a meeting tomorrow.
What do I do?

Hi everyone! Welcome!

You are all here because you want
to make a change in your life.

I'm here because
I want custody of my daughter.

As I understand it, you need
a passing grade from me.

Dad's livid.
You're not taking his calls!

Why did you tell him I'd rescheduled?

Weren't the rules made clear?

I'll be keeping this...
and I'll be keeping this.

Not that room. It isn't used.

I know but we agreed not to talk
about what happened last year.

This island has seen a lot of evil.
People disappear. Always have.

And now you're here.

Minnie, what...?

Minnie, what's happened? Stop!

What happened?

Maybe we should let her rest, first.

Okay, but now something's happened.

She says she's seen a body.

- Okay. Are we missing anyone?
- No. The others are inside.


- Postpone today's exercises.
- You sure?

Just do as I say.

Can you do it?

- How's it going?
- She thinks I'm lying.

Just sit here
and try to gather your thoughts.

And then we'll go and have a look.

Episode 2

I'm sure it was here.

We must at least be able
to find my shoes.

- They have to be here.
- Okay, we'll search down by the shore.

Agnes, take the boat out and look.

- Okay.
- Good.

I mean, seriously...

I'd kill for a cigarette now...

- So have you found a body yet?
- Don't say that.

Come on, it's fine. I mean, she...

...doesn't seem that stable, does she?

Do you know if anyone's still got a
phone? I really need to call my...

Sorry but can we talk later? I'd like
to be by myself, if that's okay.

- Sure.
- Thanks.

Here it is!

- That's where I fell in!
- Shall we go down there?

Rather you than me!

I'll go alone, then.

There's something here.

What the fuck?

It was just a dead bird!

Leave it. I'll pick it up later.

I know what I saw.

Or you saw wrong.

It could have been anything!
A dead animal, branches, reeds...

I know what I saw!

You know I've read
your medical records.

- And I know about your old problems.
- So you know I'm no longer sick.

- No hallucinations?
- No.

- No visions?
- Not for ages.

No relapses?


How's it going otherwise?

Strange flies in my room, that's all.

It's no big deal.

I think Gittan's ghost story spooked me
a little more than I first thought.


Her stories need taking with a pinch
of salt. She loves frightening people.

- Am I interrupting?
- No, no.

What can I do for you?


I'd like to apologise about
that computer thing.

Dad and I are working
on something and...

...I didn't have time to finish
before coming here.

And so you thought
you could buy me?

Things got a bit out of hand.
I think you misunderstood me, too.

I just needed to borrow the computer
for a bit to look through some files.

Is that how things work in your world?

- How do you mean?
- That everything has a price.

That you can just apologise
and expect to get your laptop back?

That's not really so, is it?

No, I suppose not.

But I think we need to work on
your general view of humanity.

The laptop stays here.

- Hi.
- Hi...

What are you doing?

I came to spray the place.
Uno said you had problems with flies.

And the spray's still in there, is it?

I'm just off to get it. I forgot it.
And then I'll spray.

I'll be right back.

- Hi!
- Hi!

- Do you want come in?
- Thanks.

- How are you?
- Better, thanks.


Did I upset you back then?

No. Old memories, that's all.

I've got no mobile you can borrow,
I'm afraid.

It's alright,
I need to call my brother, that's all...

I just wanted to see if you were okay.

Would you like to stay?

I find it hard to get to sleep
on my own...

Come on...

Would you mind if I held your hand?

No, sure, go ahead.

It's not real.
I'm real, but it's not real.

Wakey, wakey!

- Morning.
- Morning.

- Not today.
- No breakfast?

- No. It's part of the exercise.
- Hang on. What do you mean?

What's the deal with that?

You should have informed us.

I'm informing you now, aren't I?

So we're playing doctors, are we?

Not with a defibrillator, though, eh?

Right. See you outside in five minutes.

- Have you eaten, then?
- Sure have!


I had a word with the police.

There's no one missing out here,
as far as they know.

I'd like us to talk about
what you saw, in private.

In war, you want to break
your enemy's resistance.

Tire them out, physically and mentally.

The same tactics can be used
against your inner enemies.

If you want to reach
your full potential... have to break
your inner resistance.

Welcome to "The Killer"!

Come on, Oscar!

- Careful, it's a bit slippery.
- Okay. Good job, Oscar!

- Come on!
- Let go of my...

- Okay, two minutes then we go again!
- Can't we have a bite to eat?

Fasting is good for you.
Just make sure to drink water.

I don't think I can run any more.

No. You're done for today.

So all this about "attendance"
isn't that important?

I mean, Bella's not here.
So she's off the hook too, right?

- That's different.
- Is it?

Sounds like you can come
and go as you please.

Not you, Johan. You need boundaries.
And "utfordringer".

I don't know what that means.

Need a dictionary? "Challenges".

Ah! Okay.

Okay, then, Uno. How about I
challenge you to the obstacle course?

If I win, I get my mobile
and laptop back.

- Okay.
- Good.

- And if you win...
- I'll make the whole group pay.

It all hinges on you.

- What's in it for us?
- Nothing.

Any more questions?

God, you frightened me!

- It sounded like someone was in there.
- What did you hear?

- It's empty, isn't it?
- Yes.


I'm off for a shower.

I wouldn't go poking around
if I were you.

Things have happened here
that you should stay well clear of.

Like what?

People make bad choices
on this island.

It never ends well.

Nice work.

Know what the forfeit is?

Three laps of "The Killer".

Johan, you've done enough
running for today. You're done.

- Are you winding me up?
- No.

And no slacking!

Thanks a bunch.

Fuck it. We can do this.

Christ, of course I'm coming too.

Hi! That was excellent! Well done!

You all okay?

A quick shower,
then see you all inside in 20 minutes.

And... no food.

Chop, chop!

Hi. Therapy's starting soon.

- Need something for your foot?
- Some disinfectant maybe?

I think we have some in the medicine
cabinet in the office. Come with me.

- Have you had many children here?
- No. Why do you ask?

Just wondering.


They're not ours, we confiscated them.
We'll take them to the police one day.

Where the hell is the disinfectant?

Aren't you going to lock it?

Of course, thanks.


We're going to talk about
fear and peer-group pressure.

Two factors that
we always take into account.

I thought we might start with what
happened on the obstacle course.

Okay. You're claiming
I was scared of you?

Absolutely not. But you work
for your father, right?

- How's that relevant?
- Fathers are always relevant.

At least if you ask Freud...

You others had to pay
for Johan's defeat.

- What do you think of that?
- It's selfish.

Yes. There was a lot at stake for Johan.

You others had nothing to gain or lose.

- So, why...
- Yes, why?

- It was your idea.
- So it was a good idea?

No... it wasn't.

It was an egotistical idea based on... appalling view of humanity.

The right of might.

But you know that already.

And yet you let yourselves
be bullied into it. Why?

You're afraid of what
the others might think.

Yes! There!

Hear that? Say it again.

I was afraid of what others might think.

You were afraid.

He was afraid. You were afraid.
And you and you.

So afraid of speaking up

that you accepted the forfeit
rather than saying no.

And this...

This is the power of fear.

If you can master it...

What is it? Johan!

Are you okay?

Can someone get a glass of water?

Things got a bit rough out there.

It felt like someone tripped me up.

Why didn't you say anything?

I didn't want to make a fuss.
You won.

You should have spoken up.

People like you and me
hate losing, right?

It's how we were brought up.

Can I skip the rest of the lecture
if I say yes?


Get some rest.

I think we were all spooked
by Minnie yesterday.


I don't quite know what happened.

I've been under
a lot of strain recently.

This course means a lot to you?

Yes. It's...

It's the final stage of a long process
to get my daughter back.

I've had drug issues, so...

What would you say
your greatest fear is now?

Are you afraid of getting sick again?

- That won't happen.
- Okay.

You can make a self-assessment
like that?

Yes, I can. Since I'm clean now.


What is it?

You don't agree, is that it?

Is that why Agnes has been
snooping around in my room?

Why she tested me
with the medicine cabinet?

- Because you don't think I'm clean?
- We're afraid for you.

Afraid that you're starting
to hallucinate again.

I've been clean for over a year!

So what are you afraid of?

That you'll have words with the social.

So I won't get to see my daughter.
What do you think I'm afraid of?

It's for her sake we're doing this!

She deserves a healthy mother,
doesn't she?

I think...

...that this is your greatest fear.

And I know that this is a struggle
that we can win.


But you have to trust me.
You have to trust me.

- But I can't take Affe!
- I don't want you to be lonely.

Come in.


So... I just wanted to tell you

that I was very touched by your story.


I hate myself too.

Are you staying in that room?

I saw you outside it.

See you... See you down...

- Hi.
- Hi. What's up?

- You did time for burglary, right?
- Amongst other things.

Know anything about those old locks?

Ten seconds with a screwdriver
and I'm in.

Without breaking the lock?

Why do you ask?

My laptop's locked away in Uno's
cupboard. I need it for 10 minutes.


You know your cigarettes
are in there too?

Okay. We'll do it. See you later.

- Hi.
- Hi! Feeling better now?

Much better.

You know, we've hardly spoken since
you bunked off the obstacle course.

Says you who bunked off therapy.

But I fainted. What's your excuse?

- I was in bed.
- You were in bed? Okay...

- But I felt a bit lonely...
- Did you?

Sorry to hear it.

Gittan, can I have a word?

I'll just go and see
what the girls are up to.

Shit, creepy pictures...

And all this weird shit going on.
Makes you wonder.

- Try to focus now.
- Relax, I just need to...

It's been a while...

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Where are the others?
- I don't know.

- Uno walked off.
- He's probably down at the Lookout.

Uno... what was it that happened
to Oscar last year?

We're to focus on
the here and now, Minnie,

and concentrate on you, I think.

What are you doing?
You're breaking the lock!

Relax. I'm dealing with it.

- It's stuck.
- Jesus Christ...

Johan! Where are you going?

Johan, where are you going?

I hope you don't see us
as unduly strict and uncompromising.

But it's imperative
that everyone's sober.

So that you get something out of this.

I understand.

You stirred up a lot of emotions

when you said you'd seen
a body in the water.

A participant went missing last year...

...under mysterious circumstances.

No one knows what happened.

Why didn't you say so at once?


We agreed that
we wouldn't talk about it.

It was for all your sakes.

But I know she's not dead.

I've told the police.

The woman who disappeared...

Was she in the room beside mine?

Vincent... Easy!

It's not okay. It's not okay, right?

I thought I could trust you.


What's going on?
Are you fighting?

No, it's just a disagreement.

Are you alright?

I'm really...

...deep in shit, you could say.

I've got a job meeting,

a really important one,

that I have to go to.

And I'm stuck here.

My brother has to come and get me
so I can go to it.

That's not possible.

It was my father who arranged it.

Which means that I have no choice.

But I can't risk not getting
Uno's signature either...

Are you under a lot of pressure
from home?

More like inspiration.

What was your job again?
A nursery school teacher?

Yes. And I love my job.
But I'm on sick leave at the moment.

I take on too much.

Do you have someone
to kill time with?

No. It's not really worked out for me...


What a pity.


