Black-ish (2014–…): Season 4, Episode 21 - Blue Valentime - full transcript

Tensions are high between Dre and Bow as their contractor arrives to remodel the kitchen, realizing they have grown apart. Dre reflects on the good times in his relationship with Bow.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Every few years,
Bow and I get into a bit of a funk.

- What's going on with us?
- I don't know.

It's like we're not connecting.

Maybe we should go back
to couple's therapy.

Remember you're on the same team.

Devote some time to each other.

We just need to get back into our flow.


Okay, well...

I'll just go get him the way I always do.

I'll get him.
That way you won't hold this

over my head like you do
with everything else.

You and I see the world differently.

I think we do too.

If you don't eat faster...

You got to eat fast.

Finish every little bit.

Kids, come on.

Your grandma's outside, all right?

You know how much she hates to wait.

That's for you, sweetie, and for you.

Bye-bye, my little munchkin!

And bye, my little munchkin!

And goodbye to this munchkin!

And good...

Good day to you, Mother.

Good day to you.

All right, little ones, let's hurry up.

You know Grandma only has
three good hours a day.

- Love you guys! Bye!
- Bye.

- Love to pieces!
- Have a good time!

Hey, Grandma!

Synced & corrected by kinglouisxx

Hey, um...

I think I'm gonna head into the office.

On a Saturday?

You on a...

on a deadline?


I-I mean, you know...

Things can always get in faster, right?


Um... I...

I'm just... I don't know...

thinking with the kids gone,
maybe we could...

I don't know... do something.

Brunch? Or something.


Yeah, or something.

I mean, unless you... you need to work.

No, brunch...

Brunch is cool.

Cool. That'll be fun.
I-I'll go get my purse.



Are we expecting someone?


Oh, my God. Wait, what is today?


- What?
- It's the contractor.

To remodel the kitchen.

Yeah, we scheduled that... longtime ago.


I completely forgot about that.

- I mean, I can get rid of him.
- Mm, no.

No, it's fine.

- Are you sure?
- Yeah.

Let's... Let's just get it over with.

I mean, since he's already here.


Oh, hey, uh...

But like, if, you know, you decide that

you want to change your mind,
just say so.


You know, we got a lot going on, and...

renovations are so much work.


They are.

I don't know what we were even thinking.


Let me that sonogram again.

This is definitely a boy.
Look at his penis.

That boy is packin' heat!

- Dre!
- What?

That's his face!


Well, he's adorable. Like his momma.

Yeah, we do make some
pretty cute babies.

- Mm-hmm.
- Perhaps too many of them?

You guys have a lot of children.

Yeah. I mean, where's
this one even gonna fit?

Listen, if we're gonna renovate
anything in this house,

we are starting with the kitchen.

We've been talking about it forever.

And look. See? Look at this drawer.

- I can't even get it out.
- Okay, baby.

Or we could just fix the drawer.

Or... we could just get a new kitchen.

Finally! Whoo!

The blue was a definite design misstep.

- What?
- And I mean, come on.

- Granite countertops?
- Yea...

Pfft. Okay.

Guys, the kitchen is
the heart of the home.

Get your bars up.

Get your bars up, Dre.

- Okay.
- What does that even mean?

I am not mad at a new kitchen.

Oooh. Oooh... Oh, oh, oh!


We could design it together.

You mean converge our flawless
independent styles

into perfect-balanced dopeness?

Could be fun.

- Mm!
- Could be fun.

Could be very fun...

Well, somewhere in all of this
is our new kitchen.

Yeah, well...

how do we find it?

Just pick what we like.

Can't be that hard.


If anyone can knock this out, it's us.

Well, yeah, they're both cool,
but if you're asking my opinion,

the marble one is doper.

Food and wine stain marble
really easily, though.

Yeah? Well, then you're just gonna have

to stay on top of the dishes
for a change.


I was just thinking
we would take, like a...

like a big swing, you know?


- You didn't like copper?
- Eh, maybe.

But, you know,
I just thought we would go

with something a little bit
more contemporary, you know,

- like... like a farmhouse style.
- Mm-hmm.

You know, with one big, giant sink bowl.

Yeah, but, you know,
with two sink bowls,

you can put the dirty dishes on one side

and then move them to the other side

when you're scrubbing the food off.


But you don't do dishes,

- so why should you care.
- Okay.

You know, look, let's just, uh...

back away from the sinks for now.

Good idea.

Let's just focus on the overall decor,

and the right sink is just gonna...

- It'll find us.
- Exactly.

You know...

I'll guess what I think you want

your dream kitchen to look like.

Okay. And then I'll do you.

- Okay.
- That'll be fun.

All right, look at this right here.

Start with that here.

Yeah, I think you'll like that.

Yeah, it's nice.

If you... If you like that.

Okay. You don't like it.

It's a little bohemian for my taste.

Well, I thought you liked bohemian.

I do not.

Okay, my turn.


Easy, easy, easy. I got this.


Green is your favorite color.

It's not.


Well, you know, it doesn't matter.

I mean, I don't... I don't even know

what my favorite color is.

It's purple.


Okay, you can do this. "Tandem."


It's a [bleep] bike, Bruce!

The keyword is "bike."

- Bruce, sit.
- Okay, it's our turn! Dre and Bow!

- Okay.
- Okay, babe.

I'm gon' give you some clues.

- Give 'em to me, baby.
- All right. And go.

Makes you hungry.

Cartoon pie. Next.

- Makes you cry.
- Violins. Next.

It's fun to put stuff in your...?

Butt! Next!

- The lady.
- Adult braces! Next!

- Yuck.
- Sparkling wine! Next!

Uh-oh. Uh-oh.

Oh, hold on. Uh-oh.



Quantum physics!

- Yes!
- Yeah!

Time, time, time, time, time,
time, time, time!


That was, uh...

That was very impressive.
H-How'd you guys do that?

- We know each other...
- Mm-hmm.

...really well.

- Inside and out.
- Ah.

Well, I'm, uh...

I'm gonna go into the office
and get a little work done.


You got that deadline, so...


We can do all this later.

- Yeah, definitely.
- Yep.

It's a date.


Oh, good. Lunch is here!

Where's my sandwich?

You mean this one?

Sorry. I thought it was an extra.

I can order you another one.

Junior, it took two hours
for this to get here.

Just forget it.

I just want my kitchen back.

Why is the refrigerator
in the family room?

See, this why they say don't
stay at home during renovations.

This is why I said
I wanted to stay in a hotel.

I cannot live like this.

- Baby?
- Hey, baby.

- I'm hungry.
- Oooh.

Should we go pick up the kids
from your mom's

and then grab dinner?

Don't trip, my little
white-chocolate chip.

All right?

Big Daddy got you dinner.

What did... No. Unh-unh.

- No!
- Yes! Uh-huh!

I am not eating that stuff.

It is so bad for you.

Ramen, milady?


I love it so much!

I'ma get noodle music.

You get noodle music.

Noodle music.

Oh, look at that. I'm like a DJ, huh?

- Come on, get up on the counter.
- Okay, you got to help me.

- Okay, hold on.
- Ready?

Uh-huh. One, two, three, go! Oh, God!

Whoa! Don't slide off.

- ♪ Come up to meet you ♪
- Okay. I won't.

- ♪ Tell you I'm sorry ♪
- Yes.

♪ You don't know how lovely you are ♪

♪ Nobody said it was easy ♪

Okay. Ready?

- ♪ It's such a shame for us to part ♪
- Go, go.

Get it off my lips.

♪ Nobody said it was easy ♪

I love you.

- I love you so much.
- ♪ No one ever said ♪

♪ It would be this hard ♪


♪ Oh, take me back to the start ♪

- You got it?
- Yeah.

All right, one last time.

- Bam.
- It's cold.

It's sexy.

- N...
- You know what?

Just tell me what sink you want.

I told you what I want.
You're not listening.

It's just like the flowers
all over again.

What about flowers?

I told you I like flowers, but...

you don't listen to what I want.

You want to know
why I don't bring flowers?


Okay. Keep your eyes closed!

They're closed!

Open them! Check it out!

Prepare... to be swept... off your feet.

- I'm ready.
- Voilà!

- That is hilarious.
- Mm-hmm.

That is hilarious!

Oh, my God! You went through
all these Post-its...

- Uh-huh.
- I could get to one little rose!

I know, huh?

Oh, my God, we have
the same sense of humor!

- That is so funny. It was like...
- Wasn't a joke.

It was like all this buildup.

All this buildup, and I was like,

"Oh, my God, this Post-it!"

I obviously didn't mean
to embarrass you.

I thought we were joking.



I'm sorry.

I appreciate your apology.

You could've gotten it a long time ago.

If you hadn't held it in
this whole time,

just carrying around your anger
like you do.

- Oh, here we go.
- What?

Bow, I do not always carry around anger!

Okay, Dre.


You just did.

Like... Like when I picked that movie.


Dre, a couple of months ago,

you got so angry

when I picked that movie
that you didn't like,

and you haven't let me
pick a movie ever since.

You said it was supposed to be good.

I said I heard the movie was good.

No, you said, and I quote,
"Jennifer Lawrence? Oscar bait."


It was one bad movie.

That you dragged me to on
my only free Saturday in months.

I dragged you to it? Really, Dre?

So now us spending time together
is me dragging you places?

Look, all you had to do was admit

that you knew nothing about the movie,

and we could've seen something else.

But no, you can never admit
to not knowing anything

because you have to know everything.

Just like a few years ago.

Oh, you're bringing up old arguments?

- Yes. I am.
- Okay.

- Is that a problem?
- Yes, it's a problem, Dre!

'Cause I have no idea
what we're fighting about!

I literally have no idea what
you want from me right now!

I don't want anything from you!
I was just trying to buy a sink!

Oh, my God.

And you go all in about flowers.

Oh, so now this argument's my fault?

- Yes.
- This is my fault?

Yes, it's your fault.

And it's all good,
because according to you,

everything else is my fault.

I always admit when
I don't know something.

- When you're being a know-it-all?
- All the time.

- Did you just call me arrogant?
- You are.

Me?! Arrogant?! Oh, my God.

Okay? What about it?!

Oh, my God.

It's Jack's footprint.


I almost forgot about that.

He stepped in... finger paint.

You can pick the sink.

Do what you want in the kitchen.

I don't care anymore.


What's wrong, baby?

Wh-Why you sleeping out here?

Oh, I...

You and Pops had a fight, huh?

Oh, sweetie, we just hit
a bit of a rough patch.

That's all.

You come on over here and sit down.

Sometimes it's hard for adults...

to share a life.


Well, me and your daddy
got married so young.

It's not easy.

You make this insane choice
to love someone for who they are

before you've even figured out
who you are yourself,

let alone who either of you
are gonna grow up to become,

you know?

Who did you and Pops grow up to become?


Y-Yeah, but in... in a good way.


Sometimes not.

But we're choosing to see the good.

Marriage is about choices.

You got to keep choosing each other.

Even when you're not sure
it's the right choice.

Do you and Pops love each other?

Oh, yes.

But the trick is...

to keep falling in love with each other.

Falling in love seems rough.

It's the best thing you'll ever do.

You just got to be careful that
the person you fall in love with

is worth it to you.



Hey, Junior.
What time are you picking us today?

I don't know.
Whenever you're gonna be ready.

Well, I got to stay late.
So probably around 3:00 pm.

Whoa, Dad. You're up early again.

Yes, I am. Who wants Pop-Tarts?

I love a Tart as much as the next man,

but five mornings in a row?

Morning, guys.

- Morning.
- Good morning.

I'm Dre.


Thank God.

- Oh, thank God.
- Bam!

Oh... thank God.

Kiss your bride!

I love what I have with you.

Works for me.

We're pregnant.

My God.


Uh-huh, if you could just, uh...

take your jeans off right now.

Okay, give me some. Give me some.

- I can see him!
- He's here, babe!

- He's here!
- Oh, it's Devante!





I got a midnight snack for the both of us.

Ramen, milady?

Oh. No thanks.

That stuff is terrible for you.

It's filled with sodium.
I can't eat those.

My bad.




We can't keep doing this.


...think, um...

...we need space.

I think you're right.

Well, that's the first thing
we've managed to agree on...

in a while.

♪ When you try your best,
but you don't succeed ♪

♪ When you get what you want ♪

- ♪ But not what you need ♪
- So, uh...

♪ You when you feel so tired,
but you can't sleep ♪

♪ Stuck in reverse ♪

- ♪ Lights will guide you home ♪
- How the hell did we get here?

- I don't know.
- ♪ And ignite your bones ♪

♪ And I will try to fix you ♪

I'm the oldest! I get the biggest room!

No fair, Zoey!

Oh, babe, I can't believe
all of this is ours.

Me either.

This is crazy.


How the hell did we get here?

I don't know.

Synced & corrected by kinglouisxx