Bible Black (2001–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Kuro no gishiki (Black Ceremony) - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

I want...

...your secret.

I don't have any secret.


You're using love curses to...

...manipulate the hearts
of others and give orgasms.

Without some kind of
secret, you couldn't do it.

I'm sorry but, I'm not interested.

But you used magic...

I told you that was...


Tell me your secret...

I have a book...

A magic book...


How dare you?

How could you hit a girl?

It's because you're insistent.

I said that I would show it to
you, I didn't say I'd lend it to you.



You've already been
entranced by a demon...

Something bad will happen.

You should watch out.

My step sister went out again?

This is Imari.

Hi, Yukiko.

I'm sorry Kurumi!

Please cook for my brother tonight.

I'll treat you, sometime.

You've already been
entranced by a demon...

Good evening, Minase.


What's going on?

It's so late...


I wanted to...

I can't cook anything
except curry, after all.

But Minase loves curry...


My ass...

Your dick is filling my ass!


So good!


Your asshole is so tight!



Minase is making love to me...

Minase is loving me.

Minase, don't stop.


I'm yours, Minase...

You can have my
body whenever you want to.


I will.

You're so deep!

It feels so good!



I'm coming!

Me too!

I'll come on your face.

Let me taste your come...

Give it to me!

Maybe he already went to bed.

I'm coming!

Minase, diner...

Teacher, stop...

Stop it please...

As I expected, you have a tight cunt.

Because you're a swimmer...


But you should have
defended your virginity.


Are you a virgin here?


Oh, good.

Your ass would
squeeze my dick off if I let up...

Hey Minase...

Are you going out with Ms. Imari?

She is just my childhood friend.

But she cried and ran out of your
house after she saw us making love.

Shiraki, don't you realize...

...that your feelings aren't real?

Aren't real?

Think seriously...

Do you really like me?


Why would you ask me such a thing?

Wake up, Shiraki.

You actually like Ms. Imari, don't you?


Please realize, Shiraki...

I made you feel like this...

You're mean...

My feeling is not false...



Someone jumped down!

She's fine.

She's just fainted.

But she doesn't even have a scratch...

The men from the
ambulance thought it was odd, too.

You helped her with magic, didn't you?


I've heard rumors about your magic...

So I figured that you did it.


Don't make such an angry face...

I'll never ask to
borrow your magic book again.

But, I need a favor.



I started a new magic club
with other school students... the girls from twelve years ago.

So what?

We'll get together
tonight, can you join us?

I told my members about you
and they keep telling me to bring you.

No way...

I don't want to think
about magic anymore.

Aren't you coming to art club today?

My model didn't
come to school today...

Be careful around Teacher Kitami...

This is...

...where a group of
girls called a demon...

Teacher Kitami!

Minase, where did you
get the key to this room?


A-After club, I went to return
the art room key, and happened to...

I see...

There was a spare key
in the staff room, right?

Who the hell are you?

I'm only the person who knows...

...what really happened on the
night of Walpulgiss twelve years ago...

But all of the members
died during the ceremony, right?

Yes, each and every club member died.

What do you mean?

Do I look like a ghost?

Back then, I made a
contract with the demon.

I remember that book.

The forbidden fruit in
the demon's handwriting...

The proprietor can
posses god like power.

Were you looking for this book?


If you would like it, you may have it.

I came to invite you.


More and more of the god-like power...

If you wish, you can have it.

Like me...

What are you talking about?

Today, you had a little scare.

But, you should realize...

Even if you seal that
book, you'll open it again.

You can't refuse it.

Once people begin using magic, they
can never again escape temptation...

You just have to obey me...

I'll show you how
wonderful the darkness is...

It's okay.

You can come!

That was just rehearsal.

L-Let me take a rest.

It's okay.

Trust me.

Amor venus astaros.

Oh, Teacher.

Relax and enjoy the
pleasure without reserve...


Don't come yet.

Be patient.

l-I can't!

It's okay.

I am controlling your passion...

As long as I wish,
you will never come...


I'll go faster.

Be careful, such
pleasure can turn you insane!



how is it?

You feel happy, right?

Let me come, Teacher!

Let me come!

I'll go mad!

I love your expression, Minase...

All right, shoot
your dirty sperm into me!

Oh, you're ejaculating with such force!

I'm dying!

You're my slave from now on...

You're not ready yet... be bound to my own creature.

I'll give you a lesser demon.

Make a contract with
me, and pledge your Ioyalty!

I'm back.


Do you know what
happened to Kurumi?

I went to thank her, but her mom
said she shut herself up in her room...

Hey, are you listening to me?


Wear a bra, they're eyesores.

How could you do that?

What am I doing to
my own step-sister?


I can't believe it...

I'll give you a lesser demon.

I'm coming!

Hello, it's Minase...

You're persistent...

Oh, fine...

I'm coming.

Fax me a map.

See you.

Teacher Kitami?

It's Minase.


It's Minase.

Just a moment, I'll open the door.

Welcome, Minase...

I came along...

T-Teacher Kitami?

Tell me what's going on, Minase!

Get out of my way!


What happened?

Who are you?

What did you do to Kaori?

Hey wait!

Who the hell are you?

You need to talk with respect.

Maki, watch out!

Maki, are you okay?

Amaki, get the wards!

Senaposs telphita estamoss!

Parandess Hinotas...


Rafael Gabriel Michael Uriel!

Do you think you
can defend against me?


I'll show you real magic...


What happened to my body?


It's so hot!

Have courage, both you!

H-Help, help me Minase!

He won't help,
because he's here to rape you!

I won't disappoint you, Saeki.


You really sold your soul to a demon!

Put something...

Put anything inside me!

H-Hurry up.

Rape me, please!

You want to do it too, right?



You should give up...

Do you want it now?


The stimulation won't recede
until you have sex many times.


Hurry, hurry...

Hurry up, please...

Okay, let's begin, Minase.

Yes, Teacher.


I feel good even
though it's my first time!

Jun, that's not fair!

Stick it to me, too!

Behave yourself, you fucking bitch!

I'm coming!

I'm coming!

You're next.

Teacher, I'm coming!

I'm coming soon, too.

Don't come inside anymore.

It's too much!

What are you talking about?

I only came in you three
times, plus twice in your ass.

Teacher, that's so much!

Minase, come once and take a rest.


S-Stop it!

I'm coming!

It may not be too late...

It's late.

You don't look like you're
drawing, so go back home.

Teacher Takashiro...


Why has the healthy Imari
skipped school for three days?


I don't know.

Your magic has
nothing to do with, does it?

What're you talking about?

Minase, you actually...

Excuse me.

Well done!

She's a disturbed bitch...

That's a good drawing, Minase.


You fool, Minase...


Imari, you're there, right?


Can I see your face?


If I see your face...

If I hear your voice...

...I feel like I can turn back.


You're late...

I'm sorry.