Bia (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 7 - Episodio 7 - full transcript

Manuel, realizing that Alex wants to conquer Bia, decides to move away from the girl, leaving Bia completely confused by the situation. Meanwhile, Ana takes back memories of the past and blames herself for the tragic accident.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I am responsible
for that accident, Thiago.

I can't believe that they are still
the same after all these years.

We lost our daughter, too.

She convinced you both
to go to the concert.

The three of us wanted to go
to the concert.

But she was the one driving the car.

What you have to do is
a collaboration with Carmín.

-No, we were thinking of maybe...
-Thinking is all well and good,

but at the right time.

-Marcos knows what works for me.
-Open your eyes.

What are you talking about?

I thought you knew nothing about art.

I don't.

But my cousin Manuel is an expert.

Yeah? And is he at FUNDOM?

No, I think he's at his piano class.

I know this will sound strange,
but I heard this girl singing.

When I heard her sing,
I felt that she was unique,

as if her voice filled
everything with light.

I found the piano boy. I know who it is.

♪ This is who I am ♪

♪ This is what I am ♪

♪ I have watercolors in my heart ♪

♪ This is who I am ♪

♪ I create along the way ♪

♪ Let the sun shine colors on you ♪

♪ You feel it, you hear it
This love is so strong ♪

♪ You can feel the beat of your heart ♪

♪ Boom, be you and live your life ♪



Um, yesterday,
when I realized it was you...

When you realized it was me?

It's just that...

The other day I heard you
playing the piano...

And I was really impressed,

and then I heard you again,
playing my song,

and I realized you were the same person
I had heard before.

I knew it was the same person.



I don't know how to explain it,

but I felt a really strong connection
with your music.

A similar thing happened to me
when I heard you sing.

We both experienced the same thing.



But what?

I'm glad you liked it.



I have to go.

My cousin is waiting for me.


See you.


Bia, you okay?

Manuel is mad at me
because he found out I am not

the girl with the voice. Who could she be?

What is so special about her voice?

If I could just go back
to when he thought it was me.

Hmph. It made me feel so good.

I can't let Carmín carry on
treating me like this.

She thinks she can trash my clothes
and I won't care?

No way.


I don't really get what
he said to you, Bia.

When he heard me sing,
he felt I had a special voice.

-Aw, how romantic!

But then he got nervous and started
telling me that Alex was waiting,

and he left.

He left. He hasn't changed at all.

But maybe he is shy!

Some guys behave like that
when they like someone.

No, girls. I sensed something weird.
I don't know what it is.

Or maybe he's not interested.

I truly thought
there was something special between us.

♪ How do I explain I want to talk ♪

♪ And that I can't take any more ♪

♪ A thousand moments have gone by ♪

♪ Challenging our love ♪

♪ I know you want the same as me ♪

♪ But they don't understand ♪

♪ That you're better off with me ♪

♪ Tell them ♪

♪ You fell in love for the first time ♪

♪ I changed our world
and we never realized ♪

♪ You know everything about me
I can't be without you ♪

♪ But tell them ♪

♪ That I'm not giving up this time ♪

♪ And that promise of never losing you ♪

♪ I won't break it ♪

Hey, cuz, what's up with you?

You're miles away.

Nothing, I was just thinking
of some ideas for a song.

I can't tell you how great it went
with Carmín.

We got a load of ideas.

We've got a lot of chemistry, good vibes.


So you like her?

Who doesn't?

Bia is still my main target, though.

Although, Carmín is really cute,
and it works for me.

You're such a romantic.

I don't know.
There's something off about Carmín.

You know what she's got?
A ton of followers!

You guys have some good ideas, at least?

Not just good, real good.
That's where you come in.

What do you need?

We need effects, and since you're
the editing genius, could you help me?

-Another thing you can help me with.

I went to the terrace to find Bia,
but no luck. Have you seen her?

Um... No, I passed her,
but I think she's gone.

I won't stop until I get that girl.

♪ It's the light that powers every feeling
It will shine for you ♪

♪ At all times
Just believe in me ♪

♪ And what's inside you
And in your inner strength ♪

♪ And if we're together
Nothing is impossible ♪

♪ With you, my world becomes incredible ♪

♪ It's your light that fires up
The heart within ♪

♪ And your inner strength ♪

-Pietro, are you okay?
-Yeah, why?

-You're crying.

You liked my song so much it got you
all emotional. You're such a romantic.

-What's that smell?
-The reason why I was crying.

I was chopping onions.

- Ah.
- Anyway, it sounded awesome.

Ana makes magic with the piano.

Don't exaggerate!

Asking Daisy to not exaggerate is like
telling the onions to stop making me cry.

Carry on and I won't ask you
to sing with me.

Ah, I didn't know you sang, too.

Sometimes. I mostly do shower concerts.

Ignore him. He sings very well.

Want to sing something with us?

Hey, Milo.

-Can I help you out?

Get me a job on Broadway!

Um, he meant the clothes.

Ah, no, I've got it, thanks!


So, do you want to sing with us?

Another time.
I have to go shopping because

someone forgot it was their turn.

I got the days mixed up, okay?

Your punishment for such a lame excuse
will be tagging along.

-No! Please!
-Come on, before the shops close.


Hey, Victor


What are you looking at?

Nothing, I was just
looking for some stuff.

I have to finish off a review
that I'm going to upload.

I'm real hungry,
you think it's too early for dinner?

I'd rather not talk about dinner
after the one we had last night.

-It was quite intense.
-That's why I prefer to eat here.

My mom always finds an excuse
to speak poorly of the Urquizas.

Maybe it's her only way
of letting off steam.

But that's no excuse.

She's not the only one
who lost someone in the accident.

-I know. If you want to talk about it...

You put up with enough last night.


I know I haven't known you guys
all that long,

but you guys are my family.

-I'll be there no matter what.
-I know that.

Thank you.

So, what's up with you?

What do you mean?

Go on, tell me.

You spoke to your friend
about the girl with the voice,

and it went really badly.

He told me he'd never felt that way
about a girl,

and I can't betray him.

So I've decided to stay away.

You're a good friend.

The problem is now that I know who she is,
I can't stop thinking of her.

Hey, have you found out
who the mystery girl is?

Go on, tell me. Who is it?

Spill the beans! You keep talking
about her, and now you know. Who is it?

-Do I know her?
-I don't know.

-I don't know who she is.
-But you were just saying you knew.

No, you misheard me.

I said I don't know who she is,
and I can't stop thinking about her.

How can you be so obsessed with someone
you don't know? You sure she exists?

Our cousin is in love with a ghost!

Why didn't you tell the truth?

Your friend who likes the same girl...

It's Alex, right?

I can't understand it.

I kept looking for you.

And you looked for me.

Why did you leave?


-What are you doing?

A tutorial for the video
we did with Daisy.

-Oh, that's great, sweetheart.

And how are you?

-Me? Good.


You've been a bit weird lately,

and so has Dad.

The other day you suddenly stopped
talking when I came into the room

like you were talking about something
you didn't want me to hear.

No, it was about your dad's work,
we told you.

Everything is fine. Don't worry.

It's you two who seemed worried.

You can tell me if something bad
has happened, Mom.

I know, honey.


Girls, we must arrive early. Don't forget.

I'm so excited to go.

-Me too.
-Do you guys know what time it will end?

I need to study again for the exam.

What exam?

Pre-Columbian mythology, remember?

Yeah, sure.

But, come on, girls! Who cares about
an exam when we are about to see

-The Hologrammers?
-Chiara, both are important.

You must differentiate between important
and urgent. The concert is both.

-Girls, did you see the comments online?
-I didn't.

Ever since Carmín used my photo
in her video,

-I haven't been online.
-But your videos were a hit.

And they're asking for more.

It's been a few days
since the channel launch.

We have to do something special.

I was thinking,
what if we do a group video?

-Good idea! I love it!

By the end of the week,
we'll do a group video.

- Yes!
- And we'll stream it.

Sorry, but no, we don't have time.

Do you like adrenaline?

For sure! We have to get to work already!

How's the console?


We have to meet to brainstorm!

-We're together now.

We'll get together more often!

I have to carry on with the mural first.

We have to let Jhon know.

Don't worry, he won't be left out.

I'm just saying, he is really important,
artistically speaking.

Yes, very.

As soon as I'm done, I'll meet you,
and we'll go to the gig.

Sure you'll make it on time?

We have to be early to get a good spot.

Please, girls, I'll get there real fast
on my bike. See you.


You have a really lazy student.

There aren't any lazy students,
only impatient teachers. Sorry.

Not true. You have endless patience.

Let's do something else.


How about we do a little bit
of Daisy's song?

-Let's go.

♪ A dream brings us together
The lights are on, the day has come ♪

♪ Take my hand
Don't be afraid anymore ♪

♪ Trust your intuition ♪

♪ We make our own path ♪

♪ Lighting up the world ♪

♪ Nothing is impossible
My dream and yours in one ♪

♪ Fire up your joy
Nothing can stop you ♪

♪ Let's go for it right now! ♪

♪ It's the light that powers every feeling
It will shine for you ♪

♪ At all times
Just believe in me ♪

♪ And what's inside you
And in your inner strength ♪

♪ And if we're together
Nothing is impossible ♪

♪ With you, my world becomes incredible ♪

♪ It's your light that fires up
The heart within ♪

♪ And your inner strength ♪

♪ Your inner strength ♪

Really good, both of you!

The three of us.

You are improving.

Practice it for the next class.

But it's so hard.

Just the chords. Hm?

-We'll play it together.

Very good. Guys, I'll leave you to it.
Pietro, you sing really well.


Ana is amazing! I love her being here.

Me too.

When did you meet her?

A long time ago.


What are you going
to surprise us with at dinner time?

Grey. Bia's bike is grey with a pink seat.

Don't worry about that. What matters
is that you make it here on time.

Otherwise, the plan is ruined.
Understand? Sure?

-What are you doing?
-You scared me, Manuel!

Is that Bia's bike?

-I don't know, why?
-What were you up to?

-Who were you talking to?

Guillermo. I have to go to LAIX to record
the video with Carmín. Are you coming?

No, I can't.

-Why not?
-I have some stuff to do.

-See? I don't grill you.
-I'll come by later to do the effects.


♪ I have a song, I wrote it for you ♪

♪ And it tells your heart about me ♪

♪ Sometimes I dream like
it's just a moment ♪

♪ Sometimes I dream everything
can happen ♪

♪ I have a song, it will make you laugh ♪

♪ And my heart beats non-stop ♪

♪ Sometimes I think it's just a game ♪

♪ Sometimes I think everything
can happen ♪

♪ I have a song for you to sing ♪

♪ From the heart ♪

♪ I have a song to light up my path ♪

-We can all sing it together, right?
-Bia doesn't sing, Daisy.

-We could all dance together.
-That's a great idea.

Jhon could do the music
to dance to, and you sing.

-Bia could do something with her drawings.

But what?

I don't know.
She'll come up with something.

Jhon, are you in?
We're doing a collab streaming video.

Can I know who is in it?

- Everyone.
- Everyone?

All of us.

I love collaborations.

-Count me in.
-How great.

Did I tell you I love your look?

-Not today.
-I love your look.

That shirt looks great on you.

Are you launching a fashion channel?

If Celeste is my model,
it would be a good idea, right?

- We're ready, Mara.
- Mm-hmm.

Perfect. Recording in three, two...

-Hello, Carmincuties.
-Hello, Mega People.

We're so happy today because
it's our first video together.

Carmín, thanks for taking part
in this madness.

Don't thank me yet 'cause we're here
to present a new challenge.

-Hands out!
-Hands out! #Handsout!

Are you sure you want to do this?

I was born ready, Alex Gutiérrez.

Besides, this is very simple 'cause
you just need a giant white card,

a brush and some paints.

It's also very complicated.
You have to paint around your partner

with the brush, changing color for
each body part and here's the tricky bit.

You can't use your hands.

You can use any body part: nose, ears,
mouth. But, use your hands and you're out.

All right, dear Alex,
we're ready to start!

You can do it, Alex.
I can do it better, though.

We'll see about that.

Remember, you can't paint on your partner.

The brush can't touch them.
If you do, you're out.

- Mm-hmm.
- Come on, Alex. You can do it.

Or maybe not.

You're doing good, right?


If a single drop of paint

gets onto these cute white overalls,
you lose.

-Come on, yes, that's perfect.

Oh, no!

A spider just crawled by.

I am so scared of spiders.
I just can't believe it.

You were doing so well, Alex!
What a shame, dude.

I believe you are out.

You are sneaky, Carmín. Fine.
You can play dirty.

But so can I.


That's not fair!

No, look!

Hello, girls!

Did you finish the chords?

We should brainstorm for the video.
Something is missing.

Yes, and I have it.

That gorgeous headscarf?

Thanks, but no.
Something that makes it different.

Are you going to sing again?

-No, Chiara, I'm not.
-I had to try.

What's missing is a visual concept.

A visual concept, okay.

-Look, fluo.

Yes, like this.

I would draw on you.

Define "on."

On faces, shoulders,
legs with fluorescent paint.

I can even do three-dimensional drawings.

- Great! I love it!
- Yes.

You guys would dance and sing.

Jhon is doing the music,
he already has the song.

-Girls, we're all set!

I'm going to get ready for the concert.

I'm doing a final touch-up to the mural,
then I'll see you later.

-Let's go.

I don't know about you,
but I think Bia is a grown girl already.

Why are you whispering?
There's no one else home.

True. It's just that talking
about these things...

Bia is all grown up, yes.

She is grown up, she asks questions,
and I think it's time we answer them.

She's not that grown up.

-She's 16.

-At 16, we were...
-That doesn't matter.

Times have changed.

Even if you believe she's just a child,

it doesn't mean she isn't mature.
Very mature, by the way.

I don't know.

She realized something was up
with us the other day,

when she overheard us talking
about seeing the Gutiérrezes.

What did she hear?

It doesn't matter, honey.

Yes, it does.

She is curious.

She wants to know. It's understandable.
Helena was her sister.

Don't you think it's about time
you told her?

So, how are you doing?

Good! I'm almost done.

It turned out great.


Give me your phone.

I'll take photos for the "Making of"
your creation.


Let's see...

-This effect looks really good.

It kind of contrasts with the background.

Are you going to go out with her?

Don't spy on me.

I wasn't.

I know, it was a joke. Relax!

I haven't made plans with Bia. Yet.

But if my plan works,
it won't be long.

Look, Alex,

I know we haven't lived together long,
but I know you, and I know you like Bia.

What are you planning?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Why do you care so much, anyway?

No reason.
It's just you've been acting weird.

Relax. It's all good.

-I've gotta go now.
-Want me to come with you?

No, you'd better finish off the effects.
Yours are better than mine. See you.

Are you okay?

I'm getting tired of that Bia.

Alex isn't, though.

-What do you mean?
-I saw him following her at FUNDOM.

-Are you sure?
-I'd even say he's after her.

I don't get
why they're not here yet, Chiara.

They're only five minutes late.

Yes, but we can't arrive late,
what if we miss the concert?

No, that would be awful.

I love their music,
but I love the singer even more.

You guys have
to help me get a photo with him

from three different angles.

What's wrong?

- Hi, girls!
- Hi, Daisy!

Hi. What's going on?

What's going on with what?

You are dressed exactly the same as me.

Yeah, what a coincidence, right?

It was a last-minute thing.
Is Jhon coming?

Jhon? To a Hologrammers concert?

No, Daisy. It's just the girls.


-Girls only.
-I thought everyone was invited.

The only one missing is Bia.
I don't get it. Where is she?

Girls, if we miss this show,
you'll see an ugly side of me.

Chiara, you scare me sometimes.

-Calm down, think positive.

I think so, I don't know.

It was a girls thing.



What do you want? I'm busy.

I just spoke with the Video Crash guys,

and they're totally interested
in sponsoring some of our web stars.

Okay, let Maxi Level know
he has a new sponsor.

There's a problem.
They asked specifically for Alex.

Hm. Sit down.

Alex is new at LAIX,

and you already want to give him the best
3D design agency sponsor in the country.

Please, Guillermo!

Wake up!

He is not ready yet.
He needs a few virals for that.

Yes, but they were convinced.

Convince them they were wrong.

Marcos, they were really insistent.

They want Alex.
They loved the House Challenge video.

I don't care.

Alex still has a lot to prove.
I'd rather give it to Maxi Level.

-But Marcos...
-But what, Guillermo?

Don't worry. I'll take care of everything.

-That's what I like to hear.
-What are we going to tell Alex?

-Nothing. Alex doesn't need to know.

Right, that is all you need to do.
You get it, right?

-Otherwise, we can go over it again.
-Alex, you've told me a hundred times.

This is really easy.

-I can do it with my eyes closed.
-I prefer eyes wide open and mouth shut.

Not a word of this to anyone.

Okay. She should be on her way out.

What if she went out the other door?

-No. I told you, there's only one door.
-I forgot.

-Where are you going?
-To assume my position.

-What about me?
-Stay there and when you see her...

Yeah, I know, but how much longer
do we have to wait?

We'll wait as long as it takes.

-I'll charge by the hour next time.
-Can you yell louder so everyone can hear?

Is that her?

I'm just leaving.

Yes, that's Bia.

Hey. Focus!

Yes, I'll let you know. Okay.


- Hi.
- Hi, Mara, what's up?

Leaving already?

Yes, I forgot my charger. I'm in a hurry.

-See you later.
-See you.

Do you like Manuel?

-Yes, you.

You can like him, right?
You can tell me anything.

I saw the way you were looking at him.

I wasn't looking at him in any way.

Yes, you were looking at him that way.

-So what if I was?

I don't care. Just think about work, Mara.

Marcos doesn't want him here anymore.
It's best you don't get too fond of him.

Are you still thinking about him?


Come on, I know you.

I mean Victor.
You told me he was your boyfriend.


Do you miss him?

Why do you ask me like that?

Hey, relax.

I don't know. I just asked, that's all.

Ten years have gone by.

I lost my memory.

And now that I remember a little more,

I don't feel like the same person.

It's true that lately Victor
has been on my mind again.

But it's not just him,

I also think about...

His brother?


I think of him a lot, too.

But I was able to find out a bit more.

They found Lucas.

But not me.

And when I think about that,
I can't stop crying.

There were two years between them.

Um, they were really similar,
but I don't know.

My memories are all mixed up.

It's natural. You're still confused,

and you feel guilty.

But, Ana, get it into your head,

it was an accident.

I also think
a lot about my family, Thiago.

All that time, I was another person.

I think a lot about Bia, too.

About the lost time.

I would like to be a part
of her life again, to know how she is,

if she's okay, if she's happy.

I miss her so much.

- My parents, too.
- Thiago, I can't even think.

Now that you're back,

have you thought
about explaining everything?

-Telling the truth?
-The truth?

Yes, the truth.

What are you doing?

Stop! My bike! Help!




-Was that good?

-You owe me one.
-Yes. Go!

Hey! Hey!


I can't believe it!

I think this is yours.

My bike!

-Are you okay?
-Yes, shame I couldn't catch that thief.

I managed to make him lose his balance,
but he ran away.

-Are you sure you're okay?
-Yes, don't worry, it's just a scratch.

I saw what happened and didn't hesitate.
I can't stand injustice.

Thanks, Alex.

Thanks very much.

I didn't know Alex had a superhero side.

He was awesome.

If it wasn't for him,
I wouldn't have my bike.

I don't know how to thank you
for what you did.

-I know how.

Come see a movie with me.

What you're doing,
do you do that with other girls?

What girls?

Don't you say anything about Bia's bike.

I wouldn't do something like that.

Your Dad and I really want
to talk to you about something.

What could it be?

When I asked Ana about love,
she got nervous. Remember?

You sometimes make me nervous,
and I'm not hiding anything from you.

What's up with her?

You like her, don't you?

Does Alex know that the girl with
the voice is the same girl that he likes?
