Bia (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 36 - Episode #1.36 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
You put up that sign at Bia's house.

I don't know anything about a sign
nor where Bia lives.

I won't let you hurt Bia or her family.

They were the ones who hurt us,
can't you see?

Is it true that you stopped going
to physical therapy?

I'm tired of you meddling in my life
like I'm a five-year-old.

I've never felt like this before.
That, you can be sure of.

But if by being together we hurt
the people we love the most...

What are you trying to say?

That maybe it's for the best
if we stop seeing each other.

♪ This is who I am ♪

♪ This is what I am ♪

♪ I have watercolors in my heart ♪

♪ This is who I am ♪

♪ I create along the way ♪

♪ Let the sun shine colors on you ♪

♪ You feel it, you hear it
This love is so strong ♪

♪ You can feel the beat of your heart ♪

♪ Boom, be you and live your life ♪

Bia, what we have is too special
to let it go without a fight.

We can't let them win.

I would do anything for you.

I know that, you proved it to me

when you faced your aunt and left
that house, but I can't do this.

My dad is starting to get better,

and I haven't seen my mom this sad
since the accident. I can't stand it.

You are not the one hurting them, Bia.
Alex put up that sign.

I promise I will do everything in my power
to prove that he did it.

Thank you.

But that's not enough.

Today it's the sign,
but tomorrow there will be something else.

We can't deny our past.

I'm really sorry.

Me too.

I have to go.

So? Do you want to be part of LAIX?


-What happened? Cat got your tongue?
-I'm in shock, I don't know what to say.

Of course, you didn't think
you'd get an offer like this.

Guillermo, set up Mara's contract,
and let's start right away.

Wait, what about Carmín?

What about her? I make the decisions here.

I just don't want to have
any more problems with her.

I'm upset about what happened.

We used to be best friends,
and now I'm alone.

Perfect timing for you to talk
to your fans, they are waiting for you.

I will, but not like she did,
I'd rather lay low.

I do appreciate the offer, I really do.
I will think about it.

Sure, I'll wait for your answer,

but offers like this
don't come along often.

-We have a board meeting in five.
-I told you...


I don't understand.
Why didn't you sign, Mara?

Don't worry, I know what I'm doing.

COBRA: Nothing is as it seems.

Now the world can finally see Carmín
for who she really is.

Turn that off, I don't want to hear
anything about that video.

-I'm sorry.
-(SIGHS) I just don't get it.

Don't they have
other influencers to pick on?

-You're the queen, you're number one.

I honestly don't know
how the Cobra got that video.

You didn't see anyone near you
while you were talking to her?

Of course not, otherwise,
I would've been more careful.

Now we have to be extra careful. Remember
what the Cobra said at Cyber Gold,

-he's watching us all from the shadows.


#unfollowcarmin is still trending,

and the Cookies
are beating the Carmincuties.

We need to figure this out, Alex.
I can't keep losing followers.



You are planning to help me, right?
I need your support and LAIX's.

-I forgot my sweater.

Good luck in this new phase of your life.

She won't need luck, she has my teachings,
and with that, she will fly high.


I'll go set up for our new song.
I'll see you later, okay?

-Think about that collab with Carmín.
-I'm still not sure.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

-Hi, is this yours?
-Thank you very much.



Mmm. That smells good.


Did you see that box the mailman
brought in yesterday?

-No clue.
-Where could it be?

I wonder what's inside that mystery box.

-White gold? Sapphires?
-Maybe, maybe not.

Remember the girl that moved out
last week? Room five?

-She asked me to send it to her.

What do you think about this pesto sauce?

-Ask Indy House.
-I bet he won't say a word.

I bet he says one.
If I win, you have to look for the box.

Okay, but if I win, you have to do
the grocery shopping for a week.




-Try this pesto.
-Try it.

What do you think? Good?
Did I forget anything?


Hello. (LAUGHS)

-Did we lose or is it a tie?
-I don't know.

-What was that?

-Is that pesto I'm smelling?

-It is.
-Let me try. Mmm.

-Sure, try it.
-This is amazing.

-Do you want to stay for lunch?
-I didn't make enough.

-We can help you make more.
-Yes, we can cook for one more.

Why cook for four
if there's food for three?


-I'm joking.
-He's joking. (CHUCKLES)

-I'll go get more ingredients.

-I'll be right back.
-Did you see the video?

-You'll have to be more specific.
-Cobra's video about Carmín and Mara.

Ah, I did! It was insane!

The weird thing
is that Julia said something similar,

they seemed like best friends,
but they weren't. Remember that?

-I do.
-And right before

the Cobra posted the video,
she asked us what we thought of them.

-Whether it was a real friendship or not.
-Yeah! Weird coincidence, right?

Too weird. Every day,
I'm more certain that she is the Cobra.

-Do you have what you need for the video?
-Yes, it will be the best video ever.

-The viewers will decide that.
-And they love Soy Alex, so...

Remember, that's because of me.
Without LAIX, you'd be in tutorial mode.

You need to be humble, you don't want
to end up like your girlfriend with Cobra.

Carmín was on the top of the world,
and now... poof!

-She has lost her way.
-You can buy her a GPS. (CHUCKLES)

I can buy you a mute button.
This is not funny.

Why would Carmín's situation affect me?

I don't know if it will
but it all depends on how you handle it.


Bia! I'm so glad to see you!
I knew you would come eventually.

-I'm here to talk to Alex.
-You have something to say? I don't care.

This is enough.
I won't let you keep hurting my family.

That sign about my sister is a lie like
everything your family says about her.

-I believe you are mistaken.
-Your hate won't tarnish my family name.

I don't know what she's talking about.
Manuel probably fed you all those lies.

You are the only liar around here.
This is my final warning.

Don't mess with my family again,
are we clear?

-Alex, what did you do?

-You can't believe her instead of me.
-Until proven otherwise.

If you don't want to be the new Carmín,
you'd better change your strategy.



Lately, I feel like
everything I do is wrong.

Don't be so hard on yourself.

-The inheritance will come through.
-Yeah, in a thousand years.

(CHUCKLES) I have a master's degree
in things that don't go my way.

A master's degree, you say?
I win, I have a PhD.


-I'm glad you're back.

What's on your mind?


Not much.

Just wondering if coming back
was a good idea.

Why do you think that?
Do you have any news of Bia or your dad?

Not really, nothing from Dad,
and I couldn't get in touch with Bia.

But she was here singing with Manuel,

so my dad must be feeling better,
that's good.


I heard her sing the song
Victor and I wrote but didn't finish.

(SIGHS) It was powerful.

I can imagine.

I wanted to run to her
and tell her how much I miss her.

That day will come.

(SIGHS) I'm not so sure.

Don't mind me, I just came to get water.

Are you all right?

Is it that obvious?

You don't hide it very well.
What's going on?

Bia said she wants us to be apart.

-Why? You seemed to be so close today.

-You saw us?
-I heard you singing.

Why didn't you say anything?

I didn't want to interrupt,
you guys looked so connected...

Bia doesn't want to hurt her family,
and dating a Gutiérrez will do that.

It's been 10 years already,
how long will this go on?

I don't know.

The tension between our families
keeps building up, (SIGHS)

and there's a sign in front of Bia's house
blaming Helena for the accident.

Her dad fainted when he saw it.


How is he now?

He's fine, I think he's doing better.

But Bia is really upset.

Do you have a plan?

I can only hope the hate
between our families stops soon.

But I don't think
that will ever happen, so...



Could you turn that down,
or at least go listen to it in your room?

Don't take it out on me
just because you're in a bad mood.


-What's wrong?
-You know what's wrong.

-I'm sure Manuel came running to tell you.
-He didn't say anything, what's going on?

-Our cousin thinks I put up the sign.
-What sign?

-The one that says Helena is guilty.

You didn't know? Someone put up a sign
in front of the Urquizas' building,

it says "Helena is a Murderer,"
and Manuel thinks I did it.

You think I did it too? I bet you would
never think that about Manuel.

Manuel does not hate Helena,
unlike you and Mom.

You know what?
Think whatever you want. I didn't do it.

-Then who?
-I don't know, but I will find out.


-MANUEL: Hi, Victor.

I know about the sign.
How's Bia and her family doing?

-Hmm. Not so good.
-I bet.

-She's lucky to have you.
-That's over.

-We are not together anymore.

Bia doesn't want to hurt her family,

-and she decided to break things off.
-This is all my fault.

-(CHUCKLES) Why? You didn't do anything.
-I mean...

I should've done something
so Alex and Mom don't hate them as much.

You are not responsible
for their feelings or their actions.

-Yeah, I'm here.

I was just thinking.

-Can we meet?
-How about tomorrow?

Sure, I'll see you tomorrow.


So? Any of those look like Helena's?

I don't know, neither of these comments
seem to be hers.

-Yeah, not a single sign of her.

You're right.

-Congratulations on your video.

People agree, we have lots
of great comments.

-Hi, girls.

Won't you say hi to me?

No, not to you.

-I have a feeling you're still mad.
-(EXCLAIMS) You're so perceptive, Jhon.

-I don't get it. I took down the video.
-Don't be mad, Pixie.

Why don't you want people to see it?

I don't want to talk about it, Chiara.
It's personal.

-Your video was great.
-(LAUGHS) Thanks.

Thank you, we are over the moon.

-We can't wait for the next one.

-We got a lot of new followers.
-I'm glad, you're very talented.


See you later.

What do you think?

She's right, you're very talented.

I mean, about Pixie.

I don't know, it's all very weird.
I think something is going on with her.

-Something like what?
-I don't know, but we have to find out.


Can we talk?

I'm busy, Dad.

I just wanted to know how Manuel's doing.
Did you get a chance to talk to him?

He's not well.
I'm meeting him later today.

Please ask him to come home,
he'll listen to you.

I don't think I can. He's sure Alex
was the one who put up the sign.

I'll tell Alex he should apologize.

(LAUGHS) An apology is not enough, Dad.

Alex is not the one
who needs to apologize.

Alex is just another victim of your lies.

-When will you see that?
-Victor, please, we've talked about this.

Yes, we did, but nothing has changed.
You said you would talk to Mom.

-Like I told you, now is not the time.
-You keep saying that. (LAUGHS)

I don't want to keep lying for you.
Two families are suffering because of you.

Because of us. I am responsible too.

I let you talk me into all this lying
and secrecy.

Now I have to live with it,
but I won't do it again.

Lower your voice.

How much longer will we let people
blame Helena for something she didn't do?

When will we tell the truth, Dad?


Hi, Florencia, how are you?
Is it okay if we reschedule? Um...

Bye, I'll call you later.

-Who was that?
-My mom.

-She wanted to see me, but I'm busy.
-Your mom, right.

Yes. Bia, are you all right?

-I talked to Manuel.

-I told him we can't be together.
-For real?

It's for the best.

Everything is so complicated.
I can't stand watching my family suffer.

I need to find my sister,
but my parents can't find out.

-Not after the thing with the sign.
-Everything is going to be okay.

It hurts to see my loved ones suffering
and not do anything about it.

You are doing plenty, Bia.

-We will always be there for you.
-Thank you, guys.

You are the best.

-I'll try to overcome this.
-That's the attitude. What now?

Did you find anything else on Helena?
Did you talk to Vera?

I didn't write to Vera
because of everything that went down,

but I have to talk to her.
Too bad we missed each other.

I hope she sees this soon.
I need to know everything she knows.

Yeah, write her.


How are you?

I don't know.

I get why she's doing this,

but I can't stand being away from her.

Seems like the war between the Urquizas
and the Gutiérrezes will never end.


-You are still writing the song, right?
-I don't know.

We worked a lot on it.

Bia's addition is beautiful.

-You have new lyrics?
-Yeah, you didn't know?

Vera, a friend of Helena, had a recording
of her singing, and she gave it to Bia.


That's weird. I don't remember
any friend named Vera.

They had to be close
if she had a tape with her on it.

-I thought you might know who she is.
-I don't, but I would like that tape.

-Can you ask Bia to send it to me?
-It's better if you ask her.

I can't talk to her yet.

All right, all set.

It's going to look awesome.



We need to keep the floors clean,
otherwise, I'll be grounded with no wi-fi.

No problem.

Are you ready?

-I was born ready.

Hello, Mega People,
I am Alex and he's not.

Today we are going to do
a super cool challenge.

Wait, aren't you going to introduce me?

You're right, what was I thinking?

Start using your head
because I will win this challenge.

-(LAUGHS) All right, again.
-Let's go.

-We'll start over and edit it afterwards.

Hello, Mega People,
I am Alex and he's not. (CHUCKLES)

I'm here with a special guest.

He is the one, the only, the best,
my friend, Alan.

-Hello, everybody, how are you?
-A round of applause.

I am great and happy to be here
on Soy Alex to take this guy down!

-I am going to destroy him!
-I wouldn't have asked you if I'd known.

I will show you I'm the king of drawing.

-And I'm the king of beauty.
-This challenge isn't about looks,

and I'll tell you why.

Each card has a word on it.
We'll each take one...

And the other has to guess the word
in less than 30 seconds.

Exactly. No talking. We'll have
to draw something and guess the word.

The loser will have to accept
the winner's dare.

I will obviously win.
I already have one in mind.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves,
we haven't started yet.

-Then, what are we waiting for?
-Let's do it.


No, I'm done with this, I will take it
down myself. I don't want it there.

I understand. Will you be able
to do it alone? I can come over.

-Thank you, but I think I can handle it.
-Okay, let me know when you're done.



I didn't want to meddle,
but I couldn't help it.

I needed to take that down.

I hired someone to do it.

-It's just,

I felt bad after our talk. I don't want
you and your family to suffer.


(SIGHS) I have no words to thank you.
This helps a lot.

You don't need to thank me.

-Part of me thinks it's my fault.
-Don't, none of this is your fault.

Alex is the one to blame for this.

Yes, but he did it to break us up
and get back at me.

I'm really sorry
about how things turned out.

I have to go.

Thank you.



What are you doing, Daisy?

I'm 100% sure it's her.

Who? Julia?

She's the Cobra. I bet she's looking
for more gossip to spill.

Are you sure? I don't think it's her.

-Why not?
-She doesn't look like she could be.

If by that you mean she doesn't look
like a reptile, then yes, I agree.

Nobody knows who the Cobra is.
It could be anyone.

That's right,
and Julia has this chill vibe...

-CELESTE: Right.
-She's nice. That's the perfect cover-up.


Girls, come on, why would the Cobra
be here taking pictures and making videos?

She could be working with the Cobra.
A little minion, getting information.

-That's right.
-Right, then, who's the Cobra?

Valeria and Julia said something
about a girl named Aillén.

Aillén? Let's just go over
and ask her if she is the Cobra, shall we?

-Hi, Julia.
-Hey, guys, how are you?

All good, what are you doing?

I wanted to talk to you, Daisy.
What's up with your boyfriend?

With Jhon?

-Do you have another one?
-No, I just don't know what you mean.

Why did he take down
the "Making of" video he did with Manuel?

I really liked it, what happened?

-Someone asked him to remove it.
-Pixie, I presume.

-How do you know?
-She's obviously not over the Play Mod.

-The what?
-Nothing, forget it.

-What is Play Mod?
-Sorry, girls, I have to run. Later.

Play Mod?

♪ I want you to know
I don't breathe anymore ♪

♪ Life sent you away from me
And now you are not coming back ♪

♪ I will never forget
the moments we shared ♪


Very nice.

-Do you want to do it with the piano?
-All right.

I thought I didn't have a class today.

You left in a hurry.

I couldn't risk it, Victor was here.

I had to leave.

I was afraid he'd recognize me.

But it's been a while since the last time
you saw each other.

A hundred years could pass,
and Victor would still recognize me.

What about Bia?

Any news?

She wrote to Vera, but we couldn't meet
because of the thing with the sign.

What did you write to her?


I couldn't find the words.

I still...

I can't stop imagining my dad
laying on the floor.

My mom and my sister were desperate.

-(SIGHS) I don't want them to suffer.

-So, what are you going to do?
-As much as this hurts,

I've made a decision.

I should go away.



Hey, Daisy, I found you!
I've been looking for you everywhere.

-(PANTS) I was rehearsing my dance.
-Why didn't you tell me?

-I told you five times, Jhon.
-You did?

-I did.
-I forgot. (CHUCKLES)

I was looking for you
because I'm going out for sushi.

I'm in the mood for some rolls
with lots of wasabi. Do you want to come?

I'd love to, but I need to practice,
I'm very busy.

You can take a break.
We could skateboard for a while.

I really want to go,
but I need to practice.

I need to be perfect, otherwise,
I won't get into Festiritmo.

-We'll do it some other time, okay?
-(SIGHS) Okay.

I'm going to get more water.

-All good?
-More or less.

Daisy is always rehearsing.
She doesn't have time for me anymore.

-Hmm. It could be worse.
-What do you mean?

Bia said she wants to take a break.

Don't tell me to date other girls
because that's not what I want.

I would never say that.

-You've said it a hundred times.
-Maybe I did, yes. (LAUGHS)

But I know you care a lot for Bia.

I'm crazy about her.

I just have to face the fact
that we can't be together.



You wanted to see me?

I had a brilliant idea that will make Bia
want to be part of our team.

Really? What?

I still have a few things to work on
before I make my move.

That's it? I thought you wanted to talk
about something else.

Like what?

You didn't say anything about Mara.

Ah, Mara is a smart girl, she will accept
my offer soon enough.

Either way, I have my favorite candidate
to become a web star.


Jhon Caballero?

He's talented, he has potential,
and FUNDOM will lose a major player.


All right, I will get his number
and get in touch with him.

Are you offline right now?
I want to talk to him now.

(SIGHS) All right.


I'll let you get that.

-Hi, Jhon, it's Guillermo from LAIX.

I'm calling on behalf of Marcos Golden.

What's up?

-I'm finishing editing my last video.
-Is that a collab?

-Yeah, what's wrong with that?
-You could have done it with me.

-I didn't know you wanted to.
-I'm your girlfriend.

(LAUGHS) You should want to do one
with me. I shouldn't beg for it.

It's not like that. He's wanted to do this
for a long time, so I did it.

All right.

(SIGHS) Either way,

I know exactly what our video
should be like.

A new Carmín Sing!

-I don't know if I can, I'm very busy.
-Stop. Just stop.

Enough with the excuses, Alex.
Can you tell me what's going on?

Nothing. I'm still upset about the sign.

Are we still talking about that?

What's the problem?

I don't like that they blame me
for something I didn't do.

You know you can talk to me
about anything, right?


-Why can't you just admit it?

I hate the Urquizas with all my heart,
but this time it wasn't me.

I would love to know who hates them
as much as I do.

Maybe my mom,
but I don't think she did it.

If you didn't do it and she didn't do it,
then, who was it?

I don't know, but I will find out.

♪ I discovered the harmony to be happy ♪

♪ My whole body's asking me to go out ♪

♪ Further away
I go for it ♪

-Hi, girls. (LAUGHS)
-Hi, Bia.

-We have a new video!

So soon? You recorded it without me?

-We have the idea for the video.

What's the idea?

The idea is that we want to do
another video.

-No, but...
-Right, great idea, I love it.

-But before that,

-did you take the sign down?
-No, I didn't.

-Someone did it before me.

I was about to do it,
but Manuel hired someone to take it down.

-BOTH: Oh.
-He's so nice, so sweet!

-I'm Team Manuel, forever.
-Yeah, me too.

-He's really cute.
-It kills me that you can't be together.

Yeah. Are you sure about this break-up?

(SIGHS) I'm not, no,
but it's the best move right now.

-Is there another option?
-I don't know.

-I care about him, but...
-But what? What do you feel?

Maybe we could be friends.
That way we could still see each other.

That's it! I will tell him that.

Hey, Mara.

-Are you okay?
-Yes, it's fine. Don't worry about it.

Are you sure? You don't seem okay.

-Do you want to talk?
-Yes, I would like that.

-What's going on?
-It's Carmín.

The way she acted hurt me.

I did my best,
no matter how bad she treated me.

I don't deserve this.

Of course you don't deserve this.

Carmín showed her true colors,
and now everyone knows the truth.

That's true. You get me. Thanks.

You don't have to thank me.
That's what friends are for, right?


I'm sorry to keep you.
Go be with your girl.

It's not...


Bia and I broke up.

You did? Why?

We are friends, Manuel.
You can talk to me about it.

It's a long story,
and I don't want to talk about it now.

All right, if you don't want to talk,
I get it.

But remember that we are friends
and you can count on me.

Thank you.

-Let's go.

They took down the sign.

-Who did it?


Why do you have Dad's cellphone?
Who called?

Do you think that,
if I tell her the truth,

she would understand?

Do you know the girl who sent Bia
that recording?

-I'd like to meet her.