Bewitched (1964–1972): Season 3, Episode 31 - Bewitched, Bothered and Infuriated - full transcript

As Darrin is reading his own newspaper, Aunt Clara zaps up a newspaper for herself to read. However, the newspaper she zaps up is tomorrow's, with a feature article about Larry, which states that he has broken his leg while on his second honeymoon. As the story takes place in the future, Darrin believes that he and Samantha can prevent it from happening, despite Darrin not knowing where he and Louise are as Larry wanted privacy. Reluctantly supporting Darrin on this mission of preventing Larry's mishap, Samantha, using her witchcraft, locates the Tate's honeymoon destination. Despite Darrin and Samantha trying to watch over every move that Larry makes that potentially could cause the leg breaking accident, the primary question is whether Larry and Darrin's friendship can withstand what Larry sees as the intrusion of Darrin and Samantha on what is supposed to be his and Louise's private time.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Oh, you still here?

I think so. Although around here,
you can never be sure.

Yes, I'm still here.

I mean, aren't you gonna
be late for the office?

Just because Larry's away...

- you're gonna take advantage of it?
- Can you think of a better time?

I don't have anything important
on my schedule until tomorrow.

Hey, what was that?

If I am not mistaken,
it is not a "what." It's a "who."

Oh, boy.

Step down.

How very... Are you all right?

- Yes, oh, how nice of you to drop in.
- Yes.

Aunt Clara, if you wanna come in
through the front door, I won't object.

We don't care where you land. Here,
let me take your bag and your brolly.

- Come around here. Sit down.
- Here, Aunt Clara.

You're welcome any time.
You want some coffee?

Oh, yeah, well, thank you.
Now, thank you.

Safe and sound.

- Oh, dear.
- Would you like part of the paper?

Oh, no, you keep that yourself,
and I'll just zap up one for myself.

Oh, dear. Now, let's see.

Bubbling, bubbling potion

Secret rhyme
Send me the morning Herald Times

Isn't today Friday?

We're going to have to have
a little talk. I simply cannot...

Yes, it is.

- Oh, look, this is tomorrow's paper.
- Fine.

- But just let me finish...
- I just want to find...

the sports section, you know.

Darrin's just trying to tell you,
darling, that...

Since when have you
been interested in sports?

If this is tomorrow's newspaper...

then it will have
today's racing results.

So I'm going to pick a horse
and put something on its tail.

That's "nose."

- Let me see.
- Sam!


Isn't Larry Tate your boss?

Yes, but that doesn't have anything to...
What about him?

- It says he broke his leg.
- What?

- Yeah.
- Yes, yes. There it is right there.

"Larry Tate, president
of McMann and Tate...

- breaks leg."
- No, no.

Oh, dear. I'd send a get-well card.

But this is tomorrow's newspaper,
and it hasn't happened yet.

This weekend of all weekends.
He and Louise were going...

- on their second honeymoon.
- Honeymoons are such fun.

Especially when you have
someone with you.

- Sam?
- Yes.

- Well, what...?
- Sam, we've got to get to Larry.

We can't. They made sure that no one
would know where they were going.

So what? You can find him.

- How?
- You know.

- Are you suggesting that I use witch...
- Yes, I am.

My boss and one of my best friends
is about to break his leg!

We can prevent it! You gonna...?

Oh, hold it. Hold it.
"We" can prevent it?

Yeah. You can zap us to where they
are and we can prevent Larry from...

- breaking his leg.
- Yes to part one, but I'm doubtful...

about part two. Darrin, it's dangerous
fooling around with the future.

We'll just have to take the risk. We're
wasting time. Let's start twitching!

"Us"? We're partners, huh?

- Sam.
- All right, all right. Aunt Clara?


Dear, Darrin and I have to go out.
Would you babysit until we get back?

Well, of course, dear, yes.

Thank you.

Well, here we go.

Here, now hang on, hang on.

You ready? Okay.

- Darrin, are you sure...?
- Yes!

All right.

Eyes that see all

Gentle winds

Take us to where our search begins

Oh, I wish I could do that.

Now let me see.

How does it go again?

Eyes that see all

Gentle winds

Take me to where my search begins

Well, you can't win them all,
you know.

What did I tell you?
Isn't this the greatest?

- It's wonderful.
- The best part of it is...

not a single solitary soul
knows where we are.

- Everything all right, Mr. Tate?
- Perfect.

- You run a great place, Mr. Murray.
- You're very kind.

I've got to stop hitting
that brandy after dinner.

You know, you've really got
marvellous legs, Louise.

We've gotta find a way
to show them more often.

Oh, you are the most charming liar
I've ever known.

Darrin, do you really have the heart
to intrude on a scene like that?

We better intrude, and fast.

What better way to break a leg
than on a badminton court?

- How will you explain our being here?
- I'm not.

I'm gonna put them on the defensive.
Come on.

Larry? Louise?

- Darrin!
- Samantha!

- Okay, who told you we were here?
- What?

- You blabbed.
- Oh, no, no, no. I...

Tell the truth, Louise.
She told you, right?

Oh, no. I had no idea...

It's okay. If you're here, you're here.

You want privacy as much as we do,
so you respect ours...

- we'll respect yours. Right, Sam?
- What? Oh, right.

Well, we'll see you around.
Or rather, we won't see you around.

Now, wait a minute.
What are you doing up here?

- I'm here on business, in a way.
- What kind of business?

Larry, you came up here
to relax and enjoy yourself.

Here you are worrying about
the office. Forget about the office.

He's right.
Come on, let's go play badminton.

- Okay.
- Wait. That's no way to relax...

and enjoy yourself. It's so physical.
You'll get all tensed up.

Now look, Darrin!

It's their vacation. Why don't we let
them enjoy it the way they want.

Thank you.

Come on, Louise.

- Sam, let's change and get out there.
- Into what? We didn't bring anything.

Since when has that been
a problem for us?

- Us?
- Come on, Sam. Zap it up, zap it up.

No more bloody marys
at breakfast either.

Good shot, dear. Your serve.


Oh, I'm sorry, honey.
Weren't you ready?

I told you
this was a dangerous game.

Well, don't let us disturb you.
We're not gonna stay.


You ready?

You could have fallen
over this bench.

You keep this up
and you'll end up in the hospital.

- So will you, if you don't leave us alo...
- Larry, this is too much for me.

- Why don't we go over by the pool.
- Okay by me.

See you.

Darrin, can't you see
how irritated he is?

He'd feel a lot worse
with a broken leg.

Ever occur to you that a broken leg
might not take as long to fix...

- as a broken friendship?
- It's got to be done, Sam. Come on.

- Where?
- To the pool. Where else?

If you ask me,
I think Darrin's flipped.

- Well, he is acting a little unusual.
- More unusual than usual?

Let's pretend we don't see them.
Go on over there.

He can't get into any trouble like that.
Why don't we just leave him alone?

Sam, you never know.
You just never know.


Honey, that was marvellous.

- Larry, that was great.
- Watch it.

- Oh, a sunburn?
- No, just burned.

- I didn't know you were a gymnast.
- Neither did I.

Well, where are you kids
going to go now?

I don't know. How about you kids?

I asked you first.

Larry, I feel a little done in. Why don't
we just go to our room and relax?

By ourselves.

That's a good idea.

Do you hear that?
It's okay with Samantha.

I hope you people don't feel
we're deserting you.

Oh, no.

I'm thrilled.

Now I hope you're not going to
suggest we follow them to their room.

- Well...
- What could happen to him in there?

Sam, 80 percent
of all accidents happen indoors.

Miracle of miracles,
they're not following us.

Quick, the skateboard. Get rid of it.


There, you see? If we weren't here,
he would have taken a header.

If we weren't here,
he'd be looking where he was going.

Come on.

I hate to admit it, but you're right about
Darrin. He is awfully thick-skinned.

And he's got a skull to match.

Wait, Larry.

This is our first real honeymoon,
you know.

Yeah, I'd almost forgotten. So?

So you're supposed to carry me
over the threshold.

Lovey, prepare to be swept
off your feet.

Darrin, this is ridiculous.
I am not going to stand here and peep.

- Why? There's no law that says...
- There certainly is.

And I'm just not.

"Here we are, alone at last,"
to coin a...

Oh, no!

Of all the colossal...

Look out for the coffee table!

Are you crazy?

The coffee table.
You were about to crash into it.

Hi, Louise.

A little fast teamwork,
and we avoided an accident.

Darrin, would you do me a favour?

Get off my team.

Oh, you scared me
out of a year's growth.

Not that I want to grow any more.

I just thought I'd pop in while I had
the chance. How's everything going?

Well, fine. Just fine.
I'm just warming up a bottle.

- Oh, good.
- And when the baby...

wakes up from her nap...

I'm going to warm
a bottle for her too.

Fine. Oh, Aunt Clara,
are there any messages?

Oh, yes, yes.
I'm glad you reminded me.

Yes. Darrin's secretary
phoned and said...

the 2:00 appointment tomorrow...

has been changed to 3:00 today.

No, now wait a minute...

No. No, the three... The... The...

The 3:00 appointment today
has been changed...

to the 2:00 and...

Aunt Clara, didn't you write it down?

- I'm glad you reminded me. Of course.
- Oh, good.

Yes, I...

Oh, dear.
I should have used pencil.


Oh, I remember.

There were three T's.

- What?
- There were three T's in the message.

Three T's?

"The meeting for tomorrow
is for 2 today."

"The meeting for today is at 3
tomorrow" also has three T's in it.

Now don't confuse me.

- Oh, I'm sorry, dear.
- No.

No, definitely, definitely,
it was for 2 today.

Oh, and it's 1:00 now!

I better get back to Darrin.
Kiss Tabatha for me.

That's one thing I can do.

Lie down and take a nap, dear.

I'm not spending
all this money to sleep.

- Is he still there?
- Like he was nailed to the ground.

I don't see her though.

I wonder if they have a rear entrance
to this place, or an escape hatch.

I've gotta get a complete checkup.

I think I will lie down.

The meeting's been changed
to 2:00 today? Are you sure?

Positive. It has three T's in it.

- What?
- Oh, well, just a little joke.

Anyway, I'm glad. We've made pests
of ourselves long enough. Shall we go?

Are you kidding? Larry won't be
out of the woods till midnight. Now I...

I'm going, but you stay here
and keep your eye on Larry.

Don't let him out of your sight.

I'm ready for takeoff.

Oh, and honey, see if you can land me
near the water cooler. I'm thirsty.

Oh, yes, a complete checkup.

And the sooner the better.


Samantha's out there alone now.

You don't see Darrin?

Then I have a perfectly terrific idea.

- Larry.
- Yes, Samantha?

I know it looks as if we're
intruding on your vacation...

and, well, I just want you to know
I feel terrible about it.

That makes two of us. Excuse me.


I wanted to say that things
aren't always what they seem.

And I think you ought to know that you
have a very valuable friend in Darrin.

Well, with a friend like that,
who needs...?

Anything else?


Fine. Excuse me.

Now what?

I could make myself invisible.

Oh, Samantha, you ought
to be ashamed of yourself.

Darrin, I don't know
if that meeting's over...

but you've got to come back.

Thanks, and sorry again
about bringing you in from out of town.

That's perfectly okay.

But I am anxious to get back,
so if you gentlemen will excuse me...

- I'll be going.
- Goodbye.


Oh, Stephens...

You know, when he says
he's going, he really goes.

Man, this is the end.

The real end. The last outpost
where a man can be alone.

You know it.

- You!
- Nothing like a good steam, huh?

For your information, I didn't
have to come here to get steamed.

Now why don't you
and Samantha get lost.

Well, Larry, that's not
a very nice thing to say.

You make it sound as though
we've been pests.

- Oh, do I?
- Well, have we?

Oh, what's the use?

Well, in that case,
let me make up for it.

Dinner tonight's on me. Champagne,
the whole bit. What do you say?

I've had it up to my eyeballs.
I won't stand for any more.

- I don't blame you, dear.
- We're going to be alone...

even if it means
the end of our friendship.

Dinner here is black tie.
You'd better...

Yeah, all right.

One black tie coming up.

What I need is a vacation.
In some other hotel.

Well, what are you
going to say to them?

I'm simply going to say...

I'll show you what
I'm simply going to say.

Please, dear, be calm.

- Hi there.
- Hello.

I thought we'd get a little
head start on dinner.

Darrin, Samantha. We're not
going to have dinner with you.

- Was that calm enough?
- Not that we don't appreciate it...

but, well, we just can't.

Oh, we understand.
Don't we, Darrin?

Of course we do. They just
don't want us to pick up the check.

In that case, we'll go Dutch.

That's not what I had in mind.

Well, then, if you insist,
you pick up the tab.

Darrin, I'm going to make
something clear to you...

or die in the attempt.

We want to be alone.

You do understand.

Right, Louise.

Then we'll have dinner
served right here.

Darrin, does a house
have to fall on you?

We want to be alone,
with each other.

Without you.

This is supposed to be a honeymoon,
not a tourist attraction.

Well, we...


You mean second honeymoon,
don't you?

No, Samantha. This is our first.

- But I don't...
- Because when we started...

to have one 10 years ago,
I broke my leg.

- You...
- Broke your leg 10 years ago?

- To the day, in fact.
- And that's the reason...

- Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
- I think I'm thinking it.

- Tomorrow's date, 10 years ago.
- Marvellous.

- I'll have to talk with Aunt Clara.
- Forget about Aunt Clara.

How do we get out of this?

You couldn't
freeze them permanently?

- Darrin, don't be ridiculous.
- Well, you got us into this.

Get us out.

I got us into this?

Well, let's not stand here
bickering. Do something.

Well, how about...?

- Yes. Yes, it's the only way.
- Whatever it is, Sam, do it, do it!

- Where'd you send them?
- Back to this morning...

- when they arrived.
- But...

- Here they come.
- We'd better get lost.

- Come on.
- I just wanna make sure it works.

Oh, it's perfect.

I thought you'd like it.

Well, here we are.

There you go. Thank you.

- Hey, look at this.
- Oh, Sam, the champagne.

I wonder who sent the champagne.

"For a fun evening.
Samantha and Darrin."

Say, that's very...

- You told them where we were going.
- I did not.

Well, then how did they know?

What's the difference?
It was sweet of them.

As a matter of fact, I was thinking
it might have been kind of fun...

- to have them along.
- Yeah.

- Yeah, it might have been.
- If that's the way they feel...

Darrin! A house does have to fall
on you, doesn't it?

- More coffee, sweetheart?
- No, thank you, sweetheart. I gotta run.

With Larry still on his honeymoon,
I've got double duty at the office.

I hope he doesn't remember
our being there yesterday.

He might hold it against you
for some of the things you did.

What happened to "us"?

Well, anyway, I learned a lesson.
Never fool around with the future.

And I learned one too.

If you want a newspaper,
go to the corner store.

- I hope you'll remember that.
- I hope so too.


See you tonight, honey.

Oh, Samantha, I wish I had your flair.

What's this?

That is your flare, Aunt Clara.