Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990–2000): Season 8, Episode 15 - Ready or Not - full transcript

Carly and Zack temporarily move in with Donna at the beachfront apartment after they are evicted from their house, which was needed earthquake retrofitting. Carly gives Donna advice on her love life as Donna questions whether or n...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
♪ ♪

♪ ...never knew
that she played ♪

♪ And I thought so
hard what to say ♪

♪ ♪

♪ I know I'm the one... ♪

Great crowd.


$3.50, please. Thanks.

The club's jammed,
the band's crankin'.

What's with the
attitude? You know what?

I work the crowds,
I book the bands,

and now I'm bartending,

and you get 90% of the profits.

We made a deal.

Well, it's a lousy one.

Yeah, one you agreed to.

Besides, you're
making good tips.

Emma. You here by yourself?

Just dropping off my column. Ah.

Hi. Sit down. Hang out.

She's probably got
somewhere to go,

Kel. Ooh, can I have

a sneak peek?

I can't believe your
friend slept with that guy

even though he was
still with his girlfriend.

That is so low.

Well, then you'll definitely
enjoy this installment.

He gets her into bed
and then, afterward,

of course,
conveniently regrets it.

Uh, it's probably
the band's last set.

We should get out of here. Okay.

Yeah, me, too. What time is it?

Ooh, I have...


Oh, my God, that watch...

Emma, you know,

we could, uh, go over
this right now if you wanted.

Where'd you get it?

Brandon gave it to
me for Christmas.

Hey, David. Hey.

First time back on
your old turf, huh?

It's your turf now.

Only by default, man.

And I'm glad to have it.

It's yours, all right.

Let's just leave it at that.

Anyway, I hope your

coming here means
we're at peace, man.


You took my girl and
my club, that's not peace.

That's unconditional
surrender, big difference.

♪ ♪

David, hi.

Hey. Hey.

What's wrong with David?

Eh, guy broods too much.

Mmm, coming from
you, that's high praise.

I'm a brooder now, am I?

Brooders like dancing, huh?

Point made. I gotta go. Come on,

it's early. I was hoping
you and I could you know...

I have that interview coming up.

Thought tonight would
get my mind off it,

but it's not working.

I'll drive you home.

Oh, now I'm starting
to brood now, aren't I?


Well, looks like it's bedtime
for Noah and Donna.

The guy was

stocking up on
condoms, I saw him.

David, Donna
wouldn't move that fast.


It's remotely possible.

But it doesn't
bother you, does it?

No. Me, neither.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ I wanna change
of sidewalk scene ♪

♪ For it's time
for me to leave ♪

♪ Gotta picture in my
head I need to lose ♪

♪ I need to go,
tonight I'll stay ♪

♪ All that charms is beckoning ♪

♪ Gotta figure out
why I can't get it right ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Anywhere but here ♪

♪ Or anywhere but home ♪

♪ Anywhere to
spend my time alone ♪

♪ I wanna fall ♪

♪ I wanna fail ♪

♪ A better me is
within me this time ♪

♪ I wanna fall down... ♪

You really like them?

I love these. These are great.

Oh, thanks.

I just hope the guy
I'm interviewing with

in a couple days feels the
same way. He'll love 'em.

Hi. Oh.

I'm late, I know.

Can you give Zach
a ride to school?

Yeah, sure.

But what's wrong?
You're never late.

Oh, they're earthquake
retrofitting my place.

The noise is unreal and
they turned the power off.

They didn't notify you?

Well, it turns out they
sent a form weeks ago,

when my mom was
handling the mail.

Grandma throws the mail out.

Oh, just the junk mail,


And the important mail
that looks like junk mail.

Well, do you want
to stay with me?

I could always
sleep on the sofa.

Oh, that's really sweet,

but I think it's
a little confusing

for the short people.

Well, you guys can stay with
me. There's plenty of room.

I couldn't.

Oh, don't give it
a second thought.

Give me a call later
and I'll give you the key.

Thank you.

Look it should
only be a few days.

It'll be fun. Bye.

Thanks, Steve.

Kelly, can I see you a moment?

Tell me something.

Can you set a fracture?

Suture a wound?

Can you tell if someone's
bleeding internally?


Then who do you think's

more important to this clinic?

You? Or me?

Remember that

the next time you consider
reporting my behavior

to Audrey Cutler.

You think I wouldn't find out?

I thought I was speaking
to her in confidence.

Word gets out.

Maybe you should
take that into account

next time you're dealing
with female colleagues.

You want to take me on?

Go ahead.

You win, I go into private
practice and quadruple

my income. There's
nothing keeping you here.

Just the patients.

So I offend your
delicate sensibilities.

You get me out of here, someone
less competent takes over,

and as a result someone dies.

Congratulations, Kelly Taylor.

Let's go. Come on, bring it in.

Can you stay another hour?


sorry we didn't know
this was your car wash.

It's not mine, I just work here.

So what can we do for you today?

We have a ten dollar special,

a free hot wax.


This was an accident.


I thought maybe
you guys just rolled

out of bed and decided
to get your car washed

and rub my nose in it.

What is that supposed to mean?

You made me wait seven
years before you slept with me.

You haven't even made Noah wait

seven weeks.

Look, I don't know
what you're talking about,

but you really are in no
position to criticize me,

the way you flaunt
your sex life with Valerie.

Oh, Valerie and I
aren't sleeping together.

Well, everyone at the Walsh
house heard you guys...

No, they heard us faking it.

We were just doing it to
make you and Noah jealous.

All right, it was
stupid. Let's just drop it.

I didn't know.


You okay here?

Yeah, fine.

All right.

So, it's true that I don't
have a lot of experience.

But I know computer layout,
and I'm good with graphics,

and I'm a real
quick study. Uh-huh.

No kidding. Yeah, small presses,

you know, I really
believe in them.

Massive circulation
and fancy offices...

They don't impress me.

Well, that's very
good. You know,

I always root for the underdog.

I like to be able to
smell the desperation

and desire on the page.

She can smell it?

Is it that obvious,

Janet? No, no, I meant,

you know, you must be
rewriting just up to publication.

Which is okay with me.

Because I don't
mind redoing a layout

if it keeps the paper fresh.

You know, on the cutting edge.

I'm sorry, you'll
have to excuse us.

We're not used to
people sucking up to us.

But that doesn't
mean you should stop.

Oh, no, no, no, please continue.

Well, look, I just... I
really want this job.

You can work me day,

night, weekends,
holidays, whatever,

I don't care. I will give you

110 percent.

More if you need it.

You got it.

Are you serious?


Nobody else applied.

Oh. Steve,

maybe we should've
held back that information

until we negotiated salary.

Oh, don't worry, I'll be gentle.

Thank you. So what happened

to the last production manager?

Eloped. Just like that.

Did not

even invite us to the
wedding ceremony.

Do you believe that? Should've
kept her away from the classifieds.

Can you start tomorrow?

Yeah, sure thing.

Great. Great.

Welcome aboard.

Brandon, it's customary
to shake hands

when you close a deal here.

Oh, yeah, right.


Emma, I'm sorry about the watch.

I didn't give it to Kelly.

Oh, no?

What, she just took it?

Yeah, basically.

Well, did you say, "Look, Kel.

"The woman I made love to

gave this to me?"

What, and she liked it so much

that she didn't care
where it came from?


So you're the one who
didn't care where it came from.

Look, Emma, I'm sorry.

About everything.

But this isn't going
anywhere good.

And us working together
is only making things worse.

I know, I just...

I just wanted us to...

If you would just...
I'm not going to.

I think you should
leave the paper.


Hey. Kel. Hey.

Oh, I have had
the worst morning.

Oh, you poor thing.

You know that doctor I
told you about, Monahan?

Well, I didn't
officially report him,

but he found out...
Let's-let's go somewhere.

If I don't quit, he's gonna
make my life a living hell.

Kel, I want you away from him.

But I don't think you
should run away from this.

I couldn't agree more.

You know, any boss who
even hints that you should leave,

because he made
sexual advances at you,

wanted or unwanted, is a jerk.

She's right.

You shouldn't let
yourself be victimized.


If I were you,

I would stay right
where you are.

Right, Brandon?

They were faking?

Did you ask why?

Trying to make us jealous.


I wonder whose idea that was.


So when do you
have to be at the club?

Oh, I'm not going
to work tonight.

You're not gonna leave
Valerie in charge, are you?

She can handle it.

Are you free tonight?

Actually, no, I'm not.

Are you still working
on your presentation?

Yeah, you know, I
want to get that job.

And that's all it is, right?

'Cause I'm starting to
sense this pattern, Donna.

I know how much you
want the job and all,

but I can't help feeling
we haven't... What?

Slept together?


David's the only guy
that I have ever slept with,

and we waited
a really long time,

until I felt that we
were truly committed.

And then it all just
fell apart on me.

So, I guess that I just
need a little more time

to find my way...

Past David, right?

No, that's not it.

Are you sure?


Can-can you unzip me?

There's no zipper.

Well, just take it off.

No, I'll let you
do the grunt work.

I did enough today
at the car wash.

You know what?

I wasn't talking
about faking it.

You know, when you kissed
me on Christmas Eve...

it felt real.

It was really nice.

And we've been sleeping
in the same bed together...

No, you've been sleeping.

I've been wide awake. You
think this has been easy for me?

How much easier can
I make this for you?

Val, after a long day of
working at the car wash,

I have to come home to you,

knowing all you want
is some guy like Noah.

I don't want Noah.

Sorry, some variation
of the rich guy thing.

Well, at least you give
me credit for variety.

I saw the way you
looked at Donna last night.

How's it make you feel knowing
she's going home with Noah, huh?


Good. You know what?

That's exactly the way you
just made me feel right now.

Val, I'm sorry, okay.

You gotta understand.
I was with Donna

for a long time. I loved her.

And now I've gotta sit around
watching Noah run my club.

Sleeping with your girlfriend.



See, she's your ex-girlfriend.

Maybe I'd feel better
about this whole thing

if I wasn't working at
a stinking car wash,

and-and I had my
own place to live.

What do you want me to do?

I'm letting you live here.

Thanks a lot for
your charity, all right,

but I-I've had enough.

♪ ♪

Whoa, what are
you guys doing here?

I'm working. Wrong, David,

you're dying here.

Which is why we've come
to rescue you. That's right.

Look, I'm gonna get in trouble

unless you guys need
a detail or something.

David, we need you at the Beat.

Consider this a job offer.

We want you to do
album and concert reviews,

cover the whole music
scene, what do you say?

We'll double your salary.

Not including tips of
course. Think about it.

You can give up
that carnauba wax,

go back to real hair gel.

I'm not a writer.

It's not writing
the story, David,

it's knowing the subject.

Say yes. Come on,

say yes. Y-E-S, Say it.

One little word's gonna
make us very happy.

Who are you guys?

My new bosses.

I quit.


Hi. Is Dr. Monahan in?

In his office.

Not someone from
the Foundation again.

No, but, uh...


This is Lisa Gaines.
Your replacement.

Excuse me?

It killed me when she resigned.

She may look petite,

but you've got
big shoes to fill.

Well, I'll do my best.

Good luck on your new job.

Bye. I'll see you, Lisa.

I can't believe you did this.

Frankly, I'm
surprised you're here.

I wanted to help people.

I believed in what
you were doing.

I'll mention that in
my recommendation.

I'm filing a formal complaint.

I started this clinic.

I am this clinic.

We get funding because the board

at the Wyatt Foundation
believes in me.

If what you've built is
ruined, it's nobody's fault

but your own.

I'm not gonna let you
run me out of here.


Try this.

You're fired.

Oh, hey, Nat.

Hey, hey.

What's this?

Oh, it's for you...
New theme night.

Sports Night at the After Dark.

Everybody's going to be there

and Noah's going to
make tons of money.

Patience, Val.

There's no shortcut
to being rich.

Unless you're born with it.

What's he doing here?

Who is he?

Duke Weatherill,
Brandon's old bookie.

How's it going, Nat?

Two to one

I know which you
sell more, cake or pie.

The only action
you're gonna see here

is scrambled, over
easy or sunny side up.

Yeah, I can see that.

The nightclub is her
business, not mine.

Maybe I should talk to her then.

Stay away from her.

For old time's sake.

Sure... for old time's sake.

Okay, what should we pack next?

Uh, you want to
pack the bathroom?


Oh, you know what?

I've got all this stuff
in my apartment...

except these.


Well, they're for Steve, but...

Okay, can I ask you
a question? Mm-hmm.

Have you guys... right.

Duh, obviously you
have, but when did you...?

Have sex? Mm-hmm.

When the time was right.

Yeah, but how'd you know?

Steve looked at me, and...

I remember looking like hell.

But you could see that
he wasn't seeing that.

And, um, I just couldn't take
my eyes or my hands off him.

And it was, I don't
know, it was just time.

You know, at first I thought
you had to be married.

And then I thought it
was okay as long as it was

the guy you were going
to marry, and now...

The rules keep changing.

It's so confusing.

If you're not sure,

you're not ready.

Yeah, but "sure" of
what? That you can

give yourself to this person
and he'll do the same.

Don't worry.

You'll know
before it's too late.

I mean, you don't need to
be in bed with each other

to feel the difference.



Uh, shift over at the car wash?

No, I'm done for good.

I quit.

Wow, it's about time.

What pushed you over the edge?

I mean, assuming
that you needed one?

Well, actually Brandon and Steve
want me to work up at the Beat.

I'm their new music guy.

Wow, that's great.

You guys'll have a
lot of fun together.


Plus they gave me
enough of a cash advance

where I can start, uh,

thinking about
getting my own place.

So I think I'm
going to move out.

Is that what you want?

Yeah, I think so.

Or is it Donna?

No. No, it's...

It's you.

I love spending time with you

and we've been getting
along great, I'm just afraid

that maybe we have a little
too much of a history, you know?

And I'm also afraid of
dealing with another shock.

Yes, David, you, you fell down.

You lost a job

and a girlfriend.

But you didn't whine

and you didn't quit.

I'm really proud of you.

I can't believe
you're saying this.

You've fought your way back.

I mean, you took a
crappy job because...

it's one step.

And I really respect that.

I do.

I'm still moving out.

If that's what you, if
that's what you want.

'Cause you see, I just...
I just can't trust you.


I'm such a terrible
person. You know, there's,

there's still people downstairs.

They're not going
to hear anything

that they haven't heard before.

He actually fired you?

Loaded, aimed and fired.

But that was only round one.

You should sue him to the wall.

I would settle for
keeping my job

and finding somebody
to replace him.

The water's almost boiling.

Should I start the pasta?

Yeah, sure, uh, as soon
as Brandon gets home.

Well, I'll use this to
time it when it's ready.

This is a man's watch.

Did you realize that?
Yeah, that's why I like it.

It's not so dressy, you know?

Sometimes the most everyday
present can mean the most.

Well, I'm sure

that was the
intention of the gift.

Hello. Is anybody home?

Speak of the devil.


Hey, how you doing, baby?

Good, how are you? Good.

Oh, no!


Who's that?

I don't, I'm... I had the watch

in one hand and
the pasta in the other.

I don't know how it happened.

Oh, it's broken.

Oh, Kelly, it was an accident.

I'm so sorry.

Brandon, where'd you get it?

Don't worry about
it. I'll take care of it.

Well, I want to replace it.

I'll do it.

Just tell me where you got it.

Brandon, if she wants to...

I don't remember, okay?

Well, you just got
it for Christmas.

Yeah, I know, I just, uh...

I can't remember
right now, but I will.

Well, you let me know
the minute you do.

I'm kind of a
stickler for payback.

Is that Donna's apartment?

Yep. Ooh, you did a good job,

sweetie. Can I draw

something else? Sure.

I'll get you some more
paper out of my sketchbook.

That's someone
that's on the top...

Here you go, Zach man.

Zach, honey,

are you ever going
to get off this bed? No.

Well, that's all right.

There's no rush.

Of course, unless
you want dessert.

Peanut butter swirl!

Yeah! There's
berries in the fridge.

Oh, berries... I love
berries on ice cream.

Instead of ice cream.

Berries on ice cream.

You know, Donna, I
really want to thank you.

You have no idea how
much this helps me.

Oh, likewise, thank
you for the advice

about Noah...

who I have to go meet

right about now at the
Peach Pit After Dark.

Hey, Donna any
more chocolate syrup?

Um, yeah, on the
door in the fridge.

I hope you don't mind, I have

to go to work tonight,
but I have a sitter for Zach.

Uh, she's 16 and
completely responsible.


Why is Shauna coming
here? I'm available.

Steve, you don't have to.

With chocolate syrup

and the Stooges as rewards,

I'm sure you'll find
we're very well behaved.

All tapped out of Stooges.

Chocolate syrup?

Pray for mercy.

So what do you think?

Let me get this straight:

she gives the guy a present,

and he passes it
on to his girlfriend?

Just like a disease.

Oh, this guy!

I never even thought
about that. He is such a pig.

So why does your
friend want him?

And why do you want
to read about him?

To remind me how lucky I
am to have a guy like you.

You certainly are.

I'd think Monahan would
be a living reminder of that.

Hey, can we stop the man bashing
for a couple minutes here, guys?

Oh, come on, Brandon.

You can't defend Monahan.

I bet his wife doesn't even know

how he treats women
who work under him.

Always the last to know.

Even though the reality
is probably staring her

right in the face.

You got to take him down, Kelly.

She'll do the right thing.

Well, if the
future of the clinic

is at stake, then they're gonna
take his side; they'll have to.


It's not the sleazebags
you got to watch out for.

It's the nice guys who,
well, for the most part,

do and say the right things.

What do you mean?

Well, they think they've
got license to act out.

It's hard to get anybody else
to see how wrong they are

when they don't even
see it themselves.

But it can be done.

Well, it's his word
against mine.

His words are the problem.

Hasn't anybody else
heard how he talks to you?

No, I don't think so.

Well, then you should let them.

I'm going to go

get the glasses
from the living room.

No, you stay. I'll go.

Boy, is she missing the point.

This girl just attracts all
the wrong kind of guys.

Harassing doctors,
cheating boyfriends...

She's a regular country
and western song.

I want you to get the
hell out of my house

and I want you to stay
away from my girlfriend.

There's nothing between us.

There never was.

There never will be.

Do you understand?

And there's the
bell for round two.

Rocco and Kristoff are
right back in there, toe-to-toe.

Already, this fight has
shown the explosive power

of both of these guys.

Anything can happen
and it all comes down

to who's got what left...

I've got to tell you,
it's our best night yet.


You know what, forget
about the pat on the back.

I want a new deal.

It's been two weeks,
right? I give you a piece,

even though you don't put
up anything, and you want

to renegotiate.

Is she always like this?

Keep me out of it.

Look, we have
an extra bartender.

I want you to restock the
register with small bills, okay?

What about the raise?

What about it?

Back to the salt mine.

I'm going to grab a drink. Okay.

I'm going to give you guys...

which is a very good
thing... Hey, guys.

There's a few minutes
left in happy hour.

See you at the bar.

I don't think we've met.

Duke Weatherill.

You've got a great place here.

You know what, save it, Duke.

Nat told me the whole story,

and I really don't want you
doing business here, okay?

Hey, Duke, can we still
get in on that hockey game?

Oh, yeah, sure,
uh, but, you know,

give me a moment
here though, okay?

Now, young lady,

I'm going to make
you a proposition.

You let me operate here,

and I will cut you in
on tonight's action.

And what kind of cut
would that be, huh?

I'll give you a
quarter of what I do.

And I clear $2,000 a night.

Which means $4,000 a night.

I'll take a third in cash,
by 11:00 tomorrow.

Is that a yes or no?

No wonder this place
is jumping, you're good.


He momentarily lost his balance,

but he regains his composure.

Now he's back on
the attack to Rocco.

Just what is it?
Rocco is powering...

David? Hey.

Listen, what you
told me yesterday,

I can't seem to get
it out of my head.

I'm sorry.

Um, I was just a little upset.

No, don't be sorry.

I'm glad that you told me.

I mean, I... I guess I
was feeling kind of sad

when I thought that you
had moved on so quickly.

But now that I know
you haven't, I feel better.

You and Noah have moved on.

Yeah, we're seeing
each other, but that's it.

I mean, we haven't...

It's not like it was
with you and me.

Wait a second, you mean
that you two haven't...?


We haven't.

That's... why I was
relieved to know

that you and Valerie haven't.

Donna, that's...

that's not entirely accurate.

You were lying?

Or, or what, you're lying now?

'Cause I don't understand this.

Is this some sort of
sick game to you, David?

Look, I never meant to hurt you.

Yeah, you just wanted
to throw it in my face

a couple of times, right?

Hey, will you take me home now?

It's winding down,
but it's not over yet.

Oh, well, I thought we
could go home together.

Whoa, look at the time.

Early night?


I don't know what's
going on between them,

but they're definitely
sleeping together.

And now you want
to sleep with me?

Tell me it's a coincidence.

I thought it's what you wanted.

Yeah, it is, but for
the right reasons.

I mean, not to get back
at your ex-boyfriend.

Look, Donna, maybe you
should go home alone tonight.

Maybe I should.

All right.

Look, I'm done.

If that is another hang up...


It's me.

It's a source on a
story I'm working on.

I'll be up in a minute.

Did you just kiss her?

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean that.

I don't want to know.

What do you want?


I just had to see the
two of you together.

I know you really love her.

This has got to stop.

You said you were sorry.

I am, too.

I just...

Come on. Don't do this.

You did feel
something, didn't you?

Being in my bed,

making love to me?

It was good, wasn't it?

Yes, it was, okay?

Emma, you're beautiful
and you're smart.

Don't waste your time on me.

Well, I guess that's
all I wanted to hear.

I'll clear my stuff out
of the office tomorrow.

You don't have to be there.

I think we're finally
doing the right thing.

Good-bye, Emma.

Making love to me?

It was good, wasn't it?

Yes, it was, okay?

Emma, you're beautiful
and you're smart...

I didn't even hear
you make coffee.

Donna actually made it.

She's already left
for her job interview.

She must have
been really nervous.

Donna left?


Did she talk to Zach?

No, he's still sleeping.

He climbed into bed
with me last night.

He hasn't done that
for a really long time.

It's a lot of changes
for a little kid, you know?

Mm, you should see the
changes that he made.

To Donna's designs.

He didn't. I nodded
off last night.

When I was sleeping, he
drew all over Donna's sketches.

He's not very good at
staying in the lines either.

Well, she didn't say
anything about it.

I stuffed her sketchbook
into her portfolio.

I wanted to talk to her first.

You mean she
doesn't know about it?

Now, I realize that I'm very
close to the drop dead point

for the summer fashions,
but I do have some ideas.

Donna, I'll give you
what I give anybody

who comes to me with an idea.

Two whole minutes, starting now.

That much, huh?

Let's see your designs.


Oh, gosh, I'm very sorry.

All right.

Uh, well, um,

you see, pencil
is just so lifeless.

These are your designs?


You draw like a five year old.

You're a genius. I'm what?

A genius.

It looks almost as
if you used crayons.


It's going to be
impossible to replicate,

but we have to do it.

But the coloring
screams "Break free,

forget rules, have fun!"

Yeah, just, just like a, a
day at the beach, right?


So, Donna... what are you
doing for the next six months?

Working here? You got it.

Yay. Congratulations.

Thank you.


all we need is a name.

Child's Play?


You got all your stuff?

Took you long enough.

I was too upset
to pack yesterday.

I'll help you carry
it out to the car.

You got to toughen up, Kelly.

Don't cower every time a man

pays you a compliment.

Flattery was not your intent.

I don't really like
what we're doing here.

Just give it a minute.

Come on, get off your
high horse, will you?

And learn something
from this experience.

You're a beautiful girl.

You got a great body.

Use what you've got.

What I've got is
a college degree.

I have experience in my field.

Well, you didn't
handle me very well.

Which was the most
important part of your job.

I guess you're right.


You filed charges against me.

Well, I realized

I was going to be needing
a recommendation.


we could talk about
your performance.

Which I'll bet is pretty good.

Of course, at the moment, I
don't have enough information

for a thorough review.

Why don't you take this off?

I was talking about my job.

You're making me
very uncomfortable.

Well, get comfortable.

Stop it.

What's up, Doc?

This isn't the way it looks.


Your contract with the Wyatt
Foundation is terminated.

You're fired.

You're closing
down a free clinic?

There's an achievement.

Wait till it hits the papers.

I've already talked
to an excellent doctor.

His name's John
Martin. Would he actually

consider this position?

He's my best friend's father,
and he's already agreed.

You okay? Yeah.

Brandon, thank you.

11:00 as promised and...

your fee.

No fooling?

For one night, huh?

What can I say? It's
a lucrative business.

That's the lure in
spite of the penalties.

I get the idea.

It occurs to me that a
charming, beautiful woman

like yourself...

well, guys might be more
likely to lay a bet with you

than with me.

Tell me more.

I need a front, someone
to bring me the bets

while I work the
phones and lay them off.

No risk, no reward.

And why would I want to do that?

Your take would be double
what you made last night.

Okay, I'm in.


I'll be in touch

this afternoon about
odds and events.


Hey. JANET: Hi, boss.

I see we haven't
scared you off yet.

No, not hardly,
and I'm going to be

back bright and early
tomorrow morning, too.


Um, I guess we can't
say so much for...

Anyway, good night.

Yeah, good night.

I'll be out of here in a minute.

Steve said you were
off somewhere with Kelly.

Romantic interlude?

I was at the clinic.

Ah, big doings with
Miss Nightingale?

Monahan's out.

No kidding.

How'd Kelly pull that off?

She took your advice.

She got the people
who run the clinic

to see him for who he really is.

Give a guy like
that a little rope,

he'll hang himself every time.

You did feel
something, didn't you?

Being in my bed,

making love to me?

It was good, wasn't it?

Yes, it was, okay?

Emma, you're beautiful
and you're smart.

Don't waste your time on me.

Well, I guess that's
all I wanted to hear.

That was terrific.

It's a congratulatory dinner,
it's supposed to be terrific.

I almost died when I found out

that Zach had colored
in all my sketches.

Did you tell Carly?

Yes, and she promised
not to punish him.

That's good of her.

This is so amazing.

You know, you didn't have
to be so extravagant, though.

This is a lot?


I don't think it's enough.

I love you.

I love you, too.

♪ I've got to make you see ♪

♪ I need you back ♪

♪ In my life... ♪

♪ I'm playing for keeps ♪

♪ This time ♪

♪ Oh... ♪

♪ No more fooling around ♪

♪ I've made up my mind ♪

♪ Made up my, my mind ♪

♪ I'm playing for
keeps this time ♪

♪ Oh, this time ♪

♪ And it's you that I want ♪

♪ It's you that I want ♪
♪ By my side ♪

♪ I'm playing for keeps ♪

♪ Playing for keeps ♪

♪ This time ♪

♪ Said I'm playing
for keeps... ♪

♪ Oh... this time. ♪