Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990–2000): Season 4, Episode 9 - Otherwise Engaged - full transcript

Brenda finds out from Stuart that his parents want her to sign a prenuptial agreement which bothers her. Jim also finds out about Stuart's prenuptial papers and asks Dylan to look into Stuart's background. Meanwhile, David and Kelly grow more hostile to each other when they are caught in the middle of Mel and Jackie's custody battle for Erin. On his first dinner date with Lucinda, Brandon discovers that she is married... to his sociology professor. Guilt plagues Steve after doing a favor for Sears and his frat buddies to bed down a blind date, named Laura Kingman, a professional college dancer.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Hi, Brandon.

- Hi, you're late.
- So?

So l thought you said you got here
at 7:00 every morning.

l was beginning to think
you weren't gonna show.

Oh, l didn't think
l was being clocked.

A little eager, aren't we?

Well, my father always told me never
to keep a beautiful woman waiting.

Well, in that case,
are you ready to start sweating?

You can work me
as hard as you want.

Yeah, l was hoping you'd say that.


- Hello?
- Hi, it's me.


I was just Iooking at my ring,

Yeah, do you still like it?

l love it.

Do you still like me?

- Stuart,
- Well?

Of course. l love you.


Then you get to have lunch with me.

TweIve-thirty, corner of
SepuIveda Pass and MuIhoIIand,

lt's a construction site.
So dress for the occasion.

l'll wear my hardhat.


Remind me why we had children.

Jim, what if she's pregnant?

No, absolutely not.

lf it was something like that,
she would tell us.

Who gets engaged at 1 8,
in this day and age?

- Good morning.
- Brenda, are you pregnant?

Daddy, l'm not even gonna dignify that
with an answer.

Come on, you guys,
just be happy for me.

Honey, just try to understand.

You and Stuart haven't known
each other for very long.

Marriage is a big step.

We just don't want you to get hurt.

Honey, you're young,
your youth is calling out to you.

You don't see Stuart
for who he really is,

what his little imperfections
might be.

Well, nobody's perfect.

Honey, what's the rush?

lf it's good now, why won't it be good
six months from now?

Look, l am not going to get hurt.

So please stop.

l know what l'm doing.
lt's gonna be fine, l promise.

Thank you for understanding.

And thank you for everything, really.

But l gotta go meet the girls
for breakfast.

lt's gonna be okay.
Promise, lt will be.

Somehow l didn't find that
very reassuring.

So you sure l can't buy you
that cup of coffee?

No, l gotta get in gear.
The library's calling.

Somehow l have trouble seeing you
as an academic.

You're not stuffy enough.

Yeah, l guess you don't realize
that anthropologists

are the free spirits of academia.

Maybe l should change my major.

Listen, l was wondering,

how'd you like to come over
to my place tonight?

You know, a little dinner,
some conversation?

Food and words. What a concept.

Expression is very important to me.

Of course, like the Aborigines,
l'm a firm believer in body language.

Fortunately, l'm fluent in Aborigine.

Come around 7:30.
322 Hope Street.

The green house, can't miss it.


Bren, that is not a ring, that is a rock.

Oh, it's not that big, you guys.

Brenda, honey,
let me put it to you this way:

lf you and your fiance ever wanna
buy a diner, be sure to look me up.

- Have you guys set the date yet?
- Hardly, no.

And if my parents have it their way,

the wedding will be held sometime
in the year, what, 201 6.

You know, l always thought
you would be the first to get engaged.

Me? See, l had my money on you.

No, if there's one thing
that l've learned from my mother,

it's that marriage
is not to be entered into lightly.

Oh, so l guess that explains

your prolonged engagement
to John Sears.

Donna, l would hardly call it
an engagement.

We haven't actually gone out yet.

And here, l thought you would have
something juicy to report.

Sorry to disappoint you, Bren.

But for once, l'm taking things slow.

- And how does he feel about that?
- He's fine.

l mean, he knows l'm just coming out
of a relationship and everything

and he's not pressuring me.

He's turning out to be
a pretty cool guy.

Well, l bet you he's taking
lots of cold showers.


- Sanders.
- What's up, man?

- You missed the Gamma party.
- Well...

lt was a wild night, man.
Should have seen it.

Erica Standhouse
was crawling all over Sears.

lt's a dirty job,
fortunately l'm a dirty guy.

Who's Erica Standhouse?

Just a little someone to tide me over
till Kelly Taylor gets her head together.

So, Sanders,
remember l was telling you

about that freshman from Clark Hall
who practically threw herself at me?

Well, it turns out she's got a friend
who's dying to meet a KEG man.

No, no, no.

- Celeste would kill me.
- Oh, a little whipped are we?

No, we have
an understanding, though.

- So don't tell her.
- Look, from what l've been told,

Deborah's friend is ready,
willing and able.

Well, Celeste is suspicious,
perceptive and unforgiving.

Oh, come on, Sanders.
Celeste doesn't go to school here.

- She'll never know what you're doing.
- Believe me, she'll know.

Wait a minute, hold it.
Am l hearing what l think l'm hearing?

ls a lowly pledge refusing to come
to the aid of a brother in need?

This is not a good thing, Sanders.

She better not be a dog.

l guarantee you,

this will be the easiest
pledge assignment you'll ever get.

Okay, this one's for your insurance.

All right.

This one's to give us permission
to roll over the bonds.

This one allows you
to increase your draw.

- Oh, l like this one.
- l thought you would.

Okay, so that's it?

- Pretty painless.
- Thank you.

So where you headed this weekend?

Oh, l don't know, l figured
l'd go to Baja. South swells up,

soak up some rays,
soak up some enchiladas.

But don't worry, no stowaways.
l'm not taking Brenda this time.

To tell you the truth,
l kind of wish you were.

Do l detect some cynicism from the
soon-to-be father of the bride?

Tell me something.

Do you know anything
about her fiance?

A little.


Let's just say,

Stuart Carson is no choirboy,
and leave it at that.

Care to elaborate?


But you don't think that it's a good idea
that she's marrying this guy, do you?

No, l don't think it's a good idea.
l think it's a lousy idea.

l think your daughter's
out of her ever-loving mind.

But my opinion
doesn't really count anymore, Jim.

l don't think that's the case at all.

ln fact, l think you underestimate
the influence you still have with her.

Wait a minute, wait a minute, Jim.

Are you--?
You're not trying to talk me into doing

what it sounds like
you're trying to talk me into doing,

because l'll tell you right now, l do not
want to get involved in this at all.

Dylan, somebody's
gotta get through to her.

She's not listening to me,
she's not listening to her mother.

Right now, l'd say you're the only hope
that Cindy and l have.


Here she comes.

You little monkey. You come here.

- Erin.
- l throw it in the sand.

You did?

You know it's tough being a toddler,
isn't it?

Yes, it's even harder being a parent.

Go play. Which is why l asked you
to meet me here.

What's the matter?

l know l made a scene the other night
at the Walshes' anniversary party,

but when l found out
that Mel went down to Cabo

and left Erin with David and Donna,
l just lost it.

Mom, l'm sure
that everybody understood.

Well, l think you should know
that my lawyer and l

have decided to take Mel to court
to get full custody of Erin.

Mom, it was only one weekend.

lsn't there any way
that you can settle this out of court?

No, l want Erin to grow up in a healthy
and stable environment,

and you and l both know
that right now

the only thing Mel's interested in
is his girlfriend.

l don't wanna make the same mistakes
with Erin that l made with you.

She needs a full-time parent.

Well, Mel did want
joint custody of her.

Honey, that was about his ego,
not about his daughter.

You know how much l care
about David.

Yeah, l do too.

Don't be surprised if things get
a little tense around there

in the next few weeks.
After all, blood is thicker than water.

l'm sure we will be fine.

Okay, just remember
what your father used to say,

''Hope for the best, but don't forget
to be prepared for the worst.''

Just a minute.

Hi, they told me downstairs
l could find David Silver up here.

- Sure, can l tell him who's here?
- Just tell him it's Jerry.

Okay. David, Jerry's here.

l don't know any Jerry.

Well, he's standing here at the door.

Just one second, okay?

Hi, can l help you?

- Are you David Silver?
- Yes, l am.

Then this is for you, David.
Have a nice day.

What is it?

lt's a subpoena.

Why are you being subpoenaed?

l don't believe this. Jackie's bringing
a custody suit against my father.

l've gotta give a deposition
to her lawyers.

What's a deposition?

Excuse me, do you know
where l can find Stuart Carson?

- Yeah, behind the trailer.
- Thanks.

Look, l'm not gonna take the blame
for you.

You okayed that steel shipment
six weeks before you were ready

and now it's gotta be paid for.

Do you have idea how much interest
we're gonna lose on this money?

Who do you think you are,
you little pissant?

lf your father's got a problem
with the management on this project,

you tell him
to come down here personally.

l don't take my marching orders
from some errand boy.

- Even if his name is Carson.
- Okay.

Let's just cool down,
it's no big deal, all right?

- l'm not the one making it a big deal.
- Okay.

Look, why don't you just draw up
another budget

and we'll deal with it tomorrow,
all right?

Hey there, love of my life.

Maury, come and meet my fiancee.

Does she dress up this site
or what, huh?


David, what is your problem?

l just don't wanna lie, okay?

Who said anything about lying?

l go out of town for 1 7 hours,

and Jackie makes me out
to be some kind of a monster.

Do you have any idea how much
child support l give that woman?

Look, David,
the goal of this deposition tomorrow

is to frame your father's trip to Cabo
in the best possible light.

l know that. l just don't know
what you want me to say.

You simply say
that your father hired a babysitter,

when the babysitter didn't arrive,
he called you.

- And?
- And that's it.

You're Erin's older brother,
you're a very responsible young man,

and your father knew
he could trust you.

But the babysitter didn't show up
and Erin was running a fever.

But that doesn't have anything to do

with your father's intentions,
now, does it?

Look, David, you'll do fine.

Just wear a suit.

Now, remember, Jackie's lawyer
is gonna use every trick in the book

to try to get you to say something
damaging about your father.

- Wonderful.
- Hey, don't sweat it.

lf she backs you into a corner,
you just say, ''l can't remember.''

How can l say that?
This was a couple days ago.

Hey, leave the lawyering to me,

A witness saying, ''l can't remember,''
is par for the course.

David, the only reason Jackie
is going after Erin

is because l have a girlfriend.

That's what this is all about.

And l need to know
that l can count on you tomorrow.

Of course he can.

David's gonna come through this
with flying colors. Aren't you, bud?

Yeah, l'll do my best.

This just isn't working out.

lt's like a waste of his time
and mine.

D'Shawn is determined
to just skate by.

Look, l told you this was gonna be
a struggle. So get creative.

- Try a different approach.
- Any suggestions?

Yeah, but l can't get into it now,
l gotta catch a flight to San Diego.

l'm doing a motivational seminar
for the entire Chargers' team.

- Cool.
- Well, it's a living.

Anyway, we'll get back into
the D'Shawn thing

when l get back from San Diego.


l've got a couple of hockey tickets
for the Mighty Ducks tonight.

- You interested?
- Not tonight.

l've got some other
indoor sports planned.

l see. Hot date, huh?

Well, in that case,
take a tip for my motivational seminar:

''Score and score often.''

- Come on, l'll walk you out.
- Okay.

Bravo, bravo.

God, l'm sorry.

Let me just collect my stuff,
l'll get out of your way.

No need to leave on account of me.
Actually, l came here to see you.

- You did?
- You are Laura Kingman, right?

l think so.

Your roommate told me
l could find you here.

- Where'd you learn to dance like that?
- l took dance all through high school.

- Terrific.
- l'm still learning.

- Can l ask you something?
- Sure.

Who are you?

Forgive me, l'm Steve Sanders.

l'm Keith's friend from the KEG house.
lt's nice to meet you.

God, l'm such a mess.

Oh, no, you're not.

l'm all sweaty and disheveled.

Some of my best friends are sweaty
and disheveled.

Listen, you don't have to go out
on a blind date with me

if you don't want to.

Well, we just met, right?

lt's not a blind date anymore.

Hey, Kel.

Dylan, we should really stop meeting
like this.

- How are you?
- l'm getting by. You seen Brenda?

Yeah. l had breakfast with her
this morning. Why?

l want to see where her head's at
with all this marriage stuff.

A little jealous, are we?

Wrong. l just think she's making
a mistake marrying this guy.

Well, l think
you should let her be happy.

Because it's really
none of your business.

Kelly, the guy is bad news, okay?

Well, you can't always choose who
you fall in love with, now, can you?


Well, that was a treat.

Definitely the most unique
chicken salad l've ever had.

Well, maybe that's because
it was liverwurst.

You fed me liverwurst?

No, it was chicken salad, l swear.
lt was dark meat.

Good. l thought we were about to have
our first fight.

Well, while we're on the subject,
l'm sorry about that scene earlier.

Maury's all right.
He's just a little hotheaded.

You don't have to apologize to me.

Well, l'd resent me too, you know,
coming in here, the boss' son.

l mean, at the end of the day
l get to go back to Bel Air.

What does Maury go home to?
A little house in the Valley?

A wife, kids,
a mortgage he can barely afford.

You just gotta have a little perspective,
you know?

What was that for?

Your perspective.


And your sensitivity.

And your maturity.

And the way you make me feel
when you kiss me.

l'm crazy about you.

And since you've finished
your chicken salad,

you get dessert.

Oh, and what's for dessert?

Right here?

Well, actually,
l had something else in mind.

l wish l didn't have to
go back to school this afternoon.

Brenda, if there's one thing l learned
at my one semester at Pepperdine,

it's that they don't take attendance
in college.

l wish l could stay here forever.

Well, l don't know about forever,

but for the next month,
it's yours, it's ours.


l took the room for a month.

lt could be our getaway.

Or you can come here by yourself
if you need to,

to think, sleep, study, whatever.

You are incredible.
l've never met anyone like you.

l've gotta get pen and paper.


Because l've gotta see
what my new name is gonna look like.


- Well, there's paper, but no pen.
- Oh, there's one in my briefcase.

l remember in junior high,
we used to practice writing our names

just to see how it went
with every cute boy we knew.

Somehow, Brenda Boycarsky
just didn't quite make it,

you know what l mean?

Well, Brenda Walsh-Carson
sounds good.

What is this?

Oh, God. Brenda.

This is supposed to be for me, right?

Yeah. lt's a prenuptial agreement.

Yeah, l can read.

lt was my father's idea.

l wasn't even going to show it to you.

That's why you're carrying it around
in your briefcase?

Brenda, you know my father.
He's all business.

He just thinks it's important to
get certain matters out into the open.

And what about you?

What do you think?

l don't know.

Am l supposed to get
an attorney or something?

No, no, no. lt's not that big a deal.

maybe it's not a big deal to you.

l mean, in your world l'm sure
this kind of thing happens all the time.

l just didn't realize that marriage
was a business deal.


Brenda, don't go like this, please.

l didn't hear you say
that l don't have to sign it.

l thought so.

- Hey, you going out tonight?
- Yup, l have a date.

Aren't you even gonna ask me
who it's with?

- Sorry. Who is she?
- Not telling.

Brandon, l'm in no mood for jokes.

Why, what's the matter?

Promise not to tell anyone?

Not even Mom and Dad?
Especially not Mom and Dad.

Sure, what is it?

The Carsons want me to sign
a prenuptial agreement.

You're kidding. What does it say?

lt says that if Stuart and l
ever get divorced,

l'm not entitled
to any of the Carsons' money.

As if l would ever want it.

And l actually thought
that he loved me.

Now, Bren, it doesn't necessarily mean
that he doesn't love you.

No, it just means
that he doesn't trust me.

l think this is gonna be
the shortest engagement in history.

Well, maybe that wouldn't be
such a bad thing.

You don't like Stuart either, do you?

lt's not that l don't like him, Bren.
l just-- l don't know the guy.

l really don't know him.

Yeah, well,
maybe l don't know him either.

l could cancel my date
if you wanna hang out tonight.

No, it's okay.

There's a poetry reading
at school tonight. l wasn't gonna go,

but maybe it'll take my mind
off of all this.

Talk about lndian summer.

How glad am l
that we live by the beach?

lt's like ten degrees cooler here.

What's happening?

Why don't you ask your mother?

- l guess you heard about the lawsuit?
- Heard about it?

l gotta give a deposition tomorrow
for her lawyers.

How long have you known
about this?

Jackie just told me about it
this morning.

Look, David, l tried to talk her out of it.
l'm really sorry.

Yeah, not as sorry as l am.
Not as sorry as my father is.

Well, he's the one
who started this whole thing.

Started what? Jackie's the one
challenging his custody rights.

Let us not forget that he's the one who
was fooling around with his hygienist.

- What does that have to do with this?
- Everything.

Would you guys stop this?

Didn't you make a pact not to let Mel
and Jackie's problems

become your own?


You don't have to hang out
in the kitchen.

Oh, yes, l do.
The salad needs chopping

and you're looking at a man with years
of kitchen cleaver experience.

So l see.

- Well, welcome to my kitchen.
- Thank you. lt's a lovely kitchen.

Yeah, l must say, being out in the wild
of Central America

made me miss its little luxuries.

- Cuisinart, pasta maker--
- Running water.

Yeah, exactly.

Now, tell me something,

these too spicy?

No, just right. What do you think?

l like it hot.

Me too.

Not now. lf we keep this up,
we won't get to the main course.

Well, one thing
you need to know about me,

no matter how many hors d'oeuvres
l sample, l never seem to get full.

Well, good. Because l have prepared
an authentic Guatemalan feast.

How exotic.

And that's just my cooking.

- Hey, cool masks.
- Thanks.

My husband and l spent years
collecting them.

Your husband?

So how long
have you been divorced?

l'm not divorced, Brandon.


Don't worry. He's far away.

l mean, is this a problem for you?

Because it's certainly not for me.

So you guys have some sort
of understanding?

Well, he doesn't ask, l don't tell.
lt's sort of like the military, you know?

But, look, l don't wanna talk about him
right now.

l mean,
unless you feel you really need to.

Nope, can't say that l do.

Come on, let's eat.

With you,
The earth was a bed of grass

We sIept in it Iike two seeds

With you, I was more than I am

Your mouth, the sun

Made everything possibIe

I burn with the Iove that I Iost
When I Iost you

Thank you, Dylan.

And thanks to all of you
for coming tonight

on our first Thursday-night reading.

Thanks again.

That was beautiful.

Thanks. l found it last night.

Kind of reminds me of you.

- You wanna get some coffee?
- Yeah, sure.

l didn't say it was a bad movie.

l just like LethaI Weapon 2
a hell of a lot better.

Oh, l'll take Mel Gibson
anywhere, anytime, anyplace.

Sanders, where'd you find this girl?

Well, l dialed one of those
1 -900 numbers.

Excuse us,
where is the little-girls' room?

Oh, out the door and bang a left.

Oh, but enter at your own risk.

Laura's terrific, man.

Yeah, she's a lot of fun.

Well, listen,
just for your information,

John's otherwise engaged
for the evening.

- Oh, with who? Erica or Kelly?
- Beth.

- Beth?
- Yeah.

Beth, who--?

Brother Sears is quite the player,

Yeah, an inspiration to us all.

So anyway,
if you need a bedroom it's available.

Thanks, but l have a girlfriend.

Hey, man, l'm just making you aware
of all your options, all right?

Who is in charge
of cleaning your bathrooms?

Me. Why, is it disgusting?

lt was an adventure.

l'm sorry about that. Do you want one
of these before l take you home?

Why, do you have
an early class tomorrow?


l'm kind of surprised
to see you out alone tonight.


You and your fiance,
you've been inseparable lately.

Well, l can get along without him.

You really love this guy, Bren?

Tonight's not the night to ask.

Well, if you're not sure,
then you better not marry him.

- Dylan, you know me better than that.
- l know you better than anybody.

l know you do.

And l gotta tell you,
secretly in the back of my mind,

l've been hoping the whole thing
falls apart.

Dylan, come on, that's not fair.

l don't wanna hear that,
especially tonight.

lf you marry this guy, Bren,

you and l
will never have another chance.

What are you talking about?

You're just trying
to get me to break up with Stuart.

Hey, at this point,

l would say or do anything to get you
to call off this stupid engagement.


You've only known the guy for what,
three weeks?

Oh, that's an original line.
Like l haven't heard that one before.

Your parents are very worried
about you.

Have you been talking
to my parents?

My father put you up to this,
didn't he?

Hey, l talked to your father,
but he didn't put me up to anything.

l care about you.

l am so sick and tired of everybody
telling me how to live my life.

lt's my life, Dylan.
l will live it how l want to.

Well, after all that food,

l'm certainly glad l decided
to get back into shape.

l think you're in great shape.

For someone my age?

You think we'd be
more comfortable upstairs?

l always thought beds
were overrated.

Yeah, you're right.

Let's get naked right here.

- Oh, God, look what l did.
- Don't worry about it.

- You can't take me anywhere.
- lt's okay.

No, no, that's all right, l got it.
l got it, hang on.

Wait a minute.

ls your husband Professor Randall?

You know him?

Know him?
l'm in his freshman sociology class.

So what? l mean, it's a huge class.
l'm sure he barely even notices you.

No, you don't understand.
l talk to him every day.

- l tutor this basketball player--
- You're D'Shawn Hardell's tutor?

The one and only.

Well, then l guess we'll just have to be
a little more careful.

Look, l gotta go.


When l look at this picture,
do you know what l hear him saying?

''l have my life and she has hers.

l just want my wife to be happy.''

And you know
what l hear him saying?

l hear him saying, ''You touch my wife,
l'm gonna flunk you, pal.''

This is just wrong.

You're not leaving?

Listen, dinner was great.
l had a wonderful time.

Thank you very much, l gotta go.

Come on.
You're acting like a silly little kid.

No, no, no.
A silly little kid would stay.

Good night.

Oh, Brenda, would you come in here,
honey? We'd like to talk to you.

Yeah, that's fine
because l really wanna talk to you too.

l'm glad you're both here because
l don't wanna have to say this twice.

Don't take that tone with us.

Right now, l will take any tone
l damn well please.


How could you humiliate me like that,

What are you talking about?

You know exactly
what l am talking about.

What exactly did you say to Dylan

to get him to throw himself at me
like that?

l mean, did you really think
l would fall for it?

My God, what is wrong with you?

You call this love?
You claim to love me?

And then you pull some stunt
like this?

What if l had listened to Dylan?

And then eventually found out
about your little deceit.

Where would that have left me?

My God, l can't even trust
my own parents anymore.

You know, at least when the Carsons
play games, they're up front about it.

What do you mean by that?


- Brenda, come back. We need to talk.
- No, l am finished talking.

Now, l am going upstairs
and l'm going to pack.

And then l'm leaving this house.

And l don't want either one of you
to try and stop me.

Yeah, thanks, Larry.
Yeah, l'll call if we hear anything.

Yeah, l know you're concerned.
So are we.


So, what did he say?

Apparently, Stuart and Brenda
had a fight yesterday,

and Stuart hasn't heard
from Brenda since.

Jim, l'm sorry.
l kind of feel like this is my fault.

Don't be ridiculous.
lf it's anyone's fault, it's mine.

l don't know what l was thinking.

Listen, guys,
l know Brenda like l know myself.

And l know
she wouldn't run out of here

without knowing
exactly where she was going.

l'm sure she's fine.

Hi, is this the concierge?

Yes, this is Room 31 6.

ls there a notary public in the hotel?

Sanders, you stud, you gotta tell me
what went on last night.

l hear you put my room to good use.

Yeah, well, l guess.

What do you mean,
you guess?

Don't tell me
the evening was a total loss.

No, it...

No, it wasn't a total loss.

So share and share alike,
my brother.

Was Laura worth writing home about,
or what?

What do you care?

l mean, how many girls can you juggle
at one time, Sears?

As many as l can.

What about Kelly?

What about her?

You told me
you were crazy about her.

And you told me
you were crazy about Celeste.

That's different.
l'm doing Keith a favor.

Hey, l understand, Steve.

l hope Celeste sees it that way.

David, l'd like to discuss the events
of Saturday, October the 30th,

when your father left Erin
in your custody

to go down to Cabo, San Lucas,
with his lady friend.

Did he leave you a number
where he could be reached?

Yes, he did, on the refrigerator.

Well, then why didn't you call him

when you first realized
that Erin was running a fever?

Well, because l didn't realize
Erin was sick until--

Go on.

Well, until Jackie took her home
from the Walshes' party.


She was dehydrated

and listless
with a temperature of 1 03.

But you, who had been with her
for the previous four hours,

had no indication
that there was any trouble?

She seemed fine, really, she did.

But, of course,
you have no formal training

or experience with child care?

Well, l lived with Erin for over a year

and was involved
in almost every aspect of her life.

l changed her diaper, l fed her.

Honestly, l feel l'm capable
of taking care of Erin

under any circumstances.


Why did Mel and Jackie decide
to get a divorce?

l guess they just weren't happy.

Wasn't it because your father was
having an affair with his hygienist?

Yeah, l guess so.

And why did your mother
and father decide to get a divorce?

What does this have to do with Erin?

l'm just trying to show
a pattern of behavior,

which any court
would find admissible.

lt's okay, Mel.

This isn't the first time your father's
had affairs with his hygienists, is it?


ln fact,
your father's repeated infidelity

is what caused your mother
to file for divorce.

l don't remember.

You don't remember when your
mother had a nervous breakdown?

Look, lady, you wanna start
dredging up this crap about my past?

Then let's start talking
about Jackie's cocaine addiction

and all the men
that she slept around with.

- Gary.
- Mel.

She is not exactly
a model of motherhood.

Now, l am a damn good father

and you are not taking my little baby
away from me.

Tell her, David.
Tell her all the time l was there for you.

For your nursery school,
and your Little League,

and your bar mitzvah.

Tell her!


Because of my father's infidelity,
my mother had a nervous breakdown.

Great, thank you.


Professor Randall.

Hey, l'm glad l caught up with you.

You didn't hang around
after class today.

No, l had some business
to take care of.

How was San Diego?

lt was terrific. Listen,
l understand you met my better half.

- Lucinda.
- Lucinda?

Yeah, she said she worked out
with you at the gym the other day.

Oh, right, right, Lucinda, yeah.

she was very taken with you.

And we both decided we'd like
to have you over for dinner sometime.

- Dinner?
- Yeah, so maybe next week.

Why don't you see what's good for you
and get back to us?

Sure, great.

- Yeah, well, l gotta run.
- See you.


Well, l'm glad you like it, Stuart.
l'll get my guys right on it.



Everyone's been worried sick
about you. Where have you been?

At the hotel.

l called there.

Yeah, l know.
l wasn't answering the phone.

l really didn't feel
like talking to anybody.

l needed some time by myself
to think things out.

Well, you're entitled.

Glad you had some time to be alone.

l want you to know that l didn't fall in
love with you because of your money.

l know that,
that's not what this is about.

l never would've thought of
suggesting it if--

- Will you just please let me finish?
- l'm sorry. Go ahead.

l would never want to depend on you,
because you have more than me.

Or more than my family.

That's not what marriage is about.

And if one day, we split up,

l certainly wouldn't want anything
that didn't belong to me.

Stuart, your parents are not wrong.

They don't know me any better
than my parents know you.

So the bottom line is,

a prenup is probably
a very good idea.

l just hated being blind-sided,
that's all.

You're right. l was scared.

l didn't know how you would take it.

And l didn't want to lose you over it.

l know.

Signed, sealed and delivered.

You'd do this for me?

l love you.

l'm not gonna let your father
or my father stand in our way.

l love you so much, Brenda.

ln six months, l'm tearing this up.
l don't care what my father says.

l'm never letting you go.

- How'd it go?
- Not good.

Look, we're reheating up a casserole
my mom sent over if you're hungry.

l'd really rather starve to death
than eat something your mother made.

Look, l don't know
what happened today--

No, you don't know.

You weren't there when my father
started crying

because your mother's lawyer
went on the warpath.

Listen, l'm sorry.

You're sorry.
That's exactly what l said

when my dad looked at me
with tears in his eyes and said,

''How could you sell me out?

You know, my mom said
something like this could happen.

You know what, Kelly?

l really don't care what your mother
says anymore, all right?

And l think you should just shut up

before l say something
l might just regret.

Fine. Have a nice life.

Kelly, don't be mad.
He didn't mean what he said.

- Let's go back, we'll talk this thing out.
- Sorry, Donna, it is too late.

lf anybody calls for me,
just tell them l'm staying at my mom's.

David, l know you're upset,

but what happened today
has nothing to do with Kelly.

Donna, l don't care.

Well, l do because now
she's moving out of the house.

lf you're gonna start taking her side,
why don't you leave too?