Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990–2000): Season 4, Episode 12 - Radar Love - full transcript

After mistaking a woman at a rural filling station for his former girlfriend, Emily Valentine, Brandon decides to visit Emily's home in Marin County north of San Francisco. He learns that the Valentine family has moved to Greece, but runs into Emily by chance on a cable car in San Francisco. They rekindle their romance and decide to spend Thanksgiving together. But Emily does not reveal that she must move away in a week. Back in Los Angeles, the KEG frat house and Alpha sorority serve Thanksgiving dinner at a halfway house, and John Sears tries to take advantage of a 15-year-old girl. Steve intervenes and has the fraternity president distract John. Meanwhile, Dylan declines Kelly's Thanksgiving invitation because he plans to go surfing, but later agrees to dine with the Walshes. When Kelly comes over with her family, she snaps at Dylan and makes a scene. Elsewhere, Andrea is hesitant to attend a Thanksgiving soirée at the home of Dan's parents. Jesse, the bartender from the Walshes' anniversary party, works at the affair. He asks Andrea out, and she willingly gives him her address.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
What exactly did Brandon say?

He said goodbye, he said he loved you,
and he said not to worry.

But why didn't he tell you
where he was going?

Because I didn't ask him.

Maybe we should call the police.

Mother, your son is 18 years old.
He just got done with his midterms.

He just needed to get out of town
for a couple of days.

- Honey, he'll probably call tonight.
- I'm sure he will.

At the very least,
you know he'll be home

- for Thanksgiving.
- You think so?

Brandon Walsh pass up
one of his mother's turkey dinners?

- I don't think so.
- Well, I hope you're right.

This is just not like him.

She's really worried.

So am I.

Yeah, so am I.


Hey. Hey, stop.

What? What's the matter?

I thought you were someone else.

Here I thought
I was about to get lucky.

Okay. I know we've all worked hard

making this annual Thanksgiving visit
to the Downey House better than ever.

And as for me,
it's the one KEG-Alpha tradition

that I'm most proud of.

- Thanks, Mike.
- You're welcome, Leslie.

And on behalf of Alpha House,
we would like to say congratulations

on becoming
the new KEG House president.

- Oh, yeah.
- Yeah.

Let's see, I spoke to Cecelia today
at Downey House,

and she told me that the girls
are so excited about us coming.

And she wants us all to know

how much this party
really means to them.

Hey, Leslie,
any cute ones this year?

Keith hasn't had a date
since Halloween.

That's because he has breath
like a yak.

Come on, guys.

I know it's easy to forget
that these girls are depending on us.

Most of them are runaways.
Some of them are pregnant.

And none of them
have anyone else to turn to,

except for the counselors
at the Downey House and us.

All right,
any other committee reports?

Yeah, the Decorations Committee
should meet back here by 5

so that we have time to go over there
and set up.

And the turkeys will be ready
to be picked up

tomorrow morning at 9 a. m.
At the University Food Services.

Great. Does everybody know
what they're supposed to do?

- Yep.
- Yep.

- Yep.
- Okay, we're out of here.

Thanks again, guys.

Hasta la bye-bye.

Hey, Sears.

Last year, as I recall,
you were the guy

who spent half the night in the kitchen
hitting on that little blond.

Yeah, but the important thing

is that I spent the other half
of the night with her in the van.

- How old was she anyway?
- Old enough. You know what I mean?

Yeah, John,
we all know what you mean.

Was that a pledge
I just heard speaking?

I didn't hear anything.

Good, because where I come from,
pledges only speak when spoken to.

Okay, we'll see you later.

- Bye.
- Bye.

John Sears has got to be the most
obnoxious creature in the world.

Just stay as far away from him
as you can.

I'm trying. It's just hard when
we have to work on this thing together.

- Can we have sodas, please?
- Sure.

Well, I'll protect you. Don't worry.

- Right, you're going Houston tonight.
- No, I changed my flight.

I'm not leaving
till Thanksgiving morning.

- Why?
- I felt guilty.

I mean, I told Leslie
I'd be on the Planning Committee.

How can I not follow through
with the event?

I just wish you weren't going at all.

Well, I haven't seen my parents
since school started.

I know. It's just the thought
of celebrating Thanksgiving

with just my mom and Erin
seems a little uneventful.

Well, I think I know someone
who you could invite

that just might spark things up a bit.

No. I don't think that Dylan
wants to spend

that much time with me anymore.

Kelly, he smashed a pie
in John Sears' face for you.

Donna, he did not do that for me.
He did that for himself.

Just ask him to dinner. What's
the worst thing that can happen?

He can say no,
and I can feel worse than I already do.

You'll never know how he feels
if you don't ask him.

- Donna.
- Just do it, okay?


- Hi.
- Hey, Kel, what are you doing?

Oh, nothing.

I was wondering,
what are you doing for Thanksgiving?

- I don't know, the usual.
- You wanna do it with me?

I'm going to Baja, Kel.

- That usual.
- What can I say? The surf is up.

The south swells are rolling in,
they're screaming my name.

You could say that you'll stay in town
and have a Thanksgiving dinner

with Erin, Jackie and me.

No, thanks. I don't really like to do
that turkey-eating thing.

It always makes me very sleepy.

But if I were gonna eat a bird
with someone, it would be with you.

- Come on, move.
- I'm thinking.

I'm thinking, next time,
we play with a clock.

Okay, all right.
Just give me a second here.

So have you decided
about Thanksgiving?

My mom's waiting on a head count.

I don't know.
Are you trying to distract me?

You make decisions
just like you play chess.

You weigh every move.
Don't you ever just take a risk?

- I went out with you, didn't I?
- So?

- So?
- Come. It's not such a big deal.

My family eats turkey and stuffing
just like everyone else.

You're the first girl in years

they're actually gonna like.
Let me show you off.

I don't know why
it makes me feel so nervous.

Because you're neurotic.

That makes me feel so much better.

- You're sure you wanna do that?
- Yeah.


I hate this game.

- Howdy.
- Hi there.

Looks like you got
about the last spot.

We pulled in 15 minutes ago,
had to drive all the way back here.

You got all that gear set up
in 15 minutes?

Got it down to a science.

We hit the road almost every weekend
and every holiday.

And we always arrive late.

- Name's Curtis.
- Hi, Curtis, I'm Brandon.

- Nice to meet you, Brandon.
- Nice to meet you too.

Listen, I got a few extra burgers here.
Why don't you join us for supper?

- Oh, no, that's all right You go ahead.
- No, no, come on, we got plenty.

Besides, I'll bet all you brought
was beef jerky and some white bread.

And a can of SpaghettiOs.

Do you like cheese
on your burgers?

Yeah, I do, Curtis.
Thank you very much.

Code of the road, I always say.

- Brandon, that's my wife, Debbie.
- Hi.

My kids, Joyce and Andrew.

Kids, I'm gonna be needing that tray.
Bring it on over.

- Where you from, Brandon?
- Los Angeles.

- We were just down there last year.
- Yeah?

Well, actually,
we never got out of Disneyland.

The kids held us hostage.

Are you guys headed over the river

and through the woods
to Grandma's house?

No, all the grandparents
are back in Oklahoma.

We're having Thanksgiving
here in the woods.

Just like the Pilgrims
and the Indians, right, kids?

- Dad, you are so lame.
- I am not.

You're welcome to join us
Thursday for some turkey.

Well, thank you, Curtis.
That's a very nice offer,

but I'm headed up to Marin County
to look up an old friend of mine.

- Friend or girlfriend?
- Daddy.

What? He doesn't have to answer
if he doesn't want to.

It's a girlfriend, actually.

Don't look at me like that.
Is it my fault he's got girl problems?

Well, I wouldn't exactly say
I have girl problems.

Well, you're down in L.A.,
she's up in Marin.

Sounds like a problem to me.

You know,
you got a point there, Curtis.

- Come on, let's have a burger.
- All right.

You look like you could use
some help.

Not from you.

- What's your problem?
- You are, John.

Oh, really? Who are you,

the designated spokesperson
for Miss Taylor this evening?

- Just ignore him.
- I'm trying, I'm trying.

- Kelly, Donna.
- Hey.

Hi, this is Cecelia Capitti,
the director of Downey House.

And I hope I get this right,
Amy, Lateesha and Denise.

- You got them all right.
- Thanks for coming, girls.

Lateesha's a terrific cook, and
she'll show you around the kitchen.

- Let's go do decorations.
- Decorations.

And Denise will show you guys where
to put the tables and chairs, okay?

- I get first dibs on that one.
- Be my guest.

- How you doing, Denise? I'm John.
- Hi.

Well, let me show you
where we'll be setting up at.

Great. Sanders, why don't you give
Keith a hand with tables and chairs?

- Sure.
- Lead on.

This way.

So how come you're here?

Well, my parents are crazy.

My parents are crazy too.
Runs in the family.

I just couldn't stay there anymore.

- How long have you been here?
- About a month.

It's kind of a drag.

Beats living on the streets.

It must be real scary out there.

A pretty girl like you
being all by yourself.

Did I say something wrong?

It's just that it's been a long time
since anyone said I was...

You know.

I just call them like I see them.

From the moment I met you, I knew
you were so much more together

than any of your friends.

- Thanks. I'm trying.
- So am I.

Can I do something for you,

- Good night, kids.
- Good night, Dad.

Good night, guys.

- Want some more coffee?
- No, thanks.

That was a great dinner, Curtis.
Thank you very much.

Burgers always taste better
with fresh air.

Yup, that they do.

So, what is it?

You running after a memory
or coming to your senses?

- What?
- This girl you're looking up in Marin.

She must be something
mighty special.

Yeah, she really is.

I'll put it to you this way. When I left
L.A., I didn't know where I was going.

And then I thought I saw her
in her car.

And I suddenly knew
that I had to see her, after two years.

Sounds like you didn't end up
on very good terms.

You could say that.
Things started out great, though.

I mean, Emily and I got real tight
real fast.

And then she got real crazy with drugs,
and just kind of got real crazy.

She kind of flipped out
and ended up in a hospital.

I lost touch with her.

- You never went to visit her?
- I went there one time.

- It was the last time I saw her.
- Why didn't you ever go back?

I don't know.

A little scared, maybe.
Maybe I felt a little guilty.

So she does know
you're coming to see her, huh?

I don't even know
if she's gonna wanna talk to me.

But I found her parents' address
in Marin, so that's a start.

Well, all I can say is good luck, kid.

Thanks. I think I'm gonna need it.

- Hey, what brings you here?
- I came to pick up a check.

No problem, I'll get my checkbook.
How much do you need?

- You wanna come in?
- Okay.

- Dad, Dylan's here.
- Be right down, honey.

Mom made some killer lasagna.
You want some?

Yeah, it's the best offer
I've had all day.

- Guess what.
- What?

- I got cast in a campus play.
- Well, congratulations. Big part?

I mean, it's practically the lead.

Rehearsal's start Monday,
right after Thanksgiving break.

And you know
who the writer-director is?

Neil Simon?

Pablo, the guy from our poetry class.

- Weird guy, always dresses in black?
- Yeah. He is fabulously creative.

- Really?
- Yeah, I mean it.

And his play is very profound.

Oh, yeah, yeah. Pablo strikes me
as a very profound kind of guy,

the way he falls asleep in a
profound way during class, you know.

You know, make fun of him
all you want,

but he is very, very talented.

- So is your mother.
- Dylan.

No, I mean it. The woman
ought to open a restaurant, Bren.

This is fabulous.

Well, then you should come by
for Thanksgiving turkey.

American cuisine
is definitely her specialty.

I don't know. I was kind of planning
on going to Baja.

Dylan, you always say that
and you always wind up here.

You're right.
I'm a sucker for the food.

Then you'll come?

Sure, why not?
Baja will still be there Friday.

- Oh, hi, Dylan.
- Hi.

I just invited Dylan over
for Thanksgiving tomorrow,

if that's all right with you.

- I was just about to invite him myself.
- Thanks.

We have room to invite
a few more people if you want,

especially since it appears
Brandon won't be joining us.

- Where's Brandon?
- That's what I'd like to know.

He went camping.

We think he went camping,
but we don't actually know for sure,

because he hasn't bothered
to check in yet.

- Mom, he's fine, okay?
- Well, I'm glad you think so.

Where did he go, Bren?

I don't know.
I am definitely not my brother's keeper.

Yes? Can I help you?

- I hope so. Are you Mrs. Valentine?
- Oh, no, no.

The Valentines
don't live here anymore.

Oh, would you happen to know
where I can find them?

They moved to Athens
about five months ago.

Athens, that's just on the other side
of the bay, right?

No, it's in Greece.

Did they leave
a forwarding address?

Maybe the post office has something.
We're renting through a broker.

So you wouldn't know
if their daughter went with them, huh?


Okay, thanks.

Thanks for helping us, Andrea.

I might not have joined the sorority,
but Downey House is a great cause.

- I'm quite glad we could help.
- It should be fun tonight.

Yeah, except John's gonna be there.

He turned out to be
kind of scuzzy, huh?

I'm so happy to be away from him
I can't even tell you.

Yesterday, he was completely
hitting on this girl from the program.

I mean, she couldn't have been
more than 15 years old.

Thinking about it
gives me the creeps.

You guys should tell the counselors
about him.

Well, technically,
he didn't do anything wrong.

They tell us we're supposed
to be friendly with the kids.

Yeah, well, you should keep
an eye on him.

I plan to.

- Hi, guys.
- Oh, David, your dad called.

He said that dinner's at 7
and not to be late,

because Nina is attempting to cook
her first Thanksgiving turkey.

Oh, goodie. I can't wait.

Well, I'm sure it's better
than my mother's cooking.

Well, you can come
to Houston with me.

Actually, I wish
I could just go to McDonald's.

You know, you guys,

I don't know why I am so nervous
about going to Dan's for Thanksgiving.

Could it be that you're in love?

I don't think so.

Or maybe it's a sign
that he's in love with you.

That sounds more like it.

I think he's really built me up to his
parents and this is, like, my final test.

- So don't go.
- I can't do that.

He's a nice guy, he means well.

Plus, he already told his parents
that I'm coming.

Well, Andrea, it sounds to me
like you've made your bed

and now it's time to sleep in it.

Yeah, well, I'm just not so sure
I wanna sleep in it with Dan anymore.

You slept with Dan Rubin?

- Hello?
- Hey, Kel.

Listen, my mom
just got off the phone with your mom,

and she heard that you guys were
having Thanksgiving dinner alone.

So my mom invited you guys
to eat with us tomorrow.

That's great.
What time should we be there?

Why don't you come early?
We'll hang out in the kitchen,

the guys can do the football thing.

Oh, cool, thanks.
Okay, I'll see you then.

All right, adi?s.

Bren, do you think
I could bring David?

Are you kidding? The more mouths
Cindy has to feed,

the happier she gets.

Tell her thanks, and thank you.

- Happy Thanksgiving.
- Oh, it is now. Bye.

I just wrangled you an invitation to
the Walshes' for Thanksgiving dinner.

- Now you don't have to go to Mel's.
- Thank you, Kel. I owe you one.

Yes, you do.

- Can't I go with you guys?
- No, I'm sorry.

You have to make nice
with Mr. And Mrs. Rubin.

- Dr. And Mrs. Rubin.
- Oh, sorry.

- Hello?
- Guess who.


That's right, Cindy.
The correct answer was Brandon.

- Tell her what she's won, Don Pardo.
- I have been so worried about you.

Didn't Brenda tell you
I was gonna go camping?

Well, yes, and she also told us
you were going to call us.

What do you think
I'm doing right now?

- Don't be so glib.
- Sorry.

- Well, where are you?
- I'm in San Francisco.

You went camping
in San Francisco?

Well, I started out in Big Sur
and I ended up in San Francisco.

Are you having a good time?

Yeah, San Francisco
is a beautiful city.

And I met some pretty cool people
on the road.

Well, when are you coming home?

Don't worry,
I'll be home in time for turkey.

- I can't wait to see you.
- I'll see you tomorrow.

- Drive safely.
- Yeah, I will.

- Say hi to Brenda and Dad for me.
- I will.

- Bye-bye.
- Bye, honey.

Excuse me.


- Emily?
- What are you doing here?

- It's really you, isn't it?
- In the flesh.

Well, it looks
like you missed your stop.

Yeah, I guess I did.

I still can't believe
you're in San Francisco.

- What are you doing here?
- Well, actually, I was looking for you.

No, really.
I know it sounds absurd, but I was.

- Really?
- Actually, it didn't start out that way.

I just want to get out of L.A.
For a few days.

Then I saw this girl on the freeway,
who might be your long-lost sister,

and I realized I wanted to see you.

- So I drove to your parent's house.
- They're in Greece.

That's what the woman
who lived there told me.

And then I thought it was hopeless,
and then I saw you on the cable car.

- And here I am.
- Yeah, here you are.

Here you guys go.

- I'm so sorry.
- She's sorry.

Does anybody want any more
dark meat? It's going fast.

Over here, Sanders.

Excuse me.

Oh, excuse me, everybody.
Excuse me.

Before you dig in,
don't forget to look under your plates,

where you will find a raffle ticket.

We'll be having a drawing for
all sorts of goodies and booby prizes

right after dinner. So enjoy.

After I go through the trouble of getting
you meat, you're not gonna eat it?

- I'm not really that hungry.
- Me neither.

You feel like getting some fresh air?

I'd love to.

But you can't just get up
and walk out.

Sure we can.
We just can't be too obvious about it.

- Where is he going with her?
- I don't know, but I don't like it.

Donna, want some more dark meat?

Steve, what the hell is John doing
with that girl?

- Where?
- Outside.

Steve, she's only 15 years old.

Well, what do you want me to do?

Just go outside and make sure
he doesn't do anything with her.

What do you think he's telling him?

I don't know,
but Mike doesn't look very happy.

- Look at the moon, it's beautiful.
- Yeah.

You're so much more
intuitive and sensitive

than most of the girls
that I meet in college.

I am?

Do you know what it takes
to accomplish what you have?

To have the guts to venture out
on your own and be your own person?

You're the nicest guy.


- What is it, Sanders?
- I hate to tell you this, buddy,

but Ryan wants you
to go back to the house.

- Why?
- When the president talks, I listen.

He said we forgot the plaque

and he wants you to drive back
and get it.

I'll tell you what,
why don't you go get it for me?

Well, I'd love to, but I'm on KP duty.

You're a pledge, Sanders.
That's what pledges are for.

Ryan says
he left the plaque in his room

and he doesn't want a pledge
going through his stuff.

And he said to hurry.

Look, I'm really sorry.
I'll be back as soon as I can.

- That's okay, I'll be fine.
- Yeah, she'll be fine.

Come on,
let's get some pumpkin pie.

Did you ever have
one of those Speak & Spell things

where the turkey speaks?

- Okay.
- Thank you.


- Mission accomplished.
- Thank you, Steve.

I'm a regular knight in shining armor.

- Yes, you are.
- Kelly, quit it.

Here we are.

Hey. This is a great place.
How long have you been here?

Since my parents moved.
Having your own place is awesome.

I wouldn't know.

Are you still living
with Jim and Cindy?

And Brenda.

Well, take your coat off, sit.
You want some tea?

Yeah, please.

Do you want chamomile
or lemon zinger?

I'll try the zinger.

So California University, huh?
How's that going?

Ask me again after finals.

It's going okay. I'm doing pretty good.
What about you? You still in school?

I was, but I took a little time off

to figure out
what I wanna do with my life.

- So.
- So.


How long has it been?

I'll tell you exactly.
It will be two years this Christmas.

I must have really
freaked you out, huh?

- No, not really.
- Come on, I freaked myself out.

I mean, I practically
burned your parents' house down.

Yeah, I remember you in the backyard
sitting on that float with your lighter.

Fire, fire, fire.

I'm kidding, I'm kidding.

You seem a lot better now.

Yeah, well,
I stopped playing with matches.

You know, this is really strange.
When I left home a few days ago,

I found a picture of you
in the bottom of one of my drawers.

And now, here I am looking at you.

I better get that.

I better get that.

Hey, Em, you know, your tea kettle's
whistling. You mind if I get a cup?

Well, who's this?

Brandon Walsh,
Rosie O'Toole, my neighbor.

The Brandon Walsh?

Yes, the Brandon Walsh.
And you shut up and get your tea.

Okay, okay. I didn't say anything.

So, Brandon, staying for turkey?

Well, actually, Rosie,
I haven't been invited.

Well, of course you're invited.

Cool, then I'll stay.

You know, if you wanna take a shower
or change your clothes or something,

- you know, feel free.
- Okay.

You know,
my bags are down in my car

and I'm gonna go get them now.

Why don't you?

Seems like we're gonna be having
a lot more than just turkey

for Thanksgiving, aren't we, Em?

- Rosie...
- And I see we've started packing.

Well, you really have it together.

You're leaving in a week
and I don't see a suitcase or a box.

I know, I know. I'll do it.

You're damn right you're gonna do it
because I'll make you do it.

- Rosie.
- What?

Don't say anything to him, okay?
I wanna tell him.

Have it your way.
Emily always knows best.

I told you
how in love with this guy I was.

And now here he is out of the blue.
What am I supposed to do?

Hey, like I said,
Emily always knows best. See you.

All right. It is now time to present
this year's plaque

to the young woman
who has worked the hardest

to fulfill the mandates
of the Downey House charter.

And this year's winner
is Sonia Martinez.

All right, Sonia.

Mind telling me what
that wild-goose chase was about?

I'm sorry. Right after you left,

the plaque turned up
on the floor of my car.

Yeah, I bet it did.

- Hello?
- Hi, Mom, it's me again.

- Oh, hi, honey. Are you all right?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

I'm just calling to tell you I won't
be home for Thanksgiving after all.

Why not?

I ran into an old friend up here.

- Who's that?
- Emily Valentine.

- Oh, you're kidding.
- No.

I was there riding on a cable car,
looked up and there she was.

Can you believe it?

- How is she doing?
- She's fine.

She's happy, she's healthy.
Her hair's all one color now.

So you're having Thanksgiving dinner
with her?

- Yeah.
- Well, we'll miss you.

- When are you coming home?
- I don't know.

- We've got a lot of catching up to do.
- Okay.

- Give her our best.
- Sure will. Bye.

Your parents must think
I'm a total lunatic.

No, they don't.

Yeah, they do.

- Yeah, they do.
- They do. Oh, God.

Emily Valentine?

- I hope he brought his extinguisher.
- Dad.

I didn't know the two of them
were in touch.

Neither did I, but Brandon does keep
a picture of her in his drawer.

- Yes. I knew that.
- You did?

Still, I didn't think he'd actually
get in touch with her again.

Well, Emily wasn't a bad kid,
just a little mixed-up.

A little mixed-up?

- Mom, people can change, you know.
- Maybe.

But she already broke his heart once.
I'd just hate to see it happen again.

- Hey, guys.
- Something's smells good.

Mom's been in hog heaven all day.

- These are for her.
- Oh, they're beautiful.

Look who's here.

- Hey, sweetie.
- You look so pretty in your little dress.

- Hi, David. How are you doing?
- Good. How about you?

Happy I'm not the point person
in the kitchen today.

Well, I think we're all pretty happy
about that, Mom.

- It's good to see you, David.
- Yeah, you too.

- Hello, everyone.
- Oh, the beachcombers are here.

Mom, Kelly and David
brought you these.

- Oh, they're lovely, thank you.
- You're welcome.

And we're just about to start carving.

- Is everybody here?
- Everyone except Brandon.

- Mom.
- Just had to get that off my chest.

- You're allowed.
- Thank you.

Perfect timing.
We're just about to sit down.

- Well, these are for you.
- Oh, thank you, Dylan.

- Well, shall we?
- Come on, everyone.

Looks like we shop
at the same florist.

Yeah, you've got good taste, Silver.

- Well, actually, Kelly picked them out.
- Well, then, Kelly's got good taste.

Except in boyfriends.

So how was Mexico?

I don't hear any south swells
calling your name

from the Walsh dining room.

- Shut up.
- Sorry.

Watch this. School's in.

Take a hike, pledge.

We're playing a game here, John.

I guess you didn't hear me.
I said get out.

Do it, Steve.
The brother told you to leave.


- Fine, sir.
- What is this all about, huh?

You may be a legacy, Sanders,
but I don't care who your father was.

You're a pledge. There are rules.

So you're gonna follow those rules
or you're thrown out, is that clear?


- Excuse me?
- Yes, sir.

Oh, yeah, one more thing, Sanders.

Did you have anything to do with
that stunt with the plaque last night?

Yes, sir, I did.

- I knew it.
- John, she was 15 years old.

You're a bastard, Sanders.
You know that?

Yes, I do.

And I'm damn proud of it. Sir.

So, Andrea,
Danny tells me you're premed.

- That's right.
- I was a premed major too.

Then I married a doctor
instead of becoming one.

Look out.

I don't think there's danger
of Andrea being thrown off course.

She's the most determined person
I've ever known.

- What can I get you?
- I was determined too.

And then Danny came along,
and of course, that changed...

I don't think there's much danger
of that happening to me.

God forbid.

Would you excuse me for a minute?
I think I'd just like to grab a drink.

- Make yourself at home.
- Thank you. Thank you.

- Hi.
- Hi.

You were at the Walshes'
anniversary party, weren't you?

That's right. Jesse. Jesse Vasquez.

I haven't forgotten your name.

And I haven't forgotten yours
either, Andrea.

Well, no good bartender
forgets a person's name, right?

Well, I'm not exactly a bartender.
I just do this on the weekends.

But I did remember your name.

I think it's pretty amazing that
we should be meeting like this again.

I don't know. Maybe it is.


You speak Spanish?

Well, I'm a native
of ciudad de Los Angeles.

- Is this your family, or?
- Not exactly.


a little bit more than friends.

I'm dating the Rubins' son
and this is his parents' home.

So, what can I get you?

- A mineral water would be great.
- Coming right up.


What's your last name?


You know, I can probably get
thrown right out of here for saying this,

but you have two of the most
beautiful eyes I've ever seen.

I'd like to see them again.

California University,
Marlow Hall, Room 417.

That's... That's where I live.



Cindy, everything
is absolutely wonderful.

Well, thank you.
I'd be happy to give you the recipes.

- No. No, no, just keep inviting me.
- Gladly.

Dylan, how about
some more potatoes?

Yeah, thanks.

Potatoes, Kel?

No, thank you.

I'll take some potatoes.

Well, it certainly is colder this year
than it was last.

Yeah, it certainly is colder.

You have got a lot of nerve.

Will you excuse us, please?

Yes, of course.



Do you know what's going on?

Don't look at me.

- What exactly is your problem?
- I thought you were going to Baja.

I thought that turkey
made you sleepy.

I changed my mind.

You didn't wanna have Thanksgiving
with me.

But when Brenda asked you,
you showed up, is that it?

Oh, no, that's not it.
That's not it at all.

This is not about the Brenda and Dylan
and Kelly Bermuda Triangle here.

Now, at least I know where I stand.

Would anybody like
some cranberry sauce?

Hey, whoa, hey, you are the one
who has been jerking me around

for six weeks
parading around with this idiot.

I did not do anything
with John Sears.

So you didn't sleep with him.
Big deal, so what?

Kel, do you think
that's all there is in a relationship?

I cared about you, and you said...

You said you wanted to see
other people.

Fine. I just wanted to have
Thanksgiving dinner with my friends

and I like Cindy Walsh's turkey
better than I like Jackie's

and obviously you feel the same way
or else you wouldn't be here.

you could have at least told me.

Maybe I should have.

But can we just eat now?

I followed the directions.
I swear I did.

Well, maybe it was a recipe
for blackened turkey.

That's a Cajun delicacy, right?

Well, look on the bright side, Em.

At least we didn't have to call
the fire department this time.


Well, who needs turkey
for Thanksgiving anyway?

My sentiments exactly.

You guys know
a good pizza parlor in this town?

- The best.
- I'm sure you do.

A little pepperoni and we'll give thanks
for what really matters, huh?

Thanks, guys.

Come on, let's get out of here,
I'm starving. Let's go.

He is definitely the cutest,
nicest thing I have ever met.

I know.

- So where did he sleep last night?
- On the couch.

That's not gonna last long.

Hey, ladies. Let's go, huh?
Come on, let's do this.

You definitely got trouble here.

- I love him. What am I gonna do?
- You're gonna tell him the truth.

Yeah, I know. I will.

Tomorrow, okay?

- Okay.
- Okay.