Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990–2000): Season 2, Episode 14 - The Next Fifty Years - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
This is my country

Land of my birth

This is my country

Grandest on earth

l pledge thee my allegiance

America the bold

For this is my country

To have and to hold

This is my country

That's Brandon Walsh
with the editorial board.

Andrea Zuckerman,
editor-in-chief of the Blaze.

Mrs. Teasley. Mr. Chapman.

The three amigos,
Steve, Kelly and Donna.

Dylan McKay and Brenda Walsh,
popular campus couple.

Silver, l told you about that thing,
man. Come on.

l pledge thee my allegiance

America the bold

For this is my country

To have and to hold

How many verses are there
in this song, anyway?

l'm just curious.

Brandon, before l forget,
Citizen Kane is Saturday night.

You're kidding.

lsn't it amazing
how it was made the same year

as the time capsule we're unveiling?

Yeah. Except l made plans
with Emily Saturday night.

How'd you expect me to remember?

You bought those tickets
two months ago.

Well, if you'd rather go out with her

than see a classic from
Hollywood's golden age, l understand.

- Thanks.
- You're welcome.

This is my native land

Thank you. That was terrific.

l'd also like to thank our special guests
from the Class of '41 ,

who invite all of you to take
a closer look at the time capsule.

Thank you. We'll see you tomorrow.

Silver, cut it out, will you?

Just one sound bite, please.
That's all l ask.

lt was very interesting learning
about what happened on this campus

the night Pearl Harbor
was bombed.

Yeah, if l had been around
back then,

l would have definitely signed up to be
a Navy flyboy, know what l mean?

McKay's a wimp.
l would have been a Marine.

No, no, no. l would've worn my hair
like Betty Grable.

Wait a second.
Aren't you the same people

who were just putting down
the video yearbook?

lf anything should be preserved
for posterity, it should be me.

- No, you mean me.
- Me.

Thanks a lot, guys. That was great.

- Excuse me? l'm sorry.
- Really?

What do you say
we do it one more time

- so l can get a few cutaways?
- What do you say we don't.

- What is this?
- So it was really fun doing that

man-on-the-street interview with you.

- Yeah, yeah.
- Guys, let's just do it.

- Geek.
- Wait, wait, where do l go?

- How do you think it came out?
- Scott, l haven't looked at it yet.

We just shot it
before the assembly today.

Oh. Right.

- What?
- You're in.

- What do l say?
- As soon as you're ready, Kelly.

Okay, l'm ready, l'm ready.
Let's see.

lf l could have anything
in that time capsule,

it would be that snood right there.

l would not wear a snood
in my hair.



Mrs. Scanlon, l just saw Scott--

Do you remember what Saturday is?

- The big game?
- No. lt's the big birthday.

lt's Scott's birthday.

Now, what l thought we would do
is give him a party he will never forget.

You know, l don't think Saturday
is such a good day.

But it's his birthday.

Well, yeah, but see, l'm MCing
this big dance going on that night.

David Silver, l am surprised at you.

You are Scott's oldest and closest
friend in the whole wide world.

l can't even conceive
of having a surprise party for Scott

if you're not there.
He'd be so disappointed.

He'd never forgive either of us.
Now, who should we invite?

You mean
you haven't invited anyone?

About 25 kids would be perfect,
don't you think?


Denise, you have to come.

You were Scott's girlfriend
in the fifth grade. You owe it to him.

l don't owe him anything

and don't keep saying
he was my boyfriend.

lt's embarrassing now.

Can l come in?


Just please lose that hat.

You know,
it's my birthday tomorrow.

Listen, l know it's
Big Game Weekend

but l'm going out
for dinner tomorrow night,

and later on,
if you wanted to stop by...

l'd love to but
l'm gonna be tied up pretty late.

lt's cool.


Happy birthday, man.

- Go ahead. Go ahead.
- Thanks.

Anything you want.

They put the lamest stuff
in this time capsule.

Oh, like you could do any better.

l could do better than
a greasy pocket comb.

- Oh, don't look now.
- Hi, guys.

David, for the eighth time
the answer is no.

What was the question?

Didn't Brenda tell you
about the surprise party

- going on tomorrow night?
- Oh, sorry, dude. l'll be in Baja.

Well, when do l get to go on one
of these surfing safaris with you?

When you're willing
to get your hair wet.

- Bye.
- Listen, guys.

All you have to do
is make an appearance.

- David, we don't even know this guy.
- But he knows you.

lt would make his whole year,
his whole life.

l'll go.

- l mean, if anyone else will.
- Yeah, who else is going?

l'm not sure.

l hate surprise parties.

Sorry, David.

- Maybe next year.
- Maybe never.

You know, l don't get why you agreed
to put together a birthday party

on Big Game Weekend.

- Everyone's going to the dance.
- lt's his mother.

She makes me feel
like l'm 8 years old.

l've known Scott my whole life.
She was my den mother.

- Yeah, but still, you don't have--
- No, l know, l made a mistake.

l barely even talk
to the guy anymore.

But l promised.

The party's gonna be a total disaster
when nobody shows up.

Look, l'll see what l can do, okay?

All right, thanks.

Spencer, l asked you not to do that.

David, where are all
the kids you invited?

Scott's gonna be here any minute.

Well, l'm not exactly sure
who's coming yet.

That was your department.

Well, yeah, l know,

but l told you it was gonna be hard
on such short notice to get--

l'm sure you did
the best you could. Bradly!

Get everybody in the foyer, please.
He's gonna be here any second.

Come on, come on. Come on.

Scott says you got a couple
rad new guns in your collection.

Guilty as charged.

So do you think we'd take
some target practise out back

when Scott gets home?

Well, guns aren't toys.
They're weapons.

They should always
be treated as such.

- Mr. Scanlon--
- Conrad, what are you doing?

Tinka called. They're gonna
be here any second.

- Well, nobody told me.
- Let's go, please.

Okay, Davey,
you heard what the woman said.

- Let's have a party.
- David, the lights.

They're coming.

- Surprise!
- Oh, my God.

See why l hate these things?

You came.

Kids, kids, come on in.
You'll ruin the surprise.

l don't believe this.


- That's it, l'm out of here.
- No, Steve, forget it.

Only reason Brandon agreed to come
is because l swore that you'd be here.

- And if you're not, he'll kill me.
- Conrad!

Are you sure this is the right house?

Yeah, Brenda said
5070 Foothill Drive.

Well, if there's a party,
how come it's so dark?

Oh, God,
they didn't do the surprise yet.

We better get out of here.

Hey, Brandon.
What are you doing here?

Well, you know, Scott, we were
just out walking Emily's dog.


What dog?


Fooled you. Fooled you.

No, as soon as l saw them, l knew.

Scott, l totally forgot it was
a surprise, man. l'm sorry.

lt's cool. ls Brenda here?

Oh, yeah, yeah. Brenda and Steve
and Kelly and Donna.

They're all here? lnside? Far out.

Happy birthday, sweetheart.

Thanks for everything, Mom.

- Happy birthday, Scott.
- Thanks.

Well, as long as you're here,
you might as well join the gang.


Well, we really pulled it off, huh?

l don't know, David.
These friends you invited...

First, they ruin the surprise
and not a single one brings a present.

But l guess we'll just have
to make the best of it, won't we?

David, are you coming in?

l can't believe how clueless
that woman is.

Who? Scott's mom?

She acts like the party was ruined
because of me and my friends

when she should be thanking me
for saving it.

lt's not like Scott's Mr. Popular.

No one would've even showed up
if it wasn't for you and me.


How long did we commit to be here?

We're on borrowed time as it is.

David, unless you do
something drastic, this party is history.

Well, can't you get them to hang on
until Mrs. Scanlon brings the cake?

Everyone line up. lt's limbo time.

That is it. l'm out of here.

We're right behind you.

Mom, my friends
don't wanna do the limbo.

l'm sorry, we tried.

Come with me, come on.

Scott, you have yourself
a happy birthday, all right, pal?

Wait a minute, you can't go.

Oh, well, it's getting awfully late.

l mean, will you look at that?
lt's 8:30 already.

Guys, guys, guys,
l have an announcement.

l need your help. Excuse me.

Okay. Now, today's Scott's birthday

and in order for me
to give him his present,

you guys have to come get in a line.

- So come on.
- We should make a run for it now.

No, Steve, Kelly.
Come on, don't be shy.

Brandon, Brenda, Emily,
all of you. Come on.

- Steve.
- Silver.

Now, if any of you have ever seen
Scott dance, it's not a pretty sight.

So l need you guys
to help me teach

this major stud how to dance.

Music, maestro.

This must be our punishment
for being late.

Okay, okay, we got the beat.

Go on, fellas, go on. Okay.

Now, everybody get into it.
Come on.

Okay, all right. Scott, you're off beat.

lt's one, two, three.

Yeah, good. Kind of getting into it.

That's-- That's cool.

And Brandon's just not even doing
anything but standing there.

Brandon, come on.
Brandon, Brandon, Brandon.

Emily, can you help me
with the--? No?

Okay, okay.

Scott, it's dancing.
Not a StairMaster.

- Yeah, l got it. l know.
- Come on.

Okay, okay, okay.

Okay, everybody, follow along.
Follow along.

Brenda's got it.

Go, Scott. Go, Scott. Go, Scott.

- Go, go, go.
- All right.

Okay. Okay.

- Wait, wait.
- You got it.

You got it. Yeah.

- Okay.
- Get them hips in it, baby.

Hey, look out.

Okay. Come on.

What are you doing?
He's doing this thing.

Oh, my God.

Okay, time for birthday cake.

- l was just getting the hang of it.
- You can do more later.

The kids have to go to bed. l don't
want Darlene to get off her schedule.

Okay, let's round everybody up.
Come on, Spencer.

Spencer, pyjamas on before cake.

Where's Brandon?

Spencer, your pyjamas are in
the closet. Go put them on, please.


- l'm sorry you feel that way.
- Brandon, where are you going?

We appear to be setting a bad example
and we've been asked to leave.

- l think that would be best.
- Yeah.

Well, if you're out of here,
we're out of here.

l'll get Kelly.

- Brandon, l'm really sorry.
- That's not your fault, pal.

- Peach Pit?
- Yeah, let's go see Nat.

Scott, hope this didn't ruin
your party, man.

- No. Thanks.
- Thanks for coming.

- l really appreciate it.
- You're welcome. Bye.

- Bye. Happy birthday.
- Bye, Brenda.

You can come with us, you know.

- Well...
- lt's okay.

l know you'd rather be
with your friends.

No, l think l'll stay.

l promised his cousin
l'd teach her how to Freak.

Okay. Bye. Bye.

Bye, Donna.

- Thanks for everything.
- No problem, man.

Excuse me. This is my favourite part.

Spencer, get your fingers
out of the icing.

Mom, why'd you make
those kids leave?

l wanted to see them
make out some more.

We don't have any matches, David.

- l'll get them.
- Get the lighter off my desk, son.

Can l have the horse
and the lndian?

No, you cannot.
lt's Scott's birthday, he gets the toys.

- Big piece.
- Big piece.

- Found some matches.
- Oh, good. Somebody get Scott.

- Davey.
- Scott.

Thank you.

Scott, come on, they found some--

Hey, David. Check this out.


Scott. Scott, put that--

There's a place for us

Somewhere a place for us

Peace and quiet and open air

Wait for us somewhere

There's a time for us

l can't believe that just two days ago,
l was dancing at his house, and now...

l don't wanna sound like a jerk,
but which one was Scott Scanlon?

When you told me,
l thought it was that kid over there.

lt's obviously not.

No, Dylan. You knew Scott.

He was David Silver's friend.

Blond hair. He was in
your tech class last year.

Oh, my God. That guy?

My ears are ringing, l can't swallow.
My whole digestive system's a wreck.

l know it's the flu.
lt's gotta be the flu.

Well, whatever it is,
you're doing better than Scott.

Do you know where David Silver is?
l have to talk to him.

He didn't come to school today.

- l feel so awful.
- Yeah, well, everybody does.

No, Scott was my boyfriend
in the fifth grade.

l've said probably two words
to him in high school. And now...

lt's okay. Come here.

Before concluding our memorial,
a couple of announcements.

Private funeral services for the family
are being conducted this afternoon.

And the counselling office
will be staying open later

and is available for anyone
who would like to come in and talk.

Thank you.

You know, putting out
a special four-page insert

in Scott's memory
is gonna be a lot of extra work.

But now, l think that under
the circumstances, it's really important.

What did you have in mind?

l just don't see why we need
to use this tragic accident

as the springboard for some diatribe
about gun control.

l'm sorry,
but as far as l'm concerned,

a loaded gun
should not have been accessible

in a desk drawer
of a house full of kids.

l agree, but the story
speaks for itself.

We need to focus
on the personal side.

Get pictures of Scott, interview
David Silver, cover the funeral.

And who gets
that plum assignment?

Well, obviously
it shouldn't be Brandon.

Why not?

You really wanna go to the funeral

after Mrs. Scanlon
kicked us out of Scott's party?

She kicked you out?

Yeah, she caught us making out
in his little brother's room and had a fit.


l guess l'll cover the funeral, then.

- Andrea, l'll do it.
- Great.

Why don't you bring Emily along
so you could rub salt

- in Mrs. Scanlon's wounds?
- No, l'll go alone.

l know how to be discreet.

What's the matter with you, anyway?

Nothing. l'm sure you'll do a fine job.

Bryce, where's that
printing schedule?



Hi. Where's Kelly?

She wasn't feeling so well.

Yeah, well, join the club.

l almost lost it when they asked me
to say a few words about Scott.


Because l haven't been close
to him for almost a year.

l wouldn't have
the faintest idea what to say.

Plus, l had the most bizarre dream.

What was it?

David, you can tell me.

lt was the night Pearl Harbor
was bombed,

and we were all sneaking on campus
to bury the time capsule

like they did in 1 941 .

And when we dug the hole,
l realised it was a coffin.

The body inside was me.


And when l woke up, l kept saying,
it's not you, it's Scott.

And l was happy.

lsn't that sick?

David, you're here.


You know David Silver, don't you?

He's Scott's bestest
bestest friend in the whole world.

He was with us
every Fourth of July at Arrowhead.

Scott just adored him.

l'll see you after the service.

lt's up to us now.

Scott's memory is gonna be kept alive
by those of us who loved him.

So come on inside,
l want you to meet everybody.

You'll be sitting with the family.

- But my dad is here--
- David, please.

Cecil, have you met David Silver?

He was Scott's bestest,
bestest friend in the whole world.

Hey, your mom says
to come to bed.

l'm out of here.

Man, l've been staring
at this same page for half an hour.

So give it a rest.
l mean, for tonight anyway.

Yeah. Makes sense.

lt's good to see your mug
around here, man.

You and Bren seem pretty tight.

Yeah. And l mean, you know,

things seem to be going real well
with you and Em, it's cool.

Our timing is just way off
with this whole death thing, you know?


l mean, l keep thinking
l should have died at least three times.

Once on the mountain with you,
l almost drowned when l was 5,

and l easily could've bought it
when l totalled Mondale.

But you didn't.

l could have.

l don't know. The only thing
l can come up with is that

someone up there must like me.

Does that mean that somebody
up there didn't like Scott?

l don't know, man.

l don't know.

- Hey, David.
- Hi.

How you doing, man?

l'm great, l'm doing good.
How you guys doing?

We're fine.

Well, that's-- That's good.
l'll talk to you later.

All right.

- Hey, Silver. How you doing, man?
- Hi, Steve.

Looking good, buddy.

Well, why shouldn't l?

So tell me, did you actually
see the gun go off?


- There must've been tons of blood.
- Steve--

lt's not every day
this kind of thing happens.

Maybe it does happen every day
but not at West Beverly.

Look, l gotta go.
l'll talk to you later.

- Right. See you, bro.
- David.

Hey, Kelly. Are you feeling better?

Much better. My stomach
was on the warpath or something.

Sorry l missed the funeral.
Was it creepy?

lt was a funeral.

Listen, l gotta go start my show.
l'll talk to you later.

- David.
- Mr. Chapman.

How are you doing?

Listen, about
the time capsule project,

l didn't have a chance
to get to it this weekend.

David, David,
there's no rush on that.

Oh, okay.

- Talk to you later about this.
- All right.

David, did you happen to remember
those pictures of you and Scott?

- l'm sorry, l forgot.
- No problem.

When do you think
we can do that interview?

How about tomorrow?
Same time, same place.

- Cool.
- Great.

Hi, l was just wondering
how you're doing.

Well, you're about the 1 9th person
to ask me that question today.


But to answer your question,
l'm fine, okay?

l'm just fine.

''They want you to believe
that guns don't kill people.

That people kill people.

But tell that to the 6000 children

who die from gunshot wounds
each year.''

ls that too strident?

- No, it's fine. Go on.
- All right.

''But Scott Scanlon
was more than a statistic.

He was a product of
the West Beverly Hills school system.''

l don't like the word ''product.''
What do you think?

Yeah, it's great.

lf Dylan calls,
tell him l'm at the library, okay?


l don't know, can l trust you two
by yourselves?

- Goodbye, Brenda.
- Goodbye.

- Now what are we gonna do?
- Beats me.



l don't know, l just feel so...

Go ahead.

Guilty. l feel guilty.

- Guilty, about kissing me?
- No...

l don't know, shouldn't we be serious
or in mourning or something?

l mean, somebody just died.

But we're alive, today anyway.

Our number could be up tomorrow.

That's true.

People always talk about things
they wanna do

and places they wanna go
before they die.

Me, there's just one thing
l wanna do before l die.

You know, David,
you gotta give yourself time.

Dad, l know.

All l'm saying is that for the first time,
l feel normal again.

Well, that's great. That's great.

You know, the human spirit has
a remarkable capacity to recuperate.

They taught us that the first year
in dental school.

But then, they were talking
about gingivitis.

Yeah, well, thanks for the lift
and thanks for breakfast.

Thanks, Dad.

David. Hi, l...

l'm sorry.

l was just remembering
the last time l was here with you.

But never mind that.

l need you to come by the house
this afternoon.

l wanna give you
some things of Scott's

that l know that he would want
you to have.

David, my mom and l want
to take you and your dad

to dinner on Thursday night?

- ls that okay with you?
- Yeah, that's fine. l gotta go.

- Hey, big guy. How's it going?
- Fine.

- David?
- Yes?

Michael Shepherd offered
to edit that video if...

Well, you said there was no rush.

Well, we're just trying
to help you out.

Well, l don't need any help.

l shot the footage,
l should get to put it together.

Okay, okay, you're right.

- Just check in with me, will you?
- Sure.

l thought you weren't doing
your show today.

Of course l'm doing the show.

Oh, well, usually you start on the hour
and it's a quarter past.

l would've been here if everybody
would just get out of my face.


l've got a show to do and l really
don't want to chitchat, okay?

- Hey, Andrea, l need to talk to you.
- So talk.

David Silver asked if he could
postpone his interview by one day.

- And l told him--
- How can we do that?

We've got a firm deadline.

We might as well drop this whole
insert if that's gonna be his attitude.

Hey, would you relax, please?

Yes, it's gonna make it harder
to make the deadline but it's doable

if l stay late and paste up
the board tomorrow night.

- So, what did you ask me for?
- What's the matter with you?

l'm having a hard time
putting this together

without you jumping down my throat
every time l open my mouth.

Excuse me. l thought it was so doable.
l thought you had it all under control.

Are you mad because l didn't go
to the movies with you?

ls that what this is about?
You said you understood.

Well, maybe l don't understand.

Maybe l don't like feeling

like yesterday's news
every time she comes around.

You shouldn't feel that way.

Don't tell me how to feel, okay?

l know she's your girlfriend,
l know l'll get used to it.

But at this point, it still hurts, okay?


Oh, my gosh.
Do you remember this?

This was at Arrowhead. We had
the best fireworks that Fourth of July.

You remember that?

Scotty loved the Fourth of July.
That was his favourite holiday.

Of course, he loved all the holidays.

That's why l know he'd want you
to have his Christmas stocking.

No, l really think you ought
to keep this.

Oh, no, no, no.

This is it.

This is the one,

the one l was looking for
that's got you and Scotty.

- l've got that one at home.
- l know you're gonna treasure it.

Mrs. Scanlon,
you're not listening to me.

l really don't want
any more of Scott's stuff.

Oh, but you gotta
take these Transformers.

You kids used to play
with those by the hour.

That's when we were 1 1 .

Why are you acting
like we're still best friends?

Oh, when two people were as close
as you and Scotty,

- you stay friends forever.
- Oh, is that the way it works?

Well, if you don't wanna help
keep his memory alive...

l didn't say that.

Oh, David, l'm so sorry.

We're all experiencing your grief.

But, David,
you mustn't be angry at Scott

or feel like he's abandoned you.

l don't. Look, Scott accidentally shot
himself in the stomach

because he liked to play with guns.

But l don't think that has
anything to do with me.

Well, fine, then.
Take what you want and...

- l'm gonna lie down.
- Mrs. Scanlon, just wait a minute.

Mrs. Scanlon.

Now, you have to remember,
in December of '4 1,

there was a blackout in effect,
because everyone assumed

that Japan's next target
would be Los Angeles.

That's why the students
had to sneak--

David, what are you
doing here so early?

What does it look like l'm doing?

Editing the video?


David, l hope you don't mind
my asking,

are you all right?

Sure, l'm just peachy keen,
hunky-dory, okay?

Why are you being
so nasty to me?

- l'm not a doormat, you know.
- Donna--

No, half the time you ignore me,

and the other half,
you just want to talk about Kelly.

l mean, who stood by you and got
everyone to come to that party?

And who made a point
of being at that funeral

so you wouldn't have
to be there alone?

Who talked to you when no one
else would give you the time of day?

You did.

Look, l'm sorry, okay?
l didn't realise.

Look, l know you're going through
a really hard time right now.

l'm just worried about you.

Thanks, but the worst part's over.

l just gotta move on.

And speaking of moving on,
l've really gotta watch the rest of this.

- l'll talk to you later.
- Okay.

- Bye.
- Bye.

David, good buddy,
what are you doing?

Making a video?

l'm doing man-on-the-street

and you look like
a man on the street.

- Thank you.
- Or in the hallway, actually.

The hallway. So, Scott, what were
you doing in 194 1?

l was in Vietnam,
3rd lnfantry Marines.

- Yeah.
- Scott, you have the wrong war.

Well, we'll start again.

l can get it right.

You know what,
l've known you my whole life.

- l don't think you'll ever get it right.
- ls that a fact?

Yeah, that is so, that is so,
you know what, you know what?

l love you for it, man.

- Come on, we'll do this again.
- One more time.

Man-on-the-street interviews,
take two.

So, Scott, what were you doing
in 194 1?

- l was in lwo Jima.
- lwo Jima?

No, a punji stick in my leg
and it was crazy, man.

l can still walk though.
No need to worry.

Oh, that's good, that's good.
So in 194 1, he was in lwo Jima.

- lt's a secret.
- Tell me.

l'm gonna go
talk to Andrea for a second.


Andrea. Andrea, listen.

l feel bad that you feel bad.
What can l do?

Nothing. Just be my friend.

l am your friend.

And l'm your editor,
and you promised me an interview.

- That's exactly where l was headed.
- l need it in an hour, ace.

You got it.

Hey, David. Sorry l'm late.

Timely song.

Well, l'm glad you approve.

Man, this isn't gonna take very long.

l just need to ask you
a couple questions, okay?

Look, Brandon, l don't think that l--

David, l can't push this back anymore,
man. l'm on a serious deadline.

Why don't you just make up
a few quotes

so l won't offend anybody
by saying the wrong thing?

Why don't you just tell me
something about Scott?

Some memory, something that not
too many other people would know

and we'll leave it at that?

He sucked his thumb until he was 8.
ls that what you had in mind?

Come on, David, we're putting out
this issue as a tribute to Scott.

Why? So people can glance at it
and then throw it in the garbage?

No, so people can get some kind
of an idea as to who he was.

Look, he was a jerk, okay?

He was a jerk who blew himself away,
that's who he was.

You don't know, you left early.

You missed out on the fun part
when he picked up a loaded gun

and twirled it around
like Wyatt Earp.

You weren't there
to see him goof up

and shoot himself and bleed
all over his mom's Persian rug.

David, the microphone is on.

l don't care.

No one gave a rat's ass
about Scott until he died.

And l was the worst one of all.

He was my best friend
and l dropped him.

Because he wasn't cool
like you or Kelly or Steve.


So they're looking at me. So what?

They've been looking at me
for days, Brandon.

''Oh, poor David. ls he gonna be okay?
l hope he hasn't cracked up yet.''

l can't even walk through the hall
without somebody in my face

trying to cheer me up
like they're my new best friend.

Well, what about my old best friend?

lt doesn't matter what you write
about him in the paper, Brandon.

lt doesn't matter what you say
about somebody once they're gone.

What matters is how you treat them
when they're still here.

l guess you can quote me on that.

That took a lot of courage, David.

So does anyone else
wanna interview me?

Listen, David, do yourself a favour.

Next time somebody asks you
how you're feeling, tell them.

Yeah. You can be honest.
We'll still be your friends.

Well, thanks.

But when do l get
to start feeling better?

lt might take a while, David.
lt happened so suddenly.

You can never be prepared
for an accident like that.

Especially when you don't even get
to say goodbye.

Well, it's too late for that now.

Maybe not.

l have an idea.


Here's the videocassette
l promised you.

You may not wanna watch it
right away

but l'm sure one day,
you'll be happy to have it.

Thank you.

Are you sure you don't wanna
come in for a minute?

Oh, no, l'll come by another day
and visit Spencer and everybody.

But tonight l'm doing something
kind of special.

Wait a minute. You don't wanna forget
what you came for.

l know that Scott
would be really pleased

that you wanted to have that.

Come on, you guys,
are you almost done?

Why couldn't we do this
by the light of day?

Yeah, it's practically a ritual now.

Every 50 years, someone's
gotta break onto campus

and plant a time capsule.

Yeah, but how do you know someone's
gonna be here in 50 years to dig it up?

Well, time will tell.

Okay, we've got books,
CD's, magazines.

All that's left is personal touches.

Okay. Well, this is the Scott Scanlon
memorial time capsule,

so l brought along a copy of our
special edition on recycled paper

and a copy on floppy disk,

which undoubtedly will be considered
a primitive artefact in 50 years.

Well, here's my comment
on today's technology.

A Corvette key chain.

Oh, so, what'd you bring,
Donna? Cloth?

No, in the '40s they had nylon.
ln the '90s, we had lycra spandex.

Well, l brought a very cool T-shirt

in honour of the great
Minnesota Twins

for very obvious reasons, l think.

So, what'd you bring, D?

Surfboard wax to symbolise the waves
that have been pounding the shores

for thousands of years, but really,
it's just a brief moment in time.

That leaves you, David.

Well, there's only one thing left.

Look, you guys,
it's just like the Fourth of July.

This one's for you, Scott.