Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990–2000): Season 2, Episode 12 - Down and Out of District in Beverly Hills - full transcript

After Brandon inadvertently tips the school to Andrea's non-district residency after her success in a new article competition, she must move into her grandmother's apartment to prove she lives within district to avoid expulsion fr...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -


Brandon, why is everybody
staring at me? l mean, what's wrong?

- Didn't you forget something?
- No, l...

Oh, my God. l forgot my clothes.

- Yeah.
- Okay, all right.

Just remember that.

l'll think about it.

Andrea, you know how you said

l should enter the Times High School
Journalism Competition?


Did you win?

- No, l didn't enter.
- Why not?

Well, l started thinking about that
food service expose that you wrote.

''The Underbelly
of Cafeteria Cuisine''?

Yeah. You going undercover
was inspirational.

And who would've thought
l'd look so good in a hairnet, huh?

lt doesn't matter though.
l don't enter those contests.

Well, not until now.

- What do you mean?
- l mean, l sent your article in for you.

Are you trying to get me
kicked out of school?

Well, l just think
you deserve a little credit.

Brandon, do you realise
that l could be expelled

if somebody finds out
l live outside of district?

give me some credit here, okay?

l used your grandmother's address.

if they didn't call you by now,

it's probably a pretty safe bet
you didn't win anyway.

So, you know, it's a dead issue.
Okay, you happy, huh?

So you really liked my article, huh?

Yeah, it was okay.

So can l get you anything else?
Another soda?

- Something to eat maybe?
- No, thanks.

- l'm just waiting for somebody.
- Okay.

- Brandon, can l get some change?
- Yeah, sure, chief. Right here.

- Here you go, pal. Feed that jukebox.
- Hey, l'm singing your song, babe.

Excuse me,
are you sure there's no messages?

My darling, nobody has called asking
for a beautiful lady named Christine.

And that nobody
ought to have his head examined.

Well, l'm gonna give him
one more song and that's it.


Are you buying
or just window-shopping?

Well, be my guest. After you.

How gallant of you. Thank you, sir.

Ace pick.

Well, then we must be
on the same wavelength.

l haven't seen you around here before.
l would've remembered, believe me.

- What's your name?
- Christine.

- l'm--
- You're Steve, l know.

Well, l heard your friends talking.

Oh, well,
you go to Beverly Hills High?

No, l go to North Culver.
How about you?

- West Beverly.
- That's where all the cool people go.

Well, hey, if you've got it,
flaunt it, right?

- Yeah.
- Well, what's the matter?

Well, my ride didn't show up and
l don't know how l'm gonna get home.

Oh, that's easy enough.
l can give you a ride.

- You can?
- Absolutely.

That takes care of that crisis.
Anything else?

Yes. l'm starving.

Why don't l buy you something to eat
to thank you for the ride?

- You want to pay for me?
- Yeah.

Well, that's a switch.

Oh, no, you know what?
Maybe l better give you a rain cheque.

- lt's getting kind of late for me.
- What's the rush?

l'm addicted to reruns
of The Hartley House.

l never miss it.

Me neither.

l can't believe Samantha Sanders
is your mother.

She was, like,
America's favourite mom.

- l'm sorry she's out of town.
- Well, l'm not.

Well, l just meant
l would've liked to have met her.

Well, you still may get a chance.

You know, she's got really good taste.
She decorates your house really nice.

Christine, do you really
wanna talk about my mom?

l guess l'm a little nervous.

You're so pretty.

Steve, you know, l don't usually do this
with somebody l just met, but...

But what?

Somehow, l feel like
l know you already.

Brandon, l need to talk to you
for a sec--

There you are.
Andrea, congratulations are in order.

Thank you.

l'm sure l speak on behalf
of the entire faculty and staff

when l say we're all just thrilled that
you've won the Times Competition.

- Hey, that's great. Congratulations.
- Yeah.

Now the district
Public Relations office

will send their Mr. Kramer
over to your house this afternoon.

My house?

They need background info
for a profile on you for the newsletter.

Ms. Teasley, really, you don't need
to make such a big fuss about this.

Don't be so modest, Andrea.

And don't worry about it.
lt's just a little front-page puff piece.

Mr. Kramer will take some photos,
talk to your parents, that's all.

You mean her grandmother.

Of course, right.
Well, congratulations again.

- Are you all right, chief?
- l just... l can't breathe that well.

Don't worry, it's just an interview.
You can handle him.

You don't understand.
He's gonna talk to my grandmother.


So, so, you don't know
my grandmother.

How can l call you first if you weren't
even home to answer the phone?

l just went for some refreshments.
Maybe Brockton would like something.

lt's Brandon, Brandon Walsh.

Excuse me. l didn't think
it was Brandon Mendelbaum.

Grandma Rose, listen--

l bought health food cookies,
oat bran.

No preservatives, no cholesterol.

No refined sugar, no taste.

- But you can't have everything.
- l need to talk to you for a minute.

- Coming!
- Want me to stall him?

- No, you better let me explain.
- Explain what?

Grandma, my whole life
may hang in the balance here.

- You've gotta listen to me.
- Could we open the door?

- Rose?
- Yeah.

- Are you all right, Rose?
- Yes, l'm fine.

- Open the door.
- What's going on in there? Why--?

Andrea. She's all grown up already.
l can't believe it.

And she's got
such a nice little figure now.

Aunt Evelyn.

Let me see those nails, sweetheart.

Aunt Muriel. What a surprise.

What surprise?

We've been playing Kalooki every
Thursday since before you were born.

Aren't you gonna introduce us
to your boyfriend?

Rose, your granddaughter
has such good taste.

Girls, this is Mr. Bramford Walsh.

His name is Brandon.
He's not my boyfriend.

- Can l talk to you for a moment?
- Certainly.

Excuse me. Make yourself at home.

Someone's coming over any minute to
interview me and take some pictures.

That's wonderful. For a job, darling?

No, this article l wrote,
it won a journalism award.

Oh, darling. That's so wonderful.

They'll give you a plaque
or something?

l don't know, Grandma,
but when Mr. Kramer comes,

we have to give him the impression
that l do live here.

But you don't live here.

l know, but you remember
when you said

that l could use your address
for school, that it would be okay?

And what did l say?
l said, as long as l wasn't involved.

Well, now you just have to be
slightly involved.

There is no such thing.
That's like being a little bit pregnant.

can't you just pretend there is?

Look, if get expelled, it could ruin
everything that l've worked for.

So, what?
This person's here to question me?

No, he might not even
talk to you that much.

But if he does, l wanna make
sure we have our facts straight.

Our facts straight.
You don't want our facts straight.

You want the made-up story straight.

l mean, like if he wants to know how
long l've been living here or anything.

Andrea, darling,
l'm gonna tell you how it's gonna be.

lf he comes here to interview you,
that's fine with me.

l'm gonna keep my mouth closed,
l'll play Kalooki.

But if he asks me a direct question,

l'm sorry if you're gonna be expelled,

but l am not going to lie.

- Here you are.
- Thanks.

You know, Andrea, you have very--
What shall l say? --mature taste.

Because l like porcelain and silver?

Classics never go out of style.

So, you sleep on this couch, huh?

Yes, it's really comfortable.

Does it fold out?

- Yes.
- No.

lt depends on your definition of ''fold.''

Well, l won't keep you.

Mr. Kramer, you know
what you should put in your profile?

That Andrea is a pleasure to be
around, not like some kids.

ln fact, on most days, you wouldn't
even think a teenager lived here.

Mr. Kramer, l'll walk you out.

- lt was nice meeting you.
- Same here.

So long, ladies.

Grandma, don't you want
what's best for me?

Not if it means
schlepping on a bus for hours,

breathing exhaust fumes for
the privilege of cavorting with rich kids.

l can't believe
l have to defend myself to you.

Aren't you on my side?

Against who? Your conscience?

Grandma, l don't like lying either, but
sometimes the ends justify the means.

This is one of those times.

Maybe to you, it is.

When you were my age,
you assumed a different identity.

My sweetheart,
when l was your age,

it was a matter of survival.
lt was a question of life and death.

l was trying to avoid a gas chamber,

not trying to sneak
into some school district.

What you're suggesting
is insignificant in comparison,

and don't you ever say otherwise.

l'm sorry.

You may think it's insignificant,
but it's my life.

Three, two, one.

lt has been one week to
the very second since l first met you.

Well, what did you get me
for our anniversary?


That girl gets on my nerves.
She's got no class.

Steve can do better than that.

So why don't you go tell him?

Very funny.

You'll get your surprise Saturday.

- Oh, no, not this Saturday.
- What, you had plans?

Well, it's a date l made
a few weeks back.

Oh, well.

l guess l'll have to find someone else
to go to the Fox Theatre with me.

R.E.M.? Oh, my God!
You got R.E.M. tickets?

House seats.

l just changed my plans.
l can't believe you. Oh, my God.

Happy anniversary.

l'm out of here.

So, my brother, are you down for this
Saturday, Dune Buggies ''R'' Us?

- lt's gonna be rocking.
- Outstanding.

- lt's kind of dangerous, isn't it?
- No, only if you're weak.

Steve-o, you coming with us
or what?

l can't make it.
l'm going to see R.E.M. that night.

With Christine?
Sounds a little continuous.

Sounds kind of nauseating,
if you ask me.

- Do you have some objections?
- Hey, it's not my place to criticise.

Never stopped you before.

Steve, l think we should talk
about this in private.

Will you look at the time?
Don't we have--?

No, no, no, stay right here.

l want you to hear how
Kelly disses my new girlfriend

and pretends it's for my own good.

Come on, Kel. Tell me everything
that's wrong with Christine.

Look, all l'm gonna say is
you get what you pay for.

Where does she get off?

lt's amazing how a little competition
stirs the pangs of jealousy in a woman.

No, no, no, she's not jealous,
she's just a snob.

She thinks anyone who can't afford
to shop on Rodeo Drive

is a lower life form.

lt's not like Christine
lives in the Valley or anything.

No offence.
Look, l didn't mean it like that, Andrea.

Andrea, l was just passing by
the vice principal's office

and Mrs. Teasley
wanted to talk to you.

''And since l have grave doubts

as to whether Miss Zuckerman
actually lives with her grandmother,

l cannot in good conscience
complete the profile as assigned.''

Signed, Cliff Kramer.

- Are you all right, Andrea?
- Yeah, l'm fine. Fine, thank you.

So l have no choice
but to initiate a formal enquiry.

An investigator will contact your
grandmother to make a house visit.

Well, l know, in your case,
l don't need to worry,

because you really do live
at that address in Beverly Hills

with your grandmother, don't you?

So, what did your grandmother say?

She's letting me
move in this weekend.

l knew she wouldn't
hang you out to dry.

Well, she said she'd rather
l truly live with her than pretend to.

But l don't know if l can do that.

Look, you've come this far.
You gotta hang in there.

Andrea, l feel like an idiot.

Brandon, you had no idea
this was gonna happen.

l brought it on myself.

l just wish there was something
l could do.

Well, you could
help me move on Saturday.

You got it.

Oh, wait, this Saturday?
l gotta go dune-buggying with Dylan.

l can come home early though,
if you want.

Maybe l should go with you.

l might break my neck and l wouldn't
have to deal with this anymore.

Hey, hey, hey, come on.
Don't talk like that.

lt's gonna be okay.


Why don't you have to wait in line?

Clean living, Dave.

You know, these sheets
are 20 percent polyester.

You don't ever have to iron them.

Thank you.

- You have a robe?
- No, l don't wear a robe, Grandma.

l think a robe is nice, don't you?

- Brian didn't wanna come over?
- No, Brandon, Grandma.

He got delayed at Zuma Beach,
so l just took the bus.

- And your parents didn't drive you?
- No.

Grandma, l'm sorry
about the other night. l don't...

l don't want you to think
that l was trying to make light

of anything that
you went through in the war.

l certainly hope not.

l hope l didn't bring up
any bad memories for you.

Look, l put the top on the bottom.

Hello? Yes, yes, she's here.

lt's for you.

Hello? Mom, of course, l'm all right.

l'm not getting involved. Mom.
That is between you and Grandma.

Ma, l'm gonna hang up now, Ma.

Ma, goodbye.

- Was that great or what?
- R.E.M. was awesome.

- Except--
- Except what?

Well, l don't know, l thought maybe
you'd want to go backstage afterwards.

l couldn't get passes.

But couldn't you just tell them
who you are?

The limo's gonna be here
any minute.

Guys, could you believe that concert?
Wasn't it outrageous?

- lt was supernaturally--
- Yeah, we get the gist, Dave.

Oh, l'm sorry. You must be Christine.
l'm David Silver.

l'm sure he's mentioned me.
Steve and l are close buds.

Don't push your luck, bud.

Are those autographs
on your programme?

- Yeah, l just kind of snuck backstage.
- How did you get in?

Clean living, Steve-o.

- Where is that stupid driver anyway?
- Well, he probably went around back.

Yeah, well, we're never using
this company again.

And don't give him a tip.

Here he is now.

Hey, did you ever see the movie,
No Way Out?

- No.
- Oh, it was great.

Sean Young, Kevin Costner.

They get it on in a limo.
A limo just like this one.

Well, l'm sure they didn't have
a stupid driver like we've got.

Come on, forget about him.

The question is,
did you have fun tonight?

Yeah, l did, until a few minutes ago.

You know, l was thinking,
maybe next week,

we could go to a jewellery store
and pick out a token of my affection.

Oh, Steve.

l think this whole limo thing
got to me because,

well, it's just that
you make me feel like Cinderella.

l mean, you're so generous.
l'm just afraid it's all gonna disappear.

Well, it won't.
Believe me, you deserve it.

Now all we have to decide is,
should it be jewellery for the hand,

the ear or neck?

- Steven, l love you.
- l love you too.

Who would've thought it, huh?

l move 1 0 miles closer to school
and l actually get a late slip.

- So, you slept in for once.
- Who could sleep in

with an insomniac grandmother
roaming around the place all night?

Well, it's always those first few nights
in a new place that's the hardest.

l mean, l do speak from experience.

Yeah, he changes his address
like a model changes her clothes.

- Hey, Steve.
- Yo, Steve.

How was the limo, buddy?

Oh, the limo was...cinematic.

- Hi, guys.
- Hi, girls. Pull up a chair.

So we'll pick you guys up,
what, 6:30, 7:00 at Brenda's?

- Have we decided where we're going?
- l haven't spoken to Christine yet.

Why don't we just decide later?

ls this a double date?
How smooshy.

Don't start, Kel.

- l'll see you guys later.
- Bye.

- Hey, take it easy, man.
- Bye, bro.

Am l the only one who can see
what a phoney Christine is?

Well, Steve seems to like her.

He likes anything in a skirt
these days, Donna.

He didn't used to be that way.

The good old days.

Hey, Andrea,
everything's gonna be okay, trust me.

You just gotta look
on the bright side.

What is the bright side, Brandon?

l mean, l miss my family,
l have no privacy,

and my grandmother
is a walking time bomb.

What do you mean?

l mean, there's no way to know what
she'll tell the investigator tomorrow.

Andrea, let me ask you a question.

ls this school
really worth all the hassle?

You people have no idea
how good you have it, do you?

You think every place is like this.

Do you realise that the school
l'm supposed to go to

doesn't have enough funds
to even put out a real paper?

l guess l didn't think about it.

Why should you?
Why should any of you?

You buy new clothes every weekend.
You have CD players in your cars.

You have no idea wha...

l'm sorry. Forget it.

Andrea, why are you so upset?

l'm upset because the investigator
is gonna come tomorrow

and it still looks like
l am an overnight guest.

No way she's gonna believe
l live there,

with all that grandma stuff around.

Andrea, we can fix that.

My middle name is makeover.

Oh, you guys, l can't believe
how great this place looks.

What do you think, Grandma Rose?

- How do you like your new dormitory?
- l think it looks great.

Finishing touch, a family photo.

ls that your mom?
She's really pretty.

lt's not a very good picture.

Well, l think she looks beautiful.

Grandma Rose, you're always making
fun of your cooking. This is great.

- You like it?
- Yeah.

lt's Evelyn's recipe.

She can't play Kalooki to save her life,
but she cooks like the white tornado.

l remember when you used to come
to our house on the holidays

and cook for us.

l wish you'd come over
more often, Grandma.

l don't wanna talk about it, okay?

You know,
l've never seen Steve so...

- Happy.
- Yeah.

l mean, ever since we've known him,

he's either been hung up on Kelly
or chasing bimbos.

And now l see how attentive he is
when he really cares about a girl.

l mean,
he's so sweet and protective.

Yeah, well,
just don't get any ideas, okay?

Because you're taken.

Oh, God, l'm starving.
How much longer?

- Oh, l'd say 45 minutes?
- Forty-five minutes?

Yeah, well, all right, look, look, look,
you ladies dangle somewhere,

me and Steve-o,
we'll cook some hors d'oeuvres.

- We will?
- Yeah.

Yeah, we will.

l always prefer to be waited on.

l've noticed that about you.

l thought we were going out tonight,
not doing all the drudgework ourselves.

l mean, l could do that at home.

You know, personally,
l prefer staying at home.

l mean, it's so expensive to go out

and normally
the food's not even that great.

Unless you know where to go,
like Steve does.

And then
you don't have to do the dishes.

- Oh, baby, l'll do the dishes.
- Good.

Hey, let's go look at your clothes.

Oh, this belt is radical. This
must've set you back a few big ones.

Actually, l stole it from my brother.

Hey, you know, we should
go shopping together sometime.

Oh, l'm having a slight recession
in my chequebook.

Actually, l'm waiting for
the big sales.

Oh, God, l hate the sales.
They're so crowded and smelly.

but you can buy twice as much.

Unless, of course,
you don't care about that,

because, what,
you're independently wealthy?

Well, l'm not.

Do you like my dress?

Actually, l was meaning to tell you
earlier, l think it's really fabulous.

- Steve bought it for me.
- Oh, that was nice of him.

And what is this l hear
about a jewellery store?

Diamond earrings. l've been
dreaming about them constantly.


Well, small ones.
l mean, not a whole carat or anything.

But you know what would really make
my whole year?

Spring break in Hawaii.

Christine, you really haven't
known Steve that long.

You know who Steve
reminds me of?

Richard Gere in the movie
Pretty Woman.

And you're Julia Roberts, right?

- Why not?
- Because she was a prostitute.

Yeah, but she looked great,
don't you think?

Christine, Steve is my friend

and l don't appreciate
the way that you're treating him.

Well, l don't hear him complaining.

- You're using him.
- We're using each other.

Excuse me, ladies, crudites awaits.

- l've lost my appetite.
- So have l.

- Come on, Steve, let's go.
- Way to go, Bren.

Steve, if you're smart,
you'll let that one just go.

Some friend you are.

The first girl to mean anything to me in
over a year, you go and blow her off.

- l am your friend.
- Then you better get used to her,

because l'm gonna see
a lot more of her, for a long time.

l bet Kelly put you up to this.

Steve, look,
l was just looking out for you.

l mean, she admitted to me
that she was using you.

Thanks, Brenda,
but l can take care of myself.

Yeah, can l say hi to Mom?
Okay, l love you too.

Hi, Mom. l'm fine, how are you?

Yeah? Really? No.

Ma, l'm sorry, l can't hear you.
What? Can you say that again?

Oh, no, just the usual, you know.

Ma, l'm-- Can you...?

Ma, l'm gonna have to call you back
later. l can't hear anything.

Okay, bye-bye.

Grandma, can you please
stop vacuuming?

Grandma, can you--? Grandma!
Please, stop vacuuming.

Your girlfriends, they stirred up
all this dust, moving the furniture.

Grandma, this is not about dust.
This is about you and my parents.

l don't know
what you're talking about.

Grandma, look,
l know that you hate my mother.

But why are you taking it out on me?
You've never done that before.

Andrea, l do not hate your mother.

You haven't spoken to her
in three years.

And why should l speak
to a person like that?

She's not a horrible person,
even if she's not Jewish.

This has nothing to do
with Jewish or not Jewish.

Your mother has absolutely
no respect for me, none.

How can you say that?

When l broke my leg, did she ever
just once pick up a phone, maybe?

Not once.

Grandma, l can't defend my parents.
l don't know what really happened.

- lt's water under the bridge.
- No, that's the trouble, it's not.

l don't wanna be
in the middle of this anymore.

Fine with me.

What are you doing?
You redecorating again?

No, l'm packing.

l'm tired of living this charade.

l'm just gonna bring my bag
to school

and l'll come back later
for the rest of my things, okay?

Andrea, your investigator
is coming today at 3:00.

l know.

So, what do you want me to tell her?

Grandma, tell her the truth.

Tell her l'm a liar,
tell her it didn't work out,

tell her whatever you want.

Then maybe everybody's conscience
can be clear

and maybe l can have
my grandma back.

Andrea. Andrea, come back.

Hey, chief. How's it going?

''l regret to inform you that
l will be resigning as editor,

effective immediately''?

- What happened?
- Nothing.

l just thought
l'd make preparations now

so l don't have to leave
in disgrace or chaos.

Andrea, come on,
you are so fatalistic.

But what about your grandma?

l mean, you haven't even given it
a decent chance yet.

Brandon, there are forces
working within my grandmother

that began decades ago
on another continent.

Might as well have been another
planet, as far as l'm concerned.

What are you talking about?
Did she throw you out?

No, threw myself out.

Well, l don't know if it'll work,

but do you want me to ask my parents
if you can come live with us?

You'd do that for me?

You're great.

But that's not the answer either.

Well, we could just try it out.

Way too much responsibility
for your folks, Brandon.

l mean, they would have to become
my guardians.

No, l'm gonna just have to look at this
like a challenge.

You know, the funny thing is,

l was really starting to feel like
l was part of the gang, you know?

l mean, your frien--

Our friends.

--they don't look at me like a geek who
lives on the wrong side of the tracks.

And l know that there's more to them

than their spiffy clothes
and their fancy cars.

l guess that's something
that l never would have learned

if l hadn't come here.

And that's worth something, isn't it?

- Excuse me, sorry to interrupt.
- What is it, partner?

Can l talk to you outside
for a second?

Brandon, l couldn't tell this
to just anyone, so...

What is it?

- Did Brenda tell you about last night?
- No, she didn't. l got home too late.

Brenda and Christine
didn't exactly hit it off last night.

So l let Brenda have it for that.

Then afterwards,
l couldn't stop thinking about it

and l started to see Christine
in a new light.

What do you mean?

lt's like she's obsessed with money.

Well, that's not so unusual in L.A.

You really fell for this one,
didn't you?

Yeah. Yeah, l did.

l guess l missed having a steady thing
more than l admitted.

Let's face it, look at my track record.
lt's lousy, in the pick-up department.

l want someone who likes me
for who l am,

someone who'll be there
even if l have nothing in the bank.

And you don't think she will?

l'm gonna have to find out.

- l already picked something out.
- l get to guess what it is, right?

lf you want.
l hope you like it. l already paid for it.

Well, why shouldn't l like it,
if you picked it out for me?

- Go ahead, guess.
- Okay, l will. Okay.

Well, it's not the engagement rings.
Not yet, anyway.

And it's not the sapphire necklace,
although l wouldn't mind that either.

l wouldn't mind the pearls,
but that's not it.

The earrings, right there.

No, that's not it.

Well, don't keep me in suspense.
What is it?

This is it.

This is from me to you.

- That's it?
- Don't you like it?

Well, it's nice,
but it's not that special.

Silly of me.

l thought maybe, because it came
from me, it would be special to you.

But that's okay. lf you don't want it,
maybe someone else will.

Steve, wait. Please, don't get mad.

l mean, let me see it again.
l didn't get a good enough look.

Forget it.
Don't wanna give it to you anymore.

But l was just being honest.

l know, like the way you were honest
that first day in the Peach Pit,

about not knowing
who my mom was, right?

How did you know that?

l didn't until right now.

Goodbye, Christine. Have a nice life.

Steve. What'll it be, pal?

Whatever. Make it a double.

So how did your little talk go
with Christine?

Oh, that good, huh?

Can you get off work
a couple hours early?

l'm only in for a couple hours.
l gotta help Andrea move back home.

- Yeah, splitsville.
- Bummer.

So are you gonna buy,
or are you just window-shopping?

You go ahead.

That's a pretty sad song.

Yeah, whenever l feel bad, l kind of
like to wallow in it for a little while.

What's the matter, Steve?

l broke up with Christine.

Andrea, are you busy tonight?


Do you like me?

Yeah, sure l do.

Why? Why do you like me?

Because underneath
that sometimes-rude exterior,

lies a little boy
who likes to have fun.

And you're kind of cute.

l am rude, l know that.
l gotta work on that.

Sometimes l lie awake at night

remembering all the stupid cracks
l've said to people,

wondering why
they even talk to me at all.

Andrea, l'm sorry
if l hurt your feelings the other day.

Well, try not to make so much fun
about the Valley, okay?

You can't go back there.
We need you here, Andrea.

- You're our inspiration.
- Right.

Andrea, how many girls are there

you can enjoy looking at
and also look up to?

Thank you.

So you think l'm cute, huh?
You never told me that before.

You never asked.

Well, in that case,
you think l'm sewy?

Hey, hey, hey,
what's going on over here?

l've been trying to make this girl smile
for hours. No, days.

You come in
and manage it in five minutes?

You think you're the only one
that can be tight

with the illustrious
Andrea Zuckerman?

l have a lot of friends, Brandon.

So don't leave them.

Oh, she's here.

Andrea. Hi, l'm Pat Roberts.

l'm glad we could get to meet
in person.

l feel l know you already, from reading
your editorials in the newspaper.

- They're outstanding.
- Thank you.

Goodbye, Mrs. Zuckerman.
l'll see you in three weeks.

Bye-bye. lt was my pleasure.

- What's in three weeks?
- A follow-up visit.

- And your report will be...?
- Favourable.

Listen, Andrea, be sure to stay
on this side of the hill, okay?

Come on,
you're gonna ruin my makeup.

You're not wearing any makeup.

So maybe l'm gonna
wanna wear some later.

what made you lie for me?

You were right, Andrea.

You shouldn't be in the middle.
You work so hard.

And soon you'll be gone away
to college, married.

- Can you stand it?
- What?

Living with me for real?

Believe me, darling,
l've been through worse.

You know what?
l could use the company.

Well, there is one thing
that we have to work out.

- What?
- My parents.

What are you doing?

lf you want me
to live here with you, Grandma,

we have to sit down and talk,
all together.



There's somebody here
who wants to talk to you.

Hello, Beverly.

Well, l'm fine.

l got a little arthritis, a couple aches
and pains here and there,

but otherwise, l'm okay. And you?

And l baked this
with my own little hands.

Yeah, right, Nat.
l work here, remember?

Sit down, pal.

''Good luck''?

Well, when we made it, we didn't know
whether you were coming or going

or staying or what, so...

Well, l knew. l had no doubt about it.

- Me either.
- lt's unanimous.

You guys, thank you
for being there for me.

- lt's great.
- What, you thought we wouldn't be?

l don't know,
l figured that, you know,

l would be gone
and you guys would just move on.

Out of sight, out of mind.

- Not!
- Not! No way.

That would never happen
with someone as special as you.

You know, Kelly, your interior
decorating made a world of difference.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Oh, stop it.

Cake, cake, cake.
Who wants some cake?

How you doing?

l sure am sorry
l didn't listen to you, Kel.

Me too.

- l wanna give you something.
- What?

Give me your hand.

Thanks, but no, thanks.

Go on, just take it.

Steve, it's beautiful, but l don't want
something you bought for another girl.

You look like you could use
some distraction. How about a movie?

With you? Now?

Dutch, of course.

A romantic comedy,
to cheer you up.

- Action-adventure?
- Mystery.

You got it.

Who would like a piece of cake?

We-- Yeah, we'll just--

No, l think not. l think each plate
should have a rose on it.

- A yellow rose of Texas.
- The yellow rose of Texas.