Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990–2000): Season 1, Episode 15 - A Fling in Palm Springs - full transcript

During Presidents' Weekend, the gang goes to Palm Springs, where Dylan and Brenda plan to meet at a hotel for some time alone. But Brenda forgets the name of the hotel where she's supposed to meet Dylan. Meanwhile, David, wanting to fit in with the gang, ditches Scott and their trip to Magic Mountain to take Steve, Kelly and Donna to his grandparents' house, which is supposed to be empty. And Brandon stays home to help Nat at the Peach Pit, and discovers a secret that an apparently sarcastic boy named Curtis has been hiding.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Dylan, we've gotta stop.

Yeah, we gotta stop. I'm dying here.

- Dylan.
- Brenda, we've been going out

for two months now.
I have been absolutely faithful to you,

and all I get is a bunch of promises,
and a lot of "I'm sorry."

- I'm sorry.
- Don't be sorry.

Be friendly.

I can't tonight.

How about next weekend?

I'm going to Palm Springs
with Kelly and Donna next weekend.

Presidents' Day weekend?

You're gonna spend three days
in Palm Springs with Kelly and Donna?

What's wrong with that?

How about I get us a room?

- Where?
- In Palm Springs.

Kelly and Donna
can drop you off at the hotel,

and you can tell your parents
you're staying with them,

and then we'll have three whole days
to spend together.

- I don't know.
- Yes, you do.

Honey, I'm a little concerned about
there not being any parents out there.

Mother, that's the point.

All the schools are out
for Presidents' Day.

Kelly says, "Anybody who's anybody
goes to Palm Springs."

It's a ritual.
It's like the geese flying south

or north, or wherever they go.

Well, just make sure we have a number
where we can reach you.

Maybe you should get me
one of those radar collars like for dogs.

No, Bren, what you need
is one of those collars

that electrocutes you
every time you get out of line.

Oh, what I need is a new car.

- Brandon.
- Dad, I know what you're gonna say,

and I don't want you to say anything
until you take a look at this brochure.

See, any good mechanic
can restore an old engine,

but this guy completely restores the
original interiors, the original grillwork.

It costs $25,000!

Well, yeah, but it's a classic.

And it's definitely gonna be worth
more than that in five years.

That's why Dylan's father
bought him a Porsche.

Dylan's father is facing
a grand jury indictment.

I better finish packing.

Come on, Dad.
You know how hard I work.

And last night Nat tells me that I can't
go to Palm Springs this weekend

with all of my friends
because his sister's sick,

and now I have to work all weekend,

but you don't hear me complaining,
do you?


Magic Mountain's gonna be so cool
this weekend. It's gonna be jammed!

My mom says we could stay all day.

I heard girls just roam in packs
searching for guys.

They've got this one roller coaster.

It's so intense, they give you
a barf bag when you get on.

I can't wait.

Hey, what's up, big guy?

David, I'm not in the mood for you today.

In fact, I'm never in the mood for you.

What did I do?
I'm just trying to be friendly.

Yeah, I know the feeling.

I invited my friends to Palm Springs
for the biggest weekend of the year.

This morning my mom
conveniently tells me

that I can't go because
she's having the house fumigated.

- Oh, what a drag.
- Everybody's gonna kill me.

I've been talking up this place
for weeks.

We're supposed to leave
after school today.

You know, my grandparents have
this incredible house in Palm Springs.

- Great.
- When my dad and mom separated,

my grandparents said that, you know,

I could use the house
whenever I wanted to,

like some sort of consolation prize
or something.

Lucky you, David.

They're away right now, in fact.

They're away? Far away?

On a world cruise
for the next two months.

David, I'm sorry I snapped at you.

I know you were
just trying to be friendly.

Have I ever told you how glad I am
you and I have become good friends?

- You and me?
- Yeah, you and me.

You know, we're gonna do Palm Springs
like it has never been done before.

No bikini left unturned.

Steve, didn't you get my message?
I can't go.

You're kidding me, right?

I can't. I gotta work.
I left a message with your mom.

No, no, no, Brandon,
Brandon, call in sick!

Steve, some people don't get everything
handed to them on a silver platter.

Brandon, I went to a lot of trouble here.

Brandon... Come on,
you can't leave me alone

with David Silver the whole weekend.

- Since when was he going?
- Since today, okay?

But don't worry, I'm gonna lock him
in the closet. Come on.

Steve, you don't have to go.
We can go next weekend.

That's like saying
let's do Christmas in July.

Come on, Brandon,
nobody misses Palm Springs weekend.

Well, I'm gonna have to.

Well, maybe I can manage by myself.

Donna, we're not going to Europe.

You don't need three bags.

Kelly, I have to dress
according to the guys we meet.

I mean, high school guys, college guys,
grad-school guys, drop-out guys.

You cannot dress the same
for all guys. No.

I guess you have a point.
Bring everything.

We'll go to Magic Mountain
next weekend.

The pass is only good this weekend.

Well, maybe you can
get your little brother to go.

Look, I'm not gonna walk away from
the chance to be with Kelly and Steve

for the three-day weekend of the year.

Every babe from West Beverly,
Beverly Hills High,

Brentwood and Santa Monica's
gonna be there.

- You know how it is.
- No, I don't know how it is.

I've never been there before.

Look, I gotta go, all right?
I'll see you Tuesday.

Will you guys come on? There's gonna
be a lot of traffic on the road.

Hey, gang.

Are we gonna have a blast or what?

There's been a slight change of plans.

Everything all right today, Willie? Good.

- So, are you ready to order yet?
- Got any macaroni cheese?

- Is it on the menu?
- It's not that hard to make.

Curtis, I'm busy, okay?

You here by yourself again?

You're not a very good waiter, are you?

Hey, I happen to be an excellent waiter.

Move your hands.

Only girls wear bracelets.

This is a Guatemalan
friendship bracelet,

and it happens to be very cool, okay?

How come every time you come in here,
it takes you an hour to order, huh?

Okay, don't have a cow.

I'll take a gorilla-cheese sandwich
with pickles and French fries.

Crispy, not all greasy.

I could be in Palm Springs by now.

I never thought it would be like this.

- Did you see that one?
- Who?

That one. That one right there.

David, David, sit down!

If we're gonna hang out,
you've got to at least attempt to be cool.

Oh, okay,
so you think I should like hold off

and give them, like,
a Johnny Depp-type attitude thing?


I'll be right back.

Okay, we'll be right back.

I should have known
never to go anywhere with you.

Don't worry. We'll have fun.

With David Silver? I don't think so.

Don't get the peanut butter-cheese
crackers. They're stale.

Oh, thanks.

You live around here?

- No, I'm from L.A.
- L.A. Sucks.

- Well, actually I live in Beverly Hills.
- Oh, really?

- You're in for the big weekend?
- Yeah.

- My name is Tuesday.
- Tuesday?

- My favorite day of the week.
- You're cute.

- You really from Beverly Hills?
- Yeah.

I acted like I couldn't care less,
just like Johnny Depp,

and she practically came on to me.

So I invited her to the house tomorrow.

She promised to bring
some friends just for you.

Yeah, what are their names,
Monday and Wednesday?

Actually, I didn't ask.

- I probably should have, but...
- David.

- What?
- Shut up.

Mademoiselle, your sweetheart awaits.

- What's wrong?
- It's weird. I mean,

I want to be with Dylan and everything,

but part of me
just wants to get it over with,

like I'm the last person
who hasn't done it yet.

- Brenda, you are.
- You are not.

Look, Brenda, you're really gonna like it.

Probably. Maybe.

All right, listen,
who would you rather be with,

Dylan McKay or David Silver?

Come on, it's getting late.

Dylan's a wonderful guy.
You're gonna have a great time.

And you brought protection, right?

So, there is nothing
to be worried about, right?

Right, I mean, I care about him.
He cares about me.

- It's gonna be great, right?
- Absolutely.

Thank you very much. Enjoy your stay.

- Hi.
- Good evening.

I'm here to meet my...

Dylan McKay. He checked in earlier.

Are you sure it was
the Desert Palm Mirage?

Yes, I'm sure.

- I think.
- You think?

Or was it the Palm Desert Mirage?

Or the Palm Springs Desert Mirage?

- Did you write the name down?
- Oh, I forgot about that.

It's just that I've been
so excited since I got here.

I've lost my wallet. Oh, my God.

My grandparents collect anything
they can get their hands on.

When I was younger
I used to travel with them,

but my dad's mad at them
about something,

so I don't see them much anymore.

What's he mad about?

Well, my grandparents like my mom,

and think it's, you know,
bad he wants to divorce her.

Well, come on,
I've saved the coolest part for last.

Can't wait.

This is cool!

Nice pool! Look.

Dude, we are definitely styling
out here in this little desert oasis.

David, I always knew you had potential.

Thanks, Steve.

But you guys ain't seen nothing yet.

Look, if anyone gets in the mood,

you climb up this little terrace here
to this hidden nook,

and nobody will bother you.

Ready? Ready for this?

- David!
- Grandma!

What the hell are you doing here?

- It was an amazing trip.
- It was indescribable.

We would dance every night
under the stars.

Oh, would somebody pull
the ice cream?

- I got it.
- Triple chocolate chip.

I mean, if we're gonna do it,
we should do it right, right?

Well, it's still early.

Well, I've never seen so many old fogies
on one boat in my whole life.

I mean, it's like a floating rest home
is what it was.

Henry, that's not so.

But one day, we...

We woke up and we both said,

- "Let's go home!"
- "Let's go home!"

I mean, we missed our little house
in the desert.

We sure did.

And lucky for us.

We would have missed you
if we didn't cut our trip short.

Well, you guys
must be really tired, huh?

We're exhausted. But, hey, who cares?

I am so excited to see you.

And to finally meet some of your friends.

Hey, why don't we all stay up really late,

chow down on the snacks
and get to know each other?

I don't believe this!

- Miss, are you okay?
- No!

I was supposed
to meet my boyfriend here,

or it was somewhere
that sounded like here,

but I lost the right address.

Well, I lost my wallet. I lost my friends.

And every single name
of every stupid hotel in this stupid town

sounds exactly alike! They either start
with Palms, Desert or Mirage!

I mean, how's anybody
supposed to find anybody?

- Maybe you should call home?
- No!

I'm supposed to be with my friends.

How would I ever explain that
to my parents?

I don't even have a place to stay tonight.

I live right around the corner.

You could stay with me.
I get off at midnight.

My name's Tom.

They're a little greasy,
to be honest with you.

- Hey, there!
- Hey.

What a nice surprise.

I thought I'd cheer you up
since you didn't get to follow

the mindless masses to Palm Springs.

Big tip.


Ever get the feeling
the entire world is flying in first class,

and you're stuck with a folding chair
in the baggage compartment?


Liar. You liar.

Hey, this is Curtis,
the hang-out king of Beverly Hills.

It's a free country.
I can hang out if I want to.

Hey, hey, hey, relax, sport.
No one said you couldn't.

Does your mom know
how much time you spend here?

She's the one who brung me.

I told her the food's not that good.

See what I have to put up with
to make a buck?

Is he your boyfriend?

No, we're just friends.

You give him that friendship bracelet
he's wearing?


Why aren't you wearing one?

- No friends, huh?
- I have friends.

I've got lots of friends.

Here you go.

Peach Pit.

- Brandon, is that you?
- Dylan.

- I didn't know you were in town.
- I'm not. I'm in Palm Springs.

Yeah, you and everybody else
including Brenda.

Do you know where she is?

She's with Kelly and Donna.

Yeah, but they were supposed
to drop her off at my hotel...

- To stay with you?
- No.

Well, yeah.

Maybe she changed her mind.

She didn't call or anything?

You know how she is
with Kelly and Donna.

All they were talking about was all
the guys they were gonna be scamming.

Oh, great.

Look, I'm at the Desert Mirage.

So, tell her I called, if you talk to her.

- Sure, have fun.
- Yeah. You, too.

- Remember me?
- Janie?


Brenda, are you sure
you'll be okay in here?

- I feel awful leaving you like this.
- No, this is great.

It's so sweet of you
to have gone to all this trouble.

Why don't you just come stay with me?

- I'll sleep on the floor.
- I'll be fine.

Here's my number and address

just in case you need me
or you change your mind.


This way, ladies.

Now, you're gonna go up those stairs,

down the hall, first door on your right,
and you are gonna love it.

- Good night.
- Good night. Thank you.

Donna, did you hear her?

She said she was gonna invite
all the cute guys

from the neighborhood
over to the pool tomorrow.

- Steve is not gonna like that.
- Who cares?

I wonder how Brenda's doing?

- "Dylan, what beautiful eyes you have."
- Too much.

Well, here's a couple of pieces
you missed.

You know,
David was awfully quiet tonight?

He's just moody, just like his father.

No, no, no. He's upset about
the divorce. He needs some attention.

Look, why don't we just spend
all day tomorrow with him?

I mean, he'll like that.

That's a good idea.

I'm so tired.

Look, Steve, tomorrow will be
different, I promise.

I'll get rid of my grandparents, and
we'll have the whole house to ourselves.

Would you get out of my face?

Sorry. I forgot my toothbrush.

I shouldn't have come.
I shouldn't have...

- What do you mean? What about Kelly?
- What about Kelly?

Well, you still like her, don't you?

I mean, you know, you can tell me.
We're friends, remember?

Okay, okay, fine, you're over her,
and that's perfect,

because tomorrow Tuesday's
bringing some girls just for you.

Hi. I mean, good morning.

Good morning, honey.

- Are you having a good time?
- Yeah, everything's wonderful.

Just great.

Look, I was just checking in
'cause I know how much you worry.

Oh, and I thought
you might be homesick.

- Is everything okay?
- Oh, she's having a great time.

- Mom, is Brandon home?
- Yeah, you wanna talk to him?


It's Brenda.

Oh, hey, Bren, how's paradise?

Brandon, do you know where Dylan is?

Look, I was supposed to meet him here,
and I went to the wrong hotel.

I lost my wallet. I have no idea
how to get a hold of Kelly and Donna.

I had to sleep in a broom closet, and
if you tell Mom and Dad, I will kill you!

Oh, my God!

She's having a great time.

Did Dylan tell you
where he was staying?

The Desert Mirage.

He called last night looking for you.

Was he gonna stay there
and wait for me?

I don't know.

Kelly and Donna are
at David Silver's grandparents' house.

Henry Silver. Steve said
it's the only one in the book.

- Thanks, I gotta go!
- Hey, Brenda, wait.

Where are you gonna be?

Where do you think?

Those crazy kids.

Hope I'm not too early.

I brought my friends to meet your friend.

They love Corvettes.

Nice wheels, man.


Excuse me.

Come on in.

- Brenda, hi.
- Hi.

- I don't believe this!
- Wait a minute, I can explain.

- Did she spend the night?
- You were supposed to be here at 6:00.

Oh, so you just picked up
on somebody else!

- It's not how it looks.
- I knew I couldn't trust you!

- Dylan, should I come back later?
- No, you stay. I'll leave.

I never want to see you again.

- Brenda, nothing happened!
- Yeah, right.

Oh, damn it.

"Come on, Brenda,
I've been totally faithful for months!"

What bogus!

You know, there are plenty of guys
who are interested in me!

Plenty! I have been so blind.


- Where's Dylan?
- He's in the bathroom.

Listen, I'm Janie.

Brenda, I'm really glad you came back

so we can all discuss this
like mature individuals.

Janie? Is this your purse?


What are you doing?

- Hi.
- Hi.

Janie had to leave.

- Did you sleep with her?
- No, I didn't.

Then what was she doing here?

She grew up across the street from me.

And you wanted to sleep with her, right?

- Brenda...
- Yes or no?

Well, yes,
in a theoretical kind of a thing.

I don't believe this.

What do you want me to do, lie about it?

Wanting and doing
are two different things.

All right, then, you're right.

Well, let's just do it.

Let's do it and get it over with.

I mean, I'm a normal female.
You're a normal male.

You have needs. I have needs.

Let's do it and get it over with.

- Brenda...
- Dylan,

stop talking and take off your clothes.

- Here you go.
- Thank you.

- Good pie, huh?
- The Apple Pan is better.

So, why do you come here?

- Thanks for the tip.
- You're welcome.

You're not a great waiter,
but you're getting better.

- I appreciate that.
- You work tomorrow?

I got dinner tonight
and another double tomorrow, yeah.

Another bad mood.

I probably won't be around.

- Why not?
- Stuff to do. You know how it is.

You're a mysterious guy, you know that?

- I gotta go.
- Well, hey,

stop by tomorrow and say hi.

You gotta eat, right?

- Tequila!
- Tequila!

You guys don't have to take care of us.
We're fine. Really.

That's all right, sweetheart. We want to.

All the kids like to come over here
to hang out. We don't mind.

Yeah, but don't you guys have
something else you wanna do today?

Like the movies or golf
or shopping or something?

- No.
- No, we just wanna be with you.

Yeah. Tequila!

You know,
there's room on this raft for two.

Why don't you ask your new girlfriends?
They look interested.

Yeah, it wasn't too long ago
that you were interested, Kelly.

The good old days, yeah.

Can you imagine what it would be like
if we were still going out?

You know, Kelly, we were
the best relationship I've ever had.

Steve, I was the only relationship
you ever had.

See how loyal I was.

Kelly, I think we should go out again.

- Steve...
- Now listen, think before you answer.

We were good.

I love your top.
Would you consider a trade?

It's important to protect yourself.

That feels good.

Great. We better put on more.

David? David, your friends are here.

Oh, God!

Why can't I have normal grandparents

who do crossword puzzles
and take lots of naps?

Come on, honey.

Hey, when did you kids get in town?

- Yesterday.
- Last night.

Dylan, man, what's up?

I would have invited you if I had known
you were gonna be in town.

Yeah. Brenda, is there someplace

- we can talk privately?
- I don't wanna talk to you.

Look, just go.

You dropped me off. You did your duty.

- Now, thank you.
- Bren, you're not being fair.


I made a fool out of myself,
and you turned me down.

Now, that wasn't fair.

I didn't turn you down, I just...
I don't wanna be pressured into it.

Well, now you know how it feels,
don't you?

Brenda! How are you?

- What's wrong?
- Everything.

It was very nice to meet you, really.

My friends really dig you.


- How's it going?
- Don't ask.

Yeah, tell me about it. I'll tell you what,

I'll call the SWAT team.
You call the dog catcher, all right?

What's with these girls?
They want sex. They don't want sex.

They like you. They hate you.

They see you with another girl,
they think you're sleeping with her,

even if you're not.

- Can I get you guys anything?
- Yeah, someplace to hide.

A little understanding would be nice.

Look, I'm gonna make you a nice lunch.
Things will settle down.

We're gonna have fun, you'll see.

Hope we make it to lunch.

Davey-boy, time to light up the grill.

Hamburgers and hot dogs
are good for whatever ails you.

I think we may go out for lunch.

Oh, what a good idea.

- We'll take them to Burger Barn, honey.
- Yeah.

There's a Putt-Putt right next door and...

What do you call those?
A water slide down the street.

- Does that sound like fun?
- Yeah.

But I'd really appreciate it
if you guys didn't come along.

Well, I...
I want to be with my friends today.

David, all of your friends like us.

They're just being polite.

As opposed to being rude?

You're the one who doesn't like us.

You're not right to...

How could you say something like that?


Hey, one time I thought Henry
was fooling around

with this bimbo in his office.

All the signs were there, I thought.

Did I say one word?

Isn't it funny how communication
goes right out the window

when you're scared and hurt?

I'm glad you got out of there while
you could. She can go on for hours.

Before we got married,

Adele broke up with me
seven different times.

I mean, that was our solution
to every problem, run for the hills.

Being able to trust somebody
with your feelings,

that's the hardest thing.

I mean that and
letting the other person be who they are

versus who you want them to be.

So no one will bother us.

You know, earlier today, I really wanted

to lick your shoulders at the pool.

I can't do this.

What? What's wrong?

I can't do this.

- I'll unlock the door.
- No.

- I thought you were sweet.
- I am sweet.

You don't understand.

I miss my boyfriend. He blew me off,

and you kind of look like him.

Except he's better-looking and taller.

All my friends said
I should go for it with you,

forget about him.

But it is not working!

Look, when you find that person
that you can really be yourself with...

Who you can have fun with...

And trust...

It is the greatest blessing in the world.

Oh, great.

Curtis, what...

Come here.

What are you doing?
Are you trying to rip me off?

- Are you gonna turn me in?
- No, I'm gonna call your parents.

- We don't have a phone.
- Don't lie to me!

What's the matter with you?

Are you one of those little brats
who gets a kick out of stealing

from people who try to be nice to you?

- What's your phone number, Curtis?
- We don't have one.


My mom and brother and me

don't have a place to live right now.

People give us spare change
so they don't have to feel weird.

Then I saw all the money you had
in the cash register,

so I unlocked the window
in the bathroom

when I was here this afternoon.


Don't worry. I won't tell anybody.

Why didn't you say something?

I don't want nobody to know
I don't have a house.

Hey, listen,
why don't we make some food?

You can take it
to your mom and your brother.

She likes hamburgers.

- French fries?
- Crispy, not greasy.

- This is good.
- Oh, so now you're full of compliments.

Hey, listen, here's the food.
Take it to your mom.

Tell her to come in.
Maybe we can help or something.


And you promise me
you're not gonna steal anymore?

I wasn't any good at it anyway.

Hey, Curtis. Stick out your wrist.

You're giving
your friendship bracelet to me?


You want me to go with you?
It is awfully late.

No. I wanna go by myself.

Hey, Curtis,
you know where I am if you need me.

I'll be okay, don't worry.

Okay, come on.


- Two fingers.
- Two words.

- The whole thing.
- Okay.

Brenda Walsh!

Good one, Donna.

That girl.

- That Girl.
- No, that was a TV show.

I think I know. I think I know it.

Heart... Heartbeat.


I know! Pretty Woman!

- Terrific.
- Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Okay, guys win.

All right.

Hey, anybody for some more ice cream?

- Oh, me, me, me.
- You, you, you.

- Yeah. Chocolate chip.
- Come on.

Oh, God!

Have you given any thought
to what we were talking about before?

- Actually, I have.
- You have?

You know, I thought

what David's grandparents said before
was really true.

If you communicate your feelings
and be honest,

and you just try and be yourself,
then things can work out.

- I agree, totally.
- You do?

- Do you wanna go out again, Kelly?
- No.


Thank you, king of the charade players.

- Can I help?
- Sure.

I guess you've noticed my friends
think you guys are the greatest.

Guess I was the last one
to realize how lucky I am.

Well, sometimes things
work out that way.

I've been a jerk, haven't I?

I'm sorry.

You know, it just felt like
the whole family was falling apart.

But the three of us don't have to.

Absolutely not.

Oh, David.

You know,
we really like your friends a lot?


Well, actually my best friend is Scott.

He probably just got back
from Magic Mountain.

You know, I gotta call him,
see how he's doing.

You know,
he's never been to Palm Springs.

Maybe I should see if he wants
to come down here next weekend.

Wouldn't that be great?
We can do this all over again.

I'd love to have a house like this.

Then you'd have David Silver
for a grandson.

Could you imagine us
having grandchildren?

You mean, like, married?
With children?

- And grandchildren?
- Yes, Pa.

Well, hey, little lady,
we'll take it one step at a time.

You didn't kiss her, did you?

Brenda, I don't believe you.

Well, I mean,
it's not like I haven't had opportunities.

- When did you have an opportunity?
- Well, what does it matter?

Watching and doing
are two different things, remember?

That's what you told me when
I caught you with whatshername.

Her name was Janie,
and that was totally different.

Well, his name was Tom,
and that was totally different.


Tom. Thomas.

- Tom. Thomas. Tom.
- Stop. Dylan.

- What?
- Stop!

Okay, no, Janie...

Oh, God!

Brenda, I'm sorry...

Oh, hi, honey.
You wanna watch a movie with us?

No, thanks. I'm pretty zoned.

It looks like a zoo down there.

Listen, Brandon,
we know this hasn't been exactly

a fun-filled weekend for you.

It's been okay.

Yeah, but we know
how hard you're working,

and if your heart is truly set
on getting a new car,

we probably can help you out a little bit.

It's all right.

I can definitely get by with another
old bomber like Mondale for a while.

I thought you said Mondale
was a piece of junk?

I love Mondale.

I'm a lucky guy, you know.

Love you guys. Good night.

- Night.
- Night.