Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990–2000): Season 1, Episode 10 - Isn't It Romantic? - full transcript

When Brenda finds herself falling in love with Dylan, it results in Brandon's wariness and Jim strongly opposed to it due to Dylan's lifestyle and his father who gets indicted for corporate financial fraud. Meanwhile, Steve meets ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Where is winter already?

- Who needs winter?
- Me.

I need a season I can sulk
and be depressed in.

Don't tell me. You're babysitting tonight

and every video store
was out of Dirty Dancing.

Do you know I had to go
to three different places to find it?

You must have it memorized by now.

Well, whatever gets
you through the night, right?

I mean, isn't that what you always say?

That's what I always say.

- Hi. I didn't see you.
- I saw you.

- Brenda! Telephone!
- Excuse me.

Probably a very important political call.

Mrs Ross doesn't need you
to babysit tonight.

- Katie has the chicken pox.
- I gotta call Kelly.

- You rang?
- All right, I'll do it.

I'll go out with your dweeb cousin.

It's okay. I convinced Donna to go.

Fine, whatever you want.

- You wanna come over?
- No.

I think I'm just gonna stay home
and sort my socks.

Brenda, you don't sound good.
You need a bubble bath.

Yeah, well, that's not all I need.


Hey, Dad,
check out what we did to the car.

So, where did you learn
to work on cars?

From working on cars.
Same as Brandon.

- Brandon tells me you have a Porsche.
- Now that is a happening car.

You bought it from
your paper route earnings?

Something like that, yeah.

Mr Walsh, would it be okay if

I cleaned up a little bit,
maybe took a shower?

Certainly. Tell me something,
do you take this thing off first?

In the shower?

Depends on the circumstances, sir.

Brandon! Can't you ever shut the door?

I mean, it's hot enough in here already!

- Sorry.
- No, it's okay.

You keep popping up on me today.

So, you were saying,
you're into videotape, huh?

Yeah, I like movies.

You ever see Animal Crackers?

You know, Marx Brothers?

I think so, on TV.

Oh, it's so much better
on the big screen.

It's too bad you're on duty tonight,
or you could see what I mean.

Well, actually, my plans got poxed.

- You wanna come along?
- Yeah.

Hi, Dylan.

Hey, how you been?


Friend of yours?

Well, we used to hang out a little bit,
you know.

I would have introduced you guys,
but I forgot her name.


Wait, it's not my fault!

She keeps changing it,
to things like "Tanya," or "Blue,"

'cause her real name
is something like, Gertrude,

or Beatrice or Brenda...

- That's a mean right hook.
- Who do you think she practices on?

This sound system is incredible.

I mean, it's like it's alive.

Yeah, you don't just hear it.
You can feel it.

- Subwoofers, right?
- You got it.


Brandon, thanks for letting me
come with you guys.

Well, if you play your cards right,
maybe we'll let you come with us again.

- What do you think, McKay?
- Absolutely.

Absolutely. 100%.

It's a must.

- Food. Food.
- All right, here it is, dig in.

- These fries are just like at the hotel.
- 'Cause they are from the hotel.

Ever since Dad closed the suite,

Henry sends them to me
because he knows I need my fix.

- He gave up the suite? What happened?
- It's a long story.

- Hey, pick one. It's your turn.
- All right. Okay!

What about that?

- Okay.
- Okay, this?

What is it?

- No. No. Come on.
- Why?

It's not like it was a date or anything.

I mean, I was just tagging along.

Dylan McKay doesn't waste his time
on just anybody.

He's known as a man of action.

Well, I swear, it was just a friend thing.

I mean, I'm not even his type.

We can work on that.

Let's work on getting me out
of health class this semester.

Everybody has to suffer through it.

You can't graduate without it.

Have you gotten
to the sex education part yet?

Two weeks.

It's a riot to watch all the little boys
counting down the days.

Excuse me.

Don't tell me Steve is in your class.

Yeah, he's worked his way
through the freshman girls.

I think he's on to the sophomores now.

- Bye.
- Bye.

Why does this class have to be co-ed?

- It's much better this way.
- Why?

Because when they start talking
about sex things with guys around,

it gets them in the mood.

David, Scott,
pass these out for me, please?

- Are we taking a quiz?
- It's just a consent form.

You can't participate
in the sex education seminars

without your parents' okay.

Did you ever notice that whenever
the subject turns towards sex,

Mr Kravitz starts playing with his beard?

- Bless you.
- Bless you.

I hope you feel better.

Hey, come on, it'll be fun.

You could be the nurse
and Dylan could be the orderly.

- Thanks, Mom.
- You don't want us to get sick, do you?

Oh, here he is.
Okay, bye, guys. I love you.

- Bye.
- Bye.

Wait a minute,
she's going out alone with that guy?

- Apparently.
- Terrific!

- I take it you're not pleased.
- That's an understatement.

His father is known in financial circles
as an unethical bastard,

and that's putting it politely.

But why judge Dylan by his father?

In my experience,
the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

What about them?

That's a pick-up if I ever saw one.

- How can you tell?
- Body language.

He's available,
she's open to suggestion.

You know a lot about this stuff.

- What stuff?
- You know, people, couples stuff.

- Don't you?
- I don't know.

Not really.

What say we shine on this movie?

What'd you have in mind?

Paul, I have told you before,
that this is not good enough.

Now, I am not gonna tell you again,

you fix that or you're gonna find
another place to work.

- Dad.
- Dylan!

When did you get back in town?

I need to talk to you.

I asked you to do a few simple things
of vital importance to me.

Vital importance?

Yes, is that too much to ask?

I went to that bar and I sat there
for hours with those dudes.

You didn't even call me.
Where were you?

Did it ever occur to you
that I might be tied up?

The whole world, Dylan,
does not revolve around Dylan McKay.

Did it ever?

- You don't drink, do you?
- Only at family reunions.

Come on, don't.
You're driving me home.

Come on. Let's get out of here.

You don't have to talk
about it if you don't want to.

- Good.
- Look, do you wanna

take a walk on the beach or something?

Yeah. Check out the homeless people.
That'd be great.

I don't know what happened up there.

That's right, you don't!

- If you'd let me finish...
- Excuse me.

I have a knack for interrupting things.

- Dylan...
- I'm real good at interrupting things

and I've had just about enough
noise for one night, okay?

- Excuse me. Can you get me a taxi?
- Forget the taxi!

- No, I want a taxi!
- No! Just come on, damn it!

Stop yelling at me!

- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- Just let me go.

Brenda, I'm an idiot. Please don't leave.

You're scaring me.

I'm sorry.

- Dylan, what happened?
- He just gets to me.

He always gets to me.

I don't know what I'm supposed to...

It's okay.

So, after he kicked me out,
we didn't talk for about a year.

It's better now, but it's still no picnic.

I can't imagine being cut off like that.

I mean, I tell my parents everything.

- Everything?
- Well, not everything.

Bren, don't tell Brandon
I lost my cool, okay?

I won't.

I wouldn't.

So, are you sorry we missed the movie?

Oh, yeah.

I mean, it's not like we're
going steady or anything.

Brenda, you had a date,
and he asked you out again.

That's dating. That's plural.

Oh, so what's next?

- Do I get pinned or something?
- Yeah, preferably to the mattress.


You know, it's a good thing
you're coming over to study tonight.

I can see we have a lot of work to do.


I can't wait.

Consent forms, people. I need them.

You need them. They're required.

- My mom's never gonna sign that form.
- Why not?

She... She thinks I'll be getting
the wrong kind of message at school.

Well, what kind of message
are you getting at home?

Your mom has six kids.

There he goes.

- He's playing with his beard again.
- Yeah.

Mr K, a penny for your thoughts?

- Dylan. How's it going?
- Getting by.

- How's the cold?
- Better, thanks.

- So, how was the movie?
- We didn't make the movie.

- Hi.
- Brenda, hi.

Why didn't you tell me
you didn't go to the movie?

What movie?

Oh, that movie. Right.

- That supposed to be funny?
- Sorry.

- It's no big deal, is it?
- No, no, I guess not.

- See you later, Brandon.
- Catch you later.

So Shelley and Paul went to this spa,

they spent two days soaking
in herbal mud,

and ended up completely potatoed.

"Potatoed?" As in what?
Baked? Mashed? Fried?

How about relaxed?

As in ready to face the world
on Monday morning?

Oh, hey, come on,
you should do it, Dad.


I mean, Brandon's
working this weekend,

I have plans, you guys should just go.

- What are you doing?
- Huh?

I mean,
what are your plans this weekend?

I'm probably going out Friday night,
to a movie or something.

- With whom?
- Dylan.

Is there a problem?

I really don't want you getting
involved with him, honey.

Well, it's a little too late for that, Dad.

- What do you mean?
- What do you mean?

I mean I don't want you dating him.

Jump in any time, Brandon.

- Well...
- He has nothing to say about this.

Oh, I see. Okay.

Well, I'll make plans with Kelly instead.

Thanks for dinner. It's been real.

I have a right to my opinion.

- And I have the right to mine.
- Which is?

I like Dylan.

You want to do us all a favor?

Tell your friend to watch his step.

- Dad, I can't do that.
- Yes, you can.

Unless you want me to.


Didn't you say there was something
you needed me to sign for school?

Oh, yeah, thanks for reminding me.

Is this course as outmoded
as it was when I was in school?

I don't know.

We haven't gotten up
to the sex chapter yet.

This book looks pretty thorough.

It doesn't deal with
the most important stuff.

Like what?

Like, how it feels, in your heart,

when you really want
to connect with someone.

When it's the right time,

and it's the right person,

it feels wonderful.

And you don't think Dylan's
the right person either?

Brenda, there are so many things
that go into a relationship.

There's mutual respect
and commitment

and if that connection is meaningful,

it doesn't have to be about sex.

I hate to break this to you, Mom,

but it definitely has something
to do with it.

That's Kelly.
I'm going over to her house to study.

Bye, Mom.

- Why didn't you stick up for me?
- What was I supposed to say?

- He's a Boy Scout?
- You could have said something.

It's like they're all in this conspiracy
to take away the most exciting

and best thing that's happened
to me since I moved here.

That's why you're keeping your date
with Dylan and sleeping at my house.

This is going so fast.

And we're just talking about it.
Wait till you get to the real thing.

I guess I'm more into the romancing,
like in the movies.

That's all well and good for the movies,
but you do have protection, right?

- Well, no.
- Open that drawer.

Basic rule number one,

never rely on the guy. Memorize that.

You sound so clinical.

Dear, clinical is, "What time shall
we schedule the procedure?"

Kelly, that's awful.

Would you rather sit around
thinking up names?

How about Dylan Junior? Or Brendina?

All right, I'll take them.

This is not the part I want to think about.

Brenda, if things go well,
you won't be thinking at all.


Eat it!

No! No!

I know it's Friday, but if you could just
bear with me for a few more minutes.

Settling down.

Now, those of you who haven't
turned in your consent forms

will not be able to attend
next week's special assembly.

- So...
- Mr K.

Is that that special, special assembly?

Where that sex expert's coming?

That's very funny, Steve, I was just
getting to that.

We are fortunate
to have Miss Stacy Sloan

coming to address the student body.

Did you say,
"undress the student body?" I'm there.

You didn't get your mom
to sign the form?

I... I don't want to talk about it.

Hey, Dylan! Where you going so fast?

I gotta be someplace. What's up?

I was hoping you could help me work
on my car this weekend.

Look, I'd like to, but my old man
got back in town, and he's got...

It's a long story.

- You don't have time to tell me about it?
- Not really.

But you do have time to make out
with my sister.

Or is that just until next month,

when suddenly you won't have time
for her either?

What's your point?

My point is you better really like her.

She's very romantic
and dreamy and sweet,

and she's not gonna move
on that easily.

Dylan, she's a virgin.

What kind of jerk do you think I am?

Have a nice weekend.

Here, give me the brush.

- Okay, okay, don't I need earrings?
- No.

- What else do I need?
- Shoes.

Shoes, shoes, shoes.

- This one.
- Okay.

Here's the other one. Good.

- And, take my purse.
- Okay, thanks.

- Okay, okay.
- It looks good.

- What do you think?
- Yeah.

- Yeah? What do you think?
- It's perfect. It's perfect.


Come on, we'll drop you off
at the theatre.

- Bye.
- Bye.

- Bye.
- Bye.

Hi. Has it started yet?



You want to talk?

I've been talking to Kelly all night
and it didn't get me anywhere.

Well, I'm open for the morning shift.

He didn't show up, Brandon.

I was ready to spend the night with him,
and he didn't show up.

- What a jerk, huh?
- He sure can be.

Not him, me! I thought I was special.

- You are.
- Well, not to him, obviously.

And then finally I call him.

And this man told me he was there,
but he wouldn't speak to me.

Brenda, you can't beat yourself up
over someone like him.

- Why do you say that?
- I don't know.

I thought he was different,
but he doesn't let people in.

I don't understand, Brandon.

We were so there.

Even yesterday out on the lawn,
we were together, we were in sync.

I was so happy.

I don't know what happened,
but something happened.

I'm really sorry, Bren.

I have to find out what I did wrong.

I need to know what happened.

Been busy lately, Dylan?

Well, if it isn't the master of tact
and diplomacy.

What's going on with you, man?

I know you moved.
I went to your old house.

They said you didn't even leave
a forwarding address.

It's a long story.

Would you rather tell it to Brenda?

Brandon, don't start that with me,
all right?

I got the message!
You don't want me to hurt your sister.

Then why is that exactly what you did?
Just to spite me?

Look, it wasn't because of you, okay?

You gotta believe me.
Something came up, that's all.

Dylan, it's one thing not to talk to me.
I'm not gonna cry about it.

But when you do it to her,
she feels like she did something wrong.

It wasn't her,
it had nothing to do with her!

Then why don't you tell her that!

Would you guys hold it down there.

She was so upset all weekend,

she even stayed home
from school today.

Fine, it's got nothing to do with her,
it's got nothing to do with me.

Meanwhile, you're not talking
to either of us.

Makes a lot of sense.

- Good class today, Mr K!
- Thanks so much for telling me, Steve.

- Now I can die happy.
- You need a lift?

I've gotta wait for the damn tow truck.
I'm supposed to be at the airport

to pick up this poor woman
in 20 minutes!

Well, it's not a problem. What airline?

Steve, this is the guest speaker
for our assembly.

So? Does she bite?

Look, I'd be glad to help,
but if you'd rather wait for a tow truck...

Palm West Air from Chicago.
Stacy Sloan. Bel Age Hotel.

- Don't screw this up.
- You'll owe me.

Thanks so much for everything,
Mr Kravitz.

Oh, it's no trouble.
We at West Beverly aim to please.

And please, call me Fred.

I can't believe you've been teaching
there for five years. You look so young.

Did I say five? I mean three.
Three years.

The assembly starts
at 1:00 tomorrow, right?


I'm due to speak at Beverly High School
in the morning,

but I should be done by noon.

Those lucky dogs,
they get you when you're fresh.

It is draining,
but I'm feeling pretty good these days,

so I should be fine.

Well, great,
what time can I pick you up tonight?

Like I said, I'm just going to take it easy.

But you are very sweet
and very persistent.

And you are the most
beautiful guest speaker

we've ever had at West Beverly.

I'm very flattered, really.

But I'm tired. Maybe some other time.

I'm not very good at this.

- I feel terrible.
- You look terrible.

- You look great.
- You must need glasses.

Can I come in?

I'm sorry.

I know, you're an idiot.

- That's not good enough this time.
- I don't know what to say.

Oh, you don't? You are too much.

You know, you don't tell me
where you were or what happened,

but then you expect me to forgive you?

Why don't you just go!

You think I'm proud of myself? I'm not.

I've just been trying to figure out
what to say to you.

Then say it!

Brandon told me you moved.

You didn't even...

I didn't even show up Friday night
because I had to help my father pack.

He needed to disappear and...

What do you mean? Where did he go?

Out of the country for a little while.
I really don't know where.

That way, if I'm subpoenaed,
I don't have anything to tell them.


He found out he's gonna be indicted
on some charges.

Not murders or anything,

it's securities fraud, things like that.


I've been thinking about you
the whole time.

I just had to go do this.
Please don't think that I didn't care.

I did. I do.

I wish you would've called.

I just couldn't.

- I called you.
- When?

They... They didn't tell me.

Now I feel terrible.

I don't want to make
you feel terrible anymore.

How do you want me to feel, Dylan?

What do you want me to feel for you?

You are so warm.

It's my father.


- Dad, hi. You remember Dylan?
- Yeah, hi.

- I was just leaving.
- Yeah.

I'll tell Brandon you came by, right?

- Okay.
- Bye.

What kind of idiot do you take me for?

Are you going to pretend that
he was just over here fixing cars?

Why are you so upset?

You want to learn about your pal there?

His father's exploits would make
a great novel someday.

Maybe he can write it from prison.

- Was he arrested?
- Not yet.

He skipped town.

Great role model, huh? Some example.

Dad, Dylan is nothing like his father.

He's just trying to get by
like the rest of us.

- You deserve better than that.
- Like who?

Someone straighter?
Someone younger?

- Quieter?
- For a start.

Dad, those "nice" boys may
be mild-mannered on the outside,

but mostly what they all
think about is sex.

Who said anything about sex?

I'm talking about a person's values.
I'm talking about their character.

Are you really worried
about my character?

Why is it with Brandon,
you just wanted to make sure

he knew about birth control,

but my whole value system
is on the line?

Brenda, it is different with girls.
It just is.

You need to know
who you're dealing with!

Then let me get to know him!

- That's all I want to do!
- Is that all?

What do you want me to say?

That I'm going to wait till I get married?

You're so worried
and I haven't even done anything yet.

I'm not worried.
I just don't know if I'm ready...

I mean, if you're ready to...

And if I'm ready first. Then what?

Should I lie and sneak around?

Or are you going to trust me
to know what I'm doing?

Health Expo Week ends today with
a special assembly after fifth period.

Be there or be square.

I can't believe you actually
said that to your father.

Neither can I.

- But it just came out.
- What did he say?

Well, it's not like
he gave me his blessing,

but at least Dylan's
not totally off limits anymore.

Well, that's cool.

Don't be a wimp! Just come on!

I have to report to study hall.

Okay, fine. Check in,

go to the bathroom, and then meet me
around at the front door.

I'll get in trouble.

Why? It's just information.
How's it gonna hurt you?

Just take notes for me.

Your mom really has you cowed.

Testing, one, two. Testing.

So, if you need help working on the car,
I could do it this weekend.

It's all right. I can handle it.

Somehow I am always apologizing
to you Walsh people.

I'm sorry if it felt like
I checked out on you, man.

I guess it bothered me more
than I thought.

I'm sorry I opened
my big mouth about Brenda.

Would you have felt better
if I had asked you first,

about seeing her, I mean?

- Are you saying you should have?
- You tell me.

Not that I would've
done anything different.

Everybody, please. Hello, quiet, quiet.

So please welcome our special
guest speaker, Stacy Sloan.

Thank you.

It's nice to come in
from the cold of Chicago.

Not bad, huh? Bel Age Hotel.
Room 316.

I had an experience
just after I arrived here

that I'd like to share with all of you.

A young man wanted
to take me out on the town,

show me around, get to know me better.

Timing wasn't right, and I told him that.

It was a shame, too.
He was very handsome.

Had incredible blue eyes.

What I didn't tell him is
what I'm going to have to tell

every guy who's interested in me
for the rest of my life,

that I have AIDS.

What'd I miss?

Now, you may think you already know
all you need to know about AIDS,

and these good people
will make sure of that.

They'll tell you how to get tested for it,
how you won't get it,

like from hugging someone
or sharing their French fries,

and how you can get it.

I'm just here to tell you about one way,
the way I got it.

I was 16,

he was a law student at the university
where I went to summer school.

One weekend he arranged a beautiful,
romantic evening for us,

and we made love.

It was my first time.

After a while we found out we
really didn't have that much in common

and we went our separate ways.

He died last year... of AIDS.


It's funny how your battles change.

I used to struggle
to stay fashionably thin.

Now, some days I'm lucky
if I can keep any food down.

And I used to fight with my sister
over who'd get to stay up later,

and now she's always yelling at me
to get enough rest.

I try not to dwell on the grim statistics,
and they are indeed grim.

But, I'm a fighter,

and a talker, and I will go on fighting

as long as I have something
to say to people like you.

Which is this,

you shouldn't have sex
because of what your friends will think,

or because you drink
too much one night.

And if you're in love
and you're going to have sex,

make sure you use a condom and foam.

And know that the only really safe way
to have intercourse

is with someone you are sure
who hasn't been exposed.

I'll be around later for questions,

but that's about all I can do
for right now.

Hope I didn't get you
into too much hot water.

No, I can do that all by myself.


I'm sorry.

I hope I didn't...

I don't know what I'm trying to say.

Tell me you heard what I was trying
to get across here today,

- and I'll go home happy.
- I did.

And my offer for dinner's still open
next time you're in town.

Oh, hi, Dylan, come on in.

I'll see if Brenda's ready.
Dear, Dylan's here.

- How are you holding up?
- Okay.

I just don't talk to the press much.

Mr Walsh, I've never felt comfortable

being known as Jack McKay's son,

particularly since I hardly know the man.

It's a shame it has to be that way.

Brandon and Brenda are very lucky
to have parents like you.

Night, Dad.

- You take good care, now.
- Okay.

This place is beautiful, very impressive.

Well, I'm an impressive guy.

What I want to know is,

how many times have you come
up here with other girls?

You don't like the view?

I love the view.

Why is it when I'm with you
I can just forget about everything?

Dylan, I have to ask you something.

Ask away.

- Don't get mad, okay?
- I never get mad.

Have you ever had sex
when you weren't protected?

Not lately.

But did you ever?


Are you worried about that?

Well, I'm assuming
that you want to with me.

Am I totally blowing this?
Am I thinking too much?

Brenda, I love it that you think.

Not a lot of people do.

So, what are you saying?

Do you want me to get a test?

You would do that for me?

I guess I'd be doing it for me.

Are you all right?

Dylan, I need us to slow down.

- I'm scared.
- Of what? Of me?

I'm not used to these feelings,
and I want to be sure.

And I'm afraid you'll say no.

I didn't say no.

You didn't?

No, I didn't.

No, you didn't.