Better Things (2016–…): Season 3, Episode 2 - Episode #3.2 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
♪ You saw me standing alone ♪

♪ Without a dream in my heart ♪

-♪ My heart ♪

♪ Without a love of my own ♪


♪ Blue moon ♪

♪ You knew just
what I was there for ♪

Jesus Christ!

-♪ You heard me saying ♪

♪ A prayer for ♪

-♪ Someone I really ♪

-♪ Could care for ♪


I'm burning up!

♪ And then suddenly
there appeared before me ♪


-♪ The only one my arms ♪

-♪ Could ever hold ♪

♪ I heard somebody whisper ♪

-♪ "Please adore me" ♪

-♪ And when I looked ♪

-♪ The moon turned to gold ♪

-♪ Blue ♪

-♪ Moon ♪
-(grunts) Help me!

-♪ Now I'm no ♪

-♪ Longer alone ♪

♪ Without a dream ♪

-♪ In my heart ♪
-SAM: Whew!

-♪ Without a love ♪

♪ Of my own ♪

♪ Blue moon. ♪




Are you kidding me?


(gasps softly)

-WOMAN: That's lunch! One hour!

Jesus! The thermostat is...

(wind whistling softly)


(intro to "I Walk Alone"
by Mecca Normal playing)


♪ I walk ♪

♪ I walk by myself ♪

♪ I go downtown ♪

♪ I go alone ♪

♪ I walk alone ♪

-♪ Walk alone ♪
-♪ I walk alone ♪

♪ But I'm not alone ♪

-♪ Walk alone ♪
-♪ This city's my home ♪

-♪ Walk alone ♪
-♪ This city's my home ♪

-♪ Walk alone ♪
-♪ I'm not alone ♪

♪ In my home ♪

-♪ Walk alone ♪
-♪ I'm not alone ♪

♪ I'm not alone ♪

♪ I walk alone ♪

♪ I walk by myself... ♪

(song fading)

(raspy panting)




(low growling)

(raspy grunting)

Sure, I've heard the criticisms.

-Truth is, sometimes

I just prefer them
a little younger.

Oh, my dad was the same way.
Used to throw a party

every third Thursday
in November.

That banana smell?

You know, the Nouveau gets all
the attention, but it's really

only a half of what
the Beaujolais region produces...

(French accent): AOC,
Villages AOC, Beaujolais Cru.

-Ugh. -The gamay is a
very durable grape.


(raspy panting)

Is someone gonna call "cut,"

or should I stand here
with my tits out all day?

Uh... cut!

-WOMAN: Cut!

-Lighting's gonna need five.
-Very good.

Finally. Jiminy Christmas.

-You still down there, Sammy?
-Yeah, where else? (groans)

(clears throat)

Can you...


-(Sam groans)

A thousand freaking degrees.

Hundred-million-dollar budget,

and it's the boo-boo
and koo-koo show over here.

Asshole motherfuckers.

I-I'm not having a good day.

Do I even have a union?

Where's Norma Rae
when you need her?!

Hey, hey. Hi. Hi.

He needs the cooling tent
turned on right now. Okay?

Okay. Copy that.

Thank you.

Okay, go.
Cool off and hydrate.

-I got to make yellow. -No, I'm
not gonna drink any more water.

I've had to piss
for the last six hours,

and I don't want
to use the catheter again.

♪ I'm not alone... ♪

-♪ My home... ♪
-♪ I walk alone ♪

-♪ My home ♪
-♪ I walk alone ♪

-♪ I walk, I walk ♪
-♪ I walk by myself ♪

-♪ I walk, I walk alone ♪ -♪
I walk alone ♪ -(grumbles)

♪ Walk ♪

♪ I go downtown... ♪

How'd that feel?

You happy?
You don't seem happy.

You have somewhere else
you'd rather be?

-No, I'm good.

I was thinking, maybe you
could try it a different way.

-A different...?
-Just give me

some options in editing.

-For the cough?
-You're scared, right?

But at the same time,
you're thinking of your family.

You're thinking,
what would happen to them

if this creature, this monster,
just devoured you right there,

ripped you apart
and nothing spared,

used your bones to make soup,

flossed with your intestines,
that kind of thing.

-Wow, that's, uh...
-You got kids?

-No. Nope. Barren.

Yeah, it's like wasteland,
high desert down there.


Well, just try to imagine...

what would happen
to your family, if you had one,

if you didn't come home one day.


I want you
to give me that cough.


-They need you in makeup.
-Oh, I have to pee.

Sam's walking.
So, we'll see you over there.

Left at the end of the road,
pass the water tower, then...

I have to pee.
I don't know where that is.

♪ I'm not alone ♪

♪ I walk, I walk,
I walk, I walk... ♪

I'm just gonna go in the bushes.

MAN (over walkie-talkie):
Ten minutes till picture's up.


(indistinct radio chatter)

(ringtone playing)


Hi, baby. Uh?

What's up, kid?

I'm allergic

(signal cutting out):
to vinyl.


Mom, a... listen... me?

Max, I can't...

-Mom, are you...


-Is this better?
-It's fine, Mom.

Hi, Talasco.

Hey, Mama Sam.

I hope that's not your lunch.

Mom, I'm allergic to vinyl.



The kitchen floor is vinyl, and
the carpets are really gross.

-It's not a joke.

Look. Look at my face, Mom.

I'm all puffy.

Well, maybe you're just...
filling out a little.

(signal cutting out):
Mom... y... say that?


I need an apartment off campus.



the reception
is really bad here.

I'll call you later.

I need an apartment off campus.

Yeah, that's not happening.

I'll try you later, okay?

-Wear slippers. Bye.


(knocking on door)

-Hi. I've got a package for you.




You got... something.

Hey, Cubster.

I know we haven't talked
in a while,

but I thought this might help.

P.S. Don't tell your mom.


(music playing indistinctly

I am so sorry.

No, it's-it's okay.
Come on.

You're-you're fine. Come on.

-Come on, uh, yeah.

You can have a look around.

Thank you.

So nice in here.


-You like that one, do you?

-SAM: What's it called?
-I don't know.

My wife made me hang it
years ago.

-What'd you do to deserve that?

Something, I'm sure.

(both chuckle)

Such a nice room.

Used to, uh,
run the marathons together.

She finished sixth in, uh,
New York in '83.

I was just happy to finish.


-SAM: Who's the lawyer?
-Well, both of us.

Well, Jo gave it up when, uh,
when the kids came.

You practiced black law?

(chuckles) No, no, no, no.

Th-That's-That's Black's Law.

But you're not far off.

Started out
in the public sector,

thought I'd pick up
where Malcolm left off.

A bit of a romantic, I guess.

Ended up in labor,
busting unions.

Impressive, and ouch.

(chuckles) Well, sometimes
you don't get to choose

what you're good at.

They're ready for you.

Sam's walking.

Yeah, I think that's true.


-Oh, great.

-Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.

You know, you, uh,

-you should take that painting.

-Mm-hmm. -Oh, no, no.
I couldn't take that.

And I don't think your wife
would appreciate it, either.

Uh, well, she passed away
last year, so I...

I'd say your safe.

But I guess you...
you never know.

We used to joke
that the only race

I was ever going to win
was to the grave.

Couldn't even let me have
that one, could you?

Your wife's name was Jo?

Yeah. Yeah, Josephine.


And what would Jo say
if she knew

-that you were trying to hock her shit?

Oh, she'd kick my ass.

She always did.

But at the same time,

she loved to pay things forward.

That was her way.


You're lucky, you know.

You're a lucky widower.

Look at this room
and all these awesome memories.

Most people can't string
two good years together.

You got a whole lifetime.

Yeah, well...

It feels a little quick
to be a whole...

anything, but...

I suppose that's right.



-Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah.
-Like that. Like that.


You know, I actually
used to rep that guy.

SAM: Well, maybe you
should've stuck it out.

This movie's apparently
gonna be "yuge."

Yeah. Not worth it.
I have a quota for assholes.

It's a select few
that are worth the hassle.

-I'm Mer, by the way.

-Donte's manager.

Oh, hi. Sam.

Oh, I know.
I grew up watching you.

I've been a fan since
Little Weirdos II.

Whoa. That's the Sam Fox
deep cuts.

-(sighs) All right.

I got an 8:00 p.m. reso
at n/naka.

Let's roll on this puppy.

Um, Herr Direktor.

-Yeah, what's up?
-Okay, so I was just wondering,

since you're not shooting
my side,

if I can just cough next
to the pile of dead bodies

as opposed to, like,
getting back in there,

because it's kind of hard
to breathe in there.

It gets a little funky.
Like, a little gamey.

You're so funny.

Yeah, yeah. Sure. Fine.
Let's just do it.

Actually, though,
if we could just check...

Yeah, she might be seen
on "C" cam, so...

Oh, okay. Yup. You heard her.

Sorry, Sam.
Once more into the breach.


(director sighs)

-♪ Some days... ♪

WOMAN (over P.A.):
Welcome, students and parents,

to Science Night. See you
in the classrooms at 6:00 p.m.

-Are you serious?
-That's Shak's mom.

(kids shouting indistinctly

Get her ball.

-Court locks.
-No court locks.


(shrieks) Ow!


(laughter nearby)

(clock ticking loudly)


-DUKE: Mom.


Me and Shak are friends now.

I'm over it, so can you be, too?

He did the mean thing to me,
not to you.


That is a very,
very grown-up thing to say.


I will do my best
to honor your wishes.

Not your best, Mom.
You have to promise.

Okay. Jesus.


-Duke! Duke, come, come here.

Don't leave me.


-I can't talk to parents.

It's okay.
Let me be with my friends.

Okay, okay, sorry. Go.

But just... you know,
the classrooms open at 6:00.

You have to meet me
outside before.

Okay. Love you.

-LANCE: What's up?

Dude, haven't seen you
around lately.

How's that baby brontosaurus
you're raising?

Oh, she's good.

-They're all good.

Pretty good.


So, do you guys know
what's happening

with Principal DiGiorno?

-I think she's retiring at the
end of the year. -That figures.

Just when we're leaving,
they'll probably get all

the good programs back
in school.

-Have you heard?

The fund-raiser's being hosted
this year by all Persians.

It's a completely
Persian-run event. (scoffs)


I'm gonna go see
if I can find a juice box.

What's wrong?


My mom is being
so fucking weird.

Tell me about it.

My mom can't go two seconds
without me.

I'm like,
just figure it out, dude.

DiGIORNO (over P.A.):
Good evening, McIntosh parents.

The classrooms are open,
so let the experiments begin.

Duke! Come on! It's time!


-Hi. Hi, Riley.

Hi, Riley.

Oh, who's this?

Who's that?

-That's Duke.

Yeah, no,
I didn't recognize you.

Y-Your hair is, uh...

Oh, uh, yeah. I got a fade.

Yeah, I was gonna say
that-that your hair is pink.

(chuckles): Right?
So, let me get this straight.

It's okay for your daughter

to shave her head,
but it's not okay

for my daughter to dress
a certain way? Is that...?

Okay, I really don't know
what to say, so we... Duke...

we're gonna go
to the classroom now.

Bye, Riley.


What is wrong with people?

Mom, stop.

I mean, are you serious?
I have chills.

-Calm down.
-Okay, fine, baby.

You got it.
I'll stop.

-So fucking annoying.
-Oh, my God.

♪ Looking back at all the... ♪


"Clean, dry paper clip."

Oh, Mom, we need paper clips.
We don't have any at our table.

Copy that.

I'll go get some.

Oh. Hi. Excuse me.

Yeah, those are ours,
so you can't just take them.

I'm sorry.

I thought it was okay.

We're all doing
the same experiment.

Okay, well, maybe you should
ask first, 'cause it's rude.

You can't just go
and take people's things.


I'm just gonna go ahead
and take these now.

It's kind of what I figured.
Mother of the year. Good job.

-Cool. Thank you.

Jesus, that guy is such a dick.

-Mom. Mom, don't.

-Why can't anyone be a person?
-Give me the paper clips.

Here. Got my head bit off
for those stupid things.

-Mom, you're ruining it.

Okay. What's next?

-I finished it.

-It's okay. See? Paper clip floated.

-All right, let's get out of here.

But I'm gonna go
meet Pepper again

before the next experiment.

Do you have to?
There's only ten minutes left.

Do you have to leave me?

Mom, it's okay.
Let me go.

-I'll meet you at room 18.

Just be there in ten minutes.

-Got it.

-Sorry about your dad.

-Sorry about you.
-Sorry about you.

-Should be sorry about you.
-Sorry about your face.

I don't know
who she thinks she is.

Oh, my God. Wasn't that
a fun field trip last week?

We had the most awesome docent.

She taught us what branches
and leaves we could eat,

how to start a fire
and make soap.


Okay, come on.


-Salaam. (speaking Farsi)

Salaam Sam Joon, how are you?

I'm good.
How are you guys?

-How's Kayla?

Kayla is having so much trouble
with her teacher.

The math?
She is struggling.

I don't like that teacher.

-She's having so much
problem with her. -Mmm.

I have to go.
I have to get to that room.

I made tahdig for the class.

(speaking Farsi)

No fair. You guys have all
the Persian moms in your room.

-I'll see you guys later.

(all speaking Farsi)

(Sam sighs)

-Oh, hi.

See you later.

Duke. Duke.

We're over here.
Come on.

Excuse me.
Mrs. Fornges?

Mrs. Fornges,
you got to move us.


I can't across from that woman

and her sociopathic son.

-Oh, okay. No problem.

Thank you.


No, over here, baby.
We're over here.

This table now.



Mom, I can't believe you
right now.

-You're so embarrassing.
Oh, my God. -What?

-(sighs) -There were too
many people at that table.

Mrs. Fornges did it.
I didn't do it.

Mom, you said you'd be over it
if I got over it.

That means you didn't mean it,

and that means
you're a hypocrite.

Okay, I'm sorry.

I just want to do
the experiment with you

and have fun without any drama,
okay, baby?

Come on.

Sit down.
It's gonna be fun.

Thank you.


We're okay, right?

We're fine.

So... anyway, maybe, uh,
we'll get a coffee

at some point, together... and me.


Are you aware of the fact
that you owe me an apology

and you're withholding it?

Or did you forget?

What's the matter with you?

And with your son?


Mom, come on.

Do you know

that you drove
onto a school parking lot

on your cell phone
without barely looking up?

Do you know how many kids
you almost hit?

Get away from me.

No. No.

No. No.
I would like to step outside.

-Step outside?

I would like you and I
to step outside

on the playground
so I can beat you up.

Just like your psycho son did
to my daughter.


-Excuse me.

-Come on. Let's go. Come on.
-Hey. Hey!

-Come on. I would like you to go
outside with me. -Hey. Hey! Hey!




Okay, we're even.
We're even.

Come on, don't cry.
Don't cry.

Don't... cry.

(song plays,
with intro sung in Farsi)

♪ All in cahoots
for the power of faloos ♪

♪ Bezaar bisoozeh from the bed
to the ceiling to the roof ♪

♪ We burn, boil,
in turn toil and won't foil ♪

♪ To turn oil to turmoil
on firm soil ♪

♪ Leevaan por az Iman
saying, "Praise the Lord" ♪

♪ Khotkaareh teeztar, sharp as
any shank or sword... ♪

(song continues in Farsi)

Captioned by
Media Access Group at WGBH

Okay, Tracy Cromwell. What's
your address and date of birth?