Ben Gri (2022): Season 1, Episode 1 - Hazisan Basliyoruz - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

[no audible dialogue]

Ms. Şenay, you cannot bend the law.


You cannot interpret the laws
in your own way.

If we take justice
out of the realm of the law,

if we make it
a matter of individual revenge,

we begin to swim in dangerous waters.

The proposed law
to reduce the penalty for such acts

by the victim or the victim's relatives
would create chaos.

A man who kills his wife or daughter
will appear before a judge,

put on a suit, say he regrets it,
cry and whimper,

and benefit from a reduced sentence.

- This is far-fetched.
- This won't create chaos,

but the actions of people
mobilizing for justice will, is that it?

Ms. Şenay! Ms. Şenay,
what you're saying is hypothetical.

Listen, ma'am. If turmoil,
chaos and conflict come to your doorstep,

you will look for
the law you despise so much.

Please keep this in mind.

And you keep this in mind, Mr. Fuat.

Without justice, there's no peace.

[laughs] Of course not. Yes, we know.
Thank you for reminding me.

Ma'am, I would like to make
a recommendation to you.

Go to a bookstore as soon as possible.

Find a dictionary of idioms by the Turkish
Language Association and get a copy.

There are many idioms
in our Turkish language.

Let's look at the meaning
of idioms such as,

"He who rises in anger
sits in harm's way."

"Tart vinegar harms the pot."

Please, it won't take much of your time.

- Who are you to teach me Turkish? Huh?
- Ms. Şenay!

- You've got no manners!
- Please calm down, Ms. Şenay.


Yes, dear viewers, this is what happened
on Critical Agenda last night.

In the program,
which was the scene of heated debates,

there was a battle of words
between lawyer Fuat Akıncı

and Şenay Bilgili, the president
of the Women's Rights Association.

We're watching. Why'd you turn it off?

[person] My chest is tightening up.
It's stressing me. I can't stand it.

[Fuat] What can't you stand? Huh?

Can't you stand your husband
telling the truth?

That's not the point.
You're crushing people, Fuat.

Didn't you see that woman?
She was about to cry.

Well, that's the way it is.
She has no knowledge, just an opinion.

Mrs. Hülya, I told you.
Today it's the hospital, and tomorrow…

I know, Mrs. Aysun. You can go.

But please let me know
a day in advance next time.

Yes, I'll let you know.

Enjoy your meal.

Mrs. Aysun, there's an envelope
on the table. It's for you.

Thank you very much, Mr. Fuat.
God bless you.

- [Fuat] Take it easy. Get well soon.
- [Aysun] Thank you.

Get well soon.

- I already paid her this morning.
- That's one thing, this is another.

Did you give her a lot?

I gave her all our money.

Bon appétit.
Finish your breakfast, come on.

All right, then. I'm off.

Are you going out?
Don't forget about tonight.

- [Fuat] Tonight?
- [Hülya] Yes.

- What's going on tonight?
- You're joking.

Hülya? What's up?
I don't know what's going on tonight.

Honey? Is there something tonight?
I wasn't aware.

Huh? What is this?

- Ha! [Laughs]
- Oh! Dad!

Here you go.
Oh! Happy birthday, my beauty.

Your tie.

Ah, okay.

Let Arda pick you up on his way then.

- Is Arda going to come?
- Shouldn't he?

I don't know. He drinks a lot,
gets drunk early, and he talks a lot.

Fine, okay. I got it.

See you at the restaurant. Okay?

- Okay, take it easy.
- [Fuat] Come on.

- Wow! We've got a big girl now. Mmm?
- [Fuat's daughter giggles]

How old are you now?
I know it's rude to ask.

I watched the program.
What the hell did you do? Huh?

- I feel sorry for her.
- [Fuat] Oh, my God! She has so many fans.

It's called a panel discussion show.

I was just fooling around.

I'm never going on TV again anyway.
You go on, you're a decent person.

[caller] No, I'm good, thanks.
One celebrity is enough for one office.

What are you doing? When will you be back?

Let's talk about this new job.

Two trials on both sides of the city.
It'll last till the evening.

It's Selin's birthday tonight.
Forget about me.

So, am I not invited?

No. We youngsters
will hang out among ourselves.

You have things to do now, bro.
Let's not keep you busy.

Good, okay, okay. Good luck.

- See you.
- [seat belt warning alarm beeping]


Aren't you done yet?

[door opens]

[door closes]

So you see, Mom, she's obsessed with me.
There's nothing to do.

Do they still have
this "obsessed" thing in schools?

These things will happen
as long as there are psychos out there.

I think you're too hard on her.

After all, she's preparing you
for the exam, right?

The messages haven't stopped.

Our friend is the popular girl at school.

How can I be popular with you around?

[Selin's friend chuckles]

So, Ceyda, what do you want to major in?

- Psychology, Aunt Hülya.
- [Hülya] Hmm.

You're already a psychologist.

- Look, you just diagnosed your teacher.
- [Ceyda chuckles]

You don't need to study psychology
to understand her, Uncle Fuat.

She looks like the monstrous woman
in the movie Misery. [Chuckles]

- Stephen King.
- Yes.

I read the novel too.
I thought the novel was better.

[Fuat] It's always like that.
Novels are always better than movies.

- I strongly agree.
- Maybe only The Shining.

- Maybe.
- Have you watched The Shining?

- How wonderful. Did you hear?
- [Ceyda] I have. Do you like it?

She says psychology. She knows
what she wants. Her mind is clear.

I want to do drama, but you never tell me
how wonderful that is.

- Because you must earn your bread first.
- [Hülya] Hmm.

Pick up your bread.
Pick it up. Pick it up.

Uh-huh. Now you can study
whatever you want.

- Will you study theater?
- You know I'm allergic to gluten.

- [Fuat] That's a good joke. [Chuckles]
- [Hülya chuckles]

Let my father tell you
how he started from scratch.

He has a story about how he scraped
his way to where he is today.

- It's so exciting.
- Selin… [sighs]

Okay, okay.

I can tell you now. Shall I?

It's like a Stephen King novel.
So don't be afraid.

- Okay.
- I'll tell you. Okay?

- So, I'm telling you...
- Start.

[Fuat, Ceyda, Hülya]
♪ Happy birthday, Selin ♪

I told you not to overdo it.

[Fuat, Ceyda, Hülya]
♪ Happy birthday, Selin ♪

♪ Happy birthday, happy birthday ♪

♪ Happy birthday, Selin ♪

Come on. Blow out the candles.

You're so embarrassed.
And you say you want to be an actor.

- Blow it out.
- Make a wish.

[Fuat] Well done, baby girl. Well done.

[cell phone dings]

[cell phone dings]

[Selin typing on phone]

[cell phone dings]

[Selin typing on phone]

What are you doing?

What else? I'm checking emails.

Maybe I shouldn't go to Şile tomorrow,
Fuat, huh?

I haven't attended
the alumni dinner for years.

Let me put it off this year too.

Why? You really wanted to go.

Or I could go, but not stay at the hotel.

- I'll come back home at night, huh?
- No way.

Mrs. Aysun is away for two days.

What will you do?
How will you take care of Selin?

Your daughter just turned 17.

[Hülya chuckles]

She's not a child. She's not a baby.

- Leave her be.
- [sighs]

She has a piano lesson tomorrow,
don't forget.


And after piano, you go get her,

so she doesn't
come home alone in the dark.

Copy that, ma'am.

I saved the piano teacher's number,

the school and Ceyda's number
in your phone.

Speaking of Ceyda…

Don't you think Selin's getting
a little too close to her?

Mm-hmm. So they're getting along.

Yeah, but they've known each other
for two, three months.

I think they are very different.

I mean, Selin is just a child.

Ceyda seems a bit older.

She's like a mature woman. Isn't she?

Hmm. Who?

Counselor, I wonder
if you could take a look at my emails.


[Fuat grunts]

- [person] Arda, isn't it taking too long?
- No, don't worry.

The legislation is clear. If your partner
fails to fulfill his loyalty obligations...

For God's sake, what loyalty?

- He's going behind our back...
- Worry not, Mr. Servet. I'll handle it.

Bahar, where is Tekin?

He's around here. He'll be here soon.

[Arda] What the hell happened?

What do you think?
My computer is acting up.

You insisted we change it.
The old one worked just fine.

Uh, I'm going out.
Do you have anything to say to me?



- What?
- What?

- New girlfriend?
- Well, you know…

Oh, good. When are you coming back?
Are you coming back?

No, I'm not coming back.
I'll bail for once.

Of course, you can skip out.
And you should.

When am I going to meet her?

These things are a matter of fate,
Brother. It's kismet. Isn't it?

Of course. I know, you have
nothing but good fortune and luck.

- [Arda] Come on!
- [Fuat] Tekin, buddy, come here.

Go, go, go. Or you'll end up single, bro.

May God make you happy.
Don't be late for our new sister-in-law.

- Come here. Take a look at my computer.
- [Tekin] Okay.

[Fuat] It's been bothering me all morning.

- [typing]
- [coffee machine brewing]

Should I make you one?

No, thanks.

[knocking on door]

[Bahar] Mr. Fuat, a lady just arrived.

She has no appointment,
but wants to see you.

What's it about?

From what I understand,
it's a custody case.

Bahar, don't you know?
We don't handle custody cases.

- Come on, tell her nicely.
- I told her, but she insists.

Mr. Fuat! Mr. Fuat. [Breathes shakily]

Could you please give me five minutes
and listen to me?

Ma'am, I'm sorry, but I can't help you.

I can refer you
to a specialist friend of mine.

Why can't you help?

Aren't you the one who goes on TV
shouting about justice, law, conscience?

I want you.

Tekin, you can do that later, okay?

- Sure.
- Give us the room for five minutes, Bahar.

- Have a seat.
- Thanks.

[door closes]

Okay, the lawyer who goes on TV

and shouts about rights,
law and justice is listening to you.

Mr. Fuat, I got divorced a while ago.

The court gave me custody of my daughter,
but her father filed a lawsuit.

He wants to take my daughter away.

Don't worry, it will probably be nothing.

The father must have a very good reason
to take custody away from you.

Does he?

- [Bahar] Sir! Where are you going?
- [person] Move away!

- [Bahar] Sir, will you stop? Sir!
- [person] Move!

Didn't I tell you not to go to a lawyer?

Give me my daughter or I'll kill you!

Wait a minute! What's going on?
This isn't a free-for-all circus.

- Bahar, where's security?
- [Bahar] I called them.

You want my daughter?
Why would I give her to you?

What are you looking at?
We put you there for security!

Counselor, don't believe her!

Let me go!

Don't believe her, Counselor.

- You don't know the kind of person she is.
- Take him away!

[client's ex-spouse] Let go of me!

[client whimpering, sniffling]

Thank you. [Whimpering, sobbing]

[exhales sharply, whispers] Thanks.

Okay, I'll take your case.

Thank you, Mr. Fuat. Thank you very much.

I have a few important meetings today.

Come tomorrow at the same time.
We'll discuss the details.

- Okay. That'll work. Thank you. [Sighs]
- Great.

- Are you okay?
- Mm-hmm. I'm fine. Fine, thanks.



- Yes, sir.
- Did they leave?

- Yes. [Sighs]
- Great.

- This lady… Uh…
- Aylin.

Please see Ms. Aylin out. Escort her out.

[Bahar] Certainly.

She has an appointment tomorrow.

- Custody case.
- [Bahar] Got it.

- Thank you.
- No problem.

[Bahar] This way.

Are you okay?

[piano playing]

Stop, stop.

Slow down. Are you being chased?

- Sorry, miss.
- Come on, from the top.


[cell phone ringing]

Selin, how many times is this tonight?

Miss, it's my dad. Can I answer it?
This is the last time.

- Daddy?
- [doorbell rings]

[Fuat] Are you done with your lesson?

- No, Dad. It's still going.
- Okay. Wait for me, I'm on my way.

- There might be traffic.
- [Selin] You don't need to do that.

- I'll get home by myself.
- No can do.

I have my orders. Wait for me.

- Okay.
- All right.

- [piano teacher] Welcome, Cem.
- [Cem] Nice to see you.


[Selin] I'm sorry, miss.

- [Selin breathes deeply, plays piano]
- [elevator bell dings]

- [person 1] Let go! Let go of me, I said!
- [person 2] Come with me!

Get in!

What are you doing?

You want to take my daughter away?

Come on!

- [Aylin] Let me go!
- [Aylin's ex-spouse] Come on!

Stop driving me crazy!

Whoa! What are you doing?
What are you manhandling her for?

What do you care? She's my fucking wife.

[Aylin's ex-spouse grunts]

[Aylin's ex-spouse grunts]

You have a daughter too, Counselor!

What would you do
if they tried to take her away from you?

[tires screech]


We need to get a protective order
as soon as possible.

[Aylin scoffs]

- What's so funny?
- There already is a protective order.

But you see, there's no one protecting me.

Except you, of course.

Thank you again.

[cell phone ringing]


[Fuat] Excuse me.

- How are you, darling?
- Good. You?

Ah, ah! Are you still in the car?

- Didn't you pick Selin up?
- I got held up.

But I talked to her.
I'll pick her up soon.

Oh, Fuat, for God's sake! You promised.

It's all right. She's a big girl.

She'll be fine, don't worry.
She can wait a bit.

[sighs] You're clearly upset
about something.

- Is there someone with you?
- No.

You look so beautiful.

I threw something together.

Anyway, I'm here.

I'm going in now, okay?
I'll see you later.

Okay. Don't drink too much.

Okay. Bye-bye.

I'm sorry for distracting you
from your responsibilities.

[Fuat] What responsibilities?

I'm picking up my daughter
from her piano lesson.

I'll get out here.

- Are you sure?
- Mm-hmm.

- I can get someone from the office to...
- No, this is very close to my work.

He'll be afraid to come here.

[car indicator clicking]

Okay, as you wish.


Like I said, I'll expect you
tomorrow at the same time.



Smile For Your New Life

[dog barking]

[automated voice] The person
you are calling cannot be...

[rings doorbell]


- Good evening, miss.
- Good evening.

I've come to pick Selin up.

Selin left, Mr. Fuat.

- She was supposed to wait for me.
- She couldn't concentrate today.

She wanted to leave early, so I let her.

Oh, dear.

Didn't she tell you?

It's okay.
She's probably around here somewhere.

I'll call her.

- Thank you. Good night.
- Good night.

[dog barking]

[automated voice]
The person you are calling cannot...

[line ringing]

Ceyda, hi. This is Fuat, Selin's father.

Uncle Fuat, is there something wrong?

Is Selin with you?

No. She was going to
her piano lesson today.

Did she call you?
Have you talked to her tonight?

No. Uncle Fuat, she didn't call.

- Did something happen?
- No, no.

I was supposed to pick her up,
but she didn't wait for me.

She didn't call me. Her phone is off.
I was a bit worried.

Anyway, she's probably at home.

Thanks, Ceyda.

If I hear from her,
I'll tell her you called.

Selin! Selin!

Selin! Baby!



[knocks on door] Selin?

[knocks on door]


Come on, baby.

[automated voice] The person
you are calling cannot be reached.

The person you are calling
cannot be reached.

Pick up, baby! Pick up the phone!

[automated voice] The person
you are calling cannot be reached.

The person you are calling
cannot be reached.

Come on, Selin.

- Hello?
- [Hülya] Hello, Fuat.

Hello! Hülya, can you hear me?

[Hülya] Wait a minute. It's too noisy.

Hello. Did something happen?

Selin was a little bit moody this evening.

I asked why but she didn't say.
Did she say anything to you?

It's the piano lessons.
She doesn't like them.

She's just in a mood.

Have you talked to her?

Do you have any news?
Did she say anything to you?

Of course, we talked this afternoon.

I mean, she said she was fine and hung up.
Before the piano lesson.

Why do you ask?

Hello, Fuat?

Just a second, honey,
someone's calling me.

I'll talk to you later.

Who's calling at this hour?

Fuat, what are you up to?

Oh, what a mess.

Okay, I'll call you back.

I don't know who it is. Bye.

- Hello?
- [caller] Is this Fuat Akıncı?

Yes, that's me.

This is Commissioner Bülent Doğruer.



Selin Akıncı?

[whispers] My daughter.

My daughter. Selin.

[whispers] My beautiful girl.


Baby, I'm here. I'm with you, I'm here.

I'm here, my beautiful girl.
I'm here, sweetheart.

[whispers] What happened to you?

[doctor] Sir, what is your relationship
to the patient?

Sir, who are you?

I'm her father. Fuat Akıncı. [Panting]

How is she?

Don't worry, she's fine.

[person] Mr. Fuat, let's go outside.

- Who are you?
- Deputy Commissioner Leyla.

Let's talk outside.


What happened?

Please, come this way.

[breathing heavily]


Baby. Baby.

My beautiful girl. I'll be right back.

- I'll just be outside, okay?
- Okay.

- [Fuat] Okay?
- Don't go.

I'll be right back.

Please stay with her.

After you.

- What happened? Tell me.
- Mr. Fuat, calm down.

- How can I calm down?
- [person] Mr. Fuat. Calm down.

- Who are you?
- I'm Commissioner Bülent Doğruer.

Would you like to sit here?

[Fuat] No. Tell me what happened.

[Bülent] Well… [sighs]

They found your daughter unconscious
in one of the alleys off Aksoy Street.

She was assaulted.

You've already seen that.

But that's not all. I mean…


She's bleeding.

Some traces of physical evidence
were found on her body and clothes.


[water pouring]

[sighs] We've taken a sample for analysis.
The results have been sent to the lab...

Mr. Fuat. It hasn't been confirmed yet.
It's not confirmed.

But there's a possibility
of sexual assault...

Mr. Fuat. [Stammering]

Calm down. Calm down, Mr. Fuat.
Please try to calm down.


Commissioner. Commissioner, excuse me.

The lab results are in.
You should take a look.

We'll be here. We will keep you updated.

We hope she gets better soon.

[sighs, sniffling]





[Hülya panting, sobbing] Fuat! Fuat!

Where is she?

Is she here? Is she here? Is she here?

Where? Oh! Oh!

- [nurse] Are you her mother?
- [Hülya sobbing]

- [nurse] We've sedated her.
- [Hülya] Oh! Look at her face!

[Hülya crying]

[no audible dialogue]

[no audible dialogue]

[no audible dialogue]

[no audible dialogue]

[no audible dialogue]

[no audible dialogue]

The test results are in.

Sexual assault has been confirmed.

Don't worry. We will find this man.

You will find him…

So what if you find him?

He'll wear a tie and bow his head.

He'll serve two years and get out.

Which street, Commissioner?

- Street?
- Which street did you find my daughter on?

Aksoy Street.

Mr. Fuat.

Don't do anything.

Aksoy Street


[distorted sound]

[cell phone chimes]

You don't have to go all the way
there, we took care of it…

[cell phone chimes]

This is the man
who raped your daughter…

[crying] I swear I didn't do it.

I didn't do anything to her.
I have my own wife and children. Please.

Don't you believe us?

[cell phone chimes]


- [shouts]
- [cell phone chimes]

Do you want us to punish him?

(A smiley face is enough:)

[cell phone chimes]

You have 45 seconds to decide.

If you're ready, we'll start.

We are not joking.

[Selin] Let me go, let me go!
I beg you! [screams]

Don't touch me!

[Selin sobbing]

Let me go!

Let me go!

[Selin crying]


Let me go! Let me go!

[thunder rumbling]

- [cell phone chimes]
- [hostage] I swear I didn't do it.

I have nothing to do with her.
Brother, please...



- [cell phone chimes]
- [distorted sound]