Below Deck Mediterranean (2016–…): Season 7, Episode 5 - Break-Ups and Shake-Ups - full transcript

Captain Sandy makes a critical decision that impacts the deck team. After the second charter comes to an end, the crew has an eventful night out. Two crew members relationship takes a tumultuous turn causing Captain Sandy to inter...

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"Below Deck Mediterranean"

Shots, shots, shots.


Where's the bosun?


Nah... it's alcohol.

We gotta step it up.


- You definitely are.
- You definitely are dating.

Before we joined
Motor Yacht Home,

Tasha and I made an agreement
when we get into a week,

we can slowly let everyone
know we're together.

And now I feel like
she's avoiding me.

Just can't handle
this pressure anymore.

I get lost in her ****ing
Goddamn eyes.

Storm's got this rugged, hot
look to him, and I'm into it.

I miss you.

Tasha's gonna drive me insane
for all the right reasons.

Uh-uh, my asshole burns.

Do they know to put
the toys out yet?

Raygan, toys in the water.

I'm a little irritated
with Raygan.

You find excuses every time,
and that really upsets me.

Three meters, getting close.

Oh sh**,
that's not three meters.

- That is one meter.
- One meter.

One meter...
she's gonna hit it, man.

You hit it!

This docking was the straw
that broke the camel's back.

Raygan, Raygan,
come to the bridge.

Have a seat.

Season 07 Episode 05

Episode Title: " Break-ups and shake-ups"
Aired on: August 08, 2022.

Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.

The first charter, I could see
the lack of experience on deck,

even down with two people.

Charter two, now you
got a full team.

It was complete chaos
on that aft deck.

I can tell you haven't
run a deck crew

in a busy charter boat,
on a vessel this size.

Yeah, so, the final straw
was the docking.

There was a point where
you called three meters,

and I had less than
a half a meter.

That can't happen, Raygan.
It's dangerous.

It is our job to
lead a team, and manage.

That is a big thing for me.

So, I'm letting you go.

If I had the time
and I wasn't,

you know, running a boat
this size, I would train you.

I would teach you.

My recommendation is to
work under a strong bosun.

I'll give you a
recommendation, busy charter...

I need some busy charters
to actually learn more.

Yeah, and I truly hope
that you pursue this career

because I truly
want more women on deck

and want more women
in the bridge.

- Okay, thank you.
- Yeah.

- Nice meeting you all.
- Yeah, you too.

So, listen, don't give up.

No, I won't give up, of course.

Go on as a deckhand, under a
strong bosun, busy charter boat.

- Okay, yeah.
- Okay.

Okay, thank you.

That was hard. I'm sorry.

I'm gonna need my luggage
from the forward.

Storm, Storm, Tasha.

Please can you
get the suitcase

out of the forepeak,
a blue one?

Yeah, copy that.

- Are you all right?
- I can't believe what happened.

She's sacked me.

- Oh, why?
- Huh...

Apparently, I'm not strong
enough for the deck.

Oh [bleep] me.

I'm so sorry, hon.

I actually don't
know what to say.


It's hot as sh** in there.

I'm so sorry.

Like, this is not something,
like, that anyone wants.

Here's the bag...
why do you need the bag?

Because I've been sacked.


What are you talking about?

Oh, babe, I'm so sorry.

Apparently, I'm not
experienced enough.

I'm sorry, babe.

Is there anything else that
I can get for you?

No, it's okay,
just keep in touch.


Yeah, I've got nothing
in the laundry.

All right, babe.

****ing hell.


No, what happened?

Raygan got let go, dude.

Raygan did?


Yeah, sounds about right.

I would have been shocked
if they were like,

Raygan, you're killing it.

This hangover that you were
out a full day, loved it.

We're actually
gonna promote you.

I really hope that they will
be able to find someone else

in the next two days,

because that means that
well have to do

a charter with three guys.

That'll be pretty gnarly, dude.

That'll be quite intense.

Come here.

Just heard.

That's just sh**


Ooh, that's heavy.

- Bye!
- Raygan, take care of yourself.

I feel, like, obviously,
sad to have to leave

in these sort of circumstances.

Sorry to see you go, babe.

Thanks for everything.

It's a really bad feeling.

Like, you feel like
you've not achieved

what you were
supposed to achieve.

But in the end I'm trying to
keep my head up, keep positive,

and we'll see what happens
in the future, yeah.

I just feel so bad.

I hate when people get fired.

Yeah, you hate when someone
leaves, right, but it's,

like, we're into
third charter now, you know?

So, is it the team that's weak
or is it the leader that's weak?

That's the question
at the end of the day.

I think there's gonna
be challenges facing

the exterior team and how
naturally they will function

as opposed to how
we would in the interior...

myself, Nat, Tash,
and Dave, the power team...

Now get moving!

I actually need to...

It's called doing your job.

Well done, you're a stewardess.

That's good.

[bleep] we can always re-rinse.

It's just the soap
that's a problem.

Very nice.

Ah, it's still on.

Oh, just pull it to,
just open it.

It's only got a
couple of things in there.

Ow, just got burned in the eye.




Proper burning hot.

Want some eye-wash?
Want some eye-wash?

Good facial.

Yeah, it was.

Are you... do I need to get
something, cold towel?

No, you're all good.

I'll just quickly
nip to my cabin.


You're all good.

- Tash?
- Yeah?

Here you go.

It's all right,
it's just a bit red.

Here you go.

No, I didn't either.

Just a bit longer.

Just, like, one more minute.

- Uh-huh.
- Just in case.

When I first met Dave we had fun
together, we'd laugh together.

Whereas now,
he's always suffocating me.

You counting to a minute?


Will you just
leave me alone, go away.

I know you're,
like, pretty impatient.

Well, I'll leave you to it.

Oh [bleep].

Storm, Storm, can you
come to the bridge?

Copy that.

Does this make you happy?


That I let you think you can
beat me in a position?

I already have, that's why
you're wearing that badge.

How you doing, Tash?

I'm all right.

Yes, Captain?

Okay, so, obviously, I'm gonna
need a provisional bosun.

Experience on lines and running
the deck is really important,

because it can be dangerous.

So, I feel like
I can trust you...

- Sure.
- From what I've seen.

So, if you're willing,
I'd love to offer you that.

I would love to take that.

And then...
okay, awesome.

It would be a...
that's my...

- it's been my goal.
- Yeah, that's great.

There's a lot for me to learn,
but I'm here to step up, so.

Figure out your schedule...

Yeah, in terms of,
like, structure,

I've definitely got something
in my head planned.

Yeah, okay.

You know, it's really difficult
to find a great bosun,

but at the same time, you know,

I saw a lot of
potential with Storm.

Hook the jet-ski up.

Help me place it, easy-peasy.

He took command.

We need to put our banisters in.

We need to start flaking our
lines out, please.

So, I wanna give him
that opportunity

to show me that he
can be a bosun.

You can be a hard worker, but
that doesn't mean you can lead.

I need to make sure that
Storm can lead a team.

That's why he's provisional.

All right, awesome.
Well, thank you.

- Thank you very much, I appreciate that.
- Yep,


All right, we'll just hit the
rest of this, and see you later.

It's just, like, the juicing
machine that we need to,

like, put away and sh**
And then we're good.

They made me bosun.

That's epic, bro.

Listen, overall,
I'm ****ing over the moon,

but it's terrifying.

Just embrace it.

You've got people
that have your back.

- Like you, homie.
- Exactly.

Thanks, boy.

All crew, let's meet in
the main salon now, please.


So, everybody knows
that I let Raygan go.

It wasn't an easy decision.

It was really
gut-wrenching for me.

But for now, Storm is stepping
in as a provisional bosun,

and he's gonna show
me what he's got.


It's been a dream of mine
to obviously become a bosun.

I feel quite emotional,

because I've just been
working really hard.

But what I'm gonna do is
just rely on my experience,

just keep a calm head,
and just really show Sandy,

you know, that she made
the right decision.

And then our new deckhand

the first day of charter,
so just have the cabin ready.

Are we allowed
to know, for cabin arrangements,

if it's a male or female,

because I was
sharing with Raygan.

- It's a woman.
- Okay.

- Fantastic.
- Thank you so much.

- Congrats, Storm!
- Okay, thank you.

- Thanks, guys.
- Woo!


With Tash,
I literally have no idea

where I'm standing right now.

She just runs away
from any approach

that I have towards her.

I'm scared to confront her
because I'm scared to lose her,

and that's the last thing
that I want right now.

Coming up...

I've kissed the most beautiful
woman in the world.

And later...

Hey, Dave, you okay?

What's up, homie?

Hey, coz.

Finally, I can
clean this fridge!

Oh, God, come on.

Boys, we can clock off.

Let's just wrap everything up,
wash the buckets.

We need to get changed.


Oh, flannel twinnies!

Tash, you're good, yeah?
You don't need anything?

- All good, thanks.
- All right.

Excuse me, you're in the way.
Let's go, bye.

- All right, I'm coming.
- Sorry, she looks beautiful.

Just shut your ****ing mouth.

Just because you're
also beautiful.

- Aw!
- And I'm not complimenting you.

Where's my shoes?

I can tell something's gonna
happen between me and Storm,

but I just don't know when.

Lots of flirting, you know,
little comments here and there.

So, you can't putt
off the inetidi...

oh, here we go...



I'm gonna flash the world.

You good?

- Are we doing girls and boys?
- Ah!

My asshole!


- Darling!
- Hello, lovely!

- Did you miss us?
- I missed her.


All right,
how was your car ride?

Who's gonna sit next to me?

Whoever's gonna make me laugh
sit next to me.

Hello, guys, how are you?

Could I order four
espresso martinis?

Wait, wait, wait...

Dave, are you espresso martini?

No, just a beer, please.

Thank you.




No, have it.

If anyone here or anybody
new joining the boat

thinks they can get
between Tash, Chief, myself,

second, and Nat, third,

as a unit, you're
highly mistaken.

How are you guys feeling about
the new...

- like, it's interesting.
- She's my roommate.

We could share the same cabin.

So, you would have to share
the same cabin with her.

Maybe it's your wife, mate.

I mean, it could be


Oh [bleep] me.

Guys, let's go.

The bill's paid,
let's ****ing get outta here.

Look out, I'm coming in hot.


I don't know
what my flirting style is.

I normally am the introvert

when it comes to actually
initiating anything.

I've got no problems talking,
but after that,

I'm kinda, like,
fish outta water.

Or I'm just a huge pussy.

I've gotta get me a man.

Yeah, let's go.

So, I know sometimes that when
I get into my work zone,

whatever I can do,
I'm gonna do.

It's not all you.

Yeah, of course.

It's not all you
to do everything.

Stop saying "I, I, I."

Give other people
the opportunity to...

Yeah, I agree, I agree,
I appreciate it.

And I promise you,
that's gonna make you...

- I appreciate it.
- A ****ing great bosun.

Don't make it about yourself
doing everything.

I appreciate it.

Storm's feeling pressure
is fairly normal,

just because he's never been
in that position before,

and I can 100 percent relate.

Last season I was feeling
all kinds of pressure

just by stepping on board.

- Is this your first boat, or...
- First big boat.

- Under...
- Yeah.

- Over...
- Over.

And back through.

Can I release it?


This might have a safety lock...
there ya go.



Um... getting there.

- I'm here to support you.
- I'm here to support you, man.

All right.

Love you.

Love you too, bro.

All right.

- Tash!
- Yeah?

- You don't?
- I don't.

Talk to me in here.

You literally can't.

I asked you about it...

- Some days, I...
- I asked you about it.

But you... Tash.


They're not beefing.

Have you seen Tash?

I don't want a
relationship with Dave.

The fact of us sharing a cabin,

living together,
I don't know, it's just...

Oh, I'm gonna kiss him.

Okay, go.


Let's go, let's go, let's go.

- That's gonna exhaust me.
- Okay, this one.

What's up?

You're tired, yeah?

That moustache... what secrets
is it hiding up here?

It's all the secrets
in the world.

How am I supposed to know if
your moustache-fishing me?


It's the secret.

I had a ****ing great day.

I got a tip,
those charter guests

got the [bleep] off that boat,

and I kissed the most beautiful
woman in the world, so...

And a promotion!

I didn't even think
about that...

you see what I'm saying?

Like, that's four.


I'm just gonna queef
in his face.


Where's Tash?

Can I be honest... you
look like a ****ing wreck.


Don't know.
I'm over it, so.

I've just been saving her
rotten secret the whole time.

What's going on?

[phone rings]

I'm not an apple!

Going to bed.


Dave and I hooked up
on my last boat.

[bleep] I knew it.

And now I'm getting
these messages from him.

"Good luck [bleep] you," "Slut,"
"Thanks [bleep] you."

To hook up with someone, you
kinda have a level of trust.

And for him to send messages
calling me

every name under the sun,

you wouldn't even treat your
own worst enemy like this.

Goodbye, rotten secret.



Honestly, I'm not taken back,

because I see the type
of person that Dave is.

This is the second time
it's arising.

You think you're full,
but you're not.

Back it up.

I'll go to my room.

- Hang on, one second.
- No, don't touch me.

I'll go to my bed.

What happened?


He's caused so much damage
with his behavior,

and now you can't
take that back.

Oh [bleep].

No, come...
no, come in.

There's nothing happening, look.

We have pants on.

Can you guys just not have sex right now,

while I'm here?

I don't know, here or up.

oh, there you are, mate.

Are you all right?


What'd she do?

Well, I know I put
and one and two together.



Yeah, facts, man.

So [bleep] her.

It's been fine this
whole last six weeks.


[bleep] me and lying.


What's happening?

I'm literally exhausted.

I've gotta go.


What the [bleep]?

I don't remember what
happened last night,

but I know I... ed up here.

I'm, like, what the [bleep]
are you doing?

What I said to her over drunken

is just unforgiveable.

The fact that I don't
remember it

or the fact that was exhausted,
none of that matters.

You don't talk
to people like that,

When does the newbie arrive?

I don't know, I'll find out
for you, though.

I declare the cabin ready.

- Oh.
- Unless...

are you moving in?

Taking Storm and my
relationship day by day.

I don't know if it's
just this boat, small romance,

or if it's blossoming
to something else.

I don't know what's happening.

Maybe I'm the one who's
gonna get attached.


By the way, guys,
nothing went down.

We slept on top of the covers.

- Hey?
- By the way, don't care.

I actually am pro,
uh, that, so, go for it.

- But the good news...
- Hey, good morning.

- Good morning.
- How are you?

- Would you like some coffee?
- No, I'm good.

- You sure?
- I've gotta go.


Hey, good morning, sweetie.

How are you?

I need endless amounts of
water and coffee today.



Just grab some chamois,

let's just hit all the
railings before lunch.

The windows are gonna get
wet again

because we're gonna have
to hit the floor,

just the bottom part.

So, maybe don't do
that too much right now.

All right.

Because this is
where the guests are.

There's, like, sun lotion
and alcohol, and...

- Yeah, good vibes.
- Yeah, not bad vibes.

I think Storm will
do better than Raygan.

There will be a lot more order,

a lot more people knowing
what they're gonna be doing.

I expect him to act like
a ****ing bosun.

Hopefully the weather's
not sh** so we'll just have

to do the standard,
like, wipe-down and sh**


I would have literally punched
him in the face last night.

Now you probably understand,
like, why...


I didn't feel
comfortable in the...

- Yeah, it's just...
- drunken state.

But at the same time,

I'm the one that's
obviously brought this on.

It takes two to tango.

Life happens, people do sh**
That they, like, regret.


But no matter what you guys have
done in the past, in the end,

it doesn't give anyone
a right to talk to someone

the way you just got spoken to.

Anyway, I'm sorry for
the disruption it's caused,

- because it's sh**
- No seriously, life is life.

Do you know what,
everything happens for a reason.

Just disappear to the
laundry and the cabins,

because you're ****ing amazing.

I'm literally disappearing
to the laundry for now.

Too fast for our own good.

Chin up.

Oh, yeah, who's ready to work?

I literally have the
itchiest titty right now.

That's the first
signs of gonorrhea.

You're such a sh**

Tomorrow, when we leave, Sandy
is gonna go through V2 and V1.

- You see them?
- Yeah.

I'm gonna ask if you can be
with me on the stern.

It's a dream of mine
to be a bosun.

I'm definitely nervous.

I'm very aware that
there's loads of things

that I still need to learn.

But I've spent the past several
years on expedition boats,

sailing boats, catamarans,

which has shaped me to be who
I am right now as a leader.

So, even though I feel this is
a really big mountain to climb,

like, I've got the right set of
boots on, you know what I mean?

What's one thing about
a partner, like,

if you guys are to move
in together,

that if he does this, that would
send you over the edge?

You go first,
I'm too hungover to think.

Mine would be you know when
they do this thing

when they...
[clears throat]


And you spit.

At that point, whilst
you're in the shower,

I've called a U-Haul already.

The relationship
that I had prior

to coming out was 12 years.

It was challenging for me,

you know, because my whole
life was a secret.

And for him to have left me
for a woman was also tough.

But through all of that

I can literally grew out.

Eww, a skid mark on the toilet.

That's a good one.

Enjoy being single now,
that's what I would say.


All right, I'm gonna write
some menus.

That's all I'm going to do.

I'm just gonna smack you
on your asshole.

That better be... you sh** head,
it's so wet!



- Dave?
- Yeah?

What is it, love?

Just having a bit of,
like, an anxiety attack.

Oh, God.


- Captain?
- Yes?

Do you mind coming
to have a look

on Dave down in
the crew quarters?

Is he okay?

It seems like he's having a bit
of a very deep emotional time.

It will just help
if you come have a word.



Hey, Dave, you okay?


Just breathe.

My mind is literally
out of control.


Hey, Dave, you okay?

Just breathe.

My mind is literally
out of control.

I'm sorry.

Just concentrate on your breath,
because that's gonna calm you.

I haven't been
like this for years.

I thought I had it
under control.

No, that's okay.

But there's things that
make it surface, right?

So, lack of sleep,
intense work environment.

Okay, that's why breathing...

I can't...
I literally can't stop thinking.

I can't sleep, because
I can't switch it off.

So, why don't we go do something
that stops the thinking,

and just go for a walk
and look at the water, okay?

Let's do that.

You can't make this sh** up.

Dave's in there, crying,
on the ground.

Sandy's in there.

I was like, what the [bleep]
going on back there?

Let's go this way.

[bleep] dude.

I think it's just emotions
between them from previous...

That's... ed.

All right, this isn't all
the master stuff, is it?


So, talk to me,
what's going on?

I'm ashamed of myself,
that's all.

You're a human being.

I sent some pretty sh** ty
messages to Tash last night.

It's not nice.

Just hard on myself.

What did you say to her?

I was mean to her, I shouldn't
have been mean to her.

Just laundry-wise, there's
a pile of napkins

that's really been niggling
at Natalya in the laundry.

What if you change cabins?

- It might help, yeah.
- Yeah.

- Are you good?
- Okay.

I'm gonna go talk to her.

Thank you so much.

You want me to leave you here?

You wanna lay here?

Yeah, of course.

I'm not sure what happened
between Natasha and David,

but as a captain,
I have an obligation.

I have to make sure
that Tasha feels safe.

That's really more
important than anything.

Natasha, can you please
come to the bridge?

How's it going, boys?

Looks wonderful.

We'll give it a Hoover in the
morning before the guests come,

just 'cause of all the
crew that's walking on it,

- in and out.
- Yeah.

And then I reckon we are good
to go, baby, good to go.

Hey, let's have a seat.

So, I don't know
the whole story,

I just know there were
text messages or something.

They were not very nice,

but I feel like I caused
this mess to start with.

It's not your fault.

This is not...

you know what, people make
their own decisions, right?

The situation was that
I've just come out of,

like, a five-year relationship.

Then Dave and I had a thing...

then I...

basically didn't want anything
else to happen.

And there's been
some upsetting

things that he said to me.

Do you feel safe?

Yeah, I feel...

I feel better, to be honest.

I just hope that this
whole situation

has not got too out-of-hand
that one of us would have to go.

Because I feel like
we can move on from it.

You know, I have to trust
you and your judgment,

and we'll go from there.

But someone needs to move
out of the cabin.

- Yeah.
- That's gotta happen today.

I'm not going to tell Captain
Sandy about the messages,

because Dave is a lovely person.

He's got a kind heart,
he's caring.

But I also want her to
have a peace of mind

that we can continue
to work together

and carry on in a professional
working relationship.

So, I think it's best
just to not say anything.

If you're happy to let us
carry on working together,

I'm not going to let it affect
my job, so, don't feel like...

Oh, yeah, no, I don't feel
that way, not at all.

I don't feel like...

Don't worry, you don't even
have to explain that part,

because I already know that.

- Okay.
- Okay?

- Thanks.
- All right.

I'm not concerned
that the chief stew

and chef had a relationship.

It's none of my business.

What I care about is
their mental health,

their well being, and I have to
get through this charter season.

You know, we all end up on
this boat together,

and for some people, maybe
they're running from something.

And for others, maybe they're
looking for something.

I want them to know they
have the support,

but at the same time,
I'm the captain

and I'm here to do a job, and
I expect them to do their job.

Can I just have a hug...

- What are you doing?
- I'm making a schedule.

When's your new girl coming?


How am I supposed to make
a schedule for someone

that I don't know
what their name is?

This is my first time
as a bosun,

so I just really
want someone who's...

Swear to God, if this
new chick arrives

and I see her all up on my man,
she's got another thing coming.

With all of the boat drama,

it's important to have

who is passionate
about what they do.

And then just overall,
like, just a good vibe,

because we need
to gel as a team.

Keep your little dirty eye
and moustache

where I can see them at all
times when she arrives.


Dave, Dave, Sandy,
meet me in the bridge.

On my way.

I feel like
I've created this mess.

Have a seat.

Natasha and I had
a conversation, and...

so, this is not okay.

This is unacceptable on board,

and I need to know
that everybody's safe.

I was, like...
I was out of line, you know?

There was no excuses for that.

Please give me another chance.

If you do it again,
you're fired, okay?

So, do you think you can
get through this season?

Yeah. Yeah.

We can reset, you think?

You think you could
do that and move on?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

- Yeah, definitely.
- All right.

Okay. So, I want you guys
to move cabins now.


That's gotta happen today.

No, 100 percent.

- All right.
- All right.

I'm sorry.

As far as interpersonal
relationships on board,

each crew member has to
draw their own line.

And if Natasha said that she
felt threatened by David,

then I would have let him go.

Thank you for your time.

I've been in a controlling
relationship before.

It's not nice.

And what I saw last night

was like I was being
owned by someone.

That is actually not true.

Like, I'm not in
any relationship.

At the same time,
Dave doesn't deserve

to be made out to be
a bad person...

- Mm-hmm.
- Because he was just drunk.

I just don't know what
to say to him today.


One thing that
he must understand...

Dave, nothing can happen
with me and you now.

I'm really hoping the best
for you and stuff,

but I really need
to work on myself right now.

No, it's true.

- I'm here, hey?
- I love you.

I love you more
than you can think.

Oh, you're
the most amazing friend.

Thank you for being there.

Are we gonna move on soon?

We've gotta sort the laz out,
then we're gonna polish, baby.

And I want you to know
Steven, he's always around.

When's the new girl arriving?

I'm ready to see
some fresh faces.

I feel like I've betrayed you.

I feel like...

I just... ed up and, like...

Everyone knows you're
a good person, Dave.

It's just being ashamed
of this whole situation.

Like, it should never
have got to this,

and I'm sorry that
I've made you feel

like you've gotta hide stuff,
because it's not right.

Do you feel like
you can carry on

and continue to work
with me professionally

and continue doing
what you do best?

I've never seen
Dave act this way.

I don't know this person.

I don't recognize him.

And hopefully, he'll never
do this ever again.

Next, on "Below Deck Med"...

He is not single.


Christina and Dina
are requesting

a dual birthday celebration.

How comfortable are we
with, like, semi-nude men?

- Extremely.
- Very comfortable.

- Are we very?
- Woo!


I don't know what the
right thing to do is.

Six meters off stern.

I don't hear Storm.

Three meters to V4 off stern.

Press the mic and then talk.

Ugh, we're gonna hit!