Below Deck (2013–…): Season 6, Episode 11 - Let Them Eat Chicken! - full transcript

Fast action by Rhylee and a cameraman save Ashton's life. The new charter guests like expensive food and are offended when served chicken, which is 'what poor people eat'. After the charter...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- Previously on

- Previously on
"Below Deck"...

- Kate, you have a new
student coming.

- Hi, nice to meet you.
- You, too.

- Yeah, I used to be a Chief
on the same-sized vessel.

- Oh, my God.
Why didn't they clean this?

- So, Ross is gonna step
into the boatswain's position,

and we're getting
a new deckhand.

- I'm Tyler.
- Tyler, nice to see you.

I get a hot new roommate.

- He was a male stripper

- Yeah, I can see that.

- Adrian's trying to make me
look bad in front of Laura.

- Our primary
is Brandy Coffey.

Brandy, Kari, and Janet
are taking a trip

to celebrate their birthdays.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

- Ross, Ross.
We're gonna drop the tender.

So, prep for that, please.

- Ah, cool.



- Oh, sh--.
Man overboard.

- Man overboard.

- What?

- [shouting]

[ship horn blares]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[dramatic music]

- Okay, we're out of here.

- Whoo!

♪ ♪

- Okay, watch the other lines.

Watch the other lines



- Hold on.
Man overboard.

- Man overboard.

- Man overboard.

- What?

- What happened?
- He's one of the crew.

- What?
- Holy sh--.

- Take it off.
Take if off now.

- Give me a status report now.

- Standby.
- [screaming]

- Get the life ring.
Get the life ring.

- What the (BLEEP) happened?
- Jesus Christ.

- Somebody's gonna have
to go in and get him.

- I need a status report

- Pick it up.
- Pick it up.

Let it go.
- Just slacken it out.

- Go in, he's drowning!
- Get me in.

- Jesus Christ.
- Go ahead.

- Hey, are you okay?

- Captain, Captain.
Ashton's in the water.

- Get his ass out
of the water and on board.

- Oh, my God.
- That was so scary.

- What happened?

- Are you okay?

Jump in the tender.

He's getting into the tender
right now.

He's okay.

- He got tangled in the ropes.

- I'm gonna get Ashton
to bring the towline on board

and drop "Intrepid."

- I'm having
like an adrenaline...

- No, I know.
- That was frightening.

♪ ♪

- I've never been in
a situation like that before.

Ashton and I are
on the swim deck,

and as we're paying out
the towline,

for the tender to tow
behind us,

Ashton steps on the line.

It wrapped around his ankle
very quickly

and pulled him off the boat.

♪ ♪

Thank God for Brent,
the camera guy.

He didn't hesitate
for a second, you know?

He put that camera down,

and he did what he needed
to do, and...

♪ ♪

I just--Ashton owes Brent
his life.

♪ ♪

- All right,
let's just get--

get these fenders
up for now.

- (BLEEP) sakes.

- We're proceeding out.


- Ashton, how are you
doing, bud?

You okay?

- Okay, start pulling
that line up on board.

- Ross, Ross.

- Yeah, go ahead.

- Come to the bridge.

- Yeah, copy.
On my way up.

- Mind telling me
what happened?

- I believe Ashton got caught
on the line

and dragged in the water,

So I don't know
if he was trying to

get it over the cleat or--
I'm not too sure.

- That is a really stupid move.

That scares the (BLEEP)
out of me.

We were within 30 seconds
of him dying.

I'd have to call his parents
and tell them their son's dead.

And I'm responsible.

[solemn music]

I don't know how
I'd deal with that.

♪ ♪

All right.
Well, go get calmed down.

Make sure everything's
secured back there.

- Yep, my apologies, Cap.

♪ ♪

- I have kids.

And I don't know how
I'd make that call.

♪ ♪

I need a minute.

♪ ♪

- (BLEEP).

- I just heard him
and I turned around.

- What just happened?
- I'm like, "Oh, my God."

- Well, when you're gasping
for breath

and being dragged underwater,
it is forever.

- So, near death experience...

It's scary, man.

- It's so scary.

We don't want people to know
how dangerous the job is,

because that would be scary,
but it is,

and I think Ashton
and what happened today,

is a very good reminder.

- Tender, tender.
Bow deck out to "Seanna."

- Go ahead, "My Seanna."

- Yeah, how you riding
back there?

- I'm all good, Captain.
I'm fine, thank you.

- You okay physically?

- Uh...

- We're gonna get you on board
as quick as we can.

Get your foot elevated,
get some ice on it,

and then the doctor will be
able to see you at 6:00.

- I can't pick the tender up
now, because we're out

in open water and swells
are just too bad

to try and make that pick up.

It's not a pleasant situation,
to say the least.

- Just puts life into
perspective, you know?

It's like, one minute
you're here,

one minute you're gone.

All I'm thinking is,
you know,

I can't wait
to see Ashton.

Give him a hug.

But also, at the same time,
----ing slap him.

Like what the (BLEEP)
were you thinking

stepping over that line?

[exhales deeply]

[upbeat electronic music]

♪ ♪

- What do you think
of our guests' lunch?

- 2:00, so I'm gonna go set
the table now.

- I'm getting hungry.
I like to eat a lot so...

- I do too, that's why I said--

- I enjoy eating.

- I'm king of the world.

- Jimmy, we're about
to have lunch if you're ready.

- Fabulous.
- Definitely.

- As crazy as this morning was,
the show must go on.

These people paid a sh-- ton
of money to be on this boat.

Our job is to distract them
from everything

that went on this morning,
and it starts with lunch.

- Hey, Laura, when you're done
clearing up the crew mess,

you can take
a two-hour break, okay?

- Oh, amazing.

- I love these shape of plates.

- I know, they're so cute.

We should use these more often.

[exciting music]

- Oh, my God.
It looks so good.

- I made a flank steak
with a red wine reduction,

some turmeric-infused shrimp,
and a little Asian salad.

- Awesome.
- Perfect.

- It looks amazing.
Thank you.

- Enjoy.
- Good job.

- Delicious.
- Mmm.

- You try the shrimp yet?
- Uh-uh.

- It's really good.

- All right, I need somebody
up here on the bow

to get ready to drop the hook.

- Yeah, copy that.
Standing by.

- And drop.

- Five shots at the waterline.

- Ashton, come on alongside.

Let's go you tied up.

- Copy, Cap.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Okay, you're good.

- Don't ----ing scare me
like that again, bro.

Are you all right?
- Yeah.

- Come here, brother.
- (BLEEP).

- Thanks, dude.
- You all right, babe?

- Don't scare me
like that, bro.

You know not to ----ing
step over that line.

- I know.
- Come here.

As long as you're
all right, brother.

All right?
- I'm sorry.

- Don't ----ing do that
to me again.

- It's okay.


- All right, let's go ahead
and do the Jet Skis.

♪ ♪

- Bro, it was the scariest
thing I've ever ----ing

gone through in my life.


I should never have been

on the water side
of that line.

Um, and I know that.

These are things that I've
been trained not to do.

As I hit the water,
I was fighting

to get my head up to get air.

I realized the line
is gonna not take tension.

It was the most intense force

that I've ever felt
in my life,

the way that that line
tightened around my ankle.

In that moment,
I'd mentally prepared myself

for my foot to be ripped off.

Nobody would have got to me
in time to stop the bleeding,

and I would have just bled-out
in the water.

Brent managed to get those
lines off just in time.

So, I'm--you know,
I owe my life to the guy.

----ing thank God.

- Let's see how you're doing.

Not too bad.

I thought it was gonna
be worse.

- Well, I've had that whole
tender ride

to think how stupid I was.
I mean...

- I would rather focus on
how lucky you were.

- Yeah.
When I was in the tender,

there were times I wanted
to throw up.

There were times
I was almost in tears.

And then there were times
where I was just calm.

- So, we'll just keep it
iced down,

keep it elevated above
your head.

- Thanks, Cap.

Appreciate it.

- For dinner tonight,

I have these beautiful
chicken breasts.

- That chicken looks so good.

- Who ordered chicken?

- Who ordered chicken?

- Chicken is what
poor people eat.

- You're not wrong.

- Chicken's not acceptable.

- Ashton, are you okay?

- I'm fine.
I'm good.

- Oh, my God.

It's swollen.

- But it's good compared to
what it could have been.

- That was scary sh--, man.

- So sca--you thank God.

- Do you usually tow
the tender?

Isn't somebody--
- Yeah.

Yeah, we normally do it.

- Why doesn't someone drive it?

- It's just easier.

- So, someone will--
- Yeah, easier--easier.

- 'Cause a lot
of ----ing corners

are being cut around here.

- It was my fault completely.

Like, I should never have been
on that side of the line.

That's it.

- Cool.

Thanks, buddy.
I appreciate it.

- Yeah, man.
- Chocolate?

- [laughs]
- Not for you.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Hello.
You want a Jet Ski?

We've got them set up
and ready for you.

- Oh, yeah, when you're ready,
you can start.

Push the green button
and you'll away.

[motor revving]

♪ ♪

- Today is gonna be
an emotional rollercoaster.

- I haven't decided if she's
more help than annoying, yet.

- We were talking with Ashton,
she's like,

- She doesn't know what she's
doing enough to be negative.

- Mm-hmm.

- Laura has a lot of opinions.

- Oh, white carpets?
Oh, no.

Who made this bed?

- If Laura had really
ever been a Chief Stew,

she would put herself
in my position

and wouldn't come out
so hot from the start.

- Like, you just arrived.

Wait a second to see
what's going on before...

- Yeah, that's what I'm saying.

- Hi, darling.
How are you?

- I'm ----ing sore,
but it could be worse.

- Do you want me to get you
some dinner?

- That would be amazing.
- Yeah?

- Thanks, man. Thank you.
- Of course.

- I've worked on deck before,

and you do hear all these
horror stories,

and the main thing
that everyone

wants to make sure is that
Ashton is okay.

You know, we just need to look
after him until he gets better.

- Thanks, brother.
I appreciate it.

- No worries.

- Joe, you ready to hop in?

- I'm ready.
- It's a blistering 92.

- Did you want a drink,
as well?

Tequila and grapefruit.
- Thank you so much.

- You're welcome.

I've never really had
a crew member almost die

right in front
of the charter guests.

I think in a situation
like this,

cocktails are the answer.

So, we were just talking
about dinner.

How does 8:30 sound?
- Perfect.

- I'm so glad to be a part
of this.

- Ross.

- Ross, we got the tender

with the Doc in it.

- Copy.

- I'm Captain Lee.

I'll take you to our patient.
- Okay.

- Ashton.
- How are you?

- Fine, and you?

- I've been better.
- Yeah.

- So, the line wrapped
around here,

pulled tight and crushed.

Ooh, that's sore.
- Okay.

Can you walk?
- I can try.

- Just try to make short step.

♪ ♪

It's not broken.
It's okay.

Just ice.
- Yeah.

- The pain is going
to decrease.

- Okay. Yeah.
- Okay?

- Finding out nothing's broken
in my foot is a massive relief.

I'm just a little concerned
at the amount

of pain I'm feeling right now,

but I definitely feel lucky
to be alive.

Thank you for coming out.

- It's okay.

[exciting music]

- You can start bringing it in.
- Right.

Once we've got these in,
Rhylee, you can do down.

You don't need to change
in blacks.

- And then what time do you
want me out?

- 10:00.

♪ ♪

- So have you got any pain?

- It is painful, but she's
given me strong painkillers.

So I'm hoping
it gets better quickly.

- You rest up, brother.

I'm gonna get back to work
and pick up your slack.

- Now that I'm not there,

you can see how much
I actually do.


♪ ♪

- Laura, Laura.

Come up and start
the turndowns

in the lower guest quarters.

- Copy that.

- Taking this third stew role,

I may or may not have shot
myself in the foot.

I forgot how mundane

a third stew position
really is.

I honestly haven't done
turndowns in years,

but it probably
doesn't matter,

because on this yacht,
the bar is set kinda low.

- Guests are seated.

- They did a wonderful job

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

- The guests got off
to a rough start this morning,

witnessing what happened
to Ashton.

So for dinner tonight,

I have these beautiful
chicken breasts.

Chicken is comfort food, man.

♪ ♪

- That chicken looks so good.

♪ ♪


- For the main course tonight,

I made a oven-steamed
chicken breast

rolled with mozzarella,
tomato, and basil,

spinach polenta,
and asparagus.

I love surprising people.

I like giving them
everyday things

and just deconstructing them,

making something
totally fresh.

Giving them new perspective
on food in general.


- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- So good.

- Who ordered chicken?

- Who ordered chicken?

- Anyone?
It's well done.

- But it's delicious.

- It is good, but none--
none of us ordered it.

- It's still chicken.

- It's chicken.

Chicken is what
poor people eat.

- You're not wrong.

- Is everything okay?

- None of us put chicken
on our preference sheet.

I can have chicken at home.

- Would you like him
to make you something else?

- I would like seafood.
- Yeah.

- This chicken does
look amazing,

and while I agree that maybe

they should have
some shrimp with it,

I also wouldn't act like
an asshole about it.

- Drunk Kari, she said
she didn't put chicken...

- What?
- On her preference sheet.

And she's got chicken.

This one's Kari, here.

- Should I make scallops
or salmon?

- She likes basic--
- Scallops.

- Oh, she does like scallops.

- ----ing care if it's on
their preference sheet.

You can go in the fanciest,
30-star Michelin restaurant,

they'll serve you chicken.

If you don't put that
you don't want chicken

on your preference sheet,
I'm gonna cook it for you.

- So, Adrian's preparing
some scallops

for both of you guys.
- Oh, perfect.

- "I didn't have
----ing chicken

on my preference sheet."

- Chicken's not acceptable.

- Are all the turndowns done?
- Yeah.

Do you need me to clear
anything yet or no?

- No, we're good.
I think you can go to bed.

- Night.

- Boom.
- Thank you.

- No, thank you.
- Beautiful.

- None of us put chicken
on our preference sheet.

- Pardon, me.

So, Adrian's made
a creamy leek-seared scallop

over a tomato-parmesan risotto.

- He should have made this
from the beginning.

- And he made extra, so I think
everybody wins here.

- I ate so much.

- How are you feeling now?
- Feeling good.

- Better?

It was a good day.
- Yeah.

Well, it was a--
- I mean, not a good day.

- Yeah.
- But...

- Yeah.
- Crazy.

I started my own
insurance agency in Seattle

when I was 21 years old
and crushed it, but I just knew

I didn't wanna be
in the corporate world

because I live off

- Yeah, we had a rough start.

There's nothing worse
than that.

- Ashton getting dragged
into the water

is not the adrenaline high
I was looking for.

Rhylee's up.
Waiting for her to get dressed.

- Once she's done, you go down,
and I'll see you at 6:00.

- I'm gonna go check
the turndowns.

Oh, my God.
Look, Josiah.

"Chief Stew" my heinie.

Nobody was using the deck
towels since dinner started.

- Let's dance and party.

- Not having waters by the bed,

that was a Caroline-type


Honey, if you were
a Chief Stew

that knows as much as you
say you do,

you should already know
how to do turndowns.

What kind of boat
are you working on?

- That's better.

- I don't wanna say
you're the best,

but you're the best.

- Good night.
- Sleep well.

- Okay, let's see
if there's stars.

- I can booty shake.

- Oh, my God.
I love this.

[dance music]


♪ ♪

- Tahiti baby!

Whew, go girl!

This is our ----ing life.
I love it.

- Oh, sorry.

- Are you down for the night?

- Yeah, I'll get out
of your way.

- No, it's all right.

- Come on, Beyonce.

- My hair's ----ed.

- How are you feeling?


- You haven't happened to see
my little...

- Yeah, I have it.
I'm sorry.

I had to go do turndowns
that weren't done

by the girl who used to be
a Chief Stew.

[laid back music]

♪ ♪

- I have no idea
what Kate's deal is.

I'm working super hard.

I could really appreciate
some positive feedback,

and instead,
I'm kind of getting

a little bit of this
mean girl thing going on.

- That's right, you're supposed
to do the bitch work

and shut your mouth about it.

Sorry, I'm just
giving you advice

for your integration.

I'm gonna take a shower.

- Good night.

- When I just say get
the (BLEEP) away from line,

just leave it.
- Chandler, all over again.

- No, it's not Chandler.
- No, you give me on minute--

Then give me one minute--
- Then ----ing talk.

[exciting music]

[alarm clock blaring]

♪ ♪

- Morning.

- Yeah. Were you the one that
wanted to do yoga or Pilates?

- Yeah.

Why don't I change

and get someone else
on service,

and then--yeah,
this'll be so much fun.

- There's only one side
of the bed,

but this is definitely
the wrong side

for me to be getting up on.

- Okay.

[upbeat music]

- So, Carolyn's up.

- Yeah, Carolyn's up.

Jimmy's on his third coffee.

- Good for him.
- Yeah.

- At nighttime we pre-load
the coffee machine,

so in the morning all you
have to do is press the button.

- Okay.

- And have you ever done
turndowns before in your life?

- Yeah, so, what happened
last night?

Because Adrian came in and
he was like, "She's so mad."

I was like, "Oh, my God.
What happened?"

- What did happen?

- The only thing I didn't do
was the second bed,

because I thought there was
only one guest

sleeping in there.

- You don't put waters
next to the beds?

I mean, I've never even been
to a three-star hotel

that doesn't give water
to guests.

- I agree.
That's--I totally agree.

But I didn't realize like,
what we did or--whatever.

- You can ask me,
the Chief Stew of the interior.

- Okay.

I thought we weren't caring.

I thought that was the vibe,

Yeah, my bad.

- Now you can change
into Pilates wear.

- Yeah.

- Morning.
- Morning.

- This is the towline.

- Yep. You said to coil it up
like that, right?

- That's fine.

You stay right here.

Nobody goes past
the second step.

- Okay.
- I don't give a flying sh--

what happens to this thing.
- Yeah.

- See your mistake here,
right now?

This line should be
on this side of this cleat.

- Yeah. Sorry.

- 'Cause otherwise, that's
what it will hang up on.

I mean, this is towing 101.
This is simple.

No reason for you
to be down here

for any ----ing reason

- Yep.
- Good.

I feel good about this.
Thank you.

[exciting music]

- What would you prefer,
Pilates or yoga or both?

- Yay.

- Ross, let's prepare
to get the anchor up.

- Yep, on it now.

- Start in a seated position.

And breathe.

♪ ♪

- Anchor's secure.
- Copy that.

Let's get the tender
ready to drop back.

- Do you wanna go wake
Rhylee up?

- Sure.

- Tell her we're leaving
in ten minutes.

- Deep inhalation,
expanding the ribs.

Breathe deep, pranayama.

- Ross said we have ten minutes
to get ready.


- What time are you gonna
want breakfast?

- It's only 8:10.
I still say 9:00.

- Okay.

When guests
are drunken assholes,

it blows over my head
at a rate

that you cannot imagine,

because I know that the food
that came out was great.

If these guests weren't happy,
that's their problem.

- For dessert--this is
a birthday for the primary,

so just one, her present,
and put her slice--

- We can do the whole cake.

- Yeah.
- We can do the whole cake.

- Yeah.

- Good morning.
How are you guys?

- Standby.
- Okay.

- Go to the bowline.

Okay, I'm gonna drop
spring line first.

- Copy that.

- Lines on board.
- All good.

- Stay behind the line.
Get behind the line.

- I got you, I got you.

- Bump ahead and release
the towline.

- Stay away. Get away.
- I'm away.

- Go away from--
- I'm fending off the boat.

- It doesn't matter.
I don't care about the weight.

Get behind the line.
- I'm behind the line.

- Get out of the way.

- Who's standing on
the swim platform

and why are they there?

- Get out of the way.
Go in the shade.

- Get their asses off
the swim platform now.

Tell them to release that
goddamn line.

- Yep, done.

- We went through this.

All right, we're headed out.

[dramatic music]

- Ross, Ross,
to the wheelhouse, please.

- Copy.
On my way.

- After somebody gets swept off
the goddamn deck,

you have to be told not--
don't stand back there?


How ----ing stupid are you?

- Why was Tyler on
the swim platform?

- No, it wasn't Tyler.

- Who was it?
- It was, uh, Rhylee,

and I told her--
- Get her ass up here.

- Rhylee, Rhylee.
Come to the wheelhouse, please.

♪ ♪

- The minute that you release
that stern line on the tender,

you get your ass off
the ----ing swim platform.

I don't give a sh--
if we smash the tender

on the side of the boat.

We can get that back.
We can't get a life back.

We are not having a replay
of yesterday.

♪ ♪

- Thank you for allowing me

to guide you through
your practice.


[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- So, these are gluten-free

- Pancake!
- Mmm.

- It's good.
- Good.

- Very good.

- Rhylee.

That's why I had asked you--

- This is exactly why
I don't wanna be

woken up last minute
to do anchor.

I should have been up early,
and then I--

- You were trying to (BLEEP)
around with the line,

and you were trying
to fend off the tender.

And I said, "Get away
from the tender."

- Okay, give me one second
to ----ing respond to you.

You hear me?
- No, Rhylee.

You just listen up, okay?
- Chandler all over again.

- No, it's not Chandler.
- No, you give me one minute.

- Then give me one minute.
- Then ----ing talk.

We had this incident that
just happened with Ashton.

She should know better.

Literally, I'm just done
with this ----ing attitude.

When I just say, "Get the
(BLEEP) away from the line,"

just leave it.
- And I did.

I stood behind the line.
- No, you didn't.

- You were waiting there.

Let's go down here, 'cause
there's guests back there.

- Come in.

- Here you go, man.
- Ah, man.

- Full plate.
- You are a legend.


- Thank you so much, bud.
- Yeah, you're welcome.

Radio if you need anything,

- Cool, thanks buddy.

- I asked you,
get the ----ing line

on the tender and get away
from the line.

- You said,
"Get behind the line."

- "Get behind the line."
- It's a difference.

It's a ----ing difference.

- Then you should use
your ----ing brain,

because of what happened

I don't have to explain
myself, okay?

I had asked you (BLEEP)--

- If you don't
have to explain yourself,

and I keep getting ----ing
reamed for this sh--,

then I'm gonna have
a problem with you.

Okay, and now you're
walking away before

you ----ing resolve
this sh--.

Which is a bullsh--
----ing move.

- I asked you get

- I asked you get
the ----ing line

on the tender,
and get away from the line.

- You said,
"Get behind the line."

- "Get behind the line."
- There's a difference.

It's a ----ing difference.

- Then you should use
your ----ing brain,

because of what happened

When I say ----ing something
and instruct something,

----ing do it.

- Well, instruct it more than
ten minutes before we do it.

- Are you guys seeing
this view?

- Oh, wow.

We have to video this.
Where's my camera?

- Next time when you say,
get behind the lines,

I'll get the (BLEEP) off
the platform,

'cause now I know
that's what that means.

- I didn't say that.
I'm wrong.

I understand that.

I understand where my fault
is at now, okay?

- When you say something
to me, I do what you say.

If you mean something else,

understand I'm not reading
your mind.

- I know, I know.
I gotta be clear.

I'm just ----ing tired
of fighting

with my junior deckhand.

Sometimes, you just have
to let things go.

So, with Rhylee,
I'm kind of like,

eee-easy way out.

See ya later, bro.

We'll work it out, okay?

- Let's talk about lunch.

- So, what were you gonna make?
- Do a fish?

Somebody put salmon
on their preference sheet,

so I'll put salmon as well,
just in case.

- You doing mahi and salmon?
- Mm-hmm.

- Shrimp feels fancy.

The swim platform is quite big
if you wanna grill down there.

- Yeah, that'd be nice.

[exciting music]

- Nice, little peaceful harbor.

- Ross. Lee.
- Captain Lee, go ahead.

- Let's make a nice,
slow, easy drop.

- Copy that.

Four shot set at the water.

Long stay, holding.

- Copy that.

[knocking on door]
- Ashton?

Did you get lunch?

- Think I'll get in about
ten or fifteen minutes.

- Do you have a radio?
- Yeah.

- Okay, why don't you radio me
when you need stuff?

- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.

♪ ♪

- What cake have you done?

- Carrot.

- What flavor cake is that?
Is that a mixture?

Mixture cake.

- Huh?
- It's a mixture cake.

It's a mixture of two cakes.

- What?

- You've got two different
types of cake.

It's a mixture of two
different cakes. Yeah?

- I don't know what
you're on about.

- Oh, my God, I'm gonna punch
you in the face in a minute.

- Hi.

- Beach club.
- Nice.

- Hey, what time are you
planning that?

Two o'clock.

- Yeah, exactly.

That was not an accident.

I just always think
it's annoying

when anyone wants to celebrate
their birthday,

unless they're, like, a child.

Nobody wants to celebrate
your 43rd birthday.

- Is this going on this side?

- Yes, please.
- Do you need anything else?

- We're gonna bring
all those chairs out.

Seam in the middle.

- Brandy, you each
have to give her a lei.

It was on
her preference sheet.

- You each have to lei her.
- Deal.

- ♪ Happy Birthday ♪

It's a party.

- You think it looks like
a nipple?

- It looks like a nipple.
Yeah, kinda.

- [laughs]
- Yeah.

Did you mean for that?

- No.

I was inspired by you.
The form of your breasts.

- I think Adrian is
the cutest, cutest guy ever,

but he definitely has
one thing on his mind.

- [laughs]

- Oh, my gosh.
Look at this.

This is so cute.
- So amazing.

- Janet, happy birthday.

- Spectacular.

- I'm gonna sit right there.

- How perfect is this?

- Okay, so, this is some
salmon and shrimp,

which I made with
a lobster cream sauce.

- Nice.

- A little tomato, mozzarella
with arugula.

This is some papio,
which is some local fish.

- Looks delicious.

Birthday girl's first.

- I'll try to leave something
for you guys.

- Oh, good.
She's saving us something.

Look at.
- It's so good.

So fresh.

- The shrimp with the rice...

- My taste buds are having
a little party right now.

- And everybody gets
a window seat.

- I know.

[laid back music]

♪ ♪

- Can I stuff this is in here?


- Are you struggling there
a bit?

- [laughs]
- [yawns]

- Tired?

- feet kind of hurt.

- You need to convince someone
to give you a foot rub.

- I would love a foot rub.

- Yeah?
- Oh, my God.

- I've played an interesting
game with Laura.

First night,
I just planted some seeds,

and I've taken a step back,
you know?

You just let the seeds simmer.

Let them grow and eventually
we'll hook up.

And I'm just like,
"Boom. That's all you say."

- Are you scared you're gonna
get replaced by Tyler?

- No.

I just gotta get
my foot healed,

so I can get on
the dance floor.

- [gasps]

Why don't we get you a cane?

- [laughs]


Okay, come visit me when
you need a foot rub.

- To Brandy, Kari, and Janet.

Happy memories
for many more to come.

- Thank you.
- Happy Birthday.

- Cheers.
- Salud.

- So we have
a birthday surprise

for your dessert.
- Cake?

- Oh, my gosh.
Look at this.

- A cake.

all: Aww.

- It's beautiful.

- That looks tasty.
- I bet it's carrot cake.

- Carrot cake?
That's my girl.

- Oh, wow.

- What's this tattoo
on your finger?

- Oh, it's a promise ring.

- You were engaged?

- Yeah, I was.
She's married with kids now.

- What the (BLEEP)?
Did you cheat on her?

- No, we just went
different ways.

I wanted to continue

- Oh, you were a firefighter?
- I still am.

When I was 21, I got engaged
to my high school sweetheart,

but it didn't
really work out.

She wanted me
to do construction,

and I wanted to be in fire.

She wasn't too keen on that.

What about your engagement?

Did you cheat on him?

- We both cheated on
each other.

- But you're still
pretty young though.

You still got some years
in you.

- I can still snag somebody.

- [laughs]
Don't you worry.

- Thanks.

I think Tyler is a great



- As soon as that tender
draws tight,

it's gonna sever his foot,

and he's gonna bleed out.

And I'm calling his parents
and telling them

their son is dead.

- It's pretty insane, dude.

- It's super mystical.

- Those mountains can
tell stories.

- This place isn't real.

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

- I don't usually talk
to the guests about dinner.

- You just create the menu?
- Yeah.

- Based on the--
oh, that's so fun.

What are you gonna make them?

- Uh, beef.

Clearly, these guests want

the most expensive dishes
they can get.

Last night the chicken wasn't
expensive enough.

Tonight I'm gonna give you
lobster, beef.

I'm just gonna make them the
best food they've ever eaten

again and again and again
until they realize it.

♪ ♪

- Flowers in the middle.

- Yeah?
- I love jungle-glam.

- Hello.
- Hi, friends.

- Hi.

- Laura, Laura.

All the cabins are now

Adrian, all the guests
are on bridge deck.

- Copy that.
I'm starting to plate.

Lobster and cognac bisque
with tomato powder.

- Super.
- Boom.

- So, for your first course,
Adrian has prepared

a lobster, crab,
and cognac bisque.

- Oh.
- Mmm.

- Perfect, so just these two
are rare.

This is medium.
The rest are medium-rare.

- Carolyn's happy-medium.
- Mm-hmm.


- Oh, that's beautiful.

- Tonight I made some
New Zealand beef fillet,

string beans wrapped
with Parma ham.


- Bon appétit.

- Mmm.

- Just the way I like it.

- It is amazing.
- Mm-hmm.

- So is mine.

- You can go ahead
and knock off,

and then start at 6:30 again.

- I think it's bedtime for me.

♪ ♪

All right, night.

♪ ♪

- Good night.
- Okay, good night.

- Thank you.
- I'll see you in the morning.

[electronic music]

♪ ♪

- So how are you right now?
- Just soldiering on.

- I think you're fine, except
you're standing a bit weird.

- [laughs]

I hate being injured.

Lying on my back
not doing anything,

it's extremely frustrating.

So, I'm getting out there,
and I'm gonna do what I can do.

- Sweet.

So, Tyler, everything
here is ready to go.

We're gonna put it right here
where that pilot door is.

Hold it nice.

- I've spent years
on sailboats.

I've got the skills, no doubt,

but I've never been on
this kind of yacht.

Motor yacht's
a different category, man.

- And then--yep.
Coil it nicely.

- I don't mind at all,
Rhylee showing me the ropes.

I got a lot to learn.

- Anything that you see,
you know,

that looks out of place.

- Also, she's hot.

- Hey.
- What's up?

- Oh, my God.
It's so good to see you.

I'm done.
- So dramatic.

- [laughs]

- You want some nuts?

- Uh, I've had my nuts
for the morning, thanks.


- Want coffee?
- Sure. What the heck?

- Okay, let's get
this anchor up.

- Yep, copy that.

- Anchor is at the waterline.

- Pull that anchor ball down
and let's head to the back.

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

- All right, Captain Lee.

Standing by, ready to go.

- Go ahead and cut
the tender loose.

- Copy that.
You can cut your line.

♪ ♪

Come, back off
the swim platform.

Up here.

Tender lines are on board.

♪ ♪

Towline is paying out.

♪ ♪

Towline is tight.

- Copy that.

We'll be going in
starboard side, too.

- Good work.
- Thanks.

[upbeat music]

- This one's Parma ham,
mozzarella, arugula.

- Uh-huh.

- And this one
is cream cheese...

- And salmon.

- How much lines
have we got down there?

- Four.

- We'll pull out three more
for you up on the bow.

- This is salmon and cream
cheese breakfast wraps.

- You got your comfort food,

- Some apple turnovers.

- Crispy bacon.

- Save me some.
- Cheers.

- Beautiful.

- Interior chain, I'll have you
guys on the main deck aft.

- I'm here.
The real deckhand is here.

- Nice shades, bruh.

- All right, the three of you
drop the benders.

♪ ♪

- Distance on the stern,

- 30 feet on the stern.
Holding steady.

- Coming in a little fast.

- Go for it.

♪ ♪

All right, pull up to stake.

Stake up.
Tyler, Tyler.

We're looking secure back on
the stern, Cap.

- All right, lock it in.

- Nice.
- Thanks, bud.

- Good job.

- All crew, get ready
for guest departure.

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

- Getting all mine in.

Do I gotta sit on yours?

♪ ♪

- Let's line it up.

- Come on, sunshine.
- Sorry.

- Get out here.
- Delicious.

- Thank you.
Thank you, very much.

- So nice to meet you.
- Thank you, Captain.

- Thank you.
- I know we worked you guys.

- Oh, it's fine.
Thank you so much.

- Captain Lee,
thank you so much.

The entire group agreed

that this was a wonderful,
once-in-a-lifetime experience.

I know the first day we had
a little scary experience, too.

Hats off to you guys,
because you handled it

much better than I would have.

Great job.

So on behalf of the group...

- We appreciate it.
Thank you so much.

- Bye.

all: Bye.
- Bon voyage.

We have to leave.

- All right, guys.
Get out of your whites.

Let's go.

♪ ♪

- Don't get it wrinkled.
- Yes, sir.

♪ ♪

- Me and you
will start covering up

from the bridge deck, down.

- Oh, sure.

- Attention all crew:

I need everyone
in the crew mess in five.

- Copy.

♪ ♪

- What a charter, huh?

We're not even an hour
into the damn charter,

and we're already down a guy.

That would be you.


I thought everybody
did a good job.

I thought you new guys
did well, as well.

We ended up with 16,000.

1,300 each.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

- Cap, can I say something,

- You can say something.

- I want to thank you guys

for the way you looked
after me.

You all individually came

and checked on me
numerous times.

And to me,
I value that way more

than any tip on this table.

I didn't do any work
on this charter.

And personally, I don't feel
that I deserve this.

And Cap, if it's okay with you,

I'd like you to split
this amongst--

- It's not okay with me.

No, that's not the way we roll.

♪ ♪

- Okay.

- You would have done
a lot of work.

- It's all good, brother.
- Thanks, guys.

- We are going to have
a meeting shortly,

and I'll tell you right now,

it's gonna be a very
sobering meeting.

♪ ♪

[mellow music]

- You start on the sun deck.
I'll start on the bridge deck.

♪ ♪

- Kate and I brought
our laundry down.

- Okay.

- So, overall,
what do you think?

- Awesome.

You're spot on like,
as far as jumping in

and listening and being
a good little boy.

- That's all I care to be.

- I need everyone
in the sky lounge in five.

- Copy, Adrian, Laura, Ashton.

- Time for a "Come to Jesus"

♪ ♪

What we're about to watch

is very sobering.

I'm gonna show a film
about of what happened

with the accident with Ashton.

I wanna show the crew
the actual footage,

so that they will realize
the severity of the situation.

We're getting ready
to release the tender.

- (BLEEP).


- Man overboard.

[intense music]

- That's you.

Right there.

That's Rhylee.

That's when you made one call.

And you said, "Man overboard."

Barely audible.

We'll move forward
a little bit.

♪ ♪

- Get the life ring.
Get the life ring.

- [screaming]

- Let go.

- Now we're dragging you
by your foot.

At that point,
somebody should have said

at minimum of three times:
Man overboard.

Man overboard.
Man overboard.

'Cause I'm still going
forward at this point in time.

You've got a boat that's
500 tons rolling forward.

Another boat that's 2.5 tons
sitting back there.

As soon as that tender
draws tight,

it's gonna sever his foot,

and he's gonna bleed out.

And I'm calling his parents
and telling them

their son is dead.

- What really surprised me
watching this footage

is how quickly
I'm in that water.

I'm just thanking God
right now

that I'm sitting here watching
this and that it's not--

it's not a complete
different scenario.

I've been given
a second chance here.

- Hard to watch.

But those are mistakes
that we made.


- You kind of just
get reminded

about what's important.

My relationship with Ross,

the rest of the crew...

I mean, they were amazing.


♪ ♪

[clears throat]
I'm gonna need a moment.

♪ ♪

- We got extremely lucky.

You're luckiest of all.

♪ ♪

- It's just...

To lose a crew member
like that...

♪ ♪

No, sir.

Not gonna happen.

♪ ♪

That's it.

Carry on.

♪ ♪

[heavy breathing]

We averted a catastrophe.

Through luck.

And that's what I want
the crew to realize,

how fortunate we were.

And we need to really
care about ourselves

and our loved ones.

- Good to have you, brother.


- 'Cause in the end,
it's all you got.

- I'm so glad you're gonna
get me drunk tonight.


♪ ♪

- Later this season on
"Below Deck"...

all: Tahiti.

- Ooh!


- This chap is top-notch.

- Bam-bam-bam.
- You have spoiled us.

- I feel like Cinderella.

- Now, let's ----ing rage.

[exciting music]

- So cute.
- Well, jeez, honey.

You didn't have to scream at me
like it's a diner.

♪ ♪

- Holy sh--.
Is that real?


- You make me embarrassed.

- He's like a Terminator.

He's back from the future

to (BLEEP) every girl he can.

[electronic music]

- Ooh.


- The boat is literally
going sideways.


This is a sh-- show.

- I'm ----ing starving.

I thought we were eating
at 2:30.

It's 3:30.

- There's no taste, right?

- ----ing stop.

- Great.

- I said, "I got it."
Five ----ing times.

- Enough's enough.

I can find someone else
that's gonna listen, all right?

- Sounds great.

Oh, God.
Man down off the Jet Ski.

- Oh, ----ing hell.

- What the (BLEEP) is going on?

Cut the lines loose.

- You need to seriously
figure your sh-- out.

This is enough
You need to check yourself.

- I don't think I've ever been
this pissed off.

We can fire her or I'll quit.