Believe (2014): Season 1, Episode 9 - Prodigy - full transcript

Tate's efforts to keep Bo focused on her training are sidetracked when Bo has a premonition of a young musical prodigy dying in a car crash. In the wake of Channing's capture, Winter sets a risky contingency plan in motion. At Orchestra, Skouras tests the powers of Dani, a newly discovered telepath.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Believe...

Bo is a very special little girl.

She is starting to become
the person she is going to be.

We still have a leak, and that angers me.

When I find the traitor,
I'll make them beg for mercy,

but I will not grant it.

That machine can pinpoint her location.

This chip has to be inserted
directly in the machine.

At Orchestra?

Winter, I'm blown. They know I'm here.

Ms. Channing, so nice to see you again.

If she can't master this beautiful ability,

she won't be able to take on Orchestra.

Bo, it's time to practice.


We can identify and locate

any telekinetic or telepathic
emanation anywhere.


Can I help you?

Who are you?


[Classical music]

I just want her to be
the best version of herself.

She can't practice all the time.

The only way to get better is practice.

She practices every day.
Kid's got to have a life.

You know how competitive it is.

You think there's a future
for a second-tier violin player?

She's 14.

You have her whole life
already planned for her.

Why don't you ask her what she wants?

She gets older, she can make
those decisions for herself.

We've had this conversation
a thousand times, Su-bin.

It's okay.

And we always get to the same place.

- This is what is best for her.
- Even if she hates it?

Ask her.

Ask her if she likes practicing
seven days a week.

Go on, ask her.

You love playing, don't you, honey?

I don't love only playing.

- Oh, ow!
- I'm sorry!

- I'm so sorry!
- Dad!




- Come on, kid, concentrate.
- I can't concentrate.

Yeah, 'cause you're daydreaming.

I know what you're doing.

I just saw something really bad, Tate.

Yeah, well, I'm sorry to hear that.

- [Microwave beeping]
- Someone's gonna get hurt...

Or we could get hurt
unless you get stronger.

Maybe even killed.


[Microwave beeps]

Come here.


Who could get killed?

I don't know her name.

Do you recognize her?


It felt real, like it could happen.

Do you think it could?


Look, I...

I have no idea.

Each day, I get a little
less sure about a lot of things,

but I know this.

Channing's gone,

and there's no telling
what they're doing to her,

so we need to be ready in case
those guys come after us.

Maybe we can get her back.
That's what you want, right?

I know it is.

So do I.


Do it again.


Her readings are the
strongest we've seen since Bo.

She's a runaway? Alone?

Homeless, from what we can tell.

Building's condemned,

and we have her under
discreet surveillance.

You realize what this
could mean if it's true?

Hey, be careful, Roman.

[Suspenseful music]

Anyone home?

That's none of your business.

You're right. It isn't.

[Clears throat]

My apologies.

Sorry to show up uninvited.

I didn't mean to startle you.

What do you want?

I just want to help you.

I don't want help.

I'm 19. I'm an adult.

You're living here with
no family, no friends.

No resources.

I'm done with foster care.
I'm done with group homes.

I'm not going back.


Good for you. You shouldn't.

I didn't come here to
debate your independence.

I came here to let you
know that you're not alone.

I know why you're here.

And why's that?

You're here because of what I can do.

Did you read my mind?

Your name is Roman Skouras.

Your mother's named Evelyn, father, Ronald.

You were born in Oak Park,
Illinois, December 1, 1954.

Seems like I've come to the right place.

[Airy, mysterious music]

Synced and corrected by Oyku Buyuk
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I'm sorry. I can't do it.

Don't say "can't." Can't never could.


I can't stop thinking about that girl.

Then block it out. I'm serious, Bo.

Skouras and his people,
they aren't fooling around.

I know, but...

I don't want to hear any buts.

Our lives are at stake here. Your life.

So we're just gonna keep doing this thing

over and over again
until you can do your thing

on command every single time.

I need to find the girl in the car.

Her life is at stake!



You asked for it.

That's not even funny. Put it down.

- Mm.
- [Chuckles]

Okay, fine.

So this girl from your dream,
assuming she's real...

- how are we supposed to find her?
- She plays the violin.

- Violin. That narrows it down.
- She has black hair.

Black hair.

She's a little bit taller than me.


And her name is Margaret.

- Oh, so the kid has a name now.
- Course she has a name.

I mean, who doesn't?

[Distant violin music playing]


- Do you hear that?
- Hear what?

The music.

The music? No. Where are you going?

Do not walk away from me when I'm ta...

You did not just do that.

[Cell phone rings]

You better be on your way.

I'm at the loft, actually.

Taking it apart as we speak.

Lila, no. No, no, no.

You're worried about Channing.

Skouras will have had her
read, I'm sure of it.

Who does he have that can read minds?

Well, Mr. Tate, there are several people

who have demonstrated that ability.

I've seen it done.

- And the safe house?
- Compromised.

Support network's gone.

- So we're on our own.
- Yes, we are, Mr. Tate.

- How's Bo?
- Stubborn.

- [Mouthing words]
- Yes, she is.

- She practicing?
- Oh, yeah, no.

She's practicing, all right.

Good. [Sighs]

Mr. Tate, you take care of her.

This is the last you'll
hear from me for a while.

- Good luck.
- Thanks.

Take a good look. We will not be back.

I assume you were
briefed by Director Lofton.

We know Ms. Channing was
apprehended here on campus.

Why was she here?

Spying, I imagine.

That's one of the secrets
I'm hoping she'll reveal.

I know Ms. Channing.

She worked here for me for several years.

She's a tough nut.

Traditional methods of interrogation

won't extract a confession.

I'm sorry, "traditional methods"?

I'm not sure what you're implying.

Yes, well, I could turn her
over to you and your agency.

You'd interrogate her,
she'd plead the fifth,

and after four or five years of appeals,

she'd cut a deal and
go to prison for 20 years,

by which time, Winter and
Bo would be long gone,

and that is unacceptable.

Right, so you want to bring someone in...

I want to bring in one of my subjects, yes.

You want to bring in one of your sub...

He wants to bring in someone
to read Channing's mind.

[Distant violin music playing]

[Violin music grows louder]

That was amazing.


I made a mistake in the second phrase.

Sounded perfect to me.

[Horn honks]

[Violin music playing]


Hey, have you guys seen a little girl?

- Brown hair?
- No.

No? No?

[Girls laughing]

[Kazoo and violin playing
row, row, row your boat]

[Both laughing]

You must be Margaret.

[Dejected notes playing]

[Both laughing]

We're crossing a line.

This is a classified operation,
has been from the beginning.

You know that.


[Door beeps, opens]

Hello, Ms. Channing.

You have the distinction
of being the first terrorist

to ever surrender her secrets
without having to confess.

This is Jacob Eckstein, one
of our finest discoveries.

You know, this process
can be a bit destructive,

so I'm offering you the chance
to do this the easy way.

Well, then, shall I leave you two alone?


200 acres of private grounds.

Living quarters, laboratories,
practice facilities.

So it's like a prison?

No, Dani, it's a sanctuary.

Life at Orchestra is designed to help you

maximize your ability, to
access your subconscious.

We've worked with
many people like you, Dani.

Most can do some small things,
but not anything significant.

You're different.

You can be extraordinary.

You can shed your old identity.

You can take on a new one...

Your true self.

The best version of yourself.

Who lives here?

You do.

It's yours.

I've never had my own room before.

Nothing this nice ever.

Did you see how talented she was?

She's gonna be an amazing musician.

Yeah, well, look, I don't care

if she's Stevie Ray Vaughan, all right?

- We have to help her.
- How?

How are we supposed to help her?

You don't know anything about the accident.

You have no details,
absolutely nothing to go on.

So how are we gonna help her?

Hey, look.

It's the car! It's the
car from the accident.

You wanted details. This is details.

That's not what I meant.

I remember she flew forward

like she didn't have a seat belt on.

Yeah, seat belts look fine.

[Air hissing]

What are you doing?

- That ought to do it.
- What are you doing, Tate?

Can't crash if they can't drive.

This isn't gonna stop them
from driving forever.

Well, I can't stop anybody
from driving forever.

Shh, the dad's coming.

What the hell happened to my tire?

I have no idea, man...
I mean, my daughter and I

were just asking ourselves
the same question.

I've seen one tire slashed, but two?

What kind of monster does that?

- Whoa, dad!
- You didn't see anything?

No, man, no.

No, dad, Bo was in the storeroom with me.

Oh, you know each other?

Yeah, we just met. This is Bo.

I didn't know you had a friend here.

- Are you guys hungry?
- Mm-hmm.

What's your earliest
memory of having an ability?

Uh... When I was five,

I used to move the pencils
around my desk at school.

Did you tell anyone?

I told my parents.

They thought I was lying.

Did you show them?

And how did they react?

They were afraid.

Why were your parents afraid of you?

They think I killed my brother.

Why do they think that?

I was 12.

I had a diary I would write things in.

Private things, like anyone.

And one day, my brother, he steals it,

and he's teasing me about some boy I liked.

And he made me mad, so I screamed at him.

And when I did,

this heavy bookcase at our house,

it fell on top of him.

It crushed him.

I couldn't pull it off.

I tried, but...


His h... His head...

Dani, it's okay.

- His head...
- I'm here for you.

Three hours, and nothing.

[Door beeps, opens]

Where's he going?

Dr. Skouras, maybe it's time

to reconsider traditional methods.

A little faith, Agent Ferrell.

Not a single safe house,
not a single contact.

By this point, Winter will have assumed

they're all blown and covered his tracks.

He won't be able to cover every track.

There's always something,
some little crumb left behind.

- Channing will give it to us.
- I don't know.

I've only been able to
pull a single thought.

"Merrily, merrily, merrily,
merrily, life is but a dream."

She's been given a meditation
technique, trained to resist.

- By who?
- By Winter.

All right, let's unpack.

Japchae for you.

Try it. I think you might like it.

All the kids love it.

- A little more?
- Yes, please.

And if you're brave,
you can try some kimchi.

Okay, and a little more tea?
Thank you, Margaret.

You got to push them,
otherwise there's no chance

to maximize their potential.

- Ain't that the truth?
- Got to give them discipline.


Or they could end up God knows where.

On the street, in prison.

[Both laugh]

Yeah, you wouldn't want that.

Yeah, but with hard work, perseverance,

she could play anywhere.

Carnegie Hall.

How long have you played the violin?

Um, since I was two.

- Wow.
- Picked up her grandfather's,

pulled the bow across the strings

like she had been playing for years.

I can't do anything as good as you play.

Oh, you know, it's just
practice that makes you good.

- You hear that?
- Yeah.

Lots and lots of practice.

Oh, interesting.

Can you move the middle one?


Best since Bo.

She's a quick study, that I'll give her.

I sense some hesitation.

I'm just wondering if
we're moving too fast.

She's had a difficult past, Roman.

Most of our subjects here have.

Most of our subjects
didn't kill their brother.

I read the psych evaluation.
The incident is ambiguous.

Truth is, we don't know
what she's capable of.


Perhaps more than we think.

Very good. I'd say you passed.

Do you want me to pack
any of this up for you guys?

Oh, no, no, we're all right.
Yeah, I've got...

It's hard having so many people

expect so many things from you.

Yeah, it's hard.

So do you like playing? Like, really?

Well, yeah, I mean, I...
You know, I love playing,

except sometimes I just, you know,

want to do other stuff too...
Hanging out with friends.

Who are your friends?

Well, I'm homeschooled,

so I just don't get to
see a lot of other kids.

Yeah, me too.

You're homeschooled?

Oh, no, I just...

I don't get to see many friends either.

Well, want to be friends?

[Both laugh]

Oh, want to try?



Put this part under your left chin.

This part?

This under your left chin. Yeah.

- Now I take this thing.
- And then you...

- Wait.
- [Strings creak]

- No, no, no, you play here.
- Oh.

[Strings screech]

- Aah!
- Dad!

[Eerie music]

Are you okay?

I'm sorry.

Well, I wouldn't call the cops over it.


Um, we say "excuse me."

We didn't stop it.

Stop what, honey?

We have to tell them.


Tell us...

Are you guys driving anywhere tonight?

Margaret has a recital at 7:30.

- You can't go.
- What?

Something bad's gonna happen,

an accident on the way to
the recital, and, um...

You're all gonna die.

Wow, did you see that
look on Su-bin's face?

She thinks you lost your marbles, kid.

We didn't stop it.

Uh, no, we stopped it, all right.

You scared the crap out of them.

They'll probably walk to the recital.

They're not.

When Margaret touched my
hand, I saw what happened.

I know you saw what you saw,

but do you know how nuts you sound

to people that don't know you?

She's my friend, Tate.
I don't want her to die.

Look, nobody wants her to die, okay?

- But we've done all we can do.
- No, we haven't.

I saw the other guy in
the car too, you know.

I know his license plate number.

If we find him, then all
of them will be safe.

How about we save us?

You're being a hypocrite.

You're saying, "oh, you got
to maximize their potential."

Oh, you got to push them."

Well, you're not letting me
maximize my potential.

No, no, somebody's got
to be the parent here.

Okay, be the parent.

But let me be me.



You ready?

I guess so.

Look at me. Look in my eyes.

You can do this.

You were born to do it.

[Door beeps, opens]

Well, Ms. Channing.

I'm impressed.

Dr. Winter did a good job
with you, didn't he?

Taught you to meditate to prevent anyone

from getting inside that mind of yours.

So I'd like you to meet Dani,

the newest member of our program.

I don't care who she is.

You may feel differently soon.

[Dramatic music]



[Door beeps, opens, and closes]


[Whispers] 518 seventh Avenue.

[Whimpering softly]

I just need his name and his address.

Don't you think I know that?

Look, just sit tight.

I'm gonna put on the old Tate charm.

[Scoffs] Good luck.

Hello there.

I, um...

Well, my daughter here, actually...

We saw a package fall out of a car,

and we'd like to return it.

We can't give out any information.

No, we already have
the license plate number.

We just need a name.

Sorry, can't do it.

Look, lady, do you have kids?

- Yeah.
- Then you know what it's like

to try to teach them to do the right thing.

I mean, she was just
about to open that box,

and she looks at me and says,

"dad, we got to find this guy
and bring him his stuff back."

Nearly broke my heart.

- [Printer humming]
- So I said, "okay."

"I'm gonna do anything
and everything in my power

to try to get you to find that driver."


Yeah, that's nice.

Yeah, well...

[Both laugh]

Rules are rules.

Yes. Yes, they are.

I mean, why would you give me
information on another person?

Why would you actually try to be helpful?

That would be insane, wouldn't it?

You can't go looking for that guy, Bo.

I have to.

No, Bo, this has gone on far enough, okay?

If Milton knew we were here, he would flip.

We're in a government building
with cameras everywhere.

No, listen to me.

From now on, we do what I say.

I'm the parent.

- Since when?
- Since now.

Right in this moment, I
am officially your parent.

And you...

You're grounded.

I'm marching your little butt
right back to the safe house.

But Margaret's gonna die.


Fine. Fine.

I will go look for this guy.

Cross my heart, as soon as I drop you off,

it's on my to-do list.

Proof of concept, Agent Ferrell.

Safe houses, contacts,

all of Milton Winter's operational details.

You don't know that any of
this information is accurate.

But what I do know is we gathered

specific, actionable intelligence

in a remarkably short period of time.

And no one was water-boarded.
No one was hurt.

No one was represented by a lawyer.

Dani discovered that
Winter had a fallback plan.

In the event one of his operatives

was captured or a plan went wrong,

the team was to convene
at a predetermined location.

Backup safe house.


The address is there.
That's where he'll be.

Okay, guys, this is it.

House is about 1/4 mile through the woods.

Our targets are Milton
Winter and William Tate,

but our number one priority is
Bo Adams alive and unharmed.

Is that understood?

Okay, positions, and wait for my command.

Da-sheel? Da-shi-ell?


Hey, what's going on?

Are you James Dashiell?

Yeah, yeah. Can I help you?

You got something for the wedding?

- The wedding.
- Yeah, today's the big day.

I'm already late. So what can I do for you?

Oh, nothing. I'm just a new neighbor.

I wanted to say hi, but you
got your wedding to go to.

Don't want to be late to that.

Not a good way to start a marriage, huh?

Yeah, right, no. Marriage...
Marriage is tough.

And then you got kids, and then
you throw that in the mix...

I don't know how any
marriage lasts, you know?

Yeah, well, you know, I got to go,

or there's not gonna be a wedding.

Yeah, I know.

Hey, look, I don't want
to overstep my bounds

or anything, man, but
you seem really frazzled.

Can I call you a car?

I don't want you to get
into an accident or anything.

I've never been in an
accident in my life, thanks.

Yeah, no, but that's what everyone says

right before they get into their first one.

Thank you.

[Whistles softly]

[Rapping on car]

What the hell?

Buddy, we got to talk.

[Tense music]

Confirmation. Milton Winter on site.

Lila Leeds as well.

What about Bo?

No visual.

Assumed to be on site.

Perimeter secure.

Garner, you are authorized to enter.

Agent Ferrell.

Does anyone have eyes on Garner?

- That's a negative.
- Ferrell.

Garner, confirm breach of interior.

Garner, do you copy?

No sign of activity. Should we breach...

Hold. Just... Just wait a sec.




Get us out of here.

- Get out. Get out!
- [Coughing]

- [Electricity zapping]
- [Groans]


[Car horn honking]

You're gonna get into an accident today,

in, like, minutes, literally.

How can you possibly know that?

It doesn't matter. I'm
telling you the truth.

I am coming back. You get away.

I'm not moving.

I have got to go to my wedding.

Trust me, you're gonna thank me later.

- Get out!
- [Siren wails]

[Honking continues]

[Cell phone rings]

- Hello?
- Kid, it's me.

Did you stop him?

- No, I didn't.
- What do you mean?

Look, the guy's getting married.

You let him go 'cause he's getting married?

No, I didn't let him go.

He left because he had
to go to his wedding.


Believe me, kid, I tried.

Bo, listen to me. You're
sure about this, right?

About Margaret and James
and the whole accident thing?

- You're positive?
- Unless we do something.

All right, then it's up to you.

- You got to go get Margaret.
- But I thought you said I...

Just forget what I said,
okay? I'm a hypocrite.

You were the first one to see it.

But, Bo, this is it.

This is why you practice,

so you can do a good thing
every now and then, okay?

So, baby, you go do your thing, okay?

Now. You got to go now.

- Go.
- Okay.

In case you need them for the stage, okay?

- You got everything?
- Margaret!


- Hi!
- Hi!

- Can I come?
- Yeah.

- Yeah.
- Where's your dad?

Oh, he's at home.

He said if it's okay with you guys,

- I can come hear you play.
- Yeah.

No. It'll be a distraction.

Honey, come on.

I want Bo to come.

I've never had any friends see me play.

You know what, maybe another time

it'll be a good idea, but not right now.

Why don't you get it?

It doesn't matter how much I practice,

how many hours I do my scales,
how accurate my fingering is.

It doesn't mean anything
if I can't play for somebody.

I promise I will not be a distraction.

I won't even talk in the car.



You want to play for someone?

Yeah, that's all I want.

[Sighs] All right.

Let's go.

Seat belts.

Watch your fingers. Get
your fingers and toes in.



Garner, are you all right?


We saw the bomb at the last second.

My ears are gonna be ringing for a month.

The device was just sitting there

in the middle of the kitchen

like we were supposed to see it.

It was a trap, Ferrell, the whole time.

This way. Through here.

Hey, hey, what's going on?

Skouras is missing.

Well played, Milton.

No, I knew you couldn't resist, Roman,

being there, watching me go down.

That's not what I intended.

There's no reason for violence.

No, there's not.

So I offered a deal.

Janice Channing for you.


You're sentimental.

It's always been your problem.

She's not worth anything.

Not to you.

You know, after all these years,

I still don't understand you.

You live in the past, refusing
to allow the world to change.

I mean, how do you think we found you?

You had Janice Channing read.

Yeah, I did.

It works, Milton.

The program's a success.

We're gonna change
the world for the better.

Now, you above all people
should know, Roman,

not everybody has
such altruistic intentions.

The greater good will prevail.

Oh, so that's how you
justify what you've done?

This using, misusing people
against their will?

No one's held at
Orchestra against their will.


Hunting Bo.

Bo belongs at Orchestra.


She was born there.

Bo is Orchestra, Milton.

Bo is Orchestra.


If only it were Orchestra alone.

What are you talking about?

I know that you've helped certain other...

Entities establish other programs.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, that blank look.

But you know it's true,
and I know it's true.

There's another program.

How do you think the
United States government

would feel if they knew about that, Roman?

I think they'd be very, very disappointed.

They might even consider it treason.

So I'm gonna...

I'm going to let you live, Roman,

for the sake of our friendship.

But when you get back to your world,

you will destroy Orchestra...
The facility, the research.

You will fold the program.

You will put that genie back in its bottle.

Or perhaps it'll be you
running from the FBI.

[Classical music]

She gets older, she can make
those decisions for herself.

We've had this conversation
a thousand times, Su-bin.

It's okay.

And we always get to the same place.

- This is what is best for her.
- Even if she hates it?

Ask her.

Ask her if she likes practicing
seven days a week.

Go on, ask her.

You know I only want what's
best for you, Margaret,

don't you?

Yeah, I know, mom.


- Oh!
- Ow!

- [Tires squealing]
- I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!


[Tires screech]

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! What are you doing?

- Whoa!
- [Horn honks]

[Tires screech]


Is everybody okay?

Are you okay? Everybody all right?

Yeah, we're fine. Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine.

- You all right, ma'am?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

- Good, good.
- Anybody else in your car?

You have kids. No, no, I'm alone.

Hey, listen, I am so sorry

to have to do this to you,
but I am in a total hurry.

I'm getting married.

You're getting married?

- Now, actually.
- [Chuckles]

I am gonna give you my card.

I want you to call me if there's
any damage to your vehicle.

We'll work out all the details, all right?

- No problem. No problem.
- Good.

How's that violin?

Yeah, I think it's okay.

- Yeah? You play?
- Yes, sir.

She's amazing.



Good for you.

Why don't you take one of these? Call me.


- When you're ready.
- Okay.

- Margaret.
- James.

- Thank you.
- It's good to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

All right, listen, I got to go.

I'm sorry. I'm getting married.

Okay. All right.

Good luck.

That guy, he conducts
the New York Philharmonic.

I can see that.




[Horn honks]


Good evening, Agent Ferrell.

You see he's unharmed.

As was the deal.




Are you okay?

- Yeah.
- Are you sure?

This isn't over.

I believe the end is closer than you think.

Don't you, Roman?

Remember our agreement.

- Look out!
- [Gunshot]


Put the gun down!

Give me the gun! Give me the gun!

What the hell is wrong with you, huh?

[Overlapping chatter]


- Oh!
- [Laughs]

Oh, hey.

How'd you find us?

You know what? I had a vision.

You did?

No, I'm just kidding.

I asked the guy at the grocery store.

Oh. [Laughs]

Hey, I'm glad you guys are all right.

Well, we did have a bit of a close call.

- I'm glad Bo was wrong.
- Yeah.

Are you sure you're all right, honey?

It's okay to miss one recital.

Mom, I want to play.

You're gonna be amazing.

All your wishes, they're gonna come true.

- You think?
- I know.

- Stay with me.
- Oh, my God.

- Stay with me. Stay with me.
- What happened?

Get me some water. Move her legs.

Ms. Channing, stay with me. Just breathe.

- Hold this.
- Go!

- Go!
- Go, you guys, go!

Stay with me. Stay with me.

Stay with me. You
gotta keep your eyes open.

Keep your eyes open. Just breathe.

- Stay with me, stay with me.
- What happened?

Oh, my God. What happ...

Winter, I know I shouldn't be calling you,

but there's something you need to know.

He has a new one,

someone stronger than
any we've seen since Bo,

and I don't know what's gonna happen.


Please just call me.

[Approaching footsteps]


You scared me.

I just wasn't expecting you.

No, I scare you for another reason.

You don't think I should be here.

No, that's not true.

You should be here.

I just think the program...

It's designed to develop
your abilities slowly

and that we may be moving a bit fast.

But we can discuss this tomorrow.

Good night, Dani.


You know, I didn't tell them

everything I read in Channing's head.

I left out the most important thing...

That there's a traitor at Orchestra.


[Coughing, panting]

Synced and corrected by Oyku Buyuk
web dl sync sync snarry