Believe (2014): Season 1, Episode 3 - Origin - full transcript

Roman Skouris invites his onetime partner and friend Milton Greene to a coffee shop and suggests they set their differences aside and start over. Milton will have nothing to with him and accuses him of just using Bo and her powers for his own self aggrandizement. Flashbacks to 10 years ago show how they began their work together with Bo's mother, Nina Adams. She had powers similar to Bo's and tells Milton she is pregnant. Milton promises Nina he will always protect her child. In the present day, Tate and Bo arrive in New York City. The FBI are quickly onto them and they're forced to leave the safe house. Tate stole a woman's wallet and then returned it for a reward. In the process, he stole a valuable necklace that once belonged to the woman's dead son. When trying to pawn the necklace, Bo comes to understand why she was drawn to that particular shop.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Believe...

Inexplicable phenomena
have been part of Bo's life.

People who try to kidnap her...

They think that whoever
controls her abilities

will control the world.


I want you to take
good care of her.

You're gonna
be raising her now.

Tate is suspected
to be in the company

of this little girl.

Bo Adams must be located
and recovered.

Feds have made a move.
It's an Amber alert.

Milton Winter.

He's cunning, he knows your move
before you do.

Well, then he knows
you should back off

and let me do my job.

You keep thinking like that
you'll never find her.

I can't believe
you used to be partners

with that guy.

Well, the past
is a very tricky place, my dear.

[Bell dings]

I wasn't sure
you'd come, Milton.

I almost didn't come
after yesterday.

I supposed our approach
has been a bit aggressive.

They're mercenaries, Roman,
going after a little girl.

They wouldn't have harmed her.

They almost killed her father!

Which is why I felt it time
for a truce.

Well, here we are.

Here we are.

How's Bo?


Does she know
Tate's her father?

You're asking me that

You like your secrets,
don't you, Milton?

What are we doing here, Roman?


Remember this?


That was the beginning.

Just the three of us...
you, me, and Nina.

Now don't you think
she knew about Bo?

She knew that her daughter
was gonna be very, very special.

I'm sure of that.

So doesn't Bo deserve a chance
to be truly extraordinary?

You forgotten
what happened to Nina?

No. Of course not.

You don't care about Bo, Roman.

You're using her
like a... a pawn.

We've had this argument
a thousand times.

And that's why I left!

With Hayden and Gilman
and Leeds.

We couldn't abide any of this.

I didn't come here
to pick old wounds.

Our time has passed.
What do you want?

What do you want, Roman?

I'm offering you
a final opportunity.

To do what, to turn myself in?

To do what's right!

To honor what we built...

you, me, Nina.

To honor her, Milton.

I am honoring Nina
by protecting Nina's daughter,

by protecting Bo!
[Bangs table]

And that's the reason
why you will never

get your hands on her
ever again.


Then we both know
how this will end.

Nina Adams.
I'm Roman S...

No, no introductions necessary.

It's better if I know nothing.

You work in medicine.

A scientist.


So far so good.

Many people admire you...

Though not all.

They think that you only care
about your own ideas

and that you'll do anything
to achieve them.

Anything else?

You didn't come her
for a reading.

No. I didn't.

I've looked a long time
for someone like you.

You're different,
always have been.

Always... Felt things,

sensed things
that others couldn't.

You struggle, mostly.

In and out of treatment
centers, depression.

- How do you know...
- Like you said.

I'm a scientist.
I research.

My turn.

Your gift.

How do you do it?

I just do.

Must be a burden, I imagine.

I know why you're different.

You have something special
about you.

A gene.

It's the source of your burden.

I can make it a blessing.

Wake up, we're almost there.

- I had such a good dream.
- Yeah? About what?

My mom.

Thought you never met her.

I didn't.

All right, we're here.

Where's here?

The big apple, kid.
New York City.


You know what I like
about you, kid?

You aren't jaded.
What's "jaded" mean?

It's what I am.

I mean, you still
see things fresh.

Well, there's a lot to see.

Maybe if you're gawking
at everything.

I'm looking.

I mean,
your head's on a swivel.


Like, oh, look
at that tall building?

Oh, look,
that guy's got a nose ring.

I don't know why
there's so many tall people.

I've never been
to New York City.

Yeah, well,
we're not sightseeing, okay?

You need to remember that...

I'm a fugitive,
and you're an Amber alert.

You've said that 50 times.

Yeah, and you know
when I'll stop saying it?

When we get here...
the address Winter gave me.

Why here?
I don't know.

Winter doesn't tell me

All I know is
we get here we're safe.

Out here with...
Cameras and the cops and...

God knows what else,
we aren't safe, got it?

Agent Farrell,

traffic cam caught Bo Adams
and William Tate

at the tollbooth
at the Lincoln tunnel

approximately two hours ago.

But get this.

They get to the tollbooth,
they don't throw anything in.

No coins, nothing.

But the gate goes up anyway.

So I rewind, expand,
and look at this.

Right as the thing
goes from red to green,

look at the kid...
thousand-yard stare, then bam.

Her eyes roll over and I get
three frames of static.

Did you put out an apb
on the rental?

Yep, car found ditched
in Chelsea.

All right,
repump the Amber alert,

and get Manhattan
to crowdsource our fugitives.

What about Martin and garner?
Just landed at jfk.

All right, let me know
when they're in the city.

We got 'em trapped
on an island,

22.8 square Miles,
no mercy this time.

[Horn honking]

Did you do that?


Don't you know
you have to watch your kid?

- Oh, you're yelling at me?
- Yeah, I'm yelling at you.

You almost flattened the kid
and you're yelling at me.

Try looking at the light,

Yeah, the light was yellow,

What is the matter with you?
You should watch your daughter.

Oh, God, get back
in your Bentley, Leona.

Tate, we have to go.

You're lucky
my driver didn't hit her.

- Tate, we should go.
- Oh, yeah, I'm lucky.

You almost kill the kid,
but I'm lucky.

Seriously, we should go.
People are looking.

Let's get outta here.

[Line trilling] Hello?

Why aren't
you at the safe house?

I think a better question is...

Why are we in New York?

The plan is to keep Bo
away from the government

and away from Skouras.

It's called hiding
in plain sight.

Just go to the safe house,
Mr. Tate.

Right now.

That guy isn't the boss of me,
you know.

Doesn't make the rules,
he's not... God.

- Is that...
- This? Oh.

- It's called a wallet.
- Did you...

lift it?
I did indeed.

We were down to our last 20.

I figured Leona
wouldn't need it, so...

- You stole it.
- Isn't that what I just said?

It's not yours.

Well, that's
what stealing is, yes.

Look, let me give you
a little advice.

You think that lady got all
that money by playing fair?

You think she got
that gold watch and the...

Fancy car by playing
by the rules?

No, she didn't.

That's not
how the game's played.

That's how it should be played.

You and her aren't
that different.

Oh, no,
she's a lot different than me.

You're both angry.

I'm angry that she...

Doesn't carry any cash.

Serves you right.

This is her home.

Everything in her life is here,

just waiting for her
to come back.

Her room hasn't been touched.

It's exactly as it was
the day she left.

Winter has you worried that
Bo might get sick like Nina.

Bo's a candidate
to degrade, Roman.

You have to admit that.


Look, the more she channels...

The more likely she is
to end up like her mother.

No, that will not happen.

[Mysterious music]


Thank you.

Thank you for coming,
Dr. Winter.

Do you know
why I asked for you here?

I read the material
that you sent, and...

Other than that
I haven't the slightest idea.


You read about Nina Adams?
She's quite remarkable.

an enormous opportunity.

- For your company, or...
- For humanity, Dr. Winter.

That's why I'm doing this.
I don't need money.

I've isolated a very rare,
very unique gene.

It's inherited
through the maternal lines.

It provides an ability to...

move objects, read minds,

Project the future.

I've read your work
for DARPA, MIT, the CIA.

You're the global authority

on the conscious
and unconscious mind.

Nina needs you,
Dr. Winter.

She can't control her gift.

And if I did...

Decide to help her...

Right now there are
47 active conflicts

around the world.

Nina could end them...
all of them.

Why not peace?

Where are we going?

You said you wanted me to
return the wallet, didn't you?

Be a good samaritan?
Really? [Laughs]


I thought I'd follow
your advice for once.

Excuse me!


I found this lady
Delkash's wallet,

and I wanted to return it.

I'll make sure she gets it.

Oh, no.
Think we were born yesterday?

We need to give it
to her personally.

Is that a fact?

It is.

Well, I'm not supposed
to let anybody upstairs

without permission.

[Electricity crackles]

[Elevator dings]

You two stay right there
for a second.

Lights were a nice touch.

[Elevator dings]

What have we here?

[Clock ticking]

Anybody home?

Sorry to bother you, ma'am.
Remember us from this morning?

How did you get in
my apartment?

No, no! I just...

I found your wallet
and I wanted to return it.

Me and...
My little girl here.

I like your house.

You want a reward, don't you?

I wouldn't turn it down, ma'am.

Things are a little tight.

No, you're polite.


Come with me.

You stay here.

[Mouthing words]

We've got them narrowed
down to a 20-block radius.

Are Martin and garner
on the ground?

En route
to the Upper East Side.

[Phone ringing]


Targets last seen
19 minutes ago

at the corner of 63rd and park
moving north on foot.

Coordinate a response.

- Copy.
- Garner...

Try not to blow this one.

Wait here.


This is all
you are going to get.

Where's your son?

Where's your son?

I lost him and my husband.

In the fighting
in your country?


Why couldn't they come?

I came first.
They were to follow.

They didn't make it.

I'm sorry.

Watch her more closely.

Oh, I will, ma'am.

She could be gone.

Take care of yourself.
Thank you.

Why are you looking
at me like that?

You have a problem.

Mind your own business.

You stole something
from that nice lady.


What's nice about her?

She lost someone she loves.

Yeah, well, join the club.

- You lost someone too?
- Yeah.

- Who?
- You don't know her.

Okay, people, listen up.

We got 'em isolated
in a 40-block radius.

We've had two sightings...
one here and here.

Now I wanna flood this area
with every resource we got.

I want interface
with the NYPD, with air support,

with all our tracking intel.

This is a realtime situation.

These fugitives should be
considered armed and dangerous,

and Tate will not let down
without a fight.

Okay, folks?
Let's get after them.

Hello, Nina.

Just describe yourself.


What do you mean?

How do you think
about yourself to yourself?

That I'm not like anyone else.

You feel isolated?


No... Family or close friends,
a boyfriend?

Boyfriend, yeah.

Had one, anyway.

No more?

Well, Dr. Skouras insisted
that I end it.

Wanted me to commit fully.

Now Dr. Skouras
can be very, very persuasive.

- [Laughs]
- After all, he persuaded me.


My mom taught me that.

That's beautiful.

- Was your mom like you?
- Mmhmm.

- Too much.
- How so?

Uh, she was very sensitive.

Were you guys close?

When I was younger.

What happened?

Well, she went
to an institution...

When I was 15.

Wow, that must've been
really terrifying for you.

It was.

I'm still scared.

Especially now.


Because I'm pregnant.

I'm worried for the baby
because of me,

because of my mom.

Hey, Nina...

Don't you worry.

About anything.

I'm gonna help you.

[Helicopter flying]

Suspects were last seen here,
crossing Madison at 101st.

That was about 17 minutes ago.

Okay, we're gonna
put checkpoints

on every street and Avenue
in a four-block radius.

And what,
go building by building?

- You said it.
- You got the manpower?

Big chief said
I got all I need.

All right,
let's go tighten the noose.

Come on, gentleman!
Two-man teams!

We need to find this guy!

Hey, gimme that!

No, it's something special
to her.

With all that fancy crap

she's got shoved
in her apartment

you think she's gonna miss it?

- Her son gave it to her.
- Yeah, well, too bad.

- This means something.
- Hey, look, kid.

Everybody gets dealt a joker
every now and then.

That old lady just got hers.

She'll get over it.
You're just like her.

No, I'm not.

This is us.
Come on.

Pardon me.

Another suite at the Waldorf.

Oh, look, Winter left us
a care package.


Fake I.D.,
new passport,

a little story about who I am
in case I get arrested.

But no cash.

You must be starving.

"Don't worry,
I'll bring dinner."


It's not that bad.

Why are you doing that?

It said "burn after reading."

I read...

So I'm burning.

Okay, they reached
the safe house.

It's about time.

Now we should assume
that Skouras knows

they're in the city.

Hayden, how's the malware

to disable the Amber alert

Working on it like I told you.

Can you give me a time frame?

It's not an exact science.

Well, I know that.
I'm just asking question.

That's all.

To which...
I gave an answer.

Is everything okay with you?

No, it's not.

When we started this
there were ten of us.

Now there's six.

We all knew that there were
going to be risks.

We wouldn't have signed on
if we knew this was the outcome.

No one would have.

To protect Bo
we have to be willing

to make the sacrifices.

Are you?

I'm not.

Then go.


Track him.

Excuse me, ma'am.
I'm a federal agent.

Have you seen this person?



I see 'em.

We gotta get outta here.
Let's go!

- Wait, no!
- What?

- That way.
- Come on!

Check every unit!

Second floor.
She said second floor.

What are you waiting on?
Let's go!

I hate heights!

It's not heights,
it's a ladder.

Don't yell!

We don't have time
for me not to yell.

I don't like it when you yell.

Well, I don't like it
when you don't move.

You're still yelling.

Bo, get down here now!

I can't! I can't!
You're too angry!

Do me a favor.

Just look at me.

It's just you and me, together.

Both: FBI!

William Tate!

All right, just one foot
and then the other.

I'm right below you.

So you don't have anything
to worry about, all right?

Atta girl.
That's better.

I like it when you're nice.
Come on, you're right here.

It's just you and me.
There we go, come on.

All right, let's go!

Why can't you be like this
all the time?


Forgot to take out the trash.

[Sirens blaring]

That's an alias legend...
fake name, fake backstory.

Can you read the name?

"Dean Miller."

[Phone ringing]
What do you want now?

- Where are you going?
- The safe house ain't safe.

I just watched to feds
make the place,

and now there's six cops
out front.

And everywhere I go
I'm seeing pictures of the girl.

I thought
you were working on that.

I am.
We've had some setbacks.


My setback is prison.
Stay in the wind for an hour?

Now can we do that?
How the hell should I know?

It will take us that long
to get to you realistically,

Mr. Tate.

Hell of a plan
you got here, Winter.

He's doing his best.

Sometimes plans change,
Mr. Tate.

An hour.

- Winter!
- 79th Street Boat Basin.

- We'll be there.
- Where we gonna go for an hour?

I don't know.
We'll figure it out.

We don't have an hour, you
guys, we do not have an hour.

Okay. 45 minutes
till the meet.

45 stinking...

- Dammit!
- I can't feel my fingers.

Why don't the batteries
ever last?

- Ah! Now he's not answering.
- They're headed midtown.

- [Grunts]
- Why were they going midtown?

Mr. Tate will keep her safe,

You should never have
gotten him out, Winter.

- She needs her father.
- Her father's the problem.

She's stronger
when she's with him.

I made a promise.

About Tate?

To whom?

I made a promise.

Hope you painted the room pink.


She's gonna be like me.

Like my mother.

- You don't know that.
- No, I do.

I can feel it.
But that'll be a blessing.

- No! It isn't.
- Nina, Nina!

Nina, your baby will have you.

Promise me...

Promise me
that if she's alone ever,

if the... if I'm gone,
that you'll take care of her...

- Come on.
- You'll help her.

Please. Milton look at me.
Please promise me.

Tell you mean it.
Promise me.

I mean it.

- I will protect her.
- Okay.

I promise.


What are you doing?

I'm gonna pawn this necklace.

Unless you wanna stand out here
and freeze to death.

You're selling it?

Yes, that's what "pawn" means.

- Why?
- Well, 'cause...

I don't know about you,

but I'm not having
the best day today.

Or yesterday, or...

Since I got sprung,
to be honest.

These last three days
have been, well... Hell.

Prison was a vacation
compared to this.

And what I really want
is some money

so I can get outta here and...

No offense, stop babysitting.

Without some scratch
I ain't got nothing.

You got me.

Yeah, well...
I appreciate that.

You're not too bad.

Okay, we got empire pawn.
That's too far.

Staley Bros. Pawn downtown,
half moon pawn midtown.

Wait, say that again?

I said Staley Bros. Pawn,
and then half moon pawn midtown.

"Half moon."


All right.
Half moon it is.

Let's go.

We are gonna see
what this necklace is worth.

You all right,
Mrs. Delkash?

I can't find your necklace

When I first came here,

I bought this place and waited.

One day, three days, one week.

Relatives called,
Shahrad's body had been found.

But my son...

No word.
Not a trace.

I looked for years.

Hired private Detectives,

Nothing ever came.

I couldn't bear it.

To hear he was dead.

So I stopped looking.

So we're asking for public help

to catch
this very dangerous fugitive

and to return a little girl
to her family.

She won't catch her
the way she's doing it.

- How's she doing it?
- A simple manhunt.

They have no idea
what Bo can do.

How could she?

Only you and I
and Winter know that.

Even if she gets lucky
and finds her,

she'll never be able
to hold onto her.

What are you thinking, Roman?

Fight fire with fire.

Joshua Carpenter.

Been with us for...
Almost three years.

Steady improvement
on material manipulation.

59% degree of accuracy
on day-of prognostication.

I'm gonna be upfront, Joshua.

I'm considering you
for a field assignment.

Does this have to do with Bo?

Yeah, it does.

Then I'll do
whatever I have to.

All right,
I want you to concentrate,

and tell me in detail
what it is I'm thinking about.

You're thinking about Nina.

That's impressive.

[Bell dings]

[Hip-hop music playing]

How you doing, man?

How much...

For this?



- 100.
- 100 bucks, man?

That's real gold.
Fool's gold.

No, no. That's the genuine
article right there.

I could melt that down
and get ten times that much.

No, no, my friend.
You cannot.

This is not gold.
This is a stone.

This is called "pyrite."
Here, take a look.

Oh, here... yeah.
This isn't my first rodeo, okay?

I know how this works,
you lowball me,

and I give you
an actual dollar value

and then we meet
in the middle somewhere.

Can I help you?

You and I are a lot alike.

And how are you like me?

I lost my mom and my dad,
like you.

How do you know that?

Who told you?

A butterfly.

A butterfly?

I was taken...
When I was young.

Three, four.

Kidnapped by a man
loyal to the ayatollah.

Then escaped, came to America.

I don't know my last name.


Are not like me.

Can I show you something?

- See this color?
- I'm sure it's really accurate,

whatever little...
This color-you see, it's...

Yeah. Oh, ye-under the light.


This belonged to my mother.

I'm sorry, honey,
I don't know when.

Probably late.

Have we found the kid yet?
No. We haven't, but we will.

'Cause we're the good guys.

All right, honey, I gotta go.
I love you too.

Don't wait up.

- Sasha okay?
- She's fine.

She just misses her mom.
What's going on?

You know they're on
a 14 to 20 block radius?

I got road blocks going up
at every Avenue

and major cross street.

Plus I got 15 more cops on foot.

Attaboy, Martin.

Let's get after it.
Let's go, guys.

Come on, man, really?
It was your mother's?

I'm certain.

I gave it to her.

Many years ago.

I know you did.

[Tense, eerie music]

[Overlapping shouting]

Keep your head up.

[Indistinct overlapping chatter
from afar]


- Time?
- 23 minutes.

Still no answer?

We should go get him.

He'll be there.

Look at where he's at, Winter.

It's 40 minutes from the drop.

- He will be there.
- How can you be so sure?

I trust Bo.

Just like I trusted her mother.

Just... Still the pool
of your mind.

Flow towards your unconscious.

You're not asleep.

Nor are you awake.


Bring your true, true self

You there?

[Very soft] Yeah.


Help create, for me, that
which makes you most afraid

in your life.


It's your mother.

Now show me
what makes you most happy.

I've seen pictures
of the gentleman.

It's your boyfriend.

Who's the little girl?

My daughter.

Where are you in this picture?

I'm not in it.

Got to hand it to you, kid.

About what?

About the necklace.

It all seems like a coincidence,
but with you...

there are no coincidences.

This is it?

Yeah, come on.

Here to see Mrs. Delkash.

Who's calling?

Her son.


Don't forget this.

[Elevator dings]


If I hadn't stolen
the wallet...

or the necklace.

Don't forget
you stole the necklace.

Or the necklace...
then Leona up there

would never get back
with her kid.

Yeah, that was good.


All right, hold it.

Take it easy.

Hands on your head.

Officer, hey!

That's not necessary!

Keep your mouth shut!
No talking.

I don't understand. Why
the hell are you doing this?

Why are you doing that to him?

Got a call says he's the guy

that ripped off
the apartment upstairs.

Guys, this is just
a big misunderstanding. I...

Yeah, it always is.

- [Whispers] You can do this.
- [Laughs].

I believe in you.

The research indicated
that this gene exists

in a very small percentage
of the population.

One of these individuals
is with us now.

Nina Adams.

Now Nina is a bit nervous.
Understandably so.

She's never attempted
an event of this significance.

Now the army has been kind
enough to provide us a drone,

and cleared the airspace
over the city.

You can just see it
approaching there.

A drone? Over Manhattan?

A testament of my belief
in Ms. Adams.

You should know...
The drone is armed.

I will ask Nina to concentrate.

The missile will launch.

She will destroy it before
it reaches its destination.

What's the destination?

Uh, we are, admiral.

[Tense, eerie music]

[Missile fires, soars]



[Grunting louder and louder]

We need a doctor!

We need a doctor please. Now!

Mr. Dean Miller.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Any thing you say can
and will be used against you

in a court of law.

[Chatter on police radio]

What's gonna happen
when they find out who you are?

[Car door closes]

Run this I.D.

2-David-18, no backup
required on that 484.

[Chatter on police radio]

Houston, we have a problem.

Fake I.D. we gave Tate just
got run in the NYPD database.

He's in custody?

- What about Bo?
- There's no way to know.

Is the malware ready?
Can you crash the system?

Still buggy. Hayden bailed
on us, Channing.

He was the one
who could work this.

- So they're gonna I.D. him?
- Yes.

Got a hit!

Dean Miller aka William Tate.

Fugitive in custody!

86 and park! All units.

Repeat: Fugitive in custody.

Copy that, we're on our way.

[Siren wails]

Dr. Skouras, Tate's in custody.

As I'm well aware.

I assumed, that's why
I'm calling.

You won't bring her in
without my help.

You understand this is
a police matter, right?

You understand
this is my program?

Yeah, and it's my job,
Dr. Skouras.

Let me do it.

- Come on!
- Come on. Come on!

- I'll take 'em, and...
- Don't touch me!

- Hey, it's okay...
- No!

Why are you taking me
out of the car?

- Do what I say, please.
- No!

Where are you taking her?

[Car door closes]

Where's he taking her?

[Tense, eerie music]

[Handcuffs clack open]

[Music intensifies]

[Music subsides]


William Tate,
stop where you are!

Federal agents!

William Tate, stop right there!

[Car horns blaring]


Damn traffic!

Go! Come on!


I'm gotta run for it.

Wait! Wait!

Down there.
Let's go.

[Turnstile clacks, beeps]

[Electricity crackling]
Ahh! Ow!

We need to
shut the trains down.


[Muffled announcement on pa]

[All panting]

I'll tell ya.

Hey, what's your hurry, kiddo?

We're gonna be all right.

You promise?

I promise.

I promise.

[Tense, eerie music]

[No audible dialogue]

Don't worry, Milton.

You kept your promise.

[Tender music]