Being Erica (2009–2011): Season 3, Episode 9 - Gettin' Wiggy Wit' It - full transcript

When Erica goes back with Camilla on one of her regrets, Erica inadvertently runs into Seth Newman, who is really an Orthodox Jew named Shimon Nyberg and not an-ex cult member as he writes about in The Purple Door. Erica feels helpless in this situation as Dr. Tom will not allow her to add signing Seth Newman as a regret since she gleaned his fraud through a method through which she shouldn't. And Dr. Tom feels helpless since he feels responsible for Erica finding out and can't do anything within the rules of therapy to help her. As Erica and Julianne try to figure out how to get out of a bad situation where both obvious options would cause them further problems, Dr. Tom decides that he has to do something to right what he feels is his wrong. Meanwhile, Ivan and Dave hit a bumpy path in their relationship based on secrets. Sam and Lenin face further disparities in their professional lives. And Judith and Will, both feeling somewhat dissatisfied with their respective married lives, have to figure out what to do about their mutual attraction to each other.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on "Being Erica":

So you were raised in a cult,
and now?

Well, I got out.

it is so different

from anything
that I've ever read.

"The Purple Door" will be
the jewel in the crown

of this company.

So couples counselling,

Just keeping on top of things

so that we don't wind up

Well, you haven't changed
at all.

Aren't you at all curious?

I always wondered
about breasts.

Dave's kind of scary
when he's jealous.


You think you can make
decisions for me

for the rest of my life,

Is that what I'm doing
with Erica?

Making her decisions
for her?


why don't you tell us
about "Sadie's Wig Shop"?

Uh, before I went back
to school,

I worked as a wig stylist
at Sadie's.

Um, her customers
were mostly Jewish women.

And after marriage,

they're required
to cover their hair.

Is this a Jewish rule?

Only for the Ultra-Orthodox.

Anyway, um, my co-worker,

was "borrowing" money
from the till.

She told me she always
paid it back,

she was just going through
some serious challenges.

What kind of challenges?

Her boyfriend kicked her out.

Um, she had a baby
and nowhere to go.

I really felt for her;

I knew what it was like
to be a single mother.

So I, um... promised
I wouldn't say anything,

if she promised
she would pay it back

and stop doing it.

But she didn't.


You never told the owner?

Uh, Sadie went bankrupt
a year later.

And you feel responsible.

Well, yes, of course,

to a certain extent,
I did.

You know, so if I could
go back,

I wouldn't let
Danielle do it.

I want this off
my conscience.

All right.

Well, why don't you
go ahead and choose

someone you would like
to accompany you?


Yeah, why not?

Uh, Erica?

Uh, you have some
recent experience

with a friend
going off the rails.

And I'm Jewish,
so I'll blend -

or I'll try to.

All right.
Well then...

Off you go.

Oh! I am so sorry.

Oh here.

Oh... it's fine.
It's totally...

Ah... fine.


But I used my credit card
the last time I was here.

Right, but our system
is down today,

so for the wash and style
I need cash, Mrs. Naiberg.

I'm sorry.

If it has to be cash,
it has to be cash.

Are you okay to wait here
while I, um...?

Don't worry about me.

You just go and do
what you have to do.

Your shietel is gorgeous.

Beautiful colour.

My shietel?

Oh! My shietel!
Thank you.

Sorry, I didn't hear you.

Mine was a mess.

I got caught in the rain

and I just had my chasuna
last week!


My chasuna...

My wedding.


Mazel tov!

That's wonderful.

Thank you.
It's been such a whirlwind.

My husband is getting
his smicha

at yeshivas eitz chaim,

under rav Goldstein.




You're putting me in
a very impossible position,

you realize that?

- You're my friend,
- Yes, I am...


That doesn't sound good.

...I'll help you as I can,
but I cannot help you do this.

I'm sorry.

I can't help you anymore.
I know, please.

I just need
a little bit of-
I understand.

Uh, Mrs. Naiberg, here,
it's all ready.

Mrs. Naiberg:
Great. Thank you.

Actually, Mrs. Naiberg,

uh, you can pay by credit card
if you'd like;

we fixed our system.
It's up and running.

Great. Perfect.

You almost done?

Mrs. Naiberg:
Yes, I am.

Thank you, Danielle.

Parked out front.


Mrs. Naiberg:
Nice chatting with you.


You okay?

Who was that guy,
the one that just left?

Shimon Naiberg.
Rivka's husband.

Sorry, but I need to go
and talk to him.

Uh, Erica?!

No! You, you need
to send me back.


Open the door.


come and sit down.

What did I just see,
Dr. Tom?

Because I think that
I just saw Seth Newman.

And that shouldn't
have happened.

Oh my God,
that really was him,

and we're, we're publishing
his autobiography

and it's just...
It's a huge, crazy lie!

Okay, so is that why
you sent me back with Camilla?

So I could find out that Seth,
he wasn't in a cult;

that he's really
an Orthodox Jew?




It was a mistake.

It was my mistake.

I should've checked
and I didn't.

I'm sorry.

You have to send me back.

So that you can do what?

So that I can talk to him

and I can get proof,

and then I can tell

so we can stop this!

We've spent
all of this money,

and now we're launching a book
that isn't real!

Oh my God,
I am...

I am freaking out here.

I get it.
You're upset, but...

And, Erica,
you have every right to be,

but you know that
you can't use time-travel

to track Seth down;

that's not how
this therapy works.

So you're just saying
that there's nothing I can do

and I just need to go out there
and forget about this

and just publish the book

No, no,
that's not what I'm saying.

then what are you saying?

What am I supposed to do?

I don't know.

♪ Being Erica 3x09 ♪
Gettin' Wiggy Wit' It
Original Air Date on November 17, 2010

♪ it's clearer inside of me ♪

♪ who I will always be ♪

♪ open me up to my heart ♪

♪ feels like I'm seeing
in the dark ♪

♪ waking me up to my heart ♪

♪ to do it all over... ♪

♪ again and again ♪

♪ until the end ♪

♪ the sum of my dreams ♪

♪ and everything
I ever wanted to be ♪

Okay, George, we're live
in three, two, one.

Hey, what's going on, everybody?
Come on in.

Welcome to another addition
of the show.

I'm your boyfriend,
George Stroumboulopoulos.

All right, tonight,
author Seth Newman.

What a story he has!

Here's his bio.

In 2001, he was one
of the faceless members

of the order of God,

a cult that controlled
every aspect

of its members' lives.

And while the compound,

nestled on the remote shores
of Lake Nipissing,

was his entire world,

Seth knew there was
something else out there...

Something just beyond
The Purple Door...

Where is she?

What's with
the disappearing act?

One second
you're right behind me,

the next it's - poof! -
You're gone, you're...

Look, I'm sorry.
But, Julianne, we, um...

We need to talk.
No, we need to apologize
to Seth.

Today is his big day.

No worries.
It's fine, really.

But still, before we send
Seth out there,

I think that
we really should

just regroup for a second,


Erica, Seth's the one
who should have stage fright,

not you.

Everybody, say hello
to Seth Newman.

That's me.


A star is born!

My office is right this way.

And you got my contract?

I did.

So is it good news
or bad news?

Oh no.

Unfortunately, I don't really
think you have a case.

I mean, you may not like
the improvements

your landlord has made
to your offices,

but it's within
his legal right to do so.

I mean, of course,
you can always renegotiate

when you're able to...

And then Godzilla climbed
out of Lake Ontario

and attacked the CN tower.

what did you just say?

You weren't even listening!

Yes I was.

You used to do
the exact same thing

when I would help you
with your math homework.

Remember the...

Geometry set.

Yes, I remember.

How could I forget having one
thrown at my face?

Uh! I didn't throw it
at your face.

Yeah, you did.

And I still have the scar
to prove it.

It's right there.

No, it's right here.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

No, it's not really.

You should go.

So, tell me you just
ran out there barefoot?

Well, I didn't have time
to get my shoes on -

I had one shot at escaping
and I took it.


Yes, yes, yes, yes,
you were wonderful.

You were.
And you, you are just...

You're way more dreamy
in real life

than you are
on my flatscreen.

Thank you.
Hi, I'm George.

Julianne Giacomelli.

I'm the publisher
of "The Purple Door"

and I'm the former publisher
of "The Secret of Now,"

and, believe or not,
I am single.

That's very hard
to believe actually.

That's very nice.
For sure.

Um, hi.
We haven't met.


Oh, this is my partner,

My business partner,
not my life partner.

This is...

Okay. Um, anyway, listen,
congratulations on the book.

I'm gonna buy copies
for my whole family.

It's gonna be really huge.
All right, take care.

Okay. Great.

Do you think
he likes me?

David, do you know what
$1600 dollars can buy?

It can buy an industrial
strength dishwasher,

or... a month's supply
of alcohol.

A trip for two
to New York City

to see "Billy Elliot:
The musical."

Now you tell me,

what else can $1600 buy,

If this is about the money
I withdrew-

Oh, it's definitely about
the money you withdrew

behind my back,

without consulting me.

$1600 also buys you
The Incredible Hulk,

issue 181.

A comic book.

You don't understand.

Wolverine makes
his first appearance.

Okay, you know what?

I don't even wanna hear

It's bad enough that you spent
a fortune on a comic;

what's worse is you kept it
from me.


Ooh, someone's got his flannel
pyjamas in a knot, huh?

It's okay,
I knew this would happen.
Well, yeah.

I mean, spending
an arm and a leg

on a pair of shoes,
I get.

But a comic book...

I didn't buy a comic book.


Dave, you're gonna ask Ivan
to marry you?

Shhh! Secret, okay?

I got a text message
saying there's an emergency?

There is.
Lock the door.

Yes, doctor.

So what is it?

I only have 23 minutes left
on my break.

Oh. I see.

Oh, this is way better
than a supply closet.

22 minutes, Lenin.


Maybe they'll go away.

- Someone in there?
- Just gimme a second.

My shirt!

"$at the door)

Uh, hold on.

This call room's booked,

Oh, I'm so sorry.
I didn't realize.

Uh, yeah,

so the leak in the ensuite's
all fixed up.

It shouldn't bothering
anybody anymore.

Thank you.



Paging doctor Becker...

All right.

Okay, so to quote from
the best movie ever made,

"when the lord
closes a door,

somewhere he opens
a window."

This is to Seth Newman

for blowing that purple door
wide open!


Given all the fab buzz
around "The Purple Door,"

Erica and I have decided-

actually, Julianne...

Oh, don't worry, chicken,

I'm not gonna steal
your thunder.

You can tell them,
go on.

I've decided to...

To put every last dime
we have towards

a print edition
of The Purple Door.

Every last dime.

I, I...

Julianne, Erica,
you have no idea

how incredible
this news is.

Oh yeah, we do.

Um, big congrats!

You, come here,
come here.


You really delivered the magic,


Hey there, grumpy-bear.

Don't even start.

I'm not in the mood

Oh, I think you should
cut Dave some slack.

I should cut up
his company bank card.

He spends a fortune

and then keeps it a secret
from me-

oh, and you don't know
anything about keeping secrets,

do you?


It's not the same.

Dave is a great guy,

Go easy on him.

Yeah, good luck
on your screenplay.

Seth, hey.

Do you mind
if I talk to you?

Uh, yeah, of course.

Just in private.

Oh. Okay.


Is everything all right?


Have a seat.

Is this about printing
the book?

Because you didn't seem
all that thrilled.

And look, if it's a burden
on the company...

If it was,

Would that bother you?

of course it would.


what's wrong?
What have I done?

Shimon Naiberg.

That's your real name,


Your name
is Shimon Naiberg

and you weren't in a cult.

Your book is
a complete fabrication.

O-okay, look, I don't know
what's going on with you?

I don't know if it's stress

or internal problems
at 50/50.

No, you know what?
Our only "internal problem"

is that you're a big,
lying fake.

what are you doing?

What do you think
that I am doing?

I am looking for proof
so that I can show Julianne

and we can do something
about this.

What that is,
I don't know yet.

Erica, in life,

when we are faced
with unexpected obstacles...

The solution
is not to panic,

but to clearly and calmly
examine the options.

Okay, then option 1:

We publish a fake memoir

and we lose our reputations
when the truth comes out.

Option 2:
We don't publish it,

we still lose
our reputations

and we re out
all of that money.

And before you ask,
there isn't an option 3.

Actually, you know what?
There is an option three.

I wanna add a regret
to my list.

I want to go back

and I wanna undo
signing Seth Newman.

I can't let you do that.

Why not?

Because using information
that you have gleaned

from a trip to the past

to try fix your life
in the present

contravenes the rules.

I don't care
about the rules!


No! Everybody keeps
breaking the rules

first it's Dr. Fred
and Kai with their...

"Oh hey, you might be dead
in 10 years,"

and now this.

50/50 press,
it will not survive Seth's lie.

You have to let me
add this as a regret.

I can't.

Maybe Seth has a twin,

an identical twin shimon,

who left the cult
and became an Orthodox Jew

and that's... that's him.

This is, this is,
this is really bad, Erica.

Yeah. I know.

Okay, we need to call him

and Lesley frickin' Kalajian
in for a meeting.


Do you want me
to do it?


because if I'm going
to explode,

I'd rather do it
in person.

So, it's not Wolverine's
first appearance,

but the guy at silver slug

Silver Snail.

Yeah, yeah, whatever.

Uh, the guy, he said that
you'd still like it.

So, here you go.
It's a peace offering.

How did you know
that I love The Punisher?

Uh, 'cause he looks like
Arnold Schwarzenegger

and the rock's love child.

So you're not mad anymore?


No, I mean,
we're only human,

born to make mistakes.

Even $1600 mistakes.




What aren't you
telling me?

Pfft! Nothing.

Okay, the last time
you acted like this,

you were covering
for polishing off

my cousin Rachel's
wedding cake

the night before
the big day.

I was nervous!

You know that I eat
when I'm nervous!

What're you
not telling me?

I don't even know
what you want-


What did you do?

Okay, you know, I...

Probably should've
told you this before,

right after it happened.

Okay, now you're
freaking me out.

did you cheat on me?

Oh no. No, no.

Not really.

It's totally
not a big deal.

I got kinda got experimental
at pride


I, um, sort of...


I touched
Julianne's breasts.


You touched her breasts?


It didn't mean anything.

It was just...
Just curiosity.

No, it was just you
cheating on me with a woman

on a day that we celebrate
being gay.

Wha... I...

It's pretty hard
to deny it now, huh?

I'm, uh...

I'm, I'm sorry.

You're, you're sorry?

Let me break down
the publishing world for you.

You write a best seller.

It garners media attention,

which invites scrutiny.

Which leads to people
digging up any skeletons

you may have
in your closet!

Seth, do you even have
an explanation?

I tried to write about
leaving Judaism and it...

Didn't feel that original
or interesting, so-

So instead you lied

and you twisted your religion
into a cult.

A religion which I share,
by the way.

Do you have any idea
how offensive that is?


I took some creative license,

All the facts are still true,
I just embellished a-

but you knew that
we were selling this

as your autobiography.

A work of non-fiction,
which clearly it isn't.

Maybe it still can be.

Think about it.

Seth, how many people
from your old life

are you still
in contact with?


I went off the derech,

which means I'm an outcast.

They don't even know
my new name.

So, suppose you
still publish it.

We all agree that this
conversation never happened.

Or suppose we just sue Seth

for every last penny
that he has?

I don't have any money.

We gave you
a five-figure advance.

I spent it.

Seth, what are the chances
anyone in your family

will read this book?


Okay, and what about
everyone else?

Erica discovered
the truth.

Then you spin it.

Look at "A Million
Little Pieces."

The sales increased

after it was discovered
to be a fraud.

Oprah couldn't even kill it.

Lesley, I can't even believe
that you're suggesting-

let's just think about it.

Just think about it.


My cell phone will be on
all afternoon.

We should go.

Seth failed to deliver

what he was contracted
to write.

So you can go after him
for damages,

get back your advance...

No, Jude, he spent the advance.

He's broke.

Well, that's a problem.

What if we just...
We just published it,

pretended we didn't know?

This is something that
Seth's Agent had suggested.

I don't know.
It's a risky move.

If it gets out
that you knowingly published

a work of fiction
as an autobiography?

Well, then you'd be facing
loss of credibility,

potential lawsuits...

I can't believe
that this is happening.

If we don't publish
this book,

we go broke.

You guys need to regroup,

and really think
this thing through.

I'm sorry, there's no real
easy answer here.

I just can't believe
we're over

before we even really
got started.

Is there anything
that we're missing?

Any other option?

Oh God, Julianne,
you know, I just-

I feel like this
is my fault

because I'm the on
that found the book.

And I'm the one
who should've known

to do a full background check
on Seth.

I'm the one with experience.

Oh, this is such a mess.



Do I know you?


But I know you.

I know that
you've written a book.

I know that you're about
to go in there

and sign a contract,

and I know that
it's all a big lie.

Who are you?

A friend.

I'm...I'm here to help you.

Because you're about
to unleash

a series of events
that will hurt you

and will destroy Erica
and Julianne.

"What is hateful to thyself
do not do to another."


Don't do this hateful thing,
Shimon Naiberg.

I guarantee
it will be something

that you will regret.

So, if you could back,

what would you do

Well, uh...

I wouldn't have even gone
to the derby that night.

Charlene and I never
would've fought;

she wouldn't have left me
for Jana;

I'd still have my girlfriend.

Dr. Naadiah?

Isn't this when you usually do
your ol' time jumperoo?

Hello, Dr. Arthur.


It's about Tom.

Dr. Arthur:

I assume you know
why you're here.


Dr. Arthur:

Let's talk about it.

I'm not sure there's anything
to talk about.

I know what I did,
I know why you're upset.

Tom, I'm not sure
what you expect us to say.

I'm expecting you
to tell me to undo it,

but I won't.

Because I don't regret
doing it.

I made a mistake
and now I fixed it.

Does Erica even know
that you've changed her past?

Have you told her?


And you don't think there's
anything wrong with that -

for altering Erica's past,

with abusing your power?

Erica had to weather
Dr. Fred's mistakes;

I'm not gonna force her
to endure mine.

"The universe has a way
of righting itself."

That's Tom Wexlar,

Well, I think you've made
your position quite clear.

I don't think there's anything
further to discuss.

We won't force you to undo
what you have set in motion.

Dr. Arthur, uh...

So, we're done here then?

I guess we are.

Well, that was a waste
of time.

I don't think so.

Okay, George, we're live in
three, two, one.

Hey, what's going on, everybody?

Come on in.
Welcome to the show.

I'm your boyfriend,
George Stroumboulopoulos.

All right,
tonight George Neeb,

author of the new
home-Reno bible,

"The Fixer Upper."

Okay, you're not supposed to see
the bride before a wedding

and you're not supposed
to pull out the champagne

before a book launch,

but I'm feeling
pretty confident.

He's cocky.
I like it!

You know what?
That's me.

You're sure
I look all right?


you look like
a best-selling author.

Go on, go knock them dead.

But first,
group hug!

Group hug!

Go on, it's time to fly,
baby bird.

When we lost "The Purple Door"
to River Rock,

I just thought
that's it for us.

And look at us now.

I mean, here we are,

our first author
is on national TV.

I just...

I can't believe it!

Get used to it, ladies.

50/50 is just getting

To the future.

Will and Erica:
The future.

Uh, this one
you're going to love.

It is totally up your alley.

It's called "For Worse,"
by Constance Wren.

It's a first-hand account of her
and her fiancee

as they travel

from his proposal to her
in Labrador,

to the opposite side
of the world

for their marriage
in Australia.

So it's basically
the Canadian version

of "Committed,"

by Elizabeth Gilbert.

Sorry, Les, refried beans,
no me gusto.

Uh, well, um...

That's everything I have
for now, I'm afraid.

No worries.

We'll find something
to work on together...Some day.

Oh, les, before you go.

I'm sure you heard
about Brent Kennedy.

I mean, he did get fired

because of Seth Newman's book
after all, so...

Uh, well, it wasn't just
because of "The Purple Door."

But that was the straw
that broke Frank Galvin's back.

Hindsight, huh?

It's really...
It's is 20/20.

I mean, I have to admit,
at first it "stung"

when you and Seth went
with the higher offer,


Really we should be
thanking you.

So what's going on
with all that, anyway?

I'm not actually allowed
to talk about it.

It's, it's become
a legal matter, so.

Yeah, I bet it...
I bet it has.

Would you excuse me?

Dr. Naadiah,
what are you...

What're you doing here?

Is Dr. Tom okay?

No, Erica,
he isn't.

Dr. Tom has made a choice
that directly affects you,

without your knowledge.


Look, I don't understand.

He's altered your history

and I feel duty-bound
to tell you.

He's altered my history?

How? I mean,
what does that even mean?

It means that everything
you're experiencing right now

is based on a decision
that Tom made for you.

Is it true?

Is it?

Please tell me that you
didn't go behind my back

and interfere in my life
without telling me?

I was trying to help you.


Dr. Tom:
You were going to lose
your company,

and I'm the one to blame
for the way you found out

and the box
that you were put in

as a result.

I couldn't ask you
to pay the price

for my mistake.

You felt guilty,
so you decided to fix it

so you wouldn't feel
that way.

No, no, I made a mistake
and I took care of it.

This isn't about you!
This is my life!

You don't understand!

Yes, I do understand!

You're not listening
to me!

Yes, I am! Sarah, I...

I'm not your daughter.

I know.

Dr. Tom,

please put my life back
the way that it was.


Hey, look,
let's um...

Let's go back
to the office,

and I'm gonna
get us some lattes

and you can get the bank
on the phone,

and we'll just...

We'll put our heads together
and we'll sit down

and we'll really figure out
what we're gonna do, okay?

Yeah, okay.

Seriously? You bench
triple your body weight?

Well that explains it.

Hey, Dave.

Can I get a vanilla latte

and a Julianne special,

Uh, she can wait.

What's going on?

David is teaching me
a lesson.

Lesson learned!

That's incredible.
Do they dance?

If they're in the mood.


Okay, you know what?

I think you've proved
your point.

I don't think I have.

How about I go play Julianne's
duelling banjos for an hour?

Wait. What?

It wasn't an hour!
It was like five seconds!

Oh, well, then what do you
think of this?

One Mississippi.
Two Mississippi.

Three Mississippi...

Okay, okay,
back off, chesticles.

Guys, know what?
I'd love a coffee,

but, you know, um...

Just gonna give you two
some space.

You know, this is why I didn't
tell you about Julianne,

because I knew
you wouldn't understand.

Oh, I understand.

You want to "experiment"?

You feel like you missed out
on your bi years?

Fine, whatever,
just get it outta your system.

It is out of my system.


It doesn't change the fact
that you kept it from me;

that you lied.

Oh, I'm sorry,
you're totally innocent?

You basically stole $1600
from our bank account

to buy some stupid,
juvenile comic book!


There's your comic book.


I'm so sorry,
and embarrassed.

Listen, Samantha,
I get it.

It's long hours,
hard days.

You're not the first doctor

I've had this conversation

This just isn't how
I normally operate, Mark.

I know.

So just...
Don't do it again, okay?

Don't worry,
I won't.


God, that was mortifying.

I just got called
into the chief's office.

Has anyone spoken to you?

Yeah, they have.

And they fired me.


For uh...
Unprofessional conduct.

Don't they have
to give you a warning?


Okay, I'm gonna go
talk to Mark, okay?

No! No, you're not.

You've got way more
to lose here than I do.

No, Lenin,
this isn't right.

You didn't do anything
that I didn't do.

It's not your fault.

I've lived through worse.

What're you going to do?

I'll find something else.

Believe it or not,

this wasn't actually
my dream job.

Yes, anyway, ah...
I should go;

I don't wanna have to get
escorted outta here.

I'll call you.

Hey, Judith.


Sorry I'm late.

No. It's fine.

Would you like a coffee?

No. I just think
we should talk.

Sure. Of course.

we can't do this.

You know that, right?

No, I don't, actually.

I'm not gonna have
an affair, okay?

That is just ridiculous.

That's not me,
it's not right and...

I just can't.


Every day I get up
and I go to work.

It's long
and it's stressful,

and then I go home

and my house is a wreck.

My kids...

They're running around
and they're screaming.

And my wife and I,
we're just scrambling

with homework
and with cleaning and dinner.

By the time we're ready
for bed-

you're just annoyed
and you wanna be alone.

You know
what I'm talking about.

And I don't wanna break up
my marriage

and I don't wanna
traumatize my kids,

but I'm just not happy.

I can't.

I just can't.
I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Ugh. You know it's bad

when chocolate doesn't
make you feel any better.

Hey, Ivan,

you wanna trade this
for another latte?





turn around.

There's something that
I have to say to you

and I'd rather not say this
to your back.

Care bear,

you and I have
a "no secrets" policy,

a policy that I broke.

So in the spirit
of full disclosure,

there's something else
that I need to tell you.


you are my partner,
my ally,

and my best friend.

And if I've made you
doubt my feelings,

I am so sorry.

And I know that you're upset
with me right now,


What're you doing?

I love you so much.

Will you be my husband?

If you're doing this
out of guilt-

No, no.
No, this is about us.

Will you marry me?

Of course I will,

Okay. What're we gonna do?

Well, we need to weigh
the pros and cons here.


We publish the book.

It potentially becomes
a huge success;

it launches our company;

we compete
with the big players;

we're successful.

If no one finds out
the truth.

That's a big "if."

Or we kill it.

We put 50/50 in jeopardy;

we lose everything
that we've invested;

we become the laughingstock
of the industry.


We maintain our integrity.


I'm tough, I'm...
I'm a hard ass,

I've doled out my share
of nervous breakdowns

in my career.


But the one thing
I have never done is lie.

It's like a point of honour
for me.

One that is seriously
being challenged right now.

I know.


If there is no real answer
and no real solution,

then maybe we need
to redefine the question?

To what?

To... what're we willing
to lose?

♪ ...With my head on straight ♪

♪ it's so hard
to wait for rain ♪


♪ 'Cause you're there for me,
honey ♪


♪ You're there for me, honey ♪

♪ it's been so hard ♪

♪ it's so hard ♪