Being Erica (2009–2011): Season 3, Episode 7 - Jenny from the Block - full transcript

Having not seen or heard from her since she left to follow a guy to Los Angeles six months ago, Erica receives a surprise visit from Jenny, who admits she made a mistake, yet again, in ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on "Being Erica":

Ah, you followed
your impulses today.

Erica, I just don't
think of you that way.

From now on,

I will want any book
that you greatly desire.

River Rock will pay.
Whatever it takes.

Well, just given
your "homo-flexibility,"

aren't you at all curious?

I've always wondered
about breasts.

There's a downside though.
He lives in L.A.,

but I really like him.

You've become
one of those...

Those stuck up girls

who thinks that a safe,
boring life

is the only way to go.

You flying to L.A.,
it's not living on the edge,

it's par for the course.

The story,
it really comes alive

after you leave the cult.

You know, this whole world
that you never knew existed,


What? Wait, wait...

So you're saying that,
before that, it's boring?

No, not boring.

It's just a little bit vague.

You know, the cult
is so fascinating -

what it's like to grow up,
cut off from...

(Office phone rings)


Good morning.
Fifty-Fifty Press.

No, we don't...

We don't accept
unsolicited manuscripts.

Thank you. Bye.

Sorry about that.
Um, the point is,

is that I think
that we're lacking detail -

about the cult,

about what it was like
before you escaped.

So, what about your friend?

The one that you left behind?

Yeah, he was my, uh...

Well, he was best friend.

And, uh...
(Office phone rings)

Fifty-Fifty Press.

Will, hey!
It's Erica.

Julianne wanted you to meet her
at Goblins at 7:30.

Great. Thanks, bye.

Grrr! Growing pains.

We really need
an assistant... badly.

So where were we?

(Phone rings)


(Phone clatters)

Thank you.

(Light laughter)


Two people choose
each other

on the surface,

the reason for our choice
seems obvious:

They share our interests,
they make us laugh.

But is there more to it
than that?

And do we ever really stop
and wonder

why this person
and not another?


Erica, hi.

Long time no see.

♪ Being Erica 3x07 ♪
Jenny From the Block
Original Air Date on November 3, 2010

♪ it's clearer inside of me ♪

♪ who I will always be ♪

♪ open me up to my heart ♪

♪ feels like I'm seeing
in the dark ♪

♪ waking me up to my heart ♪

♪ to do it all over... ♪

♪ again and again ♪

♪ until the end ♪

♪ the sum of my dreams ♪

♪ and everything
I ever wanted to be ♪

Do you want some tea,

Uh... wine?
Or I... you know what?

I have this...

Sparkling grapefruit juice

Tea sounds good.


Oh, I, um...

I brought you something back
from L.A.


Eucalyptus foot rub.

It's really great stuff.

It's organic
and handmade, and...

You don't like it?

No, Jenny,
it's just that...

You've been gone
for six months

and you haven't returned
my calls,

or my emails.

And now you show up
and act like nothing's wrong?

I'm sorry.


Look, sit down
and we can talk, okay?

Yeah, I...

I didn't return your calls

because I didn't wanna admit
that you were right.

Following Rob to L.A.
was a dumb, dumb move,

just like you said
it would be.

So... what happened?

Within a week,

I realized that Rob
was a jerk.

We fought, I moved out,
and, uh...

I was too proud
to come back to Toronto,

so instead I rented a place
in Venice Beach -

not cheap!

I blew all of my money

and maxed out
all of my credit cards.

Oh, Jenny.

I'm thirty-two.

I have to get my shit

It's beyond time.

Okay, well, look.

we're gonna figure it out.

You're not mad?

No, I'm not mad,
and I'll help you.


Yeah. If you need
to update your resume,

I have a computer.

If you need to look
for an apartment,

I know how to pick 'em.

Thank you.

(Music plays within Goblins)

Couple's counseling?


We're being pro-active.
Just to...

Just keeping on top of things

so that we don't wind up

Are you thinking
of getting divorced?

(Snorted chuckle)
No. Of course not.

It's just, uh...

Marriage is hard.

Yeah, and especially
with a baby.

Yeah, you have a baby,
you work a zillion hours,

you never see each other,
much less have sex.

So we're addressing it
and it's been good.


Yeah. It's good.

Judith and Jenny:
(Awkward chuckle)

Here we go.

Champagne wishes
and caviar dreams.

Minus the caviar.

Thank you.

This round is on me.

Oh no, Jenny...

Yeah, I insist.

All right.
Okay, to old friends

who have been apart
for way too long.



So tell us about the job hunt.

What kind of work
you looking for?

I don't know.
Something fun and creative,

but not too corporate.

Maybe in the arts,
or music,

or at the library.

Focus, Jenny. Focus.

Okay, I think big,
you bring me down to earth,

and hopefully that'll lead
to a happy medium for me.

Yeah, absolutely.

Erica, are you sure
you told will to meet me here?

Because I can't find him,

and if we miss out
on his roster of writers

because you mi-
- Calm down, Julianne.

I told him 7:30,
and it is...



Sit down and have my drink.

Mm. Thanks, chicken.

I'm sorry.

Oh, we need to hire
an assistant,


We can't afford to hire
an assistant.

pay me in food stamps

and I'll answer
your phones for you.

Ooh, I know you.

You're the girl that had sex
in the owl shed.

Oh, that's my claim
to fame -

the owl shed.
Hi, Julianne.



Uh, I ran your card through
three times,

but I'm afraid
It was declined.

Oh, really?

Um, I'm sorry.

Um... I don't have
any Canadian bills,

everything I have
is American and not...

Here, Jenny,
I got it.


Thank you.

Word on the street is,

is that Frank Galvin
hates what he's read.

Now, Friedken hates Brent
and really misses you.

You know that should
probably make me feel better,

but it doesn't,

Maybe this will.

The trouble at River Rock,

and the bidding war
that Brent launched

over "The Purple Door"

means that, suddenly,
50/50 is the cool new upstart,

with the most anticipated
non-fiction publication

of the year.

All my clients wanna meet
with you guys.

You two are hot.

Okay, that does make me
feel better.

Julianne and will:



- Oh my God.
- Oh my God.

Look at you. Wow!

Oh, I'm so sorry,
Julianne this is Judith.

I know.

Judith is one of Erica's
very best friends.

Will: Really?
Judith: Yeah.

This, this is...
What a small world!

Yes! Yeah.

You know what?
You have join us.

Uh, no, I ca-
I mean, uh...

I have to go.
The baby calls.

You have a baby?

Yeah, well, he's 18 months,
but, uh...

I'm married, with three children.


Yeah, it's just so great
to see you.

It's good to see you too.

(Warm laughter)


(Clears throat)


So you two are just,
you're old friends?

Yeah. I dated her,

from grade nine
until she left my school

before senior year.

Back to business.

Okay, no, no, no, here.

Julianne, I see it.
God! Just...

Okay, you don't have
to snap at me.

It's not my fault
you put the meeting in at 10:45

instead of 10:15
and we had to drive here.

Okay. I'm an idiot.
Got it.

No, you're not an idiot,

you're just overworked
and you're, you're...

Pulled in a million
different directions.

Why don't we hire Jenny?

She needs a job,
we really need help.

Do you need
a refresher course

in being Julianne Giacomelli's
number two?

I'm, I'm ruthless
and I am demanding

and I expect 200 percent,

plus the barrista skills
of the founder of Starbucks.

And sometimes, I can even
be really, really nasty.

I survived you.



(Exaggerated sigh)

Well, I'm not gonna
censor myself

just 'cause
she's your friend.

(Sarcastic chuckle)

You couldn't censor yourself
if you tried.

(Gasps, taken aback)

Look, minimum wage,
plus overtime.

No benefits,
no whining.


Let's go.

So the job,
it really-

it would be doing
all the stuff

that we don't have time
to do ourselves.

We're talking answering phones,

creating and maintaining
our database and calendars.

Zero glamour.

Plus we'd need you
to organize things

like the book reading
we wanna do

for "The Purple Door,"

and photo shoots.

you organize our lives.

So, are you interested?

One question.

When can I start?

Uh, as soon as possible.

How about I start
with these dirty dishes?

♪ Everyone's watching
to see what you will do ♪

♪ everyone's looking at you ♪

Fantastic (Unclear).

♪ Everyone's wondering ♪

♪ will you come out tonight ♪

50/50 Press.

♪ Everyone's trying
to get it right ♪

♪ get it right ♪

♪ everybody's working
for the weekend ♪

Jenny: You like it?
Erica: I think it's great.

Julianne: It's nice.
Jenny: Okay.

50/50 Press.

♪ O-oh
you want a piece of my heart ♪

So, tell me more about Don.

Well, he was the brother
I never had

and I miss him every day.

But, you know,
I had to choose:

Life with him in there,
or freedom out here.

And have you seen him since?


And he wouldn't even
look at me.

I mean, I've known Don
since I was two.

We spent every waking moment

And now I'm basically
dead to him.

(Sympathetic breath)

Seth, that should be
a whole chapter.

You can search by name,

Everyone you need
to contact,

right at your fingertips.

Um, everyone?
Are you sure?

Because I'm pretty sure
I know more than 43 people.

Well, it's everyone you
and Erica gave me.

Well, everyone we gave you
does not mean every one.

Go through our inboxes,

track down anyone we've ever
had communication with.

Okay, sure. Sure.

The idea's for you
to read my mind, Jenny,

not vice-versa.

And where's
my 11:30 latte?

No, just stay there. Just stay there.

Last time you used
white sugar,

not raw.

Rhinestones versus diamonds,
owl shed.

Excuse me, Seth.

She hates me.

No she doesn't.
It's just...

This business,

it means a lot to us,

Yeah, I totally get it, Erica.

It makes complete sense.

I hope you don't regret
taking this job.

Of course not.

You've saved my life,

I can put up with
a little ego bashing.

It's all good.

Hey, hang in there.

Seth Newman's reading...

Where'd you get that?

Lesley K's assistant -

he sent it to me -

and he got it
from Jenny Zahlen,

50/50's brand new me.

Erica Strange and Jenny
go, like, way back.

Total besties.

They have an employee?

They're expanding?

An employee,

an entire roster of titles
in the works

for the third quarter.

That's what I hear,

Oh, and do you wanna know
what else I hear,

but you're not gonna
like it?

What is it?

Luis, just tell me.

Frank Galvin did not react
kindly to your slate

for the third quarter.

Maybe I should
take these back.

Maybe you should
get some G-2

on what 50/50 has
in the pipeline.

You know, I could go
all Mata Hari on Jenny.

Romance her,
get her to spill some secrets.

No offense, Luis,

but you make Zac Efron
look Butch.

No, this calls
for a ladies' man.

This calls for Brent.

Okay, and this one is from
a new writer I just signed.

He's spent 20 years working
as a contractor

and he's put together
this great how-to guide,

one that compares
renovating a house

with dating a woman.

Ooh, sounds interesting.
What's it called?

It's called
"The Fixer Upper."

It's a twist on
the old how-to, self-help,

Mars-Venus relationship guide.

Ooh, wow, me likey a lot.

I thought you would.

It hits men and women,

and there's loads
of humour.

And it hasn't been bought?

No one has seen this.

The manuscript is rough,
the guy's a contractor first,

he's a writer second.

So it needs a little tlc.


But I know that you ladies
would give it

just the amount of love
it deserves.

Oh, hi there.

Can we help you?

I'm here for the photo shoot.

Jenny: Um, no, the photo
shoot is tomorrow.

I have it in my calendar
for today.


Um, I will be right back.

Which is it?
Today or tomorrow?

I think I made a mistake.

Uh, so it turns out
we have a friend in common,

me and you.
- Yes, Judith.

Small world.
She mentioned that.

And you guys, you haven't
seen each other since...

Since she left my high school
for yours.

She's gonna be
at Seth Newman's reading,

if you're gonna be there?

I was planning on it.

All figured out,
the photo shoot is tomorrow.

Jenny messed it up

Anywho, Will,
we would love to read.

In fact,
we'll read tonight.


Now, I can't sit on this

How long do we have?

48 hours, max.

So let's try and talk tomorrow,

Sounds good.


Hello, beautiful.
The usual?

Please, and, uh, please make
Julianne's extra-special.

She's mad at me.

Gotcha. An extra-special
Julianne Giacomelli special,

coming right up.

Boss from hell?

I know your pain.

No, I screwed up,

Oh, I find that hard
to believe.

Name's Brad,
by the way.

Jenny. Nice to meet you,

Nice to meet you,

Sorry for the confusion.

Yeah, that'd be great.

We'll see you tomorrow
around three.

Thanks again.

Okay, despite my mix-up,
it is all good.

The photographer has
shuffled some things around

and he'll be back
tomorrow afternoon.

Oh, that is a relief.

And what about the hair
and makeup people?

I thought Seth
would do his own hair.

it's a photo shoot.

You didn't book anyone?

No, but honestly,
I didn't know I had to.

It's on the list.

(Sighs heavily)

You know what?
It's okay,

this is your first time
doing this

and you're bound
to make some mistakes.

So let's just go over

and make sure that we're ready
for tomorrow, okay?


Thank you, Erica,
that'd be great.

Email directions to hair
and makeup, check!

You're gonna pick up
refreshments and snacks

on the way home from work,

And last but not least,
I'm gonna call Seth

and remind him to wear
solid colours,

not patterns,

because the camera
doesn't like 'em.

Check. Great.

Thank you, Erica.

Oh, it's no biggie.

I mean, I used to do
stuff like this

at River Rock all the time.

You'll get the hang...

Julianne, hey,
what're you doing here?

Oh, I've been holed up reading
the "The Fixer Upper."

It's rough,
but it's compelling.

Oh, I'm getting there.

I'm just doing some stuff
for "The Purple Door,"

but nothing major.

Huh. And what 'bout you,
owl shed?

Are you all set up
for the photo shoot?

Does the photographer have
enough film in his camera

and he won't run out?

I, I think he uses
a digital camera.

And I think I was joking.

Okay, I am off.

Erica, let me know what
you think of the manuscript.

We have to get back to Will

Erica: I'm on it.
Julianne: All right.

Good night.

You know what, Jenny,
why don't you go

and finish up
the rest of this

and I'll lock up?

- Are you sure?
- Yeah.

Thanks again,

And thank you for that,
just now, with Julianne.

Okay. Good night.

See you tomorrow.



Do we have to do this now?

all I want to do is go home

and curl into bed,
and read "The Fixer Upper."

Shouldn't you have been doing
that two hours ago?


Instead of doing
Jenny's job,

shouldn't you have been
doing your own?

I wasn't doing Jenny's job,
I was helping her.

Why are you being
so defensive?

Because if I didn't step in

and we weren't prepared tomorrow
for the photo shoot,

Julianne, she would've fired
Jenny on the spot.

I, I don't see
what the big deal is.

Maybe she should be fired.

If someone
can't handle a job,

they need to either quit
or be fired.

It's one of the hardest parts
of management.

Thank you, Camilla.
I have fired someone before.

She deserved it;
Jenny doesn't.

Dr. Tom:
Erica, please.

Tell us about Black Creek.


Fine. Black Creek.

As in Black Creek
Pioneer Village.

It's where Jenny and I worked
one summer.

She was in charge
of the paddock

and I was in charge
of the candle shop.

We both didn't take
the job seriously, at all.

Then one afternoon,

she asked me
if I could watch the paddock

while she and this cute guy
that worked there

went to smoke some weed,

and I said yes.

You know, it beat sitting
in a stuffy candle shop.

Plus, I thought I could
work on my tan.

Problem was
I left a candle burning,

and wound up burning down
the candle shop

and got myself fired.

(Stunned gasp)
What happened to Jenny?

She quit a few days later.

She said that working there
without me wasn't fun.


Because she actually
had to do some work

after you left.

Sounds like Jenny needs
a good kick in the ass.

I second that.

It's just...

It's hard,
because I want her to succeed

and I want her to be happy
and I love her.

We get it.

But sometimes helping...
Isn't helping.

Maybe you guys are right.

Maybe, you know,
I am doing this all wrong -

not letting her fail

and not letting her figure
things out the hard way.

So is that what
I'm supposed to do, Dr. Tom?

Just let Jenny
make her choices

and just stay out of it?

Well, if I answered that,

then I'd be doing
all the heavy-lifting for you,

wouldn't I?


Can my son please
have the candles?

Of course!

Have a great day.


You'll never guess
who just asked me

to go "smoke a doobie"
with him?

Uh, the guy from
the printing shop,

and no, I will not watch
the paddock for you.

Okay, a: You're creepy,

and b:
You're really annoying.

Jenny, I'm...
(Stammers, awkward)

I'm sorry,
it's just...

You know,
I have a job to do.

Yeah, whatever.

Okay, if anything
goes wrong,

I'll be in the back field.

Jenny, I'm...
Look, I'm serious.

I'm not gonna do this
for you.


No. You stay at your post
and I'm gonna stay at mine.

Fine! Me and my sexual
dry spell thank you.





Where's that halfwit
friend of yours?


Hey... I remember you.

It's been a long time.

Are you sassing me?

Oh, no, ma'am.

What can I do for you?

Well, there's no one mannin'
the paddock.

Jenny's not there?

No, Einstein.
She's not.

Well, what do you want me
to do about it, Joan?

I mean, if she's not there,
she's not there,


I want you to go
and find her,

while I waste my break
watching your shop.

- Joan, I'm not gonna-
- Go!

That cloud looks like
a pokemon.

You talking pikachu,
the yellow one?


No, doesn't look anything
like it.

Ah, that's its tail,

those are its horns.

Pikachu doesn't have horns;
He has ears.

- Oh... (Laughs)
- And cheeks that make lightning!

You're, you're basically
a Japanese girl.

Jenny: You know that, right?
Erica: Jenny! Jenny!

I hate all of this
stupid material.


what are you doing?

You're supposed
to be at work.

why do you care?

when did you become my mother?

Maybe e just needs
to chill out.

(Half laughs)

Hey, what the hell?

Okay, Erica.
Just go.

Leave us alone.

What's wrong with you?


Hey, you know what?

If this is what you want to do,
you just knock yourself out.


♪ I knew you ♪
(Sheep bleat)

♪ Before the West was one ♪

♪ I was right ♪

♪ you said goodbye ♪

♪ I said goodnight ♪

♪ woo hoo hoo,
it's all been done ♪

♪ woo hoo hoo,
it's all been done ♪

♪ woo hoo hoo,
it's all been do-o-one ♪

♪ woo,
it's all been done ♪

♪ woo hoo hoo,
it's all been done ♪

♪ woo hoo hoo ♪

not your problem to solve,

It's not your problem to solve.

♪ It's all been done before ♪

Erica, oh my God.
Oh my God.

I came back,
the paddock is open

and the animals
are all over the place.

I know, Jenny,
I have eyes.

You have to help me round up
the rest of the animals

before Dahlia gets back.

No, actually, Jenny,
I don't.

Erica, come on!

This is your fault,
it's not mine.

So deal with it.

Come on.
(Sheep bleats)



Hey there, Laura Ingles.

(Horse nickers)

Care for some company?

Nice suspenders.


Yeah, they were all the rage
back in 1854.

What a great spot.

Who knew that this was right
in the middle of the city?

Yeah, it's pretty peaceful

but, thanks to Jenny,
all hell has broken loose.

So I gather.

You know, when Hastings
would bring in new recruits,

we'd do a similar
and scarier version

of what you're trying to do
with Jenny here.

No better way of proving
someone's mettle

than by dropping them
right into it.

You made it through without
getting killed or arrested,

and you had what it takes.

And if you didn't?

Then... you didn't.

So how do you think
Jenny's gonna do?


Jenny's high
and this place is huge,

and there's dozens of animals
that have escaped.

So I'm pretty sure

that she's not gonna
make it through.

Then I guess she won't.

Well, then what is the point
of this?

What is this teaching Jenny
or me?

That she's a big screw up

and I should just stand back
and watch her crash and burn?

I don't know.

All I know is that
there is a point to this;

there always is.

You'll figure it out,
smart girl that you are.

Well, thank you.

I think I can take it
from here.


Hold on.

Is everything else okay

I mean... are we good?

Are we good?

What're you...
What're you talking about?

I just don't want there to be
any awkwardness between us.

Because of...

Well, there wasn't any...
Until now.

Seriously, it's fine.

I mean, I was honest

And you were honest,

and it's no big deal.


(Chickens squawk and cluck)

As you well know, this is not
the first time I've had to speak to you

you're just lucky
none of our animals

made it out onto a road.


And where were you Erica
when all this was going on?

I was at the candle shop.

I told you Jenny
was screwing off

and she wouldn't do anything
about it.

That's great.

We've got Jenny,
who abandons her post,

and Erica,

who does the minimum job

Look, that's not true,
and that's really unfair.

- Really?
- Really.

Then it's unfair.

Go, change out
of those uniforms,

leave them on my desk.

We'll send you
your last paycheque by mail.


Don't, Erica.



(Half sobbed)

Jenny, hey...
What is it?

My parents kicked me out.

They heard why I got fired
yesterday from Blackcreek

and we got into huge fight,

and now I have nowhere
to go.

Okay, look, hey...

Come on in,
sit down.

I'm so sorry for the way
I treated you today, Erica.

I was such a cow

and you were just looking
out for me,

like you always do,
and, and I didn't listen.

Why don't I ever

I don't know.

This was a wake-up call
for me.


I got myself fired,

but even worse,
I got you fired, too.

I don't care about the job,

but I do care about you.

I know,
you always do.

You are such a good friend.

- Pfft...
- No, really.

I mean, who else would be
taking this so well?

If I got Judith fired,

she would never speak
to me again.

Jenny... But you, you're so
patient and generous, and...

And our friendship means
more to me than anything.

I know I can always
count on you.


It's all gonna work out.

We're gonna get through this.

Maybe this is exactly
what I needed.

You know?

I do.


(Camera snaps repeatedly)

He's still so stiff.

Okay. Maybe we should
take five

and let Seth get some air.

Yeah, I'm sorry,
Julianne, Erica.

(Awkward murmurs of acceptance)

It's fine.

You just need to, you know,
just loosen up a bit

and shake it out.

Okay. Yeah, um, I'm...

I'm gonna go get some air,
maybe that'll help.

I'll be back in a minute.

Okay, we'll be right here.

It's gonna be a long day.

(Camera shutter clicks)

I guess he's gotten
a bit better?

(Shutter clicks)

To be honest,
I can't tell anymore.

Okay, I've settled everything
with the photographer.

He's gonna email you a link
to the proofs tonight.

And once we're done here,
he's gonna pack up everything

and our first photo shoot
c'est fini!

So what?

We're looking at here,
like another hour to go?

Probably. Yeah.

(Expectant murmur)

Was there something else?

and if this is a problem,

I totally get it,

Since everything is done
on my end,

and all that's left
to do is oversee

what the photographer's
actually shooting,

which is, you know,
really your thing...

You wanna go.
You have plans?

I wouldn't even ask this,

Yes, I do.
A date.


Well, Jenny, I...

I think that
you should do

what you think
you should do.


Well, thanks.

(Julianne laughs,
office door shuts)


So we're still standing here

and our employee has gone off
to have a life.

You don't see the problem
with that?

No, trust me, I do.


we can use the time

to talk about
"The Fixer Upper."

Actually, um...

I'm only halfway through it.

If you lie to me,

I'm gonna turn you
to stone, okay?


Did Jenny organize
this photo shoot

or did you?

(Murmuring and squeaking)

I helped her just a bit.

No, you did all the work,

and because of that

you didn't read one
of the most "coolio" concepts

that I have read
in a very long time.

One that is slipping
through our fingers.

And I promise you
that I will,

if I have to stay up
all night,

I will finish it.


But I thought hiring Jenny

was supposed to make
our lives easier.


He's sweating.



This is me,
living the dream...

(Fan whirs)

Hi! Sorry I'm late.

I got held up at work.

But I am here now.

Not a problem.
Can I get you a drink?

Um... I'd love a mojito.

Please bring the lady
a mojito.

Make it a double.


So I'm standing there,

thinking that this paparazzo's
talking to me,

asking me about the new Dolce
summer collection.

I say some nonsense back -

I mean, what do I know
about fashion, right?

Then I hear
this throat clearing,

I turn around...

And there's Madonna,
standing right behind me.


The material girl?

Yeah. She was actually
a total sweetheart about it.


I bet you meet a lot
of celebrities,

in your line of work.

Mm... mm-mm.
Thank you.

Uh, no. Actually,
I meet a lot of delivery men

and bike couriers.

I would've thought...

What kind of books
do you guys publish, anyway?

Mm, nothing yet.

Our first book,
"The Purple Door,"

about a guy who grew up
in a cult,

is coming out soon.

That's it?
Just one book?

Well, we're editing
about 10 different titles,

in various stages.

Do you get to read them?

One of the perks
of the job.


What's your favourite
of the bunch?

Well, I'm not allowed
to have an opinion,

I'm just the assistant.

For now.
I bet, before you know it,

you'll be snapping
your fingers,

calling all the shots.

You'll be all Devil
Wears Prada.


You like
"Devil Wears Prada"?

My ex, she did.

Had to watch that movie,
like, 15 times.


So, this is top secret,

and you didn't hear it
from me,


We just had a new title
pitched to us.

A how-to home Reno
and dating guide.

That sounds fascinating.

How would a book
like that work, exactly?

(Exhales in disbelief)

If Seth freezes up like that
for the reading...?

I mean, what do you think
was wrong with him?

I think that he's afraid.

I mean, he's putting
everything out there -

all of his triumphs,
all of his demons.

He's terrified.

And, you know, I think
about how far he's come

and what a dream he is
to work with.

Rewrite after rewrite,
no complaints.

And then there's Jenny,

who can't make it
through a photo shoot.

I know, I know.

What are we gonna do
about her?

Well, you know,
we just talk to her

and make it clear
that if she screws up again,

that's it.

Or maybe "that's it"
should be now.

(Exhales, reluctant)

Okay, you two either need
a caffeine drip,

or a whole lotta liquor.

Ooh, option number two,

Drinks, and some menus,

I'm starving.

I'll be right back.

Thanks, Ivan.

Um, so I've been meaning
to ask you.


Have you told Dave about us,
when you...

Felt you up?


Uh, no,
I didn't tell him.

Did you?
No, no. I told no one.

Let's keep it that way.

Dave's kinda scary
when he's jealous.


Um, in that case,

we will have two margaritas,
extra strong.

Love you.

Love you back.

Oh. As a friend.

I could get into so much
trouble for this.

And this is where
the magic happens.

It's smaller than I imagined.

Oh... (Giggles)

"The Fixer Upper."

Catchy title.

That's the one
I was telling you about,

but it's not for your eyes.

Come on, can't I just read
one page?


(Erica's cell rings)


That's the photographer -
he's sent us the link.

(Excited gasp)

Do you wanna look now?

(Anxious squeals)

Ivan, watch our drinks.
We'll brb.


Oh... I'm nervous.


Oh my God!


Well, isn't this awkward.

Love the new digs.

So rustic.

What's going on here?

Get out of here.



I think that
you should go.

I'm so sorry,
but I'm confused.

You know Brad?

Yes, Jenny, we know him.

Just go.

Jonestown, Waco,

and for me, home.

I was born there;

I was supposed to die there.

It was everything
I'd ever known.

Until that fateful day
when I opened the one door

that separated me
from the real world -

The Purple Door.

(Crowd applauds)

I'm sorry, Jules,

Frank Galvin
called me himself

and there's no way
you could've met his offer.

Well, we could have tried,

Jules, come on...

And look, I promise,
I have no idea

how River Rock got their hands
on the manuscript.

I know.

I know.

Anyway, it's our fault

for not getting back to you

Are you sure there's not even
a teeny tiny little...

I bagged a six-figure deal
at River Rock

for an untested author.

Well, good for your client.

That book will make him
and you

a whole lotta money.

We'll work on something,

And "The Purple Door,"
that's gonna be a huge hit.

I can feel it.

- Cheers.
- Yeah, cheers.

(Glasses clink)

I mean, have you talked to her?

No. No.

- Have you?
- Yeah,

and she feels awful.

Jenny made an incredibly
stupid mistake,

which is typical of her,

but still,
it's still just a mistake.

Jude, you know,
she didn't just hurt me.

All right?

She hurt Julianne
and our business.


Will! Hey!

I hope I'm not

No, not at all.

Look, I'm gonna go
and check in on Seth,

but, um...
Let you two catch up.


You know, running into you
the other night

was the last thing
I expected.

I know.

You haven't changed at all.

Well, that's not necessarily
a good thing.

I used to dress like a reject
from Electric Circus.

You've changed though.

I'm old.

Stop it.
No, you...

You look great.

So, your wife,
is, uh...

Is she here tonight?

No. No, she doesn't really
like industry events.

- Ah.
- Your husband?

Uh, no, he's home.
He's home.

It's my night out.


Well then, we better make
the most of it.

Can I get you a drink?


Mm. Thanks, Seth.
That was great.

Thank you so much.

Oh, it was fantastic.

Good night.


That went pretty well,
I think.

I think so, too.

Finally, some good news,

Yeah. Come.


Firing one of my best friends
makes this a serious contender

for one of the worst things
I've ever had to do.

Well, I'd argue that Jenny
fired herself,

through her own actions.

It is always-
it's the same story.

Jenny finds something good;

Jenny messes it up.

Do you know how many times

that I've been through this
with her?

"And I saw Sisyphus,

seeking to raise
a monstrous stone

with both his hands.

Verily he would thrust
the stone

toward the crest of a hill,

but the weight
would turn it back,

and then down again
to the plain would come rolling

the ruthless stone."

Homer, the Odyssey.

You're saying that, Jenny,
she's like Sisyphus;

she keeps repeating
the same patterns,

over and over.


And you, Erica.


You're Sisyphus,

and Jenny is your stone,

and the mountain
is your friendship.

And at some point,

you've either got
to get that rock

over the top, or...

You've got to let it go.

But Jenny,
she's one of my oldest friends.


So, you don't...

You don't just throw away
a friendship.

(Chair creaks)

But is a friendship supposed
to feel like a mountain?

Like a chore?

It's just Jenny, you know?

It's the way tt t she is.

And this is the way
that you are:

Jenny screws up
and you save the day;

she feels grateful
and you feel needed...

Over and over
and over again.

That's not true.


Mm, the baby shower.

Uh, Taipei.

The high school dance

from our our very first
session together.

Now that was Katie
that got drunk.

Yeah, but Jenny's the one
who left her - and you -

in that bathroom,

leaving you to clean up
the mess.

Ask yourself, Erica,

what is it exactly that you
get out of this friendship?

(Traffic whirs)

Can I come in?

(Keys jangle)

How was the reading?

It went well.

That's great.
It's such an amazing book.

Erica, I had no idea
who Brent was.

No, I know.

I would never do anything
on purpose to hurt you

or your business.

Why do I ruin

I don't know,

but you do...

Over and over.

And I wanna change that,

Really, I know...

I know that I've said it

but after all of this,
I really mean it this time.

What do you want me to say,

That you forgive me,

that we're still friends.

This is really hard for me
because I love you,

and because we share
a history...

And that's why I keep
trying with you.

But there comes a point
where you have to,

you know, you have to stop
and you have to ask yourself

if it's worth it,

And if what we have can even
be called a friendship.

Erica, don't...
Don't say that.

No, I have to say it,
because it's the truth.

We're not little kids,
we're not teenagers.

You know,
things have evolved.

And it's gotten to the point
where I'm not sure...

I'm not sure
if this friendship

is healthy or useful
for either of us.

I feel like
you're breaking up with me.

I feel that too.

And the hardest part
is that I know

that you didn't mean
to hurt me.

Of course I didn't.

But you did.

Jenny, you did.

And this time, I can't...
I can't fix it for you

and I can't make you
feel better

and I can't make myself
feel better by helping you.



I think I'm gonna go.


(Door closes)


It begins when two people
choose each other.

But what happens
when we outgrow the choice?

When, little by little,
our paths diverge,

our needs change,

and one day we wake up

and realize that we need
to choose something different.