Being Erica (2009–2011): Season 3, Episode 11 - Adam's Family - full transcript

50/50 Publishing's future seems a little brighter now that Brent has provided them with Jay Manuel's exposé on the fashion world as their next big book, and as Julianne ghost top edits Thomas Friedkin's latest book for Brent. Meanwhile, Erica is feeling excited by Adam's implication, partly through his kiss on the deserted island, that he is indeed interested in her romantically. They even have a date scheduled to talk about what the kiss means. After a group therapy session, Erica decides to follow Adam through his exit door to talk to him, but she finds him at the end of a romantic tryst with Beatrice. Erica has no idea who Beatrice is, but only knows that she feels betrayed that he is having sex with another woman while expressing interest in her. Erica's cold shoulder treatment to Adam changes when he explains who Beatrice is. As Adam proceeds with what he believes is his destiny with Beatrice now with Erica's understanding, Adam runs away from Beatrice after a lovemaking session, but is uncertain why. As such, Dr. Tom sends Adam back to a time with his family, which had the pattern of physical abuse by his father on his mother, who in turn emotionally abused Adam in her dependence on him. As Adam learns how to break the pattern, he understands what he needs to do in his current life with Beatrice and Erica. Elsewhere, Barb has some good news regarding her health, and makes some decisions about her future, specifically with regard to Gary.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on "Being Erica":

Do you wanna come in?


What is it?

You're next book -
a celebrity tell-all memoir.

Okay, what's the catch?

I would like you to top edit
"The Mystery of Tomorrow."


I hope we didn't just make
a huge mistake.


She was an awful mother.

My dad beat the shit
out of us

and she let it happen.

Where are we?

Uh, an island.

And it would appear
that you are stranded.

What are your thinking
right now?

I was thinking about you.

What about me?

The rose garden was a lot
like the situation

I'm in with Patrick.

Life, they say,
can turn on a dime.

We spend days, weeks, months
trudging through the darkness,

and suddenly something shifts

and we wake up to light
and hope,

and the promise
of a better day.

...Could ruin our friendship,

and my relationship with Brian
went nowhere.

And if you could go back?

I wouldn't sleep with Brian,

Dr. Tom:
Well, let's see
how that works out.

Well, thank you, everyone.

As you were.


You slept in...

You're still wearing
the same clothes.

(Half laughs)

I just didn't have a chance
to change.


(Clears throat)
I washed my hair this morning,

and I don't think
I got all the sand out.

(Laughs, uncomfortable)

- What are you-
- Should we-

Sorry. Go ahead.

I was just gonna suggest

that after everything
that went down...

We should probably
just talk,

you know,
about what happened

and everything.


Well, I'm free right now,
if you wanna grab a bite?

Ah, you know, I can't...
I can't right now.

But, uh, how about dinner?


Is everything okay
back there?

Yeah, yeah.
It's just, you know,

things are complicated
right now, so.

Oh. Complicated how?

Let's talk about it tonight,

- Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
- Okay.

(Adam's door closes)


what're you doing here?


Adam? The shower's all yours.

You can get a towel
in the closet.

Who's that?


(Stunned gasp)

Dr. Tom

Life, they say,
can turn on a dime...

(Breathing heavily)

Is everything okay?

Yeah, everything's fine.

♪ Being Erica 3x11 ♪
Adam's Family
Original Air Date on December 1, 2010

♪ it's clearer inside of me ♪

♪ who I will always be ♪

♪ open me up to my heart ♪

♪ feels like I'm seeing
in the dark ♪

♪ waking me up to my heart ♪

♪ to do it all over... ♪

♪ again and again ♪

♪ until the end ♪

♪ the sum of my dreams ♪

♪ and everything
I ever wanted to be ♪


Oh, no,
that does not work.

Oh, good.

Sparkling water,
his request.

And as for caffeine,

did you arrange things
with Ivan?

Um, earth to Erica?

(Clears throat)
Bleh... sorry, what?


I should not have
to remind you

that the future
of this company

rides on us
getting this book.

Right. Right.

And Ivan, he is bringing in
espresso and fresh pastry.

For "carbs."

I bet he doesn't even look
at carbs.

Oh geez...

No pastri-
it's fine.

I present to you...

Jay Manuel.

Hello, I'm Erica Strange.

Hey, Erica.
Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too.

And this is my business

Julianne Giacomelli.


Nice outfit.

Oh this?
Oh, thank you.

This is just a little something
I "threw on" this morning.

Ready to wear,
that's me, so...


Well, let's get down
to business, shall we?

Ah... great.

So I want this book to be
an expose

on the fashion industry -

from top to bottom.

From who's a top
to who's a bottom

is what I think he means.

Well, yes,
there will be scandal -

juicy stories
that only I know

and only I can tell.

But I want to be truthful,

(Phone rings and buzzes)

Do you want me
to answer that?

No, I'm... so sorry.

Coffee and treats.

And no, you don't have to tip,

You do have to sign this.

(Awkward chuckle)

You're a big, handsome man,

I like to think so.

Then why do you dress
like a potato?

All that extra fabric makes
you look bigger than you are,

and those cut-off shorts?

Honey, you put the "bear"
in unbearable.

Book off the afternoon

for a fashion intervention,

Jay Manuel style.


Jay Manuel:
And you two,

with the phone calls,

the glazed look
in your eyes,

and the Lady Gaga

you really expect me
to entrust my words -

my baby - to them?
No way.

don't make me say it.

Okay, I will:

New York Fashion Week,

If it wasn't for me,

"someone" would still be
working the makeup counter

at the Scarborough
Town Center.

You can only play that card
once, Brent,

so play it wisely.

Well, I'm playing it.

Okay, I'm still...
I'm still confused.

This all goes back
to Brent's modelling days.

He brought me to New York,
I met Tyra...


So... Brent, you...

You really were a model?

Brent was Calvin Klein's
Peter Pan, dahling.

I was boyish.

I was mysterious.

Brent turned down
the advances

of Calvin's favourite

Favourite male photographer.

I was blacklisted.

If only I didn't love
the ladies

as much as I do.

Your sexuality
cost you a career.

Are there... are there any
photos floating around?

Have you been holding out
on them?

Brent isn't one to toot
his own horn.

Heroin chic?

Brent's invention,
not Kate Moss', fyi.


So, you've completed
your 5th week of radiotherapy.

How's that been?

Well, other than
being really tired,

and the burn on my skin,

it's actually been okay.

I'm gonna suggest
one more week of radiation.

Oh... all right.

Just as a safety measure.

After that,
you see me every six months

for the three years,

and then annually,
for a checkup.


And other than that,

I suggest that you go out
and celebrate.


The results
from your last imaging

show no signs of a tumour.

You are cancer-free.

You're sure?

I can tell people?

Tell everyone.

(Elated laughter)

Thank you, doctor.

Thank you.
(Relieved sigh)

Yes, yes, Tina, it's true.

The press release doesn't lie.

We are publishing Jay Manuel's

and we are just ecstatic
to be working with him, so...

Uh, yes, of course,
we're still interested.

I thought you said Jim Watt
decided to go with Green Row.




Great! Great!

Okay. Bye-bye.

Tina Horwitz?

In light of recent events,

her client has reconsidered
his decision

to go with Green Row.

We are back in business.

So why don't you
look happy?

No, I am happy, I'm...
I'm just, uh...

(Erica's phone rings
and buzzes)

Where is my phone?

Oh, it's that cutie-patootie,

- Should I-
- No! No!



(Phone beeps off)

It's like that, huh?

Yeah, it's like that.
He is a jerk.

And I have terrible taste
in men.

Uh, do you wanna talk
about it?

No, no. I don't wanna talk
about it.

I don't wanna think about it.
I just wanna go home

and watch some mindless
reality tv,

but no!

My mother's insisting

that I'm coming over
for dinner tonight.

Well, tell her
you're not up for it.

Oh, I tried,
but apparently,

Sam's new boyfriend
is coming.

Oh, Stalin.

And I haven't met him yet,

and my mother laid
this major guilt trip on me.


I am gonna go over

and meet Sam's wonderful
new guy.

(Sighs heavily)

Do I sound bitter?

Well, a little.

Oh, chicken.


Hey, if I ever see
that Adam again,

I'm gonna punch him
in the nose,

and then I'm gonna knee him
in the balls.

- Okay?
- Okay.

You know, to be totally honest,

I was beginning to think
that you didn't exist.

Okay, enough with
the conspiracy theories.

It's not like
you've introduced me

to your new guy.

A new guy?
You have a new boyfriend?

No, dad, Sam doesn't know
what she's talking about.

Well, I think dinner's
nearly done, so...

Have a seat, Gary,
it's fine.

The chicken needs
another ten minutes,

and that's okay

because I wanted to talk
to all of you,

before we eat.

Mom, is everything okay?

Actually, it's great.

It's really great.

I had an appointment
with my oncologist today

and I am cancer-free.

Erica: (Stunned gasp)
Samantha: Oh, mom!

Oh, mom...
Oh, mom!

That's incredible!

Congrats, Barb.
Really, that's great.

Thank you, Lenin.

Gary, can I get you anything?

A kleenex maybe?

Or a glass of wine?

A glass of wine
would be great.



I'd like to make a toast.


They say you don't appreciate
what you have until it's gone,

or until someone threatens
to take it away from you.

This woman,

this incredible woman

gave me three beautiful

one of whom isn't with us


Just the thought that
I could lose another member

of my family...

Oh, Gary...

I lost you once,

through my own selfishness.

I'm not gonna lose you

To Barbara,

and to a brighter future.

To the future.

To the future.

To the future.

(Glasses clink)

(Knock at the door)

I don't wanna talk to you.

I know.

But you don't know
the whole story.

Oh, what, you're here
to convince me

that the one-night stand
that I barged in on,

it was just an honest

It wasn't a one-night stand.

So hear me out,

Okay. Go ahead.

The woman today
was Beatrice.

Beatrice -

is that name supposed
to mean something to me?

Beatrice is my wife.

At least,

she is in the reality
Dr. Tom showed me.

Beatrice, the...

The woman that
you were married to,

had a child with.


So, what,
you went looking for her?


It was an accident,
or... fate?

I don't know how
or why it happened,

but we met the other day
when I was on the job

at her house.

And you saw her
and you recognized her and-

we started talking...

And I asked her out.

I felt almost like
I had to.

It was the same night

that we ended up
on the island,

and I didn't tell you

Well, because we
were fighting.

Then why did you
kiss me?

- I don't know.
- You don't know?

I wasn't expecting this
to happen - any of it.

I wasn't lying,

I do feel something
for you, but...

But how can I possibly
compete with your wife.

Even if she is
from an alternate reality.

I'm sorry.

I am trying
to hate you here

and you're making it
really hard.

This is a messed up


W-what can I say?

I hate it,
but I get it.

I should probably go.


I really am sorry.

It's okay.

(Door closes)

(Keypad beeps,
phone rings)


Hello, Beatrice?

Adam! Hey!

Hey, how's it going?

How are you?

Good. Really good.

I'm actually just calling
to see

if you wanted to get



I'd love to.



You want me to swing by
and pick you up?

Or I could swing
by your place?

("Soul Sister" by Train plays)

♪ Just in time ♪

♪ I'm so glad you have
a one track mind like me ♪

♪ you gave my life direction ♪

♪ a game show love connection ♪

♪ we can't deny-y-y-y ♪

♪ hey, soul sister, ♪

♪ ain't that mister mister
on the radio, stereo ♪

♪ the way you move ain't fair
you know ♪

♪ hey, soul sister, ♪
(Knock at Adam's door)

♪ I don't wanna miss
a single thing you do-o-o-o ♪

♪ tonight ♪

You okay?

Yeah. Why?

You seem stressed.

Is it because I wanted
to come over?

I don't know...


I'm not too sure,


(Wine sloshes)


(Bottle clunks)


I'm gonna admit something.

Last night, um...

Was a first for me -

meeting you,

going to bed with you
on our first date.

I've, uh...

I've never done that



It's not like
it was a bad thing,

it was just...

Oh, this is coming out

(Clears throat)

I think you're great

is what I'm trying
to say,

and I feel a real connection
with you.

And now I'm scaring you off,
aren't I?

No. No.

Oh God...

No, Beatrice,
you're not scaring me off.

You promise?

'Cause if I am

then I'll just absolutely
stop being...

It's his loss.

No, don't say that.

You know, I hate it
when people say that

because it's not true.

It's my loss.
All right?

He met someone else,
I get it.

And, you know,
I don't that think

that he made
the wrong decision.

Erica, come on.

I'm being serious.

Look, this other woman,

Well, I can't explain it,

but, you know,

she's the one that
he's supposed to be with.


I thought I was supposed
to be with Anthony.

And you are still
with Anthony.


Oh, honey, look.
You know, every marriage,

it goes through
rough patches, right?

I know,

but, uh...

I kissed another man.

What? Who?


That's all we did,
but, uh...

I wanted to do more.

So, this whole concept
of "he's the one"

and soul mates...

Life's a bit more complicated
than that.

You're not still...?

No. No.

I ended it.

Anyway, I'm the last person

to be giving relationship
advice, but...

Just don't sell
yourself short.


I seriously need a drink.

Oh hey, Dave, can we-

sorry, Erica,
Ivan's gone awol

and, uh,
Reggie called in sick.

What can I get you?

Uh... wine,

- Yeah.
- And lots of it.

Okay, cool.

Oh! Our engagement brunch,
have you RSVP'd?

Of course! I wouldn't miss it
for the world.


...I always thought
that pleated pants

helped a boy with my figure.

How does extra fabric help
anyone look slimmer?

Ivan, you look incredible.


I know, doesn't he?

Wave your hairy flag,

shout it to the world
and own who you are!

I am bear,
hear me woof!


(Heavy, accelerated breathing)

(Adam rubs his hands together)

(Door whooshes open)


(Door shuts)

What's going on,

I don't know.

Why did you do that?

- Do what?
- Flee.

I don't know.
I just...

I couldn't breathe.

I felt trapped
and so I panicked.

Dr. Tom:
And is that what
you're feeling, Adam?


I'm feeling like I shouldn't be
talking about this

in front of Erica.

Why not?


She's already had to deal
with enough of my shit.


Dr. Tom:
Let's bring this conversation
back to what you're feeling.

You've spent the night
with women before,

with Beatrice,
in fact.

And you didn't feel panicked

This is different.


I don't know.

It's not a one-night stand.

It's the beginning
of a serious relationship.

And that's making you
freak out.


Honestly, I have no idea

why it felt like
I was drowning back there.

I want this.
I do.

You showed me what our life
could be like together, Dr. Tom.

And I wanna be that guy -
the guy who can commit.

Well, changing a pattern
of behaviour,

it's difficult, Adam.

Yeah, I know.

Old habits
are hard to break.

Because they bring us
face to face with the reason

why we developed them
in the first place.

And so why did I?

(Footsteps echo through room)

(Cube scrapes along the floor)

Dr. Tom:

What's this for?

This is to help you connect
to what you're feeling;

to what needs to come out,
but can't.

So I want you to take
that racquet

and hit this
as hard as you can.

- Hit it?
- Yeah.

And as you hit it,

I want you to open
your mouth

and say whatever
you're feeling.

I'm feeling like
this is stupid.

Well, then hit and say that.

(Light thwap)

This is stupid.



I'm sorry, Dr. Tom,
but this is stupid.

It's ridiculous,

and it's not helping.

- Adam-
- No.

All right, well,

in that case
we'll back it up then.

Let's, uh...

Well, let's start
at the beginning.


Don't give me
your goddamned lies, Joyce!

Nothing happened!
He's our neighbour.

You smile at him
like a whore!

You would have him,
wouldn't ya?

If you weren't so fat
and ugly!


(Joyce and Adam crash
on the floor)


I don't know why I put up
with this shit!


Are you okay?
I'm fine.

I'm fine, ma.

(Panting heavily)

Thanks, ma.

You okay?

I am now,
thanks to you.

I just don't know how
you turned out so well.


It's true.

If your da was half the man
you are, Adam...

You just...

You need to stop letting him
back in.

I just don't know
what I'd do without you.

(Phone rings)


Adam, what are you
still doing home?

Was I supposed to meet you?

Half an hour ago,
at the bowling alley.


I might skip it tonight.

Oh, come on,
everyone's here.

Right. Uh...

It's okay, Adam.

You go out if you need to.
I'll be okay.

I'll just watch a little tv,
go to bed early.

All right,
I guess I can see ya in 15.

All right,
we'll wait for you.


You won't be too late?


And promise me,
if dad comes back home,

you'll call the bowling alley.

I will.

You're sure you're okay?

If you want me
to stay home...?


Go have fun.
Don't worry about me.

(Receding footsteps)

("Venice is Sinking"
by Spirit of the West plays)

(Ball thumps loudly)

Oh my God, he's terrible.

(Clears throat)

Come on, Adam.
There's only five pins there.


Watch this.


That's just brutal.

You wanna know my secret?

I imagine it's dad
down there.

It really focuses me,
you know?

Yeah, you shoulda
heard him tonight

accusing mom of flirting
with Mr. Clement.

He's ridiculous;

So is she.

She knows it drives him mental

when he sees her talking
to Clement.

Blaming the victim there,
aren't we, brother?

Come on, mom gets off
on being the victim

and you keep falling for it.

She does things
that set dad off

and then you're always there
to pick up the pieces;

make her feel better.

Our dad beats the crap out
of her, John.

I know,
and that's wrong.

Yes, it's wrong.

Jesus Christ,
what are you saying?

That mom gets him mad
on purpose?

I'm saying that
she doesn't do anything

to get out of the situation.

She could leave him.

she could stand up to him,

but she won't.

(Door opens)

You sucked!

I had six strikes in a row?

Bridget was begging
to go out with me.


(Bottle clatters to the floor)

I can go to bed now.

You drank a whole bottle
of wine?

I drank a whole bottle
of wine.

Adam: Why?
John: What happened?

Nothing happened,

except the two worthless
pieces of shit

I've got for sons

abandoned me tonight.

Come on.

Don't touch me!

Don't tell me
what I should do.

Who do you think
you are?

After you pick another
goddamn fight

with your father;

I take your side;

I put my marriage
in jeopardy for you,

and what do you do?

You know that's not
how it went tonight.

You said you weren't going
to be out late.

It's late.

Look, I'm sorry.

Why don't you
just go upstairs.

Adam: And I'll finish up here.
Joyce: Oh, no!

Don't you start being
the good son now.

(Dishes smash)

Put those dishes down!


Get out!
(Plates smash)

Ma! Stop it!
Stop it!

(Dishes clatter loudly)

You're both selfish and useless
and you make me sick!


Please, ma.



Come on.

(Dish pieces scrape
and crunch underfoot)


(Truck rumbles)

Adam: Hey, hold up!
Can I give you this?

(Garbage man taps twice
on the side of the truck)


Perfect timing.

Are you gonna
hand me that?



You tell me,
Dr. Tom.

- Tell you what?
- What I'm doing here.

This isn't a regret,
this isn't anything.

(Garbage clinks)

You sure about that
are you?

let me rephrase that.

This isn't anything
I don't already know.

So what's the point?

Because if it's
to "come to terms"

with how screwed up
my parents were?

Been there, done that.

So all those years
of dysfunction,

you've come to terms
with them?


As much as I can.

All right.

Well, Adam,
then tell me,

what do you see
going on here?

The same thing that happened
my whole life.

My dad would attack,
my mom would withdraw,

I'd come in
and rescue her

and then she'd drink

and dump her shit
all over me.

So the same pattern,

over and over again.

That's my parents' crap.

It's got nothing to do
with me.


Why are you looking at me
like that.

No, I'm just thinking.

About my parents.

No, uh, the garbage,

You know, you put it out,

and some stranger
comes along

and tosses it
into the back of a truck

and takes it away.

But even though
it's out of sight

and out of mind,

it never actually

does it?

It just keeps building up.

(Taps truck twice,
brakes squeal, engine rumbles)

(Sighs heavily,

(Approaching footsteps)


What's going on?
Are you okay?

I'm sorry about earlier.

I had too much to drink
and my mouth started running.

I'm a terrible mother.

Like you said.

It was the drink.

When you left tonight,
I tried to watch tv.

I was going to go to bed


I felt so lonely.

You know?



I'm just gonna sleep here,

- Ma...
- Okay?


I don't know what I'd do
without you, Adam.


I'd be lost.


(Gasps, shaken)

I didn't need
to go back there.

Yes, Adam, you did.

I already knew mom
was messed up.

Dr. Tom:
Well, we're talking about

and you can't break them

unless you know
what they are

and where they come from.

I know where they come from,

So can I just go?

Why do you want to go?


I'm feeling it again.

I'm choking.

Like I'm, I'm drowning.

I need to escape.

And this is what
you were feeling before,

with Beatrice, yes?

Look at me.

You went back there
and you faced what happened,

and now you have to face
how it made you feel.

And that's how you break
the pattern.


Dr. Tom,
I don't wanna do...

I don't wanna do this.

Just look around

and tell us
what you're feeling.

Just try it.
See if it helps you.

I feel angry with her.


What does the anger
wanna say?

Get away.


Don't ask me...

Don't ask me
to listen to you!


Don't guilt me out!

I'm not your friend!

I'm not your husband!

I'm your son!

Leave me alone!

Leave me alone!

Let! (Thwap) Me! (Thwap)
Be! (Thwap) Your son!

(Racket clatters)


It's o...
It's okay, Adam.

It's okay.

Every time
she would tell me things,

come to me,

telling me
that her life was shit,

I didn't know
what to do for her.

I couldn't help her,

i couldn't give her
what she needed.


Dr. Tom:
You were her child, Adam,

and you were being suffocated
by emotional needs

that you couldn't meet.

But you survived.

And so the fear
that you'll drown

if you allow yourself
to emotionally connect

with another person...

Well, that's no longer
serving you

and you need
to let that go.

(Ragged breath)

(Knock at the door)

Oh, hi!

- For you.
- Aww!

Gary, they're beautiful.


I should put these
in water.

Is everything okay?

I really appreciate
these flowers, Gary.


But I think we need
to put a hold

on everything else.

Everything else meaning...?



I still love you.

Oh, Gary...

And it took me nearly
losing you

to realize how much.

Gary, you know,
when I was sick,

I was living in the moment.

And now that I'm better,

I feel I need
to take a step back and...

And just reevaluate.

Did you enjoy it?

It's not that simple.

Yes it is.

Life is simple,
and short.

If something
makes you happy,

you have to hold onto it,

'cause at any moment
it could be taken away.

It's your choice.

You know how I feel.


I did enjoy it.

A lot.

(Traffic whirs,
horns honk)

Where were you?
I was worried.

I couldn't sleep.

Have you been crying?



Adam, what's wrong?

Friedken's chapters
are lacking clarity.

Every time I try
to rewrite him,

- He gets all-
- Oh, whoa! Whoa!

Oh no.

Y-you try to rewrite him?

Oh my God, Brent,

that is mistake
"numero uno."

You can't do that.

So what do I do?


Thomas's a mind
is like a sieve,


So you have to "remind" him

that in an earlier draft
of "The Mystery of Tomorrow,"

he... he put it
a different way.

Oh, you are naugh-ty.

Naughty, naughty,

Guilty as charged.


(Clears throat)


That should be enough
to get you through

until Friedken delivers
his next chapters, so.

Yes, it should.
Thank you.



I know I said this before

and I know you didn't
believe me,

or wanna hear it,

but I am really sorry.

I was awful.


I'm serious, Brent.


Was it because I gave Erica
"The Sex Scoop"?

I mean,
I bruised your ego,

so you tried to ruin
my whole career?

It wasn't just
"The Sex Scoop."

I was hurt, Julianne.

You really hurt me.

Let's just leave it
at that.

What are you talking about?

I don't know
what I could've done.

C-can we please
just drop it?

No. We can't.
I-I can't.

Thank you for your help.


(Door closes)

(Knock at the door)



Can I come in?

Yes, of course.

I was gonna call you
to see if you were okay,

but I just thought that...
I'd give you some space

to deal with, um...


So, I hope that that
was the right thing to do.

I ended things
with Beatrice.

You did?




I may have been married
to Beatrice in another life,

but, here and now,

my feelings aren't
for Beatrice,

they're for you.


I avoided them.

I did everything I could
to avoid them.

I even convinced myself
I didn't have them,

hoping that would make them
go away, but...

I know I haven't been
exactly stand-up

in all of this,

but I...

I actually have never met
a woman I cared about

more than you.

So I came here
to tell you that

and to see
if you'll have me.

Come here.

(Exhales, relieved)

What can I do
to help you?

I don't know.

I'm not thinking straight
right now.

I'm so happy,
but I'm so tired.

I haven't slept
in 48 hours.

♪ Your sweet moonbeam ♪

Come with me.

♪ ...In every single dream
I dream ♪

Life they say,
can turn on a dime...

♪ I knew when we collided ♪

♪ you're the one
I have decided ♪

♪ who's one of my kind ♪

Lie down with me.

And in a world that constantly
shifts beneath our feet,

the only thing
we can know for certain

is how we feel.

♪ ...Mister mister on the radio,
stereo ♪


Just close your eyes.

♪ And hey, soul sister, ♪

♪ I don't wanna miss
a single thing you do ♪

The love we have,

the fear we hide from,

the pain we push away,

give it a voice

and the rewards
are peace of mind

and a peaceful heart.

♪ Mm-mmm... tonight ♪