Beforeigners (2019–…): Season 2, Episode 6 - Episode #2.6 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Hi, Alex.

I'm just calling to let you know
I'm not feeling too well.

I have to stay in bed.

- You're kidding me?
- I know the timing is horrible.

- I just can't do it.
- Don't play the PMS card today.

I'm really sorry.

Enginnsdottir to MPS.

Does Mr. Black's sound give
any clue on what's going on? Over.

MPS to Enginnsdottir. Parts of the
communication were in Norwegian.

We're trying to decipher it now.

Enginnsdottir to all vehicles.
Black just left his position, over.

This is Haaland asking permission
to follow Mr. Black on foot, over.

Operational leader OPK
to operational leader MPS.

Instructions were
to keep position or abort, over.

This is a shitstorm if I ever saw one.
Is the time agent in position?



Are you still there?

Activate red procedure immediately.


What's happening?

God is good

Good morning, Wenche.

Now the sun is rising from
the eastern brim.

Gilding the top of the cliff
and the mountain rim.

Be glad, my soul,
and let you voice ring.

Rise from Earth's abode.

And with your thanks and faith,
to Heaven you swing.

- Thank you.
- May I help you?

I work here, right?

How should I know?
I've never seen you before.

- No?
- You must have an access pass.

I did, but...

Right. Cleaning personnel are
supposed to meet one floor down.

Dear sinners. King Olaf, in his mercy,
has presented us apostates

with this unique and undeserved
opportunity to atone for our sins

by doing the
cleaning for the true believers.

Thank you, God and King,
for giving us this second chance.

Enginnsdottir? You'll find uniform
and bucket in the cupboard there.

The janitor will show you what to do.
Could you fetch the trash over there?



Not now.

So far, this
is all the information we have.

You can start by emptying those,

The forensic report is expected later,
but we have received pictures.

As you see, the victim is decorated
with an illegal contraceptive.

A condom.

Maybe the perpetrator
wanted to show displeasure

towards the King's policies
on family planning?

Will you tell me what's going on?

The crosses have ears.
Meet me outside in 1 hour

What's the status?

Two minutes and 45 seconds
since submersion.

Time transpired in alternate reality
9 hours and 4 minutes.

We're approaching
hazardous levels for the veins.

Aren't you going to church,
young lady?

- I'm waiting for a guy.
- I thought so.

I can offer anything
young lovers need.

Birth control pills, morning-after pills,
Rubbers of all kinds.

Thanks, I'm good.

- It'll end in a delicate condition.
- It's not that kind of meeting.

Just leave me alone, okay?

Sorry, I'm late.

The encounter between you
and John Roberts created a time rift.

This alternate present we see here,
materialised in its wake.

Why are you normal?
Everyone else is completely spaced out.

Our technology gives me access
to my replica's mind in this reality.

Who are "we"?

The point is that the fundamental
present is under threat...

- You just have to find...
- Find what?

You have to...

Hey! Alex, we have to do what?
Do what?

Just find him...
Find him and make time whole.


We need help here!

What's the agent's status?
Did he make contact on the other side?

- There's no way to tell.
- We had to take him out.

I guess we better start praying then.

You are white as the snow, maiden.
Why have you not applied spraytan?

I tend to get eczema.

Spray her down
and get rid of the glasses.

She won't see the
conductor without her glasses.

Either the glasses go or she goes.

Come here...

Never doubt! Always fight!

Never doubt! Always fight!
Never doubt!

Never doubt! Al...

What do you want, stranger?

The toast just now,
where did you hear that?

Wouldn't you like to know?

I used to sail with Tore Hund
in the ol' time. I know that is his toast.

One of us.

Do you know where
I can find Tore these days?

Haven't you heard?

Tore Hund was beheaded after
the demonstration at Stiklestad.

This fucking world
is too much to bear.

Our new friend needs more mead.
Will you get a refill from the bucket guy?

No fucking way
am I buying another round.

- Here's the money, you skinflint.
- Let me see that.

What in Hel is that bitch
doing on the money?

Keep it down, lunatic.
That's the Queen.

The queen?

The door is open.

What the hell?
I requested pads.

Isn't that more or
less the same thing?

We are more than happy
to go back and exchange it...

Never mind.

What's the plan, really?

To stroll up and
demand an audience with the Queen?

Something in that ballpark.

- Call it a day?
- We don't want to miss this.

Hey, Queen!


- Queen!
- What is that commotion?

Have you gone deaf, witch-woman?

Get your prissy queen's ass down here!

- We have to get out of here.
- Hey!

- What the fuck are you doing?
- I have to talk to the Queen.

It says here that you are a simple
cleaning lady. Is that correct?

I am no more a cleaning lady
than you are a queen.

I had a feeling
you were from the other place.

What are you doing in my realm?

Is that what this is?
Your realm?


You and the time-demon
opened the door to the many worlds.

I'm just a humble sorceress
who seizes my opportunities.

Then you should seize the opportunity
to say farewell to this place.

That door
you mentioned will be shut.

Easy now, trouble-maker.

A chained hand is a threat to no one.

What do you want, Queen?
I'm going on any second.

- This is important. I met her.
- Who?

- She who made the rift in time.
- How do you know it's her?

- I just know.
- Okay... Where is she?

- In the royal guard's jail.
- The situation is under control then.

You don't understand.
She has come from the other side.

Where our lives end in dust.

I have to admit I'm still
having difficulties understanding

this part of your vision.

Understand this:
The woman must die.

- We're going live in two minutes!
- Yes!

I'll see what I can do.


- Why you lock in?
- She was in a quarrel with the Queen.

With real Queen?
How you name, Queen-bother?

How you name?

Alfhildr Enginnsdottir.

- Enginnsdottir?
- Why?

It's Enginnsdottir.

What is going on?

Shaman in ironcave sighted

that Enginnsdottir would free
us from evil White Christ king.

- Who is this shaman?
- Lars Haaland.

Lars Haaland?

The Ullern congregation's choir will
sing the night in with his majesty.

Shut your mouths!

- She go birthing!
- Shit...

Okay, okay!

How do we do this?

You make chaos again?

No more than usual.
Where have you been?

- You're different.
- Different?

From what?

From how I know you in my world.

- We have never met before, sugarpie.
- Well...

Your friends said
you had a vision about me.

I am Enginnsdottir.

I guess I heard that name somewhere.

Then I spun a campfire tale
around it in the longest of nights.

Listen to me, Lars.
I know you.

The reason your eyes are white,
is Temproxate.

You started using it
because your hands hurt.

Ingrid is your daughter.

And you are gluten intolerant.

This world that you claim to be from...

Is it better than ours?

And what do you think
I can contribute with?

Show me the way home.

I see a girl looking for her mother.

What is the girl saying?

She is saying that it cannot die

that which is not born.

- Meaning?
- You'll learn soon enough.

You were supposed
to help me get home.

The killer is the key.

What killer?

He who wrapped the woman in rubber.

How may I be of assistance,
sweet lady?


That must wait until tomorrow.
I need to get home to feed Anton.

- Do you feed your husband?
- I wish. Anton is a cat.

Why is there a thread
hanging out of your fanny?

You'll have to ask Aslakr.


- Answer it.
- Good morning, your Majesty.

- Did you sleep well?
- Skip the smalltalk.

Did you get a hold of her?

- What took you so long?
- I ran into trouble with the Queen.

Yes, I've heard
she can be quite a handful.

This means that you've finally figured out
that I am the notorious condom murderer.

I didn't actually kill that woman.

I merely ornamented
some poor OD'd soul.

To try and get your attention.

Now you have it.

What do you want?

How much have you
figured out about this place?

As I understand it, the clash between
you and I opened a rift in time.

The queen used the situation
to change some past events.

Thus creating an alternative present
more to her liking.

And how do you suggest
that we fix this unfortunate situation?

We close the fucking rift
and get our old world back.

Think bigger.

- What do you mean?
- Travel back in time with me.

To when the first fish
crawled onto the land.

Together we can eradicate

the precise moment
that mankind was brought into existence.

My plan is the only way

that we can ever break
the never-ending chain of suffering.

You are one crazy fuck,
that's for sure.


I'm a fighter, not a thinker.

If you want to fight...

The battle doesn't take place here.

She got away,

didn't she?

Things will work out, my queen.

What is the girl saying?

She is saying

that that which is not born,

cannot die.


Our world has already lost.


No, fuck...

How is she?

- She has lost a lot of blood.
- But she will survive?

We've done what we can.

Hopefully she will start to recover
within the next couple of days.

Would you say it's a good sign
if she gets up to get a soda?

- Good to see you're back to normal.
- How are you feeling?

- Better now.
- Right...

So, what's the status on the case?

John Roberts was pronounced dead
in the tunnel.

And the body
has been extradited to England.

They are determined that this
was all the work of a psychotic man.

- Not a word about Project 19?
- No.

No one even batted
an eye down at the station.

Seems they have powerful people
backing them on our end too.

That fits with my experience.

I was sent to an alternative present.

Alex contacted me there.

He's an agent
for some supertemporal agency.

I may have
hallucinated parts of it...

Did you talk to Alex
after this happened?

Nobody has. He had a stroke.
Apparently it's quite serious.

Olaf Haraldsson was critically
injured in a car crash yesterday.

Haraldsson reportedly had cocaine
in his bloodstream at the time.

A woman who was also in the vehicle,
was killed on the spot.

She was the district shaman
at the Grønland Centre of Norse Faith.

Are they friends of yours?

Friends would be a stretch.

Your name...

It means you didn't have
any parents back in the old time?

That you were a foundling?

- What are you getting at?
- It's only the two of us here.

You can trust me.

Tore Hund's father's men
found me floating in the sea

on their way home from a raid.

Tore has memories of me
wearing modern clothing.

Oh my God...

The Oslo underground is now running
again after the shutdown last week.

The powerful, electric discharge
was caused by an arc fault,

that has now been repaired.

Hi, Alfhildr.

It's so good
to see you back on your feet.

- It's good to be back.
- Good.

Just a shame Alex isn't here, too.

- Yes, that's life.
- Do you know what hospital he's in?

I would like to visit him.

As far as I understand,
he is still not fit for visitors.

But I will let
you know if the situation changes.

You didn't say a word to Harald
about that foggy report from the MPS.

- That's not like you.
- Well...

There's a lot going on
in my private life lately.

Did you get a girlfriend?

No, quite the opposite.
I'm going to be a grandfather.

- Don't tell me Ingrid's pregnant...
- With Sturla Arnesson.

I think skitr
is the word you're looking for.


It's open!

- What is that?
- This is a drying cabinet.

Skjalg and the guys
gave it to me for my 50th birthday.

First I put the cabinet on the porch.

But the neighbour went haywire.
Those contemporary noses, you know.

Well, I'm with the neighbour on this.

We'll have to put this on
the account of your unclear origin.

Hi. Are you coming with?

Yes... Mum was a little offended
when she heard you were taking me.

If you don't want us there...

- Of course you should come.
- Okay?

I read a very interesting article
in a psychological periodical

regarding the mother-daughter relation.
And there it said that...

- Not now. Let's just go.
- Let's just go.

Did you see the news about Olaf?

- Poor guy.
- You're feeling sorry for that prick?

Life is a trial, even for kings.

What do you think about the fact that
the Volva was with him in the car?

She probably had a hand in the
planting of Magnus's remains.

If we can prove that,
you're a free man.

Hi. You can lie down here
and make yourself comfortable.

And unbutton your trousers.

This might be a little cold.


Are the confiscated objects from Olaf
Haraldsson's crash held here with us?

Enginnsdottir's DNA finally got a match
on the police database.


The reason why we got a match

is because we included
the staff registry this time.


According to our analysis,

she has a 25 % match with Lars Haaland.

Look how pretty it is.

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