Beethoven Virus (2008): Season 1, Episode 15 - Episode #1.15 - full transcript

The two Gun Woos face new challenges separately in their personal and professional lives.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -


I'm Kang Gun-woo,
conductor of the Mouse Philharmonic...

Mouse Philharmonic?

Go ahead and play.

You performed
at the orchestra festival, right?

Isn't he your pupil?

Is that so?


Why is it so fast?

They must have changed it.

Okay, that's enough.

It's not bad.

The original score
is a slow processional dance,

so it may sound weird
if you rearrange it incorrectly,

but I think you were able
to maneuver it just right.

It's good.

Mr. Kang Gun-woo,
what's the title of this score?

It's Faure's "Pavane."

Do you know what "pavane" means?

Yes, it's derived from "peacock..."


Listening to the score,

I thought it was either
a sparrow or a turkey.

How can a peacock flap its wings so fast?
Is it sexually aroused?

You do know that pavane began
as a court dance in Italy

during the early 16th century, right?

You must perform it slowly to represent
the dignity and elegance of the court.

I'll show you myself.

Give him your baton.

I think your teacher
wants to show his pupil

how it's supposed to be done.

It's not that.

Don't you know I don't take in pupils?

He can't read music,
or understand what I say.

I have no choice but to show him.

Do you have the original score?
Take it out.

Ignore all his interpretations
and checkmarks.

Just look at Faure's score
and follow my lead.




Ru-mi, look forward.

You can't hear, right? Step out.

Let's start with B.

What do you think?
Can you hear the difference?

As you've heard,
this is a traditional court score

that's sophisticated and lyrical.

It's not a score
where gypsies danced around a bonfire.

Excuse me, sir.

There are various rearrangements
to Faure's "Pavane."

I thought this kind of experiment
was worth a try...

So you plan on destroying it?

Why don't you turn Beethoven's
"Symphony No. 5" into a beggar's song?

Why don't you get b-boys
to rap the opera Don Giovanni?

I think you're a bit too cynical.

Strictly speaking,

you performed without the vocal part
of the original score.

I think that itself is a form
of rearrangement.

Honestly, it was a bit slow.

In order to make it sound sophisticated,
you slowed down the tempo.

Your interpretation is also subjective.

In my opinion,

this isn't about what's right or wrong.

It's a difference
of interpretation and style.

There are principles to style!

How can you change
the original score and melody?

Yes, conductors like Leopold Stokowski
did change the original scores.

But do you think
that kid is worthy enough?

Arranging a score to a certain degree
is acceptable, but not that!

You lacked electric instruments and drums,
but it was the same thing as a crossover!

I can't accept this score
as classical music.

You can't allow these people to perform!

- Sir.
- I told you not to call me that.

You know you can't ask for a favor

from one of the judges, don't you?

Why are you so against me?

If you're trying to motivate me
to strive higher--

Why would I do that? I would never!

Just take my words at face value.

I'm completely against you guys
performing on stage!

Don't think of what I said earlier
as talking back to you.

I thought you preferred
me being honest with you.

Yes, that was good.

But for me? Don't take me wrong.

I'm not a nice person.


But this concert
is really important to us.

It's our last chance.

If you take this chance from us,
we really don't--

Are you telling me to lie?

Are you telling me
to change my beliefs for you?

Are we incapable?

Yes, according to my standards.

Your standards don't consist of playing
the right notes and keeping the beat.

You said the important thing
was your heart, and you saw that.

You believe that can happen.

But why--

Playing from your heart is different
from pompously changing the score.


Yes, I understand.

But why are you trying so hard
to push us away?

Why are you doing this
to the orchestra members, Ru-mi, and me?

Something happened.


I have to live.

Do you want to be disappointed in me?

If so, I'll tell you.

Come see me
after you've experienced life more.

You're too young to be my match.

Don't worry. We all worked hard.

We made it!

- What?
- Really?

Maestro Kang opposed, so how--

Maestro Kang wasn't originally a judge.

He declined when he was asked to,

but he showed up this morning.

He's so fickle. That troublemaker,
that prankster...

But the remaining judges
liked our performance, so we made it.

- What a relief.
- That's great.

But what's with Maestro Kang?

I mean, he should've helped us,
not get in our way.

He's going out of his way to stop us.

What's his problem?

Ru-mi, do you know why?

He's a very unique person.

Just accept it as it is.

What's wrong with your hearing?
You really can't hear?


Did you all hear from Yong-gi?
We passed for now.

- I know.
- We made it.

Did we really make it? Let's go, then.

Hey, Gun-woo. What do we need to do now?

- Why won't he pick up?
- I'll explain on our way out.

Tell me nice and slow.
Don't we need to be perfect?

We only have three weeks to practice.

Mr. Kang.

Mr. Kang.

Go back if you're here to thank me.

There's no need to thank me.

I only reinstated you

- since you were fired unjustly.
- I should definitely thank you, but...

The mayor wants us to do something,

but did you allow it?

Play a wonderful score
to create a sophisticated mood.

Every time I mention a key point,
sound a fanfare.


You're campaigning?
What score would you like?

I'm not asking you to do it.

I'm asking them for a personal favor.

What about Mozart's "Requiem"?

It's a funeral march, though.

Bizet's "Carmen" may be good, too.

It deals with bad human nature.

It's not the time to be arrogant.

If I don't make it,
the city orchestra will be dissolved.

If we sound a fanfare,
would that make us a city orchestra?

How dare you treat us like a xylophone,
harmonica, or recorder in your house?



You're going to regret this
if Choi Seok-gyun really becomes mayor!

Don't worry. That's something
I'll have to deal with.

Didn't I tell you
that we should've asked the choir?

It's better to campaign
with the military band and choir!

How can we do anything with them?
My goodness!


When did I...

It wasn't me, sir.


- You're here early.
- Yes.

Were you sleeping as soon as you got here?

Let him sleep. He pulled an all-nighter.

He ran out of money, so he went around,
playing at cabarets all night.

What are you doing?
Let's respect our boundaries.

Gun-woo, you're here.

Let's practice.


We're still waiting for a few more people.

- Get some rest.
- No, I have to practice.

I have to work on a lot of things.

Why can't I do the tonguing right?

You didn't even have breakfast.

Eat this.

Hyeok-gwon brought it.

It's good for you.
It doesn't smell like garlic.

I'm strong as it is.

I'm going to turn into the Hulk
if I drink this.

Hyeok-gwon is a traitor.

How can he bribe us with just these
after joining the city orchestra?

I would've felt so bad

that I would've given out
Hanwoo short ribs to everyone.

He only bought children's snacks.

For seven and under, five and under,
nine and under, twelve and under.

What's this?


Gun-woo, take a look at this.

A friend of a friend is debuting
as an opera singer

and she needs an orchestra accompaniment.

It's better to practice together

than to play separately
at different venues.

- What's this?
- If you're interested,

call the number that's in the envelope.

That traitor.

Was he able to pay
the down payment on his house?

He'll need money for the baby.

How much is this? Is this 100,000 won?

Well, 90,000 won is enough for us!

I'll keep this until we get hungry.

Give it.

Yes, I'm on my way out.
I'll be right there.


Ma'am... I mean, Hui-yeon.

What are you doing here?
Aren't you going to practice?

I'm not in the mood.

Can you tell everyone
that I'll miss today's practice?

Does Jin-su smoke?

No, I think it's my husband.

He's been going to places like this.


I doubt he's cheating on you.

I bet he just met an insurance lady
or someone at a café.

Right? I think so, too.

Then why did he go to a skating rink?

He even bought a beret. Jeez.

Why would he go to a skating rink

while wearing a beret
and smoking cigarettes?

I'm positive he's cheating on me.

I cooked and cleaned for him.
I can't believe he would do this to me.

Boy, does he have the nerve.

I doubt it.

I bet your husband has a reason--

I can't believe you.

How can you side with my husband?

It's just that I haven't heard
his side of the story.

I'm sure if we did--

It must be nice to be so understanding.

Is that why you can understand Mr. Kang
even though he's so mean to you?

He should go easy on you.
You can't even hear.

That's just how he is.

I'm not saying this because of Gun-woo.

I'm just frustrated.

You'll end up like me.

I didn't like him
just because of his good traits.

I think he and I were both a bit lonely.

That's why we depended on each other.

I know I shouldn't depend on him anymore.

I know he doesn't like that either.

Mr. Kang is a very selfish person.

Knowing that, you still like him?

It's not really "like."

It's more like consolation--

That's sugarcoating it.

How could it be consolation
if it's only one-sided?

It's more like volunteer work.

Don't you need to receive consolation
from Maestro Kang, too?

See? It makes you upset, right?

Snap out of it before it's too late.

If you're too good to him,
he'll take it for granted.

That's what happened to me.

He's foolishly going to skating rinks,

and I'm going through his things
because I can't say anything.

Where in the world is he?
He hasn't been at home all day.

Whatever. I'm going to forget everything
and go to practice.


Isn't the accompaniment too loud?

I can't hear my daughter's voice.

Let's try a bit softer.

We'll start from bar 11.

It's still too loud!

This will be my daughter's
debut performance.

She's the main focus, not you.

But how can you play
louder than her voice?

Were we too loud?

I think your daughter's voice is too soft.

We've been playing very quietly.

Let's play very softly.

Hang on. Let me drink some water.

- Mom, I want water.
- Oh, okay. Water.

Here you go.

- You must be tired.
- I am.

It must be tough for you.
What's their problem?

I'm sorry.

Your voice sounds great.

I had to play so softly,
I had to hold my breath.

I was about to die.

How can she pursue singing
with such a soft voice?

- They're showing off their wealth.
- Let's start practice in ten minutes.

- In exactly ten minutes.
- Give us a break, man.

Ru-mi, can you arrange a piece
for me again?

Sure. What is it?

We got another part-time gig
that's after the concert,

so it won't hinder our practice.

It's "A Goose's Dream."

"A Goose's Dream"? Isn't this a pop song?

Yes. We'll be the accompaniment
for Insooni.

Since it's with an orchestra,
I want it to sound fuller.

Why? You think it won't work?


There's no good or bad music
as long as it's music to your ears.

Okay, I'll work on it.

How is the score interpretation
coming along?

I'm trying to stay true
to the original score

as Mr. Kang suggested,

but it's not as easy as it seems.

I guess it's because it's not my style.

You know Carlos Kleiber,
the conductor you admire?

Did you know he sent out letters
to all the conductors

and received their music scores
before his performances?

You know how conductors
make notes on their music sheets.

He compiled all those, analyzed them,
and created his own interpretation.

Did you know that?

I know.

Oh, I thought you didn't.

His style is so different from Toscanini,

but he still reviewed
Toscanini's notes and wrote down his own.

- Did you really know?
- I know.

No wonder he was so good
at interpreting scores.

But did you really truly know?


What's wrong with this? This isn't good.

What's going on?

- Today is election day.
- That's right.

I needed to vote.
I didn't participate in my civic duty.

That's not the problem.
Mayor Kang is about to lose.

Assemblyman Choi is going to be the mayor.

- What?
- Is that true?

Move out of the way. Move!

Choi is leading the election
at this time...

- Oh, my gosh. Unbelievable.
- When did this happen?

That Choi guy can't win. We need a revote!

What should we do?

How many votes is Mayor Kang losing by?

This is the city orchestra's
practice studio.

The view is quite amazing.

I recommended this place.
Don't you think it's marvelous?

If you go over there,
you'll see the French restroom.

Please move.

You must have missed it on TV,

but this is the newly elected--

He hasn't been inaugurated yet.

The city of Seokran doesn't belong
to the mayor even if he is inaugurated.

You know,

Mr. Kang's straightforward attitude
is his charm, right?

How is the practice
for the national anthem?

You need to play it
during my inauguration.

You know that's the duty
of the city orchestra, right?

I do what I'm told
as long as I'm respected.

You'll have to perform
a congratulatory score

and my all-time favorite song.

Find a song that's appropriate
for a new era and tell me.

Are you instructing me?

Instructing you?

I'm ordering you.

What happens if I refuse?
Will you shoot me to death?

Behead me on the guillotine?

How can that happen
in a democratic country?

Oh, is that right?

I thought the army suddenly started

a coup d'état
and took over the government.

You're making ridiculous requests.

I won't play the national anthem.

You should sing it yourself.


His straightforward attitude is his charm.


Did you meet the newly elected mayor?

I'm a bit worried, but...

You showed him who's in charge, right?

I'll play you a song to congratulate you
on your victory.


Listen to this deaf girl go off-key.

You said something mean, didn't you?

Actually, this is all I practiced so far.

Listen to the rest on a CD.

Sir, what was that all about earlier?

Mayor Kang is out now.

It's a new era.

You need to act according to the new era.

Why don't you change
according to the new era?

I'll try to make
Assemblyman Choi feel better.

I'll send him
a congratulatory flower basket,

saying that it's from you, so...


Gosh, I tried.


Send the flowers here.

What are you doing? What's wrong?

What's going on? You're ruining the music!

Sir, our five-minute individual practice
is over.

Wait. What's wrong with this part?

You need to feel the emotions
and then play louder.

Don't play bar 22 sforzando so accurately.
And play a bit more gently.


Yesterday at practice,

you wanted us to play this part
very energetically.

Do you want us to play gently,

or play according to the original score?

Let's play energetically,
according to the score.


since you played energetically
earlier, you need to...

Did you have a good practice, sir?

I sent the flowers just like you asked.

How was it?

Don't you know my style of music?

- How was the performance just now?
- Well...

Your performance is always good.

- It's sophisticated and lyrical.
- Lyrical?

Beethoven's "Symphony No. 5, 4th movement"
is lyrical, not powerful?

It was powerful,

but there was this kind
of sophistication within...

You're about to jump up for joy
after beating the odds,

but I was trying to look elegant?

What I mean is...

There's this elegant warmth in the joy...


That's not it either?

When did you send the flowers?


- Who's this from?
- There should be a card.

Can you sign this for me?

- Thank you.
- Goodbye.

Thank you.


This can't be...

Did he hide a bomb in here?

What are you doing?

My music has changed!
It's getting destroyed!

Are you saying that's because of me?

No, it's me.

I'm the problem.


Eat this. I'm going to my lessons.

Let's see each other
in a better mood, okay?

Who is it?

What brings you here?

He called me.

He called me in the morning.

Oh, he must have called you
when he was in his right mind.

But now, he's depressed.

It's pretty serious.

Are you being diligent with your lessons?

I was just on my way.

Make sure he eats that.

Where are you?

The world you're in, is it nice?

You don't have to worry about anything,
and nothing will affect you.

You're alone.

I envy you.

Why did you scold me that day?

If you didn't say that to me,
I would've...

I could've endured the loneliness.

Now, I depend on people and expect things.

I'm about to fall
for those childish things now.

I'm really uncomfortable about
having to be responsible for someone.

I'm not used to it,
and I don't think I can do it.

I'm very annoyed about it.

But to drive her away...

I didn't know it when I was harsh,
but after receiving consolation...

So? What do you want from me?

I heard everything you said.

I didn't say anything
because it was a bother,

but you won't stop yapping.

So what?

Weren't you talking about Ru-mi?

I heard from I-deun that you're going out.

We are not. No way.

Why did you call me? Why don't we--

I called you because of I-deun,
but we can talk about that later.

What about Ru-mi?

Are you talking down to me?

Why should I talk up to you?

So? Are you ashamed of dating Ru-mi?

I told you, we aren't. I would never--

Of course, you're embarrassed.

I was like that too,
when I was going out with someone.

How old was I? I was in my 30s.

She played the harp.

I was enamored the moment I saw her,
and dated her without telling my wife.

Just date her.

It's not like you have a wife or kid.

All you have is a dog.

Are you still afraid of your emotions?

Yes, I am.
What's so bad about being afraid?

I went through everything the others did
when I was young.

Love? It was such a nuisance.

And what?
You want me to do it again in my 40s?

Why should I do that
when I have stability and comfort now?

You want me to break my shell?

Do you think I'm an adolescent?

I'm 40.

I can't change,
and I don't want to change!


ever happened?

The harpist you saw
while you were married.

We broke up.

You need a lot of courage
to like someone forever.

People like us
who are sensitive and timid can't do it.

Great job!

- Great job!
- Great job!

I need to go and perform
at Don't Tell Papa.

Your conducting skills have improved.

Come to my house.


It's Smetana's "From My Life."

In the second climax of the 4th movement,

the first violin plays harmonic E.

It's what he heard as he was going deaf.

Is this to replace the flowers
you stomped on?

Yes, console yourself with that.
All alone.

You saw from how I kicked you out.
But I can't conduct you.

Life is a lonely path anyway.

Right, I don't think you were seeing me
because you were infatuated with me.

It was because you were going deaf
and you felt lonely, right?

Same here.

I saw you briefly
because things were tough back then.

But those emotions? They all change.

I would rather have faith in things
that do not change.

To me, that's music and Thoven.

It's not you, Ru-mi.

What about that ring?

If everything does change,

why do you keep wearing that?

It holds my memories.

Have you seen memories change?

Besides, it's a mineral.
It doesn't change.

What's wrong? You can't hear again?


Do you think I'm a coward?

Yes, I may be running away
into my shell or cave.

But that's most comfortable for me.

Why do I have to leave my comfort zone?

Why do I have to worry
about someone who's deaf?

Why does my music have to waver?

I can't have someone to depend on.

I can't strive for something greater
if I'm relaxed.

I won't be able to concentrate on music.

So please, help me not to waver.


It's the same for me.

I've become weaker

because I wanted to rely on you.

I think it's best
that we don't see each other.

You know what?

It's so fascinating.

I can hear you better, now that I'm deaf.

That's why...

I can completely understand you.





In the second climax of the 4th movement,

the first violin plays harmonic E.

It's what he heard as he was going deaf.

Console yourself with that.

All alone.

You know Carlos Kleiber?

You know how conductors
make notes on their music sheets.

He compiled all those, analyzed them,
and created his own interpretation.

No wonder he was so good
at interpreting scores.

Sir. May I look at your scores?

Look at yours.

I want to see your interpretations.

Like you said, I want to stay
true to the original score.

But it's not easy as I thought,
so I want to look at them as a reference.

You still want to learn from me?


I'm going to pressure you again.

It's my personality. I can't change it.

It's okay.

Like you said,
we have very different styles.

You've put positive and negative
electricity together before, right?

It will spark, and then explode.

You'll burn to death first,
since you're the pupil and you're weaker.

Your novel interpretation and talent
will be turned to ash.

You're still okay with that?

Weren't you burned once already?

I stepped all over you guys.


The construction during your concert.

I could've called the mayor to stop it,

but I didn't and watched you fail.

Why do you think I did that?

They said you were better than me.

They said you were better than me

They said I raised a tiger.

I can't let myself be eaten
by the tiger I raised.

I don't know what you're saying.

Jealousy. I was jealous of you.

That's why I tried to get rid of you.

I'm not trying
to make you tougher by lying.

I'm not being considerate.

I'm telling you exactly how it is.

Are you saying...

you hate me?

At that particular moment,
I really hated you.

I wanted to get rid of you.

I was trying to send you away
because I knew this would happen.

But why did you come back?
Why did you make me like this?

I thought you favored me.

Sorry, I'm a bit selfish.

It's not just me.
Everyone in this world is like that.

Accommodating others? Being considerate?
A great love?

That's only between
parents and their kids.

No. Many parents and children
abandon that practice.

Life is like that.

You need to be meaner.

That's the last advice I can give you.

did something happen to Mr. Kang?

I'm not sure. I wonder why he's not here.

He's not answering his phone.

Don't you know where he lives?

Yes, Hui-yeon.

Yes, I opened the door
using the code you gave me.

Did Gun-woo go somewhere?

Oh, he has practice in the afternoon?

Did he forget his cell phone?

Okay, bye.

Mr. Kang.

Mr. Kang.

Hey, Maestro Kang.

Mr. Kang.

Mr. Kang.

Mr. Kang.

Gosh, he has high fever.
Why is he burning up?

Mr. Kang.

Mr. Kang.

Is that true? Okay, you traitor.

Hey, Gun-woo.

Good thing you're here.

Was Maestro Kang okay when you left home?

I didn't see him.
I had to buy some sheet music.

He has high fever. What should we do?

Shouldn't you go check on him?

No, we have to practice.

Hey, man. It's not like I can go.

I'm not that close to him.

Hey, Gun-woo!

Sorry, I'm late.

Is he still sick?

- It's still 38 degrees.
- Jeez.

Jun-gi will be here at ten,
so take care of him until then.

No, I'll stay through the night.

Oh, Ju-yeon and Ju-hui
will be here with porridge.

He couldn't even drink this.
He threw it up when I fed it to him.

- Thank you.
- Go home.

I feel sorry for you,
now that you're sick.

Don't worry.

I took care of my sick father
my entire life.

You'll be fully recovered
by 7 a.m. tomorrow.

Let's see...

Don't I wring the towel like a pro?

You have big nostrils.

They're totally clogged.
No wonder you can't breathe.

You have to take these out.

Big boogers.

I'll get them all out for you.

You're good-looking.

If only you had a better personality...

I'll just...

Okay, got it.



That part isn't crescendo.
Keep playing the piano.

I can't believe this.

Why do you think you exist?

I hired you, so you should listen to me.

You can't complain like this.

Why do we have a conductor then?

Should I be honest, miss?

It's for show.

My daughter can't conduct as well.

I know he's a high school graduate
who didn't go to music school.

Does he really want to save face?

I shouldn't have hired a cheap orchestra.

I should've paid more
for better musicians.

What are you waiting for? Begin.

I think we need to be more efficient.

Money is good,

but if we practice like this,
we won't be going anywhere.

We don't have much time
before the concert.

I was wondering if we could focus on that.
What do you think?

- Good.
- It's a great idea.

What are you saying?

Didn't you say it's your daughter's
debut performance?

- How much money did you waste on her?
- Waste? What?

About 20 to 30 million won, right?

Should I tell you how you
can use that money more efficiently?

You should take her
to a waterfall and dunk her.

If she screams a few times,
her voice will become more powerful.

What? Hey!

- How dare you--
- That voice is good.

Who would complain if you sang that loud?

You keep mentioning our resume,

but I would be prouder of our experience
than if we had paid our way in.

At least we have nothing to be ashamed of.


Hey, how dare you...

Great job, everyone.
Be at the practice studio by two o'clock.

What's going on?

What are they doing?


I can't believe you.

Let's go.

What are you doing?

Do you know who I am?

- I don't believe this.
- Excuse me.

I graduated from music school.

Do you know
what they call people like you?


I can't believe this.


- What are they doing?
- Gun-woo.

You were a bit scary today.


Why aren't you playing
bar 22 as sforzando?


Last time,

you wanted us to play it more gently...

We're following the composer's intentions.

What other interpretation is there?

There isn't any.


Mr. Kang.

Mr. Kang!

What are you doing during our practice?

Do you know?

Assemblyman Choi Seok-gyun,
I mean, the new mayor,

made a petition with the committee.

It's a petition for you
to step down, Mr. Kang.

He wants...

to fire you.

He wants to kick you out!

Subtitle translation by Jeong Lee