Beecham House (2019): Season 1, Episode 4 - Episode #1.4 - full transcript

Chandrika visits John's room late at night fuelling suspicions about their relationship. The clandestine meeting is witnessed by Violet who tells a shocked Henrietta.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I'm ready to give myself to you.


It's the ideal position for the
company to mount an attack.

The British Military
presence on Delhi's doorstep

is a direct provocation.

Lieutenant Beecham wishes that I
grant him a free trade license.

- Surely you will not grant it?
- The Empress's birthday approaches.

Find the perfect gift for her,

and maybe you shall have your license.

My future here is now assured.

Why would you conspire with a
French devil to betray your friend?

You want Beecham out of Delhi.

I want him in England.


You should not have come here.

You cannot deny our connection, John.

Do you think you can leave our
past behind with no feeling?

When I look at you...

.. my heart...

.. it is overwhelmed.

As is mine.

Then what can I do?


I came with you to India

because you said John and
I would be a good match.

What is wrong, dear Violet?

It may be time for me to return to London.

At least there, everyone is
dressed, everyone is pale,

no one is exotic and I
understand the rules.

Oh, whatever has happened?

Mrs Beecham, I...

I dare not say.

Your son is a most incongruous character

when it comes to matters of the heart.

Speak now, dear Violet,
plainly and simply.

What has John said to you?

It is not what he has
said, more of his deeds.

Late last night...

I saw Chandrika enter his chamber.

God save us.

She's his wife's sister!

I've tried to understand it.

Why Chandrika?

Why does he not see me
as a better prospect?

And then there is Miss Osborne too.

But, but she has none of
your charm and breeding.

You must be mistaken about Chandrikaka.

I mean, who could possibly endure
that woman beyond a common greeting?

She makes even that the
most unpleasant task.

My dear...

.. you did not brave the seas for nothing.

We can use this information

so you become the last woman standing.


You called for me, Mother?

You've grown into a handsome
young man, Prince Akbar.

You were but a boy when your
father had his sight taken from him.

It is impossible to banish that
horrific attack from my mind.

- Good.
- How can something so cruel be good?

Because we must never allow
another attack on our sovereignty.

The truth is, your
father lost his vision...

.. long before he was blinded by invaders.

I have nothing but respect for father.

But I share your frustration
with his inaction.

The British are in Kannauj.

It is only a matter of time before
they make their way to Delhi.

I want you to have a future...

.. where you bow down to no one.

As the British approach,

we must show that we have the
power to defend Delhi ourselves.

Castillon cannot protect
us from the British.

We must raise our own
funds to build an army.

You provide the courage, my son.

I'll provide the finance.


I fear that you will be too hot
in this dress at the palace.

It is not every day one meets an Emperor.

I must make an effort to show

how a proper English lady adorns
herself on such an occasion.

Look at them. They don't
even try to be discreet.

Speak to her, Maya. Or I will.


Daniel, I trust you're not coming
to the ceremony dressed like that?

Not Royal enough for your new friends?

- Where is mother?
- I have no idea.

The Emperor waits for no one.

It is an auspicious day, my son.

And I must leave you for a little while.

But I shall return,

and we will celebrate.

Good luck at the Red
Fort today, John Beecham.

Thank you.

Agastya will be very proud of his father.

I know.


Ah, Mother. You look wonderful.

I hope the Emperor's palace
is cooler than this house.

By decree of his Royal Highness,

The Emperor Shah Alam the Second,

King of Kings,

Emperor of Emperors,

Guardian of the people,

Protector of the sacred traditions,

Noble Lord of Kings...

Ironic, isn't it?

Whatever do you mean, Miss Woodhouse?

That a man as unscrupulous as John Beecham

should receive an honour like this.

But John is not in the least unscrupulous.

Oh, Miss Osborne.

We have been naive.

I understand you admire
John, just as you know I do.

But I'm afraid both of us have
reason to be very disappointed.

Why would you say such a thing?

Last night...

I saw Chandrika enter his chamber.

Surely you are mistaken.

It is difficult for me
to recount this episode,

but I feel I must warn you
for your own protection.

I honestly believed John was
an upstanding gentleman, but...

we have both been deceived.

I suppose one must not take it personally.

We know how British men carry on out here.

The women in India offer all the
comforts, but make no demands.

I genuinely believed John was different.

So did I.

Please excuse me.

Na farman e jahan panah, nojawan,
na mukarram, zille ilahi,

Badshahe Ghazi, Shehnshah
Mughlia wal hind...

.. grants John Beecham this licence

to trade in what antiquities,
gemstones and objects of art

that may come to his lawful attention.

By his great hand, his mark
and seal affixed this day.

Your Royal Highness, you
honour me with your trust.

Trust has nothing to do
with it, my English friend.

The Empress loves her
gift, and I honour my word.

- Your Royal Highness...
- General, please.

Vijay Singh, give John
Beecham his license.

Use it well, Lieutenant Beecham.

Your Royal Highness...

I shall.

Congratulations, John...

To the Beechams and friends...
may we all live long in Delhi

and flourish, so that our children
know nothing but joy and prosperity.

- The Beechams.
- The Beechams.

Why so downcast, brother?

I noticed that Miss Osborne
left midway through the ceremony.

I'm sure there's an innocent explanation.

Perhaps, like me, she
was wilting in the heat.

You'd think in an Emperor's Palace

they would've devised a system to
make their guests more comfortable.

Mother, amidst all the splendour of
the palace, is that all you can say?

I found the place to be exquisite

and a perfect example of
Mughal design, Mr Beecham.

This morning with the Emperor was
an experience I shall never forget.

I am very glad to hear it.

If you'll excuse me, I do have to
inquire on Miss Osborne's health.

Mr Beecham-saheb. Forgive
me, but you have a visitor.

- Now?
- Yes.

His name is Mr Ishpreet Virk.

He's waiting on the veranda.

He says he has some tax
business to discuss.

Very well, Baadal.


Your Highness.

- This is most unexpected.
- Nobody knows I'm here.

- It was necessary.
- How may I be of service?

I would like to put your trading
licence to immediate good use.

What is this?

It is one of Shah Alam's royal jewels.

This is the Star of Agra.

I would like you to sell it for us.

Taking your standard
commission, of course.

Sell it?

The sale... will have one condition.

That the stone be removed from India.

Were word to spread that the royal family

has been reduced to selling its jewels,

our power and prestige...

would be gone.

This must have been in your family for...

250 years.

Your Highness...

it tears my conscience, to
go behind the Emperor's back.

And at mine.

But I must put my love of
country before my love of king.

If Delhi is your home now, Mr Beecham...

.. then so must you.

So where did your father trade?

Well, my father was
originally from the North.

- Before moving to London.
- Indeed.


Miss Woodhouse. Excuse me, Samuel.

- A word.
- John.

- Will you excuse me?
- Of course.

Where in heaven's name
did you acquire that?

From the royal treasury.

Prince Akbar has asked me to sell it.

This is an incredible opportunity.

The commission will assure your
family's security for a generation.

It will.

Then in God's name, John, why
aren't you dancing around this room?

Because I have no desire
to betray the Emperor.

How would you betray him?

The Emperor does not know that
his son has asked me to sell it.

The Prince needs to raise finances
to bolster the Emperor's army.

He has had enough of people
seeing his father as a puppet.

He wants to stand up against the Company.

Well, good on him.

You will make a huge profit

and know you did all you could to
help the Emperor defend his kingdom.

Everything you say is true.

You have no choice.

The Prince has given you an order.

Whatever palace intrigue there may be,

it is neither your
problem nor your business.

But that does not absolve me, Samuel...

Is everything all right?

We're discussing an important
matter. It's not for your ears.

It is all right, Samuel.

This is as much a family matter
as it is a business decision.

To what are you referring?

Prince Akbar has asked for me
to sell this royal diamond...

without his father's consent.

This is not a precious jewel,

this is an incendiary weapon.

Royal property being sold
without the Emperor's consent?

Stolen goods...

Why does he want you to sell
it? What are the funds for?

To raise his own army,
to challenge the Company

if they do decide to try
and take Delhi from him.

The Company will wage war for Delhi.

Which is one of the many reasons
you should not return to them.

Thank you, Daniel.

Kindly leave the thinking to the adults...

Should anyone be indiscreet...

Should the Emperor somehow find out...

Heaven knows what could happen.

And what would you have John do?

Tell the Emperor his son has betrayed him?

Do you imagine that ending
well for your brother?

John, you must refuse.

Get the diamond out of this house,

and back to the Prince
as quickly as possible.

At which point the Prince will do what?

Find someone else to do his fencing.

The Prince will know that
John has sided against him.

At best, he'll lose his trading licence.

At worst, he'll be killed where he stands.

- Why are you so adamant?
- Please, Daniel!

You are out of your depth
regarding this matter. John.

John, we've no time for indecision.

I'll set up meetings
with prospective buyers.

Ride to Lucknow.

Meet only with merchants you
know can keep their counsel.

This must be sold with
the utmost discretion.

- How well do you know Captain Parker?
- We were soldiers together.

You know what it is to fight
for the man next to you.

- That bond never wavers.
- I never fought next to him.

I don't trust him.

You don't know me as a soldier,
but my instincts are sound.

I'm sure they are.

But misplaced in this instance.

Very well, older brother.

You know best...

.. as always.


Why must you distrust Daniel-saheb so?

Because he's an Englishman.

He's different.

Last words of many a ruined Indian girl.

- You do not understand.
- The second-to-last words.

I want my own saheb.

When you lie with Beecham-saheb,

you demean every servant in this house.

You announce that they
own us, body and soul.

That is not true.

Do you value your
friendships among the staff?

Of course.

You're risking that, in
addition to your own happiness.

At least try to hide your envy.

This is a story with a
bad ending. Stop it now.

He loves me.

Chanchal, I knew you were ambitious.

But until now, I never
thought you were a fool.

I came to see how you were feeling.

You left in the middle of
the ceremony this morning,

and you did not come
to the house afterwards.

Does Chandrika come to
your rooms in the night?

What on earth are you talking about?

It's a simple question.

It saddens me...

to see that you hold
me in such low esteem.

Chandrika did come to my room.

"But there is a perfectly
reasonable explanation."

There is.

Mr Beecham, I have no
one here I can trust.

- You can trust me.
- Not any longer.

You are the first man I
trusted since my brother left,

- you have let me down.
- Margaret, please...

I had a fiance who
couldn't control himself.

I do not claim to
understand the urges of men.

You all seem to be able
to go from woman to woman

- as if from meal to meal...
- Margaret.

.. consuming whatever you desire.
But I believed you respected me.

- I do!
- I admired your commitment to making a good life.

But I was wrong.

I will not be one of your vanquished.

I am either bold or naive
enough to demand better.

Margaret, this is a
grotesque misunderstanding...

.. and it must end.

Come with me now.

And I will explain everything to you.

General, if you would just listen to me

I can assure you it
will be worth your while.

It has been an irritating day.

I believe your fortunes
are about to change.

Someone betrayed me, Captain Parker.

You can thank Miss Osborne...

But why waste your
energies on a past failure?

I have information that
will cause John Beecham

to fall from the Emperor's grace.

What is this information?

That knowledge comes with a price.

I'm shocked.

- How much?
- The price will be the man himself.

Placed in my custody for
transport to England.

You will never see John Beecham again.

Or Samuel Parker, for that matter.

I don't know which one
of you I shall miss less.

So, we're agreed?

Only if I believe what you have to say.

Beecham has stolen a diamond
from the royal treasury.

The Star of Agra.

And how did he possibly do that?

Perhaps the palace has
a traitor of its own.

It wouldn't be the first time.

Beecham intends to sell the diamond,

to fund the British East India Company's

military operation at Kannauj.

Do you like this?

Oh, Agastya.

- Dearest Daniel.
- Chanchal!

Am I so irresistible that you
must be with me morning and night?

And soon it shall be so, no?

Is something wrong?


What has happened?

My injury leave is over.

I've been ordered back
to my unit in Kannauj.

But, you must tell them

that your circumstances have changed.

What is your meaning?

That you no longer wish
to be in their employ.

That now, your life and
future are here... with me.

With you?

Chanchal, you're a very sweet girl...


I am to be your wife?

My wife?

Why else would you have
taken me? Do you not love me?

I do not know what love is.

- Is it because I'm not English?
- No, of course not...

- It was a trick.
- No, Chanchal...

You knew you would be leaving
eventually, yet you said nothing.

- Instead, you charmed me...
- I am a Company soldier.

I have no option, whether
I like it or not.

You allowed me to fall in love with you.

Just to play with my heart.

You have ruined me.

Chanchal, August is crying.

I'm sorry, Chanchal.

They were right.

- Who?
- I am a fool.

I have never felt so shamed in my life.

- August is hungry.
- Fine.

Is there something else?

Or are you here to complain
about tonight's dinner,

which you haven't even eaten yet?

Are you all right, Chanchal-bai?

Do I look like I'm all right?

Is there anything I can do?

Can you make time go backwards?


the Company have called for my return.


Oh, I shall be so sad to see you leave.

Before I am to go anywhere...

- .. we have to talk...
- Hm...

.. about the opium.

I beg your pardon?

Mother, I know you take it.

That was in evidence last night

as you danced your way
through the Hindustani play.

I didn't know you were such an expert.

I'm in the army, Mother.

Soldiers drink the stuff
as though it's water.

The company profits by trading
it from Bengal to China.


save us both the ignominy
of my rifling your room.

I have never taken opium in my life.

Oh, Daniel.

Daniel, please.


Daniel, stop doing that.

Stop it right now...

All right.

I have taken it... for some years.

Ever since your father disappeared.

Your brother left. You left.

What else is one meant to
do when her life is over

and yet...

she still lives?

Until last night...

I had no idea.

Well, I'm very good at controlling
how little I need to survive.

And this opium was obtained here.

That is why Violet was
in the medical quarter.

Let us not bring her into it.

I'm told the Indian product
is especially strong.

Well, there you have it. I
shall know for next time.

There cannot be a next time, Mother.

Opium destroys those soldiers,

and they are young, strapping men.

You must not tell your brother, Daniel.

This isn't about John.

You have a grandchild.

You have a new life.

Let the pain of the past be in the past.

Yes, well...

.. that's the funny thing about pain.

It always stays with one, come what may.

Like a limp, or a scar.

For example, your maid. Channing, is it?

Chanchal, Mother.

Must everyone in this house
know about my private affairs?

People in Liverpool
probably know your business,

because you made no effort
whatsoever to hide it.

You've broke that poor girl's heart

the way one might snap
a piece of kindling.

Do you think, for one moment,

she will ever forget
how she feels right now,

even if she lives to 100
or marries someone else?

No, she won't.

Now I take what I need, just like you do.

When you stop, I shall stop.

But until then, since you have
no claim on the moral high ground,

you will kindly stay out of my business.

Very well.

Thank you all for coming.

I feel the time has come

when I must divulge a part of my life,

that I've kept from you.

I had wished for this
matter to remain a secret...

.. for August's safety.

And so I ask you all for
your complete confidence.

As many of you know...

I left the East India Company

because I could no longer bear
the horrors that I witnessed.

- You have gone too far!
- Leave!

I left Calcutta in search of a new life.

I found peace as I travelled India,

discovering her beauty,

learning new skills from her artisans.

Three years ago, my journey
took a different path.

- Bhaag, bhaag!
- Bhaag!

Ghutane meh, Ghutane meh.

Kaminey, kya kar rehe ho?

Kya? Neeche aa jao.

Who are you, stranger?

John Beecham.


- Put him in the carriage.
- He's still breathing.

Put him in the carriage.

He's alive... Father, help me.

Come on, come on.

Hold on, stranger.

We're here.

Your bravery is commendable, John Beecham.

You saved our lives.

'It was there that I learnt
just who it was that I had saved.

'The Maharaja of Kalyan,
and his two daughters,

'Chandrika and Kamlavati.'

We are forever in your debt.

Your family's safety is my reward.

Was the adversary known to you?

Only too well... it was my brother,
Devji Rao, who sent two bandits.

Your brother?

What cause could he have to wish you harm?

I did him the greatest wrong of all...

I was born before he was.

Thus, to me did power and riches
fall, and to him only shadow.

I had a handsome son and heir...

.. whom they killed in cold blood.

Now if I were to die, all of my
princely state would become his.

- Rest.
- Ah!

Rest, John Beecham.

Rest well.

You shall be looked after.

I thank you.

I am ashamed to be a constant
burden to your family.

Oh, don't be.

The diary of a Maharaja's
daughter is rarely filled.


I would not wish to outstay my welcome.

You will have to stay a
long, long time, John.

We will call him August.

- "August"?
- Mm.

That's a month on the calendar.

It means "distinguished". "Respectable".

And is a month on the calendar.

It is also my uncle's name.

And is the second name to my brother.

Then August it shall be.

But I'll call him "Agastya", unofficially.

I'll be right back.

What is the matter, Father?

I know my brother will
come for my grandson.

- You cannot stay here.
- But, Father...

This palace is known to Devji Rao,

but I know of a summer
retreat which is not.

You, Kamlavati and Chandrika
will take guards and attendants

and raise the child on
the shores of Barvi Lake.

Sir, sir.

No mother should be without her father,

or a grandchild without its patriarch.

Nor a father without his daughters, John.

Do you imagine I take
this decision lightly?

Shh, shh.

Gopal, Gopal! What's happening?

Gopal, what is happening?

- Bhaisa. Bhaisa!
- Kamlavati?

Ram Lal!

Where is my wife?

A doctor? A doctor!

My love!

My love, my love, my love.

We had been betrayed.

We had to send the message

that August had been killed in the attack.

This child is the future of my kingdom.

If he lives, it lives.

People will ask questions.

You will say you seek
your fortune in trade.

You will acknowledge you are the
boy's father, but nothing more.

Never divulge the secret of his identity.

Yes, Your Highness.

We have an unbreakable bond, John Beecham.

I could not have imagined such a tie
between myself and an Englishman.

I will not fail you.

You have been more a father
to me than was my own.

And I will not fail my son.


I hope this has answered your questions.

John, I'm so sorry.

For your loss. For all
you've been through.

- And for having misjudged you.
- No.

It is I who must apologise.

I should have told you the
whole truth much sooner.

You were sworn not to.

I hope now that you understand.

I understand.

So, my grandson is going to be a Maharaja?

Yes, Mrs Beecham.

He will.