Beauty and the Beast (2012–2016): Season 2, Episode 9 - Don't Die on Me - full transcript

In order to prevent Vincent from further injuries, Cat tranquilizes him and steps in to help protect Tori when her life is threatened, revealing a new, unexpected mystery. Vincent's stubborn attempt to intervene leads to life-changing consequences. Meanwhile, Gabe and Cat to grow closer.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Beauty & the Beast...

I think that our fight had more
to do with my father than us.

Catherine, he brainwashed me,
he took away my life,

my memories, then he made me kill for him.

And when he was done with me,

he tried to kill me.

So I'm not giving him another chance.

I know he is a terrible man.

And he has only done
terrible things to you.

But you can't cross that line again.


Otherwise what?

You'll lose your humanity.

You are lost to everything

we have fought so hard

to keep you from becoming.

Hands up!

Let him go.

You still have a choice.

You can choose to walk away

and save yourself.

Save us.

Ready when you are.

Detective Catherine Chandler,

First Grade, NYPD, 125th Precinct.

Great, thanks.

I'm Special Agent Brian Hendricks,

Internal Affairs, FBI.

So like I said, when one
of our agents is involved

in criminal activity,
we open a pro forma inquiry.

And that's all this is, okay?


So, um, tell us
about the events of last night

and the arrest of Agent Reynolds.

We suspected him of being connected

to several suspicious deaths.

We ran a sting operation

that caused him to incriminate himself.

I should never have taken you
off of my list.

I should've had you killed, too.
Got you.

And as you know,

because of your good work,
Agent Reynolds has

already confessed to...

conspiracy to commit murder, including,

Zachary Hayes.

Is that correct?

Mr. Hayes was
one of the victims

that we wanted to connect him to.

Then, while

driving him in, you were...

Hands up! a car
accident, correct?

Yes, I swerved the car to avoid a... that ran out
in front of me.

Watch out!

Then Agent Reynolds escaped.

But you apprehended him.

I-I'm assuming
these injuries stemmed

from the car crash, right?

I guess so. I don't know
what else it could have been.

Let him go.

Anything else
you'd like to add, Detective?

Please don't.

I am begging you.



Um, no.

No, sorry, I just...

Yeah, I think that's-that's it.

All right, great.

I still need to,
check the arrest scene,

review Agent Reynolds' confession.

But it all seems pretty open and shut.

Probably the last you'll see of me.

Great. Thank you.

Oh, Detective?

I know it's never easy
bringing down one of our own,

especially when it's your father,

but you have my utmost respect.

And the Agency's thanks.

Thank you.

How'd it go?

Professionally, I think we're fine.

Personally, I think I'm
having a nervous breakdown.

Just breathe.
I can't.

I am going into palpitations.

Your father confessed,
not just because he was guilty,

but also to take the heat off of you.

You're not gonna get caught.

I'm not worried about being exposed.

I mean, obviously I am,

but this is more about Vincent.

He did not give you a choice, Catherine.

He would've killed Reynolds.

You had to shoot him.

And if I had to do it again, I would.

But it doesn't mean I feel good about it.

I was clear with him about
what the stakes were.

This wasn't just about him
doing the right thing,

or not caving to his beast side.

I just...

I can't believe at he didn't choose us.

So what are you gonna do?

I am moving on.

Taking my life back finally.

You deserve to.

Especially after everything
you've been through

with Vincent.
I know, but...

I have to figure out why I still feel

so responsible for him.

How do I get past that?

Responsible how?

I don't know.

It's like this knot in my stomach,

and it won't go away.

It's hard to explain.

Maybe it has to do with making sure

he's gonna be all right.

I mean, after the shooting.


I'm sorry to unload all this on you.

You're not at all, Catherine.

You need to know that I'm here for you.

Whenever you need me.

How is it?

It's still bleeding.

The bullet must've nicked

the blood vessel when it passed through.

I'm gonna need more gauze.

This is all there is.

Hey, don't worry, all right?

I used to be a doctor, remember?

But don't doctors make the worst patients?

I'm calling an ambulance



Sorry, but that is not an option.


Because hospitals are forced
to alert the police

whenever a gunshot victim is admitted.

Okay? And that means
background checks.


So, Vincent Keller is dead.

Do you understand?

Killed in Afghanistan over a decade ago.

I can't risk being exposed.

Why not?

I get you not wanting people to find out

that you're a-a beast,
but they wouldn't.

They would just find out
that you're alive.

And I don't see what's wrong with that.

What's wrong with it is
they'll ask questions.

Okay? A lot of them.

Where have you been for the past decade?

Why have you been hiding?
What have you been doing?

And all of those answers
lead back to beasts.

Not necessarily.

We can come up with a cover story.

Like amnesia... it's real.

I need more gauze.

I'm serious, Vincent.

What is the alternative?

You live in the shadows.

You hide out for
another ten years? 20?

I don't want to live like that,

and neither should you.

You're-you're afraid,
aren't you?

I can sense it.

And not just about the beast
part of it all; something else.

Tori, all I know how to do is hide, okay?

And I can control that.

I decide who gets to see me

and who doesn't.

Friend or foe.

But being exposed?

Yes, it does scare me.

Especially now everything has changed.


You have a lot of nerve coming here.

Tori, I didn't come here to fight.

How could you shoot him?

I thought you loved him.

I did.

You should not be up.

I'm okay.

Now, listen, do you mind?

I just came here to make sure you're okay.

I'm fine.

You don't look fine.

Well, I'm not really
your problem anymore, am I?

Don't blame me for this.
Why not?

You're the one who pulled the trigger.
I warned you.

I gave you a choice.

No, you chose him over me.

I chose right over wrong.

Your father tried to kill me!

I couldn't let you kill him!

So you shot me instead?

Do you think I wanted to?

Look, Vincent, I told you
that I couldn't be

the only one fighting for us,

and I meant that.

I really didn't want it to end this way.

But I guess it has.

Looks like it.

At least you don't have
to cover for me anymore.

♪ Beauty and the Beast 2x09 ♪ Don't Die on
Me Original Air Date on January 13, 2014

== sync, corrected by elderman ==
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I don't want time off.

I want to get back to work.

Police work, my work.

As opposed to beasts.
Yes! And...

if you don't mind, let's not use
the B-word anymore.

I need to move on.


Tess, listen to me.

I know I've been all beast

all the time since Vincent was taken...

Actually, since before he was taken.

But I mean it when I say
I want to move on.

I am done with it.

Yes, I-I know, obviously,

I can't just erase my feelings for him.

That'll take time, but...

I did everything I could.

I know that.



Yeah, it's a little scary,
but it's also kind of exciting.

I mean, now I've got all
this free time on my hands

without Vincent, but...

I knew there was a but.

No, it's-it's not
what you think.

It's just...

There's something that's holding me back.

I don't know, maybe I feel
guilty or something.

Guilty like what? Like you
shouldn't have shot him?

No, it's...

I don't know what it is.

It just happened.

You have to give yourself time

to sort through your feelings, okay?

I'm still dealing
with my feelings for Joe.

It's been what, six months now?

Yeah, I have to be patient.


But what Vincent said is true.

At least I don't have to cover
for him anymore.

Detective Chandler?

Agent Hendricks would like to
ask you some more questions.

Is there a problem?

Maybe. Couple things came up.

Wanted to make sure that
I have your story straight.

Let's do this one

in the interrogation room, shall we?

Okay, okay, I'm coming!

We need your help.

Wait... what the hell happened?

I got shot.
By Catherine.

It's not that bad.

You're such a guy.

It's really bad.
Here, sit down.

Cat shot you?

I need you to get the sutures
and the medical kit.

Why would she ever do that?

- Long story.
- More importantly,

we need to stop the bleeding

'cause you won't go to the hospital.

He can't go to the hospital.

Okay, what is with you two?

Would you rather he died?

I am not gonna die.

You are if you bleed out.

Maybe you should go to the hospital.

No, you need to go to the hospital.

Get me antibiotics, painkillers and blood.

Blood? What, you mean,
like, O Positive Beast?

JT, you're a professor.
I don't know,

go to the university hospital,
break into the blood bank.

Break in? Last time, bodies;
this time, blood.

I-I'll never get my tenure!


What-what do you
want me to do?

Okay, you're gonna need
to squeeze the skin together.

Okay. Okay...


What are we gonna do?

I mean, like you said,
everything's changed.

Like it or not,

we're in this together.

Answer it.

You're not in hiding.


Ms. Windsor?
This is Laura Scott.

I'm an associate with the law firm

representing your father's estate.

Oh, hi. Listen, can I...?

I just wanted to confirm

our appointment for 1:00 today

regarding the Chelsea Curios sale.

I'm sorry, the what?

Your father agreed to sell one
of his smaller subsidiaries,

and escrow closes today.
We need you to sign the papers.

Listen, I-I can't today, okay?

Ms. Windsor, you
don't have a choice.

If you, as trustee,

don't sign, then we'll be in
default, and I can assure you,

all legal hell will break loose.

Listen, um, you're gonna have
to deal with this, okay?

I'm... I'm busy.

Ms. Windsor, we know
about your father.

About who he really was, or
more specifically, what he was.

And unless you want the rest
of the world to know, too,

don't be late.

Is everything ok?

Yeah, um...

I'm-I'm fine.

You sure?


my dad just needed me to sign some papers.

He made me a...

a trustee or something

for one of his companies.

So why's your heart racing?

Is it?

It's probably 'cause
I'm so worried about you.

I don't want to leave
you for even a minute.

I'll be right back.

Just rest.

No, as I said before, there was

no one else present when
I arrested Agent Reynolds.

How about after the crash?


Are you sure?

Detective, I feel compelled to remind you

that you are under oath here.

I'm sorry, are you accusing her
of something?

Just asking questions.

'Cause I thought this was just

a pro forma inquiry.
It was.

Now it's an investigation.

Wait. Why?

Because you're not telling me the truth.

That's why, Detective.

And that's based on?

Amongst other things...

...this bullet
found at the scene.

A bullet that matches
a standard-issue NYPD


And since it has blood on it,

it also indicates

that someone was shot at the scene

where you and your father both say

no one was present for his arrest.

Care to amend your statement,
Detective Chandler?

Let's try this again, Detective,

for the record,

tell me exactly what happened
after the car crash.

I already told you
what happened, Agent Hendricks.

Why are you making this
so difficult for yourself?

I don't understand.
I don't expect you to.

So you admit there's more to the story.

Don't put words in her mouth.

I didn't! She just said...

I said that I don't expect you
to understand...

meaning how difficult it was

for me to arrest my father.

The father who apparently
you are in collusion with!

You're both trying to cover
for whoever got shot!

I don't know what you're talking about.

I don't believe you!
I don't care!

Asked and answered... she has
made her statement twice.

Why are you harassing her?

Because my job is to make sure

that everybody is telling the truth,

and she is not!

You don't know that.

The hell I don't!

Now, let's make
no mistake here, Detective,

your once-stellar career
is on the line here.

Now, I am going
to give you one more chance.

Who else was there?

Who are you protecting?


All right, then.

I will need your firearm
and I will need your shield.

That's an order, Detective.

Have ballistics check this
for a match, top priority.

You are suspended,

pending results.

Don't leave the city.

Suspended? Great.

So much for my moving on.
Now what am I gonna do?

: Look, you don't
have a choice.

You gotta stick to your story.

Yeah, sticking to my story
might save Vincent,

but it doesn't help me.
That bullet is going to match.

Your gun, yes; to a body, no.

They're not gonna think
to try and match the blood

to somebody who supposedly died
ten years ago.

Okay, but how does that help me?

They can't prosecute you
if they don't have a victim.

But they're still gonna know
that I shot somebody.

And even if I get off

on a technicality, they'll know I lied.

I can't believe I'm still
protecting Vincent

even after we've broken up.

Maybe you don't have to.

I mean, if they don't have the bullet...

What are you talking about?

No. No. Whatever you're
thinking, forget it.

I am not dragging you down
with me on this.

I won't let you.

You won't let me?

Try and stop me.

Look, Catherine, I didn't just

set out to save Vincent.

I set out to save you, too,

and I obviously haven't done that yet,

and I'm going to

whether you like it or not.

What do you get out of it?



hopefully, drinks.

Guess who just used their
one phone call to call me.

JT just got busted at Hudson Uni Hospital.

What? Busted?

Apparently, he was caught trying
to steal meds and blood.

Obviously, Vincent's worse off
than he let on.

Wait, where are you going?
To Vincent.

I'm not gonna let him die and be the one

who killed him.

Bail JT out, find those meds.

You're late.

Sign both copies...

and your father's secret is safe with us.

"Chelsea Curios"?

Why? What is that?

It's just antiques.
Now, sign.


Why would my father care about antiques?

Obviously, he didn't, but unfortunately,

he died before he could sell,
which leaves us with you.

We won't ask again.

Wait. Who are you,
and how do you know

about my father?
Look, lady, you don't...

You want everybody to know
about your father, is that it?

You spoiled little brat.

Daddy can't protect you anymore

from all of this because he's dead.

So, unless you want to
join his sorry ass...

Too tight?

Too bad. Maybe next time
you'll think twice

before trying to steal meds.

Sign right here.

And I'll need the evidence for booking.

Blood, too?
If he tried to steal it.

Gotta keep that refrigerated.

All right. Thanks.

What were you thinking?

Are you trying to lose your job?

This from my fellow body snatcher?

No, I was trying to save Vincent,

apparently because Cat shot him.

He didn't give her much of a choice.

You don't know that.

Yes, I do, and so do you.

He chose to go beast, which means

at least Cat knows where to draw the line.

How come you don't?
I'm not gonna let him bleed to death.

That's not what I mean.

You know, loyalty
to a friend is one thing,

but here you are yet again paying

the price for Vincent.
You'd do the same for Cat.

No, but I wouldn't put my life
on hold for her

and go in hiding for ten years

like you've done.

That's more than loyalty.

That's something else.

JT's not here.

I know. He's in jail.

He got caught trying to steal blood

from the hospital.

Okay, you gotta get him out.

We are. We're all covering
for you, Vincent.

The question is, what are you
doing to help yourself?

I thought we had this conversation.

I'm not your problem anymore.

Just because you did what you did

doesn't mean that I don't care
about you anymore.

That doesn't just go away.
It may never.

Okay, I know that you don't want
to go to the hospital.

All right, forget it.

Why? You should know.
Especially you, of all people.

Okay, but they're not gonna
test your blood for DNA.

Nobody needs to know that you're a beast.

No, they'll run my prints and they'll

find out I'm Vincent Keller.

So I don't even know who that is anymore.

Catherine, there's been a target

on my back for years, okay?

You expect me to just shine

a light on it all of the sudden?

Let the whole world
take shot at me? No, thanks.

Muirfield's gone.
My father is in prison.

There is no one after you anymore.

You don't know that.
You're right, I don't.

But would you rather die here
or take a risk out there?

It's a risk either way, all right?

Not for you, maybe, not anymore,
but for me it is.

I am the one who suffers the consequences

when this whole thing blows up in my face.

So that's it, you just let yourself die?

Everything I've done for you,

everything we've done
for each other just ends?

What did we do all that for?

No future?

You can't use fear
as an excuse to risk your life.

And since I can't keep helping
to save you,

you need to start saving yourself.

Somebody else knows about beasts.

Why did you go there to meet them?

They were threatening to expose
what my father really was,

and probably us, too.
I-I wasn't sure.

You should've told me.

You needed to rest.

And I thought I could handle it myself.

By beasting out on them?

They would've shot me.

And I'm not sure what they saw,

but if they knew about my father,

they already know about beasts anyway.

So there are still people after us.

No, you mean me.


To get an antique store?

Where do you think you're going?

To the store, to try and
figure out what they're after

so I can get it before they do.

You've gotta be kidding.

Vincent, you're in no condition
to go anywhere.

And you're in no condition
to do this on your own, okay?

You're new at this, I'm not.

Okay, wait... so you refuse
to go the hospital,

but at the first sign of beasts,
you're up and at 'em?

I can't just let them go
after her again, can I?

I thought you were afraid
of being exposed.

I am.
And you don't think that running around

dripping blood all over this town

isn't gonna do exactly that?

Catherine, I'm not your
problem anymore, okay?

My life, my fight.

Okay, fine, have it your way.

I'll just check with Tess,

see where they're at with the meds.


Tori, can you move to your left?

You shot me?


You didn't give me
a choice... again.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Easy, easy, easy.

Whoa! What'd you
do that for?

I'm just trying to save his thick skull

until JT can get here.

Besides, it's the only way to keep him

from not coming with us.
Us? Oh, now you're going?

He can't help.
It's the only way for me

to figure out what's really going on

so that I can move on.

Are you coming?

Open on two!

Not who you were expecting?

I was hoping for my daughter.

After everything you've done
to Catherine? Dream on.

I saved her, Lowan,
from... things like you.

That's all I care about.


One, I'm not one of those

things anymore, so don't
lump me in with that.

And two, you haven't saved her
from anything yet.

That's why I'm here.

What are you talking about?

You know an Agent Hendricks?

He's Internal Affairs.

I confessed to everything.

They've got nothing on Catherine.

He has a bullet

fired from her gun
and at you-know-who.


Which means what at first seemed

like an
open-and-shut case

is now looking more
and more like a cover-up

with your daughter and her entire career

in the middle of it.

All I care about is Catherine,

just like you.

And I will do anything
to help her, just like you.

An ex-beast liking
my daughter is better

than a real one, I guess.

How can I help?


He's on the couch.

Oh, my God, no, no, no, no!

How bad is it?

Bad. Very bad.

No pulse?

No, his pulse is fine,

but someone tranqed him.

Who would do that?

You know damn well
that if Cat tranqed him,

she had good reason.

Yeah, slows down his vitals.

That's a good thing.

Any other reason come to mind?

Other than the fact that she seems

to like shooting him lately?

JT, stop being nuts
and just do your thing.

Get him what he needs.

I can't believe

how everything's falling apart.

You know what you're doing, right?

Yes, I know what I'm doing.

Here, fill this syringe...

a thousand milligrams of ampicillin.


Hold on, buddy.

Relax, okay?
You're doing great.

Relax? Tess, he could die.
You said he has a pulse.

He may be bleeding out.
But you brought blood.

But it may not be enough,
and it's all my fault!

I mean...

What do you mean, it's your...?

How is this your fault?

Never mind.

What?! JT...

All right, you want to know?

It's because, if it wasn't for me,

Vincent would have never even
become a damn beast, okay?

You happy?

Muirfield didn't...

choose him randomly.

I put his name on the list.

Yeah, me,

his best friend.

When he went off to Afghanistan,

I was doing clinical trials,
and I came across a study

the Army was working on for soldiers.

It sounded like a way
to give Vincent an edge,

to keep him safe in battles,

so I gave Muirfield his name.

And they injected him.

I should've checked them
out first, but I didn't.

None of this would've happened.

That's why you put your life
on hold for him.

You think you owe him.

I do owe him.

Well, in that case, you know,

I think you should take
some responsibility

for all the good he's done since.

You know, the bad guys
he's stopped, the beasts,

the people he's saved, including Cat.

You can't beat yourself up

without patting yourself on the back, too.

You're welcome.

Where's Catherine and Tori?

There doesn't seem to be
much here except dust.

Doesn't seem like the place
has been open in a while.

Then why'd they
want it so badly?

That's what we're trying to figure out.

You sure they know about beasts?

Well, I didn't exactly say they did,

but they certainly implied it, strongly.

But they saw you beast out.

I don't know.

I mean, if not,
they at least saw what I... did.

So you're not sure?

Tori, if they don't know
you're a beast and they

don't know about beasts, then maybe this

has nothing to do with beasts.

You know, you all but spit

every time you say that word.

What word? "Beasts"?

Got issues?

Just keep looking.

For what?
I don't know.

Something that doesn't
look valuable but is.

You know, just for the record,

I didn't ask for your help.

I'm not helping you.

I'm helping Vincent.

Why, 'cause you feel badly
for shooting at him?

You want to do this now?

Seriously, why are you still helping him?

I mean, you shot him,
which punctuates a breakup

like nothing else can,

and now you're here
helping him again. Why?

I don't know, okay?

Maybe it's habit,
or-or guilt.

But what I do know is...
the sooner I don't have

to spend any more of my life
dealing with...


What is it?

I'm not sure.


No, it's something else.

I think I might know.

And if I'm right,

then you, we'll need alive.

But you, we won't.

For the record, I'm a cop.

A detective, actually.

Where's your shield?

I left it at home.

And your gun?

If she so much as flinches
or glows, shoot.

I told you they knew about me.

We knew about your father.

We didn't know about you
until this afternoon.

So what do you want?

To find out what her father
is hiding in here.

Which is what?

That's what we were hired to find out.

By who?

"By whom."

That's a retinal scanner.

I'm assuming your father programmed it

to work on him, but I'm thinking

a genetic match will work, too.


look into it.

Won't work if you kill me.


But what if I kill her?

You first.


Tori, let me out!

Stupid bitch! Open it!


♪ What a day to die trying

♪ What a way to say good-bye

♪ What a wonderful life now

♪ All a lie

Hurry, Vincent's hurt.

♪ What a way that you survive


He saved me.

♪ What a way to say good night

What do I do?

Call 911.

I got it.

♪ Hours, I cry

♪ Bring on the evidence

A man's been shot...
521 Chambers Street.

Please hurry.

What do I tell the ambulance
when it gets here?

Tell them the truth.

Say they tried to kill you.

Say that they wanted to take the store.

♪ Bring on the evidence of my life ♪

Say Vincent saved you.

♪ Of my life

♪ What a day to give a damn

♪ What a day for Gone with the Wind

♪ Of my life.

Out of the way! Out of the way!

Yeah, move it, move it!
Coming in hot!

40cc's of adrenaline.

We got a gunshot wound,
lower left abdomen.

Patient in hypovolemic shock.

Get me four units
of O-neg, stat!

I need an O.R.!



How you feeling?

Like crap.

But you're going to be okay.

Do they know who I am?

They will.

Police came, they took your fingerprints.

Okay, I got to get out of here.

No, no, no, hey.

Do you?

Tori, we've been through this.

I know, but it's like you said.

Everything's changed.
Why not this, too?

I know you're afraid.

So am I.

But you-you've got nothing

to be ashamed of.

Nothing to apologize for.

You-You've got a
great story to tell.

Vincent Keller...

war hero.

Nobody has to know our secret.

And they won't.

We can do this, Vincent.


♪ And I see a face


I hope I didn't wake you.

No, um, actually I haven't
even slept yet. Come on in.

I just wanted to let you know
that Vincent's...

I know.

I called the hospital.

♪ You sit and choke
on the good-byes ♪

So, what next?

I don't know.

I mean, they're gonna
figure out who he is.

So I guess it's up to him.

And... to you.

Not it. Not anymore.

Something happened to me

at Tori's store.

I guess I just realized
why I've been feeling

so responsible for him,

why I can't move on.

Vincent saved my life.

And not just when my mom was killed.

But how many times since?

But you've saved his, too.

Yeah, I know, but...

I don't know.

Helping to save him this time,
and maybe more importantly,

watching him save Tori instead of me.

Just, I don't feel like I owe him anymore.

And yeah, it feels sad

to let go, but...

it is also kind of liberating.

Good for you.

♪ Its beauty starts to seep

Welcome back.

Well, what about the bullet?

What bullet?


I wish I could take all the credit,

but, honestly, I couldn't have
done it without your father.

Like him or not, he really
does care about you.

Trust me, the less you know

about this, the better.

Besides, I'm really hoping that this

is the end of all the cover-ups.

That we can finally start being...


I would like that.

Me, too.

How about I buy you a fresh cup of coffee?

I would like that, too.


Do I have a choice?

We can still run.

If that's what you want.


I'm tired of running.

And besides, running almost got me killed.

And I am not ready to die yet.


I'll be right behind you.

My name

is Vincent Keller.

Can you tell us anything more?

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