Beauty and the Beast (2012–2016): Season 2, Episode 13 - Till Death - full transcript

Vincent's team examines his theory that FBI Special Agent Dana Landon's husband Sam Landon wasn't really JT's fellow prisoner but the fiend behind his open captor. Gabe's romantic trip plans with Cat are spoiled when Vincent must search his apartment and finds there the flaks with the 'beast cure' JT was forced to make, but the truth prevails. JT's Valentine Day's gifts for Tess prove a turnoff, but the solved cases quota demanded by her and Cat's new boss since Gabe returned to the DA, captain Ward, enables a welcome 'gesture'.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
They did the same thing to me.

Five years ago.
Or was it six?

Who the hell are you?

I'm you.

Couldn't mix the right serum the way
they wanted, so they caged me.

What do you know about
this Barnes guy?

He wants to make...
A beast?

That's why they want

to make the serum; they want

to combine it with beast blood.

They want to make
a better mousetrap.

Vincent! They have Tori.

She came to rescue me.


I should've protected you.

I should have known.
No, you belong with Catherine.

Apparently the I.D. on that
kidnapper is Frank Darnell.

This guy was just a front man

for whoever
Tony Barnes really is.

Where's the guy in the cell?

Oh, my God, Sam,

is it you?

♪ Follow the power lines
back from the road ♪

♪ Am I the only one

♪ In the only world?

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh,
oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh,
oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh

♪ Is that the wind
finally picking up? ♪

♪ Is that a rattle
sounding from the brush? ♪

♪ I'm not the only one ♪

♪ In the only world

♪ Sweatin' ♪

♪ Sweatin'... ♪

(soft scraping)

NYPD. Put your hands up.

Turn around.

Gabe! What are
you doing here?

I'm bringing you coffee.
Yeah, well, I could have shot you.

Well, I didn't think
that part through.

It's just, last night
on the phone,

you said you might
come by on your way in,

and we've both
been so busy...

You wanted to spend
time together.

Thought I'd get
creative about it.

You know...

I actually have
investigating to do here.

Right. Got to find
that Tony Barnes guy.

CATHERINE: You hadn't left
the precinct,

I could actually follow up on these leads
on normal people hours.

Well, you know I only left
because we thought we had him.

I know, but now I have a boss
who can't know about the investigation

and who insists
on a hard start, 8:00 a.m.

Well, does this hard start
apply to Saturdays?

'Cause I was thinking
it might be nice for us

to go on a real date--
you know, above ground.

Yeah, without beast
scratches on the walls.

You okay?

Uh, yeah, yeah,

I'm fine.
Saturday's great.

I'm all yours.

Clearly you're excited.


(drips echoing)

Okay, doesn't it sound
like my Americano's

dripping into a cave?

Are you sure?

'Cause it was
right under your cell.

What do you mean, there's
a storage space under there?

Or a tunnel or something.

Sam, I know we've been
over everything already

and you just want
to get back to normalcy,

but this is a new finding, so...

Yeah, it's probably
just a sewer line

or something.

What about the guy
that was down there

posing as Barnes?
Frank Darnell? We don't

have any more information on him.
But he was using

Barnes's name and his property--
I mean, there has

to be a link to him somewhere.

His name has just
been nagging

at me-- I swear
I've heard it before.

You've heard
the name Frank before?

Keep teasing, and I
might not marry you.

We're renewing our vows
this weekend.

Yeah, we found
this beautiful inn

in upstate New York.
His idea.

Ah, that is so sweet.

Well, she didn't
replace me, so she

deserves a second wedding.
And it also happens

to be our anniversary on Saturday.
CATHERINE: Sorry, guys.

New boss, so I've got to go.

But I will not stop
until I find this guy.

You know, Catherine, you
should come to the vow renewal.

Sam, it's Valentine's Day--
she probably has plans.

Saturday's Valentine's?

Oh, so you do have plans.

Y-You know, I don't think he realized.
Oh, no,

if it's Gabe,
he realized.

Gabe is the ADA that
was working on our case.

He's got a thing for her.
So you two now...?

We're just seeing
where things take us.

And now I am

really, really late.
Um, thank you.

Bottom line, you're late.

And that's what I'm all about--
bottom line.

Yeah, we are, too.
Yeah, we are, too.

It's like our motto. Yeah, absolutely.

Then you won't be surprised

by this grid I've drawn up.

Now, here's every team
in the precinct with the number

of cases they've closed
over the last six months.

And speaking of
bottom line,

notice where your names fall.

We should be above Willansky,
'cause that says we got 14.

Yeah. That's
a smudge.

You've got a four.

Captain Ward,
we may be below

everyone else,
but we've been working

on these FBI...
I heard.

Some fancy FBI case.

FBI doesn't
pay your salary.

NYPD does.

Right. Bottom line.

(clears throat)

I don't know what your
deal with Lowan was--

maybe he was afraid
to criticize the chick team,

'cause it's not "PC,"

but you two are
the weak link here.

So this is your warning.

Get your number
of closed cases up,

or you're both out.

I cannot be fired.

I'll be disowned
by my entire family.

Who are you calling?

No... Did you not just
hear that tirade?

Yes, I did hear.
That's why I'm calling him.

Vincent can work on the Barnes
case while I'm here with you

trying to solve
NYPD cases.

He's not picking up.
You know,

he's probably in mourning;
his girlfriend just died.

Because of Barnes.

Tess, Vincent will
help when he

finds out we
didn't catch the guy.

Maybe he needs
to be distracted.

Yeah, but you won't be
distracted by him, right?

By Vincent?

Tess, no. I'm with Gabe.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
"With Gabe"?

You haven't even
had sex yet.

We haven't had time.

Time? To have sex? Please.

Okay, this morning,
I had a flash of him.

As a beast.


Look, maybe it was
just the setting, you know?

We were in a dungeon.

But Valentine's
will be different.

We'll be in a restaurant...

Wow. That's great.

You realize I've had
zero action since Thanksgiving?

Wait. Who were you with
on Thanksgiving?

Uh... no one. Nothing.

Doesn't even count.

We could see a movie.

There's that new 3D...
JT, I appreciate

what you're doing,
but I'm fine, okay?

Fine? You haven't moved
from this couch in days.

We got to shake you
out of this guilt wallow.

You are not responsible
for Tori's death.

Aw, come on, man,
it's not just that.

So what is it?
You're buying flowers?

I almost died last week,
so I'm seizing the day,

and you're deflecting.
What else do you feel guilty about?

For whom?

The flowers? Tess.

Tess? Really?

From "Your Secret
Admirer." Whoa.

Way to seize, buddy,
way to seize.

talk to me.

Studies show it helps,
and I have a PhD.

12 units of psych under my belt.
Whatever it is,

I've known you forever.
Nothing could shock me.

Okay, you want to know what
Tori's last words to me were?

"You belong with Catherine."

That's what she said

as she lay dying?

"You belong with Catherine"?

Tori's words, not mine.

Okay, and the only reason
I'm thinking of them

is because they remind me of all
the misery that I have caused.

Or are you thinking about
them because they resonate?

We shouldn't see a 3D movie,
we should see Les Mis.

I'm serious.

Tori was just like Éponine,
who died for the man she loves,

knowing he was gonna go off
and be with somebody else.

Well, I'm not gonna go off
and be with Catherine.

Because you feel guilty
about Tori? You shouldn't.

Éponine died in peace,

knowing Marius
was gonna be happy.

And she has
the best solos

in the whole show.
No, because Catherine

is my friend.

And she is with Gabe,
which is a good thing,

because when I'm with her,
bad things happen,

which is why
I'm gonna stay far away,

right there on that couch.

(footsteps approaching)

your "friend" is here?

By the way,

she's with Tess.

Hey, I tried calling,
but I think

your ringer's off.
She wants your help

finding Tony Barnes.

W... Wasn't he...

The guy in
the dungeon?

That was Frank Darnell
posing as him.

I would've told
you earlier,

but I knew you'd
be dealing with...

JT: He has, but he's good now.

Good. I think I found a space
under the dungeon.

It could have some more
clues. I was hoping

you could check it out.

And you two will be...?

TESS: Doing
our day jobs

for a change.
We'd be out of your way.


Great. Thank you.

(phone ringing)

It's Dana.
She wanted

some information. Hi.


Sam was just attacked

in their apartment.
Okay. Yeah.

We'll be right there.
I'm gonna bring Vincent with me.

Great. So much
for being on my own.

SAM (groans):
There were two men,

and they wore masks,
and they said that I

really screwed up
by talking to the police.

They probably work
for Barnes.

Well, everything seems fine.
You're lucky.

It's a good thing I
came home when I did.

I'm gonna look for prints.
Sounds like they might come back.

We got to get full security on this place.

and for our vows this weekend.

You want full

at the Harrison Inn?

How romantic.

Well, what if it's these guys?

It'll be very
meaningful, too.

I mean, you rescued me,
and you brought us

back together.
She has

Valentine's plans.

Wait, this is
on Valentine's Day?

SAM: You can bring
the ADA. Invite JT.

All you guys.
Well, uh, actually,

I'm not an official.
Yeah, but you could sense any threat.

We'd feel very safe.

Catherine, you said you
didn't have any leads.

If something were to happen...

That could bring us
closer to Barnes.

what's happening?

We're all going
to upstate New York

for Valentine's Day.

♪ Beauty and the Beast 2x13 ♪
Till Death
Original Air Date on February 10, 2014

== sync, corrected by elderman ==

(car horns honking in distance)

(line ringing)


Hey. Where are you?

I am at home.

Great. Could you buzz me up?

I'm here.

Uh, actually, I am

on my way home. Why?
Uh, wh-what's going on?

Oh, I wanted to see you.

And, um, I know that
we have plans this weekend,

but Sam Landon was just
assaulted in his apartment,

and we think it was Tony Barnes.

So you're cancelling?

But he and Dana, they want
to renew their vows, and they

want us there as security.

Still sounds like
you're canceling.

No. I-I can bring date.

And it's in upstate New York.

It could be fun.

Uh... uh, yeah,

you know, that's fine.
But, um,

I got to go.
The D.A.'s office

is calling.
Okay, wait, that reminds me.

Since I can't go
through standard procedure,

could you get a warrant for me?
I want to look

at the surveillance
from Dana's apartment.


Or if that's too much to ask...

Uh, no. It just
may take a while.

But, listen, I'm gonna have

to call you back, okay?


(siren blaring)


Hey, I was just about
to head out, so...

So, there's nothing
down thee?

Uh, no, no. I was gonna take off
to Dana's place,

try and track down
Sam's attackers.

You're mad because I roped
you into this weekend.

Come on, I'm not mad.
No, I just think

that it could potentially
be good for the case.

Us all going away together?

Yes. I just... I think
Sam blocked things

to try and cope, and this
weekend, he'll be relaxed,

he might remember something.
You know what? I'm sorry.

I don't know how I can
help with all that.

No, because he wants you there.

That'll help him to relax.

Okay, look,

we're both here right now.

Can we at least figure out
how to access

whatever's underneath here?

I spilled my coffee around here,
and there was an echo.

Will you come
to the vow renewal?

Uh, what about
your boyfriend?


I mean, it's Valentine's
Day and all, so...

Well, you and I are friends,
and we're both

invested in this case, you know.

I think he'll accept that.

(heart beating loudly)

Okay, fine, I will go.

Thank you.

Okay, why is your
heart still racing?

'Cause I'm trying to
hear this damn echo,

and all I can hear is...

Okay, it's Gabe.

I still have this
nagging feeling about him.

You know, just now, when I
told him about the weekend,

he just... he seemed annoyed,
and then he was reluctant

to get a warrant
for Dana's apartment, and...

Catherine, maybe he's busy,

He just started a new job.

Yeah, but he also lied.

He said he was home, and he wasn't.
I don't know.

Maybe he's off buying you

a Valentine's Day
gift or something.

You're right. You're right.
I'm probably just nervous,

starting a relationship, which

actually makes sense,

considering how badly
the last one ended, no offense.

None taken.




Think I found
how they got down there.

(stone scraping)

(water dripping)

Come on.

A furnace?


What do you think they
were burning in there?


They're human.

Although the cells
are corrupted.

Which means

Barnes had Frank
Darnell experimenting

on whoever this is, and
then had them incinerated?

Actually, the DNA points that
there's more than one victim.

So, the good news is

I saved our jobs.

And the bad news?

Uh, what happened is that
some idiot sent me the most

hideous, over-the-top bouquet
I have ever seen, which Ward

somehow interpreted
as another sign

that you and I are
not doing our jobs.

That's ridiculous.
No. What is

ridiculous are the balloons
coming out of this thing.

I like balloons.

Okay, Tess, the bad news?

TESS: Okay, so to convince
him that, you know,

we're not using the
precinct like our very own

Mustang Ranch, I had to tell him
that we have a case,

so Sam Landon's attack is now
official. Please don't be mad.

Actually, that might
not be a bad thing.

Uh, did you not hear
the part about corrupted cells?

NYPD gets onto this,
they could get onto beasts.

We're not gonna tell them
that part, but now that this is

official, we can actually drag
Sam into an interrogation room,

pressure him into talking.

What happened
to keeping him relaxed?

We found bone chips.
Darnell has been

burning bodies
underneath Sam's cell.

Someone burns toast two floors
below me, I can smell it.

And when I asked him about it,
he denied knowing anything,

said it was a sewer line.

SAM: I can't believe
you brought me in here.

They just threatened to kill me
for talking to you.

We know, you're terrified.

That's why we think you're
not telling us everything.

I have.

No, you haven't.

Sam, you know
what I am, okay?

Obviously, I've done things
that I feel guilty about.

Doesn't help to keep it in.

You can tell us.
We'll protect you.

He said he'd kill me--

Frank, whoever he was--

if I didn't help
with his experiments.

And when they didn't work,

he'd take them down to the...


I didn't know any
of their names,

um, except one. Uh, Clara.


I didn't want to die.

I-I just wanted
to see Dana again.

Did you see anyone else
with Frank?

Someone who might have been
working with Barnes?

Or maybe is Barnes?

Uh, there was one man

who'd come down periodically.

Can you describe him?

Um, tall,

dark hair, uh,

couldn't see much down there.

I-I just thought
he was one of Barnes's men.


That's him.

Captain Ward?

No, the man in the photo.

That's the guy.

Sam, that's the ADA.

Oh, God, oh, that's...
that's your Valentine, right?

I'm telling you,
it was really dark down there.

I'm sure I'm wrong.

That didn't mean anything,

Maybe he thought
Gabe was familiar

'cause he's
seen him on TV.

I would know. Ever
since I was on TV,

people recognize
me all the time.

All the time?

All right, he mentioned
a Clara, right?

Right, let's focus on that.

Besides, you haven't sensed
anything suspicious, right?

About Gabe? No, not
since last year, okay?

And compared to me,
the guy is a choir boy.

Okay, so three Claras
have gone missing

in the tri-state area
in the last six years.

Clara Freudenstein, 87.

87? I don't think
Barnes is trying to make

an octogenarian beast.

No, but if someone was a beast
in the past,

they'd know how
to evade your ability

to detect.

Are we still
talking about Gabe?

Yeah, he has a history.

I mean, that lab
in the dungeon

was just like the one that
he had in his mansion last year.

Which he doesn't need anymore,
because he's no longer a beast.

Right. Right,
but it's just...

it's like being
in a relationship

with someone
who's cheated on you.

Every time they're late,
you can't help but wonder.

Catherine, there is no
need to wonder, okay?


What about Clara Bledsoe, 32?

She was last seen
about a year ago

in the Short Hills Mall
parking lot.

Okay, that's weird.



Clara Bledsoe and Gabe were

at the same orphanage
at the same time.

Which might not
mean anything.

Yeah, but they might have
known each other,

and that might just be
a coincidence,

but Sam did point out
his picture.

And don't most perps

and victims know each other?

What? I watch a lot of CSI.
Okay, I'm not

saying that Gabe is a perp.
Okay, look,

we don't even know
if Clara is a victim.

We haven't even got the results
from the bones yet.

Right, but the whole reason
we brought Sam into the precinct

was to get him
to give us a lead, and he did.

Gabe. And I think that we
should at least look into it.

TESS: So, checking phone records,

This is a terrible way
to start a relationship.

I'll get right on it.

You know what?
Can I talk to you for a sec?

Look, as your friend,

we can be completely honest
with each other, right?

I don't think that
he's guilty...

Okay, I think you're just trying
to make an excuse.

You're starting
something with him,

it's freaking you out,
and you're pushing him away.

That's what you think
this is about?

Me projecting
some relationship issue?

I'm just saying,

he is a good guy.

Why do you keep defending him?

Are you afraid of
seeming jealous?

Because I get it. You are
over our relationship, and

you don't have to prove that
to me by being pro-Gabe.

I am not proving anything.

You said

that your former relationship
screwed you up a little.

Maybe you're buying
into all this, okay, because--

I don't know--
yes, I did betray you a lot,

and if I didn't, then maybe
you would be able to...

What, trust Gabe?

If you were
truly my friend,

you wouldn't ignore
anything suspicious

about the person I was dating.

You would be concerned enough
to look into it.

JT: Got a big airline charge
to Mexico. Could be

fleeing the country.
Okay, I'm gonna go talk to him.

Okay, wait. Uh,

just talk to him
at your place, okay?

I will search his loft,
see if I can find anything.

Thank you.

GABE: I'm really sorry
I had to kick you

off the phone earlier.

I was in the middle
of something.

Sam I.D.'d you.

How do you mean?

Well, he recognized you,
which is weird, but what's even

weirder is that he mentioned the
name of one of Barnes's victims.

She happened
to be at the

same orphanage as you
at the same time.

Clara Bledsoe?

I don't remember her,
but you want me to see

if I can find something out
about her?

That's what I wish you'd said

when I'd asked
for help on that warrant.

Cat, I told you,
I was in the middle...

You were in the middle
of something, I know.

And I... I don't know

if it's just
that you're irritated

about this weekend, or if
something bigger is going on.

Something bigger?

Where is all this coming from?

Gabe, you've been acting
really weird lately.

The only reason
I've been acting weird is...

I planned a trip to Mexico
for Valentine's Day.



Mexico, you and me?

No, me and my doorman.

Yeah, me and you.

We haven't had
any time together,

and I thought
I'd whisk you away.

That's why
I sounded weird on the phone.

I was in the middle
of renewing my passport.

Gabe, I've never been to Mexico.

(distant siren blaring)

(door creaks open)


I'm inside.

Okay, Tess just left.

You don't think she knows I sent
the hideous flowers, do you?


She probably was just
in a bad head space.

You know, between you and me,

she's a little worried
that she's gonna get fired

'cause she hasn't closed
any cases yet.

Right. She mentioned that.

Forget flowers.

I know what
I'm getting her next.

See? Good things do happen
around you.

JT, wait.

You know that serum that
Barnes's people had you mix?

Did Catherine or anyone find it?

No, they didn't. Why?


All this time, you had us
believe that you had changed.

Get your hands off of me.

It's okay. He just... he was
just planning a trip to Mexico.

Explain this.
What is that?

You have been talking to
him about me?

It's the serum that JT
was forced to make.

So what was it doing
in your apartment?

What were you doing
in my apartment?

Answer the question.
I have no idea

what it was doing there.
For all I know, you planted it.


Vincent would never do that.

Wait, is that
why you called me over here?

To distract me,
so your ex could go

search through my...
No, I-I wanted to talk to you.

But you knew he was going there?
It's just that Sam,

he thought he saw you
in the dungeon and then,

with the orphanage connection...
So, a little

circumstantial evidence,
and you jumped to me

being involved in all this?
I am sorry, but y...

your history isn't
exactly spotless.


Gabe, she's a detective, okay?

She has to follow...

Can you stay out of this?

What I meant

was that you have done things
in the past,

you have done experiments...
What I have done

is everything I can think of
to show you that I have changed.

The whole reason
I stayed at the precinct

was to protect
the two of you.

I spent half the day
researching Frank Darnell

because I knew you didn't have
any leads on your case,

and you still think I'm capable
of doing something like this?

I don't want to.

It's not that long ago you tried
to kill Vincent

and you locked me up.

It's kind of hard
to forget that.

You know I'm telling
the truth when I say

I've never seen that
vial before in my life.


Then tell her that,
'cause I'm tired

of trying to get
her to trust me.


Hey, it's Detective Vargas.
I'm checking on the results

from the Sam Landon case.
Yeah, I'll hold.

(clears throat)

Oh, hey.

I'm just closing in,
getting us to five.

You mean... six.

Wow, you girls
really aren't good at math.

But nice job.

The dean from the university's
biochem department

just called personally.


Mentioned you by name,
said you were fast, efficient.

Apparently that stolen particle
analyzer or whatever it was

was worth a couple mil.

(sighs) That was bad. That was really bad.
Okay. Come on.

It could've been worse,
all right? He could've been involved.

At least we would've been
somewhere on the case. Kidding.

All right, so this thing was
in his apartment,

so obviously
someone has set him up.

It was probably Barnes,
but why would he frame Gabe?

Well, he's the perfect person,
right, given his past?

Which Barnes
probably knows about.

He's obviously well-educated

on the subject
of cross-species DNA.

Look, I'm supposed to be running
with this, so why don't you

go talk to Gabe.
And say what?

You heard him.
I don't know. Explain to him again.

You know, especially
while I'm not right there.

Catherine, he'll get over it.

I don't know if I will.

I keep saying that I haven't
had time to be with him

because of this case,

but I think I have been using it
as an excuse.

I've been hiding
in my work and...

maybe even in our friendship.

And, yes,

yes, you called it.
I got to go.


No, I never should've broken
into his apartment.

I know that you're in this mode
of taking everything on,

that everything's your fault,
but it isn't.

I'm gonna go and figure
this case out, okay?

(phone rings)


Hey. Prints came back
from Dana's apartment.

One of Sam's attackers was
Michael Donaldson, ex-Navy Seal.

I had I.T. access his e-mails.

Well, at least one of us
has been productive.

This guy Donaldson got an e-mail
from some guy calling himself

"Blind Chemist"
right before Sam's attack,

and it says, "Just scare him."

Well, he did that. You think
Blind Chemist is Barnes?

Well, if it is, he just got
another one that said,

"Put him in the ground."

SAM: We're not cancelling
this weekend. We have you

as security, we'll have Vincent.

We spent all day
working on our vows.

It's what Adam would've wanted.
Let's leave

Adam out of this.
First of all, he was

nine years old. Second of all,

he would've been
grossed out by vows.


Our son.
Died of leukemia.

That's why Sam
got so involved

in genetics research.
Until I found

a clinical trial
that killed him.

Catherine's gonna need
an antidepressant

when she leaves here.

No, it's okay. I am so sorry.

Our vows are
all about him

and what we went through
as a couple with... after.

But they're gonna
be uplifting

and under five minutes.

but, yes, uplifting.

You're right.

You're not cancelling.

I need prints,

particles, anything to try
and prove that he's been set up,

okay? I have to fix this.
No, you don't.

Vincent, this wasn't your fault.

We all thought he was the guy.

and I should've known better.

And yet it was my idea to search

his loft.

I sabotaged this.

You know, I think I wanted him
to be the guy.

Not consciously, but when Catherine
told me that she didn't know

if she could move forward
with Gabe, I was so happy.

Which is so messed up because
I'm probably the reason

why she can't move forward
in the first place.

Oh, my God, you do still have
feelings for her.


Okay, yes. Fine, I do.

Where are we with these bones?

Assays are still running.
But this is your window.

They're broken up.
Yeah, because of me.

No, no, no, no, no.
You just said

she can't move
forward with him.

That can't be
because you busted in on them.

There's something inherently
broken in their relationship.

No, I am broken.

I've made it
completely impossible

for her to trust anyone.

Or she can't be with him

she's still in love with you.

And now you've realized
you're still in love with her,

so what are you waiting
for? It's V. Day.

Start wooing!


Although I guess solving
her case would be

a great way to start.

Hey, it's Catherine.

I brought Mexico.

I didn't know
what your go-to was, so...

I brought everything:
burritos, enchiladas...

I already ate.

Gabe, I'm sorry.

Most of this was just
my baggage,

and I'm checking it at the door.

Are you really checking it
or are you just saying that

'cause you got caught?
No, I am...

checking it. I am letting it go.

(sighs) Look, I just got back
from Sam and Dana's.

They've been through so much,

even before Sam was taken.

They lost a son,

some complication
in a clinical trial,

and they blamed each other,

their marriage broke up, and if
they can get past all of that,

who am I to hang on to anything?

The thing is, you're right. It
is hard to forget some things.

Like you conspiring against me
with your ex, like...

(phone ringing)
It's Vincent.

He's trying to figure out
who framed you.

Look, why don't we table this
for now and just focus

on solving the case. Go ahead

and answer it.

Hey, did you find anything?

Yeah. We I.D.'d those bones.

Okay, I'm gonna put you
on speaker.

I'm here with Gabe, groveling.



The bones?
Yeah, the, uh,

the victims were all
from your orphanage, Gabe.

Okay, so whoever framed you
must've known about that connection.

All of us orphans were subject

to Muirfield's
medical experiments.

Do you think this was someone
from Muirfield again?

I don't know. You said
Sam and Dana's son

was part of a
clinical trial.

You know, that research I
did on Frank Darnell,

he filed a case against
a medical company

over a gene therapy protocol
they ran.

Never went to court,
but I pulled the motion.

Sam Landon's one
of the co-petitioners.

Dana did say she recognized
Darnell's name.

They were deposed

on the same day. They had
to have met each other.

But Sam keeps insisting
he thought Darnell was Barnes.

He's lying.

Probably was the one who I.D.'d

your photo.
And he is the one

that invited us
to the vow renewal as security.

Sounds like we got to figure out
what that's about.

Okay, we'll go to JT's?

We can bring Mexico with us.




it looks like that window
just closed.

CATHERINE: Okay, so all this started
when I questioned Sam

about the space
below his dungeon.

That's when he invited me
to the vow renewal as a guest

and I told him that I had plans.
Which you did.

Next call I got,
Sam had been attacked.

That's when he got all of us
to change our plans.

So you think
he orchestrated that?

VINCENT: Well, he didn't
have many injuries.

He knew that I'd find the bones
and that ultimately

we'd be able to link it to him.
That's why he needed

to throw suspicion
on somebody else.

I think he was
trying to buy time.

Until what?

whatever he has planned
for the vow renewal. (phone beeps)

Harrison's near the border.

Maybe he was planning
to flee the country.

Whoa, whoa. I
just got a hit

on our APB.
Donaldson's in Harrison.

He's one of the guys
who assaulted Sam.

Okay, so maybe Sam ordered
another attack on himself.

Maybe that's how he's planning
to escape, fake his own abduction.

I mean, he's played the victim
for the last six years--

it's been his M.O.

We can't let him disappear.

He's our only lead to Barnes.

Gabe, do we have enough
to charge him?

No, we got to catch him
in the act of something.

And the best way to do that is
to let him think that his plan

is working, con the con man.

Well, his con is to make us
think you're the bad guy.

Then you better
find yourself a new date.

(birds chirping)

(indistinct chatter)

(horse neighs)

They're here.

Any sign of Donaldson?

So, what,

you're just calling me
to give me

a heads-up
before they walk in the door?

You do realize I'm sitting alone
in a parking lot

watching her
with her ex-boyfriend.

Oh, my God,

they look like Brangelina.

Uh, he means Sam and Dana,
but I got to go.


You look beautiful.
Thank you.

Dana, this place is really, uh...
Kitschy, right?

No, I was going to say romantic.
SAM: Oh, I'm sorry that I ruined things

for you and the ADA.
No, that's okay. It's better I know now

than, you know, be married
and eight months pregnant.

SAM: Honey, I think
we should check in.

I'm gonna go talk to Gabe,
find out if he's seen anything.

He hasn't.
I'm gonna go check the perimeter.

You okay?

Yeah, yeah, just can't really
sense anything in here,

you know, with
all the flowers.

Weird, how people
like flowers.

(rhythmic beeping)

(beeping continues)


Vincent, what's going on?
I saw you go outside...


This is right below the chapel.

I don't think Sam's plan
is to fake his own death.

So, this is what
love looks like.

You're supposed to be
looking for Donaldson.

And this is what needing
a green card looks like,

or having a shotgun wedding.
Right, so love is bogus,

flowers are hideous,
and let me guess,

you hated the chocolates, too.

Good news, our vow renewal
package includes bouquets

and boutonnieres
for our wedding party.


Where's Vincent?

Oh, he just went out
to check the perimeter,

make sure you're safe.

But we're, uh... (laughs)
We're up next.

(beeping) This thing must be
set by remote,

which means Sam
can detonate it at any moment.

Look, he invited you here;

he obviously wants
to kill you, too.

Hopefully, he waits until
you return before he...

you know,

blows you all up
to get you off his trail.

I'm gonna need some tools.

We don't have any. And we don't
have any time, either.

I think we need to
let this thing go off.

Excuse me?

Right now, Sam thinks
that you all think

that I'm the bad
guy. So, if I die,

then the bad guy's gone.

Case closed. He'll think
that you guys will stop

investigating, and he
won't have to kill you.

I'm still back on you die?
Obviously, not really,

because you're gonna
save me from the bomb.

You will save me, right?

Yes, Gabe, I will save you.


Oh, hey, is everything okay?

Yeah, all good.

Great, let's get this show
on the road. Okay?

Yeah, Sam wants us to take our seats
so he and Dana can walk in together.

Sam Landon? ADA Lowan, although
apparently you already know that.

I need to talk to you.

VINCENT: Gabe, come on, not now,
they're about to get married.

GABE: I just need to clear up
a misunderstanding that I don't think

Sam wants his
bride to hear.

Excuse me a minute,

Sam, what is it?
It'll be okay.

This better be quick.

Vincent, what's going on?
Okay, there's a bomb.


Yes. You need to get her out
the back entrance right now.

But Sam just went with Gabe.

It's okay. Tess, JT,
clear the building, okay?

What do you mean?
What is this about?

Don't worry, all right?
We got your husband.

Everything is gonna be fine.
You need to come with me.

No, I'm not leaving until you tell...
Come on.

Framed you?
I just pointed out the facts.

The fact is you planted
that vial of serum.

Now they all think
you're the innocent victim

and I'm the one
working for Barnes.

You ruined my relationship,
my reputation.

So you better confess,

or I am gonna tell everyone
the truth about you.

Starting with Dana.


That's the way
you want to play it.



(fast beeping)

Catherine, what are you doing here?
I wasn't gonna leave you here.

Yeah, but where's Vincent?
Sam's about to blow...


You okay?

(sirens chirp,
indistinct chatter)

Nobody's allowed in here.

Please turn around
and go back.

We need two
EMS guys inside.

(Dana sobs)

I know this might not
mean very much,

but Sam didn't intend for you...
For what?

For me to die
at our vow renewal?

He wanted you to walk in
together, right?

He was gonna spare you.

So, what's the plan now?

He needs to think
Gabe didn't make it.

That he's off our radar,
so that he'll continue

with whatever his plan is,
and maybe lead us to Barnes.

So, no arrests?

We just have to act like
life is normal?

For now.

Well, I can't do that.
I can't pretend

that I don't know anything,

that the man that I love
isn't a sociopath.

We haven't told him yet
whether or not you made it.

I get to decide whether I go
into Witness Protection or not?

Someplace sunny.

You know, the vows
that I wrote,

they were for the man
that I lost six years ago.

All that time
with Barnes changed him.

But I'm a profiler.

I was so focused
on who he had been

that I couldn't see
what he had become.

I know what that's like.


Okay, you got to go.

Yeah, I do.

Before he sees you.

♪ Running through the heat

♪ Heartbeat

♪ You shine like silver
in the sunlight ♪

♪ You light up my cold heart

♪ It feels right...

You hiding out

until Sam's gone?


Looks like this time
I have to be the dead guy.


I recommend a home gym.

And collect some
decent takeout menus.

Catherine doesn't mind
eating in.

This 'cause
you're feeling guilty

about breaking into my loft?

You're giving me pointers
on dating your ex?

Dating my friend.

It's gonna take me a bit
to get used to this...

friendship of yours.

Yeah, me, too, believe me.

But as her friend, I'm gonna be
a little protective.

Especially since
I'm the reason

that she doesn't
really trust anyone.

Look, just give her
a second chance, huh?

And yes,

I'm sorry about breaking
into your loft.

Actually, I think I'm the one
who owes you an apology.

All this time,
I've been trying to make amends.

I don't think
I ever told you that I'm sorry.

(phone vibrates)
For what, for trying to kill me?

You had to say it.

(phone beeps)

Sam's gone.

I'm gonna go look for your,

uh, friend.

I can't be with her, JT.

Ugh, what is wrong
with people?

You should just wear black
on Valentine's Day.

I don't deserve her, man.

Yes, you do.

I mean,
you just saved your rival.

You could've let him die,

blown to smithereens,
but you didn't.

That is very deserving.
Yes, okay,

I'll admit that I did
the right thing for a change,

but I haven't,

not to her especially,
for a long time.

And yes, I love her,

enough to let her
be with someone

who is worthy.

So, that's it?

You're just gonna let her go?

Okay, but at some point,

you'll feel worthier, right?

And then you'll win her back,

because this isn't
how the musical ends.



Oh, hey.

Um, well,

I'll go and figure out
our transportation situation.

I think there's
a horse and sleigh

around here somewhere.


Look, I didn't hate
the chocolates.

(chuckles) Yeah, well,

I got carried away

with this whole
"seize the day" thing,

and apparently,

I found a bad florist.

Look, you calling in
that fake case

is the nicest thing
anyone's ever done for me.

So I got

carried away, too.


GABE: I should've told you
about Mexico.

You wanted it to
be a surprise.

Yeah, but I should have realized
after you pulled your gun on me

in the dungeon that the lady
doesn't like surprises.

The truth is, I've been making

all these grand gestures--
Mexico, coffee...

I like coffee.

Because I've been

for all the horrible things
I've done.

You don't have to.

You're not the person
you used to be.

And I have to trust that.

I do trust that.

It's just...

I got confused.

I've been hurt
so much in the past.

I'm not gonna hurt you.

I know.

♪ A love like this

♪ Won't last forever. ♪

== sync, corrected by elderman ==