Beauty and the Beast (2012–2016): Season 2, Episode 11 - Held Hostage - full transcript

A group of criminals looking to steal a rare necklace in Tori's possession takes Cat, Tori and Tess hostage at the precinct, leaving Vincent as their only hope for help. Vincent is forced to make a decision since helping could reveal his true identity to the entire force.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on
Beauty & the Beast...

Where's the shackle?

I was hired
to steal it.

What do they want with it?

It goes with the gem.

Five minutes, tops,
to get the gem out of the safe.

Don't cross me, Catherine, okay?
I mean it.

Yeah, well, don't make me
shoot you again, Vincent.

And I mean that.

What happened to you?

Is this the gem

that they
were after?

London, 1836.

Is that the same gem?

Look who was
helping Scotland Yard.

Rebecca Reynolds.

You think I'm related
to this woman?

It's a collar.

What does it do?

Too bad you can't ask

whoever hired
the gang to get it.

Well, I will.

I'll find them,

because obviously
they know a lot more

about my beast side than I do.

When my wire went dead,
you trusted me.

♪ You choke my throat

♪ With words of wonder

♪ You make it hard to breathe

♪ I knew you were no angel

♪ But, God, what did I do?

♪ Oh, oh, oh...

♪ Do you remember what I said

♪ The first time we met

♪ Stay away

♪ Why couldn't you stay away?

♪ I never needed anyone...

Look at this.

Tori and Vincent
at two separate parties,

and she's wearing that necklace.

What is he thinking,
parading her around

with a stolen

Not thinking, clearly.

Or maybe he is.

Somebody's been hiring gangs,

killing people trying to get it.

Vincent said himself

that he wants to figure out
who it is.

So maybe he's trying
to lure them out.

Or he's out on the town
with his new girlfriend,

enjoying their
recent freedom.

Either way, we
are throwing Tess

a surprise party
in less than six hours,

and I need to figure out
where to hang this...

cheesy banner.

Did you buy that for this?

Well, you said Tess lives
for her birthday, so...


It was $4.99.

No, but it's sweet
and it's thoughtful...

So I was thinking
over by the front door.

Or is that bad,
because Tess'll see it?

No, it'll ruin
the surprise.

Okay, um...

did I miss my window?

I mean,
recently you've

put it out there that

you feel like there's more
between us, but...

I have.

And there is.

It's just, y-you
seem like you're...


Is this because I
brought in that paper?

I'm not jealous.

I am over Vincent.

I can't believe I was ever
with somebody like that.

I mean, last week, he chose
a necklace over a human life.

He's unrecognizable.

I was going to say
it seems like

you have some
unresolved anger.

Yeah, well,
maybe that's because

he's running
a competing investigation

with my necklace.

Your necklace?

These are the files that
Agent Landon gave me.

Turns out

that my relative
Rebecca Reynolds

was in possession
of that necklace.

Right, 200 years ago.

Yeah, when she was investigating

a string of murders
that look like maulings.

So this
isn't about

unresolved feelings
for Vincent.

I'm starting to feel like this
has to do with who I am.

And I have to figure out
what all of this means.

But that

It's my only lead.

So, yes, I am angry

that he has it and I don't.

Agent Landon.

Maybe she has something
to make you less angry.

Check this out.

That's your lead?

It's just...
that's Tori Windsor.

We know her, we worked
her kidnapping case.

Well, I want you to arrest her.

Bring her here?

To the precinct?

They tracked her phone

to the 79th Street Boat Basin.

Do you not see
the necklace she's wearing?



My field office verified
it's the identical one

stolen from
the Russian consulate.

If Tori Windsor isn't the person

behind these heists,
then she's definitely

connected to
whoever is.

I don't get why you guys
aren't jumping all over this.

I think what
you're sensing, Dana,

is we're all
not sure whether

bringing someone like Tori
in is the best strategy.

I mean, she's just gonna lawyer up,
and then where will we be?

Yeah, and if we're wrong, we've
brought in this young socialite...

Yeah, who was just a
kidnapping victim...

Father died.

Paper will say we harassed
her, the press'll skewer us.

Okay, point taken.

Start with questioning.

Best call ever.

Just bring in that necklace.

You realize that Vincent's

not just gonna hand it over,

He doesn't have a choice.

Dana'll send in
a SWAT team to get it.

Bright side,
you get your necklace back.

Why can't we just
let SWAT handle it?

Because if someone
gets hurt, that's on us.


Oh, oh, by the way,

I, uh... I got the cake.

What cake?


we are gonna come
back here after work,

we're gonna have a little cake,
right, Freddy?

Yeah, exactly,
that's what I meant, uh...

We'll see you back
here later for cake.


You guys throwing
me a party?

What party?

You're totally
throwing me a party.

And here I am going
to a boat basin.

Haven't even showered.
Okay, she's right.

Instead of
having a shower,

getting her hair done,
and finding a cute dress

to wear to
her birthday,

she's dealing with
another Vincent mess,

and yes, I-I blew the
surprise because of him.

Yeah, I already kind
of knew about it, so...

Well, fan-friggin-tastic.

Maybe you should
hang back.

No, I am fine.
You sure?

Because once we set
foot on this houseboat,

we need
to remain calm.

Yes, I will be fine.

I could walk in on them
in flagrante,

and I would be fine.

I wouldn't.

Not what I was referring to,

but interesting
that you went there.

Okay, but you said houseboat.

And I keep telling you,
I'm not unresolved.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait.

Did you guys have, like,
a relationship conversation?


Can we not do this right now?

See, I'm calm.

I vented... I am now calm.

It's a houseboat.

They are in slip J 25.

Okay, remember
to find out

who they work
for first, okay?

Oh, no. Tori!


- Get down.
I-I didn't know it was you.

I didn't know it was you.
Put your hands up.

Or what, you're gonna
shoot her as well?

You cannot attack an officer.

Everyone needs
to stay calm.

She's the one
with the gun.

Uh, we're in the middle
of something, okay?

So you "officers,"
you need to leave.

Yeah, well, we're in the middle

of something, too, so...

Cat, the gun.

We just need you
to hand over the necklace.

That's what
this is about.

You wanted to lure bad guys

with those splashy photos
of the two of you?

Well, congratulations.

You also lured the FBI,

who ordered us to retrieve it.

FBI, huh?

That's right.

And if we don't bring it in,

they're gonna be back.

And then what?
You gonna go on the run?

No more parties, fancy clothes,
red carpets...

You can't risk exposure.

Just give us the necklace,
and we'll get out of your way.

Uh, no.


Okay, fine.
We did this the "calm" way.

Tori, you're under arrest.

- Wait, for what?
- For possession

of stolen property and
assaulting an officer. Tess...

You can't arrest her.

What if she
loses control?

She'll be

Well, you should have thought
of that

before you used her as bait.

Don't you two amplify
each other?

You should stay here.

- Or what?
- Or we arrest you, too.

Disorderly conduct.

Oh, come on.

This is
a complete abuse of power!

Come on, Tori, let's go.

♪ Beauty and the Beast 2x11 ♪
Held Hostage
Original Air Date on January 27, 2014

== sync, corrected by elderman ==

Looked like cops.

Nothing we could do.

The necklace?

Couldn't tell
if she was still wearing it.

Yeah, the war hero was there.

All right, got it.

He wants us
to split up.

Two here,
and the rest come with me.

Let's go.

How about a drink?

No, thanks.

Not a lot in here.

Too bad we're not at my place.

I got enough booze
for a frat party.

Nah, it's for Tess'
surprise birthday party.

Then maybe you should go
get a drink there, then.

What are you doing here?

Making sure
you don't go play hero.

Like you could stop me.

Get down.

Get down.

Cat was right.

You are using the necklace
to lure them out.

Catherine needs to move on.



Who do you work for?!

I work for no one.

Why did you do that?

How about a "thank you"?

For what?
Screwing things up?

The whole point was
to try and find out

who they work for.

Now they're not going
to tell me much, are they?

We made it in
without incident.

So just stay calm.

Control yourself.

- I am in control.
- Yeah, but FBI's on their way.

Are you sure you
don't want to just

give us the necklace,
avoid all this?

I think I'd rather
talk to the FBI.

Okay, so what are
you gonna say?

We have to come up with
some plausible reason

about how you got it.

How about an auction?

How about,
"My boyfriend gave it to me"?

Okay, well...

a jeweler is easier
to pretend-corroborate.


there's that CI
who's got that store

in Nolita--
Elmshorn Jewelers.

You can say they reached out,
loaned you the jewel

for all those events
you've been attending.

Those events really bother you,
don't they?

You keep mentioning them.

Yeah, because that's how
the FBI tracked you down.

I mean, I understand.

You never really did get
to go on any dates...

that's enough.

I'm not sure if
you're getting this,

but Catherine's
trying to help you.

By coming up with
a cover story

so you don't end up in jail.
Or worse, a lab.

You know, like E.T. at
the end of the movie?

Please, she'd love nothing more.
Okay, let's just calm...

Anything to get me out of the picture.
All of us calm down.

But guess what.
It won't work.

The connection
that Vincent and I have is...

It's primal.

And it drives you

crazy with jealousy.

I mean, it's why

you brought me in here.
Okay, how many times do I have

to say that I am not jealous?
Of course you're not jealous.

Why would you be jealous?
Why would I be jealous? You're not.

No, 'cause Vincent's been
trotting you around

using you as bait with no regard
for your safety.

You think those are dates?

I think you're crazy.

You are crazy.

Agent Landon.

Hi, we were

just having a chat

with, uh, Ms. Windsor here.

Everything okay, Ms. Windsor?

Yeah, she's great.

Yeah, you know,
just some pressure.

And she has
a solid explanation

for why she had the jewel,

so there's no reason
for you to worry about that.

Take a break.

I'll take over from here.

Okay, um, if you need us,
we will be out there.

What are you doing?

I'm searching for leads.

Isn't that what you're doing?

So what, now we're
working together?

Vincent, we all want to know
who's behind these heists.

Why not help each other?

Because I don't trust
any of you.

I just saved your life.

Yeah, and you also
tried to kill me.

Looks like this one's
called Ivan.

That was a long time ago.

Well, not so long ago,

Catherine shot me.

Well, Tess never did anything.

Oh, no, she shot me, too.

And now you're working
with the FBI.

And do I really need to explain
to you how I feel about them?

Look, you want to figure
this out on your own, fine.

Let me give you some advice.

Let Catherine have the necklace.

She has the necklace.

Yeah, but you'll figure out

a way to get it back.

The thing is, she just found out

it once belonged
to her relative.

Her relative?

And now she feels
like it's hers, so...

Hers? It fits
into a collar

that was found
on a beast skeleton.

So, unless there's something
about her DNA

that I don't know about...

I feel like I'm
in the middle of a divorce.

And you two are fighting
over the beach house.

If I was your lawyer,

I'd tell you to give her
the beach house.

She's so angry at you.

That's why she's holding

onto this investigation
so tightly.

But if you give her
the necklace,

she might actually move on.

Move on?

So, that's what this is about.

You're still waiting for her.

Actually, she's waiting for me.

Hmm, dead Ivan's got a text.

What's it say?

Seems these two weren't
the only ones looking

for the beach house tonight.

What do you think's
going on in there?

She's mauling her.

I'm kidding, it's fine.

Then why are you clutching
the tranq gun

like it's your best friend?

I'm sorry, Tess, I never
should've arrested her.

Hello, ladies.

Hey, hey, hey.

Tess, your favorite cheesecake
in the fridge.

Maggie made it last night.

I know about the party, Freddy.

It's all right.
It's not your fault.

No, it's my fault,
it's all my fault.

How about a little nap
in the tank, hmm?


But wait.

There is cheesecake,
though, right?

Come on.
She's okay.

See? I told you
it'd be fine.

I need you to call
Elmshorn Jewelers.

Already did, they corroborated.
But we still need to authenticate it.

Find out how they
got a hold of it.

She wouldn't give it up,
I had to send in a uni in

to forcibly remove it.
You did what?

I got it! I got it!


All right, get over here!
Call an ambulance.

Okay, he's fine, everyone
back up, back up.

You okay?
You okay?

Don't touch him!
H-Hey, hey.

He ripped it off my neck,
I lost control,

I couldn't help it.

It's gonna be okay, Tori.

Just stay calm, all right?

Paramedics are on their way.

I'm gonna call for backup.

I'm sorry, who are you?

Is that the evidence?
I'm with the 95th.

No, no, hey, wait,
I worked the 95th.

I don't know you.
Is that evidence? I got that.

I'm with
the evidence department.

It's okay, I'll take it.

What's going on here?
I got it from here.

Yeah, we got an emergency
situation at the 125th...

Everyone down or she's dead!

Get down!

Hey, all right, all right.
Now, everyone on the floor.

Don't worry.

It's just a tranq.

Everyone down
or she's dead!

Okay, take it easy,
take it easy.

Omar, get the girl...

Everyone on the floor!

Your guy beat her up.
Put down the gun.

It's not a...
Put it down!

Everything's fine, huh?

We got to get out of here.

No, no, no.
Wait, wait, wait.

Wait, no, I mean,

please let her go.

Uh, it's her birthday for...

Anybody else want to be a hero?

Let's go, let's go,
move, move, move.

Keep moving,
keep moving...

Get behind the
tape, move it.

ADA Lowan,
interim chief of precinct.

What do we got?

Locals heard shots fired.

By the time we got here,

the place was barricaded.

Anything on who's in there?

Haven't established
communication yet.

Don't know who they are
or what they want.

Guns and cell phones.

Let's go.

Cuff her, too.

So, let's go.

I-I-I got chewing gum.

It's a war zone out there.

What's the plan?

A helicopter.

Or we shoot one of them

every 30 minutes.

Take a picture
of the dead guy

to let them know
we mean business.

What about her?
I think she's still alive.

What did you do to her?


You beat the crap out of her.

She attacked me!

Throw her in a cell

and just shut up,
I got to think.

Any ideas?

No, but we've seen their faces.

It's not good.


Shut up!

I'm sorry, I just...

I don't think she
should be left alone.

She seems really hurt.

If she dies...

I know you guys are gonna
use us as leverage,

And pretty rich girl?

They're gonna care a lot more
about her than...

I'll make sure
she's all right.


Tori, hey, wake up.


Wake up.

The longer a hostage
situation takes,

the more likely that
it'll end peacefully.

Give the hostage-takers
more time to bond.

Captain Bennett?

We have them
on the phone now.

Oh, good.

Bennett here.


What are you doing?

Just having a lookey-loo.

A lookey-loo at blueprints?


If you are planning on going in,

we need to work together.

Not happening.

There can't be any surprises.

They have
already killed someone.

Your mess.

So, you're just going in

for the necklace?


Catherine was right--
you really are unrecognizable.

Is she in there?


And Tori, and we're
not really sure what...

Okay, so the plan is
for you to do what you do,

break our cuffs,
but do it quietly,

because there is
a guy out there guarding us.

Wait, did anyone see me?

No, lucky for you,
they were all distracted

by the guys with guns.

There are
six of them out there.

I figure
if we can take down

even two of them,
get their weapons,

we can get control
of the precinct.


Who has the necklace?

The head guy, Vlad.

And I'm sorry.

We never should've
taken it from you.

And I'm sorry
about what I said.

And you're right,
you know, I-I am jealous

of you and Vincent,
and you have a connection...

Would you just shut up?

Oh, oh, you're doing it now?

Okay, um, I hate you.

And, uh, you and Vincent
don't stand a chance.

Awesome, awesome.
Okay, mine.



I'm calm, you're the one
who should be worried.

You have 20 more minutes
to get it here,

or I kill one of them!

All this for a necklace?

It must be some clue.

That's what you're thinking
about right now?

Yeah, and how Tori Windsor
tossed that guy

like a softball, it's crazy.



Can we not talk
about this right now?

You think maybe
we could call 'em back,

order a pizza or something?
I'm starving.

So find

Tess, so you do
know something.

Yeah, I know
that one of us

will be dead
in 15 minutes.

Is that why Cat got herself
locked in that cell with her?

There's cheesecake
in the fridge...

Shut up!

It's Ivan.

You still on the boat?


Necklace wasn't there.
You have it?


On you?

What, you need a picture?

Look, we got a situation here.

I'm in the basement.

You're here?

How did you get in?

Look, just come down here,

I show you way out, okay?


Gabe, it's me.

Cat, are you all right?


Now, don't be a hero.

We are taking care of things.

Just stay under the radar.

It's a little late for that.
Tori killed the guy

who was guarding our cell.
She's on the hunt

for the necklace. I've got to find her.
All right.

Okay, but what if she beasts out
and panics them

and they start
shooting hostages?

I think Vincent

is in there looking
for the necklace, too.

He is unbelievable.

But maybe you can
persuade him to help.

I know it doesn't seem like it,

but he still cares about you.

When he heard
what was happening,

the first person
he asked about was you.

He's the one who's unresolved.

Okay, then why isn't he here?

If he can sense me,
if he can hear me...

Then try talking to him.

Convince him
that he can trust you.

Because if you're right,
and Tori sets these guys off,

you are gonna need his help.

I'll try.

And when this is over...

I'm in.

I want to be with you.

I gotta go.



You can have the necklace.

I already got it.
Okay, I need your help.

I'm out of here.
There are innocent people...


I wasn't trying
to hurt her.

I wanted to work
together, but...

I know it doesn't look
like it, it's just...

You knocked out a beast?

How did you do that?

I don't know.

Maybe it was because
she was tranqed.

I had to,

they were gonna shoot her.

Her pulse is strong.

That's good.

You know, there is
a room full of people

whose pulses are probably
sky-high with fear

right now.

And whose fault is that?

Vincent, we could save them.

There are only four
hostage-takers left,

and we have dealt with
much worse odds before.

I could turn out the lights,

make sure that nobody sees you.

Okay, could you stop fidgeting

with that stupid necklace?


Yes. What's
happened to you?

You used to be all about
saving people's lives,

and now you're...
And now I'm what?

I'm not willing
to jump into some room

and expose what I really am
in front of all those people?

Like I'm some lab rat?

The old Vincent

have been worried
about exposure.

And I told you,
we would protect you

just like we
always have.

Oh, except for a few hours ago,

when you stormed onto my boat,
arrested Tori,

risking exposing the both of us,

all because you wanted
that "stupid" necklace.

You know what?
I heard about your ancestor.

You think you're gonna
make some claim?

No, I think I have
a part in all this,

but I'm not going to choose that
over saving innocent lives.

Look at you,

you're still

Yeah, he was
the head guy, right?

He probably talks to the boss.

And your place in all this?

Your mother,
she corrupted my DNA.

Your father, he wiped my memory,
then tried to obliterate me.

Now there's some woman
in the 1800s

who had this jewel
that fits into a beast leash?

Yeah, 'cause that's what

the stupid necklace
really is, right?

Your ancestor was kicking around
somebody whose DNA

looked a lot
like mine.

I guess it runs
in your family.

I don't know...
You know what?

You want to know
what happened to the old Vincent?

He was deceived and hurt

by almost everyone
in your family tree.

So excuse me if
I'd rather stop

whoever's trying
to kill us next

than help you be
some hero today.

Okay, so whoever's
after this jewel,

they're-they're trying
to control beasts?


Doesn't sound so
stupid now, does it?

It is if innocent lives
are at risk.

Come on, let's go.

Yeah, I have the necklace.

Bowery and Houston,

I meet you there.

Where the hell's
the helicopter?

Nico, why don't
you stop

your face?

Find Vlad,
see what's going on.

Petra, go check on the girls.

That was my birthday cake.

You really like
your birthday.

My friend's
wife made it.

Just saying that most
people above the age of 12

generally don't love
their birthdays.

Unless they feel their
life is never about them.

Are you profiling me?

I mean,
it makes sense.

Someone who's
covering something--

their whole life
becomes about that

and not about them.

I can't believe him.

We're about to die,
and I still have

to cover all this.
You know what?

Whatever it is you think
I'm covering, yes.

Okay? Yes.

Matteo's dead.

And those bitches,

they're not
in their cell.

Vlad's dead.

Where's the necklace?
It's gone!

We gotta find 'em.

Gabe, you gotta get here quick.

Everything's falling apart.

Vincent's isn't gonna show,
so hurry.

Who in the hell
killed two of our men?

And where are those girls?

She's... she's her partner,
I saw a picture in her desk.

No, no, no.
Get up!

No, no, no.

Get up!


You got 20 seconds
to come out here

with the necklace.

cop lady,

say good-bye
to your partner.

Vincent, I know you can hear me.

15 seconds!

Vincent, I'm sorry, I...

I didn't realize
that it was a leash.

I can't imagine
how that would feel.

I know that you've been hurt.

By everyone, including me.

I was just...

I was so blinded by my anger,

I forgot that
you weren't the enemy.

I know, I know
the old Vincent is in there.


Just, please, come out.

We will-- I will--
I will protect you.

I promise.

Ten seconds,








The war hero.

You didn't get enough
gunfire overseas?

I have the necklace.

Let her go.

So, where is it?

The necklace is
somewhere safe.

Come on, I figured
I walked in here with it,

you guys would
shoot me, right?

This way, you gotta
keep me alive

so I can tell you
where it is.

Just let her go,
and I'll show you.

You took out
two of our guys.

Why should
I believe you?

Especially since
your bitch girlfriend

started this whole thing.
No, no, no.

She's got nothing
to do with it.

Okay, and up until now you guys
have kept things under control.

Everyone out there
knows that...

Then where's the helicopter?

It's on its way.

Okay? But you hurt
anyone else,

and they will storm this place.
And let's be honest,

it's not just a helicopter
you want, right?

So make it easy.

Let everyone go,
and I will give you

what you are
really here for.


You want us to give you
our guns, too?

Search this guy.

Gabe, where's
the circuit breaker?


I need to turn the lights off.

Vincent gave himself up,
he's-he's in there.

Look, ESU's on the way.

Does anyone know
where the circuit breakers are?

ESU? No. No,
you cannot let them up here.

He's gonna lose control,

and I told him that we would
protect him.

Look, I am just trying
to work it out so everyone

gets what they want,
but I'm warning you,

I'm getting a little angry.
You don't want that.

Just shut up!
It's okay, Tess.

I don't know,
the redhead said

she was gonna get angry
right before the...

Nico, search him.

Okay, I got it.


What the...?

Move! Let's go!


Vincent, where are you?!

I can't! I...

You really should have
just given me the necklace!


The necklace!

Get rid of the necklace!

Just slide it down.

What are you?

Who do you work for?

You heard her.

Tell us who you're working for,
and I will let you live.

Let me live? You don't know
who we're dealing with.

I'm already dead.

You turned the lights off.

You didn't leave.

Police! Don't move!

Everybody stay down!

So, what happened next?

So, I went to the bullpen,
and that's where I saw

Specialist Keller.
Lucky for us,

you were able to get in
through an air duct.

I know you saw
a lot worse in combat,

but what you did
here tonight...

Well, it was
a-a team effort, sir.

Actually, he really
was the hero.

I mean, we were all heroes,

You managed to do it
in handcuffs.

- Yeah.
- Excuse me,

I gotta check in with ESU.

That feels really good.

You're finally free.

♪ And so you built...

Uh, well, I'm gonna go
and try to find Tori.


♪ Though it starts...

Thank God for Vincent.

You're the one wanted
to try and work with him.

I know you think
he still has feelings for me,

but I think
he actually wanted

to save everyone,
Tess, and...

Cat, it's all right
if he's unresolved.

I get why he would be.

You're right,
I was unresolved.

And not because
I was angry at Vincent,

but because I was angry
at myself.

I'm supposed to be this strong,
independent woman

who makes good judgments.

How could I fall in love
with someone like that?

What does that say
about me?

He was different then.

Yeah. Yeah, that's what
I realized tonight.

I didn't fall in love
with an ass.

I'm not that screwed up.

I could have told you that.

Yeah, you could have.

You knew I was unresolved,
I had absolutely no clue.

That's funny, 'cause right now
I feel pretty darn clueless.

I'm sorry.

I, uh, I don't know.

I just-- I haven't,
I haven't been on my own in,

I don't even know how long
it's been.

Which is probably why you knew
me better than I knew myself.

You're not ready.

I care about you too much
to screw it up.

I mean, you got Tess a banner.

Oh, no, the party!

My doorman said that about
a hundred people came.

Apparently they left us
some booze.

After tonight I
could use some.

Because of our conversation?

No. Because you and 12 other
people almost died.

And we lost Freddy.

As far as

our conversation goes,
I said I'm in.

That doesn't change.

You're worth
waiting for.

Especially once you really know

I left my stuff inside. Um,
I'll meet you in the bullpen.

Crime scene.

You know, I can toss a guy
across a room.

So can Cat.

Oh, we're back to covering now?

I'm just saying that just
because someone's small,

doesn't mean they're not capable
of doing crazy things.

And what about
Vincent Keller?

He took out four gunmen
without a weapon?

You read the byline
on that photo.

Guy's a war hero.

Detective Vargas,
are you recanting?

After what we've been through,
call me Tess.

You said that what I thought you
were covering up is true, so...

So you're a profiler.

You know when you go through
something like this,

a life-and-death experience,
you-you realize

you didn't appreciate
what you have.

I think I'm having one
of those moments.

And what do you have?

More friends than I realized.

That's a pretty good birthday
present, right?

Tess, they need
your statement.

And by the way, I know plenty
of people over the age of 12

who like their birthdays.

Is Tori hiding under there?

No, but after what she went
through tonight,

could you blame her?

Did you find her?

Yeah. She's okay.

Paramedics are
looking after her.

What I can't find is
that damn necklace.

Uh, maybe one
of the unis has it?

No. I asked.

No one has seen it anywhere.

Do you think that whoever it was

that shot that last guy

What, magically taken it
through the window?

No, but I don't think
that was an NYPD sniper.

I mean, we were right there.
They could've killed us.

And the timing of it...

Right, we were just so close
to getting information.

I'm sorry
that you didn't get it.

I know that I apologized

but I didn't know how personal
this was for you;

what that gem does.

Well, you felt tied to it
because of your,

your family,


But a 200-year-old relative

versus something that has
present-day power over you--

I think that you win.

You know what, tell me this:

why would someone want
a gem that controls beasts

unless they already have,
or they're creating,

ones exactly like Tori and me?

You have to get it back.

No. We do.

We got to stop competing.

You want to work together?

I think maybe we're meant to.

Although, wait.

Did you apologize to me?

Yes. I did.

Before you turned yourself over
to the hostage-taker.

I was, like...
I was, like, praying to you.

But... well...
I didn't hear anything.

The necklace.

You had it on you.


you just showed up, without...

Without hearing you
"like, praying" to me?


You shamed me
into it

with your "Old Vincent" tirade.

it was not a tirade.

Oh, my God!

You're the
reason I'm 30.

Well, they're, uh,
they're better than your 20s.

At least for most people, huh?

You ready to go?

Do you want to come?

We're just gonna
celebrate my birthday,

survival, new friends.

Well, I would love to, but...

...I should probably
go get Tori home.

You should come.


I... I can't.

Uh, can you let know
if that necklace shows up?


All right.
Happy birthday, Tess.


Oh, I hope
you don't mind,

I invited
the hostages-- Dana...

Well, everyone
but that drunk guy.

== sync, corrected by elderman ==