Beauty and the Beast (2012–2016): Season 1, Episode 22 - Never Turn Back - full transcript

When secrets about Cat's family are revealed, it will change everything Cat knew about her past.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- From the moment we met...
- We knew our lives

would never be the same.

He saved my life.

And she saved mine.

We're destined.

But we know it won't be easy.

Even though we have
every reason to stay apart.

We'll risk it all
to be together.

I am so in love with you.

Previously on
Beauty & the Beast:

I found him.

But we got to get to him quick.

You walk around
like yourself most of

the time, right?
Without any meds?

If I didn't take mine,

I'd be out of control
all the time.

You want my DNA?

Just a blood sample.

Then he wouldn't need
the medication.

I am happy to give you
some of my meds to try.

He keeps taking them,
they'll kill him,

two, three years tops.

Come on. Three good years
of us doing stuff like this.

That's more of a future
than we had this morning.

No, it isn't.

I ran a test on Vincent's blood.

It'll work.
Just one minor detail.

What you need from him,
he won't survive.

Whatever it takes.

♪ Girl, I say, if only life
would lean our way ♪

♪ Well, you and me...

The latte was amazing.


And a drive out of the city
is always welcome,

and who can resist
rosy-cheeked kids with cowboy hats?

But what are we doing
out here?

Well, you always say
how much you wish

we could go
on a normal date.

With the med's still
wearing off,

there's no chance of me going
aggro just yet,

so... you know, what better

than normal
Milltown, New York,

population 4,900 maybe?

♪ I heard your heart say,
"Love, love, love" ♪


♪ I heard your heart say,
"Love, love, love" ♪

♪ I heard your heart say, "Love,
love, love" ♪

Wow, I know
we're going for normal,

but is that stuff
even edible?

There's only one
way to find out.

Uh, just one, please.

Thank you.



♪ I heard your heart say,
"Love, love, love" ♪

♪ I heard your heart say,
"Love, love, love" ♪

♪ I heard your heart say, "Love,
love, love." ♪

I'm sorry this couldn't
last longer.

We both knew that taking
one little pill

to suppress your grittier side
was too good to be true.

Yeah, one little pill that has
one nasty, fatal side effect

if I keep taking them.

I know you can't and I would

never want you
to be hurt, but...

But it's nice to dream
for a few hours.

You're not gonna
believe this.

Kafka would be impressed.

Why? What is
unbelievable, JT?

The medicine, it's attacking
the zoo side of your DNA.


That's not possible.

I mean, Gabe has to take
one of those pills

every four hours
or it wears off.

And have they with you?

Well, no, but...


You may both be Frankenhumans,

but you're not from the same
crop of experiments.

Gabe was the first guinea pig.

They made a lot
of progress since then.

Maybe the pill works better
on you because you, my friend,

are in a full-swing
biological metamorphosis.

For the right generation
of the genetically altered,

Muirfield created
that pill

as a one-stop block
of all animal DNA.

Okay, wait. What are you saying?

If this battle of the animal
senses keeps up

for another few days... could be cured.

So, this is it.

Vincent shows up tonight...

You sure you can go
through with it?

Taking his life?

To save your own.

Seems like the only option now.

You can't take
those meds anymore.

I mean, your bones, your
muscles, brain tissue,

they're degenerating
at too rapid of a rate.

And you're sure
this is the only way?


Look, Vincent's
feral state,

it can be dormant
without medication.

Yours can't.
We need enough thymus platelets

in order to override
your tampered DNA.

He's your only hope for getting
off those lethal pills

and stopping you
from transforming 24-7.

I still need to pick up
a few things.

You can drop me at the office.

I'll wrap some things up

and let people know I'll be gone
for a few days.

You know, it shouldn't
be this hard.

All I ever wanted
was a normal life.

And I assume that
life includes me?

You know, I kind of like when
your animal side comes out.

You're not gonna like it
in about four hours

when my darker side shows up.

No. But you'll be a good
match for Vincent then.

Is it really true?

What JT found,
is this actually happening?

Okay, I don't want to

get my hopes up
just yet, but yeah.

I can't believe it.

Okay, after you called,

I got something to celebrate.

And I wanted to see
what you thought.

Well, I hate to break it to you,
but I'm over 21.

I don't need fake IDs.

No, you need a fake life.

Okay, there were always
two things standing in our way:

your uncontrollable side--

which is no longer a problem--

and Muirfield.

You would just...

leave everything?

I found a town
like the one yesterday.

It's about two hours
outside of Denver.

It's small, but there are jobs.

And, uh, and good schools,
just in case.

Muirfield would never find us.


Wow, I never knew
you wanted this.

I didn't know
I wanted it either.

I really never saw myself
settling down.

But I've been thinking
about a lot of things

that I didn't before I met you.

But I couldn't see
a future until today,

until you were...


So, you would just
give this all up?


Sewers and
burner phones and...

JT and Tess and...

Vincent, I'm sorry.

There are gonna be sacrifices
no matter what we do.

But JT is... he's building
a life with Sara.


And honestly, Tess
is better off if she

doesn't have to lie to the
person she loves every day.

You're right.

We can finally look at a life
ahead of us

instead of constantly looking
over our shoulders.

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

Hey, Dad.

Catherine, I need to meet you.

Yeah, we can go for coffee
tomorrow or...

No. I need
to see you now, alone.



Someone call an ambulance!

♪ Beauty and the Beast 1x22 ♪
Never Turn Back
Original Air Date on May 16, 2013

== sync, corrected by elderman ==

That should do it.

We don't anticipate
your father needing

any surgery
at this point

but if there are
any complications,

it's just best to have
a blood relative donate.


I saw Dr. Bell
in the hallway.

She says Dad's
doing great.

He doesn't look
so great to me.

He's gonna be fine, Cat.

Just a few broken ribs
and some internal bruising,

but he's gonna be fine.

Another foot or two
into that crosswalk,

with that car
gunning for him,

he never would
have made it.

Gunning for him?

Cat, it was
an accident.

I'm not so sure.
Car came out of nowhere,

breezed right through that light.
God, does everything

have to be
a conspiracy with you?

Can you please just sit
here and wait with him?

Being a detective does not mean
that you have to try and find

a criminal everywhere
you look, Cat.

Can you please

for once just be a
daughter, all right?

Be a sister and
just wait with us?

I have to do this, Heather.

How is he?

He's okay, I guess.

You really didn't
need to come.

I know, but I wanted to.

No, I mean maybe

you shouldn't have.

I think Muirfield did this.

That car veered
right at my dad.

Why would they go after him?

I'm not sure.

But he said that he had
something he needed

to show me and
he seemed rattled.

I've got a security detail
on him and I'm gonna bring

his stuff to our I.T. guys,

see if they can get
it fired up again.

Okay, well, I guess
if your mom worked for them,

they might've kept tabs
on your dad, but...

Hopefully it's nothing, okay?

Let me help you--
I will go back to the scene.

I will see if I pick
anything up.

There's not much you can do.


I didn't mean...

No, it's okay.

I guess it's just a bit
of a readjustment

for the both of us, huh?

I will, uh, just lay low.

Yeah, what is it?

Little twist-- not a good one.

I'm at Gabe's loft.

Since when
did you start playing

cloak and dagger with Gabe?

Sorry, but protecting you
is my job.

More than ever now that
your Spidey sense is on mute.

Yeah, all right, thanks, JT.

No biggie, but Tyler seemed
like she was hiding something.

And she was-- they don't
just want a pint of blood.

They want to harvest
your lymphatic system--

spleen, thymus, bone marrow.

So Gabe lied.

They're gonna kill you.

I'll destroy everything here.

But I'd suggest
you RSVP as a regret

to their little...
dissection party.

Cat, what are you doing here?

How's your dad?

He's got a few broken bones,
banged up pretty badly,

but he should pull through.

I was hoping someone
from I.T. would be here.

I need to get my dad's
pad and phone opened.

See if there's
some clue as to

why someone would want
to run him over.

Want to run him over?

He said it was important
I talked to him.

He seemed pretty shaken.

Okay, but there are
750 car accidents

every day in this city--
it's more likely...

No, there has to be something
in his things that he wanted

to show me something
important enough

that they had to stop him.
Cat, come on, stop.

Look, I will track down

a techno nerd and see if
there's anything on here.

But all this running around,

I-I get the sense there's
something else going on.

I can't just sit there.

Every time I look at him,
I see...

my mother lying in that parking
lot, bleeding to death.

You know, it's getting
harder to remember the last time

in my life anything felt normal.

I'm sorry.

And, look, I'm not
trying to be a bitch,

but you have to get past it.

You have to go
to that hospital,

you have to sit
next to his bed

and be there
for your sister.

They need you.

And, look,

I-I promise if I find
anything on here,

I'll call you
immediately, okay?


Thanks, Tess.

Is he there already?

He's not coming.

Gabe, they tossed your place.

Everything is destroyed.

Security camera showed
that JT Forbes did it,

so I don't think Vincent has
any interest in dying tonight.

My variable centrifuge

is a giant heap of parts.

Go find another one.

Why? How are you gonna
get him here?

Every man has a weakness,

and I know what Vincent's is.

You and I are gonna take
a little drive in the country.

I just need it on.
Well, I, uh...

sort of deduced that

even without a badge.


You don't even
remotely comprehend

what's behind this little
piece of glass, do you?

Absolutely not.

That's what they pay you for,

but apparently only one
of us can actually

do their job, so...

Hold on, just-just
give me a second.

Okay? Um... hmm.

Okay, let's see this, uh...

Oh, hmm.

Yup, okay, here we go.

Look at that.

Two of us doing our job.


You owe me dinner.

Not finding any
retrievable information.

Whoever beat us here,
they wiped everything.

You sure Lowan didn't do this?

I doubt it.

We may not have known
Lowan was still alive,

but... someone did.

Killed all his research.


let's find out who it was.

And bring in Lowan.

I did not come all this way
to let him slip

through my fingers again.

I've been here before.

As a child.

Your mom brought you
one day to play

when she came
to check on me.

I was wondering
if you'd remember.

Is this really how
you want to repay her

for rescuing you
from those labs?

Vincent was willing
to give you his blood.

Sadly that's not enough and
Vincent figured it out.

I didn't realize
until yesterday

just how comprehensive
the procedure would be.

You're gonna kill him.

He's not a beast anymore.

He took your pills.

They had a different
effect on him than you.

He doesn't need to
take another one.

I know what you're trying
to do, Catherine.

And you won't stop me
from moving forward

because Vincent looks normal.

Everything they've done

to him is still
in his system.

He's still in transition.

I imagine the sacrifice
hasn't been easy

for him though, has it?

What, being back to normal?

Tyler used to say that--

Which only reminded me
how much I'm not.

We all want the same thing,

to fit in, to find love.

As incredible as it feels
to taste that power,

strength to do things
men can only dream of doing,

anyone would sacrifice that

for a chance
at simple human happiness.

He won't come.

You know he will.

He loves you.

He would give up
his life to save you.

Where is he?

I'll have him here soon.

Soon was an hour ago.

The longer you're progressed,

the harder it's gonna be
to manage your sedation levels.

Just have everything ready.

You're running out
of time, Lowan.

I won't call him.

Yeah, you will.

I have your phone.

Cat? Cat?

Hey, where have you been?

We've been trying to warn...

Too late-- I'd tell you
to calm down, but I hear

your anger issues aren't
a problem anymore.

What have you done with her?
She's here.

She's fine.

You hold up your end
of the agreement

and nothing will happen to her.

Look, I don't believe you, okay?

I want to see her-- put her on.

Vincent, I'm fine.

Don't come--
he's gonna kill you...

Yeah... Cat!

6268 Rochester Court.

You're not here within the hour,

you won't see Catherine again.

I'm sorry, Catherine.

I know what it's like
to be locked in here.

I found the centrifuge

for the one that Keller
and his whiz kid destroyed.

So we're back on track?

Assuming you get to Keller
in time.

I'll handle Keller.
What's your ETA?

I'm sending the lab assistant
over to you

with the new equipment.

I'll be there within the hour,
all right?

Whoa, she's got a gun!

Take it, take it.

Whiz kid, huh?

How did you know to
destroy the centrifuge?

Imagine that.

Beautiful mysterious woman,

deadly politician beastman...

call it a wild hunch.

Well, you know what?
It doesn't matter.

Because if you don't show,

he's going to kill
your girlfriend.

Thanks for volunteering
to be our bargaining chip.

Okay, change of plan.

I'm not playing games, Vincent.

Neither am I.

Here, take a look at this.

Catherine for Tyler.

Maybe you got more time
than you think.

Why don't we just work together
and find another way?

You're a terrible liar, Vincent.

You're not gonna forgive me
for taking the woman you love.

Just as I'm not gonna
forgive you.

Just tell me where we trade.

And what are you gonna do
if I refuse?

I'll kill her.

Go ahead.

Kill her.

Betrayal's a bitch, isn't it?

You think he'd
go through with it?

With Catherine?

I guess we do what we have to

in order to save ourselves.

That's a yes.

There's only one way
out of this.

What, you're gonna
just walk right in there?

So, suicide--

that's how this all ends?

From what Tyler said, he'll...

he'll be completely
off his meds.

Full beast.

JT, before any of this happened,

I was a soldier first.

I know what I'm doing.

Bravery isn't going to do it
if you want to save Catherine.

Promise me you won't hurt him.

I won't kill him.

Why, what do you know?

You both know that

Vincent's transition
isn't complete.

So in this window
of metamorphosis,

there's one thing that can stop
the change, even reverse it.

Your own immune system.

I'm an idiot.

Any vaccine,
flu or tetanus,

anything that causes
your immune system

to go into overdrive...

It'll boost your own body

in order to fight
off everything,

including the cure.

So if I reverse this,
went back to the way I was...

it would be for good?

You yourself said how things
feel numb as a mere mortal.

That you'd finally found
what gave you purpose:

using your beasty-boy for good.

And I gave it all up

to have a peaceful,
normal life with Catherine.

And I would do it again.

Vincent, we're talking
about Catherine's life.

What if your beastly strength
is the only way to save her?

I can do it the way I am.

I can't go back.

I thought you might be hungry.

I doubt it'll surprise you
that I don't really have

much of an appetite.

You have to know...

if there was any other way

for me to stay alive...

You'd do the same thing
I'm doing.

I guess when you've had
a difficult childhood,

things take on their
own perspective.

So what happened?

After my mom saved you
and left you here?

Were they a good family?

They tried to be.

But it was terrifying.

I was maybe nine, ten.

I may have looked
like a monster to them,

but I was just a boy.

And it was dark.

And I was scared.

And now?

Where are they?

I was at a party one night,

wanting to feel normal for once,

and I lost track of time
and I skipped my meds.

And when I got home,
I had already turned,

and my mom tried to stop me,

and without meaning to,
I shoved her.

She landed at the bottom
of the staircase.

My father died
not long after.

Maybe from a broken heart...

...maybe he just needed
an escape from me.

Their love had to brave some
pretty extraordinary situations.

It's not easy loving
someone like me.


No, not yet!


It's for your own protection.

You really think it's too
difficult to recreate a cure?

Less difficult with me.

So tell me, JT,

what was your first
big breakthrough?

Irregularities in glycolysis.


You know, I never landed
on respiration.

I was always focused on
eukaryotic cell structures,

so I never was looking
at behaviors.

Oh, it took months,

because Vincent's samples
actually didn't display

that many differences.

Then I started to notice

an altered pattern
in the ETC, and... bam!


Feels good, right?

Whenever you have one
of those "eureka" moments.

You're the one who figured out
this pill-slash-cure.


I just took
a synthesized version

of the pills that Gabe had been
taking since he was a child

and I altered them
according to some research

I stole from Muirfield.

Sometimes you wonder

how you ended up
in all this, right?

I used to think running
for Science Club President

was a challenge.

So how does this work?

Am I deprived of
all food and water?

Oh, uh, selection's not great.

We've got beer and...


Survival of the fittest.

You understand.




Little help?


Vengeful siren of deceit.

I knew something was up

when Cat never showed
at the hospital, but...

Gabe took Cat.

Vincent went after her and we
tried using Tyler as a trade.

Then what, Girl Friday
got the jump on you?

She spoke geek

and lured you onto the rocks

with her polysyllabic phrases?

You're funnier when
I'm not dehydrated

and annoyed at your gender.

Can you just get these off?

Whoa, wait!

Don't you even
check the trajectory

for ricochets or
something first?


I'm going to take that
as a thank you.

Where'd she go?

Back to Gabe's, I imagine.

But it's bad.

Gabe's gotta be full-throttle
mono-brow by now,

and Vincent's...

lost his edge.

All right, great.

And we may have another problem.


Looks like the swelling
has started to subside.

We'll be able to pull him
out of the induced coma soon.

But the left leg
is more than fractured,

it's shattered.

Your father's going
to need surgery

and we need
a family blood donor.

Oh, my sister's
already given some blood.

Unfortunately, Catherine's blood
contained no common identifiers

with your father.

Uh, Ms. Chandler,
all children's blood

should contain
some common identifier

with the birth parent.

It's customary to confirm
any irregularities in our test

with a DNA test.

I'm not quite following.

There's no easy way
to say this.

There was no match between
Catherine and your father.


Stand back!

Stand back!

Picked the wrong day to be going
back to being normal.

Where are they?
I didn't see them.

I wish I had my
strength back.

Vincent, be honest,
did you take

those pills because
you thought I wanted

a more normal future
or because you did?

I thought we both did.

Isn't that why
you got those fake IDs?

That was your idea, remember?

Because you said
you never really saw

a future for us
until I was normal.

Well, maybe I wasn't looking...

for any future.

But I can see it now.

Beast or no beast.

It really doesn't matter to you?

I should have listened
to JT and turned back.

Turned back?

Apparently I'm still
in a transitional stage.

If I get a vaccine,

any vaccine, it'll
increase my antibodies,

it'll fight off the medicine,
and I will turn back.


Where's your medicine cabinet?
I need a vaccine.



I can't let you
die for me.

You want him alive?
For now.

Let's take him in.

♪ It's a terrible love
that I'm walking with spiders ♪

♪ It's a terrible love
that I'm walking in ♪

♪ It's a terrible love
that I'm walking with spiders ♪


♪ It's a terrible love
that I'm walking in ♪

♪ Its quiet company

♪ Its quiet company

♪ Its quiet company

Don't shoot!

♪ And I

She's my daughter.
♪ Can't fall asleep ♪

♪ Without a little help

♪ It takes an ocean
not to break ♪

♪ Company...

== sync, corrected by elderman ==