Beauty and the Beast (2012–2016): Season 1, Episode 17 - Partners in Crime - full transcript

Cat rushes to Vincent's aid, trying to persuade Tess that he is not the danger Tess thinks he is. JT ends the standoff by firing a tranquilizer dart. Cat has to leave Vincent to guard Tess to stop her from revealing his whereabouts and he attempts to convince her not to turn him in for Cat's sake. Cat goes to Tess's apartment to find files that would prove he only killed those committing criminal acts. Vincent lets Tess go, although she remains unconvinced and goes straight to A.D.A. who assigns two cops to go with Tess into the underground tunnels to catch Vincent. Tess realizes they are not following correct police protocols but when she mentions it they shoot her, leaving her to drown. Vincent rescues her. Later Evan goes to Cat's apartment to declare his feelings for her only to see her and Vincent kissing on the fire escape and as he watches Vincent leaps from the 5th storey onto a passing truck and to the ground.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
From the moment we met...

We knew our lives
would never be the same.

He saved my life.

And she saved mine.

We're destined...

But we know it won't be easy.

Ev though we have every
reason to stay apart...

We'll risk it all to be together.

I am so in love with you.

Previously on Beauty & the Beast:

Who are they?

Garnett and Newell.

They're here to help
catch the vigilante.

Okay, so Joe's hired assassins.

I got in contact with some people

who will destroy this
thing once and for all.


What if the only way for all of us

to be free is to give
them what they want?

- And what's that?
- Me.

I have a possible
location for our killer.

So much for the plan, we
got to get out of here.

How many times did I tell you,

I needed him brought to me

before the rest of
the team got to him?

No, no!


Okay, it's okay.

It's okay, you're gonna be okay.

He was about to
attack me, cuff him.

Tess, Tess, you need
to put your gun down.

He needs help.

What is happening?

He's changing.

Okay, call an ambulance.

No ambulance.

Get my bag.

Cat, stand back! Stop moving.

It's okay, I know him

and he's not going
to hurt us, all right?

- Vincent, what do you need?
- Vincent?

The knife in the front pocket.

Is that Vincent Zalanski
that you've been dating?

That's the serial killer
we've been looking for?

- What do you need?
- You are not giving him a knife right now!

- What do you need it for?
- I'm gonna dig the bullet out.

- What?
- Just give it here, give it to me.

Catherine, put the
weapon down, now!

Tess, he just needs
to get the bullet out.

You're acting as an accessory.

Stand up, walk backwards
with your hands in the air.

Do what she says.

No, Tess, he is not a
serial killer, please.

Precinct 125, it's
Vargas, I need backup.

- Do you copy, do you copy?
- Please don't do this!

Tess! Tess!

Go get her. She will tell everyone!

Go! I'll be fine. Go!

Go now!

Tess, he's not a killer!

Tess, wait!

Tess, wait.



I'm sorry, please!

Please, come on, come on.

- Just wait, just wait.
- Help!

- Help!
- You got to listen to us, okay?

- Get off.
- Tess, Tess, it's okay,

he's not gonna hurt you.

How did you get here?

I heal quickly, okay?

- He was an...
- Help!


Oh, my God, Vincent.

Vincent, just...

He... There was an experiment.

Vincent, he was a soldier,

they changed his DNA,

they turned him into this,

and now they're trying to kill him.


No one can know...

What did you do?

I didn't do anything.


What, I didn't kill
her, it's a tranq gun.

You tranqued her?

He bought us some time, okay?

What do we do now?

We're already out of a home.

I say we run, head to Canada now.

- Just leave her here?
- She's fine.

She's not fine.

You gave her the same
dosage you give Vincent.

She's half his size.

Okay, her vitals are
normal, she's okay.

Can we not worry about her

and maybe worry about us?

They're going to
be looking for her.

No recent calls and
she hasn't texted anyone

where she was headed so
we have a little time.

And when she doesn't
check back with work?

I'll send an e-mail
from her phone.

And then what?

We can't keep her
here indefinitely.

We leave now,

we get a head start
before she exposes us.

Your precinct, the FBI,

oh, and Muirfield are all after us.

JT, slow down, okay?

No one is leaving yet.

Catherine has her whole life here,

not to mention her family.

She stays here, she goes to jail,

how's that help her family?

Maybe Tess needs

a-a little time to
adjust to the shock

of seeing me like that, all right?

You mean after the five
years of psychotherapy

she's gonna need for
that simple adjustment?

Okay, not to mention, she's a cop.

She sees things black and white.

It's her job to find the person

who killed her boyfriend's
brother, that's it.

Catherine, she's not just a cop,

okay, she is your partner.


After spending four years
in a squad car with you,

she cares about you, okay?

And even though this situation

is a little gray, a
partner is a partner.

Okay, before we put
all our faith in this

charcoal partnership,

I should probably mention
that her other BFF, Evan,

is now on Muirfield's payroll.

- What?
- You really know how to pick them.

Okay, look, a problem
for another day.

Look, given our options,

I think you need to at least

try and convince her that

she needs to protect
us in some way.

In the meantime,

we need to get my DNA samples

to the morgue so
Muirfield's new recruit

can confirm that one of the bodies

in the warehouse, was, in fact, me.

I'm not leaving Tess.

Fine, I'll do it.

You're going to need this.

What if I can't convince her?

Then we run.

Anyone seen Vargas?

Not since yesterday.

Guess she never got the
memo we caught the guy.

It means she's doing her damn job.

What about Chandler?

No, I haven't seen her either.

She's probably
celebrating the takedown.

Yeah, congratulations, boss.

Thanks, but why don't we wait

for the DNA results on the body.

I'm surprised to hear
you say that, Joe.

Considering I heard you just
called a press conference.

Easy, Lowan.

I'm not going to
go in there and say,

"Got you suckers."

But I got the AP, the Post
and the Times hounding me.

Okay, I'm just trying to
control the rumor mill.


All we know is Detective Chandler

talked to some
mystery CI at Rikers,

who gave her the address
of an abandoned building.

Which somebody exploded
the minute they found out

we were descending.

Seems like the actions
of a wanted man to me.

Actually, it all seems
vague and convenient.

What's going on, Gabe?

This because we didn't
bring him in alive?

I'm not sure we got him at all.

But if we did, yeah.

See, I'm the ADA.

I prefer to put a living
human being on the stand.

Well, you know I prefer
to ask a living human being

why he killed my baby brother.

See, in this job, I put
my personal agenda aside.

But I get it,

you want to be a tough
guy, save the city.

Better than being the
guy with egg on his face

because he implied
something and was wrong.

Good luck with that
press conference.

I don't even know
where I should start.

Muirfield or the vigilante stuff?

Okay, maybe you should
start with you and Tess.

There is no me and Tess.

She saw me tampering with evidence.

She doesn't believe a word I say.

She's probably burnt
every picture of us,

every birthday card.

Okay, yes, you lied.

And chased and drugged her.

You didn't have a choice.

Okay, I know you feel
guilty about the lying,

but in all honesty,

it wasn't your secret to
tell in the first place.

I st-- I
still lied.

Even though I had
good reasons, it...

I didn't have a gun to my head.

I made a choice to lie to her

and she is never going
to forgive me for that.

Okay, our best shot
at convincing her

is to appeal to her as a cop.

Tess has this amazing
sense of justice.

If I can show her that every crime

that you've been involved in,

it's been because you've been
trying to save someone, then...

Catherine, I've killed people, too.

Okay, you said she's
black and white.

But it has never been
with the intent to kill.

It's always been with
the intent to protect.

And sometimes, you have
to use the force necessary.

That's not going to be gray to her.

That's what we do as cops.

She's going to get that.

are you doing?

Wh-where are you going?

I've got to go build a case.

She's not going to believe
me, so I have to get proof.

And, I've got to e-mail work
and say that she's-- I'm--

not feeling 100%.

I came as soon as
I heard you got him.

How did you...

Word travels.

You know, Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram.

It was on Instagram?

Kids today...

Ah, I just figured...

you know, we were
once partners in this.

Uh, thought I'd come
by to see what this

you know, gnarly
bastard looks like. This.

Oh! They all look pretty
much the same: burnt.

So, great, uh, what can I do?

You want me to man the centrifuge?

No, I've got the
centrifuge under control.


Wait, uh, before you turn it on

I think we should pray.

Or-or bet. More fun.

Come on.

Let's see what these
suckers look like.

I've got people
waiting for the results.

Let them wait.

For once, us scientists
have the power.

Savor it.

Let's see which
body is our creature,

one, two, three or four?

Just don't touch the test tubes.

Evan, hey.

Uh, Detective Chandler.

Professor Forbes.

I'm, uh, Dr. Marks' colleague.

I'm just so excited it's here.

So, we got our guy?

Uh, we're not sure yet.

I've had some interruptions.

But, he wouldn't let
me near the test tubes.

You don't have to worry about him,

- he's a real rule follower.
- That's not what I hear.

Can I talk to you for a second?


Don't touch anything.

So, I know that you're
keeping a file on everything

related to that and I was
wondering if I could take it?

Just for the day?

Cat, I'm not planning to go ahead

with any of the
cross-species aspect...

No, no, neither am I.

All everyone needs to know

is whether the DNA
matches the previous cases.

Yeah, I just want
to refresh my memory

on all the details of the crimes

so I can write my report.

Unless, there's some other reason

that you want to hold onto it.


Um, just, I need it back.

Just for my private research.



Joe, hey, yeah, just in a rush.

Where the hell you been?

Uh, working on the case.

Ah, then you'll be prepped.

For what?

You know, this really
isn't the best time.

Tell them that.

- Is the city safe? Detective Chandler?
- Detective Chandler?

Can you confirm that
you caught the vigilante?

Do you have more
detail on the killing?

Detective Chandler?

Is it true that there were
multiple victims at the scene?

Can you tell us anything
else about the killer?

Here's some water.

It's okay.

I'm not gonna hurt you, okay?

I just... I just want to talk.

Well, we took your gun.

Just... just for now, okay?

Just so no one gets hurt.

- Cat. Where's Catherine?
- She's gone

to the precinct, all right,
but she is on her way back,

and she will explain...

Look, I told work
exactly where I was going.

They'll find me.

Do you remember Catherine

trying to tell you about,
um, some experiments?

Oh, yeah, well, while you
were assaulting me, I do.

You can add that to your
rap sheet, by the way.

You know, what she
didn't get to tell you

is that...

the organization that
made me the way that you saw,

know they screwed up.

They killed my entire
unit just to cover this up,

and they will do the same to
me, or anyone who knows about me.

Okay, that's the reason
why she didn't tell you.

Or maybe she didn't tell me

'cause she was harboring
a serial killer.

- I'm not a serial...
- What?

You're just a killer
of a series of people?

I had to let my whole family,
anyone who's ever known me,

believe I'm dead,

killed in battle in Afghanistan.

All right, not telling you
was for your own safety.

That is all.

We found prints of a dead guy,

a dead vet, on an old crime scene.

Murdered fashion
editor. That was you.

I did some CPR on her.

That was almost a year ago.

She's been lying to me since then?

And it has been killing
her, okay? Believe me.

She is only doing this to...

What, protect me?
I got that. Thanks.

And with friends like that,
who needs serial killers?

Though, apparently,
she likes to date them.

Maybe we should just wait
until Catherine gets back.

I'll take that as a yes.

For Detective Chandler--
your big tip from Rikers--

did he tell you anything
about this killer?

As I said before, I'm not able

to disclose any
details at this time.

What about the informant?
Any information on that?

Ladies and gentlemen,

we've told you everything we know.

And although we remain
optimistic we've caught our guy,

the NYPD urges you to
remain cautious and vigilant.

We will update you with
any new developments.

Thank you very much.

Detective Chandler?

You were appropriately
vague up there.

But off the record,

uh, the questions that
reporter was asking--

can you answer any of them?

Some, but I really need to go.

Which ones?

The ones that got us into the
warehouse and broke the case.

You could have been a lawyer.

So you think we got the right guy?

- Yes.
- Right.

It was your tip. You're biased.

What about Vargas?

- What about Vargas?
- What's she think?

I don't know.

She's, uh... she's not
my partner anymore, so...

So you're not worried about her?

Why would I be worried?

Forensics aren't in yet.

There could still be
the killer out there,

and far as we know, she
was following up on a lead.

She e-mailed Joe. She said
she wasn't feeling well.

Yeah. She's so sick, she
can't answer my phone calls.

You know, I think I'll send

Garnett and Newell by her
place, just to make sure.

Okay, you know what? I will go.

Since you are worried, I'll go.

Thought you had
someplace you had to be?

You know, she was my
partner, and I've got a key.

I'll come with.

Uh, you don't... you
don't need to do that.

I'm sure you have
plenty of things that...

Oh, I do, but
nothing more important

than making sure one of our
detectives is accounted for.

You drive.

Maybe she ditched us both.

No, no. She is coming.

Look, I had faith in her,
too. Look where I ended up.

So, what do you think she
gets out of this relationship?

'Cause I mean, it's
not the great digs,

and it's not career advancement.

She's facing jail time.
So what am I missing?

I don't know.

You know, I tried pushing her away.

Oh. The
hard-to-get thing?

Yeah, it's appealing at
first, but you get past it.

So what?

You know, maybe I'm
not all that bad.

Okay, look, maybe we
should use this time

to get to know each other.

You know, you and
I-- we actually...

we have a lot in common.

No, we do.

Um, I'm-I'm from a
family of firefighters,

and Catherine told me that
you're from a long line of cops.

And you got a lot of brothers.

Yeah, uh... I-I, um, I had two.

They, uh... they, uh...
they died in the Towers.

You're playing the sympathy card?

No, I'm just playing
the cards I was dealt.

You know, the other thing
that we got in common?

We both care about
Catherine deeply.

Look, I know you're
furious at her right now,

but look,
here you are--

yes, held against your
will-- but, you know,

you're still trying
to understand her,

and understand the choice
she made in being with me.

And I'm still at a loss.

I know, um...

but maybe you could just try and...

hear her out when, uh...

when she explains this to you.

You're hungry, huh?


I can hear your stomach.

I just... I can tell.

Yeah, I guess I am.

We, uh, got some granola
bars. You want one?

Yeah, I'm pretty thirsty, too.

- Oh, God!
- Listen, listen!

It's okay.

All right, we... we could have run.

We could have been long gone.

But Catherine refused
to leave you behind.

I swear, you're going
to have to kill me

before I let you keep me
trapped down here any longer!

Look, you turn her in,

you will completely destroy her.

All right, her career,
her entire life.

Listen, I am not asking
you to protect me,

so before you do anything,

you need to talk to her.

Tess, you're not just a cop, okay?

You are her friend.

So please,

find her and talk to her.


I'm letting you go now.

- How long has it been?
- It'll ding when it's ready.

That was a buzz, not a ding.

Is that a...?

- No.
- But speaking of,

they're gonna be pretty angry

if one of those bodies
isn', aren't they?

It's not who I'm worried about.

It's not? So, then...?

Remember that woman
I told you about?

Oh, yeah, uh... Katie...?

Catherine, who
walked in here before.

That's who just texted
me for the result.

She's actually the one that
broke the case, remember?


- You have a thing for her.
- What?

I mean, I knew you joined
the evil arches for her,

but I didn't realize
it was because...

Because she was in danger.

Oh, dude, you should
so not go there.

You work together.

No, I'm not going anywhere.

Since when have you been
concerned about my love life?

I'm not, I'm... concerned
about your life life.

You know, now that you're
in the grips of..."M."

But just curious-- what happens
if she doesn't reciprocate?

There's nothing to reciprocate.

It's just, you've
done all this for her.

I don't want you going all postal.

Oh, my God.

There's no trace of her.

What are you doing
with Tess' phone?

Oh, I found it here.

You've been doing this
long enough to know

you find a missing person's cell...

She's not a missing person.

You think foul play,

you tell your partner
you have a lead.

Oh, I didn't realize
you were my partner.

I'm not, but I am starting to think

that you're hiding something.

I'm starting to
think the same thing.

An ADA going on a ride-along?

That's uniform cop stuff.

Why are you so focused on Vargas?

What's your agenda?

I have a personal investment
in this particular case.

- Care to elaborate?
- No.

That's even vaguer than my
answers at the press conference.

Thing is, my situation with
Tess-- it's personal, too,

and it certainly doesn't
require the attention of an ADA.

It's between me and my best friend.

Best friend? Really?

I thought you said that you
weren't partners anymore.

I was wrong.

And apparently, so were you.

Forensics are back.

We got our guy.

There's no longer
a killer out there.


You seem disappointed.

I am.

I wanted to meet
him face-to-face.

But, hey, at least we know

he hasn't hurt your best friend.

I'll call a car service.

I'll let you know when I find her.

Oh, my God.


What are you doing here?

I, um... were you in my apartment?

Long story.

I went to get some files
from the morgue, and...

Oh, yeah, right. Your
monster boyfriend told me

you're going to
explain everything away.

Okay, obviously, I...

How you lied to me for a year,

drugged me, held me hostage.

I am sorry that I
left you down there.

And for what?

So you could hide out with
your sociopathic boyfriend?

He is not a sociopath.


Okay, look, I am not proud
of what I have done...

but these files,

they are all cases that
Vincent's been involved in.

I don't want to look at cases...

Tess, it goes all the
way back to my mother.

He was there that
night in the woods.


beast I thought I saw
then, that was him.

And that case we had with
the dead guy's prints...

That one I figured out.

He tried to save her.

Just like he saved me and Evan.

Every time he's been involved,

it's been because he is
trying to do the right thing.

Except he killed Joe's brother.

Who was about to shoot Heather.

Darius's prints were on the gun.

You know what? You can
prove that in court.

You can't be judge and jury

while Vincent goes out
and plays executioner.

They are hunting him, Tess.

That doesn't put you above the law.

I knew that you would see
it that way, and I get it.

That's part of why
I never told you.


you are black and
white, and this...

- So this is my fault?
- No.


This is my fault.

Especially leaving you
alone in those tunnels.

That's what you're focused on?

After seeing those pictures
of us in your apartment...


Everything else,

it just seems like this
impossible situation,

and I don't know what I would
have done differently, but...

leaving my...

leaving my best friend to wake up,

scared and alone in a tunnel?

I am so sorry.

And after doing that, I...

I can't believe that I have
to ask you to be my friend

and... trust me

that the person that I have
fallen in love with, he...

he isn't a monster.

He isn't.

The world is a better,

safer place with him in it.

Maybe for you.

And I might have
pictures up, but...

I can't be your friend,

not after what's happened.

You have to turn Vincent in.

- Tess
- Look...

Your boyfriend asked me
not to ruin your life,

and I won't.

I'll cover for you.

But only if you turn him in.

Okay, I won't lie to you anymore.

I can't do that.

I am so sorry.


Your phone.

Hey, yeah, it's
Vargas calling for Joe.

Well, I need Garnett and
Newell to come meet me.

We caught the wrong guy.

She was at the morgue
two and half hours ago,

- so where is she?
- I don't know.

She's probably still
talking to Tess, okay?

She was supposed to talk
to her down here, with you.

Okay, we've got to go.
Tess is turning us in.

Wha...? Well, did she talk to you?

Great. I knew it.

D-Didn't she come and see you?

Kind of. It's not
important right now.

Did you show her the files on me?

You were right-- cop
angle didn't work,

but neither did the friendship one.

There's a shocker.

Can't believe you let her go

because you didn't
bother to show up!

He doesn't know how
to make small talk.

JT, it's not the time to
point fingers right now, okay?

You're the only one
they're not looking for.

Go get the car and meet us
at the northeast entrance.

We'll meet you there.

We finally convince
them you're dead,

and now you two screw it up.

You afraid of the dark?

You want me to hold your hand?

I'm more afraid of how
trigger-happy you two are.

Listen, Chandler could be
down here looking for this guy,

so don't just shoot
at anything that moves.

Vargas, for once try not to
be such a damn Girl Scout.


Whoo! What did I just say?

- Hope the rat doesn't file a complaint.
- Yeah.

What is that?

Oh, you see something
that you like, Vargas?

Never seen a cattle prod before?

No, I'm just surprised
you brought one down here.

You told us the guy was
dangerous; we came prepared.

Yeah, but I didn't say he
was some kind of animal.

What? What do you guys know?

- Why don't you just leave this to us, all right?
- No way.

Not if Chandler's down here.

Look, there's a little more
going on here than you know.

What does that mean?

Who are you guys?

No one. Hang... back.

I'm not hanging anywhere.

You're not following NYPD protocol.

- What the hell was that?
- You're the one that shot her!

Yeah, after you started
messing with her.

Look, she's dead,

so she's not reporting us.

Lowan knows
we're down here--

they find her body,
he'll cover for us.

What exactly did Tess say?

She said she's turning us in.

- What, even you?
- Yes.

You're lying.

Fine, Tess said she'd cover for
me if I turned you in, which...

which I am obviously
not gonna do, so...

They're after me, not you.

Head back to Tess and tell
her that you will turn me in.

What? No.

By that time I will be long gone.

Catherine, she's
giving you a choice.

Okay, she's willing
to protect you still.

This way you will get your
friendship and your career back.

You are not leaving me.

I am the reason why we're
in this stupid situation.

So am I. If it wasn't
for me, you and...

you and JT would be in the
Yukon Territories by now.

Vincent, this whole time
you've been saying that...

partners need to be
there for each other.

You, you are my partner.

Come on.

I've already lost one today,

I will not lose another.

Someone's coming. Come on.

Help! Help!

They're cops.

Okay, I'm gonna draw them out,

- and you sneak past, okay?
- Okay.

There he is! There he is!

Hey, we need him alive.



Can anyone hear me?!

You okay?


Except for two dead cops.

I don't think they were just cops.

Okay, we got to get out of here.

Wait, wait, wait. What about Tess?

She is the only one who
knew we were down here,

so she must have told
them-- but where is she?

Still worried about her
even after she turned us in.

I'm not gonna leave
until we find her.

Okay. Uh, we're gonna
have to split up.




Grab my hand!

Hold the grate!

Come on.

Grab my hand, come on.

You got it.

You got it, come on,

it's okay, it's okay,
it's okay, come on.

Come on, come on.

It's okay, it's okay,
it's okay, you're safe now.

You okay?

- How did you know I was...?
- It was Catherine.

Oh, my God, oh, my God.

I'm so sorry.

No, it's okay.

God, I think I need a
tetanus shot after that.

How about some bourbon?

That, too.

Are you okay?

What, you mean now that I'm
living in a world of gray?

I didn't mean what I said before

about you always
being black and white.

Uh, because I'm not.

I'm sleeping with my married boss.

Right. But I get why
you didn't tell me.

I guess I just have
a lot of questions.

I will try to answer
whatever I can.

Has he ever hurt
anyone who was innocent?

No... not since Afghanistan.

What else?

Has he ever hurt you?


Tess, no.

Do you kiss him
when he's like that?

Not when he's fully like
that but somewhere in between.


World really is gray with you, hmm?

I've missed you.

I've missed you, too.

It's Joe.

What are you gonna tell him?

That you saved my life.

Tess, it's going to be
more complicated than that.

Let's just take it one
phone call at a time.

No, yeah, it was a false alarm,

so it was a good thing I
couldn't get a hold of you.

Garnett and Newell, but, uh...

...they never showed up.

You questioned my
people, and then the guys

you hand-selected didn't
even bother to show up.

- What are you talking about?
- Garnett and Newell.

Vargas asked them to back
her up, and they never came.

She was down in the sewers alone,

fell into some storm drain.

What was she doing in the sewers?

Doesn't matter. The point
is, she could have drowned.

Luckily Chandler
went looking for her.

Look, I don't know what
to say except you're right,

they are my guys, and
I will handle them,

and you will never have
to see their faces again.

It's still alive.


"Oh, hey"? That's it?

This is big.

The streets are safe,

you're done with "M."

You, you are done with "M," Right?

Yeah, right.

So why the long face?

Let's just say,
you're not the person

I want to be sharing
a beer with right now.

No offense.

Oh, no, not the coworker.

This is your fault, okay?

Until you brought it up,

I was perfectly happy
just focusing on DNA,

you're right...

I did all this for her.

No, no, I-I'm a terrible
judge of these things.

Y-You need to take a beat and...

I don't want to take a beat, okay?

I sit here every day,
confronted with death.

JT, life is short.

- I want to tell her.
- No, no, no.

Life is not short.

It's very long,

especially now that you
got your-- our creature.

Hand me a beer.

So you're not going
to tell her, right?

You just said you're a
terrible judge of these things.

Tess told Joe that Garnett
and Newell never showed,

so they have been fired.

Right, well, if
anyone goes looking,

JT and I made sure
they won't find them.

So Tess covered, huh?

Yeah, well, I hate to say it,

but, uh... I told you so.

You don't hate to
say it, I can tell.

Yeah, well, it's nice to
be right once in a while.

You weren't right
down in the tunnels.

What, by letting Tess go?

No, I'm, I'm talking
about when you wanted

to run off and leave me.

It was so you could
have your life back.

Okay. You are my life.

At least you're a huge part of it.

But whenever there's some
jeopardy, that's your go-to.

And I know...

I know it's because
you want to protect me.

But I'm in this.

So next time, when
we go over the options

of what we're going to do...

...running away from
me isn't one of them.

That's not what partners do...

and I learned that from you.

But right now I got to go
and find my other partner.

See where we're gonna
put all our stuff.

Tess' apartment?

- Bye.
- Bye.