Beautiful Days (2001–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - Episode #1.6 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.

But I have too short
of my love to you...

Can I own you with that I had to
tell you an irresponsible word

That's how far I know.

- Are you sober now?
- No, my head hurts.

I guess you have to stand
there a long time to sober up.

I'm going to turn in.


About last night.

What about it?

Can you forget what you saw?

What did I see?

You mean the tantrum, the crying

and all that?

About what happened in my room.

I wish you wouldn't tell anyone.

Okay, I'll pretend I didn't see a thing.
But you have to keep a secret, too.

What secret?

Don't tell Sena that I live here.

Why not?

Okay, I won't tell her.

I like that song.

When you find out the whole song,
let me hear it.


You look happy today.

Unlike the end-of-the-world
routine yesterday.

Limit your drinks
to what you can handle.

Don't lose control.

- Why are you doing this?
- Where did you go after work?

- Pardon?
- Where did you go after work yesterday?

What did you do with Director Lee?

Tell me! What did you do!

Bomb alert.

Is it true you went to a party
with Mr. Lee?

It must be.
I can't believe it.


So, you were the one standing next to

Mr. Lee, all dressed up?

What happened?

How did you flirt with him?

Even I haven't gone
to a party with him.

How dare you!
How could you!

You have no body
for an evening dress.

I do, too!

Everyone get back to work.

It's time to open!
But what are you doing now?

Let go of me.

Don't you dare flirt with Mr. Lee.

I'm going to protect him

I and I alone will!

- Hi!
- Chief!

What am I to do?

Come on here

- Just what's going on?
- What do you mean?

You and Mr. Lee.

You have a new cell phone, and
now you've gone to a party...

Is something going
on between you two?

- It's not like that.
- But your face says otherwise.

Your face tell me
that you have a trouble now

- I... to be true...
- What, tell me.

I don't know.
He's overly nice,

and I feel he's playing with me.

Stop! That's enough!

Don't even think about it.
Stop paying attention.

You know, clothing shop
mirrors are deceiving.

Clothes you try on
that are nice in the store

aren't so when you bring them home.

What do you mean?

Mr. Lee.

He's like a mirror in a clothing store.

You may feel elegant and
happy when out with him,

but that's only temporary.

You have to come home, and
he won't come back with you.

Mr. Lee, to me,

he's like a deep well.

A deep, dark well...
one that you can't see the bottom of.

You get scared looking into it

but can't help looking.

Kim Yon-soo, you're not...

I thought phones were ringing off the
hook. Why haven't you found him yet?

The call-ins were all bogus.

What did you expect? For that
kind of reward, I'd have called in.

Spending so much already,

are we going to get
our money's worth?

Are you confident?

There's a group named
"ZARD" in Japan.

The last ten years,

they haven't appeared in the media,

and haven't any concert
except once

but their CDs sold by the million.

They sold without any exposure?

The singer remained behind the veil,
and other methods of PR were used.

Their mysteriousness appealed
to the public.

You're saying this Zero
dude can do that?

The record market isn't
as big as Japan's,

but I'm sure
Victory won't lose anything.

Then get on the ball and go find him.

If he were to sign up with Muse,

we'd be left hanging.

An e-mail from Zero.

What does it say?

- Well...
- Read it!

He has no intention
of cutting a record.

And as no one knows his identity,

give up, and don't
waste time and money.

What will you do?

I should go out

There's this young lady
by the name of "Shim"

who posts messages
on Zero's site.

Find out her contacts.

- Yes, sir.
- Please go in.

- Why is he looking for her?
- Who knows?

Hard to follow with these brains
of ours. Right?

One! Two! Three! Four! Change!

One! Two! Three! Four!
Right, take a rest!

Why they always talk about ZERO?

If he comes out,
we'll be the waste thing

- Why us?
- Don't you know what I mean?

If he comes out, then our company
will make him into a singer

and we should wait
until next time

Well... you're right!

And the mysterious singer is a show

Why is he making songs
if he doesn't want to be a singer?

- If I was him, I would just listen alone.
- Hey!

Shut your mouth!

- What?
- ZERO is not the man

who uses the little selfish wile
like you guys.

How do you know him?
Is he your lover?

I am! I'm his lover!
And he'll give me a new song!

Oh, do you?

Hey everybody!
Did you hear that?

Look how much fever you have!
You seem ill.

Would you mind if I call the 911?

And! Why did you make a statement
to the company?

$1000 is big money to you!

Did you two
have made an appoinment?

Just wait!
How Zero will treat me!

- You guys look happy!
- Hi!

Good work everyone.
Did you all practice hard today?


Today, we'll continue
practicing pronunciation.

Let's practice "E" today.

"E" closes up the throat,

So it's very difficult to
sustain high notes.

You practice hard, damn hard,
but still can't do it.

So what do you do? Practice
even more. Until you get it right.

- Begin.
- 'E'

The best coaches are
not necessarily good athletes.

Let's give it a try again.

Sena, make some time
after practice tomorrow.

- Pardon?
- There's someone I'll introduce to you

Close your ears.

What are you looking for?

What are you doing?
Why did you bring my stuff?

Want to get your portrait done?

You won't study, anyway,

- so why not make some money?
- Make money?


You've never worked for money,
have you?

Lt'll be fun
Give it a try.

Should we have a portrait done?

How much is it?

Pay what you want. You don't
have to pay if you don't like it.

- Really?
- Of course.

- Let's do it.
- How about this one?

That's her work,
you have to ask her.

- Will it take long?
- Don't know.


Have a seat here.

Thank you.

Didn't someone want
a portrait done this way?


She'll draw it for you.

- Narae.
- Where are you going?

He wants me to meet someone.

You sure have lots of time
for a busy song writer.

Move aside.

You're blocking my sun,
like a telephone pole.

Would a peanut become
a bean sprout with some sun?

- A peanut? Are you quite finished?
- Yes, I am.

Why, this woman...

- Let go.
- Go ahead and make my day.

You... l'll make a peanut butter.

- What are you doing, Narae?
- Let's go, Sena.

I'll go crazy because of her!

Where are you going
without my permission?

Why do we need your permission?

I'm Sena's guardian and manager.

I go wherever she goes.

Whatever, tag along if you want.
Let's go.

What a big step for a woman?

You have to take three steps
to match my one step, Mr. Peanuts.

Where did she come from?

At school?

There's a time bomb sitting here.

If you don't show soon,

I don't know what will happen to me.

You sure have lots of excuses.

Aren't you curious about the woman
that struck me like lightning?

Come, quickly.

Make it quick...


- Wait.
- Yes?

- You didn't sign it.
- Sign?

It's not complete
without the artist's signature.

You did a good job.

Thank you.

Eat up.

Can't believe a woman
can stuff so much in one bite.

What a big mouse you have!

Ice cream should be topped
with peanuts.

Stop talking about peanuts.

Tell me, who did you
want to introduce to me?

It's my friend. He can play

a vital role in making you a singer.

Move aside.

He's the second son
to Victory's president.

His father's favorite son!

How's that?
He is a good man right?

- President Lee's number two son?
- Right!

- Well... you mean...
- He would do

anything for me.

So if I say
our relationship is special,

he'll look out for you.

There he is.

- Sena.
- Sun-jae.

You know each other?

- You're lucky.
- Why?

You have your parents.
I felt really sad

when I got my first check.

I didn't have anyone
to buy red underwear.

You're so nice.

Why didn't you tell me
you were the boss's son?

Did you think
I'd take advantage of the situation?

It's not that...
You would've felt uncomfortable

talking about Victory if you'd known.

It doesn't matter.
No matter what,

I'll talk bad if I want to.

Why did you get her hopes up?


You don't look anything
like your father.

Nor like Director Lee.

You told me

that you'd visited an orphanage

with your dad when you were little.


Wasn't the name "Grace Home"?

I don't recall the name
but it was on a Christmas Day.


Didn't a little girl go to the hospital

for burns?

Yes, I went to the hospital.

I was that girl.

And you sang me a birthday song.

I remember.
You said that was your first birthday.

Right, the day

we chose Christmas for our birthday.

What happened to the other girl?

Did something bad happen?

No, we're doing just fine.

We're just doing just
more fine than last time

- You met her too.
- I did?

The betrayer. The hospital.

The hospital! Hospital!

She's the one you were
with that day?

What's wrong?


You're Victory Records' boss's son.

- What is this?
- A present.

A present?
Today's not a special day.

It is a special day.

Today, your dear sister earned
some money for the first time.

- You made money?
- Yes.

- How?
- I drew.

- You did?
- Yes,

like the artists
on the hill of Montmartre.

I drew portraits
and I made good money.

You really drew for money?

Ask her if you don't believe me.


Open it. The treasure
I bought with the money I made.

Ok! Let's see!

It's really something.

Someone said you're supposed to buy
red underwear with that first check.

So treasure it.

Thanks. I really appreciate this.


Hi, Min-chul.

Your car's a two-seater.

I can take a bus.

I'm not doing this for your benefit.

I have to see my friends.

Cut me some slack today.
I even gave you a present.

- Don't be late.
- Thank you.

- Good night.
- I'll see you at home.

I haven't seen her
so happy in a long time.

Thank you.

I knew she'd be happy.

It gives artists joy

when people like their work.

You must be rich.

You'll give me money each time
Min-ji smiles?

I do have money
but I don't waste it.

Draw my portrait for me.

You do portraits, don't you?

Why? You don't want to?

You can pay me after you see my work.
You might not like what you see.

Well... draw you now?

You should just be comfortable,

that way I can catch you
more naturally.

I am comfortable.

Is it over?

I don't want to buy it.
I want it to be a present.

Will you give it as a present?

That house is full
of love and warmth.

You're home.

What are you doing out here?

I was going out to get some pop.

See you later

All cameras rolling.

Ok! Ok! Stay there!

Number 2 camera!

It's a bust shot
don't forget your face.


Take back! Take back!

Now number 1.

A full shot. All of the body!

Action. Ok good!

And now is the Number 3 comera

Number 3, rolling!

Give it all you've got.

Waving your waist

ENG camera.

Express your face! Ok!

Let's take a break.

What do you think,
am I ready for TV or what?

Rehearsing and the actual thing
won't be same.

I'm confident I'll do even better live.

You're so energized
after seeing that guy.

Is it because he's the boss's son?

Do you believe in fate?

Where did that come from?

What kind of fate do you mean...

I thought that fate stinks,

that since my life stinks.

This is my destiny

But I realize some fates are good.

Because of him?

He appeared before me

whenever I was in pain.

Maybe he's a god-given gift
for all the suffering I endured.

I have this feeling
that he'll give me wings.

- Hello.
- Hi.

- What brings you here?
- I just...

- Can I help you with anything?
- No...

- I'm off.
- You're leaving already?

We got paid.
Wait a little bit and let's have a drink.

- Sorry, I have to go somewhere today.
- Where?

I wanted to buy Sena a present.

I didn't give her any present
after she entered this company.

Sena, Sena, Sena...
Always thinking about her.

- I'm sorry I'm off.
- Bye. See you.



He couldn't stay away, could he?

- I'm looking for a MP3 player.
- Here it is

Do you listen to music often?

What are you doing here?

- Just looking around.
- Yes

Can you help me pick one?

I have to buy a present but I don't
know a thing about electric gadgets.

Oh... okay.

How about this one?


- Can we see this?
- Yes

Can I say to you
that I'll always be with you

but I have too short
of my love to you...

Can I own you with that I had to
tell you an irresponsible word

I have to let you go before late

I forgot the words
because of your watching

It was nice.
It really was.

I have to go home.

The noodles here are to die for.

- Sit down.
- Okay.


Sun-jae, it's me, Sena.

This dish,

the taste is in the mixing.

I'll show you how it's done.

Sena called for you.

Sorry for answering,
it kept ringing so...

She'll call again.

Let's eat quickly and go.

The mobile unit has been turned off,
you'll be connected to the message...

Why don't you answer your phone?

I'm waiting by your motorcycle

so come ASAP.

When are you going to
let me record?

Other companies have offered
to cut me a deal.

- Then go to them.
- Min-chul.

The shorter the experience, the
shorter the life span of a singer.


I heard you're working very hard.

I'll work even harder.
Waiting for a bike gang boyfriend?


It seems like Sun-jae's motorcycle!

With this publicized,
we can find Zero.

There's an interview
with Shim Jae-eun in here.

You will know about the story
when you listen this

What's in it for me?

You'll have an exclusive

on any news of Zero.

Would he be that big?

I have to make him big.

- I...
- I...

- Go first.
- No, you go first.

This... give it to Sena for me.

Give it to her yourself.

She'll be happier receiving it
from you.

What were you going to say?


Actually, today...

I followed you
from Victory Records store.

- What?
- I had to tell you something.



Do you remember?

I drew this.

I'm glad you remember.

- Then, you're the one...
- Yes.

Can I ask you something?


What went wrong
between you and Sena?

Sena says you betrayed her.

I'm sorry,
you don't have to tell me.

She's right.

It wasn't intentional.

But I caused a big scar
in her heart and body.

I'm relieved to know
you're a good person.

I want to apologize
for misjudging you.

How do you know
I'm a good person?

When you gave your watch to Sena.

People's hearts don't change.

You'll be kind to Sena, right?

If I'm nice to Sena...

Will you be nice to me?

Because you would not like

- such thing as a free lunch
- I Would not like...

Let me take it

What are you doing?


What's there to talk about?

- What's this?
- Don't touch it.

- I should go.
- We'll talk again later.

Is that all the greeting I get?

I haven't seen you all day.


You're home early.

Min-chul, are you interested in her?

- What?
- Can't be.

You'd never fall for someone like her.

I think Sun-jae's interested in her.

Those two were talking
and giggling in his room.

I think she's a flirt.

Let me change.

Okay. Come down,
I'll get you some fruit.

You really don't want any?

I bought it just for you.

That phone have beaten you?

Why are you glaring at that phone?

Sena, try some.

Open wide.

- Hello.
- It's me.

What happened to you?
Didn't you get my message?

I had some things to take care of.

What were you up to,
abandoning your bike?

I have to come get my bike,

can I see you then?

Tomorrow? Sure.
What time?

Between three and four.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Victory Records has taken steps
to help

answer a terminally
ill young lady's plea.

Miss Shim Jae-eun, who
suffered from a heart ailment,

awaits her fate
as her family's financial situation

did not allow her an operation.

Victory Records saw
her desperate plea

on the Zero message board
and has offered

to pay for an operation
if Zero appears.

Zero can't turn away from

this dying young lady's request.

Someone's boyfriend will finally show.

Will he come forward?

He has to,
a girl's life depends on it.


You'll be a singer,
you can't risk scandal.

I'm not a singer yet.

Wow! Mp3 player!

How did you know I wanted MP3?

Now I can listen to
Zero's songs all the time.

Did you read the article about Zero?


I feel strange now
Zero'll show himself.

A little flutter in the heart
and a little loss.


Now he won't be Sena's Zero.

He may not show.

He will too,
he's a kind person.

I'm home.

No one's home but me.


Did you see Sena?

Was she happy with the present?



- Did you have dinner?
- Not yet.

I didn't have dinner, either.

I'll get it ready.

No, allow me.

I make one mean kimchee fried rice.

I'll bring dishes.

- This is so much!
- I can eat these all

- I'll get the dishes.
- No! No!

You don't know
how to eat this, huh?

You have to eat it out of this pan.

I guess you know your food.

Indeed I do.

Sit down comfortably.

You can't do this.

Food this good can't be just eaten.

Let's play for it.

You know the 007 game?

- I do.
- And then

One spoonful for each win.

- Okay. I'm not good at games.
- You'll learn.

Me first! Quickly!

- 0!
- 7!

- 0!
- 0!

- 7!
- 0!


You're right,
you're no game player.

I get to eat. Heavenly.
Your turn first.

- 0!
- 0!

- 7!
- 0!

- 0!
- 7!

- 0!
- 0!


You scared me.

I'm too nice.
You can have a scoop.

No, let's play.

- You're upset, huh.
- No, I'm not.

Then, eat.

Forget it.

Yon-soo, you should eat
while I'm offering.

You might not get to eat at all.


- Mr. Lee.
- Brother!

Don't mind me.

- Hello.
- Sir, Zero's going to show up.

He's going to meet
Miss Shim at the hospital.

- Is he?
- But It's under the condition

What kind of?

No media or Victory staff show up.

If we won't keep this appointment

- we can't meet him
- Say to him we'll promise

- Going out?
- Yes

- I have to go out.
- At this hour?

My friend's sick.

- Come home early.
- Okay.

What's that?

Someone left this for you.

For me?


I like her.

I do like her.


you'll get to the top no matter what.

Didn't I tell you
to answer my calls only?

Why is Sun-jae calling on this cell?

Why is Sun-jae calling you?

Just what are your feelings for her?

Do you like her,
or are you toying with her?

Am I supposed to
have feelings for her?