Beautiful Days (2001–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Episode #1.2 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Thief! Thief!

Catch the thief!

Hurry! Hurry!
The one with the hat!

Let go of me!


It's really you, isn't it?




Get her!
Catch her!

Go after her!
Why don't you go after her?

Why did you let her go?

You know her, don't you?

Why else would you let her go?

You really have to be careful with
the kind of people to hire these days.

What are you accusing her of?
Do you have proof?

What other proof do I need?

Just look at her guilty face and behaviour.

Only a stupid friend like you
will think she's innocent.

What? You're totally
out of line here.

No matter what, she's the one
who let the thief get away.

She has to take the full responsibility!

Who are you accusing of letting the thief go?

If you keep on accusing her, I'll sue you!


I'm really sorry.

Itís all my fault.

I'll pay for the stolen CDs.

Just paying for those CDs
won't resolve the problem.

You're really...

You want her to pay
for every CD that was ever stolen?

I'll let you off today

because we're busy
with the awards ceremony.

But don't think
I'm letting you off the hook.


I said, get out!

What nonsense is that?

You're barely here for a week

and she's accusing you
of working with a thief!

If she's mentally unstable,
she should go see a doctor.

Why do you keep holding on
to the thief's hat?

Sena... it was her.

Your sister from the orphanage?

Are you sure itís her?

I'm sure its Sena.

Then why did you let her go?

You only took this job in order to find her.

Now that you've met her,
why don't you hold on to her?

I can't.
The store manager's just behind me.

I don't want her to be caught.


I thought she always wanted to be a singer.

Why did she resort to stealing?

Thank you.

- How's your company doing?
- Fine.

- Work hard.
- Yes.

Didn't you just discover a new talent?

Why didn't you inform us?


How's your boss?
Send him my regards.

Yes, sure.

Work hard.

- Make sure you do! And keep in touch.
- We will.

Who is he?

He's a producer at a
recording studio named Muse.

I read about it in an article about
a newly set-up recording studio.

So, he's from that company?

Yes, sir.

Since they're suddenly
setting up so many studios

They must have something
up their sleeves.

Find out what they're up to.

I heard some Korean-American
is funding them.

I've never dealt with them before.

So, I'm not sure.

You should nip this in the bud.

Don't wait till itís out of our control.

Else it might affect our business.

Here, eat this.

The manager is really too much.

These posters could have
waited till tomorrow...

She obviously didn't want us
at the awards ceremony.

She's too much!

If you really want to go

Just go ahead and leave this to me.

Since I aspire to be
the best manager in the country,

so I wanted to
experience it first hand over there.

But itís too crowded there now.

Might as well just watch it on TV.

We can always go to the post-awards party later.

She doesn't have any stage presence at all.

How did she get a record deal?

What are you doing here
all by yourself?

Come have some fun with us.

- Chan-su!
- Yes?

I told you not to let anyone in.

Please leave.

Let go. Come join me for a drink.

Have drinks yourself!

Witch! How dare you hit me?

Where do you think you're going?

Please remain calm, Sir.

You can't get away.

Boss! Boss!


Come back here, witch!

Please remain calm.

This is a misunderstanding,
she doesn't work here.

You can't force her to drink with you.

Why are you defending her?

Is she your girlfriend or something?

So?! Call me Mother you jerk!


I'm sorry, please forgive her.

How about a free drink?

Now the winner.

This year's Best Singer Award goes to...

Miss Um Jung-hwa.

Congratulations, sir.

I'd like to thank Victory Records' director

Mr. Lee Min-chul, for today's honour.

Thank you so much!

I want to go home.

The company's footing the bill tonight.

All the staff gets to party for free.

Why let the chance go to waste?

I don't feel like partying tonight.

I know you're feeling down...

All the more reason you should party.

You'd only sob alone if you go home.

I won't let you go back alone!

Let's go.

Come on, let's go.

Who is she?

She's my friend.

She started work last week.

I'm warning you ... hands off!

How do you do?
Mind if I slide in beside you?

Move away!

Mister, Techno please.

- Hey!
- You know her?

She's famous around here.

Get down.

Are you crazy?

Min-ji relax, what's wrong?


I'm sorry.

Why did she call him brother?
Are they related?

They are siblings.

So Min-ji's the big boss's daughter?

Yes. Why?

Don't tell me you and Min-ji...




Why did you come so late?

I was ready to close.

- Sorry.
- I'll get it.

Thank you.

- Congratulations.
- Open the gate.


Don't touch me.


Why come through the back door?

Min-ji, what's wrong?

Lee Min-ji!

Don't let father know about this.



- Wench!
- Dad

Get out!

You were born to disgrace me.

Get out of my house!

I will! I don't want to live
in a house like this either!

- I hate this place!
- What did you say?!

Don't hit her.
She heard you.


Let's leave this place
and live by ourselves.

I said that we can't.

I can't stand this place.

I was hanging out there because
I hate coming home.

You can go once you go to college.

Why should I give Dad and that
woman the satisfaction?

I won't go to college...

to make them look good.

I won't!

Do you think itís worth it?

Why waste your life because of others?

Drink this!
You'll feel better.

Lee Min-ji!

Its okay, let me do it.

I'm fine.

- Mom
- What?

How do you do it?


Even your foot is sexy.

You're just too beautiful.

You just love teasing me, don't you?

I wouldn't dare...

I'm just being truthful.

- Let me try walking.
- Fine.

- Is it noticeable?
- No.

I'll go downstairs,
so get changed and come down.

Where's my son Sun-jae?

My friends would like to meet him.

He'll be down soon.

You're here.
This is my son.

Say hello to our guests.

How do you do?

- He's very handsome.
- Just like his dad.

He's in med school.

His results are pretty good.

My wife and I will
depend on him in old age.

Merely seeing him makes
me happy.

To be honest all the best
singer's awards my singers won,

cannot compare to the sense of pride,

I feel when I see him.

He's brought glory to the family.

You're a lucky man because
both your sons are great!

Your eldest son, Lee Min-chul is...

well-known in the record industry.

You're right!

Min-chul's making waves
in the recording industry

and now Sun-jae's going to be a doctor.

We're all envious of you.

- Have another.
- Yes.

- Father, have one too?
- Yeah!



Are you going out again?

I left the party
because of Min-ji.

Is Min-ji going to be okay?

Take care of the guests tonight.

Are you okay?

I'm sorry.

That's a unique pendant.

Feeling bad about this?

Buy me something to eat then.

Where were you going?

- School.
- Didn't want to stay home, huh?

Why do you say that?

Going to school on Christmas Eve, figures.

Consider this your lucky day.

I'm not in a good mood today.

Normally, I would have beaten you up.

Why did you let me off?

From the looks of your face,
you're feeling worse than I am.

- Have you been to Seoul Tower?
- What?

Seoul Tower.
The one on Mt. Namsan.

I did when I was little.

I've never been.

It was my dream to go step on

everyone from up there, but...

But what?

I'm afraid I might run into someone.


This betrayer.


Want to hear what's
the worst type of betrayal?


Make her love you with all her heart.

Make her believe everything you say.

And tell her that
even at the end of the world

You will love her and protect her.

And just when she needed you the most,

you abandon her and
never look her up again.

What do you think?
Isn't it cruel?

Did you just get jilted by someone?

- Going home?
- Yes.

- About earlier...
- I'm really sorry.

I was rude to your sister.

No, actually,
I'm grateful for what you've done.

Otherwise, she would've
made a spectacle of herself.

I should thank you instead.

Take this.
It's your birthday present.

Sorry, I'm not free tonight.


Don't look at me like that.

There are really people waiting for me.

I know it's not gentlemanly

to not send a girl back.

But I'll make it up to you another day.

You're humming the same tune
all night.

This is a song by Zero.
Have you heard of him?

Zero's brilliant.

Zero composes,
writes lyrics, and also sings.

Nobody knows who he is
and what he looks like.

Zero speaks through his music.


Zero doesn't sell his music.

His songs are free for anyone
to download from Internet.


Come, I'll introduce you to Zero,

it's a Christmas present.


You betrayer,
abandoning me like that.

Sorry. Did you drink a lot?

Took it to the limit.

What are busy with?

You came back specially to make these?

This is a miracle.

You, the queen of frugality,
one who doesn't

cook more than one side dish at a time,
cooked this feast?

And you didn't skimp on the seasoning.

What's gotten into you?

Itís Christmas Eve.
It'll be Sena's and my birthday soon.

Merry Christmas, my idol.

Listening to your music tonight
seems more special.

Because it's my birthday.

There's just been
one person who's happy

for me on my birthday.

But I don't want her
blessings anymore.

Now, I only wish for your blessings.

If I were to get my wish

It'd be a truly happy day for me.

Merry Christmas, my idol.


- I'm sorry.
- Why are you here?

Because I knew you'd be sitting
alone like this.

- Let's go.
- I can't.

The day isn't over.

If she were going to show,
she'd have been here already.

She's just upset at me
for not having shown up

that day so she's taking her time.

Eat this.

You have a feast waiting
for you at home.

What are you doing here
alone in the cold, on Christmas?!

I'm sorry.

Eat this, you fool.

Don't cry.

I said no tears!

Don't cry.

What's going on,

calling all of us in?

Maybe a pay rise for everyone?

We called you all here to settle
some things before the year's out.

Settle what?

You all worked so hard
for Victory Records.

It's time you rested from active work.

Rest...from active work...?

Are we fired?

Be quiet...

What do you mean, exactly?

No, Big Brother,

you can't do this.

We're your right hand men,

who built Victory to what it is today.

Director Lee's firing all of us.

Is this reasonable?

This is what you had in mind,
when you wanted control of personnel?

Stop all of this.
They're like family.

You want Victory to end
with your generation?

What do you mean?

Victory is at its pinnacle,

but its footing is already shaky.

The cause being...

There is still out-dated management style

here in the company

It's time to trim the bad roots.

If we don't,
there is no future for Victory.

So we're the bad roots?

The music business differs
from others,

you must be a step ahead
of the public.

That's essential.

Unless we hire the right people
with the right ideas,

we won't stay on top.

That's why Muse is

gaining fast on Victory.

They may even surpass us.

Businesses aren't run like
in textbooks.

Let me ask you one question.

What can those old fogeys

contribute to the company?

The music business
has come far from

those back-alley night club times.

You make the final decision.

What will you do?

Will you cut our heads off?

I think he is right...


You're not going to be fire me too?

You and I have a special bond.

Don't you worry.
I won't forsake you.

That means Mr. Kim and the rest ...



Director Lee wants you in his office.

Why would he want to see me?

I told him
about the incident yesterday,

maybe he wants to take it up
with you himself.

You told him?

He should be informed of

all that goes on in here.

Go ahead. Don't make him wait.

Sit down.

What made you want to work
at a records store?

As an art major,
you can find a better job easily.

If this is about yesterday's theft,

I'll take full responsibility.

But please don't ask me to resign.

I have my reasons
for wanting to work here.

And your reason for wanting
to work here is?

It's personal.

Are you really infatuated with me?

Should I set your desk here?

It's not that...

There's someone I have to find.

Is your long lost love supposed
to come looking for you or something?

Then, may I continue to work here?

This is for the coat
my sister ruined last night.

- It's all right.
- Take it.

It's a birthday present.

We don't want it.

- I want it!
- Sena.

Don't show off.
We won't take something not ours.

I won't take something that's not mine.

I'm going back to work.

Don't reject my kindness.

What did he say?

He didn't fire you, did he?

I didn't realize it'd go this far.

You see,

Director Lee won't tolerate
traitors to the company.

I've had enough of you.

You can't fire people without proof!

I'm going to see him to clear it out.

- It's not like that.
- No?

What's with that expression?

- Narae!
- What?

Do you remember things
from fifteen years ago?

- Fifteen years ago?
- Yes.

I'd be twelve then.

I still remember close friends.

What about someone
you met only once?

I doubt I'd remember.

- I guess.
- Why do you ask?

Never mind.
It's nothing.

Singer audition?

- Madam!
- You're here.

- I'll start cleaning.
- Alright.

Will you hurry up
and stop day dreaming?

I got it!

Please form two lines.

Victory Records' audition
for new singers in 2001

will start soon.
Everybody keep...

- What a bunch of hicks.
- Just look at them.

Well, it seems..

all sorts of people are trying out.

Look at her.
What a sight.

She dresses like a country bumpkin.

- Come in Kim, Se..
- That's me.

- Hello.
- You know Kum-suk, don't you?

We're in a hurry,
can she go in now?

- Now?
- Yes.

That'd be kind of difficult...
People are waiting.

You do know my brother
have his eyes on her?

The audition is just a formality.

We don't want to wait too long.

We'll just go in now.

Don't be shy! Come on!

- Hey, who the heck are you?
- Me?

Contestant Number 153,
the next in line. Why?

Move aside.

Do you want to get kicked out?




- Brother.
- Min-ji.

Don't let her sing.

I'm Number 153, Kim Sena.

She pulled my hair.
Don't let her sing!

Shall I start now?

- Go ahead.
- Brother!


- Brother!
- What are you doing?

I told you not to
let any outsiders in.


- I'll get you for this.
- You just wait.

Calm down.

Must you do this?

Of course.
To be a top manager,

I have to learn to
pick out potential singers.

This is a chance to test my ability.

I must check things out here.

Whose song is that?


Zero? Never heard of him.

Well, he hasn't officially released an album.

He only releases it
on internet in MP3 format.

May I hear the original version?


Download it for me later.


- Next.
- Wait.

How did I do?
How was my voice?

Do you need to ask?

You sing like you're shouting,
you still want to be a singer?

You don't even know basic techniques.

I asked Mr. Lee.

You want my honest opinion

or a tactful answer?

An honest answer.

I see no talent in you as a singer,

go find another line of work.

Another line of work?

Just what do you know
about my music?

How dare you judge my future
based on one song?

You just made a few stars.

You think you're so great.

Give me a break!

She's not only a bad singer...

She's crazy too.

I'll be watching you...

You'll regret this one day.

You'll regret it!
Just you wait!

Stop it.

Isn't she the busybody
at the club the other night?

You're one meddlesome girl,
aren't you?

If you don't want a pink slip,
stay out of this.

- Don't run away!
- Sena.


Oh my god!




Don't go.

How've you been?


I've been so worried about you.

I went to the home several times,
hoping for news of you.

What for?

You've forgotten all about me.

No, that day...

That day,
I really wanted to go, but...

Forget it.

Don't bring up the past,

I've forgotten all about it.

How are you doing?

Did you go to the college
you dreamed so much of?

I'm sure you did.

If someone as bright as
you can't make it,

who can?

You're not married yet?

With your looks,

you can easily hook up with a rich guy.

But then again, you being an orphan
must've been in the way.

How about you?
What happened to school?

Isn't it obvious?

I said good-bye to school
when I left the home.

You know I was never into studying.

Don't you remember it?

Then, you didn't finish high school?

Don't look at me like that.
You make me sick.

Whenever you look at me like that...

like you're so worried about me...

I will feel bad.

You are really something...

I'm amazed you can still
put on that face.

Do me a favour.

Don't put on that face anymore.

As if you're my mother.

You make me sick!

I'm sorry, Sena.

For what?

For everything.

I asked for what?

Are you sorry for splashing hot water on me

that left a scar?


Are you sorry for abandoning me

after you said we'd
be like sisters forever?

Or is it for not showing up,

making me wait forever in the cold?

You said you'd meet me
but you didn't show up.

I waited despite feeling cold and tired.

Which are you sorry for?

Why don't you be honest now?

You wanted to be free of me.

When you see my scar

You were afraid that

I'd be a burden to you.

I'd bet

you were so scared to hear

that I'd run away from the home,

that I'd be like a leech on you.

That's why you didn't show up.

Don't be a hypocrite,

saying you're sorry.

It's not like that.
It's not like that, Sena.

Don't cry.
What's there to cry about?

I'm doing just fine without you.

I'm really fine!

Don't believe me?

Shall I show you how well I'm doing?

Then, come see for yourself.

- Sena.
- What?

I said I'd show you
what a fun life I have.

- Sena.
- This is where I live.


This is the man I live with,
he owns the place.

He's a real man.

He buys me lots of nice
clothes, drinks

and gives me lots of money.

Look for yourself.

I'm having a ball with my life.

So don't you go feeling sorry for me.

Don't say such a thing

And don't come see me anymore.

You and I are totally unrelated.

We do not need to meet again.

Do you understand?

Who was that?

Stop crying.


Stop crying.

At least you know where she lives...

It's all my fault.

She wasn't like that when young.

It's all my fault she became like this.

She must be so hurt and lonely

after leaving the orphanage.

What am I to do?

Don't worry.

She's still young.

She can start over.

Can she? Really?

It's still not too late
for her, right?

You're right!

I'm going to take care of her.

I'm going to make her happy.

She's going to forget the pain...

I caused.

- You will
- What am I to do?

Good morning.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

Good morning.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

Director Lee...

I said it was an accident!

You said you wanted us to die!

Couldn't you distinguish
between truth and joke?


You know you have
to pay my debt to

take me away, don't you?

Did I say anything about
how you treat Mother?

How can we say that?

We've lived as a family
for fifteen years. Are we strangers?

I wish we were!

Anyone leaving
without hearing me sing

will regret it forever.

You think it's easy
becoming a singer?

From now on,
don't ask for favours from me.

Let's make a deal.