Beautiful Days (2001–…): Season 1, Episode 16 - Episode #1.16 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

Let's go in.

Come with me.



What do you think you're doing?

You're getting engaged to Min-chul?

- Yes.
- Don't.

You can't!

You'll regret it
your life depends on it.

- Don't rush into it.
- No it's easy work to me

The person I most want to be
with wants me by his side.

There's no reason to hesitate.

Take your time and think about it.
For your sake, no, for my sake,

give it some time.
I regret what I didn't do.

I want to show you

how I really feel about you,

and I can't let you go.

Please, give me time.

After knowing how much I love you

and if you still want Min-chul,
I'll give you up.

Hearts are open only to those

who want to see.

No matter how much
you want to show me,

unless I want to know, I won't see it.

You will see it.

If you can give me just a little time,

you'll know how I feel about you.

Sena is the one who wants you.

Sun-jae, please don't do this.

If you continue this, I'll feel
guilty towards lots of people.

To you, Sena and Mr. Lee.

I don't care.

I'll only think about myself from now.

I don't care if anyone else
gets hurt because of me.

I can't think about other people
when I'm suffering like this.

I won't ask for much,

just stay how you are a bit longer.

Don't get engaged
and don't grow apart from me.

Give me just a little time!

I beg of you!

For your sake, I have to get engaged.

Only then can you really erase me
from your heart.




You can't go
I'm not finished talking.

What's wrong with you?

I'm afraid this could be the end
if I let you go.

This pain's tearing me apart!

Can't you understand how I feel?

- Sena.
- Contain yourself!

Don't you have any pride?

You have so much to give,

what's so special about Yon-soo that

you'd stoop to this level?

Why must you beg like this?




Enough of this, let's sleep.

Talk to me.

Sena, go to sleep.

Store inputs are critical at this point.

Sena and Miho's albums
are competing,

so it's fitting

that Miho's album gets well displayed.


How about a store display contest?

A competition among the stores,
with prizes.

I think it will be good to us

Good idea.
You'll be in charge of the event,

I'll expect a plan by this afternoon.

Yes, sir. I won't disappoint you, sir.

Are you out of your mind?

No matter how desperate, how
could you say that to Min-chul?

What was I supposed to do?

He was ready to call the cops on me.

What exactly did you say?

Nothing much.
I just scammed him a little.

Min-chul won't let this slide.

He'll keep doubt us continuously

Please take care of me, so
I can leave the company.

Just go away!

Who's stopping you?

I'm disappointed if you say that?

Why did I work as your side-kick?

You promised to take care of me.

So I have been staying until now

How can I be responsible for your life?

Lee Young-jun's incident,
if it came to light,

Victory wouldn't be here today.

I told you we should've called
the police then,

since it was an accident.

And what did you say?

You ordered me to make it

appear an accident.

Why bring up the past?

I'm just reminding myself
what I've done for you.

If you turn your back on me,

I don't know what I'll do.

I can't be responsible for
what passes my lips.

Is that a threat?

I want to remain loyal,

so the next move's yours.

I'm glad I ran into you.

I would've left without
saying good-bye.

Protect Victory
and be good to your father.

You're resigning?

Yes. You must be so relieved.

Well, it won't make
your nerves become edgy

Take care of your health. Lose
your health, you lose everything.

Hello. New singer Sena here.


The title song is "Heaven."

How do you do?
New singer Sena here.

The song title is "Heaven."
Please remember.

Let's make a opening test!

Hello. New singer Sena here.

The song title is "Heaven."
Please remember.

I saw you on TV.

- This is your CD?
- Wasn't the song awesome?

I liked her stage concept.

Thank you, sir.

I'll play her song as our sign-on piece,

let's do a live interview next week.

- Thank you, sir.
- Thank you.

- Thank you!
- Thank you

Thank you

And Heaven!


Make a good job!


Keep your feet moving.

Can you call yourself a manager?

There's seniority in this industry.

Show some respect, will you?

Oh my!

What are you doing?

Thought I'd try listening to your CD,

but I can't waste money buying one.


Buy mine if you want.

Why, you...

- Hello.
- This is Miho.

What are you doing here at this hour?

I came to see you.

In thirty hours and ten minutes...

5, 4, 3...

Not much time left to run from me.

Same goes for you. Tell me if
you'll have a change of heart.

I don't imagine I'd run

if you were to stop calling me
"Mr. Lee."

How long will you address me
that way?

What should I call you then?

It's up to you.



"Big Brother"?


You choose.

How about


People say that.

Doesn't suit me, huh?

I'll call you that when you deserve it.

I have to get back to work.

Don't go...

I've never thought about
getting married,

nor about having a family.

Such a person is getting
engaged tomorrow.

To be honest, I am a trifle afraid.

I don't know
what a happy marriage is,

I'm not confident
I can make you happy.

I'll be satisfied to be happy once
in a while,

as long as I can be with you.

I needn't be happy all the time,

so don't feel burdened.

Instead, I'll make you happy.

Don't take your anger out on me
because I'm just as mad as you.

Let's get out of here.

Stay cooped up like this,
you'll only get worse.

Hurry up!

I'm reminded of our first meeting.

You labored over trying
to fix my scooter.

I feel cheated.

Yours and mine, our fate's so special.

There's no other like our fate.

So what?

But you believe otherwise.

You treasure memories
of Yon-soo only.

And only that is special to you, right?


You're a fool.

To Yon-soo,
you mean nothing.

Min-chul's the only one
she cares about.

But I remember everything that
has anything to do with you.

I retain it all in memory and
recollect things whenever I can.

Still, you don't know
who's important to you?


You're right.
I'm a fool.

The worst fool in the world.

There is another who's more foolish.

The fool who waits for the fool.


You look sexy.

You're getting younger by the day.

Thank you.

What are you doing?

Present her with your
best drink in the house.

Yes, sir.

You're in a good mood.

Indeed, I am.
At last, I'll be independent.


I'll set up my own company.

So give me ideas.

That's not hard as long as
you have the funds.

Money? Don't you worry.
I'll be set soon.

Mr. Lee's generous
with retirement funds?

I guess you could call it that.

I'm a dunce.

I had that perfect hand all these time.

Perfect hand?

Yes, yes.

I'm getting engaged today.


I didn't tell Father;
I didn't want him to ruin it.

You'll marry Yon-soo?


She's a nice girl

but aren't you rushing it?

Yon-soo doesn't have any family,
so we'll have a simple ceremony.

I'm sorry I can't invite you.

Once Min-ji and I move out,

we won't be coming by too often.

Live freely with Father from now on.

I'm sorry

for everything.

My ugly friend...

Make her the prettiest woman
in the world.


This is the day I've awaited.

The pictures are flashing
in front of me,

the days I spent taking care of you.

Mothers should say that.

I am like your mother.

You're right.

When's my future
son-in-law coming here?

He'll come after work.
He's very busy.

Is that so?

I have to lock up
my mouth about Sena.

Who knows? You may spy for him.


Mr. Jang paid off his gambling debt

and bought a new car
and a house.

I think the president's selling

that land had something to do with this.

You must be into charity work.

What do you mean?

You must be setting up
Mr. Jang for life.

You're quite generous,

considering he has nothing on you.

Just take care of yourself.

I hear something's happening today.

I'm letting you do as you please

since no one really knows about it.

Just do it as you want

You'll realize it's nothing special.

Just make sure
word doesn't get around.

Call Mr. Jang to the office.

Yes, sir.


Hold on.

Your husband-to-be.

It's me.

Something came up, so I have to meet
you there. I'll send the car.

It's okay; Sena's coming.

I'll see you there then.

- Wait.
- Yes?

Tell me the truth. You're an
imposter posing as Yon-soo, no?

I quit the company, I don't
see why you'd call me over.

I thought carefully about
what you last said.


About my father.

I thought about it, and regardless of

your relationship with my father,

I have to do what I think is right.


Don't try to stop me using my father.

It doesn't matter

what you have over my father.

Hurt me

and your father will be in deep trouble.

Officers will pay you a visit tomorrow.


This is so big

that you wouldn't even imagine.

Others may fall for such a bluff,

but it won't work on me.


Think I'm bluffing?

If I open my mouth,
your father's life is finished.

You don't know
what you're talking about.

So tell me what I don't know.

I assume you've nothing
to apprise me of

please leave.

Mr. Lee!

Mr. Lee!

Listen to me.

I'll tell you and
you'll change your mind.

Listen to me.

Thank you for taking the time out of

your business to be here tonight.

With our new album by Sena,

Muse Records has invited you,

who have direct contact
with the public,

to help us.

Let me

introduce Sena to you.


Hello, I'm Sena.

Please enjoy yourselves tonight and

when you go back to your stores,

I pray you'll give my album
special attention. Thank you.

This was an excellent launch.

You have a great sense

not only in music
but also in business.

This is nothing special.

I'll be counting on your help.

This is his work.

- Hello.
- I'm glad to see you

Thank you for coming.

Let's eat.

You go ahead.

You have to eat. You can't
fight on an empty stomach.

Come with me tonight

and witness for yourself

how happy Yon-soo
and Min-chul are.

Watch them!

Then you'll be able to forget her.

Please descend.


you said you weren't coming.

He's my only brother, what can I do?

Long time no see.

No arson lately?

Call it a truce today.
Let's go in.

You heard from Min-chul, right?

I've waited all my life

to be a mean sister-in-law.

How will you be mean?

I have to make a plan.

A year is made up of
so many days...

Thank you for coming.

- Be good to Min-chul.
- I will.

And don't think of getting married soon.

Not before I get married first.

I got you.


I told him we should turn ourselves in

since it was an accident.

And what did you say?

You said to make it
look like an accident.

You ordered me!

Ta dan!

Get closer.

I'll make a masterpiece.


Great! Get colser!

You could've pursued music
at Victory.

I don't want to.

I can't understand
why you're doing this.

There's more to it than you know.


We should get one with everyone in it.

Is there someone we can ask?

Ask the nun.

Should I?

Go find her.

- Me?
- Go. Hurry.

- Ok...
- Hurry up

- Give me that
- Yes

I just met with Mr. Jang.

What for? He has nothing
to do with the company.

He told me an interesting tale.

A tale?

About you and Mr. Jang,
twenty-five years ago.

It's an outrageous story
he dreamed up.

He says you killed Sun-jae's father.

Who killed whom?

He said that?

He's plumb out of his mind.


He must be,
to spew such nonsense.

What else could it be? He's lost it

Then, I should ignore his lie,
and turn him in to the authorities.

Turn him in?


What's the use? He was
caught before doing anything.

Just let it pass.

But now he's committed
even worse crimes.

He lied and blackmailed you.

He called you a murderer.

He should pay for his crime.

According to him, the statute
of limitations has run out,

so even were this to come
out, he'd have nothing to lose.

Only you would be hurt,
you with things to lose.

Will you let him go free?

He shouldn't, should he?

You, let me take care of this.


Give this matter some time.

He's worked under me his
whole life, I can't forsake him.

You wouldn't be lenient

if it were a lie.

It is a lie.

I thought it was strange.

The father I know
could never have raised

another man's son as his own,

facing society's scrutiny.

I couldn't understand

why isn't he here yet.

Now I think I can understand.
You had a reason.

Is this your last compunction?

Was raising Sun-jae
your way of atoning?

What are you saying?

Hey! Hey!



Min-chul, why aren't you here?

We're worried sick, so call us.

He wouldn't be late.
Maybe he was in an accident.

Let's call the hospitals and the police.

Nothing's happened to him.

Let's give him some more time.

Did you call them?

There's no news of an accident.

Then, why aren't you here yet?
It's so irresponsible.

That's no way to talk, I'm so worried

What time is it?

Let's wait.

Excuse me! Excuse me!

Hey! Sorry! We've got schedule

We're sorry!

Move aside, please.

They are calling for me!

They're going crazy!

How are the fan's reactions?

I thought Suh Taeji was coming out.

Why did you stop me from signing?

I wanted to give it a try.

What's next?


I'm starving.

I don't know if it's right, laughing it off

when someone's almost dead.

I'll not pay attention to Yon-soo's affair.

This is a critical point for me.


Is it you?


Mr. Lee!

Say something.

What happened?

You all right?

You're not hurt, are you?

What's wrong?
What is this about?

Did you wait long?

I'm sorry.

Tell me what this is about.

I've never seen you like this
before, I'm very worried.

You should go.
I'll call you later.

I want to be alone.

What did he say?
Why couldn't he come?

Where is he?

Tell us!

He didn't tell me anything.


He won't say what's wrong.

He looks devastated but won't speak.

What's this about?

How can you just leave
without finding out?


What's important is he's safely back.

He feels too guilty to say anything,

I'm sure he'll tell you everything soon.


Stop crying.

It's alright



Someone's waiting outside.

Expecting Min-chul?

I came because I was worried.

I'm okay.

He didn't call, did he?

This isn't right.

He knows how much you're suffering

but he's totally ignoring you.

I don't want to hear that.

I am worried about him.

Sit down.

I can't understand what's going on.

I'll never forgive him...

if he comes back to Yon-soo

without a reason.


- Min-chul!
- Min-chul...

Are you okay?
What happened yesterday?

Min-chul, are you all right?

Move aside.
Don't pretend to

- care for him.
- Min-ji!

I'll go to my room.

Are you all right?

You call him!

I'll call him for you.

No, I have to show faith
in him and wait.

That's what I have to do

You've been waiting all day.

I'll call for him
Just call him!

- Don't.
- Let go!

- Just call him!
- Give me the phone!

Give me!


It's me.
Can I see you?

Sit down

I know what you want from me
is a reason

but I have no excuses to offer.

- And the engagement...
- It's okay.

We don't need an engagement.

My promise to you hasn't changed,

that's what matters.

I can't

promise you anything,

so you erase your promise to me.


That's what's best for you.

What's going on?

Discuss it with me
if you have a problem.

You can tell me
you should.


I don't want to discuss it with you.

You can't do anything for me.

The only thing you can do is

leave me alone.

I couldn't bear

your being beside me.

I wanted to tell you that.

Don't call me from now on.


I won't ask you anything.
And I won't burden you.

So please just let me stay by your side.

We can leave tomorrow, even.

What about Yon-soo?
Is she coming too?
