Bear Grylls: Survival School (2016–…): Season 1, Episode 9 - Episode #1.9 - full transcript

It is day nine and the team take on a treacherous challenge battling up raging rapids before spending the night in a cave.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Many of the activities

in the following program
are extremely dangerous

and must only be carried
outunder expert supervision.

Please don't attempt
any of them yourself.

on "BearGrylls Survival School" --

This is going to behard
work for these guys.

--manyof the team got a dunking

on a treacherous rope crossing.

Bailey found it
especially painful.

You need to get there.


I'm just happy I'm a girl.

While Adam impressed

hugely with his
great determination.

Putting up hammockshighlighted
growing rivalries

between the boys and girls.

We don't have toliterally
do it on this one.

But we do, because
of the-- oh, man.

BEAR GRYLLS As the boys

completed a hat trick in
theteam of the day competition,

to take a 4-3 lead overall.

- Well done, boys.
- Well done, boys.

Well done.

BEAR GRYLLS The revenge

was sweet for the
girls, bringing the boys

back down to earth with a bump.

I'm Bear Grylls.

And when I was growing up,
all of this was my playground.

I want to find out if kidstoday
have got what it takes

to abandon their mobilephones
and survive for two

weeks out here in the wild.

Watch out!


I really don't want to do this.

Dig deep.
Finish strong.

Welcome to "Bear Grylls
Survival School."

Coming up, battling
out raging rapids,

and Charlie struggles
to cope with defeat.

Oh, I just want to go home now.

He just puts everyone
else's mood down.

Don't talk to me, then.

thefirst time at Survival School,

the boys team has taken
the lead over the girls,

having won Team of theDay
three times in a row.

And there's quite a competitive
spirit brewing in camp.

It's all about mind games.

You've got to confuse them.

You've got to make themthink
that they can't do it,

because when it comes to it,
they won't be able to do it.

Oh, my god, can
you just shut up?

We'rethe winners all the time.

It's just so annoying,
becausewe were winning for like three

days in a row, and
they just were rubbing

it in our faces like non-stop.

And it's just like, we
didn't do that once.

Why are you doing this?
It's just hashtag rude.

We don't feel intimated
by you, trust me.

If we win, they alwayshave
an excuse why we win,

or they say, like,
tothemselves, oh, you know,

they didn't actually win.

You guys won the challenge
because we helped you.

Yeah, exactly.

They think they're so great.

You should be grateful
that we helped you.

I am so grateful.


Touches my heart.

BEAR GRYLLS As the boys

continue to tease and gloat,
the girls start plotting.

OK, and what
we're going to do is

we're going to pretendwe're
completely off guard

and doing nothing,
butwe're actually strategizing.

I feel like we just needto
get a bigger think on,

and just do it right.


are just two days away from
theclimax of Survival School, when

they'll be dropped onto
a dangerous mountain

to survive overnight, and alone.

So in preparation,
today will be a grueling

test of stamina and teamwork.

You all right, guys?
- Yeah.

Not bad.

Drying out?


OK, today is going
to be all about water.

All right?

Now, I know you're beginning
todevelop a little bit of a fear

when I say things like
that, because water

means cold and wet.

But rivers are also your
bestchance of finding people.

So if you're in a
survivalsituation for real,

aim for the rivers.

So you're going to be wet.

You're going to be a bit cold.

You're going to have
to be working hard.

And then, the hard thingis,
at the end of the day,

you're going to be sleeping out.

But before they head off,
I've got possibly one

of the most unappetizing of
allsurvival foods for the teams

to try.

Food is energy.

You've got to do it.

And sometimes survival
food is grim, isn't it?

But it's better to have
thelittle stuff than waste energy

going after the big game.

You're much better off foraging,
getting the little grubs.

And one thing, in Wales,
thatis always under our feet--



And I have eaten a
lot of worms in my time.

And they taste pretty terrible.

If you're in a
survival situation,

and your life depends
on it, you just

want to munch them down raw.

As long as you purgethem,
which means put them

in a tub with some
water, so they

get rid of everything
that's in their guts--

any parasites, any bacteria.

Ideally, cook them up, though.

They taste much better,
and they're safer as well.

But these have been purged.

You can eat these raw.

Earthworms are
around 70% protein,

so they're very nutritious,
if you can get enough of them


Now, a leader
always leads, so it

affirms I've got to have one.

Oh, my goodness.

And just for good measure,
we better give these guys one,

just in case you're
in any doubt.

And then, we're going
to munch it down.

And then, you guys all
are going to have one.

We had just finished
our breakfast,

and then he came with
worms, and I was like,

oh, no, I shouldn't have eaten.

But why worms?

Who wants to go first?

You just have to
eat it, don't you?

I'm not going to back
down to a challenge

when bad girls arestanding in front of you.

Come on, then, Adam.

You're always out in
the front, my friend.

Maybe one of thesedays he'll have something

that's actually nice.

Here you go.

So chew it down.

The worms tasted
really disgusting,

because you had to,
like, chew on them,

and they were still alive, so.

Well done.

Hold it in, hold it in.

You can't do that.

OK, come on, Charlie, in you go.

You're learning to keep it down.
Good for you.

It's got like an
earth taste to it.

that'sbecause they're earth worms.

Charlie, your shark was
running the box today.

I love it.

Oh, Adam's fighting.

You're fighting it.

Well done, you.

Come on now, a little
bit of spaghetti.

They have, actually, a
pretty weird aftertaste.

Everyone's trying to
take one for their team.

But Azriel is struggling.

What is that?

In two weekstime, you won't even

remember the bitter aftertaste.

You'll just remember,
did you do it or not.

OK, chew, chew, chew.

Come on now.

Don't think about it.

It's spaghetti.

It was the worst thingl've
ever had in my life.

It was really horrible.

Go on, Tara.

Come on, Tara.

Go on, Tara.
Just put it in there.

Just chew it.

Go, go, go.

Just chew it.

Just chew it in.

For me, it's not theactual
taste that's gross.

It's the idea of eating it.

Like, you have to getover
that mental barrier,

- and then it's fine.
- Get it in.

Come on.

Because he knows he's
going to be eating.

Go, go, go.

I kept chewing it beforeeating,
just to make sure it

was, like, completely dead.

BEAR GRYLLS In the end,

both Alanah and Tara
failedto swallow their worms.

I just couldn't do it.

I just couldn't.

I was like,
,so I just spat it out,

and I thought, well,
I've chewed it.

And I know what
worms taste like now.

I just didn't swallow it.

You ready for the day?


You're going to be great.

Just remember, keep diggingdeep,
thinking like a survivor.


And this is what theguys
are taking on today.

In a survival situation,
rivers may be your best

route back to civilization.

The team will be trying
to make their way

up these dangerous rapids.

And after days of heavy rain,
it's not going to be easy.

But before they began,
the constant bad weather

has led to another problem.

Bailey has developedpainful
sores on his feet.

Instructor, Scott, and medic,
Nick, take an urgent look.

- Are these quite sore?
- A bit, yeah.

A little bit, yeah.

Is this sore here, as well?

Um, only when I'm
walking, these are sore.


Being soaked through for days

can quickly lead
to serious rashes.

We're freezing.

One of our young survivors,

Savannah, has already
had to go home.

And with just three days togo,
it would be a great shame

if Bailey also has to leave.

But I don't want thesefeet
getting any worse, OK?

But I have to say now,
Bailey, if we get out

there this evening,
and we're camping out,

and the feet are looking
bad, I think we're going

to have to make some decisions.


Bailey's had a rash overthe
last couple of days.

Overnight, he's been
scratching quite a lot,

and it's really
gotten a lot worse.

And it's really
caused by being wet,

and then being dry,
footwear rubbing.

And it's spreading.

One of the blisters hasbecome
a little bit infected,

so we've decided to pull him
outof the exercise this afternoon.

BEAR GRYLLS To give him

the best chance of recovery,
Bailey will play no part

in the extreme river run.

It's the last thing I wanted.

I want to go through it,
butthey said it could get worse.

And it already looks
like a bad monsoon.


They'll check

back later on how he's doing.

The rest of the team needto
get to the entry point

for the river, which will meana
physically demanding climb up

this near vertical rock face.

OK, guys, straight up the
rockface, straight into the river,

crossing difficult ground.

You're gonna get wet.

You're gonna get dry.

Waterfalls, everything today.

If you see here, we've
got two climbing routes.

Climbing is all about technique.

a free climb, the most widely

used type of climbing,
with the rope

just providing safety backup.

Sit back in yourharness, hands on your head

And for each survivor,

there'll be a test
of nerve halfway up.

That's trusting his equipment.

Back you go.

Climb up.

Withthe boys a team member down,

it'll be four boys
versus four girls

in a head to head challenge.

This is our chance to
get back in the lead,

so we're gonna try really hard.

Boys beat girls,
so obviouslyboys are going to win,

as usual.
- Are you ready?

Take it!


First to scale the rock

face are Lavinia and Charlie.

That's me.

That's me!


Come on, Charlie!

Come on, Charlie boy!

Climb and you'll win!

Afterribbing the girls all morning,

Charlie does not
want to lose this.

Today, I'm gonna
be telling you five--

The 14-year-old

has always been very
sure of himself,

whether it's running
his own YouTube channel,

or performing magic
tricks in public.

And coming second
isn't in his DNA.

There's nowhere to go.

There's nowhere to go.

There's nowhere to go.

There's nothing in it,
asthey say come to the trust

your equipment test.

Feet on the wall!

The soles of your feet!

Lean slowly back!

Hands on head!

OK, standby to climb!

Climb when ready!

Find good foothold!

Swim, come on!

They're still neck and neck,

but then Charlie
tries to rush it--


There's no foothold.

Get off the rope!

Lavinia edges it.

- OK, well done!
- I beat Charlie.


And Charlie is not happy.

Oh, I just want to go home now.

What was that?

What was that you said to me?

I just want to go home?

Come on.

Competitive spirit.

Yeah, well--

OK, you dig in,
and you carry on.

No giving up a foot
from the top, big boy.

Come on, you know better
than that, don't you?

- Ready?
- Climbing.

Yeah, climbing!

Come on, Kieron, brilliant!

Thesurvivors are being judged

on both speed and technique.


Climb, Kieron!

Come on!

OK, Maria, hands on the rope.

Hands behind your head.

- Ah!
- OK.

And while Kieron pulls

a point back for the boys--

It's a lot harder
than I thought.

--Adam's climbing

style is, in a word, ropey.

It's all about your feet! Go on!

Come one!

BEAR GRYLLS Leg muscles

are much stronger
than arm muscles,

so Adam shouldn't be
pulling with his arms.

Shoulder width apart.

Climb when ready.

OK, now just stop there.

Hands back on the wall.

Although he wins easily,

leader Tim is much
more impressed

with Alanah's technique.

I know which climbing
technique is better.

Definitely Alanah's.


a vital bonus point to
leave the scores level

going into the final race.

It all comes down to
Tara versus Azriel.

I really, really want
to do it for the girls,

because the boys have
been bragging to us

all day that they're winning.

And I believe in us.



Tara's just in front.

There's nowhere to put my hands.

Put your hands on the rope.

comes to the trust exercise,

Azriel's nerves get
the better of him.

Straighten your legs.

Both hands on your head, Azriel!

One-- that's one hand.

You're not leaning back.

Azriel, you need to
do this for a point!

OK, I'll just
now give it to you.

Up you go.

He's lost vital time.

Good, Tara.

makes it to the top first.

Well climbed, Tara.

Thegirls have won the challenge.

Well done, Tara!


It's half an hour

since Charlie's
race, but he's still

sore about losing to Lavinia.

Charlie, you just care
about who wins or loses.

I'm going down
to the bottom now.

He just puts everyone
else's mood down.

And they already
feel down as it is.

Just don't--

Don't talk to me, then.

It's very silly.

Honestly, I've told a
billiontimes, it's one point.

It doesn't matter.

And he's just
sitting there sulking

and feeling sorry for
himself for no reason.

Onexpeditions, the combination

of great achievement
and sheer exhaustion

can lead to intense
highs and lows.

I just don't want
to stay here tonight.

AndCharlie's been on a roller

coaster ride all trip.

Well done, you.

It's all just silly.

Everyone keeps going onabout,
you've won, you've won.

Who cares if the
other person's lost?

Look what we're doing.

And my recruits

have got a unique
experiencecoming up right now,

battling up the raging rapids.

The team really needs to
bepulling together to succeed,

so Scott gives
Charlie an ultimatum.

Charlie, do you want
to do this, or not?

I want to go.

I'll just go.

Come on.

Determination, courage.

Do it for the boys.

Show me how good you are.

I want to stay now.

Come on, then.

Let's get you bag.

I'm so pleased

for Charlie and the
rest of the boys team

that he's decided to keep going.

The water is moving fast.

It's very, very cold.

You must use your hands
as you're climbing.

Do not hold on to the rope.

This is a real test

of stamina and couragebefore
the final expedition.

All the way to me!

Having faced powerful rapids

like this many times, I
can't emphasize enough

just how dangerous they are.

One slip and you can
be swept to your death,

or trapped under the water.

We're halfway up
thiswaterfall, but guess what?

It gets harder.
It gets deeper.

And the water gets faster.

Up for it?
- Yeah!


OK, let's go again.

And it's really
slippery and hard.

boy-girl battle still too

close to call today,
eachgroup knows that teamwork could

be the crucial deciding factor.

Azriel is finding the
powerfulwaters hard to cope with.

It's good to see Charlie
back in the center

of things helping him out.


Be brave.

It just hits you.

You just gotta get through it.

BEAR GRYLLS Spirits are

remarkably high in both teams.

Like true adventurers,
they're loving it.

I'm having a great time.

This is the funnest thing.

- This is awesome.
- Woo!


Come on, keep coming!

To reach their exit point,

the guys face a dauntingswim
through the cauldron

beneath the waterfall.

But even this
leaves them unfazed.


Go Kieron.

Come on.

Pull up, Kieron!

That the best thing ever.

It's cold, but it's refreshing.

It was generally amazing,
and I'm so glad I did it.

Let's do this.


Go on, Charlie.

Go on, Charlie.

Enjoying it.

I wasn't up for it to
start, but to be honest,

I didn't want to give up.

So for the team, for the
boys, yeah, I'm proud.

Guys, high five.


Guys, really good.

Very proud.

Before the team

move on for their
night camping out,

Scott checks on Bailey to seeif
he'll be able to join them.

Hey, Bailey, you wanted me?


Let's look at these feet,
then, and see how we've got on.

And unfortunately,

he's not out of the woods yet.

If I put you back
in the field now,

there's a chance that
thiswill just flare up again.

And that's it,
you're off the show.


You're out of the "Bear
Grylls Survival School."

So just gonna rest
you for 24 hours.

Get some talcum on
these feet, dry 'em out.

You up for that?
- Yeah, I'm for that.

OK, for 24 hours.

- Yeah, up high.
- Good boy.


is that Bailey's
feet improve in time

to rejoin the team for the
finalsurvival school expedition.

Well, I feel he's
made the right decision.

So I've got the chanceto
rest and heal my feet.

Then, I'll come
back, and I'll be

able to do all the activities,
and I won't have to leave.

If you develop foot
problems when it's damp,

wet conditions--
you gotta remember,

these guys are in rivers
and waterfalls all day--

then you're very quicklygoing
to be out of action.

And Bailey is learning
this the hard way.

For the moment, it's a
little bit touch and go

whether he's going to
be able to continue.

It's getting pretty dark.

It's getting pretty cold.

Up there, these are
all limestone crags.

We need to find shelter.

Let's go, then, team.

After a hard day, it's tough--

Rocks are slippery, guys.

Tread carefully.


to dig deep into
their energy reserves

to climb up hundreds
of meters and find

a cave to spend the night in.

I feel like I'm really
unfit at this moment.

It's so hard, and my legs
areburning, but I'm gonna do it.

At around 2,000 feet,

and with light fading
fast, they at last

find a cave which will
offer some protection

from the elements.

That's where we're goingto
be spending the night.

- Happy.

It's the best we can get. Let's go.

Let's go, team.

Welcome to your
home for the night.

It's not a five star hotel,
butit's sheltered from the rain.


Butwith several large openings

to the outside, the
wind will whip through.

The cave is also a refugefor
sheep, with their poo

all over the floor.

I'm just happy we'reshielded
from the wet rain,

and we're actually goinghave
a dry night tonight.

Um, sleeping with poo,
that's another story.

Um, I'm scared a
sheep's just going

to come and poo on my face.

This is "Bear Grylls
Survival School,"

and I'm glad the girls woulddo
it so we'd have to do it.

It's quite a

setting for the hotly
contestedvote for team of the day.

The girls have
slipped to 4-3 down.

Can they break the boys runof
three victories in a row?

It's been an interesting one.

Each leader has a vote,

and the girls already haveTim's
for the climbing race.

Girls, technically,
amazing climbing,

and I like to see that.

Well done, the girls.


For me, guys, actually, boys,
you were showing a huge amount

of leadership and support.

However, at times, you
let your attitude slip,

and you can turn very negative.

Girls, you have my vote.



Gotta agree, really,
with Tim and Sarah.

Girls, smiling all the way,
andreally enjoying the waterfall.

It was close, boys.

You did well.

But it's the girls again.

Well done, the girls.


have drawn level at 4 all.

I'm so happy,
but I'm notgonna rub it in their faces.

Just gonna rise above
it, and we're just

going to celebrate our own.

I think the boys
lost because we weren't

as positive as the girls.

We tried to stay
really positive today,

and like work on our team work,
personal attitude, and things,

and we won.

So we're really, reallyhappy,
because now it's 4 all.

So it's all to
play for tomorrow.

This time, Charlie

takes a defeat in good spirit.

I wasn't feeling
too good earlier,

but now I feel better
for some reason.

The morale, I don't know,
for me, has just lifted.

I feel happy.

Because if he didn'tcome,
or even just not even

doing the waterfall, I think
Charlie would have been

a bit disappointed in himself.

Never mind what he
could have missed.

I'm excited to spend
the night in a cave,

actually, because I have
never done it before,

and I'll guess not
many people would do,

unless your Bear Grylls.

But, uh, this is quite good.

It should be all right, I see.

BEAR GRYLLS The leaders

have an unexpected latenight
treat for the team.

All in one.

I never thought I'd be
thisgrateful for a marshmallow.

It's so good.

Best thing I've
had in two weeks.

The marshmallow
tasted like heaven

just landed in your mouth,
and made the whole world.

OK, so, so far,
we'veasked you to move like Bear,

we've asked you to
climb like Bear,

we've asked you
to swim like Bear.

Now, guys, we want you
to sleep like Bear.

After a full on day,

I love sleeping like a caveman.

And so it proves, for
the young survivors,

too, helped perhaps
by counting sheep.


In the dead of night,
somethink they've heard a visitor.

Um, Sarah heard little
footsteps of the sheep.

I woke up.

I was like, what was that?

I heard the sheep.

It was so funny.

So there was a sheep in here.

And I couldn't remember
ifthat was a dream or not.

Early on in survival school,

many of the team would
havestruggled in these conditions.

So nine days in, it's
great to see how they're

all adapting to the hardship.

The cave's really nice,
so it was a nice night.

It was warm.


It was just the wind
was really cold,

but we were sheltered
from the rain.

OK, team, let's go for it.

Watch out, let's go.

I am the first one ready.

I got up.

I got ready.

And then everyone was
like, oh, Alanah's--

Alanah's ready first.

And I was like, yeah.


Next time on "Bear

Grylls Survival School"--

OK, go, go, go go.

--asoft centered survival snack.

Chips are way
better than locusts.

Andcrunch time in the battle

to be top team.
- Whoa!

Yeah, we're very close.

Boys have got to lose.

Got to.