Bear Grylls: Survival School (2016–…): Season 1, Episode 11 - Episode #1.11 - full transcript

The final exercise is to reach the summit of Moel Siabod and spend the night out alone.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Many of the activities

in the following program
are extremely dangerous

and must only be carried
outunder expert supervision.

Please don't attempt
any of them yourself.

Previously on "Bear
Grylls Survival School,"

with their final 24
hour expedition looming,

the team have beenbuilding up their stamina

and mental toughness,
andalso honing the skills they'll

need to survive in the wild.

I'm gonna at least try it.

I've just got to do it.

Though tying knots

and fire lighting were
nottheir strongest subjects.

That just literally blew out.

The last day

of competition between theboys
and girls went to the wire

with the girls edging itto
become overall survival

school team champions.

We won.


I'm Bear Grylls,
and whenl was growing up, all of this

was my playground.

I want to find out if kidstoday
have got what it takes

to abandon their mobilephones
and survive for two

weeks out here in the wild.

GIRL: Watch out!


I really don't want to do this.

Dig deep.

Finish strong.

Welcome to "Bear Grylls
Survival School."

Coming up--

SCOTT: There's our
cab for the day.


into the mountains--

This is so cool.

team survive alone and make

it back to civilization?

You're on your own, guys.

Good luck.

After 10 days of
intense training,

this is where the
team will take on

their grueling final
challenge-- the exposed

Welsh mountain, Moel Siabod.

Everything the young survivorshave
learned in survival school

is culminating in this
one24 hour final exercise.

And it's going to test
theirskill and their resolve

to the max.

If they can survive this,
they can survive anything.



are packing up their base

camp for the last time.

They know they have a
majorchallenge ahead before they can

graduate from survival school.

GIRL: We've been kind
of told that we're

going on an exhibiting
to survive in the wild

by ourselves, and I'm
actuallyreally a little bit nervous.

I'm not going to lie.

OK, team.
Over your come.

Lead instructor

Scott gives them
a military style

briefing on the mission ahead.

OK, guys, what we've donehere
is reconstruct a model

of one of the most
famous mountains

in North Wales, Moel Siabod.

Your mission is go from
the insertion point

across the mountain,
summit, and then come down

to the extraction
point as a team.

They'll have

to cover at least
eight miles, and that's

if their navigation is spot on.

Will it be dangerous?

ALL: Yes.


Do we have to make
some good decisions?

ALL: Yes.

Yes, and you can
only do that as a team.

[VOICEOVER]: And there's

a big surprise in store.

Three at a time you will flyto
the drop zone by helicopter.

OK, Bear Grylls style,
so we'renot going to bother having

any doors on the helicopter.

Low level drop off.

Helicopter just flies off.

Just before we go,
we noticedthe weather has changed.

The sun's come out.

OK, so what I want youto
do just before you go,

just make sure the midgesaren't
going to attack you.

OK, just get your necks,
faces, arms covered.

Put your hands in the pit.

Let's get you going with it.


Onsurvival exercises, mud also

helps you blend in with
your surroundings--

SCOTT: It's not
makeup, [inaudible]..

the smell of soap

and toiletries, and
giving you a better

chance at catching wild food.

No, you smell fresh.

BOY: Stay there.


BOY: I'm a bit nervous,
becauseobviously we're just getting

put on a mountain on
our own, but I think

if we all work as
a team, we all use

the skills that we've
leaned--I think we can do it.

BOY: There you go.

I'm going in a helicopter.

I'm so excited for that bit.

This is our last challenge.

We need to show BearGrylls
what we're made of.

So it's gonna be brilliant.

[VOICEOVER]: The team

trekked to the foothills
of the mountain

to meet the helicopter.

There's our cab for the day.

[VOICEOVER]: From here,

they'll be airlifted
higher up the mountain

to their insertion point.

Helicopter inbound.

Let's do the smoke.

But first the chopper

needs to be guided
in with smoke flares

so it can land safely
close to the team.

Pull it at right angle here, OK?

And hold it as low as you can.

And this very special task

falls to the girls--

their prize for being votedsurvival
school team champions.

It's exciting.

It's going to be soscary
when the helicopter

lands in front of me.

The handheld flares

can be spotted by the helicopterfrom
well over a mile away.

SCOTT: He'll land into the wind.

That's what he
needs the smoke for.

With very strong winds,

the pilot doesn't want
toshut the helicopter down,

so the survivors
need to move fast.

All right [inaudible]
doesn't seem real.


BOY: Wow, this is--

BOY: Oh my god!

This is [inaudible].

[inaudible] real.

This is so weird.

Keep your seat belt
fastened and your hands

and arms inside the vehicle.

GIRL: [inaudible].

GIRL: Look at the [inaudible].

GIRL: Oh my god!


Oh, look.

Look, there's the smoke.

GIRL: Oh my god, that
was the best thing.

- [inaudible]- That is
the best thing by far.

That was amazing.

I felt like action man whenl
was looking out the window.

BOY: When we were
banking, it felt

like-- your heart just dropped.

It felt like you
were on a roller

coaster going really fast.

It was the most
amazing thing ever--

It was really, really good.

--in my life.

GIRL: I don't think--

GIRL: It was so cool.

GIRL: I don't think
anything will top that.

Oh, man, it was amazing.

Just gonna to treasurethat
moment forever and ever.

I'm gonna keep that
feeling inside me.

That's gonna be my
motivation to climb

to the top of the mountain.

GIRL: We've got a
huge task ahead,

and it's freezing up here.

[interposing voices]

It's gonna make it so
muchharder if it keeps going,

this wind.

[VOICEOVER]: This is it.

The team are now
completely on their own.

They've been dropped
around halfway up

the south face of Moel Siabod.

Their mission is to cross
aboulder field to summit the 872

meter high peak and
then descend the north

side to their extraction point.

They'll have to navigate
treacherous terrain

full of sheer drops andcross
a freezing lake to meet

up with me at the finish.

And they've got a
maximum of 24 hours.

Let's go, team!

The nine young survivors

strike out for the summit.

is radio check, over.

Bear Grylls survivors.

We can hear you loud and clear.

[VOICEOVER]: The team

are armed with a radio
for safety checks

with their leaders.

SCOTT [ON RADIO]: Good luck.


The wind's picking up.

Theyhave no modern technology

for navigation.

They'll be relying
on a map and compass

alone to get them
back to civilization.

Kieran's at the
front, so he's leading.

So him and a couple
of the girls, I think,

are just sort of map
reading their way

and just trying to work it out.

And I'm hanging back.

I've got comms.

Charlieis thinking like a survivor


He's staying at the back
so he can radio for help

if anyone is struggling.

BOY: It's not that direction.

GIRL: That makes northeast,
though, like on the map--

Yeah, the whole
thing is northeast.

No, the peak's northwest.

I'm just leading the
groupbecause I have the compass,

and because I'm
one of the oldest,

and because I pretty muchhave
all the stuff in my bag.

Throughout survival school,

Kieran has been growing into
the role of team leader,

and here on the mountain, strong leadership

is going to be critical.

Guys, I think right
up there's the peak.

It's right up there, guys.

So should go up there,
and then kind of curve it

so we go over--

GIRL: Maybe we should go
the hard way on the way

down because--

To reach the peak

and get to their
extraction point

is a journey of at
least eight miles,

so they have to pick
an efficient route

up the mountain.

We're basically justtaking
ideas off of everyone,

and we're all making
decisions off of that.

But Alanah is not

keeping up with the main party.

It's just my leg
really hurts, but I

really [inaudible] becausel
don't want to quit now.

It's like our last challenge.

too easy to pick up sprains

on the uneven ground and rocks.

Let's go.

Alanah's-- I think she's hurther
leg or something like that,

and so she's in
a bit of trouble.

So I'm just off hanging back.

I'm with the back of the group.

Theguys take a break to refuel

and allow Alanah to catch up.

They've been given
emergencyration packs of just

a tiny portion of tuna,
a fewbiscuits, and some mint cake,

so they've got some
tough decisions.

We just need to
ration our little mint

more because it's so tasty,
but our emergency rations--

well, I'm not going to
eatmine at all because I don't

think I'll get to
the point where I'm

literally, genuinely starving.

I don't want to start breakinginto
them yet until I really,

really can't move
and need the energy.

GIRL: [inaudible]


The plan is to
just not go around,

just go to through head onthe
challenge, and keep going.

BOY: Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Let's keep going.
Come on.

They decide to head straight

up towards the
biggest boulder field

to reach the summit as
quickly as possible.

The group is now really
starting to stretch out.

Although Alanah appears
tohave only a mild leg sprain,

she's having trouble climbingup
as the rocks get bigger.

Yeah, I'm hanging back
withAlanah because I don't think

it's fair that she shouldbe
on her own if all of us

are up there racing ahead.

So I'm staying back,
encouraging her.

So at this early
stage of the expedition,

they're doing a great jobof
having that positivity

and that great mentalattitude,
but one golden rule

that they're forgetting
is always go at the pace

of the slowest boy or girl.

Charlie's doing a good jobof
looking out for Alanah,

but really the group havegot
to keep thinking smart.

Otherwise they're in
dangerof getting separated,

and in the wild,
that's dangerous.

GIRL: Alanah?


Alanah, the summit's
right there.

[VOICEOVER]: The team

face a final scramble over
hugeboulders to reach the summit.

GIRL: Alanah, Charlie,
get your helmets on.

It's a draining climb,

but it's amazing how a
glimpse of the summit

gives climbers a
renewed burst of energy.

Even Alanah seems to
have forgotten her aches

and pains for the moment.

It's worth it to
say that I've done it.

The pain don't last forever.

It's the memory that does.

And after three hours

on the windswept mountain,
allnine reach the summit together.

BOY: Done it.
- [inaudible] top.

Hands in.

- One team.
- One team, one dream.

- One dream.
- Bear Grylls!


Let's go!

Toconquer this peak on their own

is a real achievement after
just10 days training in the wild.

It's totally amazing.

If you just look around
you, the view is superb.

[inaudible] probably [inaudible]when
we get to the bottom.

Theteam shelter from the wind

as they plan their next move.

With time getting tightand
the weather closing in,

getting off the
mountain tonight is

going to be a close run thing.

And I was looking at
the map and the compass

trying to find where
the next place is

that we're meant to go.

And we're thinking thatway,
but we're just going

to double check everything.

GIRL: Because Kieran
thinks it's that way.

I think it's that way.
GIRL: Guys, we've got an idea.

Kieran and Maria both--

Maria, yeah.

[interposing voices]

Going that way, so I
think that's all sorted.

Let's go.

Come on, team.

Go, go, go!


Why is that lake--
that's not right.


No, it was the [inaudible].

[VOICEOVER]: It quickly

becomes apparent
that nobody studied

the map carefully enough.

I think it's that way.


That way.

[inaudible] we finished
parallel to the road,

so it's that way.

[inaudible] we don't
know where we're going.

Yes, we do.

- Yeah, we do.
- [inaudible]

They're actually

heading towards one of
MoelSiabod's many sheer drops.

[interposing voices]

Over safety.
GIRL: Bailey, wait.

BOY: Yeah, guys, guys,
guys, guys [inaudible]..

Fortunately, they realize

their mistake just in time.

There's a huge
cliff right there,

and we were gonna run rightdown
it, and just fall,

and we had no idea
there was a cliff there.

We kind of went a bit
northwest down there.

And we didn't look
at the contour lines,

and then sheer
drop is down there.

BEAR GRYLLS: One thing
I've learned in the wild

is you can never
drop your guard,

never take your eye off
the ball for a second,

because if you do,
the wildwill bite you in the backside.

And this is what
these guys have done.

They reached the
summit of the mountain,

and then they stopped

They stopped
checking their maps.

They were full of that
euphoria, which is fine,

but they stopped
doing the basics well,

and they almost walkedstraight
off a vertical cliff.

In the wild, complacency kills.

BOY: Are we moving?

BOY: Come on, let's go.

Yeah, let's go.

After a brief stop,

the team are keen to
presson as fast as possible.

The weather is
worsening by the minute.

We can see the fogcoming
over from the left,

so we're trying to speed it
upa bit so we don't get caught,

and we can't see anything.

But in their haste,

they've left someone behind.

Alanah, who's beenstruggling
with a sore leg,

has laid down to rest,
but no one has noticed.

Leaving a team member aloneon
the side of a mountain

is one of the mostdangerous
things you can do.

Suddenly, to their horror,
theyrealize they're a person short.





Adam and Charlie race

back to try and locate her.



- Alanah!
- Alanah!


Luckily, Alanah

hears their shouting.

I fell asleep,
and you all left me.

She fell asleep.

I fell asleep.

I woke up, and
everyone had gone.

I were like, guys?

I'm just happy that werealized
that she wasn't here

when we did, because if
we'd left it much later,

she might have just
been left there.

She doesn't have
literally anything.

She doesn't have a
compass or a map,

so she would have
been completely lost.

So we need to take a lot
morecare of all our team members,

because as funny as itwas
that she fell asleep,

it could have been really
seriously really bad.

[interposing voices]

I could've died.

They've lost valuable time,

and with the light
fast disappearing,

Charlie puts in a safety
call to the leaders.

[inaudible]how far exactly are

you away from the road, over?

I would guess roughly
a mile and a half.

We're quite-- still
quite far up, over.

BG survivors, listen in.

I know it's light now,
butwith the weather coming

in and in poor visibilityyou're
gonna be in trouble

descending this mountain.

I suggest you findsomewhere
that you can camp

and get out of the wind
for the night, over.

OK, understood.

I think we're gonna
head for the forest.

We might be about 20
minutes away from that,

so, yeah, over and out.

[inaudible] we have 15 minutes.

been trekking

on the mountain
for over six hours,

and they're very tired,
cold, and hungry.

It's so important not to
underestimate the scale

of the challenge that
theseyoung survivors are going

through, and when darknessfalls
on a big exposed mountain,

it can be a dangerous,
butalso a frightening place to be.

BOY: Here, we've gotta find
flatforest because it's on a hill,

and we don't want to
be sleeping downhill.

With night falling,

the team must set up camp fast.

Everyone get a
handful of dry wood.


But an important survival

principle is to
pause for a moment

and assess your situation.

BOY: We've not even
made a plan or anything.

Are you seriously
sayingthat is good enough?


GIRL: I'm not saying
we'regonna sleep here here.

Just sleep where you want.

In their tiredness,

Kieran and Charlie are
notat their most diplomatic,

but they're right
to keep looking.

Here it's perfect.

It's flat.

It's covered by trees.

There's plenty of
wood everywhere.

Me and Kieran
separated from the girls

because we didn't think
what they were doing

was right, and paid off.

We found what we
think is a good place.

KIERAN: Oh, look,
they're coming down.

Despite being totally exhausted,

they set about things in
exactly the right order

of survival priorities.

Shelter first before
fire, and then food.

Boys can sleep there.

Girls can set their
tarp up there.

[inaudible] we can
all sit on that log.

GIRL: Perfect.

We need [inaudible] tops quick.

How high, Maria?

Look how much
room there is under.

I think the girls have
got their tarp set up.

It's quite low, but
I think we're just

trying to get a fire
going at the moment,

and then hopefully
gonna have some

of our food of what's leftof
it, which I don't think

is a lot.

Shall I get some [inaudible]?

firewill really help lift morale

and warm them up if
they can get it going.

In the meantime,
some decide to have

the rest of their
emergency rations

without heating them up first.

I've not been thishungry in the whole trip.

Fire lighting

has not been one of the
team'sstrongest skills in training,

and so it proves once more.

Can't be bothered anymore.

They just gave up on the fire.

I think--

I do understand why they
gave up on the fire,

though, because we're
not actually using it.

Gryllssurvival school [inaudible]..

Yep, we can hear you
loud and clear, over.

Instructor Scott

unexpectedly radios the camp.

About a kilometer

from your camp will be
a cache of fresh food.


OK, do you have-- can
yougive us any direction?

Keep heading south.

The cache is hanging
from a tree, over.

BOY: Oh, food, food, food, food.

The idea of having food haslifted
the camp's morale a bit.

Let's go, team.

couldn't [inaudible]..

Good luck, guys.

Theyoung survivors have hardly

eaten today, so four
of them volunteer

to navigate in the darkto
retrieve the supplies.

No, south is that way now.

Yeah, so we need to go uphere
then, Kieran, because it'll

go bear to the left.

BOY: Yeah, [inaudible].

Impressively, they quickly

find their way to the food.

Yeah, the boys just
spotted it in the tree.

- Just open it.
- Just rip it.


BOY: Oranges.

BOY: Oh, it's not
food we can just eat.

GIRL: So we have to have a fire.

BOY: Oh, it's two squirrels.

We are like [inaudible]
chocolate pudding

and chocolate fudgebrownie,
and there's three

dead squirrels in a bag.

SCOTT [ON RADIO]: [inaudible]

We have successfully foundthe
bag with three squirrels

in, over.

GIRL: Oh my god.

SCOTT [ON RADIO]: Excellent.

That's all we could catchthis
evening, I'm afraid.

But there's loads of protein,
lots of fat, as well.

So you shouldn't
go hungry, over.

BOY: [inaudible] I'm
with three other people,

and they're-- they're
not happy about this.

And I don't think
they'll want to eat it.

I cannot believe my ears.

You're in a survival situation.

You've got no food.

You don't know where
yournext meal is coming from,

and you're not
happy with it, over.

Is that right?

[inaudible] what you do is
takethe squirrels back to camp,

and then reassess
thesituation tomorrow morning.

Despite their disappointment,

the guys are in jokey mood
as they return to camp.


GIRL: [inaudible]

[interposing voices]

BOY: We got [inaudible].

BOY: We got Haribos.

BOY: We've got dead
squirrels, guys.

We've got-- we've
got dead squirrels.

GIRL: There we are.



That was a [inaudible].

They actually said
we'd got proper food

[inaudible] sweets and stuff.

And that's disgusting.

I like squirrels.
I don't--

BOY: Just get me [inaudible].

I don't really want to eat them.

I think I'm gonna
go hungry tomorrow.

willbe interesting to see if they

feel differently about cookingthe
squirrel in the morning

when they're seriously
short of energy.

I'm going to sleep, so night.

GIRL: Night, night [inaudible].

We've got on the
whole sleeping bag.

Guys, are you guys really cold?

- Yep.
- Nope.

I'm freezing.

It'sbeen a day of great highs

and some lows, too.

Wait, guys, guys, guys, guys.

In a survival situation,

everybody makes mistakes.

What matters in the end
is pushing on through,

and to their credit,
that's exactly what

the young survivors have done.

BOY: [inaudible]

Night, girls.

GIRL: Night.

BOY: Night.

Guys, wait.

This is the last ever
sleepin the wild as a team.

Butit's gonna be a tough night,

and they'll have to
dig very deep tomorrow

if they're gonna completethe
mission and graduate

from survival school.

Next time.

BOY: Come on, let's go.
Let's go.

[interposing voices]
Let's go.

Let's go, team.
Let's go, team.

A race against time

to make it to the finish.

But will Alanah fall
at the final hurdle?

Why should I hurt
my leg even more?


BOY: It's OK.