Beach Boys (1997–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - Episode #1.5 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Good job.



Stop the silly competition
and hurry and bring

those over, will you?

- You don't understand.
- Understand what?

You don't understand men.

I guess you can't help
it since your're just a kid.

Excuse me for being a kid.

Did I say something bad?

Beats me. I'm just a woman
that takes the good with the bad.

Did I say something
to make them mad?

Beats me. But knowing
you, you probably did.

Better not strain yourself.

What about you? For a former
athlete, you're nothing special.


Two yakisobas.

That's 1,000 yen.

It's the minshuku inn right there.
Why don't you stay with us?

Come again!

Why'd you do that?

When you get a couple, ask
and see where they're staying!

Make conversation!

Have you always been this way?

That personality of yours.

Cheery and optimistic?

How should I describe it?
Rude, noisy, irresponsible.

I get it. You shouldn't
judge people by their looks.

I may not look it but I was a sickly
child. Quiet, delicate and naive.

Don't stare.

I can see how you
wished you were that way.

It's the truth. I was a negative
kid. That's why my folks

put me swimming.

Get it?

So swimming makes a
person turn out like you?

I had to move around a
lot because of my parents.

Did you ever have
to change schools?

It's no fun.

It's the pits when you stand at
the front of the class and the

teacher has to introduce you.

You have to start your
relationships from scratch.

I see.

So it came to me one day...

Be a clown, talk everyone to
death, bring down their guard

and barge into the group.

I may not look it but I'm always
very sensitive to other people.

I wonder?

Hey girls!

Those look good! Where'd
you buy that 3-piece set?

Maybe I'll buy one, too!

I always wished I could
transfer to a new school.

Come again!


From who?

A woman that's not a kid.

That hurt.

What're you pouting about?

Can I do anything to help?

It's almost lunchtime.

We're counting on you.


One yakisoba please.

You're cute!

That's a cute swimsuit!
Where'd you buy it?

Maybe I'll buy one, too.

For my mother...

You cheated, Mr. Masaru!

Give it back!

What're you doing?

Mr. Masaru cheated again.

You guys are so lucky
not to have any worries.

It's me.

Oh, it's you?
I'm busy here.

We need you, Fujiko.

I'll be right there.

I'm really sorry, Hiromi.

What're you talking about?

What was that about?

What did she say?

She hung up on me.

A guest. He was
looking for this place.


You know him?

I guess so.

Did Fujiko tell you where I was?

My name...!

Isn't Shimizu.

Ever since that day...
my name changed.

Do you know what they call me?

I don't know...

I'll tell you.

My name is...

Shimizu... the guy that got to
go to the Olympics because

Sakurai got hurt.


Got that?

Subs Asia Team

Written by Okada Ewa

Theme "Forever" by Sorimachi
Takashi with Richie Sambora

Takashi Sorimachi

Yutaka Takenouchi

Ry?ko Hirosue

Taro Yamamoto

Mike Maki

Izumi Inamori

Why'd you get so drunk?

You knew?

About the Olympics?

When was it...?

When Fujiko came.

But you didn't tell anyone.

If he wanted to he'd have
told everyone himself.

Men are funny creatures.

Isn't that amazing?

He was supposed to go to the
Olympics? Isn't that amazing?

I remember seeing him
swimming the pool at school.

He was fast.
No wonder.

He always acts like he does...
But the Olympics, huh?

I wonder if he was
in the papers, too.

Don't make a big deal.

It's so hot!

I'm really sorry, boss.



That face didn't say it's nothing.

How is he?


I forgot to go shopping.

I'll go now. Is there
anything you need?

I'm done.

Wasn't Yuko here?

She was.

That's bad.
If Yuko I knows...

The whole town will know.

He's the one!

He's going to be in the Olympics!

He's so cool!

I'll be his fan!

What's going on?

Here you go.

Thanks a lot.

I threw this in for free.

Work hard.

Did you hear about Hiromi?

I was so shocked. He was one
step away from the Olympics?

But he got hurt the day
before the qualifying race.

He could've been a medal
contender if he'd gone!

Aren't you supposed
to be working?

I am but...

You don't even deliver one
simple letter to me and

you're spreading gossip instead?

Don't say that.

Haruko is right.

That was good.

What is it?


Why... he didn't say anything.

Don't know.

Maybe he thinks it's cool.

He still thinks so?


"Why" what?


Kait o-san...?

I think that's strange.

What is the matter with
you leaving elite company.

Is it because of "Salaryman".


I know! You want to be
the owner of Minshuku.

So, your target
is Minshuku, right?

I guess you're overdoing it.

I don't think my spirit will
last for another 20 years.

Then... why are you here?

Maybe because I like it.

Ah, I already understand!

Saturated with a big
city full of buildings.

Back to nature
to calm down...


Athletes have dreams that are like
that, isn't that great?

Has he stopped take part in
the swimming competition?

I have no idea.

Where am I?

How can you say that?


I remember. I drank
too much last night.

And I ran into...

Right, Fujiko.

So why'd you
come here, Shimizu?

It's not Shimizu.

It's "Shimizu, the guy who
got to go to the Olympics"

"because Sakurai got hurt."

Can you understand?

Can you understand how I feel
when people say that about me?

Can't be helped.

Who're you?

I'm the daughter here.

I don't know all the details but
I'm sure he didn't drop out

of the qualifying race because
he wanted to. He got hurt.

Don't butt i!

Hold it a minute...

Never mind.

Look! This is what they're
printing in the papers, too!

At the send-off party, all
the big-wigs go up to each

athlete and wish them well.

I'm the only one whose
name they couldn't remember.

There's more.

One of the female volleyball
players said "I wanted to

go with Mr. Sakurai.'
Right where I could hear her!

Even in the athlete's village.

Who was that female German
breast stroker we met

at the world competition...?

Never mind. She came all
the way to the Japanese dorm

and asked why Sakurai
didn't come. She was in tears.

Do you know how I felt?

Why'd I have to explain about
how you got hurt, anyway!


Why are you apologizing?

You keep quiet.

I think that's how it is.

Who're you?

I'm an employee here.

I think it's the same way in any world.
The end result is everything.

What's wrong? You got to go.

I heard Couch Bando invited
you to coach a club team.

But you turned it down.

What about it?

I took the job.

Why? I went to the Olympics!

You didn't. So why
did he ask you first?

And I only got it when
you turned it down?

Must be an issue of character.

By the way, I own this place.

That's one way to think about it.

But it's also because you
never produced a result.

It's true.
I lost at the Olympics.

I didn't even make it to the finals.

But I swam my my best time.

Yet everyone thinks if you'd
gone, we'd have done better.

Why should a guy that got
hurt and retired be a hero?

Why do I have to listen to
them talk about me that way?

You ran away before you
ever gave them an answer.

I'm starving!

Hey daughter! I'm hungry!

Dinner is over so we
don't have anything.

I'll make something.

Let him be.

Sakurai's working
at a minshuku inn, huh?

A rotten one at that.

Hey Mr. Shimizu, who got to
go to the Olympics because

Mr. Sakurai got hurt
but lost anyway?


The bath is ready.
Please go ahead.


Shal'll tell you why I came here?


I came to race you.

I came to put an end to it.

Let's find out who
the real Olympian is.

Mr. Shimizu?

I told you, that's not my name.

You're so bent out of shape.

You would be, too.

The Olympics was my dream.

Ever since I was a kid.


What kind of swimmer was he?

What kind?

A good one.

I couldn't compete
with him at all.

Shall I help?

Will you get the pepper?

Why don't you clobber
that rotten guy?

Don't call him rotten.

I swam with him for years
and he did represent Japan.

But it should've been you, right?



You should drink more milk.


It'll make your breasts larger.

What is that!

He wasn't full of
competitive fire.

He swam almost casually.
But he was fast.

What I can't forgive him for
is how he acted when

I went to see him
after he got hurt.

He really looked like he
didn't care. He really looked

like he'd be cheering for me.

I can't forgive that.

So what're you?

You don't look like you should
be working at a place like this.

I'm just an employee.

Please use that towel.

You're playing hooky.

I'll have my usual.

Where's our guest?

I heard you're going
to have a race.

How do you know?

Yuko came by telling everyone
about it a little while ago.

So... are you?

Don't ask me.

I'm done.


So are you?

I think he's serious.

I quit swimming.

So did Cupid bring you a letter?

Don't change the subject.

Good luck.

We'll be cheering for you!

Cheering for you?

I bet 4,000 yen on you.

World-class race today!
Sakuri vs. Shimizu.

I heard about you.

I thought you might be like me.

Like you, Hazuki?

I'm ill and you got hurt.

And we both had to
give upon our dreams.

But you're all healed
now, aren't you?

If so... I envy you.

It's not the same.

It's no to the same as you, Hazuki.

Look at this. It's Yuko.

What'll Hiromi do now?

Tell him I'll be waiting.

I just don't like him.


Where's the high school?

Hurry! Hurry!

Where's Hiromi?


What' going to do?
Is really going to race?

Let him if he wants to.

Here he comes!

I'm back.

Welcome home.

How many reservations
do we for tomorrow?


- Four!
- That is.

I have to get the shop ready.

You guys are giving
me the creeps.

Aren't you going?
Everyone's waiting for you.


You should go and beat him.

I quit.


I... got hurt on purpose.

On purpose?

I got hurt on purpose so
I wouldn't have to compete

in the qualifying race.


Swimming is...

It isn't my dream or anything.

If it was, I'd have competed
even if my leg was broken.

But it wasn't. I just happened
to swim since I was a kid.

And I just happened
to have fast times.

I don't really love it.

Bearing the rising sun would've
been too much for a guy like me.

So I retired myself.

It's not my dream.

That's the story. Sorry.

I feel sorry for him.

Now, I really do feel
sorry for him.

He's sort of a rotten guy
but I feel sorry for him.

Go on.

Go and make it a clean slate.

Go and become an ordinary fool.

You ran away before you
ever gave them an answer.

I came to put an end to it.

Can he win?

Look at all those muscles.

He came.

Thank you for waiting!

The race will begin!

Listen Sakurai.

It's to be expected.

I've been training the whole time.

The whole time.

So it's only natural that I won.

See you.

Take care!

Mr. Shimizu, who got to go to
the Olympics, because

Sakurai got hurt?

You can just
call me Shimizu, now.

Please come again.

After you fix that
personality yours.

Get in.

Shall we go?

It was close, Hiromi.

It's good you didn't
go to the Olympics.


Because you would've been
representing Japan, right?

You would've brought
Japan's reputation way down.

He may be right.

I may've said what I said but...

But I was really hurt inside.

I hurt so much
I can hardly move.

You take the breakfast
shift tomorrow.

Do a good job.


Is this where you were?

So what happened?

Thanks Fujiko.
I owe it all to you.

Did I do good?

Come on, guys!

I get it.




Subs Asian Team