Batwoman (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - Who Are You? - full transcript

A new villain with an eye for all things that sparkle drops in on the city. Kate attempts to find a balance between her personal life and her new role as Gotham's guardian. Catherine has an...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on "Batwoman"...

- So you're into me.
- You would know.

- I'll call you then.
- I'd like that.

Bruce never stopped looking

for your sister's body.

Guy had the best tech on the planet.

Why didn't he find her?

I think Alice is Beth.

I thought they found her body.

They found bone fragments.

Skull fragments matching Beth's DNA.

She's your daughter!

King of the Crows

can't even protect your own nest.

How'd you get in my house?

You're making this personal, Alice.

It is personal!

What the hell do you want?

You're gonna tell me
everything you know about Alice.

You're not Batman.

That's the point.

Shiny, shiny.

Keep your Tiffanys close

and your Mikimoto closer, Gotham.

Last night marks the third
bling theft in a week,

this time nearly killing
a guard in the process.

Well, today, everyone is
asking "Where was Batwoman?"

Hot off the heels of her citywide debut,

and she's a no-show.

Seriously, was she curling her hair,

overcome by the myriad
of red lipstick shades,

going through a breaku...

Thank you.

Going through a breakup?

That woman literally risked
her life protecting this city.

Well, I heard she's doing Batman.

- Oh, you heard?
- Mm-hmm.

From who... Killer Croc?

I kind of like her actually.

Gotham could use a woman's touch.

Um, so you're into redheads now?

No, not at this exact moment.

I hate whoever that is.


Oh. Sorry. It's my... my,
um... my friend type thing.

Uh, girlfriend? Because that's
what that just sounded like.

No. It's a guy friend, a co-worker.

We... we share an office space.

The, uh... water main broke.

That sounds really serious.

I know. Yeah. I should probably go.

You come over superlate,

you leave before breakfast.

I feel like I could date
you and start a new hobby.

I'll make it up to you.

Okay. I have to go. I have to go.

- Ha ha ha!
- Stay dry.

I have to go.

A wise woman once said,

"Hurt me with the truth.

Don't comfort me with a lie."

Yes, Bruce. I'm quoting Rihanna

because I'm not a liar.

I have never hidden who I am.

I came out when Brad Morrison
told all the kids at school

that I was gay.

I said, "Yeah, and?" Then punched him.

Ever since then, I've been out and proud

as long as I can remember,

so how the hell am I supposed to wake up

every morning and hide who I am?

That is brilliant,

uh, but do watch the glare, Margot.

Can I get a bounce card?

Hey. Want to tell me
what the hell is going on?

You must be Roxanna.

Such a pleasure, Miss Kane.

The museum of antiquities is so grateful

you're lending us
Martha Wayne's necklace.

We cannot think of a better showpiece

to represent strong women

and pillars of their community.

She always loved your museum.

Margot, is that the last lens change?

- Yes.
- Shall we get a few mores shots?

And then we can get
out of miss Kane's hair.

- Where have you been?
- Nowhere.

I'm seeing someone.

You... okay.

So while you've been...

That, Magpie struck again.

She nuked a place last night,

nearly killed a security guard.

The vine work is so, uh, earth chic.

It's a work in progress.

Well, with that giant
Wayne sign on the building,

I'm sure whatever it is
will make Gotham proud.

- No pressure, right?
- I'll have our security team

bring the necklace
to the event tomorrow.

Smart. With everything that's
been happening around the city,

you can never be too careful.

So that is not why I called.

So your pet Dodgson,
not looking too good

and probably no smelling great.

What are we doing here?

He hangs out until he tells us

Alice's grand plan.

- Or he dies.
- He's just dehydrated.

- He's septic.
- Were you this annoying

when Batman took people prisoner?

I didn't think so.

Yeah. He needs an E.R.

Does your husband know
what's in plot 283, Catherine?

Shh. Your driver's gone nighty-night.

He's on a benzo break.

What are you doing here?

Heh. The great existential question.

What are we all doing here?

You know the thing I
love about bad guys?

Is that despite ourselves we are all so

tragically predictable.

Of course, you'd follow the cards I left

right back there to cover your tracks.

What do you want?

Hmm. To keep this to myself,

and in return, you are
gonna give me something,

a very powerful toy.

I understand that Hamilton
Dynamics is developing

a very "top-secret" weapon.

I own one of the largest

defense companies in the country.

I'm hardly privy to its
day-to-day project management side.

Oh, but you are. You are the priviest

because this particular
project was your idea.

How do you know that?

Well, I spent in an hour
in your house, Catherine.

What did you think... I was just
poking around your shoe closet?

Which should be its
own monument by the way.

Yeah. You are gonna give it
to me by 10 p.m. tomorrow,

or Commander Kane will
know that you're the one

who convinced him his
dear, darling daughter

was dead.

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God! Hi! You're Batwoman!

Mary Hamilton. Huge fan

but not in, like, an annoying way.

Can I just say welcome to
Gotham, and you know what?

Screw the haters.

I once wore this jumpsuit,

and it was bordering on last season...

I need your help.

I heard you're discreet.

Okay. Yeah. Anything.

Oh. Okay. So he actually
just tried to kill me,

so... that's not me saying no.

It's just slightly more complicated.

Why do you have him?

I need to know what Alice is planning.

This is grossly infected.

You don't have any
neosporin in your batbelt?

Can you save him?

I can try

because I actually subscribe to a code.

It's called do no harm.

I'll be back for him.

We'll be here.

Hopefully alive.

If I wanted to be a
beacon of hope to Gotham,

I needed to show them that I was there.

I had to restore their
confidence in the Bat,

and to do that, I
needed to catch Gotham's

most dangerous thief.

Batcave to Batwoman.

How long have you waited to say that?

Honestly, it just came to
me two seconds ago, so...

- What do you want?
- I've been thinking

why is this Magpie
Woman so hard to track?

You know, police can't find her,

she's one step ahead of the Crows.

No trace of her on
any city surveillance,

and then it occurred to me...

Everyone's looking for a woman

when we should be looking for a bird.

Eagle cams.

Do we have to be on opposite sides?

Birds of a feather
should flock together.

I'm allergic to feathers.

An egg? Really committed to this

whole bird thing, aren't you?

Really think it's worth that?

Maybe not to you, but to me,

it's food, a roof over my head,

and a modicum of dignity.

Batarang? More like Batawhiff.

According to the
gallery security footage,

last night our lady
crusader missed the return

on her not-so-trusty Batarang

and caused some major
damage to a gilded vase

that once belonged to Marie Antoinette,

and we thought Magpie
was a threat to this city.

Talk to me, Gotham.
Do we need to take out

an insurance policy on our new hero?

You probably miscalculated the position.

- I didn't.
- Maybe you angled it wrong.

- Maybe it's broken.
- It's not broken.

If it worked, I would have caught it.

Did you try flipping your wrist back...

You're Batsplaining. I already have

the whole city on my ass.

I do not need you joining in the chorus.

Well, good news, bad news.

I figured out what you ripped
off Magpie's belt last night...


Yeah, cute but no less deadly.

Concussion or fragmentation?

Probably an M-67 filled
with TNT or gunpowder.

I'll know more after I
run a chemical analysis.

It could help us track down Magpie.

How long will that take?

Depending on the complexity
of the deformulation...

Hour and a half.

Great. I'll see you then.

Wait. Where you going?

I owe someone a lunch.

Someone. A date. Cool.
Yeah. No. I'll be here,

not dating anyone
because I love to work.

Love to work. This is great. Have fun.

Pretty song.

Alice was playing it when she broke

into the penthouse the other night.

Alice plays the Cello?

That's so... on brand.

Beth played the Cello.

This was her favorite piece.

Do you think...

What'd you bring me?

Ahem. The report detailing the bomb

that blew up Alice's transport Van.

I thought you'd want to
see it before anyone else.

It's an ied using high
standard components.

The convoy had 7 vehicles.

It hit Alice's Van
with a 99.9% accuracy.

Bomb probably used an
advanced sensor initiation

to detect its target.

A sensor with that level of detection

is unreleased technology
unique to Hamilton Dynamics.

What are you saying?

Bomb's one of ours?

Why would someone at Hamilton
want to ambush the convoy?

You're living with polar bears

under the borealis, no rent, no traffic,

no getting mugged in
line grabbing a coffee.

Why the hell did you move back here?

- Long story.
- So an ex-girlfriend.

- Wow.
- Told you I could read people.

Her name is Sophie,
and she's in the past,

and according to her, we never even had

a past, so there's that.

You came home for your ex
who doesn't see you as an ex?

Sounds like I have
nothing to worry about.

Why am I talking about her?

I used to live there.

Before it was that, it was a
small, charming 10-unit place full

of sweet, neighborly,
hard-working people,

who all got exiled to parts of
the city that no one cared about.

Meanwhile, all the
predatory real estate moguls

who don't give a crap about
the lives they're uprooting

get rich.

You were literally evicted
from your childhood.

That's awful.

Not that I wanted to live
in a Crows district anyway.

- No offense.
- You googled me.

Of course I did.

No one's allowed to
have secrets anymore.

So does that mean you will tell me

where we're going for lunch?

It does. My Mom taught English
to the woman who owns the place.

She's supercute and has
the best tofu paneer.

I think you're gonna like it.


Another plumbing emergency?

Uh, electrical fire in
the... ventilation system.

That sounds like a real mess.

What is that you do again?

Nothing really. Just keeping
tabs on my cousin's building.

Not so good at it, huh?

There's a fundraiser later
at the antiquities museum.

Want to be my date?

Um... maybe.

Come on. 9:30. No emergencies.

Please, please, please, please.

Okay. Hold you to it.


Oh. You got to be kidding me.


Ow. Come on.

She stole the necklace.

She took it by feathers and force.

I'll let the museum know
they're losing their showpiece.

Bruce's Mom was killed
for that necklace.


He spent years looking
for it in the streets,

finally found it in an auction,

and spent $1 million buying it back.

I should have been here.

I have to get it back.
Any leads on the bomb?

Actually, yeah. Magpie 3-D printed them.

- That's new.
- Yeah, I know.

Nanothermites via inkjet.

- Explosive ink?
- It's regulated.

Only a few companies sell it.

Then we find everyone that it's sold to.

Well, you now, the Crows
do track munition shipments

in and out of the city.

You could ask your girl
Sophie if she can get

a list of who's buying exploding ink.

It's bad timing.

Bad timing,

a bomber loose in Gotham.


Exploding ink. That's specific.

Magpie used one to
break into Wayne Tower.

She take anything?

My aunt Martha's Pearl necklace.

Damn. Does your Dad know?


Heard the Bat had a run-in
with her the other night.

The Bat? I thought they were
calling her Batwoman now.

Is that official?

I think so. It's catchy, mature.

Mm-hmm. So if she's on
the case, why are you?

You know why. I don't trust vigilantes.

Heh. How's the search going?

Just texted it to you.

Everyone within a 100-mile radius

who recently purchased explosive ink.

I really appreciate it.

I'm glad you came to me.

I know things between us
have been a little tense,

but we always make a good team.

I have to go.


So clever of Catherine to send you boys

to find my cozy burrow,

but you're not the only ones

with ears all around this city.

When you start asking
about our location,

it gets back to me.

Desperate, desperate
Catherine Hamilton-Kane

sending her goons to clean up her mess.

Perhaps she needs a little reminder

that I'm not playing games!

Who wants to help me
send her a message, hmm?


Eeny, meeny,



- You.
- It was him.

You pointed at him.

Like I said, I'm not playing a game.

There are no rules.

Uh, another construction firm,

fireworks manufacturer,
gold mining company.

Wait. This shipment
doesn't have a destination.

Can you key the address?

Yeah. Let me check.

Sophie thinks I'm the Bat.

- How?
- Because I suck at hiding it.

How did Bruce make living
a double life look so easy?

Oh, he didn't. He was miserable.

Bruce Wayne? Guy had 3 ferraris

and slept with half of Gotham.

The playboy thing gave him a cover.

Different women meant he could
tell the same lies easily, but

sucked for him, too.

Honestly, in those last few months,

I think being Batman was
easier for him than being Bruce.

So the address is a P.O. box.

You can send explosives to a P.O. box?

If you don't want to get caught.

I just got to the old Gotham hotel,

the address linked to
the P.O. box account.

Guy at the facility gave it to me.

Do I want to know how you
got him to tell you that?

Let him take a selfie.

Definitely not the
answer I was expecting.

Let me guess. Batman
never posed for selfies.

Wasn't gonna say it.

I think I found Magpie's nest.

I see jewelry, a computer, 3-D printer,

and my breath ring's freezing.

Oh, that's smart. It's climate-rigged.

If anyone enters, their
body heat will raise

the room's temperature
and set off an explosion.

You may want to lead with that.

Sorry, but yo. Check this out.

The suit can lower your body
temperature to match the room

and bypass the sensors.

That is uncomfortably cold.

Rather cold than dead.

- Oh. One more thing.
- What?

You know you can't breathe, right?

- You're kidding me.
- I didn't invent kinetic energy.

How long can you hold your breath for?

Gets dicey after two minutes.

All right. That's as long as you got.

Actually, now might be a
good time to let you know

that I fixed the Batarang,

and by fixed, I mean realized
it was calibrated for Bruce,

who has longer arms than you.

Guess it wasn't entirely your fault.

You're probably thinking some
pretty choice words right now,

but since you'll blow up
if you say them out loud,

probably best to keep them to yourself.

Anyway, all fixed, recalibrated for you,

a woman with slightly shorter arms.

Oh. While you're in there

if you can try to clone
a copy of her hard drive,

that'd be great.

Might give us a clue
into what Magpie gets

her talons into next.

Definitely been a minute.

Still alive? Don't answer that.


Did you just...


No! Don't want to.


Help me.


No. I'm not actually Ali...

Curiouser and curiouser.


Yes, darling.

It's me. It's Alice.

Where am I?

You're in the rabbit hole, darling,

with the caterpillar and the mad hatter

and the Queen of Hearts.

I'm actually quite happy you're here.

You see, I've foolishly
forgotten the details

of my evil plan.

Perhaps you could...

stir up a memory or two.

She... she thinks

it's me you care about.

Who, dear? The Batwoman?


Finish your thought. The Batwoman thinks

I care about whom?

She... has no idea.

About... about who?

Who? Who?


She has... big plans for him.

- In position.
- Let me know when you see her.

Way too much tempting
bling for her not show.

What is that noise?

Magpie had some complicated schematics

for something on her hard drive.

They're encrypted, but
I'll try printing them.

Whatever it is could be her next target

and help us track her down.

I got to go.

Go where?

Reagan's here.

Wait. You invited her to a takedown.

I invited her on a
date that just happens

to be at the takedown location.

I don't need to tell you that...

Batman would have
never done that. I know.

Is it done?

Does this look done to you?

Oh, my God.

That bitch is a rare
breed of psychopath, okay?

Take your money, take your power.

I don't care. It is
your mess, Catherine.

You want her gone, do it yourself.

This is Catherine.

"'Oh, dear, oh, dear.
I shall be too late, '"

said the rabbit, tapping at his watch."

♪ I like the way you move with me ♪

♪ I like the way you move ♪

♪ I like the way you move with me ♪

♪ I like the way you move ♪

♪ I like the way you move with me ♪

♪ I like the way you move ♪


Sophie, um, I didn't know
you were working the event.

I wasn't, but I figured

with a jewelry thief on the prowl

we could use the extra manpower.

Of course you did.

- Kate.
- Reagan, hi.

- I'm sorry I'm late.
- Oh.

Hey. Reagan.

- Sophie.
- Figured.

Sorry. I didn't realize
you were here with anyone.

I got us drinks.

You two have fun.

So... I don't know about you,

but I'm gonna drink this and pretend

it's not totally uncomfortable
that your ex is here.

Sorry. I...

Ahem. I'm being a really crappy date.

Can we start over and I mention

how beautiful you look?

Thank you, and I hate that that worked.

Miss Kane, welcome.

I'm so glad you made it.

I'm sorry the pearls didn't.

What do you mean?

Didn't Luke Fox get in touch with you?

Yes, but I was just so relived

when the security guard
showed up with them

in the nick of time.

Perfect timing. Excuse me.

Ladies and gentlemen,

tonight, we are here to celebrate

powerful women throughout history,

and who better embodies
that than Martha Wayne?

It is with utmost gratitude
to the Wayne estate

that I present to you
tonight's showpiece,

her beloved pearl necklace.

Would you excuse me for a minute?

I was just about to call you.

Martha's necklace is at the
exhibit, which is impossible

because we never gave it to the museum.

That is not her
necklace. It's a replica.

It's the last thing that Magpie printed.

She snuck a bomb in here.

Why would Magpie bomb the museum?

She's not. It's a trojan horse.

Use the explosion in the
showroom as a distraction,

and she'll have free rein
over the exhibit room.

The Wayne family has
been a hallmark to Gotham,

and their legacy lives on even today.

Okay. Ladies and gentlemen,

it looks like we have a
little situation on our hands.

Everyone, please move towards the exit.

Everyone, calmly towards the exit.

Ha ha ha ha!

I'm not meant to be a jailbird.

Looks like you have a choice to make.

The shiny jewels are all insured,

but those sitting ducks
only have one life.

Heh heh. Which are you gonna save?

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Ha! Ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Mommy, I found a marble.

Whoa. It's really you.

It's over.

I've seen you before.
You're the photographer.

You weren't just taking photos at
Wayne Tower. You were casing it.

People like you never
notice people like me.

You put a lot of lives
in danger tonight.

Well, some of us don't
have the privilege

of sitting in our tower, having angst

about what to do with
our lives, Miss Kane.

They just do it to survive.

Time to go to blackgate, Margot.

Hey. Did you see that?

I didn't. I was on... a call.

Batwoman showed up. It was surreal.

I tried calling you.

I must have been in a dead zone.

You just said you were on a call.

I did. I...

So... here's why this sucks.

I like you.

You're funny, you're cool,

but that's not really enough.

I'm not a needy person, Kate,

but if I'm gonna make an effort,

miss a spin class or
rearrange a work shift,

all I ask for is a little honesty.

Here's why this sucks.

I think you're fun and cool

and seem to care about
all the right things...

But I'm not in a place right now

where I can share all of
myself with someone else.

I am sorry.

I get it.

You obviously have a lot going on.

I just hope whatever it is

makes you happy.

Well... this is a nice surprise.

Sweetheart, you okay?

Alice came to me today.

She... she came to
you? Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine. She didn't hurt me.

She wants something.

Hamilton is developing a new project,

and Alice has taken interest.

Well, what?

It doesn't matter. I
refuse to put any weapon

into the hands of a terrorist.

Don't answer that. It could be her.

Well, if it's her, I should get it.

Jacob, please.

You should hear this from me.

Sweetheart, what's going on?

It was years ago.

I thought it was the right thing to do.

You thought what was
the right thing to do?

You and Kate wouldn't stop looking.

Kate was up all night.

She wasn't going to school,

she was refusing to eat.

She wouldn't give up, and she wasn't

living her life,

and the more despair that she felt,

the more broken you became.

What did you do, Catherine?

You were both in a
downward spiral, Jacob.

You never would have
moved on if you didn't...

Think that Beth were dead.

They found bones,

skull fragments.

Hamilton Employees found bones

from a deer.

I paid the DNA analyst
to write the report.

The police, my investigators,

the entire city had been
looking and looking for Beth

without finding so
much as a sock, Jacob.

- She was gone.
- Stop.

Get away from me.


Just get away from me.

You... have to stop doing that.

Sudden adrenaline release
can lead to cardiac arrest,

and I am way too busy to have

a heart condition right now.

You fixed him?

He's stable.

An hour later, and may
not have been able to.

You were right. I shouldn't
have let him get this bad.

Yeah. So on that topic,

I may have prodded him a little

while he was under a morphine haze.

I know, but he ruined
my favorite plaid shirt

when he stabbed me,

so my point is Alice
is looking for a mouse

or someone named Mouse.

He said Mouse,

and she has big plans for him.

So thought you should know.

Ooh. Ooh, ooh! Whoa!

Whoa! Hang on! You can't just... gah!

What is that?!

Subdermal transponder.

- A what?
- Chipped him.

He leads me Alice, if
figure out who Mouse is.

Oh, okay. Okay.

Good work, Mary.

Thank you.

The bomb-loving bird
is finally in a cage,

where she belongs.

Batwoman clipped her wings,

and she wasn't very
sweet about it either.

Hey, Batwoman. You
have such a pretty face.

Ever think about smiling more?

Another win in the Batcolumn.

Almost got a compliment out
of Vesper Fairchild, too.

I reunited a bunch of
billionaires with things

they probably didn't miss.

You also saved a lot of innocent lives.

The city trusts you now.

They trust Batwoman. Kate
Kane is a different story.

What do you know about real estate?

Um, everyone hates popcorn ceilings.

So more than me.

I'm starting a real estate firm.

Okay. So the last thing the city needs

is another predatory developer
cluttering the skyline.

I agree. That's why I want
to buy run-down buildings

from outside the Crows districts,

keep the rents low,

and give them back to the community.

So Bruce was a billionaire playboy,

and you're gonna be
who... Joanna Gaines?

- You can be chip.
- I just told you

I don't know anything about real estate.

Well, you better learn quick because

you're gonna be my assistant.

- Associate.
- Hmm. Up for debate.

Dear Bruce, Queen Rihanna was right.

Lies don't make anyone comfortable,

especially the one telling them,

but no one said anything about
this job being comfortable.

If I'm going to embrace the Bat,

then I'm going to have to
embrace hiding a part of myself

from the outside world.

Living this double
life is a sacrifice...

But our city is worth it.