Battlestar Galactica (2004–2009): Season 2, Episode 6 - Home: Part 1 - full transcript

Starbuck, Helo and Boomer bring back the Arrow of Apollo, but Boomer doesn't seem welcome. Commander Adama wants to keep the fleet divided and appoints a new CAG.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on
Battlestar Galactica.

Deep down in that thing
you call a subconscious...

you know how many Cylons
there are left in the fleet.

Eight! There are eight!

Cpl. Venner reports the
former President's missing.

Two men down, cell's empty.

Damn it.

Glad to see you,
Madam President.

Well, Mr. Zarek. It would seem
the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Go find her.

Let's go home.

We have found Kobol.

And when we retrieve the Arrow,
we will open the Tomb of Athena...

and we will find
the road to Earth.

No one's gonna believe
this crap.

And anyone that wants to make a
suicide run to Kobol, let them.

Astral Queen has jumped away.

Twenty-four ships, sir.

That's almost
a third of the fleet.

They're gonna follow Roslin
to Kobol to their death.

18,000 souls
aboard the 24 ships...

that joined former President
Roslin's rebellion, sir.

That's over a third
of the people in the fleet.

Give me a breakdown.
What have we lost?

9,500 souls from Geminon,
6,250 from Caprica.

Not who. What.

I'm not interested in people
who decide to join up...

with a religious fanatic
and a terrorist.

That's their business.
Now, what have I lost?

Twelve transports,
seven freighters...

construction platforms...

a private cruiser
and a mining ship, sir.

The Monarch was a blow.

We can't afford to lose mining
ships, not in our situation.

And then
there's the collateral damage.

Morale is down
throughout the fleet.

The press is going wild,
families are being split apart...

Don't talk to me
about family.

I support the president

And my only priorities are the
preservation of her safety...

and the completion
of this mission.

That's all well and good, but
he's still Adama's son. Yeah!

When push comes to shove...

how do we know
he'll be willing to stand up...

If it were not for him, I would
still be in a Galactica jail cell.

I trust him completely
and this subject is closed.

And what about Galactica?

They know where we are.

They could jump in here at any time
and charge us all with treason...

or destroy this ship
with a flick of the wrist.

We're not entirely

Some of our ships
are armed.

We should take steps to arm
the others, just in case.

Just in case
we want to commit suicide.

If Galactica wants to take us down,
there is nothing we can do about it.


And nobody in this room should be
under any illusions on that count.

At this point, it's my firm belief
that Cdr. Adama has let us go.

Lt. Thrace will return.

She will have
the Arrow of Apollo...

and it will help us
find our way to Earth.

And exactly how long
should we wait for her?

I mean, maybe we should
go down to the surface now.

Go down now and start
looking for this tomb.

I wouldn't be too eager. There
may still be Cylons present.

And some of us
will die down there.

The scriptures tell us
that any return to Kobol...

carries with it a cost...

in blood.


I realize that
there are still many...

Unanswered questions here.

But I refuse
to lose sight of what...

This has always been about:

Our mission to save humanity.

Yes, it's a big one.

But it is our foretold

and I, for one, am not
going to waver from it now.

If there is anyone here...

who does not have the stomach
for this mission...

you are welcome to rejoin
Cdr. Adama's fleet.

It jumped into dradis range
about two minutes ago.

No Colonial transponder, and it's
too large to be Thrace's Cylon Raider.

And no response to our hails?

Not a peep, Tom.

It's either a Cylon vessel...

or it's a Raptor scout
from Galactica.

Either way, we should shoot
first and ask questions later.


The Adriatic is in weapons range
and she's got ship-to-ship missiles.

Tom, that thing
is moving fast. If we're...

Gonna shoot it down,
we better shoot it down.

Shoot what down?

Do I have to repeat myself?

Madam President, we have a
security situation, that's all.

She wasn't talking to you.

There's an unidentified ship
making its way towards us.

It's too big to be
the Lieutenant's Cylon Raider.

It's in weapons range. The Adriatic
has to fire her missiles now.

We need a decision,
Madam President.

Civilian vessels,
civilian vessels...

this is Starbuck, do you read?

Do you read?
Say again, this is Starbuck.

Is anybody getting this?



Initiate docking.

Good to see you, too, Captain.

Remind me to send you to
the brig later. Yeah, well.


Lee, there's something
I need to tell you.

Lee, wait!

Don't you frakking move!

Stop! She's with us.

Drop your weapon, sir.

Drop your weapon.


Gentlemen, I'm only going
to say this once.

Capt. Adama, and...
What is your name?

Lt. Agathon.
He used to be Sharon's ECO.

I thought you were dead, Helo.
You a Cylon, too?

Don't even...

All right, here's what
we're gonna do.

You're gonna lower your weapons.
Am I being perfectly clear?

What about Sharon?

She will be taken to a holding
cell, where she will remain unharmed.

Okay. How about it, Apollo?

Should we do
what the nice lady says?

She's the President
of the Colonies, you moron.

And yes, we're gonna do
exactly what she says.

Lower your weapons, now.

Thank you.

Now, put that thing
out the airlock.


We don't keep Cylons
around here, Lieutenant.

What the frak? You said you
weren't gonna hurt her! No!

Hey, Helo! Listen to me!

One of those things put two
rounds into my father's chest.

It wasn't me!

Adama was shot?

You missed a few catastrophes
while you were away.

Please tell me he's alive.

After two emergency surgeries,
Cottle managed to save him.

That wasn't me.

Kara! For the love of gods.
Wait! Listen!

Sharon, this Sharon, saved
our lives back on Caprica.

Tell them.

Tell them.

I know how to find
the Tomb of Athena. Do you?

Kobol's a big planet.

You don't find the Tomb,
you don't find Earth.

Listen to her,
for gods' sakes.

Listen to me!

Madam President.

Tell them to wait a minute.

Yes, sir.

Thank you.

Mr. Zarek, is there someplace
where that...

young woman and I
can speak?

I can arrange that.

It's great
to see you again, Kara.

Thanks for bringing in
the trash.

Looks like
we missed all the fun.



Well, Mueller. You know,
Mueller's not a bad choice.

He did a tour
as a squadron X.O.

Mueller's a malcontent.

I know
you don't want to hear this...

but there is not another
Apollo in this bunch...

and we do have to pick
a new CAG.

Cdr. Adama.

Lt. Birch. Please, come in.

Thank you for coming
in such short notice.

Of course, sir.

I'm sure you're aware there's
been a change in the fleet.

Several of our pilots

I was just thinking that we
needed a new CAG to step up.

Absolutely, sir.

Who's it going to be?

Congratulations, Captain.

It's you.

Thank you, sir.

I just want you to know you have total
support of myself and this entire crew.

Is that not right, Colonel?


Here's your log book.

I'm honored, Commander.
I won't let you down.

And sir, I'd just like to say that I
was a tremendous supporter of your son.

Capt. Adama.
He was a great leader, sir.

A ship is a family.

It works on trust,
understanding, and love.

I love everyone on this ship
as much as I love my...

my sons.

Galactica is still a family. You're
an important part of that family.

Do you understand?

Yes, sir.

Thank you, George.
I'm sure you'll do a fine job.

What the hell? You got me in here
jawing about picking a new CAG...

and you've already
made your choice?

I just wanted to see if you and
I were on the same page or not.

I beg your pardon?

I guess we're not.

You guessed right. You're telling
me that kid is leadership material?

We have very few choices
and he's the best.

He's a good man, Saul.
He's honest and he's loyal.

We need a little bit of that
around here right now.

Well, it's your call.
I'll support it.


Cdr. Adama!

Can you tell us about...

Can you make any comments
regarding Laura Roslin...

Please be seated.

This thing working?
Please be seated.

Will you be finally addressing
those issues?

will you be responding...

Allow me to make
a statement, please.

Please allow me to make a
statement. Please be seated.

Thank you very much.

If you don't already know,
the fleet has been divided.


We share the grief
of friends lost.

And the resources
we've sacrificed...

will present
new challenges for all of us.

But if we stay together...

we will rise to the occasion
as we have before.




Do you know the coordinates...

the whereabouts of
President Roslin's rebellion?

Do you intend to put
the fleet back together?

First of all, Laura Roslin
is no longer president.

She relinquished that role when she
suborned mutiny aboard this ship.

Next question.

But, Commander...

Yes, go ahead.

Since the fleet
has been divided...

Commander, you haven't
answered my question yet.

We have lost no one that cannot
be replaced by someone loyal...

who has chosen
to remain with us.

This is the fleet.

Thank you.

This is the fleet?
Commander? Commander?

Is there any truth to the
rumor that there is no Earth...

it doesn't exist
and you just made it up?

What the hell
kind of question is that?

It's been all over talk wireless,
newsletter circuit, hand mail.

Freedom of the press
is not a license to slander.

that kind of garbage...

is the quickest way to find
yourself in a holding cell.

That goes for all of you.

We're done here.

Get your hands off me.

Why don't you calm down?

Remind me
not to do that again.

Always looked easy enough
when Roslin did it.

There was an old footbridge
over the Euclid River.

I used to go there
when I was a boy.

Watch the fish
try and swim upstream.

They were mesmerizing.

I envied them...

unaware as they were
of the...

wider complexities,
challenges of life.

You're beginning to see
human beings as we see them.

What I am beginning to see are
Cylon faces, everywhere I look.

Sharon told me there were
eight Cylons left in the fleet.

Why didn't I ask her
who they were?

If that idiot hadn't shot her.

And why is it when things go
wrong, they go wrong so well...

Gaius, you get yourself far, far
too worked up about these things.

They do have it easy,
don't they?


Why are you talking to me
like I'm not one of them?

In some ways,
you never were.

You have a path.
You will be spared their fate.

For once, Gaius, you can stop manipulating
the world and let destiny take its course.

If there's one thing we know about
human beings with certainty...

they are masters
of self-destruction.

Because I love him.

And because I'm carrying
his child.

Oh, I see, that explains it.

You're not here because
you mean us any harm...

or because you're a
programmed enemy of humanity.

You're here because you had an
affair with one of our Raptor pilots.

Listen to me.
I'm listening to you.

That's my mistake.
I'm listening to a Cylon.

I am here because I chose
to come here.

And I know
you don't believe me.

But hear this,
even if you find the Tomb...

even if you find the map,
and even if you find Earth...

the price you pay
will be too high.

I'm not interested
in your prophecies.

I know that there is a Cylon force
on Kobol. I know it's dangerous.

And I have little doubt that you
are communicating everything I say...

even as we speak. It doesn't
work like that. I'm not wired in.

Sharon, it's simple.

What I need to know and
what might keep you alive...

is exactly how to find
the Tomb of Athena.

Get me a map...

and I will do my best to tell
you how to get to the Tomb.

No, you'll do better
than your best.

I want to know where it is and
you either know or you don't.

We all know about the Tomb.

I can show you the path.

I don't know how long the path
is, or exactly where it leads to...

but I can tell you that you're gonna
have to move very, very quickly.

She claims to love
Lt. Agathon.

She says she loves the baby
she's carrying.

Who cares what she says?

You can't believe a word,
any of them.

The scrolls of Pythia
do speak of a lower demon...

who helped the people
in a time of crisis.

More superstition.

I've told her that unless we return
from Kobol with a map to Earth...

that Lt. Agathon will be put out
the airlock as a Cylon conspirator.

Is that true?

Doesn't matter if it's true.
She believed it.

She saved them, both of them.
She didn't have to.

She could've saved her child
and let them die. Why didn't she?

Because I believe that she's
telling the truth about one thing...

she thinks she's in love.

Even if it's software instead
of an emotion, it's real to her.

She wants her baby to live.
She wants Agathon to live.

We use that.

This is not the way that I
thought things were gonna go down.

I knew they'd be suspicious,

They're human...

the way you are.

Has anyone
stopped to consider...

that the reason Sharon knows so much
about Kobol is because it's a Cylon trap?

I've done more than consider it. It is
clearly possible we're facing a trap.

Capt. Apollo has already warned us that
Cylon encounter in the region is probable.

Has Capt. Apollo managed to tell
us anything we don't already know?

He is in charge of this mission. He
is second in command only to myself.

I strongly encourage you
to remember that, Mr. Meier.

Whatever the risks, whatever the
consequences, I am going anyway.

I am committed.

Capt. Birch, Galactica.

You're cleared for target
exercise maneuvers, acknowledge.

Galactica. Leader, Wilco.

CAG to all Vipers.

We're initiating our
precision-firing exercise as planned.

Hotdog, you're first up.
Kat, on deck.

Leader, Hotdog.

Cleared to target,
executing eyeball run...

on three, two, one, away.

Frak! Winged it.

Come on, people,
I know this is just a drill...

but let's look sharp
out there.

Hotdog, I know you can do a
lot better. Let's try it again.

See if you can put
the next one in the X-ring.

Cleared hot.

Ready for another pass.

Leader, Kat. I'm confirming that
I'm cleared for my attack run.

Am I clear?

Executing eyeball run.

Affirmative, you're clear.

Rolling in. Weapons hot.

Leader, Kat.
Did you say all clear?

I said all clear.

Okay, roger that.

Let's go, baby.

Here we go!
Three, two, one, away!

beginning strafing run.

Kat, what are you doing?

You said I'm clear
for my attack run.

Hotdog is cleared
for his attack run.

What? Hotdog?

Back off, Kat! Now! Now! Now!

Oh, my gods!

Yeah! Bang on!
Did you see that?

Bang on? Hotdog, you frakking
idiot! You almost got me killed!

What are you talking about?

Birch, you said I was clear!

All Vipers, this is Leader.

Repeat, all Vipers,
this is Leader.

Report back to Galactica.
Report back to Galactica.


I know how you feel,
I get it.

But I didn't shoot him, okay?
It wasn't me.

You're all the same.

You don't know what the hell
you're talking about.

Then maybe I'm done talking.

I think there's been enough
of that today.

You are the last one that should
be telling me what to do...

after the stunt you pulled.

Stealing the Cylon Raider and
then tearing ass back to Caprica?

Yeah, I guess you're clearly the
poster boy for military discipline, huh?

You know what, you have no idea
what happened to me on Caprica.

So while you're standing here polishing
off your halo, consider for a second...

that you may not have any damned idea
what the hell you're talking about...


What Roslin's doing
is reckless.

We have our own fleet now.
How much longer...

do we need to keep playing
follow the leader?

We have a fleet because people believe
Roslin's going to lead them to Earth.

She's a fraud.

You don't believe her, do you?

No, but I believe
in the power of myth.

I'm not interested in risking
our lives any more than you are...

but she's clearly not gonna be
talked out of this.

And in the end, president or
prophet, it doesn't really matter.

She still needs a commander,
a man in charge of the fleet.

The man with the guns
makes the rules.

What if she decides you're not the
man to be in charge of the fleet?

What if she has someone else
in mind?

Someone already close to her,
like a certain captain?

Let's say you're right,
that on some level...

based on their belief
in the scriptures...

the fleet needs Laura Roslin
in order to stay in line.

So we do what we must in order to keep
Roslin safe on the surface of Kobol.



You're right.

You're absolutely right.

How could I have
not have seen that?

I want to set this fleet
on a path to freedom.

Of course.

I want to deliver unto them
the liberty we've promised.

We are far from daylight,
my friend.

The scriptures say
some of us will die on Kobol.

One man in particular.

Tank to Striker.

Your approach is a little
off the center line.

Striker, reset your delta
to 0.35, acknowledge.

how's my approach speed?

Tanker to Striker.

Your angle vectors
are too steep for junct.

I repeat, your angle vectors
are too steep for junct.

Tanker, request heading,
one-tenth of the way.

What is he doing?

This is Tanker.
Tell him to cut his speed.

What is it this time?
I'm glad you're here.

Birch is coordinating
the ships for refueling...

but he's making a mess out of what
should be the simplest op in the book!

How long has he been at it?

About four hours now.

Sir, he's too green.

He's blowing the approach
and the docking speeds...

he's missing the drogues, he's bunching
the lines. It's a mess out there.

As you know,
this isn't the first screw-up.

Yes, I know.

I realize that he is your guy.

But he's no Apollo.

Moving on 709...

I was wondering when we'd finally
get a little R and R around here.

Oh, boy.

Can I have my ball back?

What, I can't hold it?

Can I have my ball back,

Where'd you get
a Pyramid ball, anyway?


Can I have
my ball back, Lee?

Yeah, sure.


Keep it.

Hey come on, Kara. For frak's
sake, I'm just kidding around.

All right, here,
it's all yours.

You can take your ball
and go home now.

The whole thing's stupid

What's up with you, Kara?
Anything you want to talk about?


Must have been hard...

being back on Caprica...

being home.

Probably saw
some tough things back there.

Anyway, tomorrow this whole thing's
gonna end, one way or another.

We find the Tomb or we don't. We
find a way to Earth or we don't.

I just want you to know, Kara,
that I'm your friend. I love you.

If there's anything
you want to talk about...

anything you wanna get off your
chest, then I'm here for you.

Anyway, whenever you wanna
talk just let me know.

What was that
middle part again?

What do you mean?

Did you say you love me?

Lee Adama loves me.

No. All I meant was...
No, seriously, very sweet.

You love me.

No, you love me.

You can't take it back.
There's no take-backs.

You're dreaming it, Kara.
You love me.

You're dreaming it.
You love me.



This is Striker. I'm having trouble
getting a visual on the fueling spar.

Can you redirect?

Gas station, Striker's
coming in way too hot.

You gotta back off your delta,
like right now.

Roger that.
Correcting approach angle.

Didn't you hear us? Back off
your delta. You're too close!

Are you listening?

We are not too close.

Abort. Abort the op.
Striker, remain on target.

Recall the ships.

Galactica, all ships involved
in fuel unrep, abort mission.

Say again, abort fuel unrep.
Raptors, return to base, acknowledge.

Wilco, Galactica.
Aborting mission.

Damn it!

Roger that.
Galactica says abort approach.

Attempt angle vector
full reverse.

Striker, you're still
on a collision course.

Put your helm hard left, full
reverse thrusters, back off.

Look out!

Galactica, Emmitt.

Tanker's intact.

No wireless contact, but it's in an axis
spin and there does appear to be some damage.

Away rescue team, tell them to board the
tanker and restore navigational control.

Away rescue team,
to section 046.


You never know when you might
need to defend yourself.

Here we go.

"And the blaze pursued them, and
the people of Kobol had a choice...

"to board the great ship or take the
high road through the rocky ridge. "

"And the body of each tribe's
leader was offered to the gods...

"in the Tomb of Athena. "

Yes. Precisely.

And the great ship was a galleon that
departed from here, where we're standing.

And it took the founders of the
13 colonies to their destiny.

And those that didn't board the
galleon took the high road...

the rocky ridge
that led to the Tomb.

Let's move.

The path is supposed
to be marked by gravestones.

There's something there.


Get back! Get back! Get back!

Sharon! Sharon, take cover!


Nice one.


Lee, no!

You gotta be
frakking kidding me.

Not bad.

It's interesting.

Betrayal has such
a powerful grip on the mind.

It's almost like a python.

It can squeeze out
all other thought...

suffocate all other emotion,

everything is dead
except for the rage.

I'm not talking about anger.

I'm talking about rage.

I can feel it,
right here...

like it's gonna burst.

I feel like I wanna scream...

right now, matter of fact.

If I may say something...

Speak your mind, Dee.

I don't think the problem
is that you've been betrayed.

I think it's that
you feel helpless.

You were shot, you were injured,
you couldn't do anything.

Don't make excuses for me.

And when you finally
had a chance to do something...

I'm sorry I did this. let us down.

You let us down.

You made a promise...

to all of us...

to find Earth...

to find us a home...


It doesn't matter what the
President did, or even what Lee did.

Because every day
that we remain apart...

is a day that you've broken
your promise.

People aboard those ships
made their own decision.

It was their decision,
not mine.

Thank you, Petty Officer.
You may leave now.

You asked to talk to me, sir.

Maybe because you think that
I don't have anything to say.

But I do.

It's time to heal the wounds,

People have been divided.

I said, that's enough.

Children are separated
from their parents.

A cost in blood.

Let's go, Madam President.

Mr. Gaeta.

I want to see all recon material
on Kobol immediately in my quarters.

Aye, sir.



I'm putting the fleet
back together.

I'm putting our family
back together.

This ends now.