Bates Motel (2013–2017): Season 3, Episode 7 - The Last Supper - full transcript

Norma's return home after her brief absence is anything but smooth. Norman has been acting resentful and she tells him to grow up. His first meeting with a psychologist doesn't go well. After acquiring a new phone, Norma realizes that Sheriff Romero has been shot. Romero finally has a look at the list of names on the flash card Norma was given and finds some very disturbing information. Dylan learns more about Emma's condition from her dad and the fact that she may never get high enough on the list of people waiting for a lung transplant. Dylan may have a way to help her out when his neighbor offers him a dangerous but well-paying job. Norma decides to put everything behind her and cook a nice dinner.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on bates motel
(marcus) i am gonna be the sheriff here. That's a done deal.
I could use a guy like you.
Caleb's in town. He's up at my farm.
He just wants to talk to you,
To tell you that he's sorry that it ever happened.
Norma, stop it!
Leave me the hell alone!
- Norman! - Mother!
Your brother will look after you!
Norman? Norman.
(dylan) what are you doing?
I'm just making some breakfast.
French toast.
- Norman? - Norman's sleeping.
(norma) my son isn't normal.
There's something wrong with him.
How so? Like, physically?
You know how my husband was in an accident?
Your son did it.
You've been carrying this burden around alone a long time.
We're going to the farm to talk to your uncle.
[crying] i'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
[ominous music]
[music playing in background]
[emma continues coughing]
[rings bell]
So everything's calming down?
She came back yesterday.
Yeah, well, she came back yesterday.
Did you talk to her about norman yet?
Not yet, no.
I want to do something for you.
To thank you.
Uh, can i maybe buy you dinner some night this week?
I know it's not much, but--
[car door slams]
Tomorrow night would work.
♪ ♪
(will) emma, you're coming home, right now.
Dad, i'm fine.
Do you know dylan, norman's brother?
- Hey. - Hello, dylan.
I'm sorry. I told her not to come in today.
She's still recovering from that night with no sleep.
Uh, i'm really sorry. I didn't--i didn't realize--
It's not your fault. It's hers.
She doesn't realize her own limitations.
It's helped her most of her life--
- Dad! - Emma, get your stuff.
We're going home, now.
[gentle music]
It's fine.
She doesn't want to accept the truth about her health.
I don't either, but it is the truth.
And i'm not gonna let her life get shortened
If it's in my power.
♪ ♪
- Where were you all night? - I told you.
I drove around, and i spent the night in a motel.
Nothing exciting.
Norman, stop it. You're acting like a twit.
It's not masculine, and it's not attractive.
(clerk) i got you all set up.
Looks like you've got a few messages.
Mm, yeah, i dropped my phone in the mud.
Thank you so much.
Come on, norman, let's go.
Oh, yes, mother. Here i come.
Following after you in a very masculine and attractive way.
[door open alert dings]
Holy crap, dylan left, like, a hundred messages.
Oh, my lord.
What was going on with you two?
Jeez, all i did was leave for a few hours.
With a suitcase.
We spent the night wondering if you were ever coming back.
If you were dead.
What does death have to do with a suitcase?
What the hell?
Alex left me a message saying he was shot?
What do you mean he's been shot?
I don't know. What the hell?
I mean, can't a woman get in a freaking mood for one night
Without the whole world coming to an end?
A mood?
Hi, alex, it's norma.
What's going on? Call me.
Ow! Ugh.
[engine starts]
This is a private driveway. You can't park here!
[ominous music]
♪ ♪
[crackling electricity]
[musical ringtone]
This car is so tiny. I don't know why i even got it.
- Hello? - Norman!
Uggh, yeah.
Uh, yes. This is the right number.
She's just waddling through the gravel as we speak.
Uh, it's james.
Hi, james. Hi, i'm fine.
Everything's fine. Yeah.
No, i'm back home now.
Mm-hmm. Yeah, can i call you back?
Okay, bye.
Well, i'm gonna go to the office.
Well, you are the manager, so, yeah.
Go manage.
W-where the hell have you been?
I went to the phone store.
W-what are you doing in my house?
What's going on?
Why haven't you answered your texts for 36 hours?
I thought you were dead.
I just lost my phone.
Why does everyone immediately jump to "i died"?
Maybe i jumped to it because you put yourself and me
In a vulnerable position,
Making that alleged deal with bob paris.
Alex, don't start, okay? I am not dead.
I'm alive. You're alive. Whoopee.
Well, somebody tried to kill me,
And i could only assume it was a message from bob, so...
Are you sure? That does not make sense.
Bob seemed fine.
Oh, now you're gonna tell me how things work around here?
I just don't think that you should assume
That he's the one who tried to kill you.
You know, i could be dead. I-i did get shot at.
Well, it looks like it went right through you.
- Where's the flash drive? - Why?
Because i need to know what i'm dealing with.
Why do you have to drag my flash drive into it?
You wanted me as an ally. I gave that to you.
I respected you.
♪ ♪
Dylan hid it at the farm.
It's taped under a grow light timer at the cabin.
Some kid named gunner knows how to open it.
What kind of name is gunner, anyway?
A stupid one.
[bell jingles]
Can i help you?
Hey, mr. Decody.
I know this isn't any of my business, but, um...
I wanted to ask you about emma.
Come in the back.
She won't be with us forever.
Maybe another few years.
She won't accept what the doctors are telling her.
She won't stop doing everything she wants to do,
And it's at the point where it's too much for her.
She's aggravating the situation
And shortening the time she has left,
And i won't let that happen.
I'm so sorry to hear that.
I appreciate that.
I have her on a list for a lung transplant,
But it's--it's not likely she'll make the top of the list.
Not enough people want to donate their organs.
There must be something.
I hear there's a hospital in portland
Where for the right donation,
They'll move the patients up the transplant list.
How much does it take?
Oh, i don't know.
I heard something like $20,000.
Whatever it is, it's way beyond my means.
♪ ♪
I'll be in touch.
♪ ♪
[hammering continues]
All right.
[dog barks]
[birds chirping]
- Hey, sheriff. - Hey, gunner.
What can we do for you?
Uh, can i talk to you inside for--
I-i don't know you, do i?
(gunner) oh, that's dylan's uncle, caleb.
You--you're norma's brother?
Come inside.
I hear you can open the file on this.
No one here is gonna be in trouble for any of this.
Come on.
I don't know what that is.
As far as i know, it's just a piece
Of the timer for the grow light.
Gunner, don't make me get out the gun
And bang your head against the wall and all that shit,
'cause i will do just that.
So open it.
♪ ♪
It's some kind of ledger.
♪ ♪
You can tell dylan i have it.
- Don't even start. - Let him by.
Go ahead.
I'm gonna kick your ass someday, and i'm gonna enjoy it.
I got a question for you about a name on that ledger.
I was wondering when you'd actually look at it.
Took an awful lot on faith from that bates woman.
You finally saw your mom's name on that ledger.
She's been dead 22 years,
And she'd be rolling in her grave thinking
Her name's on some piece of shit like that.
It wasn't me. I didn't put it on there.
Then who did?
Your father.
He set up that holding company way back.
"thanks, bob." you're welcome, alex.
So maybe now you'll help me.
(man) pull.
[gunshot in the distance]
[phone vibrating]
I need to talk to you.
[stammers] i can't let him back in my life, dylan.
Don't ask for the moon, okay?
Just because we had one operatic meeting in the middle of a field
Doesn't mean we're all gonna hang out now
And go bowling together.
Okay, you--you have to be realistic.
We can't just erase what happened.
I actually wanted to talk to you about norman.
I know this is gonna be hard for you to hear,
But you need to hear it.
That night you were gone,
Norman pretty much lost his mind.
He--he--he blacked out.
Okay, but he--
Not for minutes, for hours.
Okay, and then he kept wandering around the house that way.
I found him in the basement with a dead pigeon.
That's nothing new for norman.
There's always something dead in the basement.
He's not okay.
All right? He's--he's hallucinating.
I found him in here
In the middle of the night cooking breakfast.
Who doesn't want breakfast at some point
In the middle of the night?
He was wearing your robe.
And then he told me that i needed to go
Wake up my brother, norman, for breakfast.
♪ ♪
He thinks he's you, norma.
♪ ♪
Look, this has been circling us for a long time, and--
And--and we just--we--we keep looking the other direction.
The blacking out, the--
The cutting up all the dead animals.
Blaire watson.
The polygraph completely disproved that.
It's all way too much together to be dismissed.
But i'm keeping him home. He's gonna be safe.
Are you gonna-- you gonna lock him up
When you need to go somewhere?
♪ ♪
We need to do something.
We have to deal with it.
♪ ♪
[indistinct pa announcement]
♪ ♪
[indistinct chatter]
♪ ♪
[indistinct pa announcement]
You're looking well.
Yeah, well, um...
It's, uh, it's not a social visit.
Why would it be?
What does it matter? It's--it's a name on a ledger.
I don't understand your attitude.
I made a lot of money for a lot of people.
You were a dirty cop to the rotten core.
That's what you were.
Oh, yeah? And you're prince charming?
I'm nothing like you.
You're gonna take her name off that ledger,
Or i'm gonna kill you.
You got that?
Use one of your dead friends instead.
Okay, i'm sure you got a lot of them.
You're not using her. Not anymore.
Fine, fine, fine. You don't have to make
Such a big deal out of everything
Like you always did.
It's annoying.
But there's no telling you anything, huh?
You always know best, don't you?
And you... You vilified me
For your mother's death for 22 years,
And she's the one that chose to leave that way.
No, you drove her to it. You drove her to it.
- I did no such thing. - You drove her to it.
I loved her.
Nice seeing you, alex.
[door buzzes]
[door opens and shuts]
Hey, you think, um, there's any chance
I could maybe stop by the house, ever?
I don't think so.
Yeah. Yeah, no, i get it.
(caleb) i get it.
[pounding on door]
(chick) hey.
[door closing]
Found these in my garage.
(chick) i tried to grow pot once.
After i got out of that hospital.
I didn't have the touch.
Yeah, that should-- that should be helpful.
So you and i got some things to go over?
(caleb) yeah.
Look, about that. I changed my mind.
You just... Changed it, huh?
You think you'll change it back?
- What's going on? - Nothing.
Your dad was gonna do a run for me.
A run of what?
Apparently nobody needs to know, now that no one's doing it.
Look...Sorry, but things have changed.
Okay, i don't want to take the risk anymore.
How much this "run" pay?
After fica and social security?
Hey, dylan?
What's the run?
How risky?
It's gun running.
S--so in the running of guns spectrum,
It's relatively mild.
(chick) i've done it for years.
One run.
25 grand. That's all i'm up for.
Look, you're not doing it.
That'll give me time to get another driver.
He's not doing it.
You guys talk it over and let me know by tonight.
Or else i'll have to do it myself,
And i'd rather stay here because it's my kid's birthday.
What the hell do you think you're doing?
A situation came up.
I need money. There's this girl.
She was up here once.
She wears oxygen.
Wait, you got that girl in trouble?
No, it's nothing like that.
She, uh, she's a friend.
She works in the motel.
She has cystic fibrosis.
And she--she needs a lung transplant,
Or she's gonna die.
Look, i just don't think this is a solution.
If anything happened to you,
Especially something that i somehow brought on you,
I don't know what would happen to me.
I'm sorry, but you can't do it.
It's the end of the conversation.
[door shuts]
(james) hi, norma.
What are you doing here?
You--you left in a pretty agitated state the other day.
You won't return any of my messages.
I was worried about you.
Well, it's just been really busy.
I, uh, i talked to my brother.
It's okay. Everything's fine.
I...Highly doubt that.
Just given the things that you were
Talking to me about, everything about your son.
Everything that you're going through.
Okay, i am very worried about norman.
Maybe you could talk to him?
Of course.
Look, at--at some point, i'd be happy to--
Okay, c-come on in. Come in.
[steps approaching, door opens] (norma) norman?
There's someone i want you to meet.
I'm busy right now, mother.
This'll just be for a minute.
Come on down, james.
Hi, norman.
James finnigan.
Licensed family therapist.
Your mother asked me if i could come down
And just talk to you for minute.
Please, norman.
Oh, no, i'm--i'm more than happy to talk to james,
If you think that's best.
But i'd like to do it alone.
Oh, of course. Yes, i understand.
Hmm, okay, i'm...Going to be upstairs if you need anything.
I'm sure james and i won't be needing you, mother.
I don't want you to be nervous about
Talking to me, norman.
This is what i do. I'm a professional.
Helped a lot of people.
I-i'm not nervous.
That must be really nice, huh?
To help people.
It is.
So you like taxidermy, no?
Yeah, i do.
I find it very peaceful.
Sort of allows me to shut the world out.
"shut the world out."
Yeah, sometimes when i'm in the world,
I feel almost like there's this annoying
Sort of buzzing that just won't stop.
And then i get down here with my animals,
And it all goes silent.
It's interesting.
Tell me more about that.
Of the..."buzzing" you experience.
Well, it's like a world full of people.
So many people, all with opinions
And judgments and arrogance and theories.
People who think that they help people.
And they're pointless. None of them know anything.
You might as well listen to a woodpecker
Pecking in a tree.
Can i ask you something now?
Of course, shoot.
How was it, sleeping with my mother?
What makes you think i slept with your mother, norman?
Let's just say i've known her a long time.
And would it bother you if someone slept with your mother?
Let's see--if your mother ran out on you
And your brother one night,
Didn't tell you where she was going
Or when she was coming back, and then threw herself,
Like a whore, into the bed of someone she barely knows,
Some...Licensed family therapist who could probably
Lose his license for such behavior,
But that's not really the point...
Would all of that behavior bother you?
Yes, it might.
So what was she like?
That's not an appropriate question, norman.
Come on. We're both men here.
It's not like we don't know what goes on.
Did she give-to easily?
You know, i think we're done here.
What, are you uncomfortable?
Huh? 'cause i know?
'cause i can imagine what it was like?
Did you really think that you'd come down here
And it would be your little secret?
"oh, we banged each other, but now let's send you
Downstairs to fix crazy norman."
Norman, why do you care so much who your mother
Might be sleeping with?
What does it mean?
That she could be attracted to someone?
Does that... Take her away from you?
Norman, do you want to sleep with her?
[gasps, grunts]
How dare you come into my house
And say such an ugly thing to me?
[struggling for air]
(norma) james, what's wrong? What happened?
Get him some help, norma.
Right away.
[door slams shut]
He--he just said horrible things to me.
- Like what? - I can't even tell you.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry, norman.
I just miss you.
I miss how close we used to be.
Everything's changing.
I don't know why it is, but it is,
And it's just changing so fast.
Nothing will ever change between us, norman.
I am your mother, and i always will be.
Okay? I'm sorry i left the other night.
I just went a little mad.
I mean, we all go a little mad sometimes.
It--it was a mistake.
But i'm home now, and i'm not going anywhere.
And nothing means as much to me as being your mother.
I'll make us some dinner,
And we can spend some time together.
Okay, mother.
[phone rings]
Hi, alex.
(alex) hey, um...Hey, norma.
I, um... [laughs]
I-i need a favor.
I-i-i don't have anyone else to call.
(norma) [scoffs]
(alex) i need you to come get me.
Are--are you okay? You sound weird.
I can't drive and i can't be
Walking around town like this, and...
Are you drunk?
You gotta be kidding me. Where you going?
I was gonna go and grab some dinner with dylan.
(will) dammit, emma.
I'm sick and tired of having to play the bad guy here.
(will) you need to use your head.
You're acting like you can somehow control this
By keeping me locked inside that house.
But you and i both know that won't make a difference.
My--my time is gonna pass no matter what you do.
So i might as well do something with it that i want.
This really amazing person wants to take me to dinner tonight
And all i want in the world right now is to spend
Some of whatever time i've got left with him.
I can't even tell you why that's so important.
If i let you go right now,
I don't want you to think you've won this argument.
Wh--where's your car?
I traded it in.
I don't know what i was trying to prove.
You know, i--i wish i didn't.
Ugh, i hate it. I miss my car.
What is going on with you?
Oh, my--you are a mess.
Can you just drop me off at my house?
No way, you need looking after.
No, no, no, no, i'm fine. I'll be--i don't want
To put you out, just-- just drop me off at my house.
Aw, man, shut up.
You're gonna sleep here for a few hours.
- All right. - Okay?
I'm gonna go make dinner and then i'll come check on you.
All right.
Alex, what happened?
Uh... [grumbles]
One of the names on the ledger was my--was my mom.
She's, uh...She's been dead 22 years.
And my dad, he's--
He was the one who set up the trust.
He's in prison.
(alex) and he was using her name to, uh,
Collect her share of, uh, of--of the drug profits.
I'm so sorry, alex.
Yeah, that's my sad story.
Life is so hard, isn't it?
I'm...I'm gonna go make dinner, okay?
And i'll--i'll--i'll come-- i'll come back.
I think you're beautiful.
You're drunk. You're not gonna like
That you said that to me tomorrow.
Probably. [laughs]
Smells great.
Chicken marsala.
Be ready in about half hour.
I thought we could eat dinner here tonight,
And make it special.
Oh, i, um...I didn't know that you were making dinner.
Uh, i--i have plans to meet with emma.
Why are you having dinner with emma?
Well, she, uh, she stayed over here
The night that you were gone
To help with norman, and i just--i--i wanted
To take her to dinner.
Norman, yeah.
But why don't we talk about that tomorrow?
Tonight, let's just have a nice family dinner.
Okay, why not invite emma here?
I would love to have her.
Okay, yeah, i'll ask her.
[tense music]
♪ ♪
♪ ♪
What are you doing here?
I picked you some flowers.
I remember you like these.
They're lupins.
Hey, we used to run around the hills and pick them?
Well, i--i was just gonna leave them for you.
Um, and this note...
Basically saying thank you for talking to me the other day.
It meant a lot to me. Here.
We can't be friends, caleb.
No, i understand.
All right.
Okay. Good-bye, norma.
Do you want to stay for dinner?
Hmm. Just for tonight.
The family's here, we can-- we can all be together.
But maybe just for tonight.
He's, uh, he's working on something in the basement.
[door opens]
My brother's joining us for dinner.
I'm gonna get the food on the table.
It's almost done.
Uh, caleb, you remember emma.
- Hi. - Hey.
I'm so happy you're having dinner with us.
I'm gonna go see if norma needs any help in the kitchen.
So she's the one?
No, i totally get it.
Ah, she got a piano. I'm glad.
She always loved music. It's so good.
So do you want a chardonnay or a pinot noir?
- Mm, i'll do either. - Okay.
Hey, do you still-- you still play, norma?
- Piano? - Yeah.
Eh...You know, tinker around a little bit.
Play something for me.
Go on.
I hardly remember.
[slow individual notes]
[light lively music]
I remember you practicing that on that old piano
That we inherited.
Half the keys stuck, but you played it anyways.
Yeah. Remember this?
(caleb) what?
♪ although, although you belong ♪
♪ to somebody new ♪
♪ tonight, you belong to me ♪
You remember?
Both: ♪ although, although we're apart ♪
♪ you're a part of my heart ♪
♪ tonight, you belong to me ♪
♪ ♪
♪ down by the stream ♪
♪ how sweet it will seem ♪
♪ once more a dream in the moonlight ♪
♪ my honey, i know, i know ♪
♪ with the dawn i know you will be gone ♪
♪ but tonight, you belong to me ♪
You brought him into our house?
I didn't. She did.
Faster, faster.
[music speeding up] faster, faster.
(caleb) go, go!
So--sorry to in--interrupt.
Uh, i just wanted to say thank you.
I'm--i'm feeling better. I'm just gonna call a cab, so--
No, you're not. You're gonna stay for dinner.
No--no,no--i'm not--i'm not in any shape to--to--
Yeah--no, no, no, no. I'm taking no for an answer.
You're staying.
Let's go sit down. Dinner's ready.
Where--where should i sit?
Anywhere. Here.
- Thanks. - Sure.
(emma) would you like red or white?
(alex) uh... Uh, red, thanks.
(emma) say when.
(alex) that's great, thank you.
Okay. Ah--ah, amazing.
Ah, it's nothing fancy.
I just threw it together.
Um, thank you all for being here.
Um, i had this dream when i was little,
Uh, of a home where the door was open and--
And friends could come and go and stay for dinner
And talk and everything would be lovely.
Thank you all for giving me that.
[clears throat] to, uh, to family and friends.
- Cheers. - Cheers.
[glasses clinking]
To my sister, norma louise,
Who has always been like the sun in a cold universe.
For allowing us all to be together.
God bless you, norma.
The food's gonna get cold.
Okay. [numerous laughs]
My lord, i'm so--i got mushroom sauce all over it.
[indistinct chatter]
Right here. Right there.
- That was delicious, yeah. - That's really good, yeah.
(male singer) ♪ once more we meet ♪
♪ you look so sweet ♪
♪ dear, can't you see how i feel? ♪
[echoing] ♪ i love you still ♪
♪ i always will ♪
♪ you have the same old appeal ♪
♪ ♪
♪ though you belong to somebody else ♪
♪ tonight, you belong to me ♪
♪ though we're apart ♪
♪ you're part of my heart ♪
♪ tonight, you belong to me ♪