Bates Motel (2013–2017): Season 3, Episode 5 - Bates Motel - full transcript

Things begin to get serious when Norma is run off the road as a warning to return the information that has come into her possession. When the information on the flash drive is finally deciphered, she realizes it relates to the drug trade and names many of White Pine Bay's most prominent citizens. With a very reluctant Sheriff Romero in tow, she visits Bob Paris and tells him exactly what she wants. Dylan meanwhile has decided to tell Norma about Caleb living with him at the farm. Her reaction is to flee.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on bates motel...

These are for you and your son.

When annika died,
she gave me something.

What's on it?

I don't know. It's locked.

Some guy was just
searching the office.

He said that we had something
that wasn't ours.


I'll hide it at the farm,
then we can figure out.

What to do together,
but it can't stay here.

- Tell me to leave!
- Caleb!

Is it really like
she said it was?

Yeah, I just want
to tell her I'm sorry.

What the hell
is going on here, dylan?

Does mom know he's here?

Look, we don't want any trouble.


You can't tell her,
you understand me?

He raped her!

Everything I've built with mom...

It'll all be destroyed.

You betrayed mother.

And she needs to know.

Norman, please!

Yeah, you better move
your truck, honey.

You okay to drive?

Yeah, I'm fine, thanks.

Oh, god.

What the hell are you doing?

Come on, jackass.

What is your problem?

Go around already.

So pass already!




This is just great.

You okay?

Are you crazy?

You drove me off the road.
I could've been killed.

You're lucky you're not
dead, norma bates.

I'm calling 911.

Sure, you could.

But do you know who would
be better for you to call?

Bob paris.

He'd like to speak with you.

You have something
that belongs to him.

I don't know what
you're talking about.


Do you think we're idiots?

I don't know who you are.

I'm calling sheriff romero.

He can't save you.

Can't even save himself.

Do yourself a favor:
Call mr. Paris.

You can reach him
at the arcanum club.

And do it soon.

What brings you out here,

I'm not clamming, stanley.

The girl they found
in the reeds over there?

Well, you know the tides.

Where do you think she
might have been thrown in.

To end up here?

Well, this time of year,

Could be anywhere
within a mile or so.

Current would've
carried her down here.

Oh, not a lot to go on.

You didn't see anything
unusual, did you?


Good talking to you, stanley.

You know, a funny thing...

About five days ago

I came across a dufont kid
down here in the channel.

He was rowing a skiff.

Said he was bird watching.

He didn't have a camera...
Or binoculars.

And it was raining.

And I didn't think much
about it until the next day.

When I read in the paper
about the girl.

You're talking about
clay dufont, right?


Why didn't you say anything
to anyone about this?

Nobody asked.

Thanks, stanley.

Your mom asked me
to stay with you.

Was she upset?

Yeah, I think so, but...

Don't worry about anything.

You want some breakfast?

Something terrible has happened.

I found out that norma's brother.

Has been staying
up at dylan's farm.

I had to tell mother.

Did you have to?

He raped her.

He's dangerous.

I don't understand how dylan.

Could have anything
to do with him.

Because it's his father.

And we all whitewash
our parents' sins,

Because on some, some level...

Because we need to.


No, it's me.

I'm so sorry, dylan.

I had to tell her.

I had to.


Hi, is this dylan massett?


I'm calling from
st. Sebastian hospital.

We have your mother,
norma bates, here in the er.

She was in an accident.

I'm looking for my mom,
norma bates.

Dylan, I'm here.

We have to get out of here.

I have to tell you something.

Norma... I'm so sorry.

About what?

Ab... about everything.


It's not like you're the one
who ran me off the road.

Wait, wait...
Someone ran you off the road?

Yes, and threatened me.

Some guy who told me
to contact some other guy.

Because I had something of his.

What's wrong with
these criminals.

That they can't just
hang on to their own sh...?

Like it's my fault!

Who did he tell you to contact?

Bob paris.

I've heard romero
say his name too.

Who is he?

I've heard his name
around the drug trade.

I think he's a money guy.

Look, we need to get
that flash drive to romero.

- No.
- No?

No. Dylan, we're in trouble.

The motel is probably
going to go under.

I have no financial backup.

Norman is getting worse.

He had another blackout
this morning.

I found him in the kitchen
mumbling to himself.

I couldn't wake him up.

I'm scared, dylan.
I don't know what to do.

I don't... I don't know
how to care...

Take care of him without
any money.


I know that flash drive
is incredibly valuable.

That dying girl gave it to me,

As if she knew
that I needed help.

She gave it to me...
It's like an omen.

I won't give it up.
I'm not gonna give it up.

Please, dylan. Please.

Always the drama with you.

You want to join us? Sure.

Have you met marcus young, alex?

He's the one running
against you.

Yeah, we've met.
Now he can leave.

You're the sheriff.

Thanks for lunch, bob.

We'll be in touch.

How about a smile, sheriff?


You're always so tense, man.

It's not good for your heart.

Or your head.

So clay dufont got rid
of the body for you.

That's a big accusation, alex.

You want some dessert?

Will you calm the hell down?

I'm surprised you
haven't had a stroke yet.

Wh... why was lindsay davis
blackmailing you, bob?

Whatever she had on you,

She passed to annika,
and now they're both dead.

And it's disappeared.


So what's gone missing, bob?
What are we looking for?

Flash drive.

A simple silver flash drive.

It's my property,
and I want it back.

What the hell is on it?

Confidential information.

Worth the lives of two women?

You're asking me?

You've killed people
for the good of this town.

You're telling me that two
women are lying in the morgue

'cause the town's
welfare depended on it?

I'm going to talk to you
like a person now, alex.

Like somebody I grew up with,
played ball with,

I felt sorry for because their
home life was so crappy, okay?

You are in a hole here.

A deep hole.

You want to do what's in
the best interest of the town,

Find the damn flash drive.

And quit making this
about everything else.

I didn't particularly
want to bring marcus young.

Out here to take your job.

You left me with no choice.

You left none of us
with any choice.

You know what, bob?
I feel exactly the same way.

And you're forcing
me into a corner,

And there's not gonna be room
in that corner for both of us.

No, there's not.

And the only way I see
out of this for both of us.

Is for you to go to norma bates
and get back the flash drive.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure
she has it.

You know her, right?

So here's an extra towel,

Some toiletries, and, yeah,

I'll be in the office
if you need anything.

Oh, and the password for
the wifi is "mother," all caps.

She doesn't know
anything about caleb.

You didn't say anything to her.

What are you doing, man?

No, I did tell her.
I told her this morning.

Stop it, norman!

Dylan, I swear.

I don't know why she pretended
like she doesn't know.

Then either she's insane
or you are.

He feels bad, norman.

All he wants is to talk to her,

To tell her how much
he regrets it.

He's not a monster.

And you don't have
to say anything to her.

I've made a decision.
I'm gonna tell her myself.


Just stay out of it.

You look hungry.



Come here a second.

My car had to get towed.
I'm just waiting for the bus.

Does that mean
you're not hungry?

You know, I probably am.

I haven't eaten
since this morning.

But I need to catch the bus.
I live, like, 20 minutes away.

Come on. I'll give you a lift.

I'm going right near
where you live.

Where do you live?

I, uh... No, I don't
want to put you out.

I'm a community college teacher.

Who teaches three 50-minute
classes a week.

You're not putting me out.

I wanted to ask
for a cup of sugar,

But you said that was off-limit.

Look, don't you point
that thing at me.

Unless you plan on using it.


Something bad happened to you.

Want to hug it out?

Go to hell.

Yeah, yeah, I get that.

I totally get that.

Hey, you like boar jerky?

You've never had jerky
until you've had boar jerky.


I got too many rabbits here.

You need one of those?

No, I don't want any rabbits.

Yeah, no, I don't
like 'em either.

I shoot 'em for marina.

She's making a bedspread
out of their furs or whatever.

So you want to have a deep
and meaningful?

Caleb, look at me!

Life is sh... It's
that way for everyone.

There's only one thing
that makes it better.

Boar jerky.

What the hell
is wrong with you, man?


I got some whiskey.
It'll make you feel better.

Come on.

Just let me know.

You're not gonna live
high on the hog.

With a medical marijuana crop.

Yeah, no, I don't need anything.

I'm not staying here long
anyway, so...

Oh, so...

So you're taking off
on the kid, yeah?

Your son?

It's a long story.

I'm only asking 'cause...

I got a job that I think
you might be good for.


When the dea burned
this town down,

Took my transpo guy with it.

I need a driver.

The guy fled to puerto rico.

Who flees to puerto rico?

I could think of a million
other place s to flee to.

It pays good.

25 large.

But it's not without risk.

You look like the kind of guy
who can handle risk.

You know, I'm turning
over a new leaf.

I got my son.

Well, well, Leaves are leaves,

Money is money.

You let me know
by the end of the week.

I can't help it.

I'm just, ah, built that way.

Took care of both my parents...


I was raised to study
every breath, every gesture.

I survived.

I never met anyone like you.

Someone who just talks
about things so openly.

Maybe you could actually help me.

With some things
that I'm going through.

Difficult things.

I... you know where to find me.

Well, actually, I don't.

Your card is in my car.

The one that got towed.

There you go.

Don't lose that one.


Can I ask you a question?

Of course.

Are you attracted to me?

Where did that come from?

I don't know. You just...

You seem to be all, like, open
and honest about everything.

Are you?
Because I think you are.

Yeah, I am.

A lot, to be completely honest.

And... and that's okay for me
to come to you as a patient?

It's okay.

I can handle myself.

Can you handle yourself?


Jeez, it's hard to reach you
up in those mountains.

Um, listen, I need to know
if you had any luck.

With that, um...

That thing that we
were talking about?

Yeah. Just... please call me.

Oh, hi, honey.

I had a late lunch, so I'm
just gonna make you something.


Were you wearing that
this morning?

Yeah. Why?

No, you were wearing
something else...

That blue and white dress.

The one I like.


Did I talk to you this morning?

I think that you had a blackout
this morning, sweetheart.

Do you remember anything?

No, I just thought I...

Just thought I talked
to you about something,

But it really doesn't matter.

Was it about
something important?

Oh, no. No, it's...

Try not to worry, norman.
You can't help it.

You know, it isn't anything
you've done wrong.

You understand?

It's okay.

I am here for you.

And will always be here for you.


Norman, dinner's ready!


Coming, mother!

Yeah, gunner, what is it?

Dude, the weirdest
thing just happened.

I was screwing with the timer.

And the thing fell off
and this flash drive fell out.


Well, I didn't have
anything better to do,

With the rain and all,

So I started messing with it.

Anyway, I got it open.

You what?

I opened it with my laptop.

How the hell did you do that?

Dude, I used to download movies
illegally and sell them.

I know my way around
encrypted sh...

It took me a while,
but I figured it out.

What is it? What's on it?



I found out what was
in the flash drive.

- You opened it?
- Yeah.

That's amazing. What is it?

Uh, it's a financial
ledger of some kind,

Splitting up an investment
return of 15 million dollars.

I'm pretty sure it's illegal
revenue from the drug trade.

I mean, that's the only thing
that would make sense.

It would put half the rich
people in this town in prison.

That might not be
such a bad thing.

Are... are you kidding?

No, that's why this
is so important.

This is leverage.

I could make some demands...

No, no.

I... I...
I'm gonna tell romero, okay?

This... I don't want
anything to happen to you.

This... this is too big.


You don't understand
what it means to me.

To have a family finally.

You can't do this, norma.

You've got to tell romero.

Clay, get out of the car.

Clay, get out.

I just want to talk
about lindsay davis.

Come on, get out of the car.

Come on, clay.
Get out of the car, clay!

Get out of the car...

Can I trust you?

I mean, like, really trust you.

You know, sometimes you're alex,
sometimes you're a cop.

I don't know, norma.
I think you can.

I'll do my best.


I have it.

Get in here.

All right, give it to me.

It's not on me.

I'm not gonna walk around
with it in my pocket.

I'm not stupid.

It's a business ledger.

Returns on some
kind of investment.

15 million dollars.

All the names on it are big,
influential people in this town,

Including bob paris.

We need to go get it. You need
to give it to me right away.

No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no.

No, that's not why I'm here.

This is the first time since
I've moved to this crummy town.

That I have anyone
by the short hairs.

I'm getting something out of it.

Have you lost your mind?

Maybe. It's irrelevant.

Listen to me,

I want you to take me
to see bob paris.

I'm gonna tell him I have it,

And I'm gonna ask
for some favors in return.

Why you looking at me like that?

I've had a good education
in this crappy town.

And I'm ready to play ball
with the big boys.

Play ball...
But they'll kill you.

They can't.
I have the flash drive.

I'm the only one
who knows where it is.

And the two dead girls...
They get no justice?

The dead girl gave it to me.
She wanted me to do this.

She gave it to me
before she died.

This is gonna bring those
poor girls back to life...

Norma, think of what people in
this town have done to you.

You don't think I know
what they've done to me?

- You're not gonna extort them.
- They raped me!

They put a dead man's
body in my bed.

They kidnapped my child and they
put him in a box in the ground.

What else are they gonna
do to me, kill me?

I'm not going down
without a fight,

And no one's gonna stop me.

Not you, not bob paris,

Not all of the scumbag
criminals in white pine bay.

You know what? If I was a man,

One of these douche bags
who lives here,

You would say that
it's totally doable.

You're just saying
it's a bad idea.

Because you think I can't
handle it because I'm a woman.

Because I'm a mother.

I can.
I have seen how it's done.

And I will handle it
without you if I have to.

Damn it!

Damn it!

Okay. Okay, I'll do it.

I'll go with you.

Oh... You will?

Yeah, I said I'll go,
and I'll go.

Mr. Paris can see you now.

Bob, this is norma bates.

Can I get you guys anything?

Coffee, perrier,
something stronger?

Um, no, thanks. I... I'm good.

No, thanks.


Thank you for coming.

Um... So, uh, I'm here.

Because I think I may have
something that you want back.

Um, a flash drive?

Um... So here's what
I was thinking,

And you tell me
what you think about it.

This bypass that's being built...

It's gonna destroy my business.

I've tried so hard to fight it,

But there's just...
There was nothing I could do.

You know,
I... I have no power here.

I tried, I really did...
But I don't.

Norma, maybe just
cut to the point.

Well, it's kind of
all the point.

Anyway, um,

This business of mine
is very important to me.

It is all that I have
to support me and my son,

Who has some, uh,
medical issues.

And, you know,

I'm kind of in a desperate
position here, you see?

So I was thinking,

Since I have this thing
that you want back,

That maybe I could ask you
for something in return?

So, um,

I want you to create
an exit off the bypass.

One that would lead
to a two-lane highway.

That would then easily
connect to main street.

Near my motel,

And, um, I would like a large
billboard just before that exit.

On both the north and south
side of the bypass.

And, um, I would like
approval on any design.

And I want a pool.

Doesn't have to be
anything fancy,

Say, 20 by 40 feet
with a jacuzzi,

And, of course,
a fence so that it's safe.

So how do I know you actually
have the flash drive,

That you've opened it?

There are a lot of
important people in this town.

Who have invested
in the drug trade.

I've seen the names.

I see.

And when do I get it back?

Well, maybe not ever, actually.

And it... it won't do you any good
to threaten me or hurt me.

Not that I'm saying that you
would do something like that,

But let's just say,
um, I suddenly go missing.

Or my brakes suddenly go out,

I will make sure
there is one person...

Someone you do not know...

Who knows where
that flash drive is,

And I will make sure that as
soon as anything happens to me,

It gets turned over to the fbi.


So I give you
all of these things.

And you give me nothing?

And then because you
still have the flash drive,

You could come back later
and ask for more stuff.

No, I'm telling you I won't.

I'm making a deal
with you, okay?

And I'll honor it, if you do.

So no more asks?

No, none.


I have to hand it to you,
norma bates...

You got me.

Well done, norma.

We have a deal.

I just wanted
to let you know that, uh,

I'm gonna talk to norma
when she gets home.

About caleb being
up at my place.

I'm gonna ask her if she
would possibly consider.

Talking to him.

I don't know
what's gonna happen.

It might not be pretty.

So if you want to clear out
until it's over, I understand.


None of this is your fault.

I'll go with you to talk to her
if you want me to.

I'll try and help if I can.

Can't ask you to do that.

I mean, if I get thrown out
of the house, that's on me,

But I can't drag you into it.

No, I feel like
this is partly my fault.

There's something wrong with me.

I wanted to destroy you.

Because you were
getting close to her,

And I don't want
to be that person.

I hate that person.

I'm a man now.

Not her little boy.

And I want to be a good man.

And I trust your judgment,

If you think this
is the right thing to do.

Thank you.

Yeah, you're my, uh, brother.

You know,
I want to be there for you.

We're... we're a family.
We love each other.

And we'll work through it.

We'll help her work through it.

Hey, I'm home!

I got a chicken.

I'm gonna make a pie.

What's up with you two?


Well, no one can be in a
hospital, 'cause we're all here.


I need to tell you something.


Caleb's in town.

He has been in town.
He... he's up at my farm.

Caleb, my brother, caleb?

Just hear him out, mother.


He... he showed up
just after your mother died,

And he tried to offer me
a bunch of cash.

From the sale of the house,
and I wouldn't take it...

I didn't want anything
to do with him, right?


Well, then his car
broke down and...

I needed some help
building the barn.

He seemed like
he had nowhere to go.

And I didn't know what to do...

So I let him stay.

He feels horrible about
everything that happened,

About what he did.

I know... I know that this is...

It's a lot to ask you,
I mean, too much, but I...

I just feel like I have to ask,

Because he's...
He's tormented over this.

He just wants to talk to you.

To tell you that he's sorry.

He... to tell you he's so sorry
that it ever happened.

You have to try and understand,

It's his father.


What are you doing?


Mother, stop it.
You're scaring me!

Norma, stop it!

Look, I'll leave.
You don't have to.

Leave me the hell alone!


Mother! Mother!

Dylan, let me go! Mother!

Dylan, get off me!




Norman, stop!

Norman, let her go!

Mother, you can't do this!

Stop! Norman!


Your brother will
look after you!

She can't do this!
She can't leave me!

Emma, go back in the office now!

What's wrong?

Go back!


You can't do this!



Norman, let her go!
