Bastard!! Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 21 - Fierce Battle - full transcript

Dark Schneider puts up a good fight against the evolved Abigail, but things take a turn for the worst when the dark wizard's plan backfires.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
How dare you lay your filthy hands
on my Arshes.

Brace yourself for a trip to hell.

Hmm. Well?

What are you going
to do now, Dark Schneider?

- Nei!
- Arshes!

Dark Schneider Golem Punch!

That was a dirty trick.

You won't get away with it!

Oh, shut up!

You made the mistake
of really pissing me off!

Now I'm gonna rip your dick off
and feed it to Lars!

Wait. What?

Oh, Darsh!

No wonder she's happy.

The person she loves most
in the world fought for her.

I can understand how she feels.

I've never seen Lucien like this before.

You all right?

Yes, now that you're here.

There is a strong bond
between the two of them.

One that nobody else
can ever fully understand.

To Nei, Dark Schneider
is obviously more than just a father.

Much more.

What's so great
about a guy like him, anyway?


That was a sneaky trick, Dark Schneider!

You fight dirty!

That was incredibly unfair!

Shut up, you upside-down idiot!

When you're in a fight,

the only thing that matters
is being the winner.

There's no such thing as unfair.

Whoever beats up the other guy wins.

You moron!

Trying to take me on

when you don't even know
the first rule of battle?

I still can't believe anyone
could stoop so low!

You ask me, they both stoop pretty low.

Where does it hurt?

That feel better?

Stop it now.

That's quite enough
of that indecent display.

I can see that I, Bon Jovina,
have a great deal to teach you

about what it means
to be a knight and a man.

First and foremost,

you must never resort
to dirty tricks in battle.

You must defeat your enemy
fairly and squarely.

Only then will you know true victory.

And you must rid yourself
of all vulgar thoughts.

And you must...

Are you listening?

Have you heard a word I said?

Shut up, you old geezer!

If the enemy fights dirty,
then you gotta fight even dirtier.

And if the enemy doesn't fight dirty,
you fight dirty anyway.

When a man fights, he fights to win.

It doesn't matter how he does it.

Fair or unfair,
he'll take it any way he can get it.

'Cause when you're fighting a battle,
there is no second place.

There's only winning and losing.

And if you lose,
that means you won't be there

to protect your own precious women!

You've gotta hit the enemy first

and keep on hitting 'em
until their last breath leaves their body!

Watch out, Abigail!

I'm coming to get ya!

So you are.

I can see that you're coming,

but will you get me?

That's another thing entirely.

What the hell's he up to now?

The fact is my power
is greater than yours.

And there's nothing you can do about it.

Compared to me,

you are little more than a tiny speck
of dust blowing in the wind!

Abigail Collider!


Just like that,
the golem's gone.

Oh no! Oh dear, oh dear!

Such incredibly destructive power.

It's just like before.

I don't sense any magic.

Could it be?

I get it.
It's the magic of the ancient world.

This guy is pretty good.

Hey! Watch it! Dark Schneider, behind you!

Fairly impressive,
wouldn't you say, Dark Schneider?

And that was only a tiny fraction
of the great power of evil

that once destroyed all of humankind.

You got me shaking in my boots, Abigail.

In fact, I'm so impressed,
I wouldn't mind getting myself

a set of demonic treasures
of my very own someday.

Now I know why people say

that Anthrasax's destructive power
is so great.

It's downright unfathomable.

Who would've thought
that those crazy demonic treasures

would have so much power?

What's that?

The three demonic treasures are...

But how could it be?

That's right!

The three demonic treasures are weapons

created by the sorcerers and alchemists
of the ancient world,

using the same secret arts they used
to create the God of Destruction.

Very clever, Dark Schneider.

Of all the Four Divine Kings,

you are definitely
the most difficult to manage.

You're too smart for your own good.

Your instincts are too sharp.

Your magic is too powerful.

Your desire is too strong.

Your emotions are too unstable.

You are an enigma to me!

I don't understand you at all!

Dark Schneider,

will you bow down to me,
the great Abigail,

and swear to obey me?

Say yes, and in return,
I'll give you some of my power!

Nah, I'm good.

All right! Then die!

No! Dark Schneider!

How about that, huh?

Witness the triumph of evil!

Even the legendary Dark Schneider
is helpless in the face of my power,

the power of darkness!

Now all that is left is for me
to take possession of the last seal.

And then, this world
will be turned into hell on earth!

Goodness will fall,

and death, darkness,
and fear will rule all!

It's all over now!

Dark Schneider is dead!
We're doomed! Doomed!

Dark Schneider!




So this is evil?

This is your power,
your power of darkness?

Is that it?



Ha! You call this evil, Abigail?

You sad, deluded, old idiot!

I'll show you what the power of evil
really looks like!

I'm not your doormat!

Get your dirty feet off of me!

No way! No!

You big baboon.

How dare you step on me,
the handsome hero!

Okay. Playtime is officially over!

Time to put an end
to your miserable existence,

using the power
of some extra evil magic I've been saving!


Thanks. Are you okay, Gara?

This is not good.

When the guy gets like this,
he just never quits.

Watch and learn!

You're right. That look.

That's a sign
that Lucien is about to go on a rampage.

I think we might want to
evacuate the castle.

Hmm. Isn't that interesting?

So you're going to try to use magic
against me, are you?

Of course, you're a wizard.

Magic's really the only thing
you've got to fight with.

I've got news for you, Abigail.


Dark Schneider's magic
isn't like anyone else's magic.

I've never lost a single battle or duel
in 400 years of fighting.

And I'm not about to lose one
in the next 400 years either!

You fool.

I'm going to beat
that cocky fighting spirit out of you.

Go ahead, say your spell.

The moment you finish your chant
is the moment you die, Dark Schneider!

No. Magic won't work against him.

When Dark Schneider unleashes his spell,
his defenses will be down,

the moment Abigail's been waiting for!

Don't do it! Darsh, no!

Ego ego azaragorai...

Ego ego zameragon...

O Prince of darkness, evil beast,
open up your jaws wide, prepare to feast!

Could that be Ian's cave of gloom,
the black ball?

No! No!

Any spell but that!

A barrier.

It's ancient magic!

That... that's a forbidden spell.

Get down! Everyone take cover, now!

Flesh and bone, devour it all...

Make this whole world your dining hall!

Bones, balls, and foreskin!
Devour every bit of him!

Ed Zepelion!

What is that?

What the...?

No! What's going on?

Starving demon spirits.

I summoned them from hell
to keep you company in there.

But you won't have long
to get acquainted.

Because those things'll eat anything
when they're hungry.

And they're always hungry.

Of course.

A demonic treasure
can only be wielded by a demon.

So the only thing that can destroy
a demonic treasure is a demon.


Abigail wasn't expecting that.

God you're an idiot!

Did you really think
you could go up against me

and come out of it still breathing?


No, no, no, no! It can't be!

It's impossible!

The last seal hasn't been broken yet!

Anthrasax is m-m-moving!

Princess Sheila!
What's the matter?

It's so hot.

My body is so hot all of a sudden.

Hmm. Could it be?

Lunchtime's over.


He just broke through the barrier!

- Darsh!
- Dark Schneider!


You lowdown, stinking bastard,
Dark Schneider!

It really hurts my feelings
when you underestimate me like that!


He broke through the barrier
of the forbidden spell.

And he seems to be completely unscathed!

His power
is truly terrifying!

Not even the demon spirits could stop him.

Is it impossible to destroy
the demonic treasures

now that they've merged?

Princess, stay strong!

Sheila, are you ill?

What's the matter, child?

I feel like I'm going to burst!

What does it mean, Great Priest?

Could it be...

Look! The sky over Judas!

That storm! It's... it's...


It's impossible!

Is the fourth seal
starting to break?


Tell me. How did you create
that link to the demon world?

How on earth do you get
that kind of power, you mongrel?

It's a secret.

But admit it,
those flesh-eating demons had ya scared.

You were pissing in your pants,
weren't ya?


Did I not warn you
not to underestimate me?


Darsh, get out of there!

Not so cocky, now are you, Dark Schneider?

Huh? Huh?!

Oh no!
He really is going to die!

Then that's it. It's all over!
It's really over for us this time!

And that means this anime is over!

I can feel it.
I definitely feel it.

The God of Destruction's tremendous power

is flowing
into both Dark Schneider and Abigail.

Who in the world are those two?


Dark Schneider!

And that should finally put an end

to the myth
of Dark Schneider's invincibility.

So... so Dark Schneider really is...



Now I can create hell!

Cries of despair from weaklings like you
will fill the air of this benighted world!

Oh, dear god.

Now there's only one thing left
for me to do.

And that's to rip the seal
from your body, Princess Sheila!

- What?
- What?

The last seal is inside Sheila?

But there's no way.

It's impossible!

But... but how could Abigail
have known that?

Of course I know, Great Priest!

You always feared our power,

so you came up with the idea of hiding
the seal in the one place in this kingdom

where it would be hardest to find
and easiest to protect.

In other words, you decided
that you would use magic

to transplant the seal
into the princess' abdomen.

Just you wait, you fools.

With the help of Anthrasax,
the God of Destruction,

I'm going to envelop this world
in blood, darkness, and despair!

- He... he's coming for us!
- What do we do?

So is this how it ends?

Dark Schneider...


you must wake up.

You have got to protect the world.



You know, this world
doesn't exist just to be your plaything

to do whatever you want with.


The power of darkness,
it's gathering around Dark Schneider.

This big, wide,
wonderful world is special.

It wasn't put here for just anyone to use.

In fact, it wasn't put here
for anyone else.

It was put here for me and me alone.

This world is my plaything, and I'll be
the one who decides what to do with it.

Kiske, hansen, grosskopf.

Kiske, hansen, grosskopf, van sielck.

Turn to ash.

Wise men of Hades, all.

Hold fast the seven keys.

Swing wide the gates of hell!

Wh-What is it?

That spell...

But that's his most powerful spell of all!


Make him stop!
Make him stop!


Have you gone completely
out of your mind, Dark Schneider?

Shut up!

Stay out of this, upside-down man!

I'm gonna blow
this stupid castle sky-high!
