Barefoot Contessa (2002–…): Season 15, Episode 3 - Barefoot Contessa - full transcript

An Italian meal, featuring pasta Bolognese; Tuscan roasted sausage and grapes; and Parmesan crisps.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I'm the barefoot contessa.

I've donated lunch for six
for a charity auction,

and today's the day
they're coming,

but the pressure is on.

You're not gonna believe how
much money they raised for this.

So we're starting with delicious
chilled cucumber soup

with juicy shrimp on top.

Then it's lobster and shells,

a fabulous pasta salad
with farm-fresh vegetables

and luxurious lobster.

I'm keeping it really casual

so everybody has
a very good time.

And for dessert,
I'm surprising everyone.

They're gonna make
their own desserts.

It's eton mess,
an incredible concoction

of cooked raspberries,
whipped cream,

and crushed meringues.
They're gonna love it.

I've got the best
front-of-the-house help...

Mariska hargitay, my friend
who's the founder

and president of the charity
the lunch is for,

and her friend Alec Baldwin

is coming to be
my personal shopper.

I bet he's wondering
how that happened.

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scripps networks, llc.

Captioned by
closed captioning services, inc.

When I thought about
what to make for lunch

for the guys who won
the auction...

I mean, these guys spent a lot
of money for this auction,

so it's gotta be
pretty fabulous.

My first instinct was, you know,
like foie gras and caviar,

and I thought, no, that's really
against my principles.

The more elegant
they think it's gonna be,

the more simple
I think the meal should be,

and then I think everybody
will feel really comfortable.

So I'm going to do
a simple meal,

but I'm gonna do it
with a luxurious twist.

The first thing I'm making
is cold cucumber soup,

and I'm gonna put shrimp
on the top.

I use these English cucumbers
for several reasons.

One is I think they're sweeter

than traditional
American cucumbers.

I find that American cucumbers
are a little bit bitter.

But also, I love that
you don't have to peel them.

I like the green
in the cucumber soup.

It gives it a little nice color.

This is gonna make
a lot of soup.

It's enough for nine people.

Okay, next I'm gonna put some
yogurt in. Lots of yogurt.

So I have 2 17-ounce tubs
of Greek yogurt.

I'm just gonna put it
right into this.

And that's two.

And then, 'cause it's soup,
I want it a little thin.

I'm gonna put 1 1/2 cups
of half and half in.

And then lots of scallions.
Nine scallions.

And now I just need
3/4 cup of red onion.

This lunch came about because
my friend mariska hargitay,

who's a star
of "law & order: SVU"...

Because of her work there,

decided to start a charity
called joyful heart

to help victims
of sexual abuse and violence.

It's an incredible charity.

And she asked if I would donate
lunch for six

for her auction,
and I thought, of course I will.

I thought you'd really enjoy
seeing how the auction went.

Wait till you see Alec.
He's amazing.

I think it's time to take it
to another level now.

Hey... $80,000.




$100,000 once,

$100,000 twice,


And now you know why
this lunch has to be very good.

Okay, I just need
2 tablespoons of salt.

It seems like a lot,
but it's a lot of soup.

1 tablespoon of pepper.

And now what I'm gonna do

is I'm just gonna purée it
in the food processor,

but I have to do it in batches
'cause it's so much soup.

So just big spoon,

and just start putting it
into the food processor.

I actually purée it,
but really coarsely,

'cause I love this
to have some texture.

Okay, just give it
a big process.

Okay, first batch.

Into the bowl,
and just keep going

until the whole soup is puréed.

When I offered to do this event,

Alec and mariska actually
offered to help,

and I thought,
that sounds like fun.

So I've got Alec Baldwin now
on a mission for me.

How's that... Alec Baldwin
as my personal shopper?

Now there are things
I find challenging

and things I find
very challenging,

and I'm gonna put
shopping for groceries...

I have my list right here
for the barefoot contessa...

In the very challenging

So this is quail hill farm,

and I'm a member,
and this is harvest day,

where people come and pick
whatever is ready,

and I figured,

local, fresh farm produce...

How could you go wrong?


Oh, you know ina.


Cherry tomatoes.

Orange peppers...

And, uh, sweet corn.

Hey, Scott.
Hey, Alec. What's up?

I'm picking up some
vegetables for ina garten.

Oh. Uh, what
do you need?

Uh, fresh dill
and scallions.

Uh, fresh dill
and scallions.

The best are to be found
right up in that field.

A man's gotta do
what a man's gotta do

for fresh dill
and scallions.

Hey, Alec. Did you find
what you want?

This should do it.
That's the easy part.

Now I've gotta
get this past ina.

So I'm gonna let this sit

and let the flavors
all blend together,

and then just before I serve it,

I'm gonna add a squeeze of lemon

to give it a little acid,
sort of perk it up,

and some really good shrimp.

That'll make it
nice and luxurious.

I need 1/4 of a cup
of fresh dill.

Just stir it right in,

and that's gonna really permeate

the flavor of the cucumber soup.

I think they're gonna be
very happy.

Up next, I'm expecting
Alec Baldwin to arrive

with the farm-stand vegetables

for the lobster
and shells salad.

Mariska hargitay's coming over
to set the table,

and then there's this divine

fruit, cream, and meringue
dessert, eton mess,

to prepare for
the auction lunch.

I mean, it's not like there's
any pressure or anything.

For the main course,
I decided I'm gonna make

lobster and shells.

I love high-low food,

so I'm gonna combine
lobster and tiny little shells

and lots of fresh vegetables,

which, oddly enough, I have
Alec Baldwin shopping for.

How did this happen?

I'm sure he's wondering
the same thing.

So I've got a big pot
of boiling water

for cooking the pasta,

2 big tablespoons of salt,

and 1 pound of these
small shells.

They're, like,
the really small shells.

Pour that right in.

And a big splash of oil so they
don't all stick together.

I'm just gonna cook that
for eight to ten minutes

until it's Al dente.

Oh, I think that
might be Alec now.

Hi, Alec.
Hey, ina.

Oh, my god, this looks
so fabulous.

I'm gonna have so much fun
cooking with it.

How much do we love
quail hill?
We love quail hill.

It's fantastic.
I'm glad you like it.

I was afraid I was
gonna get it wrong.
No, you couldn't
get it wrong.

Are you coming back
for lunch?

Okay, great.
I'll see you then.

Like I was gonna tell
Alec Baldwin he brought

the wrong produce.
But it's perfect.

Wow, how fabulous is this?

I don't know which is better,
the produce or the delivery guy.

First I'm gonna prep the corn.

So the corn, in order
to cut it off the cob,

I just cut the end off,

just set it on
its little rear end,

and just run my knife

right down between
the kernels and the cob,

and it gets
all over the kitchen,

but then you can collect them.

Okay, that's one ear.

I've got seven to go.

For the last two minutes
of the pasta cooking,

I'm just gonna put the corn
right into the pasta water,

and then I can just
drain them both together.

I've got the pasta
and the corn cooked

at exactly the same time.

How easy is that?

A big stir.

Great. So while that cooks,

I'm gonna get the rest
of the vegetables together.

So the corn and the pasta
are done.

I'm just gonna
drain them together. Oh!

Whoa! That's gonna make
a great salad.

I love the local corn.

It's just so delicious.
It's sweet.

Okay, into a big bowl.

Then I'm gonna put all those
gorgeous farm vegetables in.

First this big pile
of scallions.

Then those yellow peppers.

Okay, lots of peppers,

and then these tiny
cherry tomatoes

that are so beautiful.

Usually I have big cherry
tomatoes and I cut them in half,

but these are so gorgeous,
I'm not going to.

So next I've got the lobster.

I've got 2 pounds
of cooked lobster.

I mean, you could
cook the lobster yourself,

but why would you want to?

I'm just gonna cut it
in bite-size pieces.

This really is an example

of the kind of high-low thing
that I just love.

It's kind of like
truffle popcorn

or baked potatoes with caviar.

Just... i think it's
a real sort of...

A wink at something
really special

without making it
really pretentious.

So in just big bite-size pieces.

This lobster looks so good.

I have to say,

this is one of the craziest
parties I've ever given.

Not only did Alec
do the shopping for produce,

but mariska's doing
the table setting

right in front of the barn.

I think it's gonna be fantastic.

Ina is incredibly
kind and generous

to throw this lunch
for the foundation.

It raised $100,000,
which is unbelievable.

That's a lot of money
to help women and children.

So the least I could do

was pitch in
and help set the table.

So that's the lobster.

Okay, I'm gonna make some sauce.

This is actually
a really easy sauce.

It's mayonnaise, sour cream,
lemon juice.

So 1 1/2 cups of mayonnaise.

I actually love to use
mayonnaise for a sauce

because it's so easy,

and you can really flavor it
any way you like,

and the key is to make sure
it's creamy, but also thin.

1 cup of sour cream.

And then to thin it
and give it lots of flavor,

I'm gonna use 1/2 a cup
of freshly squeezed lemon juice,

and just whisk it in.

And then it really
seems like a sauce,

not like a mayonnaise dressing.

The lemon juice is a nice acid.

It really brings out the flavor
of the pasta and the lobster.

Okay, it needs
4 teaspoons of salt,

which is a tablespoon
and a teaspoon...

And 2 teaspoons of pepper,

which is about
2/3 of a tablespoon.

Remember, this makes
a lot of sauce

and a lot of salad.

Okay, I'm just gonna
pour it over.

It's not gonna be easy
tossing this.

Okay, give it a big stir.

Oh, and because the pasta
and the corn is still warm,

it's gonna really
absorb the sauce.

It's gonna be fantastic.

Okay, then the last thing
is I need fresh dill.

So I'm just gonna give it
a big rough chop.

it's a gorgeous day,

so we're gonna have
a really nice time outside.

Mmm. Love dill.

It's so pungent. It's fantastic.

Okay, big bunch of dill
right in.

I'm gonna toss that around,

and then I'm gonna go outside

and give mariska some fabulous
flowers for the table.

Shall we put these down
the middle of the table?

Okay, fab.

I like them low so everybody
can see each other.


We are gonna show these guys
the time of their lives.

Oh, yes, we are.
We're a good team.

Okay, this is all set. I just
have a little bit of cooking.

I'll see you back here
for lunch?

Okay. Can't wait.
Me, too. Bye.

So I'm getting everything
ready for dessert next.

It's eton mess, which is
cooked raspberries,

whipped cream,
and crunchy meringues

that the guests
will assemble themselves.

Almost there.

So next is the best part
of the meal... dessert.

I'm making something called
eton mess.

It's an old-fashioned dessert
from an English boarding school,

and it combines three
of my favorite things...

Raspberries, meringues,
and whipped cream.

Now how bad can that be?

So I've put 3 half pints
of fresh raspberries

in a pan with
1 1/2 cups of sugar...

And a couple of tablespoons
of fresh lemon juice.

I'm just gonna
cook these together.

So this is the dessert

for my benefit lunch
for mariska hargitay,

and the funny thing
about this is

I'm gonna make everybody
assemble their own.

I think they'll have
a really good time.

So I'm just gonna
crush the berries

a little bit with a fork

and just let this cook
for about ten minutes,

and it's gonna be all bubbly,
and it's gonna have a sauce,

and then I'm gonna put fresh
raspberries into it.

So it's a combination
of cooked raspberries

and fresh raspberries.

It's kind of like making
a crumbled-up pavlova.

So while that's simmering away
for about ten minutes,

I'm gonna make
the whipped cream.

2 1/2 cups of heavy cream.

Just think how good
this is gonna be later

with raspberries
and crumbled meringues.

It's delicious.

A 1/4 of a cup of sugar.

This you just do to taste.

You want really cold cream,

and just start whipping it.

And about 2 teaspoons
of good vanilla.

My favorite.

And just whip that
until it's really firm.

And the meringues
for this dessert...

I have 'em in the pantry.

There is absolutely no reason
to make them yourself.

You can buy really good ones
at a bakery.

And the cream is perfect.

Okay, next the raspberries.

The juices are all syrupy,

and the raspberries are cooked.

Now off the heat,

I'm gonna add
the fresh raspberries

and just let them
settle into this.

So now I've got
the cooked raspberries

and fresh raspberries
all together.

And to give it extra flavor,

I'm gonna put in
1 1/2 tablespoons of framboise.

Framboise eau de vie
is a clear raspberry Brandy,

and it's got
a great hit of flavor.

Okay, and just...

Mix that in. Mmm.

I can smell the eau de vie when
it hits the hot raspberries.

I'm just gonna let this cool
to room temperature,

and this is gonna be layered
with the whipped cream

and meringues,
and it's just ready.

How delicious is this?

Into a bowl.

Mmm. Isn't that gorgeous?

I do like raspberries,
I have to admit.

I've got all the makings
for eton mess.

I feel a party coming on.

Oh, here they come.

Hi, ladies.

Champagne for everybody.

Welcome, welcome.
Thank you.

Good to see you. Mwah.

So good to see you.
How are you? Mwah.


So glad to see you. Everybody
looks so glamorous.

Thank you.

Okay, champagne
for everybody.

I'm gonna get everything
ready, including the soup.
Sounds good.

You guys
have fun together.

Let's have some fun.

While mariska and Alec
are holding court,

I'm gonna finish the soup.

The last thing I want to put in

is 3/4 of a cup of freshly
squeezed lemon juice,

and that's just gonna really
bring up the cucumber,

sour cream, dill flavor.

Just stir it right in.

I'm gonna just turn up
the volume a little bit

and have fresh shrimp on top.

So I'm gonna do
a big bowl of soup.

I'll show you how I garnish it.

And I've taken about
3/4 of a pound of shrimp

and just cut them horizontally

so there are lots more shrimp.

A little bit of lemon,
so everybody knows what's in it,

and a big sprig of dill.

That looks good enough to eat.

Okay, enjoy, everybody.
Thank you.

Cucumber soup with shrimp.

Do you see the dill
that's on top of this?

See the dill that's
on top of this?

And where did it
come from?
Mmm, dill.

I picked it
this morning.
He did.

No, no... no, no.
And he picked
beautiful dill.


More stories,
more stories.

Yeah, you know,
this soup is amazing.
Oh, it's delicious.

Kind of perfect.

Light, and it's so fresh.
Thank you. I'm so glad
you like it.

Okay, everybody ready
for the next course?

Yes, please.

Is it blueberry pancakes?

Talk among yourselves.
I hope so.

So next I'm heading
back to the kitchen to get

the lobster and shells salad.

Then it's eton mess for dessert,

all whipped cream,
fruit, and meringue.

Don't go anywhere.

The main course
is lobster and shells.

I hope they like it.
This is for you, Meredith.
Thank you.

And Alec.
Oh, thank you so much.

How are the vegetables?
Well, I want everyone to know
that ina is not the only one

that's responsible
for this dish.
He's right. I didn't...

I didn't do a thing.
I picked
these vegetables.

Oh, yay!
He picked 'em, yay!

Brilliantly done.

So it's lobster
and shells...

And all kinds of fresh
vegetables from quail hill,

which Alec
brilliantly picked.

Bon appétit.
Bon appétit.

What's in
the dressing, ina?

It's um, mayonnaise,
sour cream,

lots of fresh dill,
and lemon juice.

Everybody here know what
their favorite dessert is?

Can you name
your favorite dessert?

'Cause I can name mine.
I hope... i hope it's what
I'm serving for dessert.

Okay, just hold
that thought.

Let's find out.

Let's find out.

Well, I'd say they know
how to have a good time.

So I've got all the fixings
for eton mess.

I've got the cooked raspberries,
whipped cream.

I mean, who doesn't like
whipped cream

right out of the bowl?

And the last thing
is the meringues.

So I've got little
3-inch meringues.

I've got five or six of them,
and you just crush them up.

I think I'm gonna
put the meringues out

and everybody can crush
their own. How's that?

I'm just gonna put them
right on the tray.

They'll have a really good time.

The glasses are
already out there.

I've got the spoons,
and we're ready to go.

Okay, everybody,
dessert's ready.

Oh, yay!
And guess what? You're
gonna make it yourself.

We're making something
called eton mess,

and it's layers
of raspberry, cream,

and crushed meringue.
I'm ready.

Okay, raspberries first.

I'm gonna show you
mariska's, okay?

Raspberries first,
crushed meringues...

Crush them right in,
and then whipped cream.

And then more raspberries...

More meringue...

It's beautiful.

And more whipped cream,

as much whipped cream
as you want.

How's that?
And that's eton mess.

How easy is that?

How easy is that?
And a spoon.

Okay, everybody has to make
their own, how's that?

- Hold right there.
- Oh, my gosh.

All right, now
watch this, mariska.

I made it for her,
and she literally went,

"I don't want that one."

You can tell the difference
between ina's and Alec's.
Oh, very nice, Alec.

This is the one that ina made,
which is flawless,

and this is the one
that Alec made,

which is more homemade.
Yeah, that's great,
mariska. Anyway...

I'm so glad
you like it.

We haven't had
any fun today, have we?
No, no.

Thank you.
Thank you so much.

Don't go yet, because
I have a surprise for you.

Copies of the new book.

I have them...
One for each of you.

Hey, look what's
on the cover.
What's on the cover?

Oh, yeah, that's right.
Look what's on the cover.
I made them.

I hope you enjoy it.

Thank you so much for coming.
It was so much fun.
Thank you.

Oh, so much food.
Thank you for coming.

It was really fun.
Thank you.


Bye, guys.
Thank you so much.

See you later.
It was fun.
Come back soon.

Hey, ina?

Let's go
cook something up.