Barbie: It Takes Two (2022–…): Season 2, Episode 3 - Studio Sleuths - full transcript

When items start mysteriously disappearing from the studio, the girls become amateur detectives, enlisting the help of Rafa and Malibu's sisters.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
We wrote that!

We. Wrote. That.

And played it. And sang it.

And when Otto Phoenix hears it on our demo

he'll sign us for sure.

I can see it now.

Our own concert tour!

A world tour...

Or even a...

Woah, woah, woah, woah, ladies.

Although I am curious to hear what's bigger than a world tour,

maybe we ought to pump the brakes.

The song's not totally done yet.

I just need to make a couple last tweaks to the track.

When you're finished can you put the song file on my phone?

I want my parents to hear it.

Yeah. No problem.

All this excitement is making me hungry.

Celebratory snack?

You two go get your snack on.

I'm going to supervise these final tweaks.

It's not that I don't trust you, Chuck.

It's just, you know, well.

I'll be back here with Gato.

For a place that's constantly falling apart,

they really don't skimp on the snacks, do they?


Hey. How's it going?

And meet Guinevere. The new studio dog.


So cute.

So, instead of hiring another engineer to help you Lyla,

you got a dog?

I like 'em better than most people.

And she keeps the artists happy.

When they're happy, they break less stuff.

Always a bonus.

But if you don't have anything to repair...

what will you do all day?

Okay, ladies, Chuck's done with the track.

Music now, puppy later.

Come on, Lyla. You gotta hear this.

Huh? Chuck? Gato? Anyone?

Where'd they run off to?

Um, where's my phone?

Maybe Chuck has it.

Yes, you wonderful logical person

who scares me sometimes! I'm sure he knows where it is.

-Where is it? -We were hoping you...

My keyring. Have you seen it?

Uh, don't you always leave your stuff on the mixer board?

Yes, exactly, but it's gone. I've looked everywhere.

First, Brooklyn's phone and now your keys. Weird.

Wait. The phone's missing?

I left it plugged in right there.

Malibu? My phone had those new lyrics

and melodies we've been working on for weeks.

- -They aren't backed up anywhere!

That was some of our best stuff!

We will discuss the merits of syncing with the cloud later.


it's like my Abuela always says.

Life is a mystery just waiting to be solved.

To find the answers search your mind,

search your heart,

and don't forget to look under the couch

in case you dropped your dentures or a meatball sub.

Right. Well, wish I could help crack this case

but I've got a temperamental vocalist in booth 2

that needs some Guinevere time.

Let's not panic yet.

But clearly something weird is happening.

Or someone!

Maybe there's a thief on the loose.

It seemed appropriate.

Actually, it was perfect.

For the perfect crime, you mean.

Okay. All "dun-dun-duning" aside,

we probably shouldn't jump to conclusions.

Maybe someone took Brooklyn's phone and Chuck's keys by accident

and left them somewhere in the studio.

We should at least investigate that.

Ooh, an investigation.

That sounds so much better than "look for missing stuff."

Well, the best investigations

are led by someone with a keen mind.

Someone with a keen insight into the human condition

who can find a needle in a haystack

or a really messy sewing kit.

You know, someone like...

Rafa! You're a genius. I know exactly who we need.

Chelsea, do you know where my skateboard is?

In the driveway.

Hey, have you seen my soccer ball?

In the garage.

-Where are my headphones? -And my sneakers?

Right here.

-Oh, thanks. -Thanks, Chelsea.

Back pocket.


Hey, girls. I've...

Wait. Is that the recording studio?

Are you recording a new song?

How's Chuck?

Yes, yes, and...

He's been better.

That's actually why I'm calling.

We've got a real problem and need Chelsea's help.

Wait. Me?

Wait, huh? Your little sister's our Sherlock?

We're in the middle of...

The mystery of the missing phone.

Did you check in your backpack? Did you leave it on the subway?

Did you drop it in the bathroom?


Chelsea's super observant and has a great memory.

She's a natural at this.

Okay, Chelsea, here's the deal.

We had Brooklyn's phone here in the control booth earlier,

so we know it's not on the subway or in the bathroom.

But we searched this whole room and can't find it.

Or my keys.

Right. Or Chuck's keys.

So, it's time to step up our investigation.

Easy. It's just like on my favorite show, "Sally Snoops".

Nothing stops Snoops from cracking the case.

And the first thing Sally would do is figure out

every possible person at the studio

that could've taken the phone.

...And my keys.

A list of suspects. We're on it.

Can I borrow that?

Go for it.

Chuck's still in the control booth.

First suspect, Chuck.

Got a singer in recording booth 2.

Wow, I love her lipstick.

Singer with cool lipstick. Got it.

I'm seeing Lyla at the front desk and a drummer in the lobby.

-A quarter for Lyla. -And a spoon for the drummer.

Hey, hey! Give me back that drummer.

Oh, it's perfect Chelsea.

An exact model of the recording studio.

All right. Phase 1 is complete. What's next?

Collect clues and have conversations with the suspects.

You mean interrogations?

Yeah, that.

I'm on clue collection.

I'll even enlist my bloodhound, Gato.

Gato? Where'd he go?

Maybe your bloodhound is already on the trail.

You two scour the studio

and we'll start grilling the suspects.

Um, why am I here?

There's been a couple of mysterious...

There's a crime spree sweeping the studio.

A thief is among us!

Did you catch them yet? Did you find my drumsticks?

Wait, you had something go missing too?

My gold drumsticks. Well, they're not really gold.

I'm a rocker on a budget. It's just paint.

But can you imagine solid gold drumsticks.

Oh, they'd be so cool but so heavy.

Yeah, yeah, my drumsticks are missing.

Yeah. And when I turned around it was gone I tell you, gone!

Your lipstick?

Yes. The perfect shade, Scarlet Serenade.

And I simply can't function without it.

I'll never sing again!

Or will you?

By sabotaging two other pop stars

in order to eliminate the competition?!

Confess now and we'll go easy on you!

I'm sorry, who are you and why?

Please excuse my partner.

We've been through a lot today.

So, you're a vocalist.

Do you write your own songs too?

Oh, no. I would never. I have people for that.

People who would steal a song from us?!

I mean, someone?

Hey, uh, Malibu.

I thought we agreed I would be the tough one

and you would be the nice one.

Oh, yeah, we did.

But then I saw how much fun you were having

and couldn't help myself.

Eh, can't argue with that.

Where were you 32 minutes ago?

Uh, here. I guess.

I see. A perfect alibi, Chuck.

If that is your real name!

One sec.

Should we really be interrogating Chuck? He's our friend.

Plus his keys went missing before my phone.

That's Chuck's story. But how do we know it's the truth?

Empty your pockets!

Hey, anyone seen my pen? Wait, where did my wallet go?

More missing stuff? Gotta tell Chelsea.

What is it, my crime-solving canine?

This case just blew wide open.

I heard it in a movie and thought it sounded cool.

Forget it. Keep searching.

Oh, hey. That was for later.

Okay, your pockets are clearly empty

and still no sign of your keys or Brooklyn's phone.

I really don't think he took it.

Yeah. Me neither. He's clean.

We're sorry for all the trouble, Chuck.

We'll get you a new donut

when we're done with our investigation.

Deal. But you know there's only one person with eyes on everything

that happens in this place.

You really should talk to...

I didn't take your phone.

Yep, that's good enough for me.

You're free to go.

Chuck and Lyla, innocent.

What's our next move, Detective Chelsea?

Detective Chelsea?


- -Hey!

I was trying to be like Sally Snoops, Honey.

She looks so cool doing that move.

On her show, Sally's always looking for motion

from suspects.

You mean motive?

Yeah, that.

She thinks about why someone would do the crime.

Well then, of course it wasn't Lyla or Chuck.

It's their job to help singers, not steal from them.

So, it has to be someone who would benefit

from having the music on Brooklyn's phone.

One of the other musicians!

You seem really worked up about all this.

Can I get you some tea to help you calm down?

Maybe a snack?

Oh, that'd be sick.

I haven't eaten anything all day.

If that's true, then what's this?

Uh, chips. But they're not mine.

Mmhmm, mmhmm, that's what they all say.

Um, hello? Yeah.

Can someone do something about the lighting in here?

Vanessa. You're obviously very busy.

I bet you record your songs at studios all over this city.

I wish. But my manager only wants me to record here.

Says it "adds to my brand."

Makes me more, what's the word...


Uh-huh. So you're saying you're here a lot?


You ever see anything strange?

You're kidding, right?

There's always something strange happening here.

But today I did see something that was extra weird.

Yeah. I mean when I was looking for my sticks earlier

I saw something kinda odd.

A guy was sneaking around the studio with a dog.

A lie detector? You're joking.

Wait, is that a screensaver you downloaded?

-Absolutely not. -Please!

Ladies, come on.

You know I didn't take Brooklyn's phone.

Sorry, Rafa. But everybody's a suspect.

We're just doing our jobs.

What jobs? Broffin delivery girls?

Overzealous dog walkers?

Pigeon-releasing magician's assistants?

Sorry, too soon.

But seriously?

He's onto us. What do we do?

Can I see your phone for a sec? I read this article recently.

Ah, here.

It's about how you can tell if somebody's lying.

Eyes darting back and forth, lots of blinking,

touching their face.

We've got him now.

Did you take the phone?

Is that why you stayed back with Chuck when we went for snacks?

Of course not.

Do you like polyester?

Uh... how dare you?

Has Gato actually been a cat this whole time?

Are you kidding me?

This isn't working! He's not showing any of the signs.

Let's turn up the heat.

You ever considered a life of crime?


-Do you like mustard? -Yes.

-Ever wanted to be a dancer? -No.

-Run away with the circus? -No.

-Are you afraid of tigers? -Yes.

-What about loud noises? -No!

-The dark! -Heights!


No, yes, and no.

Oh, you're good. You're very good.

Total ice man.

A slew of stolen items. A shrinking list of suspects.

And now a potential inside job by the Barbies' best friend.

This would make a great episode of Sally Snoops.

Totally. But there's always a twist on that show, right?

Something right under Sally's nose.



Honey, why'd you take that?

That's it!

Now what?

Follow my lead.

You know, I was thinking about what to wear

to our next audition.

Maybe my lime green skirt and brown sandals.

Yeah. And I'll wear that plaid top and striped pants.


That sounds great.

-Aha! -You're lying.

Fine. I'm lying.

I will not allow you to wear that.

-Don't worry, I would never. -Me neither.

But now we know what you look like

when you're not telling the truth.

Meaning you were before, about everything.

What do we do now?

-Barbie. -It's not Rafa.

We know.

What do we do? Start over?

Look for more clues?

You don't--

Make another list? What about a list of lists?


Wait. Gato?

As in "my beloved dog who would never in a million years

do anything to wrong anyone" Gato?

Yep. Has he been with you all day?

Actually, well, no. Not all day.

Exactly. And he was the only one left in the room

with Brooklyn's phone before it went missing.

Right under our noses.

And speaking of cold wet noses, where's Gato now?

Ah, Gato!

How could you?

Everyone, we found the thief.






He stole all this stuff as gifts for Guinevere?

Aww. Gato, you're a true romantic.

The heart wants what the heart wants.

What? I can be deep too.


Ah, I missed you.

Sick, my sticks.

Oh, my keys. My sweet, sweet keys.

Case closed.

Thanks so much for your help, Chelsea.

You could give Sally Snoops a run for her money.

Detective Chelsea.

Nothing stops her from finding, well, anything.

Bye girls.


We're so sorry for, you know, suspecting you.

Our bad. We just got carried away with the whole detective thing.

That's okay, we're good.

But just so we're clear, plaid and stripes together?

That's a crime.

Has anybody seen my stapler?
