Bang (2017–…): Season 1, Episode 7 - Episode #1.7 - full transcript

Gina starts to suspect Sam and the truth comes out about the gun. Gina is forced to make a difficult decision and a meeting with Douglas Rose floors her.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I said no and I meant it.

I just want to know what's going on.

Are you alright?

I haven't seen my boyfriend
since yesterday. I can't find him.

Jason worked for your husband,
Mrs Rose.

I don't know him.

Your dad was a small-town crook.

I'm sorry. Maybe I should have
told you earlier, Gina.

Yeah, we're going
to need to be careful.

Someone might be on to us.

I've never met anyone like you.

I've never met anyone like you.
- What's that?

My Dad's chain.
Ela, this is my sister.


Get back against the wall now!


When the time's right,
I'll move the gun.

Until then, don't touch it again.

Nobody treats her like that.

Nobody treats her like that.
- I'm sorry.

Are you? I'll shoot you now.

Get rid of the gun.

Yes, I'm sure, Mam.
It's a good opportunity.




Down here! A body!

The accountants promised
to get back to me on Friday.

Let's talk next week
and take it from there.

Call if you need anything else,

You're helping to run the garage.

Somebody has to fill the space
Stevie left behind.

Come in.

Two of you.

Does this mean that someone's
finally been arrested?


No, I'm sorry.

A woman's body was found
in the forest earlier today.

It appears she was hit by a car.

And what? Was the car sold
by Douglas Rose Motors?


She died around a month ago
before Stevie disappeared.

We've never understood
why your husband disappeared...

..and why he was hiding on his boat
in the marina hoarding money.

Is this what you do all day
in that office?

You sit there making up stories
about people.

We have reason to believe
Stevie knew her.



We've found Stevie's DNA
under her nails.

Did you know Stevie was renting a
house at the far end of the valley?

That's where we think
this woman lived.

Did you have suspicions?

Did you know about her?

Did you know about her?
- You should be ashamed.

Mrs Rose?

You should be looking
for the person who shot Stevie.

Not dragging his good name
through the mud.

Go and talk to her.

And say what?

And say what?
- I don't know.

Ruby, go and play.

What's going
through his head...

..that Stevie had
a kept woman like Douglas had?

No-one knows what to think.
That's why we're here.

Stevie wasn't having an affair.

If he'd have looked at another
woman, I'd have known about it.

Stevie and I were 15 years old
when we fell in love together.

No secrets, no lies.
We shared everything.

We'll have to go through
his stuff again.

His laptop and phone.

You won't find anything
to connect him to that woman.

Stevie wasn't perfect,
but he loved me.

I'm on my way back
to the office now.

Get them to forensics.
Make sure they know it's a priority.

What's wrong?

The keys that went missing from the
Naval Social Club have turned up.

How did it go?

Don't expect a Christmas card.



Try not to worry.


He's never lived
away from home before.

It could be the making of him.

I bet that girl Ela
has something to do with this.

I should have kept
more of an eye on him.

I should have known Liz dying
would send him off the rails.

If something happens to him.

If something happens to him.
- It won't.

He's living alone.
He won't know anyone.

Linda, you're getting yourself
worked up over nothing.

No buts.


He's been given an opportunity... work in a different part
of the country.

What did he say on the phone?
Regular hours. More money.

He's been at Simians for
three years. He's due a promotion.

He left so suddenly.

They wanted him to start tomorrow.

He didn't come and see me.

He didn't come and see me.
- But he phoned you, didn't he?

He had a train to catch.

Sam's really excited about the new
job and change of scenery.

We should be happy for him.

Where exactly
did he say he was going?


He said Simians are starting
a new depot and they needed staff.

Staff who could start immediately.

Staff who could start immediately.
- Folkestone?

I don't believe it either.

He left his phone,
I haven't told your mother.

It'll only set her off.

Do you know what's going on?

I don't know.

Did he take anything with him?

His room's such a tip,
it's hard to tell.

Maybe we don't need to worry.

Maybe he'll prove us wrong.

Yeah, maybe.

I'll call you later.

I'll call you later.
- His bike.

He took his bike.


Yeah, can I get some information...

..about a distribution centre
in Folkestone, please?

Oh, right.

I was lead to believe otherwise.

Is there one nearby?

OK, no worries. Thanks.


Hiya, everything alright?

Yes, Sam's gone away.

Mam's gone into meltdown.

Do me a favour.
Chase up the forensics people.

They've had the Naval Social Club
keys for a while.

I want those results.

And tell your mother not to worry
about your brother. He's a big boy.

Hello, DI Roberts.


Who's there?

Hold on.

Who are you?

Listen here, don't phone me again.

Ready to go, love?

Yeah, give me two minutes.



- Subtitles

Following the sighting of a gun when
the Naval Social Club was robbed...

..we've been trying to identify
the man and woman responsible.

A number of fingerprints
have been found on the keys... set identifies an individual
already known to us.

Ela Simmonds.

She's been pulled in on minor
offences over the years.

While I doubt a shoplifter
who was last caught...

..stealing a pair of tights
would be involved... the murder of Stevie Rose.

Ela may well be able
to lead us to the gunman.

Ela has suffered mental health
issues from a young age.

She's vulnerable, impressionable.

With Cai Rosser now
out of the picture...'s likely our man looked
for a new accomplice.

So, we find Ela,
we may find the gun.

More importantly, we may find
the person who's been using it.

You spoke to Ela Simmonds
the day after the robbery.



Didn't you suspect something?

Didn't you suspect something?
- No.

No, she was very convincing.

Do you know where she is.

Her mother hasn't seen her
for weeks.

Where did you meet?


How did you get hold of her?

Is it important?

No. Check your notes, just in case.


Come on, Sam.

Where are you?

Ma'am, I'd heard you'd come back.
How do you feel?

What's the latest?

On the body we discovered
this morning?

I sent two officers up to Croeserw
to Stevie Rose's rented house.

A hunch more than anything.

The woman was living there.

The woman was living there.
- It seems that way, Ma'am.

They found an elderly gentleman
who recognized our description.

He said he'd fallen leaving the bus
and she took him home.

Does he know her name?

Does he know her name?
- Lindita. She has an accent.

Eastern European?

Jessica ran her name
through the database.

Forensics are checking the lipstick
we found in the house for DNA.

Keep me updated.

Keep me updated.
- Will do, Ma'am.

Find someone in Tirana to help us.

Maybe they can trace her. Maybe
she's on a missing persons list.


I've told you to stop phoning me.

Have you still
not found Stevie's killer?

How do you know?

How do you know?
- I know a lot of things.

Where are you?

You're a shit cop.



What do you want?

I only wanted a chat.

I don't have time to play games.
What do you want?

Mrs Roberts' phone number?

I'm not talking about your mum.

I'm not talking about your mum.
- What's wrong with you?

What's wrong with you?

A wife, children,
a new house, a double garage.

Tsk, tsk.

You've been a bad boy, Carl.

Shagging a police woman
while my Rhys is in jail.

Now, do you want to talk?

Daddy, daddy! Do another one!

What's this?

What's this?
- A crocodile.


Don't worry, I'll keep you safe.

Can I have a go?

Yes, come on in here.

Put your hands up here
and move them around.

Look at the shapes you make.

Come on, cwtch up.

Goodnight, sweetheart.

Goodnight, sweetheart.
- Good night, Dad.



What are you doing?

I've lost Dad and Nanny.
I'm not losing you too.

Please, don't.

Just leave.


You'll have to shoot me too.

Put it down.

Put it down.


Put it down. Sam.

Put the gun down.



- Subtitles

Here you go.

Do you remember Dad bringing us
down here when he was younger?

It didn't matter about the weather.

We were all kitted out.

He bought enough sweets
to keep us busy.

I found something out
about Dad recently.

He'd been in trouble
with the police.


Trespassing, stolen goods...


What do you remember
about the day Dad was shot?

The sound of the gun.

Anything else?

No. Just the sound.

Why do you want to know?

If Dad was breaking the law... might not
have been mistaken identity.

Maybe it was a part
of something serious.

Maybe someone wanted to kill him.

Could you find out?

I don't think so.

Are you sure you don't remember
anything else?

If I hadn't insisted on
staying on the beach...

..if I'd gone home
with you and Mam, maybe...

I can't go to prison, Gina.

Is there a way
to get rid of the gun?

A way it can't be traced back to me.

Gina, please. Can you help me?

"Hiya, this is Gina's phone, please
leave a message after the tone."

"Hiya, this is Gina's phone. Please
leave a message after the tone."

Do you have to go to work?


Carl is looking for me.

And I don't want people
to be suspicious.

What did you do with the gun?

It's safe.


What are you doing back?

What are you doing back?
- I was missing you!

No. I've come in to see the sergeant
to discuss coming back.

Are you sure you feel ready?

What would you do?

Stay home
and feel sorry for yourself?

Or come back to work to catch the
guy who pointed a gun at your head?

Fair enough.

What's that?

Stevie Rose's laptop. Carl wants me
to look at the hard drive again.

I've got the job of taking it back
to Patricia.

She's scary.


- Bye.

Hi, Ruby. Where's Mummy?

She's on the phone.

Is anyone else here?


I want the names changed on all of
the documents no later than Friday.

No, no. We know what needs changing.

Just crack on and get it sorted.

I'll come down and sign them.

I want the insurance policies
checked and all.


- Have you got the reference numbers?

Yeah, that's right.

You're late.

You're late.
- Pardon?

You were supposed to be here at
half eight, haven't you got a watch?

You're not the nurse.

You're not the nurse.
- No, I'm with the police.

Still haven't found the bastard
that killed my son then.

Not yet.

Fucking useless.

You don't look old enough
to be a copper. What are you?

I'm a temporary Detective Constable.

Are you alright?

Should I call for help?

Look, I'm sorry we haven't caught
Stevie's killer yet, Mr Rose.

Whether you find
this killer or not...'s not going to change the fact
he's not coming back.

Patricia keeps saying
she wants justice.

Even if she gets it,
she won't feel any better.

I understand that.

My Dad died when I was little.

You might have known him.

Gwyn Jenkins.

He drove a lorry for a living.

He got done for transporting stolen
good more than once.

His daughter became a police woman.

Poor sod must be
spinning in his grave.

Did you know him?

Aye, our paths crossed.

Nice guy, reliable.

Did he work for you?

Now and again.

Don't ask me what he did, mind.

It was a long time ago.

It was a long time ago.
- But you remember him.

Sure, I remember your mother too.


How did you meet my Mam?

She worked behind the bar
in the pub.

Smart piece, hard not to notice her.

If I ever needed to get hold of your
Dad, Linda would let him know.

Are you sure
you can't remember what he did?

How often did he work for you?


Is the nurse here yet?

I think that's your cue to go.

What are you doing?

I brought the laptop back.

Ruby opened the door.

Ruby opened the door.
- Why were you upstairs?

Douglas was calling.

I thought he needed help.

Did you check the name for me?

Carl wasn't at work when...

Did he have an alibi?
What did he say?

I'm not sure.

You're lying to me.

You're lying to me.
- I'm not.

You know something. I know it.

You know something. I know it.
- No.

Who do you suspect? I want a name.


I don't believe you.

I don't believe you.
- I'm telling the truth.


Rhys, Rhys Morris.

Rhys Morris.

Find him.



- Subtitles

You little shit.

You got rid of all my stuff.

We thought you were gone.

Yeah, well, I changed my mind.

You can't stay here.

It's my house.

Not any more, not now.

You can't make me leave, Ray.

You can't make me leave, Ray.
- D'you want a bet?

I know what you've been up to.

I know about the women.

You've got nerve.

I saw the pictures in your yard,
Ray. I saw them.

And I found a stash of gear
up in your room.

Watches, phones.

Stolen out of the warehouse,
I reckon.

Is that what you and Cai were doing
before you screwed my yard?

Before you got the gun.

Where is it?

I don't know
what you're talking about.

Alright, alright.

Don't lie to me.

Don't lie to me.
- I don't know. I'm not lying.

pack your stuff again and go.

D'you hear me?

D'you hear me?
- Ray?

I told you to stay in the car.

I told you to stay in the car.
- Let him go.

Stay out of this!

Stay out of this!
- You're hurting him.

What did you do that for? I told you
to stay out of it. Listen to me!

Please, stop.

He was asking for that.

Waltzing back in here wanting
to go back to the way things were.

He's not getting another chance.
D'you understand me?

I'm finished with him.
That's the last.

You pushed your luck
too far this time.

Are you alright, love?

Are you alright, love?
- Yes, yes.

Did he hurt you?

Come on, Gina.

Gina, where are you?

I need to speak to you,
so phone me, please.

Do you know where she's hiding?

Do you know where she's hiding?
- Who?


She was taking the laptop
back to Patricia Rose.

Is something wrong?

Just find her please, Luke.

Sorry, Mam.

Don't be stupid.

Folkestone is far.

Of course you want to be home.

Do you still have a job in Simians?

I'll give them a ring later.

I'm sure they'll take you back.

Aren't you
one of their best workers?

Gina will be glad
to hear that you're home.

She was worried about you.

Forget what Ray said.

You know what he's like.

They're all empty, mun.

Are you sure he's still living here?

Are you sure he's still living here?
- I saw him come home last night.

His mother's just gone.

Keep looking.
The gun's got to be here somewhere.


You left the door open.




Where's Sam?

What do you want with him?

He's my boyfriend.

Where is he?

It's exactly
what we've been wondering.

She says she's the girlfriend.

She says she's the girlfriend.
- What?

The gimp's got himself a missus,
has he?

Didn't think the boy had it in him.

Popped over so he can slip you one,
is it?

What are you doing here?

What are you doing here?
- Sam asked us over.

It's what good neighbours are for.

Cup of sugar, water the plants...

Do you know when he'll be back?

Gagging for it, are you?

Gagging for it, are you?
- Forget it.

Woah! slow down, mun.

Love a bit of company.

Don't we, Mel?

Love it.


Got somewhere you need to be,
have you?

I can't stay long.

I can't stay long.
- Yes, you can.

When Sam turns up, we'll have
a pizza, get a couple of cans.

What's your name then?


Nice coat.

Where did you get it?

Where did you get it?
- What toppings d'you like?

Pineapple, sausage?

I wouldn't mind a coat like that.

Let her try it on, El.


Worried it'll look better on me,
are you, love?

I doubt it.

Alright, girls.
There's no need to be like that.

Mel just wants to try it on.

Let her.

S4C Subtitles by Testun Cyf.