Bad Sisters (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Episode #1.2 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

Thought we were gonna see the widow?

We are.

We're just gonna have a word
with her sisters first.

Oh, fuck.

Oh, shit.

Shit. Fuck. Ow! Fuck.

You know,
they have every right not to talk to us.

You know that, right? We're not Garda.

I think they shouldn't talk to us.

What? Well, then, why are we here?

If they don't answer our questions,
we'll leave them alone,

admit defeat, pay out.

But if they invite us in,
we'll know they've got something to hide.

And then we'll haul each one of them
over hot coals until we get to the truth.

Sorry to bother.
Thomas Claffin, Claffin and Sons.

Yeah, I remember you.

Come in.

Do you mind if I record our conversation?

Uh, what for?

Uh, it's mostly just for,
you know, so I have it...

It's fine. Go ahead.

Do your thing.


Miss Garvey,
do you mind telling us where you were

the night of claim reference 1757318?

- The night Mr. Williams died.
- Mmm.

Do you mind telling me what my whereabouts
has to do with our claim?

When we're dealing with
a payout of this size, it's customary to...

Yeah, it's okay. I was with Grace.

We all were.

- All of you?
- Mmm. Yeah.

Yeah, we're very close.

We get together as often as we can here.

Well, that's nice.

Tight-knit family.

I mean, I didn't even meet my brother
till he was about, what, five years old.

- Let's just... Let's just stay on track.
- Oh. This is your brother?

- Thought he was your son.
- No.

How would he be my son?

- Well, just, uh, it's Claffin and Sons.
- No, that's our father.

Yeah. Also, I'm 35.

We're half brothers.

Yeah? No shit.

You and the insured, Mr. Williams,
you were colleagues?


Were you very close?

We weren't very close.
No. No. We didn't get on.


Meaning you don't get to choose
your brother-in-law.


And you didn't think
that he was good enough for her or...

Sorry. It's a friend.


Hi, this is Matt. Leave a message.

Oh, very seductive.

You should, uh,
save something for the imagination.

A girl likes a little mystery.

So, Matt, I have a free night,

and I was wondering
if you maybe wanted to grab some dinner.

This is Becka, by the way.
From the pub. From the accident.

I said I'd massage you.

Oh, shit.

N-Not... Not in a...
Not in a sexual way. It's...

Hello? Oh, shit.


Now, the night the AD&D came into effect…

- That's, um, accidental...
- Yeah, I get it. Yeah.

…do you remember anything
out of the ordinary?

Any odd behavior from the decedent?

- Do you mean John Paul?
- Yeah.

Just say that then.

Anything at work that may have
spilt over into your personal lives?

A quarrel perhaps?

Anything strange that night?

Well, there was something strange.

Actually, yeah, now that you mention it.

The weather was really bad.

Um, I remember a tree had come down
along the main road.

And, um…

- And go on.
- Well...

Well, we were ordering in, um,
from a Chinese restaurant,

but 20 minutes later,
there's a bang on the door.


And he hands over a bag of Mexican food.

From a Chinese restaurant.

Like, a bunch of Mexican food.

Isn't that weird?

I thought that was weird.

Drive safe.

- Well, you can see why she's alone.
- Didn't give us much, did she?

She gave us plenty.

The cheeky remarks. The deflection.

- Something she didn't want to answer.
- It was you. She didn't wanna answer you.

I don't know.
I thought I was fairly charming.

Bit early for a fire.

Yeah. Clearly the godmother
of the murderous middle-aged sister gang

is burning evidence.

- Still a joke to you, is it?
- No.

But there's no evidence a crime was
committed. We should be looking for fraud.

Murder is fraud
when there's a life policy to pay out.

- Trust me. I've seen this before.
- When?

Get in the car.

- So, what now?
- Yeah. I've been thinking about this.

We need to exhume the body.

Exhume the... W...

When you say "we," do you mean you and I?

No. The coroner.

There was no postmortem.

Who knows what we find.

Fingerprints. Needle marks.
Maybe there was drugs in his system.

You've lost your mind.

It's better
than losing my bloody business,

which will happen if we don't prove

- that this man was murdered. Thank you.
- Murdered.

- What are you doing?
- Hang on.

What, Tom?

What are you doing?

Evidence, Matthew.

What the fuck?

Bye, Dad! I'll see you after school!


Need to get into work! It's quarter to!

Five seconds!

- Two seconds!
- All right.

- Ta-da!
- Ah, lovely.

Um, I'm going to have a steam
after the gym, um, so let's eat at 8:00.

I have a... a stiff calf
I need some moist heat on.

Good idea. Get ready for the walk.

Oh, it's not a walk.
It's a 15K all-terrain elite hike.

Which by the way, none of your sisters
have sponsored me for.

Oh, they're probably just busy.

Break these in for me, will you?
Just wear them around the house.

And go... And go to the salon
whi... while you're in town.

Uh, treat yourself to a freshen up.

You think I need a freshen up?

Did I say "need"?

Thought I said "treat."

Gracie, honestly,
don't make me walk on glass.


I just learned so much about you.


Wow! You're a completely different person
than I thought.

- Really?
- Yeah.

What did you think I was like?

I don't know. Thought you'd
be more classic, like Céline Dion, Cher.

Fuck off.

Fucking Céline Dion?

Architecture is God?

Oh, no, I-I bless myself because I
so desperately want that not to get built.

I like it.

Why? You not a fan of change?

- What? You like it?
- Mm-hmm.

Yeah, I'm a fan of change.

I mean, normally I love what we do,
but that's just…

Look at that. That is a street crime.

And it's gonna bankrupt us.

A little bird told me
you're about to be financial director.


Who do I have to sleep with
to get an opportunity like that?

- Me.
- What?

What do you mean? What?

- No, I was just...
- No, I was joking.

I... Lost in translation. I, um...

Gerald! You'd have to sleep with Gerald.

- Well, I'm pleased.
- What's he doing in?

He's never normally here this early.

Yeah. Maybe he's filing a complaint
against himself.

Morning, team.

Gabriel, we never really had
a chance to talk.

How are you settling in? All good?

Yes, great, thank you.

But we've met and talked several times.

Obvi... Yes, of course.

But anything I can do to help
to give you the smoothest entry possible,

just... just say.

- Jesus Christ.
- Um, Eva?

I just put my hat in the ring
for the financial director post.

Um. Gerald's pleased, of course.

Uh, so I hope you don't mind
a little friendly competition

from the one person here
who knows your dirty secrets.

Just joking.


I have to go home. I have to get there
before Donal and the kids get back.

What... What are you doing?

Hold on. Hold on.

What are you do... I said I had to go.

- Hang on, are you writing on me?
- Just hold still.

That really tickles.
Okay, okay.

Why would you do something so stupid?

I don't know.

Maybe being with you
makes me do stupid things.

- I feel like I've run 10K.
- I could go another right now.

So, will I get to see you tomorrow?

Yeah, I hope so.
As long as I get back before...

Oh, for fuck's sake.
It's my brother-in-law. He's a prick.

Hi, JP.

- You're a long way from home.
- Yeah.

Um, you gonna introduce us?

Yeah, yeah, of course.
It's, um... This is Ben.

He's my photography teacher.

I just had a class. Um…

We all need our outlets, don't we?
Keeps life from getting stale.

How's she getting on?

Uh, yeah. She's great.

She's a talent.

I'm sure she is.

Well, uh, back to class.

Uh, here we go. Home again.

Thanks for taking me shopping, Auntie Eva.

You coming in?

- Uh, no. I've a stack of work on, so…
- All right. Bye.

- Hey!
- Hey.

- Come in!
- Uh.

Please, please, please.

Fuck's sake. Okay.


I don't know
if that would be enough.

Do it! Do the drop. Do the...

- Oh, God!
- Wow.

- Then, whoa.
- Ooh!

You can do it. You do it.

You got the moves.

Another bag of goodies?

Yeah, well. That's what aunties are for.

Not all aunties.
Do you remember Auntie Orla?

Is this a terrible thing to say?
Is she... Is she dead?

Yes, Eva. She is dead.

But it's hard to remember it
'cause she was ill for so long.

And then she got better.

And then she disappeared.

Oh, I was gonna say.
Lizzo's playing in Dublin next week.

Birthday present for the Blanaid?

- Over my dead body.
- Yes.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Eva, to what do we owe the pleasure?

Oh, I was just dropping Blanaid back.

- Do you know what? I should head off now.
- Aw.

How was school, sweetheart?

Did you get your mark back
on your photosynthesis quiz?

Got a 96.

- Ooh!
- An A-star.

Oh, that's great!

- It's not from the ground she licked it.
- Will you not stay for dinner, no?

Oh, no.
You know, I've got a stack of work on...

What is it they say?
To be a perfect guest, stay at home.

Mammy, we need to get this soaking.

Otherwise you're looking at a stain.

I have not had to put the bins out
in ten years.

- Did I say a thing? I didn't say a thing.
- No, it's just…

- Hey.
- Hey.

I'll see you later, chicken.

Come here. Um, why'd you stop dancing
when your daddy walked in?

He just doesn't like it
when I dance like that.

Huh? What?

Yeah, he says
it looks like I'm asking for it.

The prick's becoming an even bigger prick.

He put himself up for the promotion today.
My promotion.

He's doing it to mess with my head, but...

I've been thinking about
that talk we had a while back.

What talk?

Christmas. At the Forty Foot.

Yeah, I was pissed, Bibi.
You're gonna have to remind me.

About looking out for Grace.

- Oh, right, yeah.
- And killing John Paul.


It's all I think about.

It's on a loop in my head.

What are you talking about, Bibi?

- We were joking!
- Well, I wasn't.

Well, I was!

Eva, you said so yourself.
He's sucking the life out of her.

- He's slowly killing her.
- I'm hungry. Are you a bit hungry?

Eva, we... we cannot just sit back
and do nothing while he drags her under.

God knows, she's not gonna save herself.

I'm not sure what I have.
I might order in though.

Imagine being rid of him.

The prick, gone from her life.
Gone from all of our lives.

I've been thinking of ways to do it
and not get caught,

- and it's... it's trickier than you think.
- Trickier? What?

- Then I saw this.
- I'm not doing this with you, you mad cow!

Jesus, Bibi!

This house fire.
Three people died, but it was an accident.

Uh, an investigation found
it was caused by a gas leak.

A spark from a washing machine.

Please, Eva.

Look, I know what he did.

- If anyone deserves to hate him...
- This isn't revenge.

- I don't think even you believe that.
- It isn't.

We can't just kill our brother-in-law.

Bibi! Do I wish he was dead? Yeah.

He is a piece of shit.

But that is not how, y-you know...
That's not how life, society works.

Okay? You can't just explode a man.

It's, uh, barbaric is what it is.

And you and me, we're not…



We're not murderers.

We could do it in Wicklow.

He's going there on
some stupid fucking sponsored walk soon.

- I saw it in Grace's calendar.
- So?

So, he will be staying at their cabin.

We play happy families one last time
at Blanaid's confirmation,

and then the following weekend
we blow the bloody doors off.

You're talking about taking a man's life.

Not a man.

That man.

That monster.

Give me one good reason why we shouldn't.

Because he's Blanaid's father.

Oh, I meant to tell ya.

Michael asked
if he could get a TikTok account today.

Right. Which means he probably
already has one. Fucking Molly.

Yeah. As long as
he doesn't rope us in to family dancing.

Did you take this?

- Uh, yeah. For class.
- God, you're good, aren't you?

You should take one of us and the kids

wearing matching sweaters,
straddling a giant log.

Um, you know... Just give me a minute.


Uh, just, um...
I'm just going to the toilet.

When did we start
locking the door for that?


Beautiful day for a confirmation, Mammy.

Uh, do you want a peek at the broach?

Yes, please.

It's really something, isn't it?

Oh, it's a pro-life pin.

I'm going to give it to her now.
Is that okay?

Have a little
father-daughter quality time.

Of course.

I me...
I mean, she's growing up so fast.

I really feel I need to grab
all these moments while I can

and... and talk about what lies ahead.

I mean, sinning counts now.

She'll want to remember that.

I'll get rid of him.

- Ah!
- Listen, I won't keep ya.

Few bob there for Blanaid for the big day.

- Oh, you're so kind.
- Ah, it's not a bother.

Horse came in, you know.

- You're looking lovely by the way, Grace.
- Mmm.

Isn't she?

Like fine wine, getting better with age.

Are you giving away money
you can't afford, Roger?

No, no. I was just saying to Grace

- that I had a horse come in.
- Ah.

- Is she looking forward to the big day?
- She is, yeah.

Come over after for a sandwich
or a cup of tea.

- Ah, no. No, it's a family occasion.
- It is. It is. Yeah.

We'll see you soon, Roger.

- Are you taking the boat out?
- I'm not taking the boat out.

- No, I'm not. Bye.
- Okay.

- Jesus Christ.
- Aw.

Here, take that.

What is he thinking?

Absolutely inappropriate.

- Dad, knock.
- Why? What are you hiding?

What's that?

I have a little something for you.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

For the big day.

It's all happening so fast.

It'll be your responsibility
to practice your faith now.

It won't be mum and...

What's the matter?

See you downstairs.

Why in hell are you
buying lingerie for a child?

I didn't buy anything.

She has got a bra up there.

I don't know anything about...
Wait, what? She has a bra?

Do you want her growing up
before her time?

I don't know anything about it.
I wish I did.

She must have bought it for herself.

Oh, so, since when does
a 12-year-old child go into a lingerie...

A bra is not lingerie, John Paul.

She is 12. It's a normal age.

If you're Molly,
and you've tits made of fat.

Oh, my God! Auntie Eva got it for me,
because I asked her to.

Because I knew you'd be freaks about it.

Emma Jane Catherine.

Be sealed with the gift
of the Holy Spirit.


- Peace be with you.
- And with your spirit.

Blanaid Maria Bernard.

Be sealed with the gift
of the Holy Spirit.

- Amen.
- Peace be with you.

And with your spirit.

She looks lovely.

Hey, you.

This is nice.

What the hell is he staring at?

- Don't know.
- Prick.

Big smile. That's it, Blanaid.

Okay, everybody in. Come on, kids.
Mommy, kids, in together.

Come on. Go through.
Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze.

Squeeze in together. Say cheese.

- Cheese.
- That's the one.

That's the one.


Here you go.

- Did you say cheese?
- Yes, I did.

That's beautiful, Urs.

It is.

- Ruben, come on.
- That's frameable.

Those after-hours lessons
are really paying off, aren't they?

- Michael, give me back my money.
- What after-hour lessons?

Dad, Michael took my money!

Coming, Michael!

- I didn't.
- You did!

Michael, here.
Give it to me. Come over here.

Poor kid's wearing
abortion jazz hands. Did you see that?

I don't know how you work with him.

I would have marched into HR years ago

and told them what a racist, homophobic,
sadistic, bigoted son of a prick he is.

Get rid of him.

That's one way.

Nora, can you give me one of those?

- Please.
- It's for you.

And it's just from me. Okay?

Not from them. Not from those aunties.

Just from this auntie.

- Very proud of you today.
- Aw.

Fifty euro. That's very generous.

Perhaps she can spend it on, uh,
lace stockings to go with the lingerie.

- What are you talking about?
- John Paul.

- You know exactly what I'm talking about.
- Oh, my God.

Is this about the bra?

So you're not content
with your younger sister

having a reputation about town.

You also need to groom
your 12-year-old niece, is that it?

Can you control your husband, Grace?

I just don't understand
why you didn't ask me, Eva.

Because Blanaid s-spoke to me about...

I would have liked
to have done that with her.

- I never had that moment with my own mam.
- Grace...

And now you've taken it from me.

She was worried that you
would speak to John Paul.

You would've get his permission...

- I wouldn't have...
- There's nothing there anyway,

two bloody moles worth.


Blanaid. Now look what you've done.

Don't you dare turn this on me.

She doesn't come to you,
because she doesn't respect you.

And she doesn't respect you,
because you're weak.

If you want to sexualize a child,
have one of your own.

Oh, I forgot. You can't.


Now what's gonna happen?
You're gonna hit me? Are you?

Frigid bitch.


Does this mean you're in?
We're doing the right thing, okay?

For Grace. And for Blanaid.

You all right?

It wasn't fair of Grace to say

that… …you took
that moment from her, with Mam.

She missed it because her boobs
took too long to come in.

I had bloody C cups at 12,
and I had no mammy there with me.

But you did great.

Is that supposed to make me feel better?


Did Grace say what day JP
would coming up here?

No, but his walking thing's on Saturday,
so maybe, like, Friday?

So long as he doesn't see Sunday.

I figure we need 50 seconds
to clear the cabin?

So the fuse must be about
three meters away.


We're gonna have to assume
there's no windows open

or it'll act as a vector if there's wind.

- Hell is a vector?
- Okay, so to the fireplace is…

Oh, I don't know if this tape

is going to be long enough.
Bloody thing keeps getting twisted.

Nine meters.

Okay. Write down nine meters.


- Huh? Oh, yeah, yeah. Sorry.
- Nine meters.

I remember smoking up
that chimney with Ciaran?

When you were all asleep.

That was a long time ago.

- Yeah. It's ten years.
- Exactly.

The fireplace is too far.
Help me find another trigger.

What are you doing?

- What are you doing?
- What? I thought you gave that up?

Yeah, I had.

I told you coming up here
was bad for my health.

Everything happens for a reason.

Some patronizing fucker once said.

Well, don't…

Help me find
another ignition point, Eva.

all this will have been for nothing.


Oh. Yeah, I didn't see that.

Open your eyes.


Come on.

Hold this. Hold it tight, yeah?

- You got it?
- Yeah.

Yep. That'll work.

- Most important thing.
- What?

Grace and Blanaid aren't with him.

It's an early birthday present
and Christmas present.

Oh, no, no. I can't.

What? Why?
You can tell Blanaid it was your idea.

- She'll love you for that.
- I don't know.

Look, I feel terrible
about what happened...

Oh, me too.

And it was never about me trying
to take something from you...

Is it okay if we don't talk about it?
Is that okay?

Of course.

But for me.

That could be my "sorry."

- John Paul would never allow...
- John Paul doesn't need to know, does he?

- He said he was in Wicklow anyway.
- Just en...

Enjoy a night with your daughter.

I can't get her to talk to me, Eva.

It's like I...

I don't...
I don't know how to give her what sh...

what she wants or…

…or even what she needs.

- John Paul is right. I'm failing.
- J... Grace.

No, it will be fine.
It will be, it will be.

I just need to toughen up and wait it out.

- Things will get better.
- I promise.

I determined the cause
of Mr. Williams's death myself.

Quite frankly, I'm offended
that you're doubting my conclusion.

I think the real offense here is
that there was no forensic autopsy.

- As a matter of principle...
- He had a blood-alcohol level of 1.6%.

Case closed.

Mr. Williams was also
a self-professed teetotaler.

So, 1.6% could demand a second look.

- For Christ's sake.
- I'm sorry.

Is that her again?

- Yeah. I'll just...
- Yeah.

- Why don't you just silence the thing?
- I'm gonna silence it now.

- Turn it off.
- I've turned it off.

Stop wasting my time.

You're not investigators,
you're insurance men.

- Come on.
- Please, Doctor. We're desperate here.

I knew your dad. Ol' Laughin' Claffin.

Used to play darts
with him up at the Gravediggers.

Yeah? Well, I mean…
…do it for him then.

What? Didn't know him that well.
Just played darts with him.

You need an inspector to agree to it.
So take it up with the police.

And you'll need the widow's permission.
Now, if you'll excuse me.

Oh, God.

I'm telling you,

apart from that lady solicitor
he was clearly banging,

Dad knew some real dickheads.

So what now, Thomas?

You know that widow's never
gonna give us her signature.

She's just put him in the ground.

What now? We change our modus operandi.

Well, with any luck, this will be
the last time you see us.

- May I?
- Oh, yeah.

So we met with your sister earlier.
Uh, Eva.

- You did?
- Lovely woman.

Bit of a sneery head on her, but good fun.

Little difficult. But listen,
that's only if I'm picking out...

She mentioned that, um,
she and your husband didn't always get on.

- She said that?
- Yeah, she did.

I have the exact quote.

Or I could play it for you.

- No, really, I don't need…
- Oh, good, yeah.

- Not sure I could find it.
- Apologies if that was news to you.

No, it's just...

She doesn't seem to be mourning his loss.
Let's just say that.

Well, you know, families,
they have their differences.

I'm sorry, what are you suggesting?

No, I'm not suggesting anything.

But if I was suggesting something,
we do have to look at it from every angle.

- Ask the questions.
- Have you actually asked a question?

Well, I'm gonna ask you one right now.

Is it a possibility that Eva
may have wanted to harm your husband?

Well, you seem upset.

When my parents died,
Eva gave up everything to take care of us.

Took on all the responsibility.

She'd never do anything to hurt me.

Of course she wouldn't.

Anyway, we just have a few papers to sign,
and then we'll be on our way.

Just crossing T's and dotting I's.

Oh, and we do have some good news.

- Your sister did corroborate your alibi...
- Alibi?

Did I say alibi? Whereabouts.

Sorry, just initial there.

Just a shame it didn't come
from somebody unbiased.

I mean... Right there.

I mean, the number of times
I've lied for my brother.

And right down there at the bottom.

And that's it.

And again, Mrs. Williams,
we're so sorry for your loss.

- What is going on, Tom?
- Hey!

- Look what you did.
- This isn't you, all right?

You don't do this kind of thing.
You tricked a widow into signing...

All right, come on.
It wasn't like it was sleight of hand.

Even Dad had limits.

Oh, really, yeah?
Well, lying is a form of deception too.

What does that mean?

Forget it, okay?

Just... Just trust
that I know what I'm doing.

Now look, we get a postmortem,
there's nothing there, we let it go.

But I will bet on my unborn child's life
that these sisters are at the heart of it.

I don't know.

- Have I ever been wrong before?
- Yeah.

That time you swore everyone
would sing along with me

- to "Patricia the Stripper."
- Ah, now, come on.

And that time you said I wouldn't choke
if put 20 Polos in my mouth.

I'm buying you a drink.

Well, look at you from out of nowhere.

Where the hell have you been?

Okay, great.

I'll meet you in 15?

Yeah, so it took me a while
to get over her,

um, especially as I was still raw
from the breakup with you, you know?

I mean, I'm not really fully over her.

Or you.

Did I tell you she punctured
my left testicle?

- Jesus.
- Yeah.

She sounds nuts.

Why'd she do that?

I told her about you.

Is it okay to off-load like this?

You know, I just think, open up the attic,

let the bats fly free, you know?

- Yeah. Yeah.
- Yeah?

I'm gonna get us another pint.

Um, why don't you get us a table out back?

- Yeah, yeah.
- I think I might start smoking.

Oh. Yeah.

Can I get two more pints, please?

Handful of those cocktail sticks,
so I can poke my eyes out.

Fucking hell.

I have a mate whose brother works
for the Guards.

So, if he can put me through
to the inspector...

Yeah, just keep your dignity
this time is all I ask.

Or at least try.

Give me a minute.

Hey. What's up?

Sorry, um, someone who
doesn't want me to feel shit

about myself is finally calling me back.

Matt, is that you?

Oh, no, you're right here.

- Sorry, I've been working, like...
- All day?

Who needs to hear that much bass?

No, my day job.
I was gonna call you. I just didn't…

Well, now you don't have to.

I hope you score with your date.

- Oh, no. That's my brother.
- Sure.

No, no, we have different mothers.

These are from that lad over there.

Make sure you give him a nice "thank you."


Hey, how are you? It's Matt.

Oh, that wasn't so hard, was it?

You said something about getting dinner?

Yeah, I know what I said,
but what do you have to say?

I say, uh,
maybe let's get a Chinese sometime?

Well, we only have
one Chinese restaurant in town,

and I'm banned from it, so…

How do you get banned
from a Chinese restaurant?

Uh, break up with the owner?

Oh, right.

Well, I really, um, fancy Chinese,

so if you two could get back together,
maybe that would be quite convenient.

What are you up to anyway?

I'm just talking to you.

You're early.

Yeah, well. Early bird.

Can we stop for sandwiches?

- Oh, for Christ's sake.
- Do you wanna drive?

It's just nerves. Okay?

Let's try this again.

Need a hand?

- No, I'll manage. Would you stop...
- All right.

Come on, John Paul. Hurry up.

Will you wait for me please?


If the box is empty, Grace,
throw the damn thing away.

I've said it a hundred times.

Oh, for Christ's sake.

What on earth?

This is unbelievable. How... How did you...

Mam. Mam.


No, you're right. I won't do that.
Yeah, come on.

Oh, Mam, please don't.
She's about to start. Please.

Hey, love. Everything okay?

Mammy, my feet are so blistered,

all my skin came off in my socks.

And... And I've been tearing
the place apart for plasters.

W... Where the hell are you?

We're, um... Look, this is...

I promise it's nothing
to be concerned about.

I just had this crazy idea.

Where are you?

B and I got tickets
to a Lizzo concert in Dublin.

Are you kidding?

No. They're a gift from Eva.

We'll talk about it when I get home,

Good evening, Dublin!

Blanaid? Blanaid!

Bloody Garveys.

I'm hungry. You?


Been an hour since the lights went out.

He's gotta be asleep by now.


Are you gonna join me, or just sit there?

I think maybe the latter.

Which one's the latter?
I always get those confused.

I can't do it, Bibi. I ca... I can't do it.

- Eva, you said you were fine.
- How do I know if I'm fine or not?

I mean, look at us!
What are we even doing here?

You know the answer to that question.

All right then. Just gonna do it alone.

Are you actually
gonna let me do this on my own?

I don't want you to do this at all.

Frigid bitch.

Come on, come on, come on.

- Jesus Christ!
- Fuck!

What's taking you so long?

What's taking me so long?
Are you bored out there?

I was worried about you.

The matches won't light.
Give me your lighter.

- What?
- Your cigarettes.

- I threw them away.
- Why would you do that?

Oh, will you just calm down?


No, wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait.

I need to finish this.

Go, go, go, go, go!

Oh! Shit, your phone. Turn it off!

Why's he calling me?

- What the actual fuck?
- What?

Oh, my God. He's over there!

- Why?
- He's over there! He's over there! Fuck!

No, no, no, no! No!

No! No, no, no!